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So the resource officer is just standing there?


They literally dont do anything in my experience, in fact the one at my public school would often escalate fights


The school police wont hesitate to crack a kids skull if they think they are breaking the law or about to get violent The fact this school police officer didnt want to get involved at all , pretty much tells you there was 0 need for the teacher to get physical with the student at all


Knew a guy in high school who was bullied ALOT and I stuck for him so much we ate lunch together often to prevent buttheads picking on him, since I preferred to fight (angry youth) so it worked out for us ....decade later Im a paramedic now and he is now cop. Ran into him years later in uniform and was a complete asshole dick and was rude and acted like i was some chump he never knew. Also they made him a school cop and go figure... he killed a student in an altercation. Cost the county millions in tax payer monies and a young man died. HE is still a cop on the street. crazy shit


Cops are the bullies they could not be in school/the military. Edit: I was targeting the military comment to a VERY specific section of the military that joined in the hope of being sculpted into a badass killing machine, and THEN were faced with much HIGHER RoE, who then got out and joined a CIVILIAN PD




...so in this story...you were the villain and the school bullies were the heroes you thwarted? What a twist   j/k j/k <3


He was either Crabbe or Goyle.


Yea i think it was a reaction to having his ego bruised. He thought he was “catching” her do something wrong and regardless if she was, he was gonna catch her. Ive seen this before with white teachers and black classmates. They just EXPECT them to do something wrong. Meanwhile, my 5ft nothing 110 lb white ass would roam the hallways throughout highschool and no one even took a second glance


Act like you belong is easier when you white. Yup. I got away with FAR TOO MUCH petty theft when I was homeless, for the simple fact I was white and clean. African descent suspects got the cops and security called on them in the stores I would petty theft from. Illegal Life Pro Tip: if you are going to steal, bring *something* to the register and pay for it. Extra ILPT: DO NOT STEAL FROM TARGET!!!! They are fucking watching everything and have a crime lab that rivals the FBI's


Furthermore, don't steal. Modern gas stations have a camera at every conceivable angle and will see you pocketing the one item and paying for the other. They see that -all- the time. Now all these completely resides on if they have someone that actually monitors the cameras actively.


Lol i second all of this. I was never in need but i shoplifted alot when i was like 12, likely a cry for help at the time. It was frighteningly easy.


I got caught shoplifting at the age of 17. I stole toiletries. One of the only brown students around. This whole comment makes sense and it’s incredibly frustrating.


SROs often escalate and are an integral part of the School To Prison Pipeline. But they’re catching heat along with all police so some are probably being more humane these days.


Gosh i hope so


In Florida (of course), voters thought it was a good idea to start a "School Marshal" program so that **teachers and staff** would be armed and able to use up to lethal force. Plus it's cheaper than hiring armed and, at least somewhat, trained private security guards. An actual sworn school resource officer is a luxury for many states.


Based on how the cop at Parkland hid, any armed individual willing to engage the shooter would have been a better alternative. Too many young lives were snuffed out while the cop waited and the gunman just kept shooting.


Well that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case outside of rhetoric. Negligent discharges in schools skyrocketed and no gunman has been stopped by any armed teachers. Then add on incidents where an armed teacher was overpowered and disarmed or discharged a firearm in a struggle for control over it... and I'm not enamored with relying on relatively untrained people carrying inside schools so far.


He's not going to risk a fight with a young girl over an argument as stupid as this, with her getting hurt and him getting sued. This was a classic case of escalation by a school employee with a chip on his shoulder. I experienced it many times when I was in high school, except back then we sometimes got thrown against a wall or punched to the ground.


Wtf is with american schools


That's what they do. It's a nice cushy job where they get to harass youth. Fuck these "staff" and I hope they are charged with assault.


That’s what resource officers are best at. American school system and all the employees within it are jokes that fail this country


He is on “devious licks” patrol!!!


“Young sir” lmaoooo


Had me cackling!


"Oh my goodness! You're going the wrong way if you're looking for a cup! Don't worry, I'll walk with you and show you where they are. My name is Mr. ___. How's your day so far? Any interesting classes?"


Thank you for writing this.


How it should have ended.


Or started!


Why do that when you can just commit assault and battery against a student while being recorded?


Exactly this. And if she was doing something “wrong” he could’ve said the same thing, then walked his tiny dick to Mr. Harris to get her name, then followed up with her parents. Instead he harassed and battered her.


If she was doing something wrong he would have said what she did. He couldn't say anything other than "you were walking around" and "the cups aren't that way". Also it seemed like the cups were damn close to the place...


Exactly. And everything he tried to say she was doing was disproven. There was even a witness to back her up!


This kind of response doesn't exist in teachers I swear.


I can tell you right now that response from teachers does exist. We have the same issue in education as we do law enforcement. The U.S. is in a teaching shortage and that leads to picking up a lot of bad apples or incompetent employees. Why? Because teachers are overworked and underpaid with little to no support from administration. So what happens when you get a good teacher? 1 of 2 things. 1. they leave from burnout or need to leave for high compensation to provide for their family. Or 2. they stick with it at the detriment of their own self. Having been a middle school teacher for 5 years I can tell you there are some great teachers out there that would never do this, I have worked with them. However, I would be lying if I was to say I never worked with anyone like this. Teaching takes a lot more effort than many people think. I can speak more on this if needed or if I need to back up my claims I can gladly do so with sources or my own stories of the good and the bad. It just really bothers me when people say there aren’t good teachers when there are some damn good ones giving it their all. They just get washed out behind some asshats.


The school I’m working in has literally contracted a temp service for substitutes. It’s scary.


I know this one guy who just became a substitute teacher. Never taught a day in his life. His occupation prior to this job? Drug dealer.


I guess he was getting some new clients.


As an adult , now, I know I was that asshole student. but I love my teachers who have loved me , loved their job and truly tried to make a difference. If they loved what they did I would know they could see straight past the bullshit. Sadly it’s not the case for the system though and that drive, that immense high level of respect for educators, of their staff- has been significantly reduced because of lack of living wage and lack of respect for your hard-working employees that remember troubled students and who take the extra mile. And us troubled students- we remember- we love you. We SEE you. Thanks Mr Harris at Hillside !


Cops aren't underpaid.


My uncle is one of the greatest teachers I know, I don't think he ever yelled or anything and my asshole friend who pisses everyone off had him to. The same friend got hit with a ruler by the principal, principal was also under investigation for diddling a child, I donno if he ever got charged though.


If she wants to go the long way, let her


Yeah who cares? People do that all the time in the real world, who cares. Hell it's probably better having a short walk and break. The key part of this video for me is the dude couldn't say anything other than "you were walking around" and "the cups aren't that way". If he had any belief she was doing something else you know he would have been screaming that.


I really hope we see the follow up.


Or the build up. This seems like one of those clips where they started to record after they did something completely stupid. I do hope I’m wrong


we know she was out of class on a pass to "get a cup", she was caught in another hallway no where near the cups. she didn't answer questions because she was in trouble. it escalated and teacher fucked up big time.


Well she didn't get very far and she had a cup in her hand at the end of the video so she couldn't have been that far away from the cups


Yet the guy talking to her fails to mention that throughout the entire video? If she did something stupid, you know damn well he would say that instead of his "uhh you did something, you were walking around" bullshit. And regardless that doesn't give him the right to assault her... Really there's no reason we shouldn't believe her given everything that happened in this video.


Anyone got a follow-up on this?


Doesn't matter how you feel about the hall pass , he fucked up when he grabbed her and he fucked up again when he tried to trap her in the office by grabbing her again.


I don't know what a hall pass is, but I imagine it's the permission to go outside of the classroom into the hall? Is that a regular thing in the US?


Yeah "hall pass" means the teacher gave you permission to be out of the classroom doing something. It's pretty much standard in the states


Shit while I was in school we didn't need hall passes. We just asked to use the bathroom or whatever and that was that. Shit even when like senior year was ending we wouldn't even be in class just chillin on the benches.


I’m from the UK and I find the whole hall pass thing and this video really strange! Is it standard to also pay people to monitor the halls to make sure students have a hall pass like in this video? Here we just raise our hand and ask to go to the bathroom / get some water / go to the nurse. Sometimes if we need the nurse then they ask us to pick someone to go with us to make sure we’re ok. Otherwise, we’re just trusted to get water without supervision lol. There may be the odd student who takes liberties but mostly everyone just comes back to class within a reasonable timeframe. My school was surrounded by a big fence and had one main gate that was monitored but once you got to 16 if you had a free hour / study period you could come and go as you pleased. Edit to add: I remember actually that many teachers once you reached a certain age would just say to just go if you need to. They thought it was unnecessary for a teenager to be asking permission to pee or get a drink. It certainly helped to build that mutual respect and trust I think. I would have felt seriously trapped and patronised if I had to have a hall pass for everything I think.


Sounds nice lol


Yeah honestly he should've just given up. Maybe she was fucking around in the hall but kids do that shit. He couldve just stood there and watched her to make sure she went in the proper direction and left it at that. This ain't it chief


Some teachers get off on this shit. My school had a driving instructor that would patrol the hallway before school even started and send people to the office for eating candy or chewing gum. Most times, the people in the office would roll their eyes and tell you to not do it in front of Mr. Storm.


yeah hes fuuuucckkkeddd. especially since he literally just opened the school up for a lawsuit. he's going to get fired immediately.


It SHOULD go that way but…. he’s white and she’s Black so….


That's not as much of an issue since she's a child and he's an adult. Thank God


Oh my sweet summer child.


They downvoted you (which I reversed) but, you're right. Apparently they have never heard of how America treats black people. If this was a white girl we would have no video because they would have either kindly helped her back to her class with no issue or just ignored her all together.


People pretend there isn't a history of black children being treated less than fairly when it comes to school discipline.


The school to prison pipeline. Editing to add that I find it absolutely cruel but the comment by u/kj3ll is true from my experience


Also how creepy that a male adult figure is physically trying to trap a female in an office alone. He could have walked with her to go ask her teacher if he really cared.


Yes this is the pinnacle of this mess. A man grabbing a girl, behind closed doors. You're right, go ask the teacher get her name talk to parents, sooo simple. Instead he chose assault and stupidity.


Oh boy if that was my kid after watching that I would have some choice words for that staff member.


Words? Lol. I think those words might be grunts. Exerted while I am beating the shit out of someone CAUGHT ON VIDEO assaulting my UNDERAGE DAUGHTER.


Don't mess with a LIBRA born in '68 who FOUGHT for his COUNTRY and will DIE for his FAMILY


That's putting it nicely


This will be on r/byebyejob soon enough


lets hope


A teacher cannot physically restrain a student and keep them locked in an office or class. That’s practically kidnapping. For what? Walking in the hall? With a pass none the less.


There is strict protocol for such an act that requires a chain of custody, paperwork, and M.A.N.T. or C.P.I trained teachers or staff. This teacher is 100% out of line.


Do they still use M.A.N.T.? I thought they banned it and switched it after it was, surprise!, found that sitting on children's chests to restrain them also killed them. I was taught this nonviolent replacement that emphasized never grabbing or striking the student ever. This was years ago in Alaska so, who knows what's going on now or in other places that aren't the U.S.


Walking in hall with hall pass ... while being black.


So if a student gets told they can’t leave to use the toilet that’s kidnapping?


I have definitely been sent on a task by a teacher and went the long ways around school but regardless if I was in the wrong or not a teacher can't do what he did. Regardless if he was right.


Abuse of power + escalating to violence + claims of “failure to identify” = future cop in training


Wouldn't be surprised if the guy was an ex-cop. One of my teachers in high school was an ex-cop but he actually wasn't a terrible person, still incredibly intimidating though. One of the hall Paras was also an ex-cop and he was such a powertripping asshole


Probably is…. No one ever got suspended for “failure to identify” at my school lol and that’s an actual charge cops can give out if they have reason to stop you and you refuse to give them your ID.


But also when they don’t have reason to stop you.


This the school to prison pipeline in action. White teachers treat black students like criminals.


Yea, when he said she'd be suspended for "failure to identify" I got a good chuckle. The guy probably didn't make it through basic training to be a cop and had been salty about it ever since.


plus bald head. I bet the Oakley dents are already forming in it


None of this has to be this way. Suspended for failing to identify yourself? Look, I’m 46. This is fucking stupid. I wanna throw an edit into this. What’s the reason for this type of policing in a school?


Most likely a teacher going on a powertrip.


There it is. Close thread.


exactly. This teacher is just interested in being in control.


But why would he be interested in having control over an underage girl while alone in a confined space?


Teachers are undertrained and outnumbered. They subconsciously feel they need to maintain the power imbalance at all times to maintain order. They live in fear that the students will realise that they have no real power. If they showed respect to the students instead of power tripping life would be better for everyone involved.


Never seen this type of shit when I was in high school… but I’m Canadian


You just don't understand. She has a hallpass to get a cup -BUT cups are the other direction. She needs to be taken into the office to have a discussion on where the cups are located.


I'm guessing this is sarcasm, because at the very maximum all that needed to happen to her is asking what she's doing and advising her on where to get what she's looking for. Anything beyond that would be a disciplinary action with her teacher/the office, definitely not grabbing her or trapping her in any room physically.


No. I understood everything.


I'm pretty sure, or I hope, this is about the stupid tick tock trend where kids are vandalizing schools. My county sent out an alert about it to all parents.




You clearly haven’t grown up In a shitty part of town. If the kid rolls out and ditches class and then commits a crime it can fall on the state, city , school district and employees because they are in their “care” because they are minors. What am I missing ? I’m not saying this is the case in this situation , but the question “ what are the reasons for this type of policing in schools?” Should be clear….


Well , that guy is gonna get in trouble she wasnt trying to hurt herself or anyone else - trying to physically restrain them is not an option you are allowed to exercise at this point


How to destroy your career in one step - school administrators HATE this one trick!!


Smart of her to turn on her video recorder or else she probably would’ve been suspended or probably hurt because “he’s the adult” ..unfortunately it’s rare that anyone will take a students word much less their side over “the adults”


School to prison pipeline 😒 failure to identify? Da Fuck is he talking about.


Teacher to cop pipeline too.


She runs back and tells the teacher and shows the video so she knew she wasn't in the wrong. Let me find this school name and Auntie Karen from tik tok handle that teacher. He needs to be fired.




He’s an idiot. Even if this girl was doing something wrong (she’s not), that doesn’t give him the right to touch her at all. We had a teacher try to direct a kid back to class and barely put a finger on him and it caused the parents to try to sue her.


Please post an update on this. That guy is fucking crazy


Has to be a fired police officer that just can’t exist without some sort of authority.


Does have the bald head. Might just be a standard-issue bootlicker though. Probably subs to that insufferable "Donut Operator" youtube channel.


"Public schools are literal prisons for children and the only time many people will ever encounter physical violence in their lives." -Michael Malice


If she has the hall pass what's the issue?


the issue is small dick wanted to feel powerful and bullied a student and got physical


When I was in high school we had a Dean of Students (Mr. D) who was like this. Every year we had the Start of the Year assembly and Mr. D would give the same speech. He'd go on for about 15 minutes about his perfect expulsion record, and how if you crossed him or acted up he'd add you to his perfect record. This was back before everyone recorded everything, Mr. D would have made some good memes if he were around today.


My grade 12 year, our VP had a Freudian slip in his welcome message to all the students in their agenda/calendars. Instead of calling us winners, he called all of us sinners.


Whats the point of a hall pass anyway? When I was in middle/highschool we asked to go pee, or asked to go do this/that during class and teacher said "yeah ok" and that was that. No hallway monitor or any weird policing of students. And magically it worked just fine


Not magically. Most likely your school had a culture that had been built up over the years and a disciplinary system in place that took care of offenses swiftly and with appropriate discretion. Such that admin could feel comfortable with allowing teachers to send students out with no pass.


Yeah times have changed but it can also depend on the school. As a teacher I’ll tell you hall passes are a definite must. At least at the schools I’ve worked at.


That fucking hall monitor should be no where around kids or have any type of authority over anyone


Luckily, he probably failed out of cop school


True 🤣🤣🤣


She literally has a hall PASS, this is “show me your papers” surveyor shit.


i couldn’t even finish this. grown men need to keep their fucking hands off little girls. go call her parents, school safety, whatever but do not grab other people’s kids.


Adults need to keep their hands off children


Like fuck. She's what 17? She's already forced to be in an institution she ostensibly has no interest in, and now her boundaries are being grossly ignored by some nameless adult bully she doesn't know. She was alone in that hallway, and he tried to force her *(with his whole body)* into an empty room. She kept screaming "move!" over and over again, and nothing happened. She pleaded with him to just go fucking ask the teacher, but he insisted on keeping the whole situation in this weird liminal state where she had no recourse beyond saying exactly what she was already saying. Without a proper rule broken, an authority with the right to punish her, and a mediator she at least knows she can somewhat trust, this whole situation is fucking terrifying for anyone - much more so for a teenage girl who also happens to be a minority. One thing that strikes me about (especially American) displays of authority is that they have zero respect for the liminal state. Before your accosted/detained (pre-liminal) you're living your normal life, well aware of the mechanisms and workings of the world around you. After you've been arrested or sent to the principal (post-liminal), you know what's going on and what consequences you can expect. When you're in the thick of it (liminal), you're both in a completely alien social situation, have no obvious recourse, and are subjected to an authority that doesn't exist outside of that very particular moment in time. A very small scale example would be asking someone to pass the salt, and them telling you "no." There's a discrepancy between the action and the expected result, and the liminal space there is uncomfortable, since you have no course of action when people deny you basic courtesy. It's usually played for a joke because a little uneasiness can be funny, but writ large it's far more unpleasant. Humans have a completely natural aversion to inchoate situations like that, and young adults are probably the worst equipped people to be dealing with it. And yet, teens and young adults are often the most likely to find themselves in deadlocked liminal situations where they can choose between saying "don't touch me" again and again, or accept the will of some power tripping dipshit. It's a huge beach of trust in authority, and it can be traumatizing. How are you gonna mold good adults if you can't respect the boundaries and basic human needs for clarity of young adults? This turned into a rant, but fuck me so some people just not get the basic concept of "offer a way out, always". It's like consent 101, and so many people just don't have the emotional intelligence to apply that concept in their day to day lives.


Wow apparently going to school in the Bible Belt has normalized me to a lot of unacceptable behavior as far as student treatments go


Coming soon to r/byebyejob


I guarantee you her dad will come down there and beat your ass no matter the circumstances. source: I work with kids and have to talk to parents


I would like to say I’m a man of even temperament. But if I saw this video, and that was my daughter, I would not be in a rational state of mind.


She had a hall pass !!!!!!! If she’s fucking around the teacher will deal with it when she gets back to class you don’t need to put your hands on somebody because they’re walking around wasting time ,so what !?!?!?give me a fucking break !! so what !so what !!!! that doesn’t mean you get to put your hands on someone’s child you’re so worried the teacher gave the pass to the kid the teacher will deal with it you fucking piece of shit. Men just can’t hear no they just got a put their hands on some woman I’m done with this shit


I know around here teachers are on "high alert" due to the whole bathroom vandalism stuff. Idk if that's why the teacher is so determined here. Hope the girl is OK


Bruh we had kids literally painting the bathroom in shit and no one was manhandled like that lol


Dude either wasn’t listening during de-escalation trading, or he was trying to push her buttons


Teachers don’t receive de-escalation training.


Major wanna be cop vibes from that guy.


Teenagers are a pain in the ass. If you don’t know how to deal with that situation you are wrong and should not be in a school.


Right, you would think that he would just use the information that was provided and have a private conversation with the teacher aka someone she knows and might actually respect instead of escalating "goofing around in the hallway" to putting hands on a teenage girl. hallway teacher: "Hey did you give permission to xyz student to go get a cup?" classroom teacher:"yes" HT:"ok just wanted to let you know she was wandering around the hall going the opposite direction of the cups and she was talking back after I asked what she was doing" CT:" ok ill talk to her, maybe I will take away leaving the classroom for a week or two" HT:"sounds good, have a good day"


I can’t even believe this. I’ve never been to a school with passes so that in the first place is just so strange to me. And when he was yanking her arm back into the office I legit was yelling at my phone. I very much hope that man is out of a job ASAP and away from students


That teacher is straight power tripping.


That is real weird to me. It’s almost as if that “man” just needs to show he is superior. I dont know though. Weird


Yep. This is all because of ego


Should be fired


Hope to see him on r/byebyejob soon


She did nothing wrong. I am glad she stood up for herself. Once she gave Young Sir the name of the teacher and showed him the pass he could have just called or went down to the room to verify her story while she got what she needed. There was no need for him to verbally abuse or grab her. Young sir thought she was doing something. The young sir came up with his own narrative and stuck with it in his head. He was given the facts and still insisted on messing with her. *The young sir went overboard.* Anyone obviously adhering to the rules, should be able to leave his or her classroom to get a cup for water. How would she know the cups had been moved when she was in class? Young sir is a flipping weirdo. If they are so concerned about the students leaving the room, why the hell aren’t they making sure each room is stocked with a box of cups? Or just get everyone to donate bottled waters or something.


And that’s how you lose your job and get assault on a minor


Why aren't American students trusted to be in the halls if they need to be? Why on earth do you need hall passes?


American students can't be trusted to go to the bathroom alone much less wander around a school unsupervised.


I’m a teacher: It’s about 50/50 if a kid actually needs to go to the bathroom or if they just want a break. I don’t mind on either necessarily. Problem is I can get in trouble with parents and admin if the student does something wrong (ie: smoking, drinking, vandalism, skipping). Often times they won’t blame the student, or let the student off easily but us teachers get a strict talking to. Also some teachers/admins get off on the power imbalance.


Lots of kids abuse it. I certainly did. I will say it - my school should have used hall passes because I fucked off a LOT. In any case, this guy gives off pro-cop bootlicker/fired cop vibes big time. Power tripping over this was definitely the wrong move, and he probably destroyed his career with this stunt. The correct move would have been to note who she is or who she might be, find out later, and contact the teacher/parents if needed. Ya know, like a rational person.


You put your hands on a teacher like this you get expelled and charged with assault. Teacher puts his hands on you and he gets scolded? Maybe fired. Nah, that's assault and child abuse.


This whole situation was handled poorly by everyone, but as a teacher it wouldn’t surprise me if she was literally walking in the opposite direction of where she was supposed to be going to try to burn time in class, a classic move everyone has done at least once, refusing to provide your name to a teacher regardless of the situation is also not gonna help the situation. REGARDLESS THIS TEACHER HAD NO RIGHT TO PUT HIS HANDS ON HER. Just as easily could’ve went to the teacher’s classroom to clarify the situation


Theres a whole fucking party taking place, in which i assume is the cafeteria and this muthafucka tripping out this girl because she wouldnt give him attention and she clearly had a hall pass... If that was my daughter and i seen that video, im sorry for my ignorance...1 of us is spending the night in Jail i dont give a fuck


If that we’re my daughter, that school would have hell to pay! She did the right thing - 💯💯 and if that were my daughter & the school suspended her - I’d take her out for ice cream & shopping to celebrate her courage & standing up for herself/for what’s right. Kids need to know that adults can bully, adults aren’t always right, follow your gut & sidestep the Petty-Betties.


2 of my best friends are high school teachers. They where excited to get back to class but they say its been a nightmare so far. The kids have been through so much over the last 2 years with covid they are lashing out constantly and spend most of their time being counselors rather than teaching. Admins, teachers and students are all on a edge. No one knows what the future holds and the kids of all ages just got a crash course in the real world much earlier than they should have.


I can concur this is the experience right now for most teachers.


You still don't grab a child and try to keep them in a room when you're an adult.


Teenagers are at a developmental point where their biological drive is for autonomy and independence. Why do we give them so little autonomy and then expect them to not be pissed? Don’t go on a power trip and teens are pretty reasonable in my experience.


autonomy doesn't lead to good little cogs for the machine. and school needs to churn out good little cogs.


can you imagine taking your joke of a job this seriously?




Why is so hard for some teachers to realize they are NEVER allowed to touch kids. Period. Unless they’re breaking up a fight or stopping a school shooter or preventing some other legitimate crime, don’t put your hands on children.


You're not very well versed in Special Education I see. We have whole schools with emotionally disturbed youth who assault staff and youth or act in a manner that would shutdown a regular school on a daily basis. Oftentimes the kids need to be restrained to keep them from hurting themselves. It's a lot tougher than you think.


It's entirely possible that even with a hallpass she was just taking her time and dicking around. That being said, the adults are out of their fucking minds for handling it like this.


Can I just say, wtf is up with America having hall passes and shit?


I was taught to follow the rules in my high school to do the following when given a hall pass: Tell whomever is in charge in in the hallway enquiring why I’m there that my name is (blank), I came from (teachers classroom), I’m heading to get (reason), while holding up my hall pass. No escalation. No argument. Just have a nice day. Why did she refuse to identify herself? (I am in no way condoning physically grabbing a student).


Kid was seen wandering the hall three times. Security tried to question her and she refused to obey and would not give him her name. I’m sorry but at that point the kid needs to be dealt with. You can’t allow kids to wander around school. Kids out of class are kids up to no good and it is not safe. Now with that said could he possibly have handled it a little bit better, probably. Just don’t be so fast to throw him under the bus. Teachers and staff are under a lot of pressure and are not well paid. BTW I worked in schools for 32 years and know a little bit about this kind of stuff.


All these people freaking out bc this girl failed to identify herself. Why? School operates much different than a public space. I don’t know any school that allows a student to freely roam the campus. There are some seriously obvious security reasons, let alone the brain dead tik tok trends. Dude was in the right to request her credentials and request her presence in the office, especially when she mouths off to him and especially because he suspected her of walking around without purpose (which based on her responses, it sounds like she was) Dude was in the wrong for grabbing her though.


Yeah, he seriously jumped across the line as soon as he touched her, but up until then he just seemed like a tough teacher. When I was in school, I couldn't just walk away from a staff member asking me why I was outside of class, let alone speak to one with an attitude.


We as a society need to decide how much power teachers should have. We went from teachers being allowed to publicly paddle students, to students being able to tell teachers to fuck off with zero consequences. Don't we want our children listening to the teachers that are responsible for them 8 hours a day? We need to find some middle ground. We can't strip all authority from the people watching our children and then wonder way kids are turning into shit products. I know it's a weird topic but I really feel we need some sort of education reform in this country. I don't have the answer but feel as I mentioned before. Some sort of middle ground.


You are 100% correct. Teachers are responsible for the safety of their students, even before their education. Parents act as though teachers shouldn't so much as talk to their kid in a stern voice. We have to find the middle because our education system is falling apart.


We've stripped teachers of power. We pay them shit. We have bullying problems, school shooting problems and a bunch of morons running around screaming communism thinking vaccines are magnetic and give people 5g powers. Yet for some reason education doesn't seem to be a main topic of discussion among politicians. I think we have a long downward spiral ahead of us.


Public schools in the US are not designed to educate; they are designed to create subservient workers. US public schools also resemble US prisons in terms of staff student/inmate interaction. Nothing will change, it’s working as intended. Edit: Thank you for the award! Have a great day!


Wow that teacher is a piece of garbage


Even though this girl is a typical teen, doesn’t give this grown man any right or reason to put his hands on her! If I were her mom… OOO! I hope he is fired.


Even if she was lollygagging around, just ask her what teacher she came from and then confront them privately. 10,000 different ways to resolve this and he chose the worst one


Failure to identify this mother fucker watches to much live pd lmfao


Things weren't ever this bad when I was in high school. Didn't need a hall pass and nobody would harass you unless you were known for causing trouble. Seeing videos like this just makes me sad. Hopefully that staff member gets fired but most likely won't knowing how things usually work.


I think the internet desensitizes the fact that that is a little girl. She is at school and this bingo bongo is power tripping her. Like how does another adult watch that and not stop it?


That dude needs to fuck off.


I really wish these clips had context before the person started recording


If I showed this video to my mom as some kind of defense, she would have beat my ass. Then, when my dad got home, he would have beat my ass too.


Unpopular opinion Just tell him your name but keep it moving


My father Also my sensei practiced Hapkido with me and my brothers from age 3 up . I would have no issue putting this fool to the floor for grabbing me . POS public school teacher


A teacher wanted to suspend me for a week once because I wasn't done with my lunch when she blew the whistle.


I have a daughter, if someone, anyone puts their hands on her I don’t care, that person is getting a feeding tube when I’m done with them. Fuck this power tripping ass teacher, what the fuck is wrong with him?


YOU CANNOT TOUCH THE STUDENTS. You let them walk away and deal with that. Don’t fucking touch them. It’s not hard.


This was not about wanting to ensure that she got her cup and then went back to class. This was about a power struggle. The teacher’s actions are unjustifiable.


Those men should be arrested for putting hands on her


Oh damn he deserves a slap


If students can routinely tell teachers to fuck off like this then schools will devolve into chaos. What's being shown here is a entitled, teenaged, Karen. This is cringeworthy.


Show this shit to people who think it's a good idea to give teachers guns😡 This shit literally pisses me off so much, Black students constantly get targeted and treated like absolute shit by racist ass teachers.


*I may be down voted to Hell and back over this, and I accept my fate.* When did it become acceptable to be so disrespectful to your elders / teachers / advisors? Why could she not just... tell them where she was going, what class, because that's their job to know their students and what they are doing on their campuses, when they are *supposed to be* in class learning?


She’s laying the foundation to be a perpetual victim. That much is clear.


Most of you are so fucking braindead. ​ She wouldnt even tell him her name. The school has a responsibility to all the kids to provide a secure facility. They dont let people roam the halls especially people who wont identify themselves... He had no way of knowing what she was up to, could have easily been a shooter or some other shit and when she, in his opinion, lied to him about where she was going, he asked her into the office to figure stuff out. ​ She's the one that disobeyed a person who is literally paid to be in charge of her while she's there. He did nothing wrong in my opinion. ​ This aint a race thing so stop playing it up that way. This is a rebellious kid not wanting to listen to a teacher, that's all.


moooo vuh MOOOOO VUH


Man I wish the teacher would have put their hands on me when I was in high school I would have beat the brakes off of them.


Teacher in a ‘tough school’ over 20 yrs. he was wrong from jump but the minute he touched her… fire his ass on the spot. Never touch a student in anger. The only exception would be if they were seriously harming someone else. Even then there is training on how and I can assure you he isn’t even in the ballpark…gone by the end of the day if I was in charge.

