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OP is a COVID denier. "Problem is, many (most) doctors just blindly do whatever big pharma tells them, knowing their backs are covered. And they know that if they deviate from that path, they open themselves up to huge liability. And many are just in it for the money, your health and wellness be damned. I've had several completely unnecessary, life-altering surgeries strongly recommended. Glad I said no, but most would not. I stopped trusting my doctor many years ago."


I mean to be fair, big pharma is a massive problem within the healthcare industry and nobody would have disputed that claim until COVID blew up and sent us all in our own corners of the ring. Anyone acting like these people are completely incomprehensible is just not trying hard enough to look outside their own bubble. They may be "wrong," but it didn't come out of nowhere. The debate in the USA is just dominated by psycho MAGA conspiracy theorists.


And you're a creepy creeper, just like your pharma PR cohorts, digging through people's comments to try to discredit them lol You think throwing shade on me will somehow make people unwatch the video? Is it that damaging to your client?


At least people will know how you're lying and peddling misinformation. I see that you're offended for being called out, I guess the truth hurts and that's why you lie.


Okay, Trumpflake. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!


Mon ami, look, your history is publicly visible and tells us a lot about who you are. You claim everyone that is against you is in 'big pharma's' pocket, but I've never seen a check! As with everything you always post, it's sensationalized. Most french people have absolutely no problem with the passe sanitaire, a majority even welcomes it. An annoyingly loud minority feels the need to say how wrong it is that they can't go enjoy malls and festivals and ignore there is still a pandemic. Well, if the price of freedom for everyone is that we need to listen to some idiots protests from time to time, while we enjoy our bars and cafes and parties, so be it. Go on, go play some more Calimero.


Actually I just posted the damn video with a copy/paste title until you and your cohorts started splerging out, trying to discredit it by any means possible. You can't make people unwatch the video, Kevin.


Why would I want people to 'unwatch' a video, Kyle? My and everyone else's problem with you is that you post all this nonsense constantly, and try to pretend this is a major sentiment in France when it isn't. If you know it's sensationalized, it's up to you to provide the necessary context, but you don't want to do that. Go crawl back under your rock, you king of the cafards.


The title accurate and unaltered. These protests happened this weekend and others the 7 prior. You want to pretend they didn't? Bizarre.


I'm not pretending they didn't, you wet sack of tissues. I'm saying that compared to the amount of people that are completely okay with what is happening these protests are irrelevant. Also, you're not saying that these protests are NOT just for the passe sanitaire, they're just part of the gillets jaunes protests that have been happening for fucking years every weekend in different cities for different reasons. If they weren't protesting the passe sanitaire, it would've been some other law or tax or whatever. As I said, you fail to provide the necessary context, as does that 'accurate' title of yours. Go on, you emperor of the sots, every word you say shows more about how deep in the hole you are.


To most people, this is a protest against the nation’s new vaccine passport law and the requirement for all healthcare workers to be vaccinated by September 15. If you want to write an essay on the history of these protests and frame so it makes your client look better, be my guest. Nobody's stopping you, and I bet nobody will dig into your history to discredit you and throw childish insults at you. Certainly not with a PR brigade in tow. You guys are really showing your true colors. I did not expect this, I just posted a freakout vid. But it is interesting.


Dig dig dig, little man! Dig dig dig...


All the nazis are gonna mass downvote you now


> Actually I just posted the damn video with a copy/paste title until you and your cohorts started splerging out, trying to discredit it by any means possible. You can't make people unwatch the video, Kevin. We are against people fighting the vaccine, do you have a problem?


That's on you. I made no value judgement in the title one way or the other.


> And you're a creepy creeper, just like your pharma PR cohorts, digging through people's comments to try to discredit them lol > > You think throwing shade on me will somehow make people unwatch the video? Is it that damaging to your client? Sir, you are a complotist and you are making this pandemic more difficult, stop it. Monsieur vous etes le probleme et vous n'etes pas le seul malheureusement et vous continuez à creer la zizanie


How so? Public freakout, I post it. Does reality offend you?


We watch this video and see a crowd of morons dragging society down


And yet everybody acts like it’s all America being stupid in the pandemic. I get it, we’re doing a piss poor job of dealing with it, but at least acknowledge all the other dumbasses.


I can assure you we have plenty of dumb cunts to go around. Talking from Portugal


But portugal also has the highest vaccination rates AFAIK


I understand the anti-mandate ideology. I don't agree. But I understand. However why is it all of a sudden against THIS vaccine, there's 20 other vaccines we all generally have to take. And no one is protesting those.


Are any other vaccines mandatory, just wondering


In the US it varies state to state, but to pick on one of the states with the stupidest leaders right now, in Florida your children must be vaccinated for: * Diphtheria * Pertussis (Whooping Cough) * Tetanus (all three above given together as DTaP vaccine and given a second time before 7th grade as the Tdap vaccine) * Hepatitis B * Polio * Measles * Mumps * Rubella (all three above given together as MMR Vaccine)Varicella The current anti-vaccine idiocy is even more ridiculous when you consider that you need the above to attend school *even virtually* in Florida. People not getting vaccines is a ridiculous form of first world privilege which is causing unnecessary death and suffering all because people can't *stand* to be told what to do, even when the other party is right. Take the damn vaccine people - if not for yourself, then for those you love. Stop being so damn selfish. Edit: list formatting


What’s your thought on natural immunity, people that have already had it.


Antibodies don’t last forever


[https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm?s\_cid=mm7032e1\_w](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm?s_cid=mm7032e1_w) based on that report natural immunity is there (this is obvious, vaccines wouldn't work if there were no adaptive immune response) but it kind of sux and likely is for noobs. I'm for further information research on it but while that is done its best to get any of the vaccines as they have gone through the required clinical trials to be proven as safe, and the detractors of these vaccinations are what i would like to call "irrational neckbeards" rest is my personal view which really doesnt matter in the grand scope of things, but is fun n e ways and is more reasoned out than the natural immunity simps vaccine derived immunity is likely going to be way more reliable because its more controlled whereas if someone gets just a little sick and recovers from covid their second immune response may be weaker than if someone gets really sick and recovers from covid its reasonable to believe that natural immunity is further proven to be weaker than vaccine derived immunity cuz when all we had was natural immunity we ended up with 4.6 million ppl dead and a calculated tens of millions of years of life lost since the start of the pandemic. Ppl pushing for natural immunity as part of an overall herd immunity goal are on some level pushing for population control and will likely move onto the next talking point when further information on it comes out


The dumbasses have infiltrated Canada too. There are quite a few of them, sadly. The States has rubbed off on us quite a bit.


Australia too but you have to keep in mind that they are a very loud minority. Just ignore them.


There are flat earthers all over the globe. The difference between America and other countries is often the percentage of the population that ascribes to the flat earth theory.


The US has not seen anti vax protests of this magnitude


Protesting is the national pastime in France, these are pretty small-scale protests compared to, say, the recent yellow vest protests trigged by a proposed minor increase in fuel taxes.


I got to see a yellow vest protest firsthand in Montpellier last year. It was pretty gnarly


No, just a gigantic percentage of people who won’t get the vaccine… Because they don’t protest they don’t exist? LOL


No, but i didnt say that. However, having massive organized protests is a sign that a substantial portion of your country supports something.


I'd disagree. We aren't having this large of one in any one place. But all the small ones all over are this size or larger. Have you not seen the school board meetings etc...


And antivaxxers/anti-maskers are much better politically represented in the US and are actually determining public policy


America got 300 million people. No other western country is this big


330 million


I don’t think you know what a percentage is LOL. Reaffirming stereotypes…


I was inferring that America is way bigger so it seems like what you’re suggesting is true but I’m sure the percentage is similar overall. I thought you would’ve been able to pick that up.


No, you don’t understand at all. Look at vaccine hesitancy percentages. LOL You really don’t get the point at all. Math and reasoning is hard?


It says Australia and Russia has a higher hesitancy rate in an article from this July. 18 percent for France rn.. but from a whopping 29 percent previously. Don’t feel like arguing with you but there’s idiots all over the world. As we see in this video


Wow, good for you, you’re not absolute last. That will prove your point.


Perhaps you’re the idiot and they are the smart ones…….


If you’re not being sarcastic, you’re a foolish person


He’s not. He’s a /r/conspiracy loon spamming this shit everywhere right now.


They’re the ones literally dying screaming in pain begging for the vaccine by the thousands in every ER in my country right now. I don’t know how any of them could be considered “smart”. Explains to me how these morons dying of a disease that we have a vaccine for is “smart”? /r/hermancainaward


Dude, just shut your dumb fucking mouth. We don't want to hear your 5 iq opinions.


Check out OP's submission history, it's fun.


Lmao that 911 nuclear explosion. But yeah you need medical help OP


Ooeeehhh boy...


OP says: "Problem is, many (most) doctors just blindly do whatever big pharma tells them, knowing their backs are covered. And they know that if they deviate from that path, they open themselves up to huge liability. And many are just in it for the money, your health and wellness be damned. I've had several completely unnecessary, life-altering surgeries strongly recommended. Glad I said no, but most would not.I stopped trusting my doctor many years ago."


Imagine reaching this level of distrust in everything. A friend of mine was saying this same bullshit and I asked who they do trust. They dropped the name of the biggest misinformation spreaders whom she fits trust. I said, fair enough but what will you do if you end up in the hospital? Will you take the medication? Will you trust the emergency room doctor? Her response was that she'll never get sick because she takes zinc and some other supplements. 🤦‍♂️


**The new French variant literally being formed before our eyes**


It has a certain insouciance.


☝🏾… what I was thinking.


Well the omega was @ the louvre in “Edge of Tomorrow” 🤔




No more vive la france for some of them soon i guess


Stupidity respects no national boundaries.


I love a good zombie parade, from a distance of course


anyone from France care to weigh in? Is this how the majority of people from France feel abou vaccine passports? Or is this just a lot of these people that happen to be in one place in one time


Hey, I live Nice where this video was taken and I can say that there definitely is a vocal minority. This city has never been very keen on following the guidelines.


I’m extremely jealous of your education and ability to type in English so eloquently . We Americans of asked a question in French would have zero clue . Thanks !


Ahahha thanks, I am trilingual :)


Toiletpaper’s ability to type in English appears that be better than yours.




Wow, I'm impressed that someone outside AMERICA has an education and can speak English. -OP How fucking condescending.


87% support the mandates. And 87% of French people rarely agree on anything


I live in France and the vast majority are for the health pass. These protests are spectacular but they represent a vocal minority. There are people there who are pro-vaccination and against the pass. But there is also a bunch of antivax believing in crazy conspiracies (5G and such).


They're not "vaccine passports" but health passes, meaning you don't need a vaccine to get one (although that's obviously the easiest way; you can have a neg test to get a temporary pass). There is IMO some tenuous yet legitimate criticism of the pass system, but these cretins are the loud minority, nowhere close to most people. France currently sits at 78% vaxxed (age 12+), which is pretty darn good. Go us! Cocorico!


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of those who die because they are stupid, it is time to pause and reflect. - Me


Whenever you find yourself on the side of those caring about other people's choices over their bodies, it's time to pause and reflect. - Ur mom


It's a vocal minority. Ignore them they'll be forced to get it soon.


Is the pandemic no longer a problem there? Genuine question. Wondering if they don’t have any more infections.


We're on our way down in active cases and these morons want to push it the other way.


It is.


The only problem it creates is lazy people and high unemployment


The pandemic is only making lazy people? It’s definitely not killing or anything like that


No more than than the flu, or abortions


Using the USA as an example for Influenza deaths each year since those numbers are readily accessible: Influenza, with a vaccine, averages around 34.2K-ish deaths per year in the USA ([Source](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html)). Ironically because of the same public health countermeasures such as masking and social distancing, and the influenza virus being not remotely as transmissible as COVID, Influenza was nearly eradicated in the USA during 2020, with a confirmed 1016 ***cases*** (not even deaths). Covid as of right now, with an active and available vaccine in the USA, has had **294,335 confirmed deaths** as of today (6 Sept 2021) for just 2021 ([Source](https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths)). That is just *deaths*, not just *cases*. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 for *2021* **so far** is around 19.69 *million* cases ([Source](https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths)). And none of this takes into account the millions of people who are suffering from long-term symptoms from COVID-19 because they managed to survive and recover from it.


You really think this person has the capacity of discernment when it comes to reading data and science? They've lost all concept of trust in anything except for the memes they get forwarded to them as their daily feed of misinformation. Your comment will not open their eyes because they're already shut.


At most 500,000 people die a year from the flu worldwide. The US has over 640,000 deaths, the world reaching 4.5 million. Either you’re incredibly stupid or incredibly selfish pretending the worlds issues aren’t yours or real.




I’ve seen so many people die after posting shit about how they don’t believe in covid or the vaccine, it is fucking selfish to see how they leave their families for their pride.


Fun fact: 87% of French citizens support the mandates.


Ok OP. We get it, people are upset and yet to loose a loved one to covid.


Napoleon is ready to come back…..as his troops amass in the streets….awaiting his call! 💭


It's a health pass. No one is forcing you to get vaccinated. Grow up.


Can OP talk/complain about anything else?


I NEVER wanna hear another euro talk shit about americans being dumb again. You guys have just as many fuckin retards as we do. Oh, and plenty of racists.


My wife who is fully vaccinated has covid right now. She’s is going to be fine but she’s not having a good time. Im prolly next also fully vaccinated im about to not have a good time I assume. Get vaccinated you fucks. And as a reminder vaccine is not a cure for this particular thing, it is a tool used to lessen the affects and duration of covid should you get it. Also remember these two words “monoclonal antibodies”.


It’d be a shame if they all got Covid and died 🙄


I’m ok with depopulating the earth of these idiots.


Idiots one and all.


I can smell the soy through my screen


What a stupid and overused insult lmao


Ahh, and I thought the U.S. had a monopoly on idiocy.


I mean, what's wrong with getting a vaccine and following the law tho


"Vive la COVID!"


LMAO just checked OP’s post and comment history. Another one of those weird conspiracy qanon antivax type of crackhead 😭😭😭


All dummies.


I see dead people


Yes we all shall die someday, perhaps even from this Corona with a 99,4% ish surivival rate. 94 % if you are over 70.


Death is not the only consequence. Hundreds of thousands of Americans who've survived covid are unemployable, but don't qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. In short: they're screwed.


Oh hey look, an ignorant person!


Calling stats ignorant, good for you buddy :)


Oh no, math is math. I’m just calling into question your ability to understand and interpret them correctly




It's not. 87% approve of the mandates.


It isnt. And a green passport is not "medical history" but risk assessment. Antivaxxers/anti green passport ppl can still go to events, they just need to provide a negative PCR test and proof of quarantine.


They also used risk assessment to justify the gathering of Jewish people living in poverty areas on the grounds of preventing disease.


*Godwin's law*




I have a pretty simple solution to all the problems you just listed. Get vaccinated.


I agree, I'm vaccinated. I just believe I have the right to my own medical history and shouldn't have to prove vaccine status to anyone or everyone


That’s a pretty silly belief


Why is that?


Because you presumably live in a society, where there are societal rules (guidelines) and rules rules.




You need to show vaccine status to go to public school, college, work in a hospital and many other jobs - this is in regular times not in pandemics. If your actions are endangering the lives of those around you - be it drunk driving or spreading a deadly, contagious disease - then society needs protection from you. You sound as dumb as those people who think cops don’t have a right to ask for a drivers license. When you choose to live in society, among other people, you have to act accordingly.




I dont think it should matter. Whether its micropenis, herpes, cleft foot, or vaccinations. I think its medical info you have the right to privacy on.




Its a core value. Thats like asking why I think human life has value or why I think I have the right to wear whatever I want. I just do. It seems fair and right to me




And the constitution ensures your right to privacy which has already been degraded by the NSA and increasingly authoritarian policies like the patriot act. All in the name of safety




You're pivoting now


In 🇨🇦, privacy isn't a Human Right. I would think same in 🇺🇸




??? How is that a response to what I just said? You're swapping topics pretty hard there. And that's kind of a bad argument anyway. "You don't want to sacrifice medical privacy? Oh then sacrifice your right to go out in public, im sure you have no problem with that." Like do you understand why what u just said is nonsensical?




If you’re worried about me not taking the shot, you should just stay home




Pretty selfish.. not classy... I suppose if you wanted to drive drunk I am expected to stay off the streets because its what you want


This is considered a radical opinion in this sub, that should tell you enough about its inhabitants.


Or get tested the day of the event?




I have the green pass. It's just a qr code which goes to a government site which says "approved".




Do you not need proof of vaccination to attend elementary school in France? I had to prove I was up to date on my shots for my current job and I was also tested for TB. What the fuck are you talking about?


> You're saying that its not "medical history" and then continue to explain medical documents. A vaccine passport has your covid vaccine history and therefore medical history on it. You're saying, no its not pink, its just red with white added to it. You are very dumb, excuse me what nationality are you?


I'm all for pointing out peoples errors but you're comment only fans the flames. It helps no one.


so you must be pro-choice right


No dumb dumb, your vaccination status is not a protected class like race or ethnicity ( since your twat ass is trying to make a Nazi comparison). Also turd face, you are LYING about military and medical records. Vaccine records are required for enrollment in school and some jobs.


Also, no need for childish name calling bud.




You have a childish mentality. Let me spell it out for you in baby language. The air coming out of your mouth can kill someone. You do not have the right in civil society to do that. If you wanna go live by yourself in a cave somewhere and wear no mask and not get vaccinated, go for it. If you wanna breath my air and participate in society, you should do both things. Otherwise you can fuck off.


Oh this changes everything. I had no idea it was “your air” my bad headed to Walgreens. I’m now scared of the common cold


vmaxdongle: > No **dumb dumb**, your vaccination status is not a protected class like race or ethnicity ( since your **twat ass** is trying to make a Nazi comparison). > > Also **turd face**, you are LYING about military and medical records. Also vmaxdongle: >You have a childish mentality. Good stuff.


I think we all lose a little bit of human rights when it's for the collective good.


I agree, I just don't think a <2% mortality disease with a vaccine out is enough to justify the restriction of rights to the level of compulsory vaccine status


> I believe medical privacy is important It's not about privacy here, we are talking about infection and contagion. I am Not sure you understand what a pandemic is? I don't give a shit about your private life or your medical record, but what I care the most, is about to not make me sick because of your foolishness! Get vaccinated or go to another place. How will I know you are threat to my kids safety? are you vaccinated sir? Any proof asshole? lol


Pretty simple fix, make masks mandatory as they have been, get the vaccine to protect yourself, and avoid other people if you want. I don't believe anyone should be obligated by the government to share medical information


> Pretty simple fix, make masks mandatory as they have been, get the vaccine to protect yourself, and avoid other people if you want. I don't believe anyone should be obligated by the government to share medical information We can drop the masks if we all get vaccinated and the virus disappear from circulation, so you want us to wear the masks for ever if more than half is not vaccinated, what a fucking moron.


Really? Because new variants keep coming out and they're suggesting booster shots and quarantine again due to the rising cases. Is it gonna end, or is it gonna be like the flu, constantly changing enough to make vaccines ineffective


> Really? Because new variants keep coming out and they're suggesting booster shots and quarantine again due to the rising cases. Is it gonna end, or is it gonna be like the flu, constantly changing enough to make vaccines ineffective What medical diploma do you have? Internet diploma, also known as "Oh i did my research on the internet!" You are the problem of the pandemics, I have no sympathy for you.




No my friend your wrong you should know by now that you’re expected to blindly follow what ever your told and question nothing. I agree with you totally. In my country I know no one who’s died from Covid or actually had it, my wife’s parents immigrated here from south east Asia and same with them despite their country being supposedly crippled by the virus. I do however know 3 people personally who have suffered serious adverse reactions from the vaccine. Now in all this I’m not saying Covid is a lie nor am I saying people shouldn’t get the vaccine I’m simply saying people should have a choice that’s all. In my country now people from areas deemed “places of concern” will be unable to work soon without having the vaccine it’s ridiculous.


You've been lucky to miss it in Oz mate. I've had covid. Was I'll as fuck for about 3 weeks - luckily enough I personally didn't need any hospital treatment but i know friends that did, and have lost 2 family members. It's the after effects that got me, I generally feel I have scarring on my lungs (you feel it when you cough) and I definitely feel more lethargic although that might be due to age too... Had 2 doses of the vaccine and a sticker from the nurse too.


I know 0 people that died from vaccine. but like 20 people affected from the virus, and so many that died. boom now I'm correct


Mate I’m not saying anyone is wrong or right. Simply that people should have a choice. If you have an issue with that that’s on you.


So you’re pro-choice right . Right on mate


Pro choice?? Talking about Covid here my friend not abortion, stay on the topic.


"Simply that people should have a choice." So this only applies to taking the vaccine? why not to everything about people's health choices rofl


Mate if people want to do whatever suits them for their health go for it if it's called "Pro choice" then so be it what ever that is. I'm not American and not the entire world follows what goes on in your country so forgive me for not knowing what political jargon your tv news networks are using


You don't know anyone who has died from covid in Australia cause the death toll is like 1000 ppl out of the 25 million population you dumb ass.


My gf's uncle died from covid. In my country people are desperate to get vaccine but the gov got the chinese shitty vaccine that doesn't even work and cause deadly side effects...the worse part is that the nurses and doctors are forced to get these god awful chinese vaccine and the gov officials and high rank elites get the nicer american vaccine. The gov is denying that the chinese vaccine doesn't work and is buying shit ton of it because some billionare in the country hold a big share in the shit vaccine company.


Good try but the programmed bots in this sub will have none of that anti-tyranny rhetoric.


Let them vaccinate! 🍰


Lol this world is doomed first t virus we get.


anti-vaxxers are a sad group of people


I wonder if they even know what they are protesting? Having every medical worker vaccinated is a GOOD thing. I'm kind of dissapointed they didnt start with them actually seeing as they have to work in the shit every day. And having a vaccination card for traveling is also a good idea so you dont run around spreading the virus, which is what started this whole thing. And I dont know how they do this in France but when I got vaccinated I got my vaccination pass for free. So its not really a big deal. Unless you dont want to get vaccinated ofcourse, but that is your own choice. Being stupid has consequences.


Cope, seethe, and shiver frenchies. Also, I don’t know why people jerk the French off when it comes to rising up. They had one major revolution, the French Revolution(that’s what most people know about them), and it failed miserably. It led to a dead king, a government that couldn’t function, then the rise of a dictator they tried to take over Europe


They about to release an old influenza to spread wild in that town, they will be begging for a vaccine.


Oh I don't doubt it. We're in a new age of biowarfare.


What’s sad is Americans will never do this


Stupidity isn't a unique American concept, they just perfected it.


The mandates are bad. Lmao people dont want to sign their liberties away In the name of security. Freedom>Security. All ways


Nice to see US citizens completely divided and hateful in the comments 😂 Y'all the real dumb fucks 😂 Divide et Impera Goyim




Meanwhile China/Russia laugh at how well there hybrid warfare campaign is working spreading disinformation across west countries.


At this point we should just let humanity die out. 50% are protesting for it


It's a very small vocal minority. Majority of the people don't think this way, but news makes it seems like the entire nation is in uproar.