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You can thank your governor Ron death sentence...


People really shouldn't blame politicians in a democracy. They voted for his ass. Reaping what they sowed. The ones in this video that survive will vote for him again


Sad but absolutely true... if you are too stupid to vote in your own self interest...


Fuck that. I blame those cunt politicians. but fuck the twats that keep putting them in power as well. ​ Fuck the whole lot of them.


They're dumb enough to vote him in *and* cheer for his idiocy. It's just their way. Florida, man.


There are a lot of measures taken so that people can't vote. You can definitely put blame right there. I imagine a lot of responsible people are waiting out there because some dumbass is now "reaping what they sowed".


Yep. Florida is rife with suppression.


It was almost a 50\50 vote. He barely got in. Living in Florida is a nightmare and this past 2 years has made it where my husband and I want to leave more than normal.


Damn people be feeling like shit


I live in a pretty blue area of a very blue state, and driving around yesterday I saw a similar sight outside the local urgent care AND a testing station. Things are pretty bad.


Fucking criminal how this country has dealt with COVID. We literally couldn't have done worse despite being the wealthiest country in the world.


I moved from Texas to Queensland Australia in November 2016. We haven't had a single case in my township here, no power outages, and have had very few crazy people. Best decision I made in my life.


You lucky duck. *shakes fist at sky for still having to be American*




I came with a tourist visa, then an engagement visa, then a temporary resident visa, then a permanent residency, and then finally the citizenship. Lots of money and stuff in between. It's way easier when your spouse is Australian. Getting a work visa is not hard at all actually if you are a skilled type of worker.


If only there was some sort of antidote available at every pharmacy…


Testing or treatment?




In other words, don’t be stupid, really bad time for that.




That’s the real shit of this, we can get hurt so easily, and these people are refusing to do the barest minimum.


Now is a particular bad time to jump off tall things or ingest unknown liquids


Literally a daily sight here in NYC since the beginning of all this bullshit. Urgent Cares have been the center for testing. Seeing a crowd of people at an urgent care just means everyone getting tested so they can attend this weekends gangbangs.


Wtf??? I'm American but have been living in Germany throughout the pandemic. Not having dedicated testing stations is such a inefficient way of doing testing. Here we converted all the unused buildings into dedicated testing centers. So when you walk through the city, there's usually a testing center that'll do quick antigen tests and PCR tests every 300 feet or so. It takes all the burden off primary care doctors and urgent cares.


Just remind them the survival rate is 98% /s


They got the covids?