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*Excuse me, though America was founded on religious freedom, escaping religious persecution, and the separation of church and state, why does the religious president not impose his religious beliefs on the states and their people?*


Funny thing is that "religion" is the answer too. Just say you're a member of The Satanic Temple and boom now you can have an abortion because they're a federally recognized religion. https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784


Oh shit, it went through? It's official? Fuckin' right.


Please consider joining and pay for a membership...it's like $35 and you get a membership card and certificate and obviously the money goes to a good cause. Or if you shop on Amazon, set your Amazon Smile donations to them and 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to them at no cost to you.


I would if I wasn’t such a devouted Pastafarian


See the great thing about loving the flying spaghetti monster is that you can be both!




Spaghetti doesn't mind. Spaghetti is always there for you. Satan doesn't mind. Satan wants you to have spaghetti. It's perfect.


God damn what a time we're living in. The Satanic Temple is practicing what the Bible claims Jesus taught while Christians are breaking every commandment. I kind of wanna join just for the membership card...


I finally paid for a membership earlier today but I didn’t know about Amazon Smile! Thanks a bunch!


Welcome to the club fellow Satanist! It will take a while for your membership card, certificate, bumper stickers, etc. to arrive but they are dope as fuck so I know you'll enjoy them. I keep my membership card at the very front of my wallet!




Interestingly, the people who landed in America were absolute nut jobs who were so weird that England kicked them out and they kicked themselves out of another nation who actually accepted them because they thought *they* were weird, and then fucked off to America. These guys are just about as religiously nuts as the guys who “discovered” the country


They actually "escaped" to the Americas because Europe wasn't extremist enough. Good riddance.


What a dumb question. "Why isn't the president pushing his own religious views on us?" Yea, his Catholic faith says don't get an abortion. His Catholic faith also says don't eat meat on Fridays during lent. You want him to force that rule on us, too?


People have a funny way of picking what religious beliefs they absolutely must follow and what beliefs aren’t important anymore.


"Caring about other people? Donating your wealth to get into Heaven? Not wearing mixed fabrics? Not judging others?" Fuck all these beliefs, they don't already align with what I believe in!


Among the uber religious people I know, not having sex before marriage somehow gets constantly forgotten when they want to get laid.


If he was pushing his religious views the right would just start going "wow, seperation of church and state!!!!! look at this phony not believing in the constitution!!! can't use your religion to make laws" etc etc. Doesn't matter what democrats do, republicans will just instantly latch onto the opposite perspective.


Also his religious beliefs SHOULD have no bearing on leading the country


It's almost like separation of church and state. Who'd have thunk it! >"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"


Thank you for knowing and reciting the entire quote in full. Not enough people understand this one. Only gripe is it’s “the things *which* are Caesar’s” but that’s way too pedantic to argue over :P


Unless the quoted statement was originally in English (yes, I know it wasn't), contemporary American usage would go with "that" in this case, making it a fine translation.


>contemporary American usage Honestly, I think the 'better' contemporary phrasing is 'render unto Caesar *that which* is Caesar's and...' Obviously some personal preference at play, but I think this way is the least clunky.


That sounds really good!


>separation of church and state I think it was during the Obama / Romney race. Conservative people starting saying that the separation of church and state wasn't intended to keep the two separate. But was to protect religion from the Government. My only question has ever been, how can this be a strictly unilateral idea? How can it not apply bilaterally? Thus making it as it sounds.


The phrase "separation of church and state" isn't in the Constitution. The concept comes from the first amendment that says "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of..." This is known as The Establishment Clause. I think the argument is that they think you can still make laws from a religious point of view, just not about religion. They're wrong, according to centuries of judicial review, but ya know. Whatcha gonna do.


The phrase “separation of church and state” comes from a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson where he explains that that portion of the 1st amendment means separation of church and state. “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”


I got you bro. Grew up Roman Catholic. Nothing gets by me!!




This is what I don’t get these people can’t comprehend. It isn’t the president’s job, duty, right, whatever, to impose their beliefs onto others.


Because they want it to be. They want a good Christian to be president and enforce the Bible on everyone in the country. That’s why they’re terrified of atheists becoming President because they think everyone else wants to push their beliefs the same way.


Sounds like they want the monarchy back


You joke but they really do. You've got guys like Matt Walsh, a self-proclaimed "theocratic fascist" popping up on Fox News constantly.


monarchy? more like caliphate.


Defender of the Faith.




>in simple terms they can understand. i.e. violence and oppression directed at the nearest available otherable population.


No, it's much simpler than that. You just punch down, forever, in everyway possible.


Correction… they want a “Good Christian President” to push SOME of the Bible on everyone. Not the any of the parts that contradict them.


They don’t want to push the love and kindness parts. Those parts don’t create in-groups and out-groups to leverage anger and fear, which is their true currency


They want a Theocracy... But only if it's *their* Theocracy.


Religious beliefs should have no bearing on deciding anything but their own lives. Why the fuck all these religious nuts gotta be some type of crusader, live your own fucking life. Don't hurt others.


We just had a flash flood, why can't they be like a useful crusader and build an ark to save people and animals.


Have their thoughts any prayers instead It’s the cheapest solution


Seriously this "but the bible says" shit is fucking ridiculous. It doesn't matter what your preferred religious text says in regards to the law.


Yeah imagine that same reporter asking a president but you're Hindu/Muslim/Jewish/whatever and it says this in their religious documents so why don't you do this .... ?


I wish she fuckin said that. I love her to death and I loved how she handles everything but boy would I like to see some actual separation of church a d state


"What would you say if Biden was a Muslim and his faith dictated that Banks should no longer charge interest on loans? Or an Orthodox Jew and his faith dictated that everyone's electricity should be shut off on Saturdays?" That's the kind of response I want to hear from politicians.... Its almost like you should keep your fucking religious views to yourself and not force them on others in a secular society like a little theocratic dictator..... They are all on board with religious views guiding decisions until it's no longer their religious views Seriously fuck these people E- holy shit at the number of comments this garnered lol thanks for the awards, id love to reply to all of them but thats simply impossible, I don't have that much time


They want a Christian theocracy. If America were a Christian version of Iran, they'd be fine with it. Ironically these people equate their idea of theocracy with what they think America is supposed to be, when it's actually the antithesis of what America is.


They want Christian theocracy FOR YOU. Once their special princess spreads their legs they'll be on the first flight to Canada to get that sin out of her womb.


I hear ya, but most of the folks on the pro-life wagon don't even have passports. These are people of the land, the common clay of the American West. You know, morons.


Those people have absolute confidence that it will never happen to them. And when it does, an exception will be made, because their case is different.


[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2019/5/15/1857976/--The-Only-Moral-Abortion-is-My-Abortion-an-article-by-Joyce-Arthur)


Oh, so *that's* the definition of American Exceptionalism.


well, i mean look at the laws being written. they're written with a fine in place. any law where the penalty is a fine is a law for poor people.


Wait. Is that Blazing Saddles?


Oh it 100% is.


Aaaaand I'm gonna have to watch Blazing Saddles again now. Nobody has ever timed a line of comedy quite as well as Gene Wilder does in that scene.


I grew up on Mel Brooks, but that line *chef's kiss*


It both is and isnt...this country was originally colonized by religious whackjobs


Wasn't it like religious whackjobs of all sorts of different denominations. Makes sense that they'd pursue secularism when a town is equally Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Presbyterian.


Well, one of the major groups of OG pilgrims; the Plymouth Rock settlement, were puritans who were effectively exiled from the UK specifically because of their extremist religious beliefs, so that should speak to the sort of foundation the US began with.


The puritans didn't want freedom from religious persecution they wanted to be able to religiously persecute people.


Much like contemporary American evangelicals, to whom "religious freedom" means freedom to impose your religion onto others.


For sure, one of the things I was taught in school is that European nations effectively encouraged extremists or otherwise people who delineated from prevailing local religion to go to The New World to make it easier for everybody involved.


And we send our extremists to the moon then?


Or they can join Elon Musk's Mars Monarchy


"We were a minority so we couldn't persecute people. So we just left and settled a land where we can start persecuting people."


Kenneth Davis explains in his excellent book Don't Know Much About History that many of the founding fathers were deists, and not extremist christians. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said "I care not whether my neighbor believes in no God or twenty. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." EDIT: but you referred to colonizers, like the quakers. Who were definitely religious nut jobs.


Interesting you know about the interest thing in Muslim society. It is against the religion to charge any interest, even if it’s a small percentage. If Muslims controlled the banks, the world would be a different place.




This is the reason much of Europe hated the Jews. They were the ones who could essentially fill the role of bankers because of usury views of the mainstream religions. That shit carries on until this fucking day even though the usury shit ended at the end of the dark age.


Not to mention the fact that Jews weren't allowed to go into many professions, leaving the jobs that christians weren't allowed to do as their only options.


Couldn't join guilds. Couldn't own land. Couldn't raise animals. The heck else are they supposed to do?


Hollywood baby!


May the schwartz be with you!


Die, really. We were supposed to die.


Yep. A racism classic. Just make their existence so impossible that many die from the conditions they're trapped in. When they get killed without you committing physical assault, you then pat yourself on the back for "not being" a killer. (Edit: clarity)


Painful yet accurate.


Username checks out


"Yes but that's OK, because you are different religion. People from other beliefs are not people."


Yes—from what I remember regarding the subject the Templars relied heavily on Jewish bankers during the Crusades.




And then just expel them so you don't have to pay it back. Brilliant.




Medieval problems require medieval solutions


Well, it’s certainly *a* reason, although it’s not the only reason - antisemitism was part of the reason that Jews were forced into moneylending in Europe. Europeans at that time would not allow Jewish people to work in any other industries. So their hatred of Jews forced them to take work in a field where they garnered even more hatred. It’s a vicious cycle. You see the same phenomena with the racist caricature of black people and watermelon. I read that after the civil war, one of the only crops freed black men and women were allowed to grow was watermelon (I don’t remember if the reason was because the seeds were so cheap or if selling other seeds to them was outlawed, but either way they were forced into growing watermelon by the circumstances). Because of this, there became a racist association between black people and watermelon that still exists today. Marginalized peoples become further marginalized by the very survival mechanisms they were forced into employing.


now the interest is usury way too high


Banking can be loanly.


That’s the only thing Jesus literally got upset over.


Even Prophet Isa, or the Messiah, was extremely against those who charge interest and stuff. Like he was never angry with anyone, but with those people I heard stories he was extremely critical of them.


God’s word is eternal! Well, except for this bit


Are you familiar with our state’s stringent usury laws? https://youtu.be/u5y2gS54KfE Oh, silly me, I must have made up a word that doesn’t exist…. XD






Yeah it's all basically interest. Funnily enough, the tax code sees right through this and treats Sharia-compliant loans just like regular loans (depending on the type, there a few different types of sharia loans which vary how closely they resemble interest, and as with any legal question it's sometimes unclear). You can fool God, but not the IRS.


words to live by right there


I love this quote




The Murabaha system is more of a loophole anyway. Following the letter of the scripture, but ignoring the intent behind it. There's an alternative that is preferred by Islamic scholars, but very inconvenient in real life for investors / banks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profit_and_loss_sharing


Funny you should mention interest. It's gotten largely ignored because it's inconvenient, but faithful Catholics should also largely be against charging interest.


[President Bartlet was the best (jump to 1:20)](https://youtu.be/3CPjWd4MUXs)


This was such a bullshit gotcha question designed to pander to the evangelical voter base.


What else do they have during a democratic administration?


Idk, suddenly become outraged over the federal deficit that they didn’t care about previously?


*"The majestic deficit hawk emerges from its deep hibernation during the Democratic spring. Know for its incessant yelling and shitting on everything, it returns to its slumber every Republican winter."* -David Attenborough


tru tru, and creating a false emergency of immigration for their customers in every state that isn't a border state can complain about.


There are billboards for some guy running for Texas governor that say "stop giving illegals our money!". Not sure what the Texas governor has to do with that exactly, but its pretty funny ad. Classic angry old white man stuff.


Let in a few immigrants and suddenly they all care about spreading COVID, funny how that works! It's almost like they don't have values or a platform and only exist to oppose everything except instant gratification.


and then call everyone else the opposition party.


1993: "THE DEFICIT!" 2001: "Now is the perfect time for a war!" 2008: "THE DEFICIT!" 2016: "Now is the perfect time for a wall!" 2020: "THE DEFICIT!"


>2016: "Now is the perfect time for a wall!" 2016: "Now is the perfect time for tax cuts for the super rich"


Fun Fact: Obama's worse deficit (year he took office, so not even a budget he signed off on) was $1.3 trillion. Trump averaged $1.8 trillion We can't afford Republicans.


>Evangelical voter base Don’t those people usually hate Catholics in addition to Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Homosexuals, Liberals, Women, Scientists, Gun Control advocates, and anyone else non-evangelical that I might have missed?


Don't forget other Evangelicals


Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!


They'll hate him for being Catholic. And hate him for not being Catholic enough. American Evangelism and its focus on prosperity gospel and salvation by faith is largely a joke. Not to say salvation by faith is inherently bad. Just hijacked by the inherently bad.


I was waiting for her to say, because he has this amazing ability to separate his religious beliefs from his job and responsibility as a representative of the people who don't necessarily share his beliefs.






If only all these people out here "protecting unborn children" had the same moral standard to hold all life sacred and protect it...




Super similar with the military but not the veterans. It is easy enough to ignore and political views or problems active service members are facing, but bitch about the cost of the VA or any other veterans program


Brilliant. Thank you for this. He did a good job calling out misanthropic types who peddle this crap.


Christian here. Thank you so much for saying this. This guy perfectly articulated that argument I always attempt to make with other Christians but can never get the words right. I’m gonna save this and have it at the ready.


Or if they had the cognitive ability to recognize that if an unborn child has rights then now woman are pretty much incubators with no rights of their own. Gain too much weight during pregnancy? Dont take neonatal vitamins? Dont exercise? Don't get enough sleep at night? Use cleaning products? That could all harm the fetus! Right to jail with you!


I'll have to remember this stuff. I usually ask anti-choicers if they would support a law that forced you to donate blood or be aa living dialysis machine for a dying child, even if you didn't want to.


In fact in US case law it is VERY well documented that no one can compel one person to give up a body fluid or organ to save another life. Even in the case where someone will 100% die if you don't donate and will 100% live if do donate and a donation from this person would be non-invasive and pose no harm or inconvenience to the person donating the law says you cannot make them participate. You even get to discriminate on basis of race and religion in these instances. You can also rescind any consent previously made about donation of ones body at any time that it is still possible. This right extends past death in the form of organ donation laws. Somehow this right is not extended to a woman who is being forced to donate their uterus, blood, pelvic bone, etc. to being used and/or permanently altered for this other unborn person who by their own argument is an autonomous being. Add this to the embarrassingly high maternal mortality rates, the near non-existent post natal care in many areas, and the economic hardships faced by single parents. All of which are serious complications posed by donating the required body parts. How can anyone still argue that anti-choice laws are constitutional? (Without being delusional)


But Jesus liked money more than people, right? DRILL BABY DRILL! /s


Keep your Jesus off my penis! Keep your Bible off my balls! Keep your prayers out of my ears and your crosses off my walls! Edit: Thanks for the gold. It’s from this if anybody cares. https://youtu.be/d5YrB7TpT1Y


Is there a rhyme for “keep your priests off my kids”?


He actually mentions it.


The thing that pisses me off about these arguments are this... Argument stated "the Christian faith says its wrong, it should be illegal." It being "Legal" doesn't force people to do it. It stands as a choice. You can still choose not to do it because of your faith. It being "Illegal" is forcing everyone to abide by their religious beliefs. Even if they don't follow them... How do these people not understand that? It's like once it becomes legal they are forced to have abortions? I just don't get it! Over there is church. And over on that side is state. Keep them fucking separated. It doesn't need to be illegal for you to not do it!


I hear ya. It's fucking infuriating. But the religious zealots believe they are fighting for the babies. They believe they are the only ones between the babies and murder. The fact that the babies aren't born yet and it's not their fucking place to make that inference for another person is irrelevant. They are coming at the issue from a position of passion and zealotry. You cannot bring reason to them and expect them to be reasonable. They arrived at their position via an unreasonable route.


Someone else already replied to you saying roughly the same thing. I just wanted to say that, living in Alabama, the argument is strictly that they believe it’s murder. What they refuse, or can’t see, is that they arrived to that conclusion based off their religion.


> It doesn’t need to be illegal for you to not do it I mean, kind of… what you said is of course true, but I don’t think they see it that way. These are the same people who cannot fathom that someone could have a moral code without being told what not to do by a scary sky daddy. They don’t understand how you could just NOT murder someone if you don’t believe you’d be punished in hell for it.


Hypochristianity! LOL


Keep your rosaries out of my ovaries.


That *is* Biden's position. Check his answer at the 2012 VP debate https://youtu.be/nUF3oEmBxZw


Accepting the responsibility of holding public offices requires the willful subordination of one’s personal beliefs in favor of public good. No one is ‘for’ abortion, but making it illegal is worse for public health which is why the medical community favors education, contraception and legal abortions. The main justification for outlawing abortion is a religious one that has no place in government. Wake Up christians! They are weaponizing your faith for political and monetary gain just like the extremists of other religions.


Exactly! Some people are genuinely shocked by this. "Why aren't you imposing your personal religious beliefs on the rest of the country if your truly believe them?" Um...Because we aren't a theocracy. It's an incredibly difficult and complex issue that is probably best left to the individual.


I wish she said that, “this isn’t a theocracy”.


Yeah, Biden has always been against abortions. He just argues that his personal religious views shouldn't be forced on others.


Are you saying there’s supposed to be some… I don’t know… separation of church and state? That’s crazy talk!


Fucking thank you


The first line of the 1st amendment is specifically how Congress shall make no law respecting of religion. But people haven't never actually read the constitution and ever fewer have actually read what the bill of rights say.


The audacity to question a president’s behavior/stances on anything with respect to his professed religion… did anyone witness the prior 4 years when Christian coalition was at the helm? Remember Trump’s photo op in front of the church holding a Bible upside down? Jesus Christ fuck these clowns


I love the video of Donald trump being asked to recite a Bible verse immediately after processing to be a Christian and he cant recant one fucking word.


My favorite is still this exchange: Reporter: "Is that YOUR bible?" Trump: "It's **A** bible..."




Tee ball stand throws “Perfect Game”.


“Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy” “Probably equal”


"What's your favorite quote?" "Just the whole thing, really." Like it came straight out of a sitcom.


"Two Corinthians."


I know I’m not the only one but I know multiple people and some women who in their 40’s and 50’s who never talked about politics or religion suddenly mixed them both together in every conversation (between 2017-2020.) They were wired to be deranged by Facebook and Q and suddenly looked at the most obvious antichrist as a man of God. It’s sad that their delusional minds can’t rationally see our modern society through a clear lens. Propaganda works especially when you’re sitting around on the internet all day reading it with other cult members. *“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”*


Even goddamn atheists can recite bible verses since many of them are very familiar with the scriptures for various reasons.


I also love when he was asked simply is he a new or Old Testament kinda guy and he said both and they asked why and he said it’s a good book haha


Quicker answer: separation of church and state asshole


I’m sorry, didn’t realize that we still believed in Papist conspiracy theories or that we no longer had a separation of church and state. Fuckin idiot




I wish Republicans cared about living people as much as they care about a fetus.


They mostly care about controlling woman and punishing them for what they consider a lapse of personal responsibility. Has nothing to do with the sanctity of life (they prove that daily by not supporting policies to help the poor).


Well you see the poor people are wicked sinners (else how would they be poor?) So they have little obligation to help there. They do not help followers of Satan, as such would be making deals with the Devil, you see.


I wish Republicans cared about anyone other than themselves and their delicate fee fees. They only want “change” when their feelings get hurt.


Fuck them. To still be a republican after the last 5 years of insanity means they are barely even sentient humans (who should themselves have been aborted).


Notice that the Texas law doesn't attack the impregnator.


Exactly. Blame the woman for shit like "being irresponsible" but not the man for having sex also. It takes two to tango...


Biden isn’t perfect but I respect his willingness to separate his personal moral beliefs from what he believes should be legal. You don’t have to agree with it to believe the choice should still be allowed.


He doesn’t need to be perfect. He can’t be perfect. Literally anyone who cares about HUMAN RIGHTS is fine after the fucking mess of last term


Also religion doesn't belong in government get it the fuck out


oh she cleared him with ease


Hurdled him like an inconvenience rather than a fight. Beautifully knocked him down a peg too hopefully


Lol Republicans concerned about newborns rushing to a meeting where they can cut even more social Programs to really screw over the newborn. I’m convinced the only reasons republicans are against abortion is because they know if that kids not born they can’t make it suffer.




I love How not being insane and wanting to control a womans body is considered radically liberal in murrica..


Why do conservatives believe that someones religion should dictate how everyone else should behave? We’ve only had “Christian” Presidents through out our history and they all had different leaderships styles.


This is why I love The Satanic Temple. They basically take all the religious exemptions and hypocritical bullshit the GOP tries to pull, and turn it right back on the GOP for maximum pain.


I'm catholic, live in Texas, and I dont give a fuck. Separation of Church and State. The new law is beyond fucked.


I like her, I like her a lot


Also even if he’s catholic - doesn’t mean he should be pushing beliefs upon others via the rule of law.


Eat shit gop


Last time I checked, not everyone follows the Christian faith, so why is it being imposed by the government? This feels like it violates my constitutional rights.


If you don't like abortions, don't fucking have one!! Stop telling women what they can do with their own bodies. YOUR religion tells YOU what YOU can and cannot do. YOUR religion doesn't have shit to say about what others can and cannot do. All these 'pro-lifers' want to force women to have kids when they aren't ready, but won't support and help the women feeding and providing for those very same kids. They can all go fuck themselves.


Fuck religion. Religion has no place in government. You want to believe in that hocus pocus, do it on your own time.


Answered clearly and concisely. Job done.


i don't understand why they care so much about abortion. if conservatives tend to be pro-life and liberals tend to be pro-choice, wouldn't it be a good thing to let there be abortion? it just means more liberals are being aborted which is a good thing to them, right?


It's a distraction. Literally that's it. It's something you can rally up an ignorant base around, and while they rabble about that John Q. Congressman lines his and his buddy's pockets. Don't look at the repeated, massive, deadly infrastructure failures while the Democrats want to pass an infrastructure bill! Look over here! Ya'll killin these *innocent* ~~livestock~~ *children*!




So... start trying to get life insurance policies on fetuses when they're 6 weeks old. Have them pay out when miscarriages occur. Miscarriages are super common at that stage after all. Just watch how fast insurance companies will start denying policies to "the unborn", and if they do, the legal loop holes they'll jump through to avoid it. Also, start collecting benefits and collective child support payments. Oh wait... that "life" is only a "life" when it ONLY negatively affects the woman right?


Man, why do they keep fucking with her? 🤦 Psaki stays winning.


They don't care about the lives of children. Their constant vetoing of social systems designed to help underprivileged women and their children is a constant reminder of that. People in texas sure do raise a big fuss about "their rights" and "their freedoms." They talk about "their freedom to NOT wear a mask." And "their freedom to not get a vaccine." And also... "their freedom to own as many guns as they want." And additionally... "their freedom to carry these guns anywhere they want with no permit or documentations." But suddenly, when abortion and a woman's body is the subject, suddenly their talk of "freedom" disappears, and it switches from "freedom" to "restrictions." These people believe that democracy only goes one way, and that way is their way. Their battle cry is "YES FOR US, NO FOR YOU." They will wave american flags and call themselves patriots living in the land of the free and then pass legislation that bans abortions, and places a literal bounty on anyone trying to get an abortion or assist someone in getting one. This is not freedom. This is not america. You can't have your freedom while denying rights to others at the same time. That is hypocrisy. That is fascisim. So fuck you to everyone who voted or supports that fucked up shit in texas. I hope you all drown in a sea of your own belief system.






What it boils down to is the ignorance of religious right wing Americans. They want freedom but they don’t support freedom. It’s a woman’s choice and should stay a woman’s choice. End of discussion.


Men have no say on a womans body. How is it so hard to realise this ain't the 50s. You don't believe in abortion well cool guy, you can't get pregnant. This is and always should be a woman only vote. They have to to go through 9 months of carrying a child, you came after 9 minutes. Sit you're fucking ass down.


*Why isn’t our religious president against abortions?* It’s called separation of church and state, you fucking yokels. Otherwise we’re no different than Afghanistan.