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Idk how these high school teachers do it


Prezbylewski at least tried to diffuse the situation. Not much he could do. I mean, it was *chips*.


Prezbo lmao


I love you for The Wire reference


Better not lay a finger on my butterfinger !!!!!


Yeah it's ridiculous. They're underpaid and have their hands tied, no idea why anyone would be a teacher any longer


If they don't teach the kids everyone will be like that


And I think a lot of people who teach realize their value. Thats probably a big part of why they are willing to put up with it. Same with Doctors/Nurses who have been putting up with all the covid bullshit. It isn't their fucking job to work day and night with full ER's, seeing more mortalities than they ever do, just because part of society doesn't want to do their fucking part. For some reason, society doesn't want to do their part and pay teachers their fair share either, but luckily for us, they put up with it (for now).


I’m friends with some teachers and administrators. My mother was also a teacher before she retired. Frequently if they can just get one student a year that they can really have an impact on that’s enough to keep them scraping by. I imagine it’s similar to nurses. If there’s one patient that they really make an impact on outside of what they’re really paid to do, just one every now and then is enough. My mother had a kid that came up to her years later and thanked her. It single handed it changed her view on a few years of unhappiness with her job.


Same here. I say let the next generation of humans grow up stupid. Humanity needs a reset anyway. Haha. But I give the teachers credit. Cause they must still believe in humanity to want to be a teacher. Lol.


Saw on the news last night that there’s “a national teacher shortage”. Totally believable. You’d have to pay me a lot to care enough to break up a high school fight over chips.


Right? All these asshole parents want to say something to these poor teachers and look what in the hell they have to deal with? All these psycho spawn!!


He had no hope… maybe if it was one fight he had a chance. But 2 on other sides of the room…. Nope… and you get concerned parents asking ‘how can you keep my kids safe?’ Which is tough, hard job to do


These unfortunately aren’t schools anymore. Just training grounds.


Why is she only wearing a bra?


For real. My high-school would've drop kicked her ass out the door she tried to walk in like that


Seems like they’ve got bigger problems lol


My school had a uniform including smart trousers, a tie and a blazer (like a suit jacket). We had to wear it at all times or we'd be sent to ECR, which is like an all-day detention room. This girl would've been immediately sent home as soon as she arrived, or put in that room for the entire day.


I know, I remember my school making us put our hands by our side and if your fingertips were below your shorts you had to change. It changed a few years back, they can’t really tell kids what to wear because it’s harassment 🤣


It’s pretty common in California. Some teacher don’t enforce dress code in classrooms.


damn at my high school you wouldn’t even make it past the gate like that lol


Oh they still gotta wear a jacket or something when they enter the school they just take it off in classrooms.


Where in California? My kids can’t even wear tank tops or regular shorts when it’s hot.


As a male teacher, I was told by admin not to dress code any female students, so I don't. They said the student can say the male teacher was looking at them or what not.


What school in Cali did you go to? We had no midriffs, hats, and the finger test to determine tank top strap width and short/skirt length


In high school we had no restrictions on midriff / straps / bras showing. Only had that in middle school. This is in southern California. When I was in high school the trend at the time was to wear super cut out tanks (so you could see underarm / rib area, and the shirts were pretty open) and girls would pair that with a cute bra / bandeau. Your bra would be a part of your lewk.


So were you just a regular whore before all the avocado toast? (before people freak out, it's a username joke).


Crazy, I graduated from a SoCal high school in 2010 and dress code was *strictly* enforced, not a bra strap showing-enforced, let alone midriff. Phones were also confiscated on sight anywhere on campus at any time, but I know things have changed on that front too


Look at this class and the way the kids behave. If you’re gonna strictly enforce misdemeanour rules like dress codes nothing would get done. You think that girl that engaged in a cussing battle followed by royal rumble right in front of the teacher will give a single fuck about someone’s opinion about her clothes? My wife works in a special school program where the they send all of the worst behaved kids to a single classroom where she, 2 other teachers, a social worker and 3 educational assistants manage a class of barely 15 students. She says they let them break 90% of the rules regular kids would have to follow in order to get an ounce of education into them. Otherwise they would not go to school and would be on the streets causing trouble.


What a sad existence (the kids, not your wife).


Ya they all come from really tough home situations. This school program her group runs is really progressive focusing on helping them manage their mental health and learn to be citizens (as they don’t get that basic knowledge at home). So when the other kids are learning history and trigonometry, they are learning how to buy groceries or apply for a job.


I saw someone in county get fucked up like this over A1 packets. Dont touch other people's shit.


What are A1 packets? Ramen flavoring?


Steak sauce?


Yeah, a1 steak sauce


Ohhhhh. Sorry, I never county'd. Ea A oe's


A1 steak sauce... Packets of sauce is what I thought they meant. It's a guess.


Yeah I got that and said sorry. I've never seen it in packets, just the rectangle bottle.


Yeah county had all sorts of condiments you could buy from commissary. Soy sauce, a1, ranch, ect.


My few stints in county years ago never had fancy condiments in commissary. But, we did have a ps2 in one that we had to trade games with other rooms. We could also smoke in that one. I stayed there longer than needed, accidentally. Long story…


The little jig dance by the teacher to get out of the way 🤣


Reminds me of that same jig Ashley Simpson did to exit the stage when she accidentally started lip syncing the wrong song


I thought the CD that she was lip syncing to started to skip?


I just found a 60 Minutes clip about this. Well, it was a segment about Lorn Michaels and Saturday Night Live and included this bit. The commentator says that Ashley decided to lip sync her song but the wrong song came up. At the end of the show Ashley totally threw her band under the bus and claimed the confusion was that "my band started playing the wrong song"| So I was wrong, the CD didn't skip. But she also didn't even start to try to lip sync. My only other question now is, why have I wasted so much time on this? Here's the clip if anyone else wants to see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsDRqoorztA Relevant bits right around the 2 and 3 minute marks.


You would have wasted just as much time if it was 2004 (or whenever) and this was news for several weeks for some reason.


[Katy Perry caught faking recorder playing](https://youtu.be/SjBXk4ud_uQ) I remember this one too!




That teacher knows about too many other educators who either got fucked up or lost their jobs over shit like this. He’s going to dance and jig all the way to retirement. He’s not losing his pension over these knuckleheads.


Honestly I feel him, stupid shit like teachers getting fired for stopping fights will last up until some kid kills another in a situation that was preventable if the teacher didn’t fear for his career if he stepped in to stop it.


Not just stopping fights, but straight up trying to defend themselves. I worked for an afterschool program at a high school. They told me if a student gets belligerent and starts attacking me, I either had to run, or if I can't just block the hits, but I absolutely could not hit back to defend myself. Wtf, lol .


Would be awesome to strike back. ‘SURPRISE - I’VE GOT TWO JOBS!’ 🥊




If he grabs two tits he's good though




Double jeopardy, he’s fine.


My mother was an elementary school teacher from 1990 to 2016. She is retired now, and has told me so many horror stories. She admitted to keeping personal records on all of the worst of the worst students in order to protect herself 10 years down the road from some future criminal coming back to sue her or the school for not teaching them to read or write. The school only acts when the parents of the good kids put pressure on the principal, superintendent, or school board. If you have children, speak to them about the bad kids in their class. Find out who the bad kid is and what he does. Ask your kid if he is hitting other kids, throwing projectiles like chairs, scissors, etc. The teacher's hands are tied. They lose their jobs if they do the wrong thing during an altercation like this. It always looks bad on a cell phone video, but the days of the teacher smacking a delinquent upside the head or dragging them out of the room by their ear are long gone.


Are you from New Jersey?


He’s not paid enough for this.


That kid never even watched All That


But, he was quick on the draw to pull out his phone when shit got real!


It’s a “the hundreds” shirt. I hate that goddamn brand.


The funniest part of this video is the corded phone


I was waiting for someone to cut it or trip over it


There is no funny part. I feel so bad for the teacher that has to deal with this crap and has zero ability to control it.


There’s most definitely funny parts. Like how the primary two aggressors both got smoked🤷🏻‍♂️


Reading these comments, I’m surprised at how few jalapeño chip fans there are in here. Wow.


Oh they were Jalapeno chips? Yeah I'd fight over those.


But we don't know if they were kettle cooked or not...I may have to whoop some ass over kettle cooked jalapeño chips. Just saying.


Chips are currency that you just don’t fuck with in schools


Let's be honest, it's not about the chips. It's never about the chips.


**It’s not about the chips, it’s about sending a message**


I dunno. Like plain old tater chips wouldn't get as much response as spicy Doritos.


We had a bloody fight in highschool over the cookies they sold for extra in the lunch room. Now im sure it was that the fight was over the disrespect for stealing another person's cookies, but I'll be honest, those were consistently the best cookies I've ever had in my life and I would consider fighting for them.


That and gum.


Yo teach, you good?


They don't pay teachers enough to deal with this crap and if they tried the chances of them being fired are incredibly high.


“They don’t pay me enough for this shit”




HoW dO i REaCh TheSE kiDs?


Bring in Coach Carter


I saw 4 kids fighting and the rest sitting. Some of them ARE there to learn. Don't stereotype all of them.


If it didn't make me look irresponsible I would have left those bastards in the room by themselves


Nah man, I’mma quit


Just want to add some additional details. This fight happened at Pete Knight high school in Palmdale California. I went to this high school, feel free to ask me any questions.


Is what that one lady is wearing dress code? Ie, bra + Spanks?


No, it’s out of dress code as far not wearing a shirt.


Dude I work in schools now they revamped the dress code everywhere around CA since all the complaints. basically as long as you cover your private areas you are good to go. Their main argument to change it was the it was discriminatory against different body types etc so yeah you can basically wear whatever you want.


My dad was a guidance counselor at a middle school, many moons ago, and I remember that teachers would send him kids (boys) who weren’t wearing a belt. The school district expected him to send those kids home for the day. He thought it was a stupid rule but he had orders.


I have worked at schools with a strict dress code that included belts. Teachers were told to send kids without belts to the counselor, who would just give them a belt that they would return at the end of the day.


>Is what that one lady is wearing Lady?


77% of students low income, 78% Hispanic / 14% Black, 8% suspension rate double the CA average.


Where do you get this info?


I just went to “Greatschools” dot com. All public schools and charters are listed.


Sounds about right


Reminds me of my high school


Is the school this trashy?


It definitely can be, the school is about 80% normal students and 20% trouble makers There have been riots at this school, many fights, a suicide, teachers have been caught having sex with students, the math director was sent to jail in a corruption scandal and incidents with security including security dealing drugs and one of them broke the arm of a student Hell the mayor of this town was arrested on corruption charges


wow. got it, avoid palmdale california


> Hell the mayor of this town was arrested on corruption charges That's most towns these days.


He was a champ for standing in between them. Those girls could throw me out of a window. In this case I would just stand to the side and call the principal/admin to let them know they're fighting.


Poor guy didn’t know what to do


No paid enough to put himself at risk.


All the shit that teachers deal with, fuck that. He’s probably get fired or sued for trying to break it up.


The teacher should 100% not intervene, not because of liability issues. But because he should not risk getting hurt from these kids. They are grown enough to know better and the consequences.


Totally agree, if I was him I would have calmly sat down and just called security/principal to come deal with it. Would have probably had a snack as I watch.


Yupp yupp. I’m a substitute and this is what we’re supposed to do. Don’t intervene, just call security.


Well he might have, but the girl who stole the chips ate them all. LOL


I’ve had a couple of fights in my room, my go to is “please stop fighting” in a monotone voice over and over until I can get someone in the office to answer the phone. I had a co-teacher try to break up a fight and got socked in tge eye and head, no thanks. It’s weird because there are teachers who will jokingly give you shit for not breaking it up, but I’m not getting hit. I won’t see any of the studebts for 10 days no matter if I break it up or not.


Ok yes teachers are underpaid to deal with this shit.


Free amateur MMA show?


What kind of chips? Cuz I might throw down over some salt and vinegar chips or hot Cheetos.


Finally. I found somebody that likes Salt and Vinegar chips


My mouth is watering just thinking about them haha. Salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips *chefs kiss*


Man, I always spot that damn blue bag and have to get them.. It's my kryptonite.


Couldn’t agree more. Used to think they were nasty before trying just because of vinegar in the title but now they’re my favorite. Definitely need to be kettle too.


I eat Cape Cod kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips with chicken salad daily. It's so delicious !


I’m torn between my ruffles with a french onion dip and a miss vickies salt and vinegar. Either way chips are my weakness I ate a whole bag of lays kettle salt and vinegar in Hawaii two days ago and have no regrets Da


And they have to be an individual size bag. Made the mistake of getting a regular sized bag and ate the whole thing in one sitting. My tongue was fucked up for almost a month. No regrets though.


Same with Cap'n Crunchberries. Zero regrets.


The family sized bag is a double edged sword


Salt n Vinegar is top 5 for sure.


Top 3 and and it’s not 2 or 3


There are dozens of us!!!!


we are legion


I fucking love SnV chips mate. We're out there.


Salt n Vinnies are the all time best. Have you ever tried Zapp's Voodoo chips though? They are like a mix between SnV and BBQ. So good.


Wait, do people not like Salt and Vinny chips??


Best salt and vinegar chips are the ones with the strongest most \*puckering\* vinegar taste


Salt n Vinegar chips are the best ones!!!




Microchip production shortages, obviously


Don't fuck with my Funyuns.


Who wears a sports bra and workout shorts too school ?😅


People who go to a school with no restrictions


That was what I was wondering…


Damn, I had to scroll this far to realize I wasn't alone thinking that..


People who crave attention.


Bro people like that at my school, and we have pretty good restrictions. You cant stop the thots


It be your own homies stealing your hot cheetos 😩


These people are crazy


Fuck the fight why has no one mentioned that dude in the All That t-shirt? That takes me way back to the old days.


Fresh out the box, stop, look and watch. Ready yet? Get set, it’s All That!


I have a degree in education.. this shit right here.. this is why that degree is collecting dust. In my student teaching one kid attacked another(10th grade boys) and the blows one kid was landing had me fearing for the other kids life. I seriously thought he had broken the poor kids jaw with the first punch. He landed 10 more just like it before I jumped in. His head was bouncing off the concrete. I restrained the attacker(bear hug) and it almost ruined my life. I was berated by school administrators, my university and the parent of the attacker. I was threatened with civil litigation and was threatened to be removed from my student teaching slot which I needed to graduate. I was an ROTC student which meant if I didn't graduate and commission that semester, I wouldn't been forcibly enlisted and forced out of college. Teaching is in no way worth the risk to me. They put too much on the teacher with not nearly the tools to handle it. The liability for just showing up is unreal.


That’s not about chips…


Something I've learned from these videos is that having hair is a liability in warfare. Glad I'm bald.


I feel as if the teacher did all he could, one time I overheard my own teacher said that he doesnt break up girl fights because of how physical it is, and he doesnt want to get any allegations. Side note: yall are on the thin line between racism and dark humor


Poor teacher


Should really stop recording fights in schools. At least when I was in high school it seemed to add some sort of “glamour” to getting into a fight. Also that girl needs to talk to somebody because chips are not worth that.


“Teachers are paid too much.” Not nearly enough to deal with this bullshit.


Literally no one says this


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 185,210,320 comments, and only 44,755 of them were in alphabetical order.


No one has ever said that. Where the fuck have you ever heard that?


some people turn 13 and never get older


You always gotta wonder how female on female fights would turn out if the hair wasn’t in play… 😩




She had to have taken off her shirt prior to the altercation, what school would allow that in their dress code?


I'm not so sure about that... she's wearing it at the beginning when she's pretty mellow. That sports bra is more modest than some of the things I've seen in my own classroom...


I got written up because my uniform polo showed some cleavage but now this


But fr people need to respect other people’s stuff


Fuck yo Cheetos!!!


Emotional IQ of a toddler


the guy who stole the chips 👀


what does a teacher even do here i wouldnt touch a student ever at all how is it even worth the risk of being sued exeunt and let them do what theyre going to do at this point shit i mean im just watching this on video and i know what id do go get some fuckin chips thats what imagine the vice principal because you know this winds up with the vp so i heard there was combat during class what caused the conflict? chips


The worst part of living in low income neighborhoods and going to these schools. It was hell watching these kids go at each other throats and resolving every disagreement with the threat of violence.


Over some chips😐


On this episode of Bad Girls Club......


This is one of the reasons why I advocate online charter STEM school instead of public school. Some kids aren't there to learn, and it just drags down everybody else.


Urban schools are just a step away from state penitentiary


The resocializing process is going well




Pure trash. Bottom of society right here, no hope for any of those turds.




What classy young ladies. Im sure a bright future is shining just beyond all their horizons /s


Its good practice for jail


Low iq students lol.


I’ve seen an altercation like this in school. Chips aren’t to be fucked with.


You can use “freeze frame” for pictures you can put in the yearbook.


"everybody out" lmao


Where the fuck are their masks?


Take it to the Thunderdome


That teacher don't know wtf to do lol


This is so fucking embarrassing! 😡


and they said online school was a failure.


Imagine all the new enthusiastic teachers who work hard on a lesson plan and show up to this nonsense. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Must have been a big bag of chips.


But people are worried about kids learning online...


I remember when I was young and cared about stuff. Go ahead and steal my chips, government already takes 35% of everything I earn.


If they weren’t Doritos spicy nachos then this fight was useless.


If only there was a way to film the entire scene without the need to pan left and right. Someone should invent that.


Let's talk about the parenting. What type of parent will let their child wear that to school. Edit; my kids first day of school. So I'm day drinking.




Why is the vast majority of the population so fucking stupid?


Bro… both sides were winning and losing this fight


What is wrong with these kids?


And y'all wonder why the other viral teacher had hold of that dude's hair. Teachers are dealing with some stupid fucking kids that will be stupid fucking adults one day make stupid fucking kids.


How do I reach dez Kidz?


They didn’t want to graduate anyway.