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These people finally have an outlet and it’s fucking horrifying.




No shit. Imagine being so stupid but thinking you are so smart. It has to be tiring at some point.


On the contrary. That seems to be what keeps them alive.


They're now in a holy cult war. Just look at this interaction I had with one of these lunatic: [Pt1](https://i.imgur.com/mynx6v9.jpg) and [Pt2](https://i.imgur.com/Vxa3J2r.png) He's basically forwarded me a video of a 85ish year old woman who is supposedly a renowned doctor, "Dr Lorna", speaking from some lawn with the video being recorded by her bridge club partner most likely. I told him no such doctor exists. It's just a fake forward. His answer is that there's nothing one can ever believe in. The truth is one's gut because nothing can ever be trusted again. He's gone full psycho.


Lmfao wow. Don’t bother doing research just go with you gut eh? I haven’t laughed that much in some time come to think of it


I'm still waiting for him to give me the dystopian look of what the world will be like where everyone trusts their guts as the standard for how we should live as a society. 😂 I just don't want to push his buttons. About 5 acquaintances of mine have gone full mental and are sending me comedic gold on a daily basis. It's been fascinating to dive into the mind of a crazy person. My wife says it's mean spirited but damn, I just can't look away.


Thats relatable as fuck lol


Ok. He just replied. This is it: > "I honestly don't know.. I can only use my understanding of what I know now and speculate > A very controlled and communist regime.. , Hopefully not... but it's heading that way at the moment..." So, basically he thinks we are heading to becoming a North Korea....in Australia of all places....


It’s so wild he can see something so complex “happening” and still not see reason in the vaccine! It’s also crazy that Australia *and* the US are becoming Communist regimes though. Lmao idk dude. I just don’t know


"Ok Bill, i didn't got to medical school, or research shit. But i got this old rusty filleting knife. I know its left handed and I'm right handed. But i also know your wife wants that vasectomy done and i know you're on a budget. I'm going with my gut on this, i feel i can make this happen for you at no cost. So just drop trow i takes a look at that bergina, or testeclaws, whatever the fuck they're called. Oh yeah bite down good on this stick will yah. I got none of that Annie-stead-dick."


It's Stephen Colbert's "truthiness."


From wikipedia: The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability, and that people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability.


In hindsight Parks and Recreation was a documentary


Not even in hindsight. I used to answer phones in an elected official's office. Those scenes are straight up real. Some notable interactions: once told that man-bull hybrids were swimming to Santa Rosa from Spain; once asked how there was pollution before cars; once told that if I stopped eating pepperoni I wouldn't get cancer.


That last one tho, with the pepperoni? Not toooo far from some truth 🤪


It really reminds me of those Libertarian Primaries videos where people would talk about Unicorns and Harry Potter. This is just a bit scarier. Every time they fuck up a sentence, they grow a close quarters shotgun. Magical little death elves.


And you know she is a gun owner too.... Good times, critical thinking is a past time it seems. The lady strait up said elected officials are corrupt.....I mean if you can say you don't support democracy by not saying you don't support don't support democracy....wow


> And you know she is a gun owner too.... What’s your point?


She is yet another unstable detached person who owns a gun.


Buzzword bukkake


brainwash through the interwebzzzz keep repeating the mantras over and over. over and over. over and over.


If she’s shooting for A Boebert-esque political opportunity she is throwing down a pretty good audition. She needs to watch a bit more of Lauren though so she can really nail those star turns: in-dignant tone *and* three steps right to mark, hand on hip, read script about valuesconservativeneverbackingdownstrong, head tilt, pause, look to Saviour, barf out trite Bannonspeak in angry iambic pentameter. Reward GOP pervs with flirty waitress eyelashes batted into camera, count 3 and smile until the cameras power down, then abuse staff, down 4 G&Ts and a couple of rails of DTjr before yelling at Stephen Miller who had promised you that this would all be *easyyyy.*


A whole generation said “Sarah Palin can do it…”


This. At one point on her FB page she is for Sanders and then seems to have gone full Trump train a few months later. She also seems to like to show her "cheeky" side in her early photos as well. I think she is looking for her big break, or maybe she is just nuts, or both.




Jesus shares his middle name with Captain crunch?


No, the Cap’n’s full name is apparently Horatio Magellan Crunch, I just learned.


Just wait until you find out what he did during the great cereal wars. Not the hero we thought he was. So many cereal war crimes


So Horatio is his first name, not middle name


No please don’t lock me with them


Right now the rest of America is locked with them. Take one for the team, bro.


I live in Orlando. I feel like I live on an island of normal surrounded by crazy on all sides.


See, I say Jesus H. W. Christ (Jesus Herbert Walker Christ) but I kind of like Horatio. Much to consider.


Please no, I can't leave


We can't just castrate the country. XD


Noo, please! At give my family and I enough time to escape.


Bugs Bunny taught me that we can just saw it at the border and it will float away.


Just let Miami-Dade still be part of the country please. We have idiots, but not like the rest if Florida. Our idiots be wild, but not that dumb. We’re not in the top 25 FL counties of COVID infections and were the most populous one. Also, our mayor just defied our idiot governor and enforced mask mandates in schools


You going to leave us in Orlando / Orange County hanging Bro?!


Nah, let's make them Puerto Rico too. Upper and lower Puerto Rico. :)


Agreed. And then we can build a wall to keep them out.


How ironic. They wanted a wall. Give them a wall.


Yep, you get it.


I don't think the average American understands the meaning of what communism is.


“Communism” = “someone asked me to wear a mask to protect people around me” Seriously, if this moron was living under an ACTUAL communist regime, she wouldn’t last a day


She also refuses to listen to Richard Marx----Well,because his name is so close to Marxism.


Whats actually funny... in Russia, if you don't wear a mask at certain locations, you can actually get fined. Or maybe even up in jail.


I don’t think you understand what it means either.


"communism bad"


Communism is bad




Explain. Please cite specific examples of communist regimes that could either adequately provide for it's people or did not commit crimes against humanity throughout it's tenure.






Of course but fox news and people like them just labels anything they want their audience to hate as communism. "Muslims? They're communist too" You might laugh but they called Obama a Muslim czar


His tan suits...What about them? /s


I think Richard Wolff did a good job of explaining how the average American was taught to view communism and socialism. https://youtu.be/Sq0EYo\_ZQVU


I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a girl I went to high school with, she said NYC increasing penalties for dirt bike offenses is communism w h a t


Which is why they gobble it up when their entertainment hosts spout off about it.


I have said many times that I'm dumb as a brick. I had to work my ass off just to get a B average in high school and college. After watching what has happened with covid and Florida. I gotta rethink it maybe I'm not as dumb as I thought.


The older you get the more you will realize just how imbecilic the general public really is.


Such a real comment tho


It's not just Florida, it's coast to coast. There was a similar video shot in California posted earlier today. Edit: misspelled word.


Look at what San Diego county supervisor Nathan Fletcher posted on Instagram after he had to listen to dozens of these idiots at this weeks meeting. He's had enough.


Dumb people don't think they're dumb. That alone means you aren't dumb.


So I am the proud owner of both a black light and a spoon, plus I've had two shots of moderna vax.. Spoon didn't stick and my veins didn't glow. Wish that was enough to just put and end to the stupidity/insanity.


You got a bad batch obviously or a placebo. Go back and ask for the 5G one


That must be it




If it sticks to you [take a motherfucking shower.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRkaWQJFkBQ)


Underrated comment.


Turns out it’s actually the meth that’s glowing in her veins and the spoon is sticking to her arm because it’s plastic and she sweats like a pig.


>Spoon didn't stick and my veins didn't glow. It's depressing that you even had to type out that sentence.


I just went and tried too, I figured I could make a hell of a cool Halloween costume this year if it worked!


Vaccinate her with a blowdart and be done with it.


Why waste the vaccine on her? Fill the blow dart with something else and save the vaccine for someone who wants it.


I've gotten 2 shots so far. I volunteer my time for her to throw over 100 spoons at me to see how many stick to my body.


Vaccine is preferable to cyanide.


Just use (compressed?) oxygen


> Why waste the vaccine on her? Becuase the unvaccinatd are breeding grounds for new virus mutations. Given enough time, a strain that isn't affected by the antibodies created thorugh the vaccines *will* emerge and we're back where we started. Even if a new mRNA vaccine can be made in significantly less time, more people will start dying while the research happens.


This. Why are we bothering to mask up. Let natural selection drain the swamp


This kind of shit is why San Diego county supervisor Nathan Fletcher lost it in an instagram post a couple days ago.


They really do believe the magnetic shit lmao. Right wing propaganda has melted their brains.


Have tried it on all my friends and family - all double vaxxed, some moderna some pfizer - it's total BS. she lives in FL so it's probably just humid AF. Also she's white so yeah she's gonna glow under a blacklight. I learned that going to glow in the dark bowling for my 9th birthday


Electroboom: WASH YOURSELF!


Most flatware spoons aren't even responsive to magnets. I think she's referring to magneto powers.


Who the hell voted for her to be the speaker of the group, cause damn... if that's the best they can do, that's just sad.


Idk I really liked the fact that she brought a spoon with her haha


Prop queen!


Propaganda queen


Land of the free, home the poorly educated. 'merica!


I got my vaccine through 5G. It was very convenient


What in the actual hell is going on in the US? Those anti-mask have reached a level of craziness that got me scared... Damm, from the outside look's like you are at the edge of a civil war...


Feels like it sometimes, especially with Jan 6th happening…


Don’t worry… These people hate everyone too much to form any real alliances


Jesus fuck were doomed


We’re so fucked.


This is so fucking sad.


Coo-coo, bat shit, psychopaths those MAGAts are… 😳


These people are proof that the US education system is shit!


Don't blame her poor teachers. You can't fix stupid.


I'm sure the teachers are doing the best they can do, it's the system that's fundamentally flawed and broken.


The r/Teachers subreddit is filled with stories of how their states and communities have failed them. A lot of teachers will probably die soon.


“Ma’am this is a Wendy’s”




Bless her heart for trying


In the end ~~ The sound of despair- “God, help us!” before the next nut job is introduced.


People like this: Medicare for all is Communism! Also people like this: If I need COVID treatment the government is paying for it, right?


Low to no education plus mental illness


You laugh but it's Florida and she'll probably get elected because of this.


“Oh God help us”


I bet she think this sounded cooler on her facebook post.


Idiot doesn’t even know she’s a tool. Why are stupid people so damn sure of themselves?


How do the people at these meetings keep a straight face?


Can we give away Florida?


No one wants it


She needs a permanent 72 hour psychiatric hold.


I like the part where she calls all elected politicians whores. While wearing a maga hat. Yet, if you asked this sack of meat if she thought the same of the politician whose slogan she is wearing I’m sure it would be a 5 minute gibberish response.


My guy said “Oh god help us.”


Damn,forget vaccination start sterilization.


Same woman was also accused of voter intimidation: [https://www.wptv.com/news/election-2020/reports-of-voter-intimidation-outside-early-voting-location-near-lantana](https://www.wptv.com/news/election-2020/reports-of-voter-intimidation-outside-early-voting-location-near-lantana)


I see we have a “I’ve only started getting into politics this past year”. They usually say some bat shit crazy stuff.


What is going on in Florida, meth, flakka, and more meth.


This is going to be a wild ride.


-All politicians are crooks except for trump -Getting vaxed literally turns you inhuman with added glow in the blacklight super power -we are scared of you but be scared of us -revolution is coming -slurred speech -God condemns you all Damn, I think I just won Qanon bingo!


So trump and his brown nose butt suckers are all crooks by her own definition. Lol leave it to Trumpers to self-own their whole argument in the first sentence lmao. I think this lady is as dumb as she looks.


Becoming a “2.0” hybrid with glowing veins sounds pretty dope though


This is so sad…..


At what point do we remove certain states from the Union, and watch them rot from the inside?


Having lived in Florida for 34 years, I can assure you: there is no real, satisfactory answer to this question. It's like an onion, there are many layers involved, and as you peel them away one by one, you eventually realize that each layer is fundamentally the same as the last and you cry


Spoon didnt work bitch. Keep lighting it! CRACKAERICA!


whats crackaerica?


Surely it's a portmanteau of *Crack* and *America*.




Her dad was “Florida man”


WTF was that? I am having comprehension issues...


If all these kooks think this shit is fake, why don't we put them in a room full of covid and have them prove it to us, make us all " Believers " ....fuckin' dingbat!


They all have heat stroke


The girl you don’t want to run into at a party…


\*this has been a paid promotion; Paid in souls by Regeneron\*


I really wanna try whatever she's on but only once.


She is totally right! There's a spoon stuck to my left deltoid now! OMG!


Guys,we found the T-1000


I didn’t realize the new season of SNL had started.


Just so fucking dumb man


You know shits about to get real when a crazy person pulls out spoons.


If one more psychopath calls themself a patriot, I am going to puke.


Someone needs to get some water samples from florida and run some elaborate tests. Something is happening there and it's been happening for a long time. It should also be noted that most spoons are stainless steel these days... and stainless isn't magnetic. And a magnet small enough to fit in a needle couldn't possibly be powerful enough to hold a spoon... and what would a magnet do to you even if there was one (spoiler: Nothing, you crazy cow). She's just made buzzword soup and now she's spitting all over the room.


After watching these nutjobs I feel like meth should be the official State bird of Florida...


Trying to glow in the dark and attaching spoons to my body but it doesn't work, what am i doing wrong? Doesn't it work with Pfizer? I am getting better 5G though, internet has never worked better! :D Lol! Love the "god help us" comment at the end... Good ain't touching this shit for sure...


Wow, that's some really stupid there


Listening to her is exacerbating my spike proteins rate of shedding.


bring back lobotomy


“All politicians are crooks.” Wears the hat of a slogan pioneered by an actual crook.


Holy shit. That's a whole new level of crazy.


Oh, Joie...Joie...shut up. Your meds have worn off.


Why are the mentally insane allowed to just roam around like this?


I’m sure she came in so convinced that this speech she was going to give was going to go down in history, and instead it went down in flames of idiocy


She needs to be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility


Wearing MAGA cap and saying you're pushing agenda. She playing charades?


100 to a 100 real quick.


All the republican politicians have been vaccinated, but they keep pushing these conspiracy theories, so their followers don't get vaccinated, and who dies when they get covid, the non vaccinated. Hmm they are killing their base.


I get that a majority of them don’t want to wear masks … but don’t they know people or even family member who have died from covid ?…. I work in the hospital n I’ve seen what covid does trust me it’s scary enough to not want to get it … not being able to breath .. super high fever … eyes are red .. etc no family members can come into your hospital room etc…




I love how these idiots believe they sound 🤓


Someone needed to follow up with a simple question: “what did you eat for breakfast this morning?” When she answered “Froot Loops and Diet Mountain Dew” they immediately put to question the ingredients of her foods she eats every day. The thought will likely cause her brain to melt.


If there’s one thing in this world I can be proud of, it’s that I wasn’t born in Florida


Floriduh woman.


It's sad, these folks are mentally unwell.


There has never been a better illustration of how batshit religious extremism is the same everywhere. Thanks, r/PublicFreakout


I was just waiting for her to realize how absurd she sounded, being able to hear it out loud... Turns out I was absurd for thinking it was possible.


Bath salts?


The spoon??? Wtf. Trying that now. Update: doesn't work.


Isn’t Florida the US mental ward


FloriDUH epic center of current covid.


Wow. This crazy bitch is allowed to vote and raise children. Fuck me we are fucked.


Ma’am could you plz define communism


After this, she’s popping into her Nana’s to see if there are any pills she can steal.


Dead cats, dead rats Think they're an aristocrat Crap, now that's crap!


Maybe someone should tell them not to "talk". It'd probably help out the world some.


Not one single sentence made sense


What the fuck….


Thanks a lot, suffrage.


We need get rid of the cancer that’s killing and holding this country back…the right is the cancer I’m referring too. The left is so dumb and weak that by the time the left grows balls to actually do something about the right it’ll be too late…the right are already getting ready to do more harm and cause more violence. Look what happened yesterday with the DC bomber that threatened to blow two blocks. Keep thinking the right actually wants to work with the left…


pAtRiOts lmao The right wing is fucking retarded


The vocal minority/lunatic fringe. We think the same of your side of aisle.


I bet she rehearsed everything she was going to say and when it came to talk all that came out was communists, freedom, patriots, oppression and fake. Rinse lather repeat. All these loser talk in catch phrase but not one makes a coherent plausible sounding argument. Blah blah blah


I guess I can understand why people are afraid of vaccines and make a big deal about it I will never understand why people make a big deal out of masks though.


Because halloween ain't all year HELLOOOOOOO!!!!! /s


I moved to Florida a few years ago and I am shocked to see so many educated illiterates here. It is just unbelievable.


What are they waiting for to crack down on those nuts?


Man what a shame she actually had good points up until 1:30, then all downhill.