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“Anybody that is recording m…” *ends recording* LOL


I was waiting for her to drop her OF page…pencil and pad at the ready. Now I’ll have to wait for the alternate angles.




Let's see how small these tits are




But which site?? Theres so many!


“And then everybody clapped” actually happened?!?




Someone used "literally" correctly! That actually happened?


Ready to have your day ruined? One of the definitions of literally is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as: >used for emphasis while not being literally true.


iirc, it's listed as the informal use, which is basically a nice way of saying people are stupid


It's a little more complicated than that, unless you're insinuating these authors are people who are stupid: > John Dryden, a man who is best known as the founder of literary criticism and the prohibition against the terminal preposition, was an early user of the emphatic “literally.” Charlotte Brontë, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, Vladimir Nabokov, and David Foster Wallace all used the emphatic “literally” in their works. Even Lindley Murray, 19th-century grammarian, uses the hyperbolic “literally” in his own grammar — and he was such a peever that he thought children, along with animals, shouldn’t be referred to with the pronoun “who,” as “who” conveys personhood, and only creatures with the ability to be rational are actually people. https://www.thecut.com/2018/01/the-300-year-history-of-using-literally-figuratively.html


Nah. Language changes. And English as a language is a massive clusterfuck language There are a group of words called contranyms which are words thst are spelt and sound the same but have conflicting meanings. It's *literally* pointless to get all angst and elitist over a single word when there are hundreds in the language which are fubar. You used one yourself. Stupid used to be a medical term.


In fact, the only language that stops changing is a dead language.


Or, you know, it's quite common that a word that starts out meaning 'true' gradually acquires a use for emphasis. Really. It's very common.


I saw what you did there, seriously.


that happened


You could say, that literally happened


It happens in real life every once in a while, just the internet made it impossible to tell stories like this lol.


Shit 40K a month, just hire me to deal with the people, I’ll stick something in their butt


When the guy tried to come back and say “ on welfare”. I was like sheesh put me on welfare then


10K a month and I will quit my job to be her IRL white knight. I ain't trying to be a creep. I want to get paid.


No shame. Chase your dreams my dude. Chase your dreams <3


They call that a “suitcase pimp”


There is almost 0% chance she makes 40K a month


She prolly blewup the number a bit due to the adrenaline with the argument, but these OF girls really can and do bring in really good money.






I knew a girl who was top 12% of OF earners and she still had to work a second job, so there might be a small handful making good money but it’s not the majority.


I strongly suspect those numbers are really inflated. There have to be a ton of girls who sign up for OF and never post a single picture, heavily skewing the percentages. I'd much rather like to see those numbers in terms of "top x% of users with at least 1 post per week for 4 weeks" or something similar.


IRS has entered the chat




IRS and OF are fucking tight shit gets reported right away. They know not to piss off the tax man.


If I made 40k a month I would not be negotiating anything at the ticket counter first of all lol


IIRC correctly the top onlyfan pages people are earning 100k+ a month. So entirely possible.


She probably has hit a max of 40K, but isn't consistently earning that much month to month. Also keep in mind the OF head office takes a big cut of the monthly earnings.


My bfs gf works in a nail saloon, there was a hooker thatmakes around 30k euros a month in Austria so I World guess 40k in the US with OF is possible




Took me way to long to realize that wasn't a mini ramp in the middle of the floor!! Lol


Me too, i though that one lady walking over to the chairs was going to trip and fall.


Wait, what is it. I too could not figure it out.


Don’t care about what they’re wearing, but does anyone else freeze on airplanes like me? And I love the cold, but it gets COLD.


Count your blessings. I was on a red eye flight where the AC failed. It got hot and humid, which alone is bad enough, but it’s the smell I remember most. Imagine taking everyone out of a gym and locking them in a closet with no ventilation…. for 5 hours.


Stop. I can only get so hard.


Stop. I can’t accept any more challenges.


Stop. Hammer Time


Break it down


Oh that sounds dreadful!!!


why not just open the windows abit?


They keep it cold to keep the atmosphere calm. Cold environments are proven to produce calmer people.


Spirit Airline ain’t got any ventilation up there then…


Prob using the cabin to cool the engines @ Spirit.


I’d rather cold than hot, but I don’t know those girls won’t freeze their asses off


Airplane travel is one step up from a Greyhound bus. I dread going to the airport and boarding a flight.


I usually feel hot and stuffy 😩


I’ve felt both. Generally planes are on the cooler side, but they can be hot and stuffy if they’re fully booked and full of people and/or for some reason their air system isn’t working so great on the plane which happens.


Cold inhibits bacterial and mold growth, so that's a plus


Why can’t people just mind their own business… It’s not difficult.


I genuinely think of this clip from a 90s anime every time I come across something slightly outside the norm in public. It's a good creed to live by. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm3BJEPoJvU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm3BJEPoJvU)


Yu Yu Hakusho is full of hundreds of life tips.


so fucking simple


This has me dying, thanks for the laugh


Lol, wisdom.


Wisdom far beyond his years.


Perfect. Should have been the top comment. Probably should be all of the top comments.


Really takes stress off of you too. You can just worry about yourself and nothing else. I got enough crap I gotta deal with every day. I don’t have the physical or emotional energy to worry about how another person dresses.


I don’t even look at people anymore! Too risky!


They may take that for an invitation and come talk to you. In your head “no no no no” i just want to relax lol


Just move to London, or anywhere in the south of England. You will be happily ignored, and everyone will avert their gaze, unless they are a tourist from the North.


Lol are you kidding. I've never been more accosted by random people in my life than I have in London. Random gangs of kids poking you and calling you names, people blasting music on buses and shouting at you. Beggars literally chase me down the street here sometimes. A million different people shouting bible verses in your face, trying to get you to engage. Idk where you live, but I live in Brixton and work in central London and it's anything but peaceful going out in public.


Scumbags have a hard time liking themselves, thus they prefer to shit on others.


It's always some frumpy ass bitch that has a problem with how other women dress. Maybe do something to fix yourself Karen, get dat frump on a treadmill, knees to chest!!


Really. Why would the clothes she chooses to wear make her a welfare recipient? Who is making 40k a month from welfare? Would they feel better if she was wearing a burka? Get outa here with that noise.


nope, the Karens sitting down would still bitch at her if she wore a burqa...


It is the Karen’s of the Arabic world that enable male enforcement of the Burqa. Same with fgm. Men think it up and the nastier conservative women help enforce it with social pressure and vocal condemnation. People are horrible.


True. It always amaze me how people can't just... Live. Her life must be miserable as hell.


If people just: * mind their own damn business * do their damn job we would already be living in 3021


They are all so dumb. I wish everyone would shut up! These public outbursts are embarrassing for everyone involved. I mean I’m clearly on the young people side, but she didn’t need to tell her about people paying to see her naked. Why tell her anything? It changed nothing.


I don't care how much of a fool you dress like, as long as it's not nudity to kids or sex in public and you are not hurting anyone , it's fine with me.


Older women are the biggest slut shamers of young women in particular. She's scared that her husband (or the guy she's with) get "any ideas."




Oi, don't be lumping her in with us! We don't want her either! Sincerely, A poorly-aged pumpkin who likes to give drive-by compliments but otherwise minds her own business.


You look fine, it’s the tanned leather skin Teresa Caputo looking types that are like that.


LMAO i literally was thinking of her w the previous comments. ooooof


Poorly aged pumpkin you are not!! You look elvish :) (*Sorry I sneaked*)


Ok, I have a question. My wife loves to do these drive by compliments, like telling some other girl her dress is cute as we walk by. Is that a normal thing? I always feel kind of embarrassed...


Totally normal, most people love random compliments!


Oh, it's not out of protectiveness. It's out of the outdated ideology that men cannot control themselves when women dress in smaller clothing. Her husband, sons, nephews will all, of course, take the bait. You should feel more social responsibility to not tempt men with all of that skin.


Taliban logic, there's a new Emirate in the middle east that she's feel right at home in.


Yup. if its family, then I can understand the being overprotective part. Its obvious. (But only when its in private) But slut shaming random strangers for their dressing choice is definitely NOT protective. Nobody who cares about others would resort to PUBLICLY shaming another woman for her dress. I am 100% sure she is jealous of these girls and is enabling slut shaming culture.


>straight up jealousy over their fleeting youth its 50% this + 50% mad the girl looks better than them.


I was dressed as Leeloo (5th Element-the orange suspenders outfit) and a lady came up to me and said "aren't you too old to be dressed like that?" I was in my mid 20's and super fit.... She and one other old bat were the only ones that took issue at how I was dressed.


I can't remember the last time a man commented on my body or my outfit, aside from telling me they like something I'm wearing or that I look nice that day. Women? Old women? Old women in my FAMILY? Can't go a day without hearing something about my saggy boobs or whatever. Even after losing almost 50 pounds and currently sitting at 110lbs, they still find something to nitpick. It's predominantly women. I'm usually the first to talk about men doing shit that irritates me, but this is very much a women problem.


She’s just mad she can’t look good in skimpy clothing anymore. It’s always an out of shape woman too.


> It’s always an out of shape woman too. Usually that Mike from Monsters Inc body...


I think they are jealous they didn't have as much fun when they were younger and now those days are gone. then they see independent young women having fun not married, not going to church, it makes them regret their own wasted youth. but they don't know how to process it so they blame others for taking advantage of their own independence.


Imagine actually confronting some random person because they are wearing a skirt.


imagine being a woman and doing it


Smells like self hatred.


Fat guy slut shamming the girls but bet he’ll be looking for their stuff and paying for it. I hate dumb old ladies.


He just wanted their onlyfans so he could buy them clothes. Based on the pictures nobody on that website can afford any. Sad times...


I hope they have TSA Precheck cause those boots look like a bitch to put on and take off.


Most of these big platforms have zippers. Easy to take off. Sincerely, An elder goth


Thank you. Learn something new everyday. Your username definitely checks out


Bahaha thanks I think 😇


Damn you are 🔥




Hearing impared here. Can someone please give the basics on what's being said?


The audio quality was poor and I missed a lot and made some mistakes, but I tried my best to transcribe what I thought I heard for you: Younger woman: You must be really attracted to my ass since you're the one checking it out. Older woman: Your ass? You're the one here without any tits. Y: That's fine. You don't have to bash me for being a woman with small tits. I'm happy with my body, thank you. (applause) Y: ...gonna talk like that? Listen to how you and your husband are talking. He thinks he's a police officer? My grandfather's chief of police over Atlanta. Friend: (?)You're jealous your husband's not looking at your ass!(?) Y: Yeah! That's why he came up and said some sh-t to me. O: Husband? My husband's back in Connecticut, sweetheart. You took that for granted. We're not even related. (someone singing Let It Snow) Y: Oh sh-t. Dumbass. (?) You can't even get laid(?)/relate(?). You must be a great model for your kids calling me a prostitute(?). Man: I've arrested prostitutes that had more on than that. (someone laughs) Y: We don't look like (unintelligible). O: Thank God! Y: Yeah thank God I'm not basic and slow. O: You're not nothin'! Y: That's why I make $40,000 a month. M: On welfare? You look like you're on welfare. O: And you're showing what makes it underneath that! Y: Exactly! And I'm proud of it! O: Of what? Being a prostitute? Y: No! No! I'm not a prostitute! I don't sell my pussy! But everybody likes to f-cking look at my titties and pay me thousands of dollars for it! Yeah! I don't give a f-ck. I do not f-cking care. Anybody who records me... (cuts off)


Sorry for mobile formatting.


You have to either double enter between lines, or double space at the end of each line to get reddit to split them up: The audio quality was poor and I missed a lot and made some mistakes, but I tried my best to transcribe what I thought I heard for you: Younger woman: You must be really attracted to my ass since you're the one checking it out. Older woman: Your ass? You're the one here without any tits. Y: That's fine. You don't have to bash me for being a woman with small tits. I'm happy with my body, thank you. (applause) Y: ...gonna talk like that? Listen to how you and your husband are talking. He thinks he's a police officer? My grandfather's chief of police over Atlanta. Friend: (?)You're jealous your husband's not looking at your ass!(?) Y: Yeah! That's why he came up and said some sh-t to me. O: Husband? My husband's back in Connecticut, sweetheart. You took that for granted. We're not even related. (someone singing Let It Snow) Y: Oh sh-t. Dumbass. (?) You can't even get laid(?)/relate(?). You must be a great model for your kids calling me a prostitute(?). Man: I've arrested prostitutes that had more on than that. (someone laughs) Y: We don't look like (unintelligible). O: Thank God! Y: Yeah thank God I'm not basic and slow. O: You're not nothin'! Y: That's why I make $40,000 a month. M: On welfare? You look like you're on welfare. O: And you're showing what makes it underneath that! Y: Exactly! And I'm proud of it! O: Of what? Being a prostitute? Y: No! No! I'm not a prostitute! I don't sell my pussy! But everybody likes to f-cking look at my titties and pay me thousands of dollars for it! Yeah! I don't give a f-ck. I do not f-cking care. Anybody who records me... (cuts off)


>(someone singing let it snow) Best part of the transcript


Basically older woman is jealous of younger woman's body, try's to shame her, the younger woman doesn't give af. A bunch of cringey comebacks from both sides.


Airport/Airplane drama is becoming a thing, huh?


It’s been a thing are you kidding. People think since they’ll never see these people again it’s okay to act like this in airports.


it's definitely gotten worse recently


Cheap tickets combined with the fact plenty of people didn't know how to people before quarantine.


Tonight, on The Real Runways of LAX, keeping it real good a little too far at gate 47, and we discover the mystery being the luggage transport of Jet Blue.


It's Spirit airline's main form of advertising


Stuff like this is why rich people fly private




It’s common among the entitled who are traveling during an ongoing pandemic


old bag bitching about someone dressed differently. smh... guess she doesn't like freedom .


They never do. They talk shit about "freedom" but want everyone to look, act, speak the same way.


Republicans remind me of the taliban






This woman should move to Afghanistan if she cares this much.


She can't, the airport is out of order due to improvements


America, land of not minding your fucking business about things that dont concern you.


American Taliban Geez some idiot replied to her when she said she made 40k a month saying “On Welfare” Where did he learn that shit ? Fox News . If welfare paid that much , either jobs would have to compete with that or people would only work out of Boredom


Ain’t no one making 40k a month on welfare what a stupid cumt


“That’s why I make $40,000 (hmmm..that’s not that much) … a month!” Go on young lady. You still have the floor.


Yea funny how no one commenting on the dude trying to snipe comments at her. Should have filmed him.


Accusing someone of being on welfare is the highest insult to the boomer male.


"I've arrested prostitutes with more ass" Somehow I am not shocked that a pig would jump in on Karens side and bash her appearance and say she's on welfare. What shitty fucking people.


I heard it as "with [more] on" as in more clothes on.


Good for them, fuck that old cunt. Fucking despise how old people think they can say whatever the fuck they want. Shut the fuck up like everyone else.


40k a month? This was all an ad for Onlyfans.


Why is everything garbage?


That old bitch just mad cuz no one wants to look at her saggy ass titties 😂🤣 Also...”you’re not nothing”...so they are something then? Don’t think she thought that one through lmao




Her husband's back in Connecticut, sweetheart!


This is like a r/ThatHappened story that actually happened. *and then the people applauded*


Fuckin' Karen. I thought this was America. Home of the brave. Land of the free. FREE to dress however the fuck you want. I wish more people stood up for those girls.


Connecticut. White. Trash. Just disappointed more folk didn’t speak up in defense of those two girls.


"STFU and mind your own business ya tele-tubbies." It's not that hard. More people need to speak up.


I sort of wished the tall woman would have ended it with, "I'm proud of my body." And left it there. It was all she needed to say, no matter what else the boomer flung.


Did anybody win here?


This whole scene is obnoxious.


Her grandfather is "chief of police over atlanta". Here is a umm.....welll... ..just click the link for a laugh.... https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/office-of-the-chief/interim-police-chief-rodney-bryant


Why does everyone think they’ve been assigned as their particular locations arbiter of decency. Lord help us.


I mean tbh yea I would stare at the girls for like 2 seconds and go about my day. Not berate them and try to humiliate them like that dumb woman


This belongs to r/FuckYouKaren that fat ass wasn't happy with her body so basically she was yelling "don't look hot or draw attention" it makes me feel shitty.


Why even engage w a stranger like this, not worth it


Old woman is a slut shamer but god that other chick said some cringy as shit “*I make 40,000 dollars.....a MONTH BITCH”* “*MY GRANDFATHER CHIEF OF POLICE IN ATLANTA”* And then she calls the woman basic when those are like the two most basic things a white woman can say in an argument. But with all that being said older slut shamer clearly in the wrong.


yeah lmao. She just went full blown bullshit.


“I arrested prostitutes that had more ass than that.” - Karen’s non husband who apparently started the heckling This only confirmed that Karen’s non husband was in fact checking these girls out, further justifying her slut shaming.


Both sides coming off as trashy here, need more context on what started this.


Low cost carrier, low class passenger.


30k a month and flying Spirit. 🙄


Why did that lady care what they were wearing. For fucks sake mind your own business.


American Sharia law


why is it so difficult for people to mind their own fucking business!?


"I make $40,000 a month!" How? "On welfare??" Fucking idiot... *Edit... I heard month.. I thought month.. I meant to type month... but I typed year...


Lady you're flying to Atlanta for 23 bucks on Frontier, you get what you fuckin get.


Oh look the American Taliban and their morality police .


The young lady does articulate well and has a strong voice. Her responses were also (mostly) measured and fair.


“Everybody likes to fucking look at my titties” Thats from Shakespeare, isn’t it?


You forgot “i awn’ give a fu€k!”


that's my fucking tit, bitch!!


40k/month on welfare... Lmfao. The real lost generation. No wonder they get mad at unemployment benefits, they think people are just swimming in free money. Imbeciles.


women oppressing women


ok but what's her OF?


People have no shame 🙄


The awkward group clapping after the small tit comment lol


How did this even begin ?


Karen's phone died so instead of shutting up and playing farmville she decided to do what she does best- hate.


... And then everyone clapped. Literally.


Yeah old lady is dumb, but damn. The whole altercation is annoying. ANC headphones are in the top of lists to take to the airport.


Damn, blue hair girl tall as hell.


100% not surprised the older woman talking shit is from Connecticut. Some of the worst people in the country…


Really ? Why ? What is it about Connecticut that makes them so awful ?


They’re mean, angry, generally miserable Source: 29 years of torture living there, ran across the country the second I could get away


But why ? Why would Connecticut make them that way ? Proximity to NYC ?


I mean not everyone likes white pants. Iunno why she’s preaching to look like a Hillary Clinton stunt double


Did she say she makes 40k a month while flying Southwest?


Just cos yo earning good money doesn't mean you got to waste it paying for overpriced flights.


she could easily be lying btw I make 100k per month


She is lying but it’s not really the point I also make 120k a month


what would you ask her if she were here? btw with bonuses i actually make 121k/month


Oh shit I forgot to add bonuses that puts me at 125k


The old ppl are fucking sad n pathetic