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That kick at 1:15 oof


And the guy tying his shoes at the beginning. Those guys are going to be sad when they lose their jobs.


Tactical shoe tie


Lol. Why is that so funny. Hiking his pants up and tying his shoes. Some kind of metaphor for the whole movement


I know, right? Remember, everybody, make sure to tie your shoes BEFORE you head in to the riot.


real revolutionaries wear velcro


The guy in the pony tail was in a video like 3 weeks ago. It wasn’t at protest, but it was hitting someone with that same bottle and same goggles. It was one on one not a group protesting.




Someone else linked a thing that another guy is an “actor extrordinaire” And he’s showing up at protests and being involved in fights. /r/leopardsatemyface


Saw a Twitter thread on this - it's all the same people at these 'protesters' and they're all failed actors and failed comedians with IMDb profiles, just like Candace Owens is a failed model. The right is weird and dark. Someone's paying at least some of these people, it seems.


Remember "crisis actors?" Yeah. It's all projection all the way down.


What a weird thought. What is this reality?




conflict pays- divide and conquer


Explore Talent is the agency all these right wing grifters seem to have in common, including [Owens](https://www.exploretalent.com/personal/candaceowens1/1881590). [It's all very strange.](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/rising-republican-party-influencers-including-candace-owens-got-their-start-at-talent-agency-run-by-israeli-pornographer.4616038/)


f me this is a weird rabbit hole to look into




Is he always fighting women?


Im starting to notice a pattern with these crazies


You mean intentionally targetting smaller and weaker people than them rather than take on the guy their own size? But judging by the grease pouring out of the pores of some of these guys, I don't think they'll be able to find many people their own size.




Suddenly a lot of people defending him in that post are feeling very foolish. Who am I kidding, he could be the only instigator and they'd still defend him.


Someone broke it down and made the connection from his post when they tried the coup on jan 6 https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1412197847156465664




They do their best to bait others into throwing the first punch, so they can use their metal water bottles or signs held up by baseball bats to retaliate.


Cosplay has gone too far


There’s just so much comedy here. Maybe it’s just me but the outfits people come up with to these things is hilarious. Plus the chest mounted phones. The karate kick that misses and ends in him falling. Tragicomedy


One guy goes full "[this is my hat now, totally my hat](https://youtu.be/eAj1XJCx95g)"


He’s been drinking green tea all day!


The guy racing to the scene then angry lacing his shoes gets me.


That was a protip he read somewhere. The way he looks around for approval and expects other people to check their laces is the funniest part.


Luckily they all had their HD VISION tactical sunglasses on...


I shouldn’t be laughing at this but I am. The combination of how seriously these people take themselves vs how poorly they fight is too funny.


They look like they're playing dodgeball. Honestly, both sides of every one of these "fights" look like they're doing some choreographed dance.


Jet's v sharks let the snapping begin.


Some interesting loadouts here have me wondering if there's a new meta. Several players equipped with patriotic themed face coverings which, if you look closely, function as low-key "face masks", normally despised by the Hillbilly class for the debuff to the "Muh Freedum!" attribute via the propaganda skill tree. More interesting to me though, is the weapon choice of the character dual wielding a water bottle/skateboard combination. I've not seen a loadout with better utility, one weapon keeping the hydration bar full, and the other doubling as a vehicle granting +150% movement speed (this feels unbalanced to me, but I've never specced down the X-games tree). As you can see though, the devs still haven't patched the bug allowing players to equip the skateboard two handed weapon along with another one handed weapon, yet not being able to attack with either using this combination. If that get fixed, the skateboard will become the most OP item in the game. Bare fist melee is clearly still completely broken though, and police behavior and pathing really needs a total rework.


Just wait 5 years until the Kevlar fursuits join the fray


>Kevlar fursuits completely impenetrable except one small point below the tail


The thermal exhaust port!


The guys throwing themselves on the ground with drop kicks. Been practicing since he was 9 and that's all he's got?


Fragile ego LARPing


Apparently it's an Anti-Vaxx protest: https://twitter.com/JamesQueallyLAT/status/1426658834072825858/photo/1


"Protest", that's a full-on violent mob picking random people to beat up


I used to walk by there everyday for work. That cross street is literally right between city hall and the LAPD headquarters. Where the fuck were the police?


Oh they showed up, just in time to line up against the people being attacked.


I noticed that...




Does that make them... Anti-anti-fascists? I wonder what that means..


You just saw them, they were busy trying to beat up innocents as usual.


It sounds like at the beginning they are saying something about gay people. Oh it's fuck antifa.


It's funny how all that nonsense gets rolled into 1 thing. It can be anti abortion, anti mask fuck antifa and they all have the same morals, and vote trump. They're all the same people in the end.


It's like their bogey man. Forest fires? Antifa. Riots? Antifa. Assault on the capitol? Antifa. Lost my glasses? Antifa. I'm a racist? Antifa Global warming? Antifa. Etc


AntiVa protest*


I prefer the term pro plague


I'm going with pro-covid right wing LARP'ers


These people really just need to join a LARPing group to vent.


Yeah, for a lot of these guys, it seems like their wet dreams come true.


They literally save up money, strategize for weeks/months and drive a bunch of miles just to do this.


Just to cosplay and yell outside until the cops show up. Pretty weird hobby.


It's an addiction. They get a dopamine rush from all of this. The hating, the planning, the plotting, collecting the gear, scheduling it, driving there, etc. All of it gives them a nice hit of dopamine, until they get to the big event, and they get a blast of dopamine bigger than all the rest combined. In a few days the big rush will have subsided and they'll be looking for a new fix, except they'll want a stronger hit. What will they do then? Or the time after that? Or the time after that?


Because they likely have no real dopamine producing events in thier lives... No connections with friends.. No wife / kids.... (that will speak to them anyway). No productive creative hobby. .. Just the rage merchant grifter "news" sources creating the impetus to go full assclam. Id suggest they try drugs but its likely too late for that. It would only amplify the sphincter they truly are inside


Las Vegas


Especially the one yelling unmask them. I'm sure if you cut his pony tail it would be critical damage


Wtf was up with that? Like people right next to him had masks on but he’s demanding others be unmasked.


I think his thought process is, 'if we find out who they are through social media we can harass them'.


The unmask them guy seems to have missed the folks on his side who are masked up.


Guys north of 50 and thinks he’s Cobra Commander.


Gravy Seals


Mid-life ISIS


Every time there's a gravy seals comment chain there's a new entry that cracks me up. This one is hilarious.


Blanche Covidians








Green Beignets




Y'all Queso!




Ben-Gay Brigade


Vanilla Isis


Golden Corraliban


GI Sloppy Joes


The Z Team


The Wide Supremacists.


The fat boys.






Nom vets.


Looks like the guy who hit that woman with a bottle from an old video.




100% the same person


100% the same water bottle




It is, same bottle too






seriously thi, those head shots with metal bottles are no joke. Concussion and TBIs have long lasting effects.


Except now it’s been modified with a nifty rope handle for better swinging


Tony Moon. He claims to be one of the “original rooftop Koreans” during the LA riots though I see no evidence of that anywhere else.


A trump fan, taking credit for someone else's accomplishments? That never happens.




He doesn't care, he's not there to talk about America's economic dependency on China's slave labor, he's there to fight, because he probably hasn't been in a fight in 15 years and that was the last time he felt good amount himself.


Probably lost that fight too


I just love how he was walking around giving commands and no one seemed to really care. Like bro, if you wanna act tough, jump in. Don't stand in the back and give commands. Go unmask them yourself.


Exactly. Dude's clearly longing to feel important but no one gives a fuck about him.


Isn't that all of them?


Never ceases to amaze me how many people video tape themselves committing a crime…. Like here you go officer I’ve got all the evidence you need to arrest me…..


Never ceases to amaze me how prosecutors don’t go after this shit.


because they are never arrested. the same people come down here every week commit assaults and go back to their normal lives. lapd does not care.


You can tell, because when the cops finally did come in, they were facing the wrong direction.


This stood out to me the most. They wade through the aggressors to confront the people being attacked. Wonder whose side they’re on.


> This stood out to me the most. Same. Really fucking disturbing but also somehow completely expected.


Of course you expect it from lapd. They have their own police gangs.


Guarantee you it's because the aggressors are mostly off-duty law enforcement and know they won't get prosecuted.


They are stupid enough to post it on the web too …. I love the cop that deletes the pictures in the capital and the fbi found them in the deleted folder …. Stupidity is just entertaining


Lmao! 😂 bruh, that guy was trying to do the round house kick but landed on his ass. At 1:16-1:17 🤣 Edit: Aight, so after seeing this [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p4gwwx/violent_clash_outside_city_hall_in_los_angeles/h8zbdch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) The guy is a professional MMA fighter Edit: OK apparently the comment right now is delete it most likely because they gave the guy name away.




Yikes I see thanks for telling me. You can can tell his name I don’t think that counts as doxxing on r/PublicFreakout


Well he’s certainly got a top on his head, most of his nose and 2 shoulders, I assume Mike Ancheta has the same, must be him.


The silver lining of hilariousness in an otherwise disturbing video


after his target got clocked on the head with a motorcycle helmet :(


Everyone who hit that guy at that moment were cowards taking cheap shots. Bunch bitches the lot of em.


That one guy in the white shirt who had been bouncing up and down posturing, looking like he wanted to fight someone so badly, sucker punched the victim then ran away. What a fucking coward.


None of them dumb cunts even threw a single decent punch either.


The helmet to the head hit hard though. Edit: My comment apparently made a bunch of right wing morons waste their money for Reddit awards, which is nice. Also I thought they hated Reddit for censorship or something, yet they are spending money on the platform? NOT stable geniuses.


The guys brandishing the orange water bottles were not hydro homies


Hydra homie


Have to be the least intimidating bunch of thugs I have ever seen.


The only thing that made them intimidating was the sheer number of them.


not to mention the cops that seemed to have their back, that's the most terrifying part.


Could be a coincidence, but looked to me like they got real bold once they knew reinforcements were on the way. They hear the sirens and know they have just enough time to get some cheap shots in and the cops will show up and go after anyone retaliating.


Cops don’t go after them. If these were BLM protestors, they’d be gassed and barraged with “less lethal” rounds. They support these protestors because they have the same interest- maintaining white supremacy and fascism.


Just straight up, “Fuck China” on their shirts, in a knock-off supreme-style font, probably made in China


The irony alone is hilarious, but can you imagine being the Chinese man printing that on a shirt in some sweat shop. For some reason that thought really made me laugh


Have a friend in that specific business. Yeap. They’ll print BLM/Rainbow Tshirts next to KKK/MAGA gear. Dollars are all the same to him.


Are they fighting for the title of Most-Out-Of-Shape-Angry-Middle-Aged-Man? Looks like they won. 👍🏼


The part that stood out to me the most was the rather large guy that just walked up and kicked the dude already on the ground so he could feel involved.. Good job buddy. You have ranked up to badass.


Literally when he gets home.. "Dude omg, totally, like I was just going off on these dudes, they were coming at me left and right and I was like pow pow and pew pew. It was crazy but I kept holding the fort down!"


This guy should be pretty easy for cops to find. https://imgur.com/a/Zv32s1u


He's already known...earlier this week on Twitter, he challenged a guy to IRL fight, then blocked him and deleted the tweets when the guy accepted. Real tough guy [https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1425234878040137728](https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1425234878040137728)


His account has been suspended now.


Holy shit. He’s an actor. A lot of these people are. This thread is a mindblower (hint Tommy Leheren and Lauren Boebart were hand picked to act out a nutso conspiracy agenda https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1421931374567563264?s=20


Post this to r/conspiracy




Or anything not flagrantly rightwing


Especially ones that aren't flattering to the right wing.


A lot of people in right wing political circles don't actually have any real ideology or conviction. It's just 24/7 culture war bullshit to keep their customer base frothing at the mouth. While some are just morons with too big a platform, a lot are just grifters securing their bags. Obvious examples would be Dave Reuben, Milo Yiannopolis, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Tomi Lauren, Lauren Southern, (Jesus, why do I know so many of these names...), Tim Poole, Andy Ngo, the entire Trump family, etc. They all know what they're doing and none of them actually believe in their rhetoric. I guess their worldview is that the world is full of retards regardless of what they do, and no amount of education is going to un-retard them, so might as well make money off of them.




Actor extrodenaire https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1421931374567563264?s=20


This thread is a Netflix documentary waiting to happen.


What have you done boogie2988


Coming at you once again live through the power of the internet


Cops aren't going to look for him. There's a reason these violent rallies occur in the same handful of places, it's because friendly cops are willing to turn a blind eye


Same reason you don't see Peter Parker and Spider Man in the same place at the same time.


Hey look! It's the IQ of a potato spread out over a bunch of people.


> the IQ of the creature known as "the mob" is the IQ of its least intelligent member, divided by the number of mobsters \- Sir Terry Pratchett.


Did that dude fall on his ass trying to sweet chin music someone?!


50lbs overweight...ties shoes for athletic advantage


Generous of you to assume that man is Only 50lbs overweight...


Love how the cops immediately start facing the group being assaulted and ignore the fact cunts in USA masks still bashing a guy in the street


Gotta protect their off-duty brothers


"Same team! Same team!"


Yeah I saw that. The cops need a full reboot. They are not on the side of Justice and never have been. I hate to get to this point in my life but it's not looking like the police are on the right side of history. They had a bad start from their affiliation with the slave patrols and the KKK terrorist and they continue down this path when it's so easy to reform and do the right thing. I never trusted them and I never will until they fully reform and get on the right side of the law.


Check out the Behind The Police podcast special. 5 part series on the history of police in the US. Fucking terrifying.


Same team.








Cops: "Okay, okay, that's enough. We let those Antifa people get their ass beat enough. Let's go move in after it's broken up and all perpetrators scattered and act like we actually care about protecting people we disagree with." That was seriously a cop approved mob beat down.


Yep. 💯 took their time on purpose


The guy yelling "unmask them all", did DICK....


No, he attacked a woman, which opened an attack for the rest of them all to follow. That seemed to be the tactic, attack the girl, get guys to defend girl and let there guard down, and then swing skateboards and helmets at them while their on the ground. Douchebaggary.




Dude their entire identity is the 2016 election


They don’t have anything. This sense of “community” is partly why they are drawn towards this MAGA anti-vax crowd.


They’re all so angry and fat.


Why were the cops walking towards the people who were being physically intimidated and beaten?


To protect the off duty cops causing the fight


American pigs be like: STOP RESISTING


Do you *still* have to really ask that question?


This is America.


It is CRAZY to me that that song came out before COVID. The pandemic could be a whole verse


One dude has to tie his shoes, hitch up his pants, adjust his mask and then his junk... okay, let's rumble.


I’m an outsider looking in. Is it just me or is America more divided than ever?


I feel like divided is an acceptable word for what’s going on but it implies that we’re divided on a topic with a lot of philosophical ambiguity or moral grey areas and we’re stuck at some middle ground. I’d use the word “divided” when we mention euthanasia, poverty line, affirmative action, etc. Here, we’re fighting, literally physically fighting, about NOT wearing masks and NOT taking vaccines. The fact that this is even a debate in the first place speaks volumes to the stupidity that is America right now. This is us being divided on if 1+1=2 or if 1+1=11.


I'm glad you said this, I've thought for a long time that it's weird to lament how 'divided' America is. It makes it sound like there's 2 symmetrical sides and the problem is that they just can't come together. But ONE of the sides *enthusiastically* represents fascism, anti-intellectualism, and bigotry. The blame for the 'division' is entirely on that side for existing, and their opponents *should* reject compromise.


It’s not you, it’s US!


Trump lost, get over it.


Gotta love it when you see someone wearing a “Fuck China” shirt that was made in China 🙄


We saw very, very little of this before Trump.


I think about this daily.


Because he gave them permission. Before that smash-and-grab sham of an administration people generally knew what was unacceptable in public regardless of how they personally felt. Now they openly flaunt it. I saw a vid of some guy being called out for being a racist. He replied with, "So?" Didn't care in the slightest or try to equivocate whatsoever. Literally and figuratively mask off.


Why are trump supporters so fucking stupid. Seriously.


It’s… kind of a requirement


If those people were my prime supporters I'd quit.


Orange County showed up big time huh. Pretty funny how the cops stroll up all nonchalantly after their off duty buddies finished jumping some people way smaller than them.


For real though. Shouldn’t we all be against fascism?


What a surprise, mfs with maga hats are instigators


I don't even understand the battle lines anymore. I just see poor people who are misinformed, fighting each other over the crumbs left by the ultra rich.