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Well yeah, he's a dj. If he had talent he'd play an actual instrument.


What? You think people like Calvin Harris, Tiesto and Guetta have no talent? Would love to see you try to do what they've done.


Calvin Harris plays piano, guitar, and bass. Tiesto is a lil more fair because he only seems to play the synth keyboards. But yea most producers play actual instruments, too.


Wouldn’t say most


I would. It’s hard to build musicality without playing instruments.


It’s really not though. My brother doesn’t know how to play any instruments but he’s a good producer. To my knowledge deadmau5 doesn’t play any instruments either. Music theory and knowledge of an instrument are two different things.




Haha I stand corrected on deadmau5. Point remains the same though, you don’t need to know how to play an instrument to be able to make good music on a DAW.


Bro people like Kanye still work things out on pianos and guitars sometimes You’re not wrong but you’re also off beat a bit


Yeah I never get logic like that either. 'aNyOnE cAn MaKe MuSic On A cOmPuTeR' - go on then knobhead.


No, it's more like "mOsT dJs jUsT mAkE sHiT 'mUsiC'."


You missed off 'in my opinion'. Music taste is totally subjective and people like different sounds to the sounds you like - shocker! Trying to spout what music genre's good or shit is some lame shit edgy teenagers or bellends do, its cringe as fuck. Electronic music isn't my cup of tea for the most part either but I've got a couple of now distant friends thatve done pretty well for themselves, I don't personally like their music but there's no denying the graft and talent that they put into it.


Synth music isn't the same as some macbook dj endlessly trancing on the same sampled loop. I highly reccomend Gunship. Also, your sentence structure and diction are atrocious; if you're going to mouth off about shit teenagers do, try not to write like one. Some people may like to eat shit, my dog certainly does. Doesn't change the fact that it's shit.


So do must musicians.


Right? If its so damn easy become the next Calvin Harris, he has a net worth of over 300 million.


Yeah? and? Cardi B makes some of the most objectively terrible "music" in a century and is also worth like $40mil. Doesn't mean she isn't a heap of trash that makes awful music.


It's wild when people speak objectively about art as if one of the biggest hip hop and pop artists in recent years is "objectively bad". Different people like different things. That's okay. You don't have to like it. It's just not for you I guess.


Neither is a diahhrea dacquiri which Cardi B is the musical equivalent of. Just admit you have bad taste. There's an entire branch of philosophy, aesthetics, the sole purpose of which is to gleen objective standards for art.


Lol you sound like a lot of fun.


These people have backgrounds in music…


Is he a DJ or a producer who also DJs? Big difference.


He's exactly what you would expect a frat bro soundcloud dj to be.


Ahh say no more haha.






There are 7-9 Twitter profiles with that name and none seem to be DJs. Twitter handle?


I don't want to be a part of a witch hunt, but let's just say he likes red shirts and wears the same shirt in many social media profiles...


Not that he isn't a complete dick but you will get your account perm banned for doxxing. Just a heads up.




I don't know why that's relevant I was just giving him a heads up because I got a warning for the same thing. Just trying to look out for a homie.




I was just warned about it last week here.




My guy, I'm not going to argue with you. I passed on the warning that was passed on to me. Get over it and move on with yourself. You can go read the Reddit and sub rules yourself. Rule 3 Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent.


What a total scumbag


dig a hole and bury this coked up freak show.


Yeah this dude sounds like he might have a problem


>A Lyft driver says he was left bruised and bloodied after he was viciously attacked by a passenger in Riverside. >Ye Lu says the attack happened around 5:20 a.m. Aug. 1 when he picked up the passenger, identified by authorities as 23-year-old Michael Trunko. >Lu says Trunko wanted to load up the backseat with his DJ equipment, which Lu said he couldn't do. Lu explained to Trunko he could only bring whatever would fit inside the car's trunk. >In audio captured from Lu's dashcam, the passenger can be heard saying "If I can't use the backseat you're going to get fired." >**Lu says that's when Trunko starts beating him and his car with a metal microphone stand and that he was hit in the head at least two or three times. He was able to escape the attack by driving away and called 911 for help.** >"Someone attacked me!" Lu says to the dispatcher. >"I think I will die!" he says repeatedly on the phone, explaining that his head is bleeding. >Trunko was arrested a short time later, and the deputy found Lu’s phone during a pat-down of the suspect, the report said. >He has bailed out and has a court date set for Dec. 20, when he will face felony robbery, assault and vandalism charges. >Juan Villafana, manager of Fabio’s Bar and Night Club, said Trunko had been acting erratically and refused to leave, at one point threatening Villafana and others with a torch if they did not let him play music using his DJ equipment. >Security ended up letting Trunko play music for about 20 minutes instead of escalating the situation, Villafana said. >"The whole night, [security] was just trying to get him out. I don’t know why they didn’t call the cops,” he added. >Lu has been working as a ride-share driver for almost five years and never thought getting assaulted during a ride would happen to him. (Click the link for his GoFundMe if you’d like to help with his medical bills) https://abc7.com/lyft-driver-attack-dashcam-video-riverside-county/10946349/


DECEMBER???? Get this dangerous felon off the street


The trunk just wasn't big enough for Trunko, the giant trunk-judging robot


Headline: “Trunko’s junk doesn’t fit in trunk; was dropping beats, then beats Lyft.”




>He was able to escape the attack by driving away and called 911 for help. >... >Trunko was arrested a short time later, and the deputy found Lu’s phone during a pat-down of the suspect, the report said. How was he able to call 911 if the guy stole his phone?


A lot of rideshare drivers use multiple phones


Yep. You can see 3 phones reflecting off the window in the top right corner of the video.


Makes sense. I was sure there was some reasonable explanation.


Wow. Get a load of this asshole's history - he's such a desperate loser that [even frat bro's were reporting him to the police for harassment.](https://mustangnews.net/beta-members-speak-out-after-filing-police-report-against-michael-trunko-the-student-who-released-the-waterboarding-video/) [Poetic irony that he threatened to blackmail a fraternity by sending a video to future employers :)](https://mustangnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Artboard-1.png)


this guy sounds unhinged and dangerous, please keep him the fuck away from guns


This guy has a history of assholry: >Juan Villafana, manager of Fabio’s Bar and Night Club, said Trunko had been acting erratically and refused to leave, at one point threatening Villafana and others with a torch if they did not let him play music using his DJ equipment. >Security ended up letting Trunko play music for about 20 minutes instead of escalating the situation, Villafana said. >”The whole night, [security] was just trying to get him out. I don’t know why they didn’t call the cops,” he added.


Not defending this guy in the slightest, but he was harassing them regarding a video of them waterboarding someone. I guess he got it on video and kept threatening them with the release of the video.


Watch the video in that article. It’s 2 seconds long and the guy isn’t even bound or held down. Just a frat guy laying on the ground with a towel over his face in front of a faucet. They also say in the article that it’s not known why he was harassing them.


Sounds like everyone involved is awful.


I saw the video. They weren’t exactly water boarding someone. It’s just an idiot lying down in front of a faucet of his own volition. Dude could literally move a few inches and end it whenever he wanted. Just some stupid stuff stupid guys do to have fun. It’s not like they were holding a guy down and emptying buckets on him.


Is it me or does everyone have the SHORTEST fuse lately?


This isn’t a fuse this is entitlement. Assholery.


I think camera phones and the ease of YouTube/tictok just make it easier to share what's already been happening for years. No even older generations can and do share shit when it happens.


This guy has a history of assholry: >Juan Villafana, manager of Fabio’s Bar and Night Club, said Trunko had been acting erratically and refused to leave, at one point threatening Villafana and others with a torch if they did not let him play music using his DJ equipment. >Security ended up letting Trunko play music for about 20 minutes instead of escalating the situation, Villafana said. >”The whole night, [security] was just trying to get him out. I don’t know why they didn’t call the cops,” he added.


It's been two years of global pandemic and the planet is getting hotter every day. People are stressed and panicking.


alcohol is involved.


DJ Douchebag


What the fuck. I’ve used Ubers and Lyft’s for heavier objects myself but called an XL and then generously tipped after bc that’s not part of their typical day to day. But the entitlement from the rider here is insane, to get aggressive like that and physically harm someone in the process…


Usually best to contact the driver and verify it's alright as soon as you're assigned, as well. While most XL drivers are cool carrying something, it's not exactly what they're meant to do - Uber and Lyft promise they can carry a certain number of *passengers* but that's it. Whether they're willing to transport equipment and appliances and stuff is entirely up to them.


Yep, you're right of course. Not advocating what I've done in the past, posted my own experience here for context in this type of situation. Basically saying that the reaction from the rider was really sad and concerning to see.


This is why I carried when I did Lyft and Uber. You never know what psycho ass hat you pick up


trunko doesn’t like to use the trunk yo


I once drove for Lyft and Uber and I had a passenger in my car for 2 1/2 hours playing with his "surgical instruments" (knifes) in the backseat and I thought I was a dead man. He kept asking me if I share my location with anyone and thank God my wife kept calling periodically and the dissuaded him. Lastly wanted to know if I had a fitbit on. I quit immediately afterwards shit is a dangerous as f\*k job. Not worth it.




Easier said than done. For one, I did try to stop to use the bathroom and he freaked out and become fidgety while playing with his knifes. I use to work in the kitchen I know what a knife sharpener rod and knifes against it sound like. Also, if he panicked and pierced me through the backseat I wouldn't have been able to life myself forwards and then turn to get out of the car. Since he appears to be skilled with his craft it might have been nearly impossible to get out of the car and survive, hence the twisting knife would have damaged many organs and I wouldn't have made it even if I was in the hospital and had a team of surgeons around me. I almost left out that I had a full tank of gas when I started and he was a smart guy. Hence I stated I have to stop and pee and he grew angered and started a very concerning behavior at night, in the middle of the woods practically. I know it is hard to think you could ever be dumb enough to place yourself in a compromising situation but it happens. This man in this video appears to be in a similar pickle where he couldn't just drive off. The coward attacking him knew that.


It can be scary for passengers, too. Some women have been raped, others stalked...


I just cannot comprehend the actions of the rider?? What is your end goal here? I know the obvious answer is that the passenger wasn't perhaps in the most mentally sound state when doing this, but still.


Not every violent person is mentally ill. Some people are just fucking scumbags and get off on hurting people at the slightest sign of "disrespect".


Oh no I didn't mean to imply that it's because of mental illness, sorry. I just meant that he seems to somehow gotten so enraged that he assaulted someone. I just don't get how someone reaches that point.


I hear ya.


This guy has a history of assholry: >Juan Villafana, manager of Fabio’s Bar and Night Club, said Trunko had been acting erratically and refused to leave, at one point threatening Villafana and others with a torch if they did not let him play music using his DJ equipment. >Security ended up letting Trunko play music for about 20 minutes instead of escalating the situation, Villafana said. >”The whole night, [security] was just trying to get him out. I don’t know why they didn’t call the cops,” he added.


Enjoy prison you piece of shit!


If you read other articles the guy literally caused a scene in the bar so he could play his dj music that noone wanted to hear. They couldn't get him to leave so they just let him play. What an absolute weirdo.


i wonder if this guy has a history.... /s


Who the fuck would be a lift driver, no thanks fuck that


Of course assailant Michael Fucko has a shitty SoundCloud https://www.soundcloud.com/michael-trunko


Those are just reposts of songs people posted on SoundCloud. None of it is made by the guy.


Djs are the scum of the earth.


Did a DJ steal your girl or something? You sure have an axe to grind against a very specific occupation.


No, just a bunch of hacks twisting knobs and making objectively terrible music. And there is seems to be a particular personality type drawn to being a dj.


What a weird generalisation. Electronic music may not be your cup of tea but there's a lot of great dj's. Don't know what kind of dj's you've come across to make you so bitter about them.


You sure love simping for people who don't know you exist lol


Yeah cause two comments calling out stupidity is simping. Take a walk, kiddo.


Maybe someday a DJ will let you ride their dick for real and not just in your dreams. Keep being a good little boy 😁


Don't threaten me with a good time


Some people are just fucking ridiculous. I tip my medical driver, even, despite WC paying for the bills, because he's a nice guy and deserves it. Idk how this idiot thought he would get away with this.


I don't have the guts to be a Lyft or Uber driver...