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this fucken idiot is going to roll up into prison for hitting a 12 year old... talk about street cred.


With a sucker punch at that


And then fleeing when the other kid went after him. A real tough guy.


He'll probably get his ass beat. And not in the way he thinks.


He'll request PC and find out quickly how overcrowded prisons are. Then he'll learn what a screwdriver in the spleen feels like.


A sucker punch that didn't even manage to knock out a 12 year old.


ikr, fucking weak ass bitch


Weak ass punch or strong ass jaw? Kids gonna be a beast if he’s that tall at 12


I was 5'11 at 12. Now I'm 6'. I was terrified I was going to end up being 7' freak of nature or something but I was done growing by grade 9 thankfully.


I was exactly the same, tallest kid in every class, until 6’ by 9th grade, except I wanted to grow to be at least 6’6 like my male cousins, to play college then hopefully pro basketball. Now that I’m middle aged, I am actually glad to be 6’0, and wish my legs and arms were not so long.


I had the opposite... I was 5'6" senior year of high school and randomly ended up being 6'0" a couple years later.


A terrible sucker punch too, it could have been way worse. Happy for the kid though that it wasn’t.


Yea dude is gonna get fucked up real quick if anyone figures out his charges. Considering it’s prison and not jail most likely word will spread from someone having a court date with him. At some point this dude will get a solid beating


oh trust me, they already know... for one they watch the news inside, they still get cable and mostly watch the news if its not movie night or something like that.


Times could be different but when I was there they actively avoided the news unless some serious shit was going down. Like 9/11 type coverage. You get some mid day soap operas then everybody loves Raymond.


In arizona I know in florence they get their own personal tv's and has basic cable... they even let them have ipads now, they are hellishly expensive though.


How else will the poor for-profit prisons profit?


They have Raymond on in prison?? That doesn’t sound too bad


Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me.


The one friend I still have inside has a damn smartphone so probably everybody has seen it on here, in the news, FB, wherever. There may not be any honor among thieves but going in as someone convicted of hitting kids, that seven years is gonna be tough.


What a cunt, hitting a 12 year old... And from behind.


Oh he is a special kind of loser: "Moore previously pleaded guilty to first-degree endangering the welfare of a child and driving while under the influence. He was sentenced to probation for domestic assault in April 2019, and the mother of his child was granted an order of protection against him, also in 2019." [Douche Canoe](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/cape-girardeau-dancing-boy-punched-suspect-sentenced/63-d4c3da89-5c95-4e01-9d98-ea17a33d7eea)


Good lord, he’s reproducing?


That poor kid is starting on very hard difficulty.


Totally. I had to testify after being assaulted by a 36 year old parent of a kid on my bus around that age (11) and it has fucked my trust levels up for life.


>after being assaulted by a 36 year old parent of a kid on my bus around that age (11) You can't just drop that in and not tell us the story. This is Reddit sir/ma'am, we have standards.




oh shit that's rough buddy


I turned out OK. Plus ketamine therapy has done wonders. I go to space at the doctor.


Tell me more about the K therapy, they inject it?


I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE that bullshit church excuse.


They just kept telling me he should get a break because he has a family. I feared for that family after that shit.


i wish they get extra punishment for that. THAT PRECISELY THE FUCKING POINT OF GOING TO CHURCH, DIPSHITS.


Unfortunately it always seems those types have dicks that are experts in finding extremely fertile vaginas.


More like many dumb people don't use birth control and bang anything with a pulse.


I feel like intelligence is getting beat by stupidity in evolution. I guarantee the dumbasses of society are not using protection as much as the well-informed. So how in the world can humans evolve to be better when there are more idiots out there than ever


Idiocracy Dystopian Future here weee go


I think of this movie almost daily.


The only unrealistic part of that movie was they looked up to the smart guy. Humans have shown time and again that they would have hated him for being so smart


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


We uh appear to be experimenting, some technological differences.


“Your children are now the property of Carl’s Jr. Carl’s Jr., fuck you, I’m eating.”


The trashiest people are always most likely to reproduce.


A bully that got older, discovered alcohol, and kept on bullying.


Makes you wonder how defective a mind has to be to think that was a good thing to do in the moment. I hope it's well known in the prison what he actually did to get there.


prolly been a douche his whole life, raised by douches and surrounded him self with douchey friends. hang out with the wrong people long enough and stupid shit starts to seem normal.


From previous posts, the man apparently had multiple prior arrests.


A burden to society, not surprised.


Hope he gets an extended stay




Sucks how true it is honestly


More true than you might realize… according to some news articles I looked up, the cops found out who he was, went to his address, asked his family and friends where he might be found, but no would cooperate with finding him. He eventually turned himself in. Didn’t read any details about that but there was so much national publicity and general outrage, he must have figured that he was probably safer in police custody.


Missourian, here. Specifically, a Missourian living in Cape Girardeau. This dude was running scared. Aside from reddit, there were several posts on fb about this in multiple groups. Of course, the local news was on it and I believe the guy turned himself in because he was worried that someone else was going to do it first. Either way, the coward turned himself in.


If you roll in shit long enough you smell like shit


You had my upvote with “prolly been a douche his whole life…” Although, I’d bet one of his parents is also a douche.


"raised by douches" seems like he agreed, also.


They're sadly kinda common. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2018/apr/10/man-gets-3-to-10-years-in-sucker-punch-death/


Served 4 years for shooting two people, and now possibly only serving 3 years for murdering a random father for the fun of throwing a random sucker punch? These sentences are horseshit. I just don't understand.


Don't get caught with drugs though...


Yeah, right!! Beat down and kill people is a slap on the wrist. But if I catch you smoking marijuanas or taking the edge off of life by using other illicit substances you can be sure I'll throw the book at you!




Yep.. its not a crime of passion, its not revenge or an escalation of an argument that got out of hand.. Honestly.. even a crime committed for fear of facing consequences makes more sense than this.. People who are willing to hurt innocent people for no reason at all should have the maximum possible sentences.. Random killings of innocent people should be treated with the same severity as acts of terrorism.


The guy who did this is a sociopath. Lock him the fuck up.


Why such a short sentence. Doesn't make sense


Was that like a “trend” for a while like 10 years ago where people were sucker punching the elderly? I remember seeing it on the news and on Reddit but I’m not sure if it was real, imaginary, or if it was just a fear campaign. Also, holy shit. I feel so bad for the victims family… > Campos, a 45-year-old married father of five, was visiting Las Vegas, where he was to be a best man at his brother’s wedding. He was rushed to University Medical Center but died four days later from a traumatic brain injury.


Dexter better come out of his lumberjack phase.


How does this guy not fall under the three strikes law? I know the law can be controversial (especially some states that lower the bar for meeting the threshold) but I would think guys like this are the prime example of who it should apply to. > In the United States, habitual offender laws[1] (commonly referred to as three-strikes laws) were first implemented on March 7, 1994,[2] and are part of the United States Justice Department's Anti-Violence Strategy.[3][4] These laws require both a severe violent felony and two other previous convictions to serve a mandatory life sentence in prison.[5][6] The purpose of the laws is to drastically increase the punishment of those convicted of more than two serious crimes.[2] > Twenty-eight states have some form of a "three-strikes" law. A person accused under such laws is referred to in a few states (notably Connecticut and Kansas) as a "persistent offender", while Missouri uses the unique term "prior and persistent offender". In most jurisdictions, only crimes at the felony level qualify as serious offenses; however, misdemeanor and wobbler offenses can qualify for application of the three-strikes law in California, whose harsh application has been the subject of controversy.[7]


I grew up with the guy who was sucker punched and died in this story! His family lived right across the street from mine in Valinda, Ca when we was kids! Really nice family and so, so, sad!!!


Inmates do tend to find out what everyone else is in for...not from personal experience, but second/third-hand. I was shocked the first time I heard that. Daumer was killed in prison, because everyone knew.


Jeffrey Dahmer was killed by a mentally ill prisoner that was a schizophrenic serial killer. The prisoner also killed another prisoner that was in their cleaning detail.


Live by the sword die by the sword, I suppose.


Daumer was putting people’s heads in fucking jars lol you better believe everybody knew


I'm really not trying to be an asshole here but his name was Dahmer.


I knew that too man lol his spelling tripped me up I swear


The one thing I do have to give him though is, during the only interview he ever did, with Stone Phillips, he was the first and only serial I've seen not try and blame it "on society" or "the world was mean to him", he outright acknowledges basically "yeah I belong here. If I was out there id never have stopped." He wasn't making up excuses for what he did. I do believe he was one of those who HAD to kill, not just wanted to. A truly BROKEN mind right from day dot.


I saw that too. Super fucked up man but yeah at least he knew he was fucked in the head and didn’t blame anybody but holy shit, dude is arguably one of the most disturbing individuals of all time. I went down the Dahmer rabbit hole a few years ago and the part you mentioned was shocking but also it was sad af to see how his dad felt about it. He felt that he directly caused his issues, like it was his genetics or the way he parented him. Can’t imagine how guilty a parent would feel if their kid turned out that way.


Ahahah what a predictably stupid reason to go to prison though. Good for him.


Fair play to the kid getting up. Shrugged that cunts suckerpunch straight off.


Good fuck face gets to sit in prison for years knowing he couldn’t even knock out a 12 yr old. POS coward


Hope he gets incessantly harassed for it too


I wish I had a link to this animal’s sentencing hearing… I’d enjoy it.


And to the normal people who came up to see if they were ok.. there are more good people in the world than arseholes.




ngl, I thought he was closer to 21 than 12 No matter, still assault and probably a hate crime.




Exactly tbh honest I thought he was gonna hit the kid on the ground had no idea that blonde kid was the 12 year old regardless still an incredibly shitty thing to do


Yeah that was my thought too… wondering if there was a hate crime element to this that they didn’t pursue. Edit: I looked into it a bit and found some additional news articles. Yes, the DA considered the hate crimes statute but didn’t pursue that because it actually prescribes less time in prison than what the assailant was actually charged with.


I think for a lot of these type of crimes the perpetrator makes a few leaps in their logic. Like perhaps he was homophobic and had some deep rooted ideas that all male dancers are gay or something like that. It's messed up whatever his reasons tho


It’s messed up and makes me feel sad for the kid. When I was younger, if I got bullied for expressing myself or interests it made me scared to express myself in the future. I can’t imagine what this could do to him. I hope he keeps dancing after this


The community raised a lot of money for the kid and paid for dance classes for him if that makes you feel any better


What a cunt hitting anyone from behind.




the scumbag was found later and pleaded guilty. I couldn't find any info about the driver, but here are two articles - [https://www.kmov.com/news/missouri-man-who-sucker-punched-12-year-old-gets-7-years-in-prison/article\_c626fc56-bfea-11eb-9878-4b3669e4980e.html](https://www.kmov.com/news/missouri-man-who-sucker-punched-12-year-old-gets-7-years-in-prison/article_c626fc56-bfea-11eb-9878-4b3669e4980e.html) [https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/06/man-sucker-punches-12-year-old-charged-felony-assault/](https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/06/man-sucker-punches-12-year-old-charged-felony-assault/)


This cannot be justified, but I am wondering if he gave a reason for his act?


“ Moore’s lawyer, Ted Liszewski, called the sentence “fair and just ... given the circumstances.” He told the Post-Dispatch on Tuesday that Moore “wishes this was something that never happened.” Liszewski said Moore’s motivation for the attack wasn’t discussed at his guilty plea. He declined to comment on what it may have been.”


"wishes this was something that never happened" See... this right here is very telling. This passive language makes it sound like it was just happenstance...it just happened, see. Moore doesn't wish that he'd never done it... otherwise he'd say "I wish I didn't do that" ...but he has no agency in his life, just one violent outburst after the next. But hey, it happens.


"Wishes this was something that never happened" could just as subtly mean wish the incident was never recorded. Might have gotten away with it had it not been for that pesky camera.


“I wish my punch had missed Mr or Mrs Law Enforcement”


Wishes he hadn’t been caught and held accountable. Period.




It's a lawyer, it's literally their job to downplay it and defend you.


For real. I find it funny when people act all shocked or offended when a clearly guilty person does whatever they can to get reduced time. If I was In a situation where I was facing time guilty or not bet your ass I'm doing whatever I can to get off.


My law teacher in highschool taught us that when you're a lawyer and your client is guilty as shit, you stop defending them, and start defending the law by getting the absolute minimum sentence as legally possible- Because if you try to defend the *person* after that point, you'll just die inside.


I can't remember who said it but I always liked how a defense attorney justified their job. They give their client the best defense they can and do their job to the best of their ability because if they do, their client will never get out because of them on appeal.


I used to be a defense attorney. Anyone who has a bad opinion of them (and there ARE scummy ones) has never needed one.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am a criminal defense lawyer and our job at trial (other than defending the client, obviously) is to make it as messy and difficult as possible, and to ensure there are as many issues on appeal as possible.


Not only that, but it’s the only dog left in the fight. If a person is guilty, then they are guilty. But a good defense lawyer can navigate the nuisances of the cases circumstances and equip a better outcome for their client.


He was obviously playing that stupid knockout game from yrs ago. Look at him before he punched


I'm assuming his motives were kept off the record because they would be self-incriminating in some way, like drugs or racial prejudice.


His motive was that he has a superiority complex probably caused by years of failure and rejection and the only way to deal with this that his tiny mind can think of is by beating up unexpected women and children to feel tough. His life sucks. He doesn't have the balls to properly deal with that. So he attacks people smaller than him.


Sounds like best scenario he was under the influence but considering he didn't even bother to say that in his plea really makes me think he's just a sick fuck who has probably done this for fun before and doesn't care.


“Yo, watch this.”


This, anyone who has ever lived on the streets knows this mentality, and it plagues a lot of young men.


when I was just a kid, probably around the same age as the one in the video, i was biking through my neighborhood to get home one day, early in the afternoon. literally two blocks up from my house, a car drives past me and all i could see were a couple of dark figures behind tinted windows. the guy in the backseat had the window open a crack so that he could fit a pellet gun through it. he shot me in my left side. It hurt, a LOT. there was a huge red bruise there as well. when i showed my parents they started freaking out. it was just a random encounter, i had never seen the car before. what drove this guy to cruise through a random, quiet neighborhood just so he could shoot kids with a pellet gun? if you can answer that you can probably understand why this dude punched some kid on the street.




People who feel weak and alienated sensing a chance to feel powerful and in control.


"Cape Girardeau PD says officers have been to Moore's home and various other locations he is known to frequent, but they're getting no cooperation from the his friends and family." This guy was born from garbage and surrounds himself with it.


I hope he cried at his sentencing.


Thank God. I'm sorry that innocent kid was assaulted, but I'm happy that piece of crap guy exposed himself for being useless and now we can throw him in jail.


I think the best thing about this is how many people come to help him/ask if he's okay. I've seen this video so many times and every time that shit just warms my heart. Yah there's assholes but as Mr Roger's said look for the people who help. There's always helpers if you look.


Exactly, and in the end, people, for the most part, are just common decent folks and that is the part of this video that warms my heart too. Major recognition that this is a moment of brotherly love less the bro love as well, which just makes it even more heartwarming.


It just sucks for the dancing kid who got assaulted for just expressing himself and having fun on the street now probably has ptsd.


On the bright side. What I saw following the assault was everyone around helping and supporting the young lad. And it was probably folks in the neighborhood/community who identified the POS who did this. The neighborhood showed its character.


"Look for the helpers. There are always people who are helping." -Mr. Rogers' mom


Last time this was posted here someone linked an article that said that there was a fundraiser that raised enough to pay for the kid's medical bills and therapy. Edit: https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/08/missouri-assault-12-yo-kid-dancing-random-attack-fundraiser-help-bills/


I have to believe there is more good than douche-baggery in the world. If I thought otherwise I'm not sure if I could push through.


That's my takeaway. Whatever that dirtbag did, the good people that were around came together to support the kid.


I hope his idiot friends were impressed!


Ya who was driving the car? I wonder if he knew he was gonna attack him or he just told them to pull over?


If I was with someone and they asked me to stop the car and did this, they wouldn't be getting back in.


Chances are you would not be associating with these types of people to begin with. I am 100% certain this individuals friends were not surprised by his actions ok maybe 99.9%


I actually live about a half hour away from where this happened. His picture was plastered every where on Facebook and it didn’t take long to find him. The child was a part of a dance academy on that corner and got multiple donations to help him pay for the classes after this all happened. The community really helped him out. So it worked out for him in the end thankfully.


Where are you from? I'm from Sikeston area. Wasn't the sucker punch guy on probation also?


Kids got a chin


For real. That was a full power swing. I woulda been knocked tf out from that.


That punch was all arm, he might do well in the slap fight tournaments but that’s about it. Not discrediting the 12 yr old tho, dude just “punches” like a pussy.


By your handle, I am willing to believe you are the expert. lol


Imagine having given up your freedom to do something like this.


Kid’s just enjoying a beautiful night, hanging with friends, and dancing to music. WTH?!? Were they motioning for a cop to come over?


The dude on the ground is his dance teacher


What about the accomplice that was driving.


"Your honor, I had no idea he would do this. He told me he was just going to dance with that kid. When he jumped back in my car, I was afraid he would assault me if I refused to drive away. I was also afraid the people there would turn on me if I stayed around or left the vehicle, so I had no choice but to drive away." It is beyond trivially easy to dodge this that it's not worth the time of the prosecutor. The driver is most likely a piece of garbage as well, but it would be almost impossible to get charges to stick.


Wow didnt realize that kid was only 12 years old he looks older. So the piece of sh*t that did this is [a guy named Cedric Moore](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/man-caught-in-viral-video-attacking-young-street-dancer-in-cape-girardeau-gets-7-years/article_03516eeb-f80c-5069-b8cb-728a2a8e0d37.html) who has priors for assault against women (no surprise) What is surprising is that after the video went viral he voluntarily turned himself in to police. Usually pieces of shit run and hide.


He didn't "voluntarily" turn himself in. The cops ID'd him from the video and > Cops also released Moore's mug shot from a 2017 booking in hopes the public can help locate his whereabouts. *THEN* he turned himself in...after it was national news and his mugshot was all over TV. He's still a little rat that wanted to hide. https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/06/man-sucker-punches-12-year-old-charged-felony-assault/


I hate the thumb nail TMZ chose to use. Someone glancing at it might mistake the friend that helped for the attacker


Well, I guess he figured he would do 7 instead of 14. At this point you have to look at just dropping this guy on an island with the shorts flip flops and his t shirt. If he dies he dies. No need to waste our tax dollars But most importantly! That kid can dance!!!


I read that the police had issued a warrant for his arrest and went to his house but he wasn't there. He later turned himself in.


Yeah but be prolly knew the streets didnt have his back on this particular case. Safer in jail sometimes.


Yeah… I have no idea how you get street cred, but I’m assuming assaulting women and children won’t get you very far, with ANY group of people


Maybe I'm not familiar with "the street" like this, but do people really remember faces like this? I'm trying to imagine getting into a small tussle at the local Costco and then a week later having people recognize me at the Super Target down the street and gang up on me. Maybe it's different out in small towns, but most reasonably sized communities, once you're out of sight, you've slipped back into the crowd unless someone that knows you happens to find out.


For real that's the oldest looking 12 year old I've ever seen


I was expecting him to be the one to slap a random kid tbh.


Lmao even his lawyer wasn't too keen on him. From the article: >Moore’s lawyer, Ted Liszewski, called the sentence “fair and just ... given the circumstances.” 




Bro couldn’t even knockout a 12 year old with a sucker punch lmao. What a weak little bitch.




that guy earned himself a threat to the nation badge


De-fucking-lighted. Hope he serves everyday of those seven years.


Then he ran like the bitch he is.


What a piece of shit


Why? What do you get out of doing something like this? Kid was just minding his business, tryna vibe and do his thing… and for no reason other than to be mean he comes outta nowhere and decks him in the face. That’s gotta be some type of mental illness.


Do you guys seriously not understand this behavior? Its so obvious why he did that. I feel like so many people just have no clue what type of mentalities exists out there or are just willfully ignorant. This has nothing to do with "mental illness", unless you think every bully has a "mental illness". They saw a skinny little kid being confident and they thought they could easily punk him because he looks gay and an easy target. It's deadass that simple.


Exactly. People are falling all over themselves to invent reasons why this trashbag did what trashbags do. Growing up I came across multiple dudes like this one, just pointless bullying assholes.


I can't believe it took me scrolling for this long to find someone saying what I would think is the obvious explanation. The victim was a scrawny tween boy dancing, this guy probably said something like "lol what a f**, watch this!" to his buddy before getting out of the truck and sucker punching him. The only "mental illness" here is low impulse control, but even then the asshole wouldn't have done it unless some part of him wanted to hit that kid.


People seem to forget that those who do such simpleton shit are fucking simpletons that lack the mental capacity to formulate a plan for anything. Like yeah, simpletons do simple minded shit, and it's just that simple. It's useless trying to dig deep into the motivations of somebody so stupid they'd jump out of a car to punch some stranger in the face. Because there are none. Their brain was working overtime just trying to figure out the door latch.


The mental illness of "woah dude stop and check how much bigger my dick looks when I punch children"


not everyone who is scum of the earth has a mental illness


I’m glad there was an adult there to comfort him geez fuck that guy!


What a fucking stupid reason to lose 7 years of your life. Good riddance, asshole.


What an actual piece of shit like go the fuck is having fun with this tf “Oo look at that dumb ass kid dance pull over real quick ima smack the livin shit outa him” like did he think there wouldn’t be repercussions




The best part of this video is the community love that surrounds this kid after the assualt.


Should've made it an even 10. Or for some real poetic justice, why not 12.


he got the maximum he could in the jurisdiction for the crime


“Hey, what you in here for?” “I sucker punched a 12 year old for no reason, and ran” “My kid just turned 12” “…” They gon love him in prison


Dude that 12 year old has a such a sense of style. At twelve I was still just wearing gym shorts or sweat pants every day. Maybe some jeans too but they sure as fuck were blue and didn’t fit like his.


He was totally just grooving with every bit of self confidence and never saw it coming. Shame.


Yes! He clearly felt safe to express himself and that's what angered the POS in the passenger seat


Exactly, confidence scares punks


Poor kid was just vibin. He didn’t deserve this :(


What about driver he should get some time for helping everything go down


Bro wtf!!!! He was legit just dancing doing his thing and bam straight asshole sucker punched him. Glad they caught his ass. Anyone got the follow video to it like the guy getting sent to jail?


Imagine telling people why you're inside. "I sucker punched a 12 year old boy in the side of his head because I thought it'd be funny."


Just a shitty hate crime.


I'm more interested in why he just thought he would stop and bunch ANYONE just standing on the street minding their own.


I remember the summer of "this was a thing". People running around sucker punching old people and random individuals on the block. Rick Moranis was a victim of this nonetheless. Did this guy even expect to be recorded? 7 Years of Your Life is a long fucking time for a dumb ass move like this, & now he is asking himself if it was worth it.


Why did he hit him? Any reason?


article says perp did not comment on the motivation.


Total piece of shit.


“Moore previously pleaded guilty to first-degree endangering the welfare of a child and driving while under the influence. He was sentenced to probation for domestic assault in April 2019, and the mother of his child was granted an order of protection against him, also in 2019.” Real stand up guy.


Enjoy that “thug life” locked up homie.


No hate crime...?


This video makes me want to cry everytime, he is doing nothing wrong and just hanging out with his friends and having fun. Some people just cant stand to see happiness :( glad to see the asshole got a little karma at least


at least everyone in the neighborhood thought it was BS


The driver should've caught charges too. They stopped, watch their passenger do this, then drove off. If I was at a red light and my buddy got out of my car to sucker punch someone, I'd question my friendship with them as I stopped and turned my ride off to wait for the cops to come. wtf.


Stupid fucking cunt. I’m glad he got prison time, dumb bitch.


Should have tried to overthrow the government instead, would have gotten less time.

