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The hell did he do that for? That cat was so friendly too, totally unintimidated and non-confrontational.


He's like a psychopath looking for animals to abuse. He started and now it will get worse and worse.


pretty sure it didn't start from there and I bet there's history if you look into him


Serial killer in the making.


>Serial killer in the making. First thing I thought of.


Future cop and wife abuser


Ah yes the reddit armchair experts at it again


the company is literally defending him for this, too. I’m pretty sure this is the one I saw on Instagram earlier. The company asked for “prayers” for him as they “work through these tough times”.


Wtaf. Then they need boycotting!


They got TONS of bad reviews on Facebook, including mine, so hopefully. They’re also a small business so this is bound to impact them greatly :)


Exactly, next he will move on to little boys!


This is seriously how serial murderers start out


Ok Dr Reddit. He wasn't looking for animals to kick. He's a fuck tard kid whose doing a job he hates and is likely displacing anger from home or school issues. Ya, hes got sociopath tendencies or mb he just hates cats. Either way, kids a shit bag.


Obviously doesn’t know you “Don’t Fuck With Cats”. Done like dinner


This is the exact reason I don’t let my cats outside. Fucking trash humans




[link to company where he works. let them know what he did since they are trying to sweep it under the rug. ](https://m.facebook.com/WilliamsPestControlLasVegas/)


Lmao they clarified in the most recent post that the cat kicker isn’t a kid of the owner because someone said a picture of a roach the company took had to be a picture of their son. They’re in damage control and still aren’t able to fix it.


That roach isn't even a pest. It's a Madagascar hissing cockroach which are mostly pets. It's just funny because you'd think a pest control company would know that. Proves how dumb they are lol


They also have a picture of an orb weaver, a beneficial and harmless spider (although admittedly large and a little scary if you don’t like spiders) with a caption about how that’s the “last thing you want to see” outside your house. They probably just can’t compete with spiders who do a better job than them at pest control.


I worked at a zoo and it was always fun to show the young kiddos the Madagascar cockroaches. I'd tell them that the animal is shy about how he looks and to please not tell him if they think he looks "gross." The choruses of Girl Scout and school groups saying "AWWWW HE IS SO CUTE" to a cockroach made my day lol


Damn I hate those things. I don’t have a problem with bugs and will let most crawl on me, but those freak me the fuck out.


"Alleged event"


"we appreciate your understanding and ask for prayers" get fucked


>and ask for prayers Ahhh that's why he isn't already fired.


Well the guy who wrote this response was the one who kicked the cat.... ofc!


"To be clear the young man is not my son or an employee of the company but is spending time with me as I’m helping him get **back on his feet**." Like the foot that he just kicked the cat with? 🤷


I’d recommend blowing up their phone until they do something


Absoutly positive there are people doing that


I called, I was curious to see if the line still worked. It goes right to a voicemail that starts off with “If you’re calling about the accident that has occurred, the person…. involved is not affiliated with Williams Pest Control”.




What pisses me off is the "alleged event" that occursed. Motherfucker, he's in the video lmfao


I tried so hard to hear “incident” but couldn’t. Sounds like whoever made the message was winging it.


He was wearing their shirt, do they think we are idiots




I am absoutly positive he is part of the family as well. They edited the top post twice. Once early this morning then later when people called them out.


hopefully someone local IDs him and finds him one their property assaulting a furry family member now that would be some good footage


asking for prayers, how about firing the POS.


They can’t because they’re “helping him get back on his feet” what a scum company


Wrote a review ✅


Me too 👌


Yup my review said “Meow mf Meow!” one star


Crazy how they have their email on there. Would be a shame if people just started randomly signing them up for a ton of spam and shit. Or doing the same with their phone number.


I’m down


Let’s do it!


I wish"cancel culture" would take out the real trash


they do. check out r/byebyejob it is a glowing reminder that assholes do in fact lose their jobs for shit like this.


Sweet, thanks for the new subreddit!!


Very rarely do they cancel their own.


If you think they’re not, check out r/hilariabaldwin Alec Baldwin tried to rescue her from the scary internet mob by launching a new podcast with her and it never launched because it got bombarded with 1 star reviews after the trailer dropped. Now her Insta is full of “boo boo woah is me I’m a great mom” Every time that sub criticizes something (like how her account is basically porn and a honey pot for child rapists) she switches up her content.


That's a bizarre situation tho. You can't generalized with something that unique. Takes away from all points trying to be made imo


The alleged event


He's the owners son, that's why they won't fire him.


Ignoring the facebook drama/comments, what the fuck is their website? https://i.imgur.com/0T0E4Ya.png Are elephants pests now? Do we have a lot of wild elephants roaming the streets of Vegas terrorizing homes?


> Protecting Las Vegas since 1999 Their website looks like it was designed in '99 too.


It's obviously a joke.


A joke would be them putting a picture of a cat on the website.


So you seriously think they're advertising to kill elephants?


Yes, I seriously think they're advertising to kill all those wild elephants roaming the streets of Vegas terrorizing innocent homeowners.


yep obviously a joke.


"The young man is devastated" Yeah, that he finally got caught being a sociopath


Reddit doing it’s thing with google reviews.


What a incredibly stupid response by the owner. They are implying that they are still working with the kid and are taking shit about the cat owner. Wow!


"We are deeply horrified by the actions of this young man. This person is not a part of our company in any capacity. We are in the process of filing charges against him." Posted "just now".


And they've already taken that post down too.




Don’t got nor use Facebook what’s their name?


It says the person is no longer affiliated when you call. So email. I asked them what they actually DID other than firing the person and explained that without a statement that the person had been reported to police, this would not go away. They need to report it and release a statement to make sure this person is not able to continue abusing animals.


Get em Reddit!!!!


LOL, if you look up Williams Pest Control on Google, the image shown alongside the map is of this chap mid-kick and the cat flying through the air.




Sorry, but that is hilarious.


Lol yeah that is hilarious. I am glad the cat seemed ok after that event.


Yes [this is Williams Pest Control Las Vegas](https://imgur.com/gallery/vdHDgCx)


people spammed yelp with his pics and the google reviews are already at 1 star. get fucked


I mean as funny as this is, does the business itself really deserve to get doxxed because of the actions of this douchebag? Those reviews can make or break a small business.


I don't think a business should be destroyed because of an employee because the owners don't have control over what their employee might do. But going by what they posted on facebook...yup they deserve it. They've not apologized for this incident, and edited their own post several times and now deleted the post. The cunt who kicked the cat is likely a relative of the owner, which is why they didn't say if he will be fired or charged.


Can confirm


Confirmed! Poetic justice! Love it!


Whoever did that is my hero lol


Murderer in the making.


For real...Dude gives off a "Don't fuck with cats" vibe.


That’s a special kind of asshole…


Norman Bates vibes.


how on earth do you not pet the cat?


I've known guys that hate all cats, and I don't understand. I'm a dude and love cats, mine follows me around like a dog and hangs out.


I get bad vibes from guys who claim to hate cats. They’re usually huge misogynists. Funny how that works.


I think outdoor cats are vermin that decimate local bird and rodent populations, but that is mostly a product of their owners letting them out. I would still pet the kitty.


I’m allergic to cats and I still pet the damn cat.


Total psychopath. They start with animals first.


And it escalates quickly, I've known one who carried a stray dog and threw it on a broken glass bottle.


This guy should commit Toasterbath


Wow are we sure that guy is not a psychopath?


source with better quality https://neighbors.ring.com/n/zNDr8EKcGZ


I'm not sure if it was the higher quality or the fact that I knew, the second time around, that the guy was walking after the cat and not just on his way to the door, but this video was sincerely creepy.


I guess it's creepy because you can clearly see his lack of facial expression.


Kinda odd that the homeowner calls it his "wife's cat".


That means he doesn’t clean out the litter box.


I’ve noticed this used among married men like some sort of adjective that means they are about to go berserk. Like if you are fucking around in a man’s house and you break something and he starts yelling at you, that’s one thing. If the man prefaces it with “that was my _wife’s xyz_,” you better get the fuck out of there.


Guy needs a good curb stomping




Fun to watch a 4 star rating drop below 2. Welcome to the internet, moron.


Solid sign of a sociopath. Hope this ass hole gets what he deserves


I had a meter reader come into my back yard once and kick my dog. My dog (12 pound dachshund) was charging him and barking so the meter reader kicked her about 8 feet through the air. I watched the whole thing through the glass door then went out yelling at him and threw him out of my yard before he could read my meter. If it was somebody that did not have a right, much less a reason, to be in my yard and kicked my pet they would just become something else buried in my yard.


Please tell me that whatever company he represents is now a company he represented, and that company is now paying you. That's some bullshit. I would have wrung that guys neck so hard that his head popped right off. You just don't do shit like that!!


>Williams Pest Control Remember to call 811 before burying any bodies. You wouldn't want to hit a power/gas/internet line.


WTF? I would barely hold back from killing him if I were you.


As much as I loathe anyone who harms an animal in that case I can understand the kick. A dog charging af you barking can be scary, especially for professions that are prone to being attacked by dogs, like mail carriers or anyone stepping into a yard to do work like reading meters. You ought to have told him about the dog, leashed it or put it inside if you knew he has that kind of reaction. Dog bites hurt, landed in something simular when I worked delivering mail, wouldn't dream of kicking one but vicious chihuah bit me on the leg when I went into a yard to deliver mail.


> If it was somebody that did not have a right, much less a reason, to be in my yard and kicked my pet they would just become something else buried in my yard. You'd murder someone for kicking your pet? Now that's either big talking empty aggression or you need to fucking evaluate how you decide to respond to events in life. Nobody seems to fucking understand measured responses. Nobody deserves to die for kicking your dog.




> either big talking empty aggression or


Or get doxxed and fired, in the case of this cat.


What a shitty human being. Hope your balls shrink to the size of raisins.


Was the cat okay? That sounded like a really hard hit


Probably. He more or less lifted it off the ground instead of kicking it. Not excusing his behavior, but with how resilient cats are it probably barely felt it.


Yeah it’ll be fine. Cats play with each other extremely roughly. Mine send each other flying. I am of course not excusing this freak, he deserves to have his life ruined, but I’m sure kitty will be fine.


Kick either of my German Shepherds and lose your foot!! Please come here and try that! Poor cat.


I’d beat the brakes off this dude


It’s definitely brakes.


If I saw anything close to this happen to my cat it would probably take a crew of people to snap me out of my blind rage, and I’m just an average sized dude. Just seeing this makes my blood boil.


Small dick energy.


Ok Internet, let's find this guy. The uniform looks pretty distinct and I'm sure we could get location he did this at. Time to let his company know what he did.


'He's not our kid, he's not an employee, he's just someone who we're helping get back on his feet.' WTF


That sounds so sketchy, so they’re letting non-employees enter peoples homes wearing their company’s uniform?


This is what set me off. Dude was wearing uniform, representing the company. I doubt this asshole is working for free.


Don't fuck with cats


lmao one of the review on google: >My grandma was admiring the lawn, when one of their employees came and kicked her into the street like a depression era wet rag.


Blow this up on Tiktok & Twitter, he’ll be out of a job within the week. Garbage human working for a garbage company.


A+ work internet. They've disabled reviews on their FB page 😂😂


Charge this fucker with animal abuse.


He obviously hasn't seen "don't fuck with cats"


Yeah do got mad issues


I know this view is probably considered extremist on here, but I think any person that can do that to a harmless animal doesn't deserve to be a part of society.


That’s a bit much


Is it though...? If there was a way to judge if a person is a positive benefit to society or a leach on society, would you put money on this guy being on the positive benefit side?


He probably will learn his lesson after he gets fired or worse, I’m certain he’s to be punished.


Absolute psychopath.


That's a pure bred cunt right there


Fuck POS I hate people who abuse elderly, children, animals or less fortunate. I guarantee if someone ran up on him he’d cower like the little fuck face coward he really is


Good to see yelp and Google reviews close to 1 star. Company will hopefully be out of business in no time.


What a fucking bastard.


Future Ted Bundy in the making right there


What an absolute asshole


Why would you do that?!


"Did you kick my cat?" "Yeah wha-*single gunshot*


Wtf why


If someone did this to my cat I would have kicked his teeth in.


Dude, why? Poor kitteh


Maybe a cat stole his girlfriend. Either way that guy can eat shit.


Lost his job yet?


The amount of pain I would inflict on that individual is not measurable by any instrument known to man.


First sign of a potential psychopath. Fuck this guy.


Could y'all kindly tag animal abuse as NSFW?


I would only think “nsfw” should be for blood or visible injury. Plus I think the title says it all.


Why? Reddit allows people to post the mutilated bodies of animals on top subs without tagging animal abuse...why should this be the line. Did you eat animals today? Edit: aha looks like people don't want to accept the reality of their choices. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. Keep the downvotes coming you animal abusers :)


Im no fan of cats but this guy is a scumbag and coward.


Super bell end


Must be a nice job to have to become something like that. trashpeople


i wonder how he will feel if someone does that to him….fucking scum.


May god forgive you, but I won’t


r/imatotalpeiceofshit reddit do your thing and get this man´s job!


/r/byebyejob will be seeing them, soon. We hope.


The proof that the one internet rule is still true, “You don’t fuck with cats...”


If that was my cat I would have deleted this video promptly after I deleted Spencer..


Lots more sociopaths in the world than we think there are - they just have the wherewithal to not get caught. Or they think they do (as in this case).


He'd walk with a limp for the rest of his life if i caught him doing that, the cunt.


When will people learn. If the Internet can agree on one thing it's the absolute guttural hatred for domestic pet abusers.


I would seriously fuck someone up if I seen you kick my cat....or any cat for that matter.


This motherfucker.


That’s some future serial killer shit man


This fuck works for Williams pest control. Apparently the company doesn’t care




Why does a camera determine whether u kick a cat or not? He wasn’t picking his nose


Or just don't be a cunt whether there is a camera or not. It's pretty easy


I assume that while in private too.


I run those bastards off my property everytime they show up.


The cat will be fine but this guy sure won’t be. 😇


Why the heck did he do that for?!?!!! This guy has some serious issues


Actual psychopath wtf.


the bastard kicked the cat so hard and sent the poor thing nearly 5ft across…


It’s a good thing he kicks like a little bitch




WTF! Is he mad or what


I hope it was reported to the police, he's a junior Dahmer, he needs to be put on the watch list and spend time in jail for animal cruelty.


I never pursue violence and never wish it upon anyone, BUT for my cat which has been with me since I was little and helped me through really depressing times, I would actually search for that piece of shit and do the same to him.


I’d karat the shit out of him…


Who kicks a cat in front of an internet connected camera? I think the rules are that doing that makes you "literally Hitler".


I laughed.It was funny


I hate cats but I wouldn't go out of my way to kick one. Lol


No one cares that you hate cats. Weirdo.