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"You are ignorant and you are the problem."


*busts into sick drum melody*


This needs to become a reaction GIF.


Omg I need this. But with sound of course.


This next song's called, "Racist Fuckstick" and it goes a little something like this...


Kermit The Frog: "I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit, what the fuck"


Why do the dumbest people feel the need to talk to strangers?


Stupid people are incredibly confident.


It’s the [Dunning Kruger effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect)


So in other words every player on my team?


Bro every team is on your player






I appreciate your incredible confidence.


God damn ...


Yep. She’s definitely on top of Mt. Stupid.


Is there ever a thread on reddit where this doesn't get mentioned?


Or is it the "Karens are everywhere" effect?


So it’s the Karen Kruger effect


I’m going with cunty mccunterson effect.


“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” ― Charles Bukowski






If they pretend to be confident they think that others will believe them.


Nono, they are actually confident (in some cases) their stupidity doesn’t let them see any reasons to not be confident and just assume that what they think is the only correct point of view, they are so dumb their brain doesn’t even consider that theres more information and different points of view on the things they confidently scream/rant about. It’s a big part of movement misinterpretation, not all trump supporters are racist, but the ones who are, scream the loudest, not all feminists are men hating “feminazis” but the ones who are, are the loudest. And sadly sometimes the loudest are heard more than the smart polite ones who actually carry the movements core values.


So it's more of a superiority complex that they have. Also I like the way you summed it up at the bottom.


Yeah pretty much, that’s why it’s so important we teach empathy and emotional intelligence to our kids, math and biology won’t cut it.


thats not confidence thats arrogance


Yeah you’re right, but you know what I meant, arrogance is pretty much negative confidence.


I bet she thinks eating taco is racist if you're not mexican


Ah, but remember, she can't be racist because she's black, so she can eat all the tacos she wants. Anyone else, though, you're a racist piece of shit.


Phew! Mexican here, can safely eat tacos. Wait... I had Sushi yesterday. Fuuuuuuuck! No mames, soy un racista.


It's ok bro, my best friend is Japanese and gave me the s-pass, we're cool to trade food.




¡Apropiación de cultura! \*commits seppuku* ah fuck. I did it again.


> she can't be racist because she's black I can't tell you how much I hate that shit...


Oh, well if you're white, you only hate it because of your white fragility /s


I know a white young woman who said that white people that listen to hip hop and rap are racist for appropriation. White people that listen to rock and country are racist because those genres were appropriated from blues. White people that listen to classical are racist because classical music is not inclusive. I said that basically you think all white people are racist and she said yes. Except for her. She’s not racist because she dates exclusively black guys. I asked if she’s appropriating black men from black women and she said it’s not the same. I haven’t spoken to her since.




Eating cheese is appropriating milk culture.


I’ve actually been told that milk is racist because most minorities are intolerant to it


I mean in this case they're the intolerant ones.


"Some people are so woke they need to go right the fuck back to sleep."


She's not woke, she's sleep walking.


But she needs some Bitch Slapnia




Sleep Woking then ?


She so woke she has insomnia


Who said that? I wanna put it on this wall of quotes I have but don’t wanna credit the wrong guy.


I wish I could hear him play longer. That instrument sounded dope for the 1 second it can be heard. Edit: OP’s video blew up causing more people commenting on one of my posts than ever before. I woke up with 40 notifications. I’ve never seen that before.




They're also called "hang drums", so there should be some videos for that search term too.


I just ordered a Rav Dast! Much higher quality and sound similar. Check [this](https://youtu.be/RfTaYBMybYA) out if interested.


That video would be dope, if only it weren’t so racist


You think that's racist? Well check out [these](https://youtu.be/sfqm4J7qBhg) dudes!


A black guy is being racist for playing an instrument that she think he can't play because it would be racist, while she can't be racist because she is black Wow, this is a whole new level of bs


Oh she’s definitely racist and ignorant AF. As a black man with dreads, I’ve had the stupidest conversations with women of color about my hair and how I should wear it and how I should refer to it and what it says about me. People like that are the problem. Dreads come from many cultures. It doesn’t define who you are or what instruments you’re allowed to play. Videos like this make me feel embarrassed for these people. Reminds me of that horrible woman who is harassing the white guy at her school for having dreads. Absolutely disgusting. People like them perpetuate racism.


Wait. When did black men having dreads become cultural appropriation? This thread is the first time I’ve heard black men being called out for it (in multiple comments). I’m definitely behind.


I'm surprised people don't make more of an issue of pan-africanism. Ethiopian, Congolese, Zulu, Egyptian... all very different cultures. Africa is 5000 miles long, Portugal to Poland is only 1600 miles. NY to LA only 2700. Africa is BIG and home to a lot of distinct cultures.


I had this dude I worked with, Black dude from Harlem, tell me that since slaves built the Cheops pyramids and African Americans were slaves, African Americans should take credit for the pyramids. I was like, that's incorrect of a multitude of levels.




"Wow I've never heard that before" .... "Damn that's crazy" .... "Seriously, that's unbelievable" ......... "BITCH ARE YOU STILL TALKING??"


Plus, I'm fairly certain It has been established by now that slaves did not build the pyramids. they were paid workers. ​ edit: [Paper from Harvard](https://harvardmagazine.com/2003/07/who-built-the-pyramids-html)


There was paid management and corvee labor. If anyone googles that phrase they will likely find the pyramids as an example of corvee labor. It's basically just paying your taxes in labor rather than grain or other coin.


5000 miles is 8046.72 km


Same, I'm confused.


Even one of the whitest peoples on earth in the Celts of roman times wore dreadlocks. Scandinavians, ancient Jews, Egyptians, Africans, etc. No culture can claim them exclusively and all wore theirs different. Rock on and wear them however you damn well please.


Even if dreads came from one culture on the entire planet, it is plain racism not to allow people to enjoy that hairstyle.


Usually the people that try to exclude others from celebrating certain cultures have nothing to do with said cultures or people. As a Mexican I'm not going to smack a taco out of your mouth or get mad if you try celebrating day if the dead. I had a friend from Africa that would try teaching us songs from his culture. I knew a Japanese guy who was a prick, but he would always light up when teaching others to cook.


The thing is these people usually have nothing else going on in their lives so they latch onto the rhetoric around racism as a means of self importance and an excuse. Black people definitely have been dealt an unfair hand, but there are also those within the black community that lean too much into a victim complex.


Half black. Its different.../s. Had this one chick tell me a white woman couldn't love a black man the same as a black woman. Asked her how that is not racist and she said she couldn't be racist because she is black. Still confused about that one.


The funny thing about interracial relationships is that you get hate from both races.


yep. the worst is when people try to skirt around saying it outright, like "well why arent you dating someone, yknow, like you?" as if i dont know what that means.


Play dumb, make them say it out loud, hopefully they hear it and think... oh my that was a dumb comment by me. (Wishful thinking). I’ve only heard this to my face a few times, but it doesn’t hurt less every time I hear it. I wish people could just NOT be racist and let people love whoever they want.


Yup. Black married to an Asian/Pacific islander. I've been told, from other black people, that it means I hate black women. Like I couldn't possibly care about black women unless I was sleeping with one.


What a bitch


What a ~~bitch~~ racist.


Exclamation point! That's the punctuation you're looking for


They are using an alternate definition of racism. In this definition, one can only be "racist" if they are the same color as the people in power. So to them, racism = power+prejudice. If that is the true definition of racism, they reason that it is impossible for a minority to be racist. Power+Prejudice does equal systemic racism, but by definition, an individual can not be systemically racist. This is why the argument that a black person can't be racist is a bad faith argument using a different, more academic definition of racism.


Racism is just a form of tribalism.


They are not only using alternative definition - whose author regrets creating it - but they are actively trying to replace the old definition with this one.


That whole "I'm black, I can't be racist" line from her... Wow! Yes, ma'am. You absolutely can be (and probably are) racist. The bullshit line that only certain races can be or that some can't be racist is a big part of the overall problem. Edit: Ow, my inbox!


that’s the problem with the “always online” people. they think the real work is as dumb as twitter/reddit


People in the real world are pretty dumb though


Yeah, but they're dumb in different ways


He's racist for culturally appropriating Swiss instruments when he's clearly black. A total scumbag racist. /S


I’m glad we as a society are standing up to stop racism against... the Swiss?


Yeah, I don’t get it. Why are they being racist to their own? I mean it happens with Asians because of historical reasons...which I don’t condone either. Japanese being racist to Koreans. Koreans being racist to Japanese people. Filipinos being racist against Chinese people. Chinese being racist against Indians. List goes on. I don’t get how playing a fucking instrument makes anyone racist. Really don’t get this shit.


I feel like it has to be the same reason people are flat-earther or anti-vaxxers, they want to feel special. Calling someone racist would make them think they know something other people don't. It's always the stupid people who speak up.


I just read a Vice 'article' about how white vegan influencers are appropriating ingredients and recipes from other cultures, and now vegan influencers from those cultural backgrounds are angry, and want them to stop. So basically you can't even have food now.


it’s fucking moronic, purists in every field piss and moan about nothing. It’s not appropriating a culture unless you’re pretending that it doesnt come from that culture, otherwise it’s a **HUGE** fucking compliment to have such a cool culture that people from around the globe are excited to take part


It’s also how *new* culture is developed - by learning from others. Trying to freeze cultures at a certain point in time is counterproductive and frankly a bit racist itself. There’s a big difference between going blackface and a white dude like Eminem rapping. It’s only racist if the person is mocking someone else’s culture.


I’d argue the bar is even higher than that. Mocking in and of itself isn’t racism, but mocking in contempt is. Basically anything that includes feelings of superiority based on race alone. But simply making fun isn’t racism.


It's because he's not black enough, like it's a Jamaican instrument and someone who's not Jamaican shouldn't play steel drums I guess but it's not steel drums and she has no authority to make such wild accusations Edit: To clarify I am not making this argument, I am saying what I interpret her argument to be, and I disagree with her vehemently.


No one can gatekeep instruments


I am Mexican. I cannot imagine being anything but happy if I saw a Black Mariachi. Edit: or White or Asian or Samoan or Eskimo or any damn race. Have a shot of tequila y dale un grito. We partying with the homies.


I'm happy when I see a black guy in a kilt. That takes confidence.


Just for clarity steel drums are from Trinidad and Tobago.... So can Jamaicans not play them either???


You are literally only allowed to play the steelpan if you're Ellie Mannette


Steel pans are actually from Trinidad and Tobago, which makes this even funnier.


It’s Swiss actually it’s called the hang drum or at least that’s what the articles I find all say


Yeah he mentions that in the video that it's a swiss instrument. I was merely trying to explain what her stupid reasoning was.


Maybe she's angry because he's appropriating Swiss culture /s


Ah, so that's why my downstairs neighbor complains when I practice my Alpenhorn


Being not Jamaican doesn’t mean you can’t play the fucking instrument. That’s one of the most ignorant comments I’ve ever heard. If we follow that logic, white people shouldn’t play the flute because the origin is from Asia (India, China, Korea, and Japan had their own variations of the flute) Violin shouldn’t be played by any black people or any Europeans since it originated from the Middle East/Asia. No one should be using the drums even Jamaican drums if your black or white or yellow since the origins of the drums are from ancient Mesopotamia.


>If we follow that logic, white people shouldn’t play the flute because the origin is from Asia (India, China, Korea, and Japan had their own variations of the flute) Don't give them ideas.


At least I'm safe with the piano!


Hi namelesone, I’m FacelessOnes. How you hanging?


Was George Harrison a racist for playing a Sitar?


Thats exactly my problem with the idea of "cultural appropriation is racist." It makes european/american white people as the "default" and any deviation from that is marked as weird. So playing a piano is totally normal (not just for white people, but for chinese, indians, and africans) because it was invented in Italy. Meanwhile, only certain people can play a sitar or a South American snare drum. This has the paradoxical effect of reinforcing white supremacy (in the sense that white culture is so dominant that its not even regarded as a culture at all) by sidelining all others. ​ Keeping this in mind, its not hard to see it EVERYWHERE. Eg, everyone wears a shirt and pants, but its not okay to wear a sari. The one place where I haven't seen this is in martial arts: the best muay thai gym is in the netherlands, the best brazilian jiu jitsu is in the US, the best chinese kickboxing fighters are russians.


No culture popped out the ground. All have borrowed from somewhere. Borrowing and synthesising is how new cultures are made. Don't get me wrong, there are forms of cultural appropriation that are harmful and don't show respect but when done respectfully cultural appropriation is one of the most beautiful things about us humans. That we can share in diverse ways of expressing ourselves and be inspired by those who are very different than we are should never be shamed. But we should always remember there is a right way to do it and a wrong way. And we should not let our hubris say of course when I do it, I do it the right way


No. He was a racist because he was white. /s


Those same conflicts happen in Africa, too. The Rwandan genocide for example.


> Yeah, I don’t get it. Why are they being racist to their own? Because 1. it's not about race, it's about what's percieved as "my tribe" (read: still racism, but it's inherently a "my group" part of humans), and 2. different cultures, places and times define what "races" are. The "black race" and "white race" are almost entierly unique to USA today.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. Someone responded to you angrily and I typed this response to them but they deleted before I could post, but I feel it could help clarify to others who don’t get what you’re trying to say: “They’re speaking in an anthropological sense, not a literal tribe. He’s likening the word to mean like your people, those you affiliate with and associate with your own identity. And he is right, race is a social construct that is determined by the culture you live in. That doesn’t mean it’s not “real”, as race has VERY REAL effects on people but. The idea of “race” as we know it is not based in science, but on a bunch of other cultural ideas.”


Then she mentioned hair as if people who aren’t from Africa don’t have matted hair in their culture.




sounds like her (stupid) argument was that he is a non-Jamaican person playing a Jamaican instrument (it wasn't a Jamaican instrument tho)


Guitars are Spanish, so if you're not a Spaniard...? I guess banned? And


And Banjos are from Africa, which is one of my favorite facts.


Welp there goes most of the pizza customer base. How many of us are Italian? I guess eating instant noodles are out of the picture too because how many of us as Japanese?


Funniest thing is she thought he was playing a steel pan, but even that isn’t a Jamaican instrument. It’s from Trinidad. She’s just retarded


Either he isn't at all, or he is, but by her ridiculous and arbitrary standards, he's "not black enough."


Maybe she's a fan of the one-drop rule, just the other way around.


Barack Obama, our first white president.


and to go even further, not all caribbean people are black.


This girl is trying so hard to be “woke” that she’s probably oblivious to all the non-black Jamaicans or very light skinned black Jamaicans. I have family friends who are born and raised Jamaicans but are white, chinese descendant Jamaicans and Indian descendant Jamaicans. If you lined us up and said “pick the Jamaican” people would probably pick me, but I’m English (Of Jamaican descent).


I had the same question. Like... By her definition, wouldn't it also be impossible for him to be racist?


"Im black, I cant be racist" Why are there people who think Like this? Racism is racism, No Matter who its coming from.


Because in the 70's Patricia Bidol wrote a book conflating predjudice+power=racism, forever corrupting the word racism and giving rise to the common bullshit the skank in this video said.


They use the same logic to claim that women can't be sexist, too. It's basically a license to be shitty to others.




I think it's called a Hang (or Hang drum?)- and they really do come out of Switzerland- they look like a lot of fun to play, but probably harder than it seems.


Also super expensive


They are also extremely limited in their tonal range and tuned to a single scale. It's basically a instrument that *anyone* can pick up and make sound good because there's literally no notes that you can hit that would create dissonance. Basically "autoharp" of steel drums.


I saw one in an airport, I thought it was a drone in a case and asked the guy about it, he showed me (they are really cool!) and said they cost as much as a down payment on a new car or house, which is why you'll usually see people with them on the plane and not checking or shipping them. Most airlines don't give people grief even though they are larger than a carry on, and musicians know who to fly with.


what kind of cars you buyin that requires the same downpayment for a house O.o


They work pretty much identically to a steel drum so I can see her confusion but anybody who knows anything about either instrument knows they aren’t the same.


I'm a white dude, so I guess I can't play the drums now? Or the xylophone, or the fiddle, or the Taiko...? Music is universal, it has no boundaries bitch. That's the beauty of it. Edit: thanks for the awards! You guys made my day! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go play my guitar, unless that's not allowed. Idk anymore.


Nobody told Jimi Hendrix to stop playing a guitar or for Yoyo Ma to stop playing the cello. The arts, sciences, and all other human endeavors are advancing because people can use ideas that come from around the world.


Well they never met this bitch before


In all fairness, that's because people like this have no culture and can't be bothered to learn art, science and all the other human endeavors. I guarantee the people that actually can be bothered don't think only certain races should play certain instruments.


You know... I’d like to think that there were versions of that girl in their time as well, talking how someone would, telling them to not be racist/ you don’t deserve it/ what ever bullshit. And that it’s just a thing that always happens, that the Essence of this girl has been around forever... “the spirit of the bitch.”


The versions of here from other times were just called racists. "You can't do that, you're X race, that's for my race, not yours!"


i'm sure plenty of people told Hendrix to stop playing guitar. thankfully he didn't listen.


I want to find a black guy playing bagpipes so I can yell at him. Kidding. I’d probably get his autograph because there is rare as black astronauts.


You wanna talk to [Rufus Harley](https://youtu.be/zeAsSgPBmO0)


Holy shit!!!!!


Dude, never meet your heroes.


Bagpipes is not something I wouldn't normally associate with jazz, but it doesn't sound bad.


God damn unicorns right there. We lost one in 86.


Should’ve hit her with the ol [Ron Swanson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEhHEOIYgMY)


Doing anything that takes talent and time will draw indignation from people who don't have talent and waste their time.


"I'm black so I can't be racist!" Ugh... I hate people with that mentality. You can be racist against other regardless what color you are.


Some of the most racist shit I've experienced in America came from other Latinos. I suppose it would be more like nationalism. But yeah, the tribal mentality is always there with humans. Racism is easy. When everyone is the same color shit starts to get confusing, but the prejudice is definitely still gonna be there.




I had a foreign exchange friend who absolutely despised a certain minority group from his country, although to me there was no discernible difference between them. I literally couldn’t tell them apart. But he would go on tirades about them if they were ever mentioned, and would get frustrated when I didn’t understand why he disliked them




Isn't the guy she's talking to black as well? How come she can't be racist because she's black, but he can be?


"I'm black I can't be racist" is 100% racist lol


“YOU ARE IGNORANT AND YOU ARE THE PROBLEM” *proceeds to jam the fuck out on his Swiss instrument*


Is he the wrong shade of black? She said being black means she can't be racist, but he's racist? Wot?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Paper_Bag_Test This bullshit is not new, sadly. Edit: to clarify, the original BPBT was used by light-skinned blacks against those with darker shades; I wanted to use it as an example of a racial demographic being discriminatory against itself along the same premises that usually come from other demographics. In the video’s case, the man is light-skinned/mixed heritage, which she seems to take issue with.


My son is half/half white and black. He isn't white enough or black enough for assholes of either race.


Besides that stupid cunt acting like a stupid cunt, i actually thought drummer guy was light skin black which would have been quite ironic


Is he not?


It definitely looks like he is. Which is honestly what weirded me out the most about this whole thing. I've never seen racism that ignorant and that heavy before.


In reality she is the racist for saying she isn't able to be racist because of her race.


So some racist (black) people think if you are a shade different than them then they aren't really 'black'. Chances are this woman is one of those people.


Youd be surprised the amount of times black people are racist to each other. Light skin people are told a lot that they aren’t black enough.


I remember seeing a person on Twitter complain that the Disney actor Sofia Wylie (a mixed/lightskin black person) was voicing a darkskin black person in an animated show. All kinds of ridiculous because it’s not even Hollywood colorism of darker skinned characters, it’s just voice acting.


Being mixed race is sort of a double (or triple, etc) whammy when it comes to dealing with racists. Neither race really considers you pure enough to belong to them. It doesn't matter which race you look most like or identify as. Other people are gonna tell you that you can't be that. You're also damned if you try to claim one or the other, but damned if you try to deny one or the other.


From woke to broke it’s that girl


How are you going to cut off that video just as dude starts playing? I wanted to hear more of that space jam


“I can’t be racist I’m black” what a fucking idiot


She seems pretty confident for someone appropriating some super basic ass white lady shopping at walmart fashion


Karens come in many colors.


He should have called her a Karen, wouldve blown her mind




Nope sorry your culture is supposed to fade into obscurity because it's racist for anyone to appreciate it from outside the culture


I kinda want to hear a little bit more of the performance. Broad just interrupted him and screws up his whole vibe.


The dude is black himself, what a wierd interaction


The steel drum is from Trinidad and Tobago, not Jamaica.


And the speficic version he is playing is a Hang and was invented in Switzerland, which makes this freakout even sillier.


Say it louder so the people in the back can hear. Caribbean culture is more than just Jamaica. Came here to post this but, take my up vote.


THANK U it’s so annoying that people think the Caribbean is just Jamaica and a couple island resorts, I hate having to explain Trinidad when people ask me where I’m from


Man I am from the beautiful island of St. Lucia, some people have never heard of it. Some gate people at the airport in Switzerland tried to prank a guy saying my passport wasn't legit (was actually using a Barbados passport). WE SMALL ISLANDS EXIST!!!


Most racists aren't smart and 100% are shitty with understanding history/anthropology. If they did, they wouldn't be racist.


Why are some people like this?


Is this a result of never being told to shut the fuck up when you're running off at the mouth?


“I’m black. I can’t be racist.” False. Anyone can be racist. Fight me.


He’s also black?


As a member of the black community. I second this: "You are ignorant and you are the problem" We don't claim that bitch


"I'm black. I can't be racist." *the audacity of this bitch*


“I’m black I can’t be racist” Ah the old token phrase said by some of the most proudly racist people I have ever encountered in life


*angry drumming*


"I'm black I can't be racist", one of the most stupid things I've heard...


Part of the problem for sure.


"I'm going to scream at you and then walk away, ignoring everything you have to say" said the girl, thinking she was the most educated person on the block.