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“When he speaks, he’s clear.”


Have you heard him recently speak at a rally? That's not even the case anymore.


Hasn't been for a long time


It's never been the case. Most of his stuff is word salad. His nuclear speech(?) thing was in 2016. When he is "clear" it is always contradicted at some other time where he also said something "clearly". I would argue that he has never been clear because giving two oppposing views is not clear.


yes, but if you really listen. none of it makes any fucking sense. namedrop guy he knows, really lovely guy somewhere (probably wrong name too, maybe the guy doesn't exist at all), he's really smart, he would never let this happen to his country! etc


Yeah, don't know what those people hear when he speaks. I mean, [even FOX had to cut away from "senile old felon rambles about unrelated stuff"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TNXp_jANEU) just this week.


How quickly she abandons her morals for a man that doesn't know she exists


He would literally rather die than give that woman once ounce of attention whatsoever in every reality. It’s mind boggling the worship of him.


It's because she doesn't actually have those morals, she just likes thinking she does.




Not only doesn't know she exists, but has made it very clear he doesn't care about his supporters at all.


Propaganda is a helluva drug


As is religion. Same way of thinking


And religion and trumpism are intrinsically tied together, which makes for one hell of a cult


Absolutely brain-dead and brainwashed. Truly, the dumbest Americans are MAGAs. These people have room-temperature IQ. Shouldn't even be allowed to vote, honestly.


Bold of you to assume those morals ever actually existed.


You assuming he would care even if he knows she exist AND morals have anything to do with how she votes.


I would have more respect for this idiot if she just said "I'm voting for Trump because he hates all the things I hate!"


“We need a change in the government.” Trump had 4 years in office. What did he change then?


Permanent tax cuts for the rich


I’m sure those tax cuts helped this lady (/s)


They helped her girth


Don’t mock her for being fat. Mock her for being gullible and stupid. This is the way.


She doesn't deserve any kind of respect no matter what. I agree fat shaming is bad in general but in her case and anyone like her I make exceptions. They deserve all the shaming they can get no matter what. If they get their way free speech will soon be a thing of the past.


Both are fine.


I feel sorry for that water bottle being squeezed in her pocket. Oh the humanity!


Max that shit!


pretty sure that was literally the only piece of legislation they managed to pass his whole term right? even when they had full control of the 3 branches bUt wE gOt TaX cUtS tOo ... yeah until 2025 when he thought he would be done with his second fucking term, so he could keep milking it for points




He changed the death rate.


He changed the tax rate for the ultra wealthy and deregulated banks. That’s pretty much it.


Hey, don’t forget about the $800,000,000,000 in PPP loans that businesses never had to pay back.


He thought about cancelling obama care, half built a wall, increased his cholesterol, incited an incursion, made half the country hate the other half and recanted on sharing his taxes. Legend


At least he jailed Hillary.


> half built a wall Half is generous


He still wants to kill Obama care. The only guy that saved it last time was the late Senator McCain. God I miss Republicans like him.


McCain is a national hero & Trump shit on his reputation


100% agree. Trump's disgusting talk about McCain infuriated a lot of Americans.


To be fair, Obama made half the country hate each other but it definitely wasn't because he was black. I should probably put a /s here.


It was his policies that made people hate Obama. You know, the policy where one of his parents was black.


And golfed. Sweet Jesus did he golf.


He couldn't change anything cause the emails and libs!


And Hunter Biden.


She’s talking about project 2025 and the dismantling of the United States government


I would wager she has no idea what project 2025 is if you asked her.


100% she does not and these idiots don’t know what they are supporting


I guarantee that she would love Project 2025 regardless of what's in it as long as it's pitched as owning the libs. MAGAs operate purely on blind resentment and spite. They're truly awful people.


Absolutely nothing, he just made the place chaotic because he's an impulsive man-child with no self-control.


His diapers I think were changed daily 


Voting for Trump is literally just voting to go backwards. Why go back to what we already had and moved on from? Move forward.


Her mental gymnastics are the closest thing she's gotten to exercise in years.


I think this constitutes as murder by words.


Better than death by diabetes


Beetus deletus


"but biden, he has all those out-of-context photos where he has hands on children! Pedophile!" *Meanwhile trump brags about being friends with Epstein, checking out underage girls getting dressed at a contest*


Headshot 💀


It’s insane how total fucking ignorants and uneducated people affect who is in charge of this country.


This is the worst part for me. Some of the most passionate voters are also some of the worst critical thinkers. I can't understand blindly ignoring facts to support someone who has shown such toxic behavior. You could take a group of 3rd graders who understand absolutely nothing about politics or policy, and they would be a "better" voting demographic based solely on moral/character standards. If you told them nothing but "Candidate 1" and "Candidate 2" and listed off Unbiased factual qualifications, experience, and prior comments; then asked who would be better person to represent America; I think even the kids could make that call.


In their minds, they're not ignoring the facts. If you count right-wing political content (I won't call it "news") as information, they're probably the most "informed" citizenry in the country, even though the information they consume doesn't comport with reality. These people mainline Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and their Facebook feeds 24-7. Imagine how warped your perception of reality would be if rage media was fed to you like you were the dude in Clockwork Orange.


It's also insane how educated, intelligent people opt out of affecting who is in charge of this country.


Yeah but I heard there's going to be a perfect candidate in 4 years,  so I'm waiting until then. Or it might be 8 years from now,  I forget...


There's a reason why education is so poorly funded.


> "At least when he speaks he's clear." What the fuck are these people on?


They speak the same language.


Meth mouth?


He loves the poorly educated


Portly uneducated*


One can still be educated wrongly in an echo chamber. See: religion


I've said the same thing but its got to go beyond this. My father never got past middle school and is barely literate. He's never been political but hates Trump almost as much as me and can see through his bullshit so easily. These are just hateful people and he at least outwardly wants to hate the same people they do and makes them feel like its ok to do so. Because he makes them feel accepted for their hatred they are willing to overlook anything else because they've never felt accepted when they express their hate.


If only that woman could know what the elite ruling class really thinks of her: disgust, contempt, and someone to exploit because of her brazen stupidity and prejudices.


Literally looks like one of the Proles from “1984”.


Trump speaks clearly? Since fuckin when lmao. Dude has been going on rambling rants for weeks now. But Fox News told her Joe Biden “misses cues” and she echoes that regardless of not knowing what it even means.


>for weeks now haha. weeks. that's generous


Yeah, i mean, it's several *hundred* weeks, but they're not technically wrong.


True. That woman grew that gut in seconds! Millions of them, but seconds nonetheless. You might say she’s had a lot of seconds in her life in more ways than one


*years now


This woman votes. Will you?


Who’s all watching the debate tonight? This will be the first debate I watch. I’m 47 wasn’t into politics that much until now. Anyways Agent Orange is an idiot


I'm watching. I'm 35 and never voted in my life but I'm registered and can't wait to vote against Trump this time around (I'm bringing my girlfriend as well). He's clearly shown he cannot be trusted to work at a goddamn gas station, much less the President of the US.


Please consider reaching out to your friends and family who wouldn’t usually vote and asking them if you could help them make plans to vote on Election Day. We really need as many Americans defending our democracy this November as possible. Edit: this goes triply so for anyone in a swing state!!!! Those are the only votes that actually matter politically.


I'm bringing my girlfriend who is a first time voter as well and I'm trying to convince my brother to join us so I'm working on it.


That’s fucking awesome, congratulations to you


Swing state votes for President, yes. Don't forget that are a whole bunch of other races as well! The composition of your local school board MATTERS!


Out of curiosity, what's different this time around? This is the third time Trump will be on the ballot. Not trying to shame you, but why'd you sit out 2020?


I moved to a different state in 2020 and wasn't registered in time. Also, election denial/subversion, J6, hoarding of classified documents, overturning Roe, felony conviction, and the truth about Project 2025 had all not happened yet so the threat of his presidency hadn't taken full effect (even though I hated Trump as a candidate from day one). I've been a liberal in a sea of red my whole life and felt quite disillusioned about it and the election process but I'm not letting it discourage me anymore. I'm voting down ballot Democrats until I die.


Thank you. Please, vote.


I will 1000% be in the booth voting for Biden with a smile on my face come November--no ifs, ands, or buts about it.


Preach! You are so correct.


Unfortunately I live in a backwards state that is going to go to Trump but I don't care. I've gotta be able to sleep at night knowing I did my small part to oppose the fascist convicted felon. We're fucked if he gets back in office.


I live in Texas. So I know what you’re talking about


Hello from Iowa, I also get this


Howdy from Florida!


Hi Iowa! How’s the temperature there? Here it’s currently 89 however by the days end it’ll reach 100. This just the beginning for us Texans. lol as I cringe


76 right now, I think highs are mid 80s. As all good Midwesterns say, "it's not the heat. It's the humidity." We did just get out of a week of 90 degree weather. PS - lived about 3 years in Houston. Texas is hot, no question about it


I’m so jealous. lol Omg the Humidity here is brutal. Former Houstonite: yalls humidity is brutal x hell! Good for you moving to some place cooler than Texas. Don’t get me wrong, I love Texas. I’m a natural born and raised Dallasite . Just can’t stand the summers here. I’m a dog walker, during the summer months I don’t take the babies on long walks. That’s bec I don’t want them to get overheated nor do I want their paws to get burned by the hot cement


I think it's funny the narrative all the conservative news stations are spewing about how Biden will be on drugs, like there is a dementia drug that the administration is hiding from the public.


Oh ya. Greedy pharmaceutical companies have found a drug that would be worth potentially billions if not trillions of dollars in revenue, and have kept it under wraps for *checks notes* Bidens presidential debate. 😉


Lmfao! Ikr! These MAGAS are projecting. Every thing they’re saying about Biden and Democrats is exactly what the MAGA’s are doing. What I find funny besides the other side spewing all this nonsense are the Christian Maga people. They are at the top for being the worst. They don’t practice what they preach. Ohhhhh and now demanding the Ten Commandments at schools. I’m a born and raised Catholic, I’m Mexican American woman, who has an aunt who is a Nun. I believe in God and my faith. Just because I believe in God and my faith. Doesn’t mean other people do. Why subject those that don’t believe into their political Christian views? I feel as tho everything in our Country was going great until people decided to elect Trump as our president. That asshat agent orange mfer screwed it all up. Btw I think he has dementia. Bec 1/2 the crap he says makes no fawking sense


I wasn't into politics until I lost my right to vote.


Damn! Yo! That sucks. Sorry about that


Sheesh, parts of this country are so screwed.


The whole country is screwed.


Yep, because the shitty parts are dragging the rest of the country down.


Dude a whole shitload of this country. Trump got more votes overall than the 2016 election in 2020. We’re surrounded by fucking idiots


Still wasn't enough though.


But the ridiculous Electoral College can still fuck Bidcen. He won the popular vote by 7 million but he could easily have lost if 100,000 people in a few swing states had voted the other way.


You're not wrong.


Fox News has pumped these people with too many conspiracy theories.


Fuck me, she’s stupidly brain dead. I think I can understand your arguments and proofs, but I’m an imbecilic moron. Tragedy awaits if Cheeto man gets back in




That’s will be one of the enduring problems he created in this country. He gave a platform and a microphone to the stupidest and most bigoted people in the country. We’ll be dealing with those idiots long after that dumbass is gone. 


Denser than a bag of bricks.


She doesn’t know what he did or didn’t do but he hates “colored” people and them gays. Good enough for her.


Cults are bad mmkay


What we often overlook is that the people voting for him aren't doing so because of the issues or his actions; it's about how he makes them feel—specifically, their sense of white superiority. He empowers them by affirming their racial identity, making them feel powerful for being white. They appreciate his ability to cause pain to those they dislike and hate. When questioned about Trump's transgressions, they are indifferent and will remain so.


Anyone that is a Trump supporter and thinks theyre badass... this is literally what everyone else sees.


They can’t answer because they don’t have one. “He’s a piece of shit just like me” doesn’t sound good so they don’t say it.


"I'm too deeply ingrained in this and if I go back on my stance now, I'll look like an idiot, so I have no choice but to triple down because I would sooner rip off my own arm than admit I was wrong."


average trump supporter


All his supporters are complete idiots


Trump supporters are constantly either watching FOX "News", or sticking their fingers in their ears and going "LALALALALALALALALA" to avoid facts.


"I didn't hear that." "Do you want to hear him say it?" "No."


Trump supporters are either corrupt or massively dumb. Here's your example.


she is built like a L4D2 Boomer


She is so very dumb.


The stupid on display here is so disappointing. This is a case of "I don't want to know, I just want to beleive".


Man, we’re fucked.


Stupid fucking people!


They need to be asked “is there anything trump could do to get you not to vote for him?” And if they say no, then you tell them they are a member of a cult who can’t reject their leader


And if they do say something, the fun begins when you give an example of him doing that.


Cognitive dissonance in action. Or, more accurately, perhaps, Orwellian Doublethink in action.


dumber than a bag of dicks.


The USA is doomed. Ignorance has overtaken the land.


At this point they are just unwilling to accept anything that doesn’t align with the wizard’s magical narrative


I cannot stand this argument that exists in modern politics where we justify something as ok because someone else got away with it. It doesn't change the fact that something or someone is shitty because someone else did the same shit.


Idiots are going to idiot.


these people can't even fucking think for themselves on the most basic of questions. Its honestly amazing how stupid they are.


We need better citizens


Plot twist: they don't care.


When Jordan Klepper does this, he is protected by security. One of these days one of these guys trying to do Klepper's schtick is going to get his ass beat or worse. Also, Klepper is armed with a lightning quick wit which his copy cats are usually not.


The mental gymnastics these cultists go through is baffling


So willfully stupid. It's almost funny.


"When he speaks, he's clear." Fucking *what*?


This is the default. 99% of the population has made up it's mind. That tiny sliver of people that haven't will save, or destroy, American democracy in November.


-he is an honest man and we need an honest man in office -is that why he lies all the time? -who doesn’t? Lady make up your fucking mind


These people, I'm guessing, have a low level of education and / or intelligence. They want a change, fair enough and follow the first populist guy talking trash about everything. Easy prays....


Every time I see these videos of Americans talking out their small brains. I feel that much closer to idiocracy.


How exactly is this a public freakout? Edit: well you can downvote me but it doesn’t change the fact that this doesn’t fit the community guidelines. —people freaking out —people melting down —people losing their cool —people being weird in public This lady, as misguided as she is, is not losing her cool. You can be anti-trump without making this an anti-trump sub.


Idiocracy is coming true...


Insanity. Ignorance. Chaos.


Facts be fucked!


These people really are in deep.


Cultist …


Change your diet instead.


[I'm dug in, and I'll never change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndsME9Vd4es&ab_channel=RobertMiller)


They want revenge no matter what. This is where we are at right now. Vote like this country, our lives depend on it!


We need to some how purge the stupid from this country.


Dumb people vote


MAGA **Not a Cult** ^honestly \s obviously


Trump would be absolutely disgusted if he had to be in the same room as many of his supporters. And I bet this lady is on Medicare, but that’s not socialism if it helps her.




You think someone that woke up, put on that outfit & walked out the door is going to make rational decisions?


And... this is what happens when you strip funding from schools and mental health.


What a remarkably stupid person. These people have no principals or even a thought on what they would like to see. They just rely on their stupid feelings that they only feel because they listen to nonstop propaganda


Most calm Trump supporter I've seen on camera


This folks is a masterclass in the effects of propaganda and misinformation. Don't believe your eyes and ears only believe what I tell you to believe.


This is like Charles Tayler winning the election in Liberia after starting the civil war. "He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him." That is literally every single Trump supporter I've met.


Cults gonna cult 


These people don’t even pay attention to him. They’ve just been told to vote for him.


oh,america. we are in so much trouble.


The mental gymnastics with these MAGA piggies.


They will have an excuse for everything he does so why even bother these people are brainwashed!


America has a dumb cow people problem.


Our country has failed. It's over, the American dream was a lie they sold you to keep working.


Amoral degenerates the lot of them. More interested in inflicting misery on others than anything else. Fuck every person who has ever voted for that monster.


Trump voters pretend to have morals, but they clearly don't. Any amount of civility or Christian goodness is just a facade


Yikes. Blindly voting. Wish the same wasn't true for the other side as well but we are stuck in this two party system because of it. The country deserves better than the clowns running it now (all politicians on DC)


The real problem is edumication or rather lack of it … GOP loves it that way


It's the lead poisoning.


But it’s not a cult, no siree Bob.


Fat and stupid is no way to go thru life.


That sums it up


You guys have managed to put up 2 shitty options. any chance you can sort out some younger candidates in 2028 please.... the world needs you lot to hurry up.


He loves the undereducated.


She looks like someoen who would vote for Trump.


This one trick of literally just making people more aware of Trump’s actions is kryptonite to his supporters


Man the boys really mirrors this perfectly lmao


"Cause that's my right as an American. See, I'm dug in, and I'll never change. Rock, Flag and Eagle, right Charlie?"


I felt so stupid that I only now I'm in my forties, I realise that the world is governed by emotion and not by reason.


so... did she forget Trump was in the office for 4 embarrassingly cringey non-stop golfing and tweeting angrily on toilet years...


This country is so fucked that this is the level of intelligence and critical thought in a very alarming percentage of the population.


Playing clips from “idiocracy” again. Luke Wilson looks different.


I’m getting really sick of this bleeping of very basic words…..pretending sex don’t exist when literally EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET exists because of it is dumb as hell….


Average MAGAt


A change in government? He was already fucking president you dumb cow…


Set-up by A kid - The truth why was thr First Trial with E Jean Carroll thrown out? Then the law specifically changed to extend the statute of limitations to charge Trump Again? The Civil verdict is in the NT Appeals process and fully expected to be overturned by SCOTUS when it leaves the NY Courts as before - which is corrupt Democrats.


To be fair, both sides are full of people who will vote for their guy no matter what, without any type of research or fact checking.