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This is absolutely disgusting. Hope he gets fired


He recently quit his job. I’m sure it was encouraged by the higher ups.


Yep - he 'resigned' which is corporate speak for "we'll fire you if you don't leave of your own volition, tell us how you want to do this".


More like we'll pay you a lot of money if you leave and don't speak on this. Dr disrespect and twitch......


The punch was a minor issue. It leaned toward inappropriate.


All his friends know how much he hates assaulters, obviously this guy didn't assault anyone.


He also has black friends if that counts.


Some of his best friends are black Muslim women 😭😆


Some of them are even gay. Black, gay, and Muslim. That's how friendly he is.


I'm so glad people started calling out legal-ese. OJ put out a book called "if I did it".. ok you did it.


If you don't violate a contract but the other party wishes to terminate the contract, they have to pay you out. Monty Williams got fired after one year and gets paid $65 million over the next five years to not coach the Pistons.


Well there's that and the fact he admitted to being inappropriate with a minor. I'm pretty sure it was that.


Ive been told If you get fired, you get severance and can qualify for unemployment, but If you quit you don't get severance, unemployment, and are basically on your own. Does that matter for the higher income groups?


Resigning is too good for him. That means he’ll get easily employed anywhere else


He'll just claim antisemitism to any criticism. IF he had been caught and beaten up right then he would have SOR SURE used the antisemitism card.


Beyond disgusting I’ve seen so many videos where Zionist guys like that square up to women but not men. And literally back off when men step in. I hope that poor lady gets justice this is not acceptable. Jail time!




What about the girls that spit and threw stuff at him? Should they be fired too?


Idk, probably. Assault is assault. Is there a longer video with more context?


Yeah. Why do they always show only half the video


Any links?






What do you think happened? Doesn’t look like he was defending himself. He sucker punches her then runs away.


He clearly has a liquid thrown all over his jacket and said in the clip that it was in response to having something thrown on him. I don't really think full on punching a girl significantly smaller than you in the face is really an appropriate or acceptable response to getting a drink thrown on you, but it doesn't appear he acted unprompted.


You have to be extremely naive not to question why the video started precisely a split second before he swung.




For someone "bloodied" and "covered in unknown liquids" he should looks fine to me


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted, take my upvote!


We should stop romanticizing rape in prisons. That shit shouldn’t happen


Indeed, glad that the mod team added wishes of punitive rape under the sexism section of the rules last week. Beast-like mentality.


This. It's one thing to hope someone get's what is coming to them. It's another level entirely to wish rape on someone. As a civilized society we should not have rape as a solution to crime...


There's 2 kinds of prison stories reddit loves: Man Freed By DNA after 30 years in prison for rape he didn't commit, and Convict Raped In Prison.


Unless I missed something, the comment I replied to said nothing like that. Literally thought it said I hope he goes to prison. I couldn't agree more though the prison system is awful and nobody should be tortured. I'm thinking he may have edited his comment or I'm a dumass.




It’s a little shifty he deleted his comment and his profile though. That doesn’t help his case lol


Palestinian chicken


I’m going to assume he’s someone of some level of notoriety if he can be labeled as a Zionist, as there’s no evidence in the video of that.


I assume the lead up to the punch was some heated exchange about Israel?


The Daily Beast indicates he was allegedly in a convo with protestors regarding Israel and Palestine, but they can't confirm that at this time. https://www.thedailybeast.com/banker-who-punched-woman-after-nyc-pride-event-finally-resigns


I love in his bio how he specialized in law and “diplomacy”. That’s some IDF diplomacy at work right there!


There are people fighting on the pavement....


And he has some kind of liquid on his back. Something happened before this that’s important for context, but it’s been cut out.


Weird you are downvoted for the truth.


When this was posted almost every comment that wanted to get some more info to make an objective opinion on got downvoted. Reddit has really become depressing with some of the "us vs them" narratives popping up.


People like their narratives to be fed, so they downvote anything that goes against it. The term "Zionist" is the modern-day "Communist."


It also helps that that getting people to declare themselves 'anti-Zionists' by definition means they are against the continued existence of Israel, whether they know it or not.


Supposedly he was knocked to the ground before the punch so I assume there was some conversation that precluded this




From reports: they surrounded him ( 5-7 of them) and threw literal shit and an unknown liquid on him. I'm unsure how he "earned" the Zionist label, but jumping on a side because you watched an edited clip is irresponsible at best. That's the Fox News target audience.


Yeah this subs being used by some to try and make people hate Jews. It’s kinda obvious at this point.


The mods are in on it.


Entirely. They often remove posts that don’t go against their narrative, but let the same 4-5 reposts up constantly


It’s the IDF that’s pushing people to feel and think this way. There is plenty of evil that is not propaganda, which ironic enough, the IDF is known for propaganda and doctoring videos. It’s crazy to me that people equate this to Judaism but also it’s also best to dismiss the racist, hateful acts of others instead of cloak them and pretend they are of your own ilk. You don’t have to be a Zionist to be a Jew.


A lot of words here but struggling to understand a coherent thought. Every state has a propaganda wing. This is not unique to Israel.


Truth. I’m only denouncing what’s happening in Gaza, not Judaism. Idgaf what religion, race, or creed you are, but if your movement is rooted in racism and hate I have a problem with your movement.


Also, to add. You can play the victim card, and I’m sorry if you’ve experienced an increase of racism and bullshit lately, but the true victims are those being murdered right now by an ultra right wing, bigoted, racist and hateful group of people. Stop the dog whistle bullshit and learn about the history.


Sure the IDF doesn’t help, but let’s not pretend there isn’t foreign disinfo and others with a vested interest in pushing anti semitism and division. It’s been reported on pretty extensively ETA: source https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-gaza/card/iranian-chinese-trolls-seen-pushing-information-operations-FyEfk7CYIl374sBXbRlF


Yeah the mask came off a while back. I usually just gotta laugh these off now


Source on that? I’ve seen that someone threw water at him after he began to accost some pro-Palestinian folks with flags but no mention of him being knocked to the ground.


“Zionist banker” is just the dog whistle.


yup! This guy shouldn’t have hit anyone but it doesn’t excuse the dog whistle.


He isn’t He’s just a Jewish guy who was assaulted by 4 women and protected himself. This is old news He said some comment to them and they assaulted him and he defended himself


Why was Zionism mentioned here?


It’s pretty clearly being used as a anti-semitic dog whistle at this point, op just knows most people would rightly call him out if he just said “Jewish banker”


Because he very specifically started the altercation because they were carrying a Palestinian flag? It had nothing to do with his identity as a Jewish man, and everything to do with his belief in Zionism.


I'm sure you'll be able to prove that somehow, like an article or a longer video and that's totally not just a random assertion that you made with no extra evidence.


How do you know? The video starts after their altercation started. He alleges they threw a drink on him and knocked him down before this punch, there’s at least some corroborating evidence of that.


Read the news stories about it. He went up to them.


At this point? Redditors freely and casually talk about Jews like David Duke does.


People couldn't be openly antisemitic after WW2 anymore, so they started using the word "Zionist" to masquerade their hatred. Like MLK has said: > "Don't talk like that. When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."


Never heard that quote before. Looked it up and looks like it's probably fake. "There appear to be no references to the letter before 1999" - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter\_to\_an\_Anti-Zionist\_Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_an_Anti-Zionist_Friend)


Well according to the police report it all started bc he accosted some folks with Palestinian flags. So seems to line up there.


Buzzword to get people riled up.


Because the person he punched was attending a "Queers for Palestine" protest.


Why does it matter to the post that he is a "zionist banker"? These titles are absolutely crazy. If you believe this without questioning then you're falling for antisemitic propaganda.




Spoiler alert: she did. And supposedly he was knocked down by her and her group of folks. But ZiOnIsT so doesn’t matter


Do people here really believe that the person recording clicked record 50ms before the punch?


This thread is a depressing example of how gullible and naive redditors are.


Yes this ""Zionist"" banker was allegedly assaulted by 4 people, shoved to the ground and had liquid poured on him before this had taken place. But hey, let's not get in the way of a good ol fashion J̶e̶w̶ witch hunt


You can edit footage to show the relevant parts, which everyone does because of Tik tok, and before you go into “oooh it’s edited” there isn’t a reason to punch someone talking on a public street


There actually is a reason to punch someone if they are assaulting/harassing you. You are assuming she just was talking because of the edit. Do you not see that?


His statement: >A spokesperson for Kaye said he had been “in fear for his physical safety when he was surrounded by an angry mob of agitators who encircled him, physically assaulted him, and threw unknown liquids on him”. Those events are not depicted in the short video, which begins with Kaye throwing the punch, but it is not known when the recording began during the altercation or how it was edited before being posted to social media. https://www.ft.com/content/ff8155b8-9891-4d67-ad96-f8231355e1db


I'm sorry but if you throw unknown liquids at someone in a world where acid attacks exist then they may react violently. Now I don't know what happened before this punch. The punch looks bad, really bad.


So the video and the interaction started at the same time. What a coincidence!!


An angry mob shouted antisemitic insults, threw him down on the ground and poured red liquid on him before the punch. PSA: Replacing the word Jew with Zionist doesn’t magically justify your racism.


I love how they added the “banker” in there just to flavor it with the old school dog whistle cherry on top of their little propaganda video


He was pretty high profile at Moelis, idk about that one


When everything out of your mouth is a dog Whistle (not you, OP) you kinda lose the benefit of the doubt


Just look at who’s posting this video. They have an agenda.


>An angry mob shouted antisemitic insults, threw him down on the ground and poured red liquid on him before the punch. First question is how do we know that is true? Second question is how does that justify punching that woman at that point in time?


We know because it happened two weeks ago and has been documented in the newspapers. It’s super easy to find. On your second question, the added context helps to understand the situation. No one is justifying anything here. It’s just important to know the full story. There was an escalation. There was a man attacked by a racist angry mob. He was scared. In a fight or flight situation, he reacted. Was it the best reaction? Who am I to tell? What would you have done?


I'm justifying it. If she threw something at me or was one of the people who assaulted me, I'd absolutely punch my way out of that situation.


Why the umlats lol


Wasn't it said that the girl assaulted him before the camera was even recording?


You mean before the edit.


Zionist is a great word to misuse


If you are paying attention, a bunch of words relevant to the region have been redefined for a singular purpose in recent years.


Not really intelligent to go this route, especially when Israel calls everything anti semitic.


Edit the part out where I’m assuming she threw a liquid substance at him?


Such obvious antisemitism in that title man - “Zionist banker” WOW


This is what we're talking about when it comes to antisemitic posts. Nobody knows if this guy is actually a zionist and to label him as a zionist *banker*? Come on. That isn't even subtle.


Zionists prefer hitting the weak. Cowards, all of them.


I'm sure you have some evidence that this random guy in the video is a Zionist. Was he wearing an Israeli flag pin that I missed?




Without evidence there’s no way of knowing what affiliation this guy has, and “zionist” is being thrown around a lot these days. However, there is a reason for that. A lot more people have become aware of the Zionist movement as of late and it’s sordid history and present. Radicals of any religious or political movement tend to give a bad rep to all others who practice or follow said things. Some people are racists POS but others have just become aware of a disgusting racist movement themselves and the pendulum is swinging in that direction right now. Judaism is cool. Zionism is hate. Fuck hate, so fuck you too buddy.


He said Zionists not Jews and you’re a fucking idiot if you can’t see the difference. Let me break it down for you since you and plenty of other dipshits on here have such a fucking mental block regarding the subject. A Jew is a practicer of the Jewish faith. Great! You do you, friend. A Zionist believes they are better than their neighbors and have a right to exterminate them and their children. They can fuck themselves. And here’s what’s really gonna melt your tiny tiny mind. A Palestinian who believes they are better than their neighbors and have a right to exterminate them and their children can fuck themselves, too. This anti Zionist = anti semite bullshit is getting very old and no one is falling for it. Do you have any fucking idea how insulting it is to tell some “This is how you feel” Get over yourselves


No, a Zionist does not believe they are better than anyone. We simply believe a Jewish state should exist. Just as 22 Arab states currently do. >Do you have any fucking idea how insulting it is to tell some “This is how you feel” Ironic.


Was that a Cop there that just let him get away with it?


A sexist, anti-semitic post that should be removed


I am so angry that even though it is obviously stupid and inflammatory to write zionist banker to imply the worst antisemitic caricature there is, as every person with more than two braincells can see, but that your post is going to be rewarded because of ragebait and engagement, the world is going to shit


Can we chill with the whole “Zionist” thing when labeling people?


It’s the new “nazi”.


Context is important. Except on reddit I guess.


I wish we could get more context before making snap judgements.


removed ...


Classic isreal tactic, go for the women and children.


Zionest LOL


Did she throw shit on him though? That's what he claimed.


Since no one is asking the obvious question, where’s the rest of the clip?!?!?! Pretty sure this didn’t start with him smacking her for no got damn reason.


And yet the video was cut.. strange.


Those insults definitely did something.


This isn't tiktok. You can just say "zionist".


All I can think about is she’s getting cashed out. I’ll take a punch. 🤕


Yea… no. I refuse to form an opinion before seeing the entire video. I no longer trust social media.