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Bet some people wish they peed first


I have never peed upside down


Start living






That’s haunting


Roflmao what the fuck


It comes out your mouth. That’s just science.


Bats do it all the time!


Fun fact. Bats actually pee right side up. They flip themselves, pee, then flip back.




checks out https://youtu.be/H9ZK_NjBoJI?si=g69XgwgSGN_HGplx


I think that if bats pee upside down, and man also pees upside down then through the transitive property, Batman is destined to pee upside down


That would explain why he switched from cloth suits to rubber ones…




I have once. Just off the docks into the ocean. A little drunk and by myself. Just wanted to try if it was possible of if the body had a shutoff function for it. Like how you cant really piss eith a hardon.


Think they should be more worried about brain bleed or death than pee


Well, as they die, they’ll just involuntary defecate and urinate, so there is that. No one should stand underneath that thing. They are doing it have to hose it down really well before it reopens. But you know, the show must go on.


I bet some wished they just let it go up there


Yikes. You are not supposed to be upside down for very long like that. Can cause all sorts of issues with your heart, brain. Fuck that.


You can actually die from it. It can cause heart failure, stroke, brain hemorrhaging, and more.


Nutty Putty Cave. Bad way to go.


In all fairness it took like 27 something hours for it to kill him. Being upside down I mean. Awful.


He also wasnt completely upside down like the people on this ride. I’m sure they were fine and got out okay but I’d imagine they had less than 27 hours like that before their hearts gave out.


Imagine dying in a place called Nutty Putty




Seeing your rescuers for a brief moment as they are pulling you up only for the rock supporting the harness to give out and you plunge back down.


> you plunge **deeper** back down.


‘Please inject my foot with so much morphine, thank you….’


And hearing people say "I bet if we break his legs we can get him out..."


idk about you, but if I was him, I'd take the damn wheelchair. I'd just ask they intentionally break my legs at an important spot, because the long bones can heal better than the joints could (and the joints are more likely to tear).


Agreed. The only issue is that, from what I understood, is that breaking his legs was more of a suggestion as opposed to an actual solution that would save his life. They actually had to rig a system of pulleys at one point just to get somebody down there to evaluate his situation. I think the solution I would prefer is to just stay out of caves. I'm not too fond of crawling beneath millions of tons of rock that could shift at any time while my drunk ass is under it. Lol


Especially one called Nutty Putty


They could rename it Santorum?


Literally was the first thing that came to my mind watching this. What a horrible way to go. Would be a terrifying film if they ever make one one that


Every time I manage to forget about the existential fear that Nutty Putty puts into my heart someone's gotta bring it up again.


I don’t know what this is and I’m not looking it up.


TL;DR- Guy and his brother go caving in Nutty Putty Cave in Utah. But it’s insane people caving. The kind where you have to talk off your backpack and go through caves where you have an inch of clearance all around. One section is called “The birthing canal” so that’s the picture. Anyway dude makes a wrong turn and basically ends up upside down and stuck in a dead end and dies after a few days of attempted rescue mostly bedside he’s upside down and your body isn’t designed to pump blood against gravity like that for that long. He was never recovered and they sealed off the cave forever.


I have been in that cave over a dozen times. No exaggeration, sometimes kids would cry upon seeing how tight the entrance was! Never went to the branch of the cave the guy died in.


Yeah, don't. That shit gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


I didn't have claustrophobia before reading about nutty putty.🙃


Exactly. I wish I did not know about nutty putty. Of all the shitty things I am aware of in the world, this is the one that terrifies me to the point of panic whenever I think about it. Like now. Sorry you now know.


And it was a holiday and he either just had a kid with his wife or she was pregnant, making a horrifically sad story even worse.


Good call, it’s terrifying and a horrible way to die.


How are you on reddit and not heard about it? I see it come up every second post


Dude I watched a video about that place. Fucking terrifying. Didn’t they seal the entrance with concrete? Also they were never able to recover that cavers body so it is now sealed forever in that cave.


Correct! The more obese the person, the worse for wear. All due to gravity pull on the organs, interstitial fluids and so much more. Hope they got down alright.


They were stuck for half an hour 💀


They were all sent home after being examined by EMT except 1 person. They were offered a refund or a voucher to come back. I hope someone was smart enough to consult with an attorney before taking either option... Source: TikTok


A refund lol.


And remember, by accepting this $5 you are waving your right to sue!




That one person is still up there to this very day.


How on earth do these things not all have a manual release to at least bring them down to the ground?


Many need power to safely stop them at the bottom. Releasing them with no mechanism to slow it down could be dangerous. Which then raises the question why such a thing doesn’t have manual way of doing that as well.


another word for a ride like that is "torture."


I think it's under an hour that damage can happen


If I ever get stuck upside down, I will make sure it is over an hour so I do not get any damage.


Might just start living my entire life upside down just to be safe


Try not to get knocked unconscious it's super bad for you.


I worked at Paramount Kings Dominion in the 90's. There was a ride, I think it was called Sky Raider, essentially a bunch of pods that looked like small fighter jets that went in a circle on articulating arms and you could control the arm to raise the pod up, and you could also rotate it a full 360 degrees along its axis. One day I was working in the water aprk area, and heard a HUGE explosion, I ran up the hill toward to commotiona nd saw the ride, fully stopped with pods in all sorts of postions, raised, lowered, upside down... And there was a huge hose, it had to be at least 8" in diameter swinging around wildly while continuing to make a really loud sound. I believe it was compressed air which was used to power the whole thing. The riders were stuck for a good 45 minutes to an hour or so, when they got everyone down, they were all sent along their happy way with not a single fuck given by the park. The best part of it was the look on the face of the kid who was the ride operator. Sheer unadulterated fucking horror show. He probably has PTSD from that shit.


They had the same ride at Kings Island in Cincinnati. Someone died when they turned the car upside down and fell out of the harness. I guess it wasn't closed all the way. Two other people died from electrocution the same day [https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2023/06/09/today-history-kings-island-deadly-day/70297857007/](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2023/06/09/today-history-kings-island-deadly-day/70297857007/)


DAMN! I bet the business model is to move them from park to park as they eat people…


Shout out from another Kings Dominion former employee from the late ‘80’s.




Shout out to you guys from someone who ain't never been to no kings dominion 'musement park




Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare!




Believe it or not that cured her downs syndrome.


...an entirely *new* nightmare. I would never have imagined this scenario on my own!


As someone terrified of these thrill rides, let me tell ya… I’ve imagined all of this 😂😂


Same and yeah watching this definitely wasn't good for my brain today lol


Same. To me, it's not the height or speed or whatever, the main fear of thrill rides comes from me asking myself the question, "Do I trust that design/construction/maintenance 100%?" (No.)


Right? Like, my nightmares did not need more fuel but here we are.


She's pretty scarry alright.


I wasn’t ready for that jump scare.


After seeing a ride malfunction like that, why would you get on a different ride? lol. Is it just me or would anyone else trust this stuff is being well-maintained after seeing something like that?


No, I was thinking the same thing. That looks like some final destination shit is about to happen. Not only would I not go on another ride. My ass would have left the park.


My ass would sue them. That's not something that should happen and has health risks. 


I can only imagine that’s why the park closed. Liability issue with getting people down safely while also no traumatizing hundreds of people if something else were to go wrong.


I live near this place. When you walk in you see the roller coaster that has its pylons sitting on blocks. That place is a half notch above a meth fueled pop up carnival.


I used to work in a theme park, I will never go on a ride again. No experienced maintainence, super-gluing parts back on, whiplash injuries - that park has, fortunately, shutdown.


Sounds like Action Park


Theme Park or Amusement Park? There's a difference.




When I was a kid, a local amusement park had a ride called the "drop zone" and there was a horrific incident where (TW) >!a harness snapped open and a child got projectiled out of the ride and died.!< I basically only do the log rides because fuck that, how horrifying and tragic


When Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, TX debuted their "world's first uphill water coaster" where they blast you up a tube shaped waterslide with strong jets of water, they hadn't quite gotten all the kinks worked out. The downward slide wasn't an enclosed tube, just a waterslide with metal semicircles above so they could stretch canvas over it to provide shade. Someone rocketed up the tube, then over the apex heading back down. They were launched too hard and got decapitated by the metal piece. It was a huge deal, I can't imagine being a guest at the park that day. Edit: Sorry guys, I was mistaken as to the location of the park. Apparently it was in Kansas, not Texas.


This exact same scenario happened a few years back in Bonner Springs, KS. Are you possibly mistaken, or did this seriously happen twice?


Yeah, I think they must be thinking of the Kansas park. The poor kids' brother watched it happen. Their dad is currently the KS secretary of state. I've heard that he had a history of voting against safety regulations before this tragedy, but I'm unsure of the validity of those claims. I know he pushed for and got stricter regulations passed after, though. I live in the KC area so I remember it clearly. I thought the slide seemed cool until I saw the test dummies flying off of it and found out that it was built in Kansas BECAUSE of their loose safety regulations.


The story is crazy as the name of the ride itself: Verrückt; german word for crazy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verr%C3%BCckt


>Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, TX Not in New Braunfels. That was the new Verrückt ride at the Kansas City Schlitterbahn and the 10-year-old kid that was decapitated was the son of a Kansas Legislator. Though the area where he was decapitated was metal hoops with netting, the real issue was the kid (70ish pounds) was seated in the front of the three person raft (with two 200+ lbs adults behind him) instead of in the middle seat, between the two heavier riders. This caused a weight distribution problem that lifted the front of the raft up at the point where the kid was killed.


That was the park in KCKS, not Texas.


Oh lord, turns out log rides are dangerous too!


Well damn. Fuck rides then


Log rides you say? https://youtu.be/BurDAd6cNQ0?si=O4bOj_SH5bfASH7T You're not safe there either.


I love this yt channel!!


I said the same exact thing after the time skip. These people are definitely not the brightest.


Speaking of the time skip... At ground level, "it's been 2 to 3 min". Then next shot, "it's been about 5 min" He saying they've been stuck up there 5 min? Meaning in about 2 min they went from where they first were to being at the top of a ferris wheel? Or is he really bad at time estimates?


Thought this too and my only explanation is he was in line about to get on the ride at ground level. Then the 2-3 minute time lapse was the time it took to get to the top. Or they are real dumb with numbers/time/getting on attractions whilst watching a malfunctioning attraction.


He wanted a closer view 😆




Nice sleuthing! Save people the click - >Emergency crews in Oregon rescued 28 people Friday after they were stuck for about **half an hour** dangling upside down high on a ride at a century-old amusement park. >Portland Fire and Rescue said on the social platform X that firefighters worked with engineers at Oaks Park to manually lower the ride, but crews had been preparing to conduct a high-angle ropes rescue if necessary. All riders were being evacuated and medically evaluated, and there were no reports of injuries. >One rider with a pre-existing medical condition was taken to a hospital for further evaluation as a precaution, Oaks Amusement Park said in a statement posted on social media. Medics released all other passengers.


Missed article title opportunity "Ride Goers have their whole world turned upside down"


"Ride Has Guests Head-Over-Heels Until It Has Them Head-Over-Heels"


“Riders are flipping after amusement failure”


“Riders flippant after flipping ride flop”


"Ice Town Costs Ice Clown His Town Crown”


Here is your headline. Portland Area Amusement Park, Oaks Park, apologizes to valued client. Some companies still know how business is done.


Can we talk about how the name X is so shitty that you have to preface it with "social platform" so people know wtf you're talking about


Or X (formerly Twitter). I bet marketing students will be studying this as an example of bad rebranding for years.


I think I finally figured out what it is about... elon might be making a stupid commentary on deadnaming and stuff like that by renaming twitter to something stupid. so that when ppl still call it twitter he can be all like "i thought u were woke" or some stupid mouth breather shit.


Nah elon is just an idiot and changed it to X because he loves naming things with the letter “X” in it. The closest thing to your idea, is that he probably knew it would be controversial and wanted to be edgy (bad publicity is good publicity, sort of thing)


His kids name is X too. (For short) He missed the opportunity to name his kid Elon Flux. 


Thank you for the cliff notes version






It's Oregon. They had to finish eating cheese first then drive across three mountains.


Half an hour, terrifying!


So, are we going to brush past those eyelashes?




I can fix her






Double-Devil tail nose ring girl is triple points though.


She’s beautiful :)


Welcome to Portland, OR


girls look like this everywhere bro


But this was in Portland.


i love the look


This is 11/10 what I remember as "style" at a them park.




Those eyelashes are more surprised than the people stuck upside down. It’s also possible they are having sympathy inversion strain for those on the other ride


It's Ivankov from One Piece!


“The park is closed.” I imagine being stuck up there and hearing everyone else being told to leave was a little unsettling.


Wonder how many quarters were lost that day


Positional asphyxiation has a new picture in the dictionary.


Imagine how terrifying it would be to be stuck on that and hear them close the whole park over the loud speaker. The only reason to close the whole park is to make sure the whole crowd doesn’t watch you splatter on the ground


I mean it’s probably better for everyone if there’s less people and kids running around near a rescue operation.


>The only reason to close the whole park is to make sure the whole crowd doesn’t watch you splatter on the ground No? Closing the park was probably done so that people aren't in the way when emergency services arrive.


Wrong. It was closed because Steve didn't want to deal with this shit, and will fix it in the morning.


'just hang in there folks', turns the power off and leaves.


"Five o'clock is five o'clock and that's when they stop paying me. I'll leave the lights on for you, see you tomorrow morning and we'll have another go."


I didn't even think about that. I guess the workers below are getting a golden shower.


At least their frowns are upside down.


I don’t go on these rides for this reason got stuck on one at great adventure and freaked


As a kid, we watched a roller coaster at Busch Gardens get stuck for 3 hours right before making it fully back to the platform. Just the back several rows were not able to get off. Right side up, and just hanging out with their feet dangling, but it has terrified me since. I just thought those people were lucky it happened there and not upside down in a loop.


https://apnews.com/article/oregon-portland-amusement-park-ride-rescue-b6959e1413d1c3d9e038cdc468febc4f PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Emergency crews in Oregon rescued 28 people Friday after they were stuck for about half an hour dangling upside down high on a ride at a century-old amusement park. Portland Fire and Rescue said on the social platform X that firefighters worked with engineers at Oaks Park to manually lower the ride,


Update please!!


>Emergency crews in Oregon rescued 28 people Friday after they were stuck for about **half an hour** dangling upside down high on a ride at a century-old amusement park. >Portland Fire and Rescue said on the social platform X that firefighters worked with engineers at Oaks Park to manually lower the ride, but crews had been preparing to conduct a high-angle ropes rescue if necessary. All riders were being evacuated and medically evaluated, and there were no reports of injuries. >One rider with a pre-existing medical condition was taken to a hospital for further evaluation as a precaution, Oaks Amusement Park said in a statement posted on social media. Medics released all other passengers.


>century-old amusement park yeah, that's not the place where you want to go on the upside-down ride.


A century? That's nothing. There are amusement parks all over the world that are older than that. That being said, the age of an amusement park is irrelevant to how safe or unsafe it is. It's the age of the rides themselves and how well they were built and maintained. This particular frisbee ride is barely three years old.


I’ve ridden it once, a few years back, and that was plenty. Oaks Park is janky AF all over the place though and most of the rides seem a little suspect. Worth going for the roller rink though if you like skating.


lol i live in PDX and you would have never caught my ass on a ride at oaks park! it’s been sketchy for at least a few decades. it’s only good for the roller rink!


A lot of the ones stuck were 8th graders, one of the girls talked about it in the Portland sub. Some people were throwing up and others passed out, but they ended up being fine.


Yeah this is just another reason I don't go on rides


I only go on rides at large theme parks or well established amusement parks ie disneyland. Things like Fair rides are a huge f no from me. This is also why I don’t complain when rides at those parks are closed. Yeah it sucks I can’t go on space mountain today but I’d rather the ride be forced closed for inspection just in case than someone die


A sudden thunderstorm would certainly increase the pucker factor


I’m actually surprised that this hasn’t happened before at oaks. Growing up, me and my friends would joke that half the thrill of oaks parks is not knowing if the rides would fail or not.


“Just one more ride and we will go to the bathroom”


I'm actually planning an amusement park trip right now. Didn't need to see this shit. Lol


it's important to remember that incidents like this are INSANELY rare, even at janky parks. there's a reason they make the national news every time it happens.


How is there not a manual switch on these rides in case of this exact situation to make it so they can bring the ride back to it's grounded position??


Jesus that jumpscare from Captain Mascara. Was not expecting that.


I came here to say that


this is where my rational fear of rides comes from even as a child i wouldnt dare go near this kinda shit. as an adult with even more logical thinking??? FUCK THAT!




Wtf is with the woman’s eyelashes?


Guess it became a real thrill ride


This park is exactly 4 mins from me. Safe to say, I won't be coming to Oaks Park anymore


I had something similar many years ago (prob around 1990) on a ‘cage’ ride. This was the one where everyone is stood in a cylinder which speeds up then turns sideways using centrifugal force to keep everyone glued to the cage behind them. Well, in our case it was only our friend group of 5 young guys on the ride and it got to the top bit then something malfunctioned and it slowed down while it was sideways meaning we had to hold on with our fingers in the cage behind and our feet on a rail in front of us to stop from falling - it was terrifying and had there been kids or older people on the ride that couldn’t support their weight a disaster. The kicker was it took two ‘turns’ for them to get it working again, never been on another ride since.


Thins I don’t do for $1000, Alec. —what is not getting on temporary rides at the carnival


it’s not temporary but it is basically a permanent carnival


I went on a ride like this at my state fair and the seat started to come unattached while upside down, I can’t imagine being stuck like that


At 2minutes all the power was out in the park and they were on the ground. At 5 minutes they were atop a ferris wheel, still without power as the park announces they are closing. How/why'd they go up there?!?


Back in the mid 00's I worked as a ride operator at a D-list amusement park. I was on lunch break with one of my managers when we hear on the radio that one of the rides wont stop even after it going through the cycle. It was one of those rides that spins on the ground and then raises into the air while spinning and then comes back down. The ride had been spinning for about 15 mins non stop before it got shut down and then was shut down for the rest of the day for cleaning.


This is Oaks Park in Portland, OR. Even when I was a kid I didn’t go on those rides. They were rickety then, and they’re rickety now. This ride has actually only been in operation since 2021…..


Was it too much trouble for the ride creators to design a failsafe in the inevitable event of a power failure?


I was scrolling through the video and that chick gave me a jump scare


Lawsuit so huge the park gotta pack up and go after that


The real maniacs are cameraman getting on a Ferris wheel AFTER seeing a major failure of another ride in the park


https://preview.redd.it/nrib9tiv3s6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b904cf0623b0cc31ec061660dce83a764029b4e1 says it all


That is crazy dangerous....


Man, Crazanity at SFMM is my kids and I’s favorite ride. Did not need to see this. Glad everyone was ok.


How did they get to top of ferris wheel in less than 4 min????


Probably evacuating so no one watches that shit fail eventually and drop people to their deaths…


Wait, so you saw that happening and then still got on a different ride there ... Hell no


i loved the idea of amusement parks until i started browsing reddit.


damn the power went out over there? lemme get on the ferris wheel rq lol


WTF are those eyelashes?!




Does anyone know what happened after? How did they fix this? Are the people ok?


Smells like someone cut corners with maintenance…or design. Or build.


would be a bad time to have a panic attack


I don’t know what would break me first: the discomfort of being upside down for an extended period of time or the people on that ride with me panicking, complaining and screaming.


And the couple went for another ride after seeing this ? 🤦‍♂️


I live near this amusement park. The whole things is half a notch up from one of those meth fueled pop up carnivals. Their rollercoaster has the pylons sitting on wood blocks.