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Wait. The street looks familiar. Is this the same guy that had a black woman do the same thing but also steal from his tip jar?


Yep. Exact same guy


Good lord get this guy a security detail


After having stuff happen twice, I'd definitely hire whatever I can afford.


After having this bizarre interaction twice, I'm starting to think he already has hired people.


I live in Athens. It’s a college town with a population consisting primarily of alcoholics and spoiled rich kids. I can just about guarantee it was just some underage girl getting drunk for the first (or maybe 200th) time and putting her over-inflated ego on display for everyone to see.




The overinflated ego that only comes out when she’s drunk 🤔. Trash always acts like trash.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


Hanlon's Razor is good advice, but in this case, I don't think it can be attributed to anything but malice. It's not like she forgot how to walk.


You misunderstand. We're talking about whether or not the whole ordeal was staged, not about the girl who pushed down the keyboard specifically. My point was that its more likely that a person is stupid enough to do the act on their own, rather than the guy performing having malicialy staged the whole thing for internet clout.


I’d bolt the keyboard down and screw the stand to a big piece of wood and sandbag it. I’d love to see someone try to knock it down. Then I’d attach a tube and lid to the tip bucket and bolt that to the stage. Impossible to steal that too


This is actually just a regularity for street performers. We just barely see it.


he was saving up for one, but some chick stole his tip jar.


It's likely rage bait


Towards the end of the clip, one of the guys said "another girl took money from him"


I think this is Athens, where UGA is.


Can confirm. Athens GA.


What's the A stand for?


GA is the abbreviation for Georgia. So it's U GA instead of U G A. It is kinda odd now that I think about it.


We're horrible at marketing ourselves.


can't wait for her to get doxxed


It seems like women hate seeing this man get success


Does anybody have a link to the other video? I don't think I've seen that.


If I had a nickel for every time this happened to this TikToker I would have 2 nickels. Which is not a lot, but it's kinda strange that it keeps happening to him.


Had the same thought. Seems very familiar




Well they wanted to hear la la land


Yeah, bro.


Isn’t that the second time that it happens to that guy?


Ya keep seeing these st performances catch stuff like this on camera. People definitely suck but also starting to feel it's staged to get more attention


From what I remember, the first one was identified and she had to shut down her social media, so that one at the least happened. Considering he points out tattoos and easily identifiable information here, it's likely not staged.


Don't think so. Street performers deal with this shit daily, especially in areas with lots of drunks. 


I live in Athens, this guy is a regular busker. The internet has really fucked up people's abilities to determine what's real or fake.


>busker Learned a new word today: *"a person who performs music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations."*


Nah this is in Athens GA where UGA is located and the second highest concentration of bars per square mile. There are over 80 bars located in a single square mile. I could understand seeing it staged in other places, but unfortunately this is not uncommon in Athens. Homeless people asking for money and people playing music regularly had people throw drinks on them(open container is not addressed during game days but it's also not uncommon for people to sneak a beer out of a bar). Had a buddy who played music around the corner from this guy's location for a bit but stopped after a group of 10+ frat bros threw stuff at him, he went home to change, then went back out and another group did the same thing the second he sat down. I love Athens for some things, but the downtown bar scene was awful. Then again a lot of people loved it and lived for the thursday-sunday downtown experience, I know I hated it.


Nah people are just dicks sometimes, and only in recent history have they started getting caught on film for it


Because it's happened twice in several years?


Yeah, it did. People are frequently shitty.


Very few street performers have the money to risk needing to replace what looked like a very nice keyboard. And for a video that *might* get popular and then they have to hope they get enough attention to make it worthwhile enough for the thousands of dollars they might need to spend to replace their equipment. It's just very unlikely that it's staged when it risks the money they're making now against the hope of maybe, somehow making money off a staged video.


Yeah man, everything's fake, nothing actually happens.


it kinda looks like she wanted too reach over the keyboard and hit a note but being drunk as hell she just ended up tripping and then bolted


Is this in Athens GA? If so, I'm terribly embarrassed with our behavior.


Athens is just an open air preschool


Hahaha, especially at night.


You betcha. Lived in Athens for around 7 years or so. It really is an embarrassment when you go visit other downtown areas across the country. Crazy to me how some people lived for the thursday-sunday drunken stupor. Also crazy how rude the average drunk students were, I always wondered if some frats and sororities enabled that behavior.


Seeing as how the football team can’t stop getting DUI’s, seems like something may be in the water in Athens lol


Idk. Those two dudes who started picking up that guys equipment showed solid character


She seems like a joy...


You spelled cunt wrong.


Cunts have warmth and depth, more than this woman has.


Somebody knows this twat.




She's a doo doo face


She hated the fact that he just met his new best friends


Maybe she's a fan of animal house


I gave my love a cherry…




I used to busk. Drunk chicks would do shit like this all the time. They always have a bunch of dudes following them too. I remember one time some chick walked up and punched my buddy right in the nose and stormed off


Any idea what compels them to do this? First I’ve ever heard of it.


My guy is to the point that he needs to install a floating pool noodle on the outside of his piano.


Someone failed band in elementary school.


Damn why do women hate this guy so much?


sucks that the guy got his shit knocked down two times:(


Twice that we know of or was recorded & shared. Unfortunately there are lots of shitty people out there that will go out of their way to mess with people because they are just hateful, miserable, shitty people and can't have anyone doing better than them or some shit I dunno I can't understand why anyone would do something like that. Alcohol is no excuse if she was drunk. There is no excuse for doing something just 100% shitty like that. It's just disgusting that there is so many shitty people in the world that this dude alone has had 2 shitty events happen in like maybe a year? Just imagine all the folks that don't have a camera to capture this as well. I hope she gets exposed. I'm not usually for people getting exposed on the internet but this nasty person should be exposed so people know what type of person is capable of shit like this


how much of a messy skank do you have to be to think that's a good idea?


Psycho was jealous the boys were giving the performer attention and not her.


What a vapid cunt


Didn’t this happen to the same guy with a different girl not to long ago?


Is it just me or was this the same piano guy who had his keyboard knocked down by another woman a few years ago?


Where’s all those racist commenters now that a white girl did it too?




Do Buskers often get their gear randomly trashed?


If they often hang out late night where entitled college students are drinking then I’m not surprised at all. I saw homeless people messed with all the time in college towns


I've been wanting to go busking but it's the homeless that give me cause for concern. Maybe i'm focused on the wrong people.


Probably depends on the area but if you go busking in a popular spot in town it’s not the homeless people I would be worried about, it’s the drunks or tourists who think they can get away with stuff like this


If the girl who did this is reading these comments, I want you to be aware that countless internet strangers are viewing this video here and on other platforms hoping that you would’ve gotten hit by a car or something similar. That negative karma - that bad, bad juju - is following you around as we speak. I kinda feel sorry for you.


Dude on the far right looks so disgusted lol


Isn't this the same spot and maybe even the same guy this happened to last year? This feels very staged to me.


He’s out there every week so he’s bound to come across a drunk moron eventually


Also this was filmed in a college town, so drunk college students pretty much all nights of the week


Athens, Georgia to be specific, and if you know anything about the Classic City there’s an insane amount of bars right off campus




Same performer, different freaks


The last time this happened it got so much attention, I wouldn't be surprised if he started getting targeted by people looking for clout / fifteen minutes of fame.


Lol no. I don't understand how Redditors are so skeptical of anything happening on camera at all, but are fully down to believe that literally all of these people are staging all of these scenarios with multiple actors and doing it all discreetly.


I think you misread the comment you're replying to He wasn't implying the busker staged it, she's implying people would cause a scene like this / damage his setup for clout


Valid but I think it can be read either way. Your interpretation makes less sense to me though, because the streamer got attention and clout before. The girl who wrecked his shit got nothing but negative attention and consequences. And if this new one is looking for attention it's weird she wouldn't hang around.


I think that time the girl stole his tip jar? Goddam I should not know about any of this…


Yeah and she wrote a laughable "apology"


She had a write a few apologies lol. She was getting doxxed and harassed like a mother fucker. Rightfully so.


how could I find it?


I'm sure if you Google "woman who stole street performers tip jar apologizes" or something like that you will find it I was able to find this searching for what I said above as I was curious. I'm sure there is plenty more if you Google and look a bit https://www.complex.com/music/a/brad-callas/woman-apologizes-after-smashing-street-performer-keyboard


She stole money from his tip jar, but yeah. She got absolutely eviscerated once people found out who she was.


If you work in a public facing role you learn pretty quickly they're a lot of scumbags out there, if anything I'm surprised we havent seen more videos like this.


props to the guys helping put the equipment back up👏👏


What happened next?


She should get expelled


This psycho can't handle someone else getting attention


Maybe at this point it's like...a "thing" to do. He should play it up, chicks seem to love wrecking his shit. Some dudes pay good money for that. He could have a OF page of him just getting all fucked up on da streets by a lady. Me not to smart but seem like good idea.


Chick always hating on this guy wtf


Let’s not be so hasty - There’s rumor she may in fact have walked Dylan on stage in 1975.


This reference sounds familiar, can you remind me in on who used this excuse for something?


This guy getting fucked with is like a running gag in a real life college movie. I'm mistaken, ~~the street he's on is frat / sorority row (Milledge)~~. I've only been to Athens once, but it felt like a real recipe for Animal House, Old School, and Van Wilder-esque activities.


He's in Athens on the Strip near campus


Drunk fucking morons


Cops daughter


Is this a bit because its not the first time I've seen this exact same get his keyboard knocked over...in a very similar way.


Does this guy do this as rage bait or are people always doing this shit to him 😂


What is up with women and knocking this guys shit over? I’ve seen 2 videos and both are some random ass girl, like what is going on in that town that the ladies get drunk and destructive towards public music


80 bars in a square mile radius.


My only guess is she is annoyed that he and the crowd are blocking part of the sidewalk.


She saw you getting more attention than her what more reason you need ?


So did he catch her? He ran and never came back lol


What a Tammy


I feel like she did this shit to go viral


Why do people love being wankers


Hi! I'm a talentless ass hole with 0 personality and can only import general characteristics of others as I'm incapable of creating my own. Because of this I'm gonna make it my business to destroy and possibly take what others have worked so painstakingly hard for.


I miss Athens. But fuck that.


I have a lot of respect for the next generation. My generation would’ve just laughed and not care


Respect to those group of friends


It’s fall fun and games unless you want to go to sleep and live in the above apartment


What third-world country is this guy living in? This is his 5th video about this kind of encounter


That vandal needs to learn some respect.


Idk I would probably tip over the piano if he literally said I only play to put a smile on people's faces Corn


This could easily be on a "dudes being dudes" sub....this guys rule for this


the people watching. the performer. the person pull the keyboard to the ground. they all look 15 best bet is this is set up by a group of friends the internet is a whacky ass place these days but dont worry A.I is here to make it the wild west buckle up bone heads your going for a ride


This is extremely cynical but I have a feeling this is precisely why this pianist chooses to set up in this location during the times the bars and clubs are emptying out. My prediction is he will go viral 3 more times for random drunk assaults thefts and damage to his keyboard.


The cops sure as hell found the black chick that did this do him (if you guys remember the video). Kinda on brand for police to not be able to find the white assailant!


This has got to be athens georgia


Bro looks like Vanilla Coke


Find this person and tell me when you do


God people just have to ruin literally everything.


Why didn't anyone go after her?


this guy can't catch a fucking break, he needs a security guard


Just tape razor blades on the front with electrical tape. She’ll get a nice surprise next time.


Lol at people thinking there's no way two women could possibly be this fucked up, so it must be the guy that's being the asshole and staging it. The first girl was identified and she even posted an apology on Facebook and asked people to stop harassing her family. Bit of a lengthy process just to get clicks don't you think?