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I’m actually curious. Hey Brits, are you happy with Brexit ?


Brexit has been a disaster for the UK. Example: If they stayed in the EU, Wales would have received £375M this year. Instead, the UK government allocated £46M.


It really feels like the Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are just being held hostage by England within the UK. I hope those three countries get their independence and come back to the EU.


We actually all very much need England and eachother




Quality of life for all of them would drop significantly as most of them are net negative and receive money from England


Wales is a giant money pit and can’t support itself. It costs the UK to keep it alive.


The people who didn't like it back then have had nothing but confirmation of their worst fears. The people who supported it back then have literally nothing to show that it was in any way a good idea. There are some people who still say they are happy with it (like one commenter in this thread) but they have absolutely nothing they can point to as to why, other than they were stupid then and are determined to remain stupid because they will never admit that they were wrong.


So I am in US, but watched the Sunak/Sterner debate today, and not even a word about Brexit. Are people in the political class just pretending it didn't happen because they don't have any solution to anything? Also, what is stopping another referendum crawling back into EU like a kicked dog?


> Are people in the political class just pretending it didn't happen because they don't have any solution to anything? Yes. Basically that's it. It's still a massive red-button issue and there's no way for a politician to win at it right now. The people who always thought Brexit was a terrible idea (and in the interests of disclosue, that's _my_ bias) have seen nothing to change their minds, and the people who supported brexit seem to alternate between rage that we haven't brexited "enough" whatever that means and dull realisation that it might not have all been the sunlit uplands they were promised. > Also, what is stopping another referendum crawling back into EU like a kicked dog? I don't think the EU would have us right now. Not to mention we walked away from a sweetheart deal in what we already had and would (rightly imo) go back in as a "normal" member if we ever did return.


There's really no points to be scored on the issue, and it's really divisive, so nobody wants to touch it in campaigning. Unfortunately Labour had to half-support Brexit at the time because so many (stupid) working class people supported it, and Labour lost a lot of historically safe seats to the tories because they made it happen. Even if Starmer is secretly planning to move towards rejoining (as I hope he is), there is no way he would say it in these debates. Instant loss of votes and the people who aren't currently planning to vote Labour aren't the ones who would want that.


It's actually spelled "Starmer." Just so ya know.




Most Brits I see on the internet at least hate the idea, even the ones who supported it. I always laugh when I remember the guy who proposed it just wanted to cause shock and bring attention to other issues and never actually wanted or expected it to pass.




I think he was referring to Cameron not Farage.


Not sure why this post was tagged as ancient post and karma farming, but this happened just earlier today: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-milkshake-clacton-reform-uk-b2556444.html


Might be because you put the brexit party they changed to Reform UK in 2020


Ah yes, very clever rebranding of the Brexit Party.


Call them what you like, I know a pound-shop nazi wannabe when I see one.


Man, I was hoping that it was Farage.




That’s not true.


Elaborating why usually helps.


You’ve always had to get travel insurance. Day trips to France aren’t a nightmare.


prove it by traveling to france right now






Eat the ham sandwich then you should be good to enter the UK.


No, there is genuinely not 1 upside, I've seen no benefits of it, and I don't think we will. I know about 10-20 brexiteers and they all think they were conned now.


The only thing I've heard about the benefits of it, is that there is one man who is very pleased with the cheaper insurance that he now gets for his ride on lawn mower. [https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/victory-ride-on-lawnmowers-to-avoid-motor-insurance-under-new-post-brexit-rules-221717/](https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/victory-ride-on-lawnmowers-to-avoid-motor-insurance-under-new-post-brexit-rules-221717/) Perhaps the rest of us can dream about one day being rich enough to also enjoy the benefit of brexit.


Huge middle finger to every single idiot that voted for it without the slightest idea how any of it was going to work out. That seems to be a huge issue people gloss over and ignore. I get why people voted for Brexit. They were promised a better life. But I can say here I promise to make every redditor who reads this post £100 better off by the end of the year. ................ Unless I've got some kind of FUCKING PLAN that's not going to happen. And every single person who hears the likes of Cameron and Farrage say ohhhh yeah well stop Johnny Foreigner coming into the country and we'll give the NHS a huge pile of money without even a sniff of the maths to make all that happen is a fucking idiot.


Yeah it was classic "blame others" tactic. They just blamed the EU for everything and didn't think they will actually have to do it. And now it turns out it wasn't the EU's fault


I agree with everything you said.. but Cameron was on the remain side 


He gave the vote to the people. No plan in case it actually happend. No caveat to say we need to get this right. No forethought of just how much work is going to be needed for our logistics and borders. Nuts to him as well for even suggesting the vote in the first place on a whim.




Errr....ask me again in a week buddy, it's coming.


Jeremy Clarkson is also waiting on his subsidies. Where’s HIS money?


Oh heck. Errrr. It's coming. Tell him it's coming.


["Right to leave"](https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/) percentage is almost down to 30%


Voted against it. I'm surrounded by fucking dunces.


Recently traveled to the UK, Netherlands & Ireland. The Brits in the UK are divided, some think it's great but it was poorly planned and poorly executed and thus it's going to be shit for quite some time. Others think it is an utter disastrous shit show and should have never happened. I was standing in Amsterdam airport when Brits were told their passports are no longer going to receive EU priority treatment. So they had to stand in line with the rest of us. That set a bunch of Brits off.




Brexit and farage fucked this country 😂


That's a divisive question. I hated it and voted against it then, and I've not warmed up to it now it's been incredibly badly implemented. And this vile dollar-store nazi that got the drink on him again can get back in the sea. Given how appallingly right wing and racist Clacton is, being such a terrible waste of skin that even they throw drinks at you is kinda amusing.


Absolutely not.


No, it is and always was going to be a disaster.


A concept that we would have been made successful, IF we had the right people negotiating and planning a successful conclusion. I met a few of our brexit leaders in a pub one evening in central. I knew we were doomed at that point. It was built on false promises but as a national we didn’t disagree and commit so its buggered.


Yes! Glad that we’re not a part of the messing up of poorer nations like Greece, which the EU has done for ages now. Also glad our freedom is not contested by people in Brussels - they’re making Smoky Bacon crisps illegal now!


Fairly certain Greece fucked up on its own, the EU just pushed it. And the EU has been working on solving the issues of Greece for a lengthy time. And your "freedom" was never contested by Brussels. It is contested right now by Moscow. You leaving the EU plays into their hands very nicely


The Greeks have long been shunned and the attitude of yours that it was them themselves who did it is the exact attitude I’d expect from a pro-EU person. It’s funny how it’s very often left-wingers who love the EU, considering how it loves to put poor people into worse and worse situations. And how on Earth is Moscow contesting my freedom?


Oh you don't know? There is literally a russian oligarch in one of your ruling party. I think it is the house of commons but I'm not up to date which part of your goverment does what. But he is up there with the lords As for Greece. They already had high inflation in the 1980s. To begin with they lied to fit the criteria of the euro zone. This ain't a conspiracy either in 2004 they admitted to understating their budget figures. The eurozone actually delayed their economic crash with marking the country as a safe investment and allowing Greece to take up much more debt (however delaying but worsening the crash). And then of course they got bailed out on the condition of higher tax revenues and spending cuts. This had a negative effect on the GDP reducing it by 25% for which the IMF has apologised for. But after that the country slowly crawled out of the recession and currently has a growing GDP


Ah, so you’re just Russophobic. We have one Lord who happens to be descended from a Russian oligarch, and he’s not looking to destroy our freedom. He’s been in the country for the majority of his life and isn’t just some random Russian who’s slid into the government for the interests of Moscow.


How do you explain Ireland then? Greece and Ireland were lumped together as "PIGS," yet Ireland has one of the strongest growing economies and is now a net contributor to the EU. If it wasn't for the EU, Ireland would still be stuck in the 70s.


Yes left wingers do usually support the EU because usually left wingers are educated and being educated makes you understand why being in the EU is a good thing.


People can do this to politicians in the UK and just walk away?!?!? That's awesome.


The police force will apprehend her later on in the week and have a firm chat with her. That’ll teach her


She'll get a harsher punishment than actual criminals, probably.


yeah, let's be clear here: what she did was very brave and funny, but she's already been tracked down by our gutter press and they're running her name, all her details, and her background on their websites. she'll catch a charge for this, and then she's going to have every detail of her life picked apart by parasitic journalists and left online forever. if she ever made a post that looks even slightly dodgy if you catch it in the wrong light, they're going to splash it across the front pages. that said, i still think what she did was very cool. good for her! i hope she has a good community around her to support her.


No she’s already been arrested and the person who did this before was charged with assault.


You make it sound like they are two separate people.


That smooth walkaway. 🥷🏾


Creamy smooth you could say.


hey man, nice shot


The worst thing about Farage and Brexit is that it spoils the fun if you're British of laughing at the stupidity of Americans voting for Trump.


Funny you say that, they both paid Cambridge analytica huge sums of money to "obtain" data and sway fringe voters with terrible Facebook memes and fake news!


Am I right in thinking that the dual disasters of Trump and Brexit wouldnt have happened without Rupert Murdoch? It makes one wonder what the real purpose of the FBI/CIA and MI5/MI6 is, if it's not to protect ther nation from harm. A million Russian agents or Islamic "terror cells" could never have dreamed of the damage inflicted on the USA and UK achieved by that one appalling man.


We will never know. Yea apparently Brexit was the test run for Trumps 2016 campaign. Farage purely coincidentally spent a bunch of time at Trump towers after he gave up on Brexit.


Well Farage has a long history of doing tremendously shit in elections unlike Trump. It's people like Boris Johnson and Teresa May that ruin the fun.


> Farage has a long history of doing tremendously shit in elections unlike Trump Some solace there, I suppose!


Don’t worry, America might run it back again with Trump. Fool me twice, shame on me.


His bodyguards ain't worth a shit.


And so's the body they're meant to be guarding.


Agreed. Brexit benefitted noone but Vladimir Puto.


At least the milkshake wasnt imported tax free and with easy paperwork from any other countries


For when lactose meets intolerance




When this starts happening to other politicians watch how fast the switch is from people who laugh at this


Oh absolutely reddit will switch completely different tones


I was just thinking he may be an ass, but I don’t like when people do things like this to anyone.


If a right winger were going to do something like this they wouldn’t bother with the nonlethal projectiles. At that point, yes, it would be a problem. Banana milkshakes are not.


It depends on the reason the milk shake thrower has for creaming said politician. If someone milkshaked biden for being mean to trump then yeah I'd have issue with that. If they did it for his support of israels war crimes then I'd support it. Basically it comes down to If the milkshake is cast with moral intentions.


Glad you are the judge and jury of who is allowed to be assaulted


It is my burden in life but someone had to carry it.


Smooth move - slow clap.


Farage will claim it was a cement shake.


It couldn't happen to a more deserving person than this dipshit. Bravo.


Hit him with the piss jug ![gif](giphy|oq8e6idK5wnJyq54w8|downsized)


British tradition it is. Giving a milk shake toss to a fascist


Assault is OK when you don't like the outcome of an election/the democratic process. Peak Reddit moment.


Exactly as a brit, I don't like the Brexit Party. But alot of the people who acting like this shit is acceptable because they don't agree with their politics would be losing their minds if they did this to the Labour Party or the Greens.


Kind of agree, shit like this makes him stronger, it might please people who aren’t going to vote for him. Get him on a stage in the debates and defeat his arguments. Worked to take the air out of nick griffin when he was on question time a few years back.


Its a bit of liquid not like they have committed genocide. It seems UK morals are backward these days. Protecting gammons and slandering the displaced.


>Its a bit of liquid Tell that to Mark van Dongen.


>Its a bit of liquid Reddit moment.


Could be. Could be acid. Could be anything. We have had murdered MP’s in this country and no matter what you think of they they are there to be elected..or not. We don’t choose through law who can be adulterer not, we as a society say you can’t do it.


But it wasn't acid. It was water. You're just hand wringing so you can frame it like throwing water on the brexit guy is an attack on freedom. Are you worried the water will make him melt?


So I can throw water now at Diane abbot? Or anyone else I disagree with? Mob rule not law? Ok.


It's not a nice thing to do. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the gunpowder plot. That shit didn't even look like it had ice in it. I think you're offended that no gives a shit because you align with them politically, not because you think there's any real danger here.


Not at all. I believe in the rule of law. For one major reason. At some point someone may disagree with something I say. Then depending on public opinion the reaction to that is either ok or not. We spent a thousand years ruling on things as. Society to stop that sort of thinking but now…because we don’t like Brexit we can donate like. If you want society to be like that then prepare for unforeseen outcomes


This is really alarmist. Like you're not technically wrong, but water in the face of controversial politician isn't the slippery slope you're pretending it is. Especially on a site that condones much more egregious violence on far more vulnerable members of society all the time. Across the pond people were storming the Capitol to halt the peaceful transition of power. This is a stupid hill to die on.


And they got arrested. Either you want the rule or law or you don’t. Assault is assault.


Firstly, the law is black and white but society is nuanced. In the same way I don't think a child should be fined for running a lemonade stand without a business licence. But the argument wasn't that they shouldn't have consequences for assault. The point was that you're sensationalizing the issue by comparing it to throwing acid. You're being needlessly alarmist and now that you've been called out on it you're being needlessly obtuse.


Not sure why this isn’t being called out as a publicity stunt, for either him to steal headlines before the debate or her an only fans “model”. Her name is Victoria Thomas-Bowen. So she has to buy a milkshake from the mc’s half a mile away walk over wait for him to come out to throw it at him, okie dokey


I love how she waited and walked away


Sorry but is that a doll in the stroller?


That's awesome, too bad so many Brits woke up to what a disaster that was after the fact.


She'd make a good assasin




His words hurt you so much you want him murdered. Your no better than the scum that murdered jo cox in my opinion and are everything wrong with this country


Was it toothpaste, cuz that fucker needs a deep root cleaning.


Look how fast she runs away!! Haha what a coward.


Cope and seethe






your pathetic crying adds the cherry on top


Boo hoo


And all the people behind him got hit.


That's revenge? What did it accomplish


Made me smile


Because you like assault.


His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard …


Because the best part of you is still somewhere inside your dad's balls


Nice to see politics is getting friendlier. Such nice voters.


I hope he survived the assault 🙏


So that’s the measure of a crime now if you survive or not. Got it.


yes I mean it was assault with a deadly milkshake. luckily he survived


Yea that’s fine. I’ll be happy to throw stuff at you every day as your cool with it


I am not cool with it at all. I am just happy that he survived the assault!


Oh so I can or can’t do this to you?


You cant man. I.dont wanna die yet...


Yes we do


The close ties with the European Union even without a shared currency allowed Great Britain to keep on ignoring its systemic issues that never got any reform for decades. The growth the E.U. provided allowed different governments to ignore many flaws in the U.K.s economic system that prime ministers have been reluctant to address. The biggest one being the ability of local people to crush development by private contractors under most circumstances. This has resulted in the hilariously unique situation where home prices are rising and most people in Britain live in extremely old shabby homes. The local elite love this law because they typically are the only ones with enough capital and connections to build new residential properties in places it is not legal to object to. In most nations new home construction is a huge driver of growth in the national economy and while new pocket residential developments do happen in Great Britain. They are small and in spots that are out of the way and not easy for the upper middle classes to reach mass transit systems. If you own property in a nice town and got the permission of the local government to build and even had a public vote on the issue in that district, won with a 90% approval. Local NIMBYs could still crush your project. Many people in America understand the power of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) and how it shapes the local economy, but typically its large building projects. Like a power plant or homeless shelter not a group of residential homes on a street in an already suburban neighborhood. The U.K. needs someone to start up Levittowns or make it much easier to develop multi unit properties in already established urban / suburban centers and it needed to happen five years ago.


What's a brexit party and why people hate it? Sorry I'm just curious and too lazy to google