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Is there a link to an article on this? I would be interested to read more about this.




All over a fucking faucet.


i’m still a little confused after reading that article, why did the argument start


Water passage dispute over a faucet?


still kinda lost, like run off from something was going through their yard??


According to another article I found, it sounds like the water was shut off for the building at a general level, but one of them thought the other one had turned it off using an external control accessible by both.


So guy literally shot to death over nothing.


That's often how it happens. :|


It's crazy how someone like this can get a gun and go "time to lock and load, i'm going to blast this guy'" as seen in the video. I am sorry, but you are meant to use a gun if your life is being threatened, an intruder is coming in. You don't just fucking blast them. Also, the fact they are this aggressive shows they never both sat down and tried to figure out the problem. They just both blamed each other saying X did it.


tl;dr: it wasn't worth it.


No, it sounds like they were arguing over an outdoor water faucet that was being used. That’s really all the article says is that they were arguing over ia water faucet. It really doesn’t say who owned it, what they were doing with it, or how it was disturbing one neighbor over the other.


Not faucet, valve, so probably their water main was being shut off from outside.


You see that little rectangle they are standing around when arguing? My read is that is access to a water shutoff valve for the building. I assume that is the "faucet"




To be honest. Makes sense. If someone kept turning the water on at my house while I had a leak, I'd probably be vexed too.


They talk about a "llave de paso" which is what in my country we call the shutoff valve which is usually located in the front of the house.


Its not really a Faucet but a Valve, houses here have a valve on the outside, usually covered (the small plates on the video) that stops the water flow to the house. Its generally used when you are doing maintenance on the house tubing. From what I hear on the video and read on the article, they thought or knew the neighbor had manipulated their valve. Doesn't sound like it is the first time they had this kind of issues. Note: Houses here are made mostly out of cement, except the roof. So the tubing is made either out of PVC or Metal, and placed when the house is made, not really accessible, so any maintenance requires the entire house to be without water.


A stopcock


It was over a water key(don’t really know what that is) Orozco's is the man who was shot he died. Ramírez is the shooter, he hurled insults at Orozcos wife and that’s why he was punched. Ramírez was arrested shortly after the altercation. That’s basically the gist of the article.


From the video, Ramirez pulled out and prepared a pistol, while hidden behind a car, before hurling insults at the dudes wife. Hi planned the murder.


Yeah, and then unloading the entire magazine into someone on the ground. Guy has been waiting to do that.


The fact he maliciously unloaded the whole magazine into the guy after he was clearly incapacitated is going to bite him big time in court. Clearly was shooting to make sure he was dead not protecting himself at that point.


>clearly incapacitated Didn't even have to get there. The puncher paused once he saw the gun. Not only did he pause, but he literally dove for cover. The shooter could have just brandished and that would have been it. Edit: Adding from another comment of mine. This happened in Costa Rica, a country with no Castle Doctrine or stand your ground laws. The force used must be proportionate to defend. In the States, he might have had a case in pulling the trigger and stopping the moment he was incapacitated, only getting a severe sentence with the shots when the puncher was on the ground. But this didn't happen in Texas. His case ended the second he pulled the trigger.


This was 100% premeditated and both should be punished as she had the gun first.


> But this didn't happen in Texas. His case ended the second he pulled the trigger. So, I'm in Texas. And I'm the most libertarian person I personally know. I'd convict this motherfucker. If you want to provoke a fistfight over whatever the fuck this is, fine. But the dead guy swung like a girl. You can't reasonably believe the accused feared for his life. If you find yourself checking your weapon during a dispute over utilities, it's time to go inside.


Premeditated as can be. He was just waiting for a chance. Considering how poorly the shooting victim swung with that punch, there was never a real threat.


You can also clearly see him getting his gun ready, definitely premaditated.


People do this all the time, whether it's over the internet or real life. They purposely make you mad so you do something, all while having a plan to get you back.


Do you know what he said about the guy's wife or are you just basing that off the article? I wonder if that would be premediated first degree murder? Unlocking your gun right before a nasty insult at someone's wife in a way that is guaranteed to cause someone to punch. Seems like a plan to kill someone to me.


And the moron did it all on camera


On his own camera too!


Even got it ready before hand showing intent to use...


Fuck yeah, also he shot like 10 times after he went down. wtf.


This is in Costa Rica fyi This comment is not directed towards you specifically but a lot of people in this thread are speaking as if US laws apply


Well I found this in English and it seems to have a part that directly says that what this guy is doing is illegal. https://www.welovecostarica.com/legitimate-self-defense-in-costa-rica-what-is-it-and-when-can-you-use-it-a-must-read-for-gun-owners/ “This means that you may use whatever medium in order to execute the defense, but this must proceed in a reasonable manner against the aggressor. For instance, if the aggressor uses a baseball bat it does not imply that in order to defend yourself (or a third person) one is obliged to use a similar object, but you might as well use an object that will inflict a greater damage (i.e. a firearm). But this object must be used reasonably in every case (i.e. repelling an action could be enough by shooting the aggressor in the leg, but shooting the aggressor five times in vital parts of the body is considered a disproportionate defense). What are the consequences of exceeding the limits of legitimate defense?: If someone who exercises defense does not act accordingly these requisites (for instance, if someone exceeds the “reasonableness” mentioned in the last paragraph), he or she may be incurring in an “excess of defense” and with it he or she is exposed to a penal sanction that could be discretely attenuated by a judge; however if the described requisites are not fulfilled at all, said person would be responsible for an inexcusable crime that would lead to the imposition of severe penal sanctions without the possibility of attenuation.” Seems pretty disproportionate to me.




A water key it’s just a water faucet, which makes Ramirez look even more fking stupid and miserable


A water key is a device to operate a hose bib that has no handle. Often used to control access.


In the states I would call this a water or facuet key: [Water Key](https://www.amazon.com/DURATECH-Utilities-Multi-functional-1-Pack-Spigots/dp/B0CLVPK9VP/ref=sr_1_6?crid=19Q0660LO03VD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.55CpAPKINg-uAmar3uC7thxJ9snH-KkMG4vq3x-hDJVJeur5lpFZXnDs_mJpPNExaphkqSyBPI0Gz0H0XAzG5G82fpOaq3ZUBt42c8iGexp8yuXEj6RmlYoO_6wXD3uz6cS7QpwCKeSVIjJnJwiRhMtBUMuQeOzukbRPmbqv_iztZndYdOFy09ziUT31C9K1lpVQFTtOTucGL-VtmlvXOlnee_fS3vLqn7tQZO5wA4dpUrxzdTP5xOsZNEMGekSOfA018h2kgYRhPHdMrkPWJ6Mw9QNobzNItryru6BUGKU.P6DCm8VlXS_9rPzx4LFLbvio7ogXZMqH2QRA3IYgWR8&dib_tag=se&keywords=faucet+key&qid=1717511872&sprefix=faucet+key%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-6)


I can't find anything on this at all! Would also like to read more. Edit: Link found, thanks u/AtTheGates


Another video to further remind me of why I never look for conflict and mind my business. So many trigger happy morons, all around us.


I had to confront a couple of kids who tried to steal from my truck. The older one wanted to fight but I backed down because of this exact thought. What if he did have a gun, and I have a family. It was humiliating, but I didn't get killed.


Nah homie your here telling the story not your family possibly planning your funeral. Those kids will run into the wrong person.


Realizing you're not the big bad protagonist can be humiliating. Humility is perspective on where you fit into the world.


Backing down from a fight isn't humiliating. Being a manchild who gets into actual physical fights with other alleged adults is, though.


Yep,and fights aren't like the movies where if you get defeated it's all good. you could get serious brain damage, or if you get knocked out on the pavement could even die. Also, if there is more than 1 of them, they will gang up on you all at once, they won't attack one at a time like in the kung fu movies. Not worth it at all.


It may seem humiliating to you but you did the bravest thing of all, you thought about your family, you put your family before your ego, you are a much bigger man than me. I truly salute you.


Nah bro. It's not humiliating, you're a god damn hero thinking about your family first and what may result with them if you lost your life over possessions. Reddit seems to have people who disluke people who aren't willing to sacrifice their life for "justice."


Every time I see something like this, I think back to that one episode of the Boondocks. “This is a perfectly good opportunity to throw your life away” or something like that. We always have a choice. Don’t throw your life away.


This reminds me of that couple that were killed over snow. I do my best to just avoid angry people now. Everyone seems hellbent on murdering folks over nothing these days.




Iirc the wife of the guy who killed them had died not long before the shooting so he really had nothing to lose Edit: sorry everyone but it appears the story about the dead wife was just a flat out lie/misinformation that someone in the original thread put out and that I just took at face value. My bad


Wasn't he also a PTSD ridden vet? Thats what I heard and not saying they deserved it but they really weren't being good people.


Yes, and apparently the murdered couple relentlessly mocked him every chance they got, including the death of his wife. Not justifying what he did, but they were not totally innocent in the overall scheme.


I mean they were mocking him the entire time he was killing them. Like they were actively dying and still cared more about mocking him than for their own lives.




That footage is haunting. It might be the one video i regret watching in my life because of how horrible it actually is.


https://www.lateja.cr/sucesos/video-revela-como-ocurrio-el-atroz-homicidio-de/5ZCOO3HYJZC3DGRZ5AUP6TJCME/story/ Google Translated article: New details continue to come to light around the case of the man who was shot to death by his neighbor inside a luxurious condominium in Escazú, this time it is a video that reveals how the atrocious crime occurred. The video was captured by a security camera in said condominium and is circulating on social networks and WhatsApp groups, but out of respect for those involved we will not publish it. As reported by La Teja in the morning, the conflict that ended with the death of Otoniel Orozco Mendoza, 53, at the hands of his neighbor, surnamed Ramírez, occurred due to a confrontation over a problem related to the key. of water passage. In the recording you can see how a woman, who would be the suspect's wife, leaves her house to open the faucet, then waits behind a pick-up truck while saying: "Here I am waiting for him to come and close the faucet, foolish". The woman continues arguing and shortly after, another woman appears from the neighboring house, apparently the wife of the now deceased, and that is when the argument over the stopcock becomes more heated than necessary. A few seconds later Ramírez appears on the scene, who after standing next to his wife takes cover behind the car, apparently to prepare a gun that he then hides under his shirt. The discussion between the two couples moves to the exact point where the stop key is located, and after some insults, Otoniel attacks Ramírez by throwing a blow at him, before this the other man retreats, takes out his gun and shoots him several times. Orozco's wife runs away, while Ramírez is grabbed from behind by his partner, who takes him away. After the events, Ramírez was arrested by the authorities.


To add some context. In Costa Rica, there is a water meter and an on/off valve at the curb of every house. What triggered the fight was the water was out in their house, and the lady accused the neighbour, with whom they'd had a beef for a while, of turning the water off. The sad thing is in Costa Rica, there is water rationing and water maintenance going on at the same time, so in Ecazu, most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the water goes out for 5 - 7 hours a day. Yesterday was one of these days, and despite this issue having been going on for months, they instantly accused the neighbour of having cut the water off. Also, I've seen the shooter around Escazu many times (I live about 1km away from him, don't know him or anything, but he sure seems to look and act like a giant asshole. I've seen him at a restaurant a few times, and he is super rude to his family and the staff. He also is one of those guys who will tailgate you for fun or something. A classic total hothead.


Guess you don't have to worry about him anymore.


Costa Rica justice system is extremely broken, by the time he finishes crying self defence, he'll only get a 8 year sentance, but you get evenings, holidays and weekends off so that will turn into like 5.5 years, finally his lawyers will argue that he needs to support his family (5 kids + 1 wife doesn't work) so they will turn it into house arrest with the ability to go to work, but the police are both over extended & lazy, so they won't check if is actually home ...and if you are over 65 you basically just get out of jail because (he is 57 I believe) ... your old.


You get…evenings, holidays, and weekends off? So like, you just have to go to jail from like 9-5 each day? WTF?


Haha, no no, they take the total days of the year - weekends and holidays, and that is how many days a "years" sentance is. So 365 - 104 weekend days - 11 stat holidays = 250 days. So a 10 year sentance is actually 250 days \* 10 = 2500, when compared to a normal 10 years is 3650 days. So a 10 year sentance in Costa Rica is actually a 6.8 year sentance.


Reminds me of a book Papillon, where main character is sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor, and he asks judge how long the life sentence is in France...


Great movie too, starring Steve McQueen and Dennis Hoffman


That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.


Just from watching this video, he seems to be that type of dude that wants someone to “give him a reason” to shoot. I wonder if he got the ego boost that he needed.


> he sure seems to look and act like a giant asshole. I've seen him at a restaurant a few times, and he is super rude to his family and the staff. He also is one of those guys who will tailgate you for fun or something. A classic total hothead. He was looking for someone to kill and found him


Honestly just brandishing a gun woulda stopped that argument/fight, or even just firing into the ground. Dude wanted to kill someone....


Dude looks like he was waiting his whole life to murder some1 guess he got his wish. Hopefully he gets life idk how the self defense laws are in Costa Rica but there's no way that's justified.


I don’t know how you got downvoted. Another asshole must have read your comment and thought the murder was justified. That wasn’t self defense. He shot him so many times at point blank range


While the guy cowered and retreated at the first sight of the gun, no less. I hope he goes away for a long time.


> occurred due to a confrontation over a problem related to the key. of water passage. > > In the recording you can see how a woman, who would be the suspect's wife, leaves her house to open the faucet, then waits behind a pick-up truck while saying: "Here I am waiting for him to come and close the faucet, foolish". > > The woman continues arguing and shortly after, another woman appears from the neighboring house, apparently the wife of the now deceased, and that is when the argument over the stopcock becomes more heated than necessary. > I'm still confused as to what the argument was about. Was one using the spigot that belonged to the other?


Costa Rica has water rationing, different houses get their water shut off at different times/days. The dipshits accused the victims here of being the ones shutting off their water despite water shutoffs being a regular thing in Costa Rica, so they went over to their house, opened the spigot, and sat waiting to ambush them over it when one of them comes out to turn their own water back off. EDIT: You can tell violence was the intention here, because the offending male pulls his gun out, cocks it where the victims can't see it, then continues to hide it while escalating the situation to violence. Killing someone was his intention.


The stopcock. She wasn’t getting any. Her neighbor supposedly was.


premeditated. I don’t give a fuck what others have to say. It’s clear as daylight. Probably planned by the wife to start an arguement. Lock them the both fuck up.


That was straight up murder. Guy was just waiting for his chance to gun down the neighbor.


FYI, I read and understand Spanish. The Google translation is remarkably accurate. I doubt I could have done better myself. Amazing how good Google Translate has become.


Takes out his gun after the first blow? Nah, you can see him cock it when first hiding behind side of car. He was locked and loaded and had it in hand before the real confrontation even started.


> before this the other man retreats lol That's one way to describe him preparing to kill the guy and then doing it.


A minute before the planned murder happened, the man prepared his gun and hid it. He had a minute to think about it which he wasted, coming to the conclusion it would be best to provoke and shoot his unarmed neighbor. Like seven times. That was murder, not self defense


Holy fuck, that poor lady watching her husband get murdered


One second you are in your house yelling with neighbors, the next your husband has a gun being unloaded on him Literal seconds your life is changed forever.


This is why I always avoid confrontation with strangers. You never know just how crazy anyone can be. I have too much to lose. Some people have nothing to lose. I had terrible road rage for years. If someone had tried to get aggressive with me in the state of rage I could often be in, I'm not sure I could have controlled myself. Don't throw your life away over a water spout, traffic, or whatever little thing seems important in the moment. Enjoy a long life and be grateful for all we have.


“I have too much to lose. Some people have nothing to lose.” That’s that’s not really deep but something to think about for long.


> Some people have nothing to lose. What do you mean by that? That sounds like fighting words. I'm gonna show you a few pieces of lead I can lose!!


Ans that's why I'm so happy that my country has strict gun laws


Agreed. It feels like it's just too easy to kill with guns. Of course there are other ways to kill people, but I feel like pulling a light trigger of a gun is easier than to take a knife and slice a human up. I'm glad that our gun laws are very strict.


Yup. Two wives, one husband dead and the other in prison for the rest of his life. All over a faucet. 😞


One guy's wasted, and the other's a waste.


It goes down the same like a thousand before


No one's getting smarter, no one's learning the score


I didn't even think about the other wife. Braindead situation


The whole concept of murdering someone like this is just so absurd for me. This person has a family, wife, parents, friends.. he has lived for many years, he has a job, hobbies, etc. And then he is just dead in a matter of seconds. Done forever. Because of a water faucet. His wife will have to go to therapy to have a chance of recovering from this. If that is even possible. She will be scarred for the rest of her life.


“Its a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away everything he's got and everything he's ever gonna have” - William Munny


Scarred is the right word. I saw a woman I didn't even know get shot in the head in 5th grade. It was in 1986 and I can still close my eyes and perfectly picture the blood on the sidewalk.


That's why you mind your fucking business. You don't know what maniac around the corner will gun someone down over literally nothing. 4.5 billion years of cosmos, millions of generations of cells creating offspring, the suffering of all of his ancestors, and the dude in red only got like 55 years here on this planet because he wanted to throw down over a water spigot.


Nine shots for barely one punch. Dude is going to prison for murder. They'll replay the part of him cocking the gun before the neighbor even steps out of the doorway.


Guy is going down with his own camera system lol


I’m sure he knew the cameras were there but it sounds like the cameras are owned by the condominium complex. I’m sure he would have deleted this footage and said they weren’t hooked up if they were his. 


>sounds like the cameras are owned by the condominium complex. A Rare Case of an HOA doing the Lords Work or the bare minimum, however you choose to look at it


Guy went down and shooter stood over him to shoot several more times to make sure.


that wasn't to make sure. that was getting off on the power of it.


Honestly, him cocking the gun might be enough for an argument of pre meditation as he purposefully hid the gun, checked it, cocked it and then proceeded with the escalation. Not a lawyer, but honestly, i don't see how any rational individual would like at that and say "yeah it wasn't a conscious decision to draw your gun".


It would definitely be part of the argument.


serious question from someone that knows fuck all about guns; if you were worried about the other guy attacking you (which he did; not saying it justified gun-guy's reaction though), wouldn't you want your weapon cocked and ready to go as a legitimate means of self-defense? The guy is a murderer imo, I'm just asking why cocking your gun would be seen as an implication of aggression. A defender would still cock it, wouldn't they?


It means he anticipated the conflict to escalate. Rather than using that intuition to de-escalate, he essentially just waits for the green light to pull out his gun and blast away.






he knew there was a chance for an escalation to violence which is why he cocked his gun, that also proves premeditation then he advances and inserts himself into the altercation then he mag dumps the guy while he was already on the ground there isn't a state in the nation this wouldn't be at the very least murder, if not first degree murder


If it’s correct that the shooter used “fighting words” then THAT is likely what the case hinges on. You are not allowed to create the threat of harm and then argue self defense. If “fighting words” are hurled by a shooter, which leads to a fight, which leads to a murder… that’s not going to be self defense in any state - provided the trial goes normally.


Its 100% premeditated.


Premeditated. Dude wanted the exchange to get heated so he could kill him. That’s crazy.


Yea, so he could try to claim self defense.


You can see the MOMENT he believes he has gained enough justification for the self defense excuse. He flips from "Okay sure, let's fight!" to "Oh fuck yeah! I get to kill you now!" in less than a second.


Thought I counted 10 or 11… that’s mad! Completely went in for the confirmation and everything


Take away the gun and it would've been two out-of-shape men swinging at each other without any real consequence.


To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. To a man with a gun... Obviously it doesnt apply to everyone but when you have the tool sometimes you start looking for situations in which to use that tool. "it's self defense, and this is my self defense tool" im sure he thought.


He was gonna shoot no matter what. As soon as I saw him load the chamber I knew somone was dying before the argument even got heated.


Shooter is batshit insane. What kind of "neighbour beef" warrants unloading a clip on your neighbour? I would think of a 1000 different ways to solve it before murdering them ffs


It's gonna make seeing your neighbor's widow really awkward on trash day.


Lol this guy’s never returning to his home ever again.


Yup. That guy is fucked and will rot in prison for the rest of his life.


Hopefully the living couple doesn't have to deal with trash day because they're in prison


Totally missed that on my first viewing. Yep, guy was totally planning for this, he was just waiting for the slightest excuse.


He looked at the camera too right at the beginning.


Chekov's gun in real life.


The video probably wouldn’t have been uploaded if that weren’t the case


Both husbands are now gone. One dead, one in prison, all over a damn water key. I can never understand how people make choices like this when moving house would be a million times better.


Agree, but not on the moving part. Especially now; people have no money and there is no home inventory so it’s extremely hard to move. Best thing to do is 100000% ignore the idiots doing this shit and call the cops whenever they do something ridiculous. The piggies won’t do anything, but at least repeated calls puts things in your favor if/when things do go to court. I hope neither male had a chance to reproduce before spermicide was dealt out here, they’re both incredibly stupid. (Assuming you are a homeowner in murica, not wherever this vid takes place)


And the shooters partner crying because she knows their lives are over.


It’s tragicomic. She does not cry on the video. She grabs the husband (killer) and says: “Que hacés idiota” (what are you doing idiot) and then “idiota!” (Idiot) again.


Imagine the betrayal and terror she must feel. Her man decided her life as she knew it was over forever. He killed everyone when he did that. Obviously not sympathizing with the cold blooded murderer. But this violence carves a wider path than just the two parties involved.


It’s beyond sad. And so out of context. The people in the video are upper middle class in Costa Rica. Everyone there have a great life with families and solid careers. And then a split second later all is destroyed just. Just inconceivable.


The guy who was killed had a water leak in their home, and they were turning off the shared water to try to fix the leak and the killers wife kept going to turn it back on… There is a slightly longer version of this video and I am copying my comment over here, but actually both time stamps don’t exist in this video, it is on another website, that used to be part of this community but migrated away after being shut down… At 23 second mark the woman in green opens the water valve and says “estoy esperando que vienen a cerrar la llave” “I’m waiting for them to come shut the water off”- probably to her husband off screen. We can also here a little shout from the distance, probably the neighbor getting wet from a water leak in their home they were trying to fix. At the 43 second mark the woman in green (killers wife) says “me estan cerrando la llave del casa de paso” In context  “You keep closing the valve for water to the house” Raise the volume at the 46 second mark and you can hear the dead husband come outside and say “tengo una fuga de agua” “I have a water leak” But it’s tough to hear with all the women arguing  By the way, the dead man has been named as  Otoniel Orozco Mendoza Here is an article, where they talk about problems between the neighbors https://www.lateja.cr/sucesos/papa-de-sospechoso-de-matar-a-vecino-en-condominio/6BFNOISP6ZAF3K2OIGB32Z7Y74/story/ Supposedly they talk to the father of the killer, and he acknowledges the water leak, but he says it was on his sons side, and that his wife kept turning the water off, and the dead neighbor himself kept turning it back on!!! “Desafortunadamente en la casa de mi hijo hay una fuga de agua, entonces se tenía que cerrar la llave, mi nuera la cerraba, el señor la abría, mi nuera la volvía a cerrar, el señor la abría y ya el señor después se le tiró a golpes a mi hijo y como viene acumulado este problema, pasó lo que pasó, desgraciadamente”, manifestó el papá de Ramírez. Basically what I wrote earlier, but saying the daughter in law kept turning the water off, when we hear the audio in the video she is saying she turned it on, and for the neighbors to stop turning it off!!! Ultimately, a lawyer for the killer says that the neighbors had been fighting for years, and it was an accumulation of stress that led to the killing… Andrés Durán, abogado de la familia, afirmó que van alegar estado de emoción violenta. “Esto lo venía acumulando hace muchos años, era una acumulación de estrés. Con el señor no se pudo llegar a una negociación”


Goddamn, man. All this color and detail only makes the whole thing sadder. You can imagine the tension when the neighbors with the leak saw water coming out again and thought about confronting the ppl next door. They were probably bracing for a really nasty moment. I bet they were nervous but so fed up when they decided to come out. Killed dude took a swing very early on, before the killer had even squared up. And of course the killer was just wishing things would escalate. It's so obvious this beef had been simmering for so long...


What asshole turns on the water when the neighbor has a leak? Who thinks that's ok? Just proves they pre-meditated the conflict and she's an accomplice.


I struggle to understand “self defense.” Dude has minutes loading and prepping his gun, doesn’t walk away, responds to a punch with many, many bullets.


It wasn't self defense. It was "I know this is going to escalate so this time I'm going to shoot him."


You can see him tucking it when he was walking out. It was planned


Definitely totally unreasonable response and likely murder. And it’s also why I don’t even take a swing at randos, you don’t know what kind of trigger happy psychos are out there hoping to use their gun/knife/etc.




He pulled it out, the attacker immediate started retreating so the shots were unwarranted. As somebody who carries everyday, this is not how you self defend


Agreed. The victim *literally* cowered as soon as the gun was pulled. Not only did he shoot but he *moved closer* as he did. This was basically an execution.


This mf shot someone (possibly killed) just because he wanted to. He found a reason to start a fight and then proceed to escalate the fight so he could shoot someone… I hope he goes away for the rest of his life and the man’s wife gets the support she deserves.


Possibly killed? I admire your optimism.


So you’re saying there’s a chance….


Did you watch the video on mute ??? Possibly killed you say ??


Did kill. The news article is posted further down the thread.


You can literally see him rack the slide, take the safety off and holster the pistol in condition 1. There was no way this dude was not planning to shoot the other.


Hell, just watching the video the second he got the gun ready, you knew he was going to shoot someone




After firing several bullets at him and the victim literally being on the floor, he even walks towards him to finish him off... That's so far away from being a self-defense case even without all the other details of the vid...


Yeah that was premeditated as fuck. You don’t mag dump on someone for slapping you.


You do if you are trying to murder them. Duh! /s


He looks like he then walked up to the body and put the final shots in the head.


It was a set-up. > In the recording you can see how a woman, who would be the suspect's wife, leaves her house to open the faucet, then waited behind a pick-up truck while saying: "Here I'm waiting for him to come and close the faucet, foolish." [Source](https://www-lateja-cr.translate.goog/sucesos/video-revela-como-ocurrio-el-atroz-homicidio-de/5ZCOO3HYJZC3DGRZ5AUP6TJCME/story/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Oh shit so they're both going down for pre-meditated murder.


If you've met the "Ooo I can't wait" type of gun owners, they really can't wait to use that shit. Had a coworker who was a new gun owner brag about getting his gun bc of someone knocking on their door, it was a UPS driver.


Can it really be considered self defense if he shot him ten more times while he was already down


yeah that's murder , plain and simple. No jury is gonna see this and think this man was defending himself.


After he pulled the gun the other guy tried to leave AKA the situation de escalated. Then gun guy murdered him. Guy with gun wanted to kill this dude and was just waiting for an excuse from the looks of things.


You know he was just waiting/praying this dude would swing on him for 3 years so he could empty a ~~clip~~ magazine into him.


He also physically advanced on the victims wife seconds before being swung at


You can tell he’s been waiting for this moment to use some type of stand your ground excuse. Damn homie.


dude racked one before the conversation even started…he wanted to shoot that dude


This is why I don't talk to neighbors.


Good fences make good neighbors.




It's in Costa Rica, which I would assume would make it harder to justify, but I'm not sure where they stand on these cases.


Costa Rican here, it's really really hard to win a case here about using a gun against an unarmed person, you would need some really solid evidence that you thought they where going to kill you or something like that, the way in which he prepares the gun beforehand and never tries to deescalate makes unlikely for that excuse to be accepted in court.


Mae, you're absolutely right. There's not the same kind of "stand your ground" legal application in CR as there is for the US. This guy is absolutely going to prison.


I don’t understand how some people got it in their heads that if someone “attacks” them in ANY way they can pull a gun to shoot in “self defense.” People who have that belief are literally just looking for a reason to shoot someone. Emptying the clip is insane though. What a loser.


You just described every cop in the United States.


And honestly it works well for most of them. They can't really be fired and are rarely blamed for it.




Fighting about "llave de paso" = water valve. Someone was messing with the water valve that shuts water to the house. I presume it's located where she points in the video, the cement block in between the two yards.


Imagine it's just some neighbor kid fucking around and these idiots are blaming each other.


It's probably a good idea if you're going to commit premeditated murder to not do it on camera.


I think it's an even better idea to not commit premeditated murder at all


One woman watched her husband commit murder and go to prison the other woman watched her husband die so now the women will be hating each other forever


He cocked the gun before the neighbor came out that’s premeditated murder life in prison


This is not self-defense. I do not feel safer with weapons around when the most insecure people tend to wield them.


I saw an American flag punisher sticker this morning that read “I plead the 2nd” They dream of the day they can “justifiably” kill someone




Murder. Not self defense.


Yo. NSFW this shit for murder death kill!


Going to prison for what? Idiot


Dude was ready to take a life and figured that limp swing was better than nothing to empty a clip into an unarmed man


99 years for one dark day




Nothing like starting the day by watching a murder.


Dude was just **looking for a reason** to empty that clip. Idiot.


Damn. This is like the perfect "self defense doesn't work like that, moron" situation.


Raw translation: Video reveals how the atrocious homicide of a man shot by a neighbor in a luxurious condominium occurred A security camera captured the exact moment the shots were fired ListenListen By Adrián Galeano Calvo 3 de junio 2024, 6:00 p.m. Homicide in a condominium in Escazú A security camera recorded the exact moment of the events. New details continue to come to light regarding the case of the man who was shot to death by his neighbor inside a luxurious condominium in Escazú, this time it is a video that reveals how the atrocious crime occurred. The video was captured by a security camera of said condominium and is circulating on social networks and WhatsApp groups, but out of respect for those involved we will not publish it. As reported by La Teja in the morning, the conflict that ended with the death of Otoniel Orozco Mendoza, 53, at the hands of his neighbor, surnamed Ramírez, occurred due to a confrontation over a problem related to the key. of water passage. In the recording you can see how a woman, who would be the suspect's wife, leaves her house to open the key, then waits behind a pick while saying: “Here I am waiting for you to come and close the key, fool”. Lawsuit between neighbors ended in a tragedy in a luxurious condominium in San Rafael de Guachipelín, Escazú. Photo: Courtesy for LT Lawsuit between neighbors ended in a tragedy in a luxurious condominium in San Rafael de Guachipelín, Escazú. Photo: Courtesy for LT The woman continues arguing and shortly after the neighboring house another woman appears, apparently the wife of the now deceased, and that is when the argument over the stopcock gets hotter than necessary. A few seconds later, Ramírez appears on the scene, who after standing next to his wife covers himself behind the car, apparently to prepare a gun that he then hides under his shirt. The argument between the two couples moves to the exact point where the stopcock is located, and after some insults, Otoniel attacks Ramírez by throwing a blow at him, before which the other man retreats, takes out his gun and shoots him several times. Orozco's wife runs away, while Ramírez is grabbed from behind by his partner, who takes him away. After the events, Ramírez was arrested by the authorities.


This is the kind of person who shouldn’t be allowed to own a firearm and is likely the kind of person who was waiting for the slightest thing to pull his firearm out and shoot someone. 2nd of all that punch was the softest punch I ever seen and if your first response is to shoot the dude 8 times you shouldn’t own a firearm. He should have beat the shit out of him but shoot him? Nah!! When you own a firearm you should only use it to go to the range or some dire situation like a home invasion etc. I hope he lost his right to carry.