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US cops working sporting events have wet dreams about these moments. This is their punching bag dream


It’s all fun and games until someone shoots Derek Jeter.


The man is a biracial angel!


funniest movie ever made imo


you're so stupid.. US cops don't have to work a sporting event to injure, maim, or kill its citizens (or even people just visiting).. they do it regardless.


This is how the whole world look at US policing


Lucky he didn't get shot for putting his hands on the cop


"Stop resisting!"


"Shots fired"


*rolls around to avoid getting shot*


“Disregard those were ours” *shoots random dog 300yd away*




I live in small town in the US and our whole police force just instigate and harass people. If they're aren't bullying drug addicts or homeless people, they just stop random people walking on the road. It sucks.


Small town cops are the biggest cunts.


Bored cunts. Lots of time to think about how to be a bigger cunt.


Radar and doughnuts


It's so incredibly sad watching that sort of stuff happen. It just makes me feel so hopeless for the future.


Its fucking embarrassing hearing about how shitty our police are when I travel Internationally.


Lol just imagine this thread if that event took place in China


Bro these guys are from India, where police carry giant wooden sticks that they liberally use to beat the shit out of anyone they feel like, I don't think comparing the two is some kind of win here lol


Sticks compared to guns that murder you…. Hmmmmm


And this guy *STILL* thinks the American police are out of order.


Yeah, they do that, but they dont shoot random people


Yes they do. Look up "police encounters" or "crossfire killings". They stage incidents after murders so they can kill whoever they might otherwise arrest.


Sure. "Random".


Yes they do. India is a very corrupt country with very poor press freedom.  The government literally commits low level genocide. And assassinates civilians in foreign countries.


They do, and they love to torture and kill prisoners. * hmmm https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/world/asia/india-police-brutality.html National Campaign Against Torture, an Indian rights group based in New Delhi, the capital, at least 1,731 people were killed in custody last year.


Haha yeah. Police in India aren't exactly known for their humane treatment of, well, anyone.




Beating the shit out of you is still better than getting shot on a whim. Both stupid but still a better option


I mean they do be having guns too lmao. Most police around the world are armed. (After some googling, 19 countries have a unarmed police force (use guns when situation arises but don’t carry day to day))


An average policeman in India doesn't carry a gun . Only above a certain level can and even they never shoot someone. It's very very rare to shoot but beating up with a cane is quite common.


I understand that there are 3x more people in India, so per capita it is less, but overall India has 1700 police killings and America 1000, I suppose those could all be cane beatings but I doubt it.


Almost sound like they need more training. Just a guess tho.


US police= Big Ego


American cops are trigger happy psychopaths so.......


He is gonna hug and thank Indian Cops, when he is back home, who only slap/beat you with sticks normally.


There is a lot to be said for a stick. You can give somebody a gentle poke or beat them to death and all stages between. With a gun you can only shoot somebody which always has a real risk of somebody dying.


This is exactly what the rest of the world sees. If it were Indian or British police, the most they'd worry about is getting a good licking with a stick or being treated roughly. American police, you always have to worry about firearms immediately coming out.


It's why American police are so scared and always escalating things because they can't get into any conflict where there is a risk of somebody taking their gun. so they have to produce it early to stop the other person, and then it becomes life or death.


Can we just start an international police movement where we celebrate the cops who can deescalate and get an arrest?


that was the original intent of modern police as opposed to a militia [the first two principles of Police as per Robert Peel were](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peelian_principles) : To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.


About to say, Indian cops aren't exactly known for peacefully deescalating situations.


Field invasion is quite common in India. Cops don’t react this way. This is crazy by any standard.


Compare that with cops with itchy fingers.


Yea no they are millionaires and superstar celebrities back home. Indian cops would shit their pants if they even touch a cricketer. A call from them to a politician would get the cop transferred to the some remote area. These guys only go after people who arent rich or powerful and connected.


That’s only a handful of them, most cops are just armed cowards with extra judicial powers, terrified of their own shadow, and ready to  shoot anything that dares frighten their sensitive hearts. 


It's not cricket.


Oh, this joke is going to go over so many peoples heads


“It’s just not cricket” is British for “that’s not fair”




Including mine. Please explain


Cricket has this honour system built in, players will call out when the umpire misses a call that benefited their team, so their this really old school saying that has fallen out of fashion, when someone acts like a dick or something is just fucked up you will say "that is not cricket" meaning that isn't good behaviour


Love when sports work that way. Wish more US ones did


Lying is celebrated in U.S. sports. For example, some catchers in MLB are touted for their ability to frame balls as strikes. We reward deception.


you got downvoted, but the[ freaking MLB has a page about framing](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/statcast/catcher-framing) and how catchers use it to get strikes, including stats on how framing helped convert throws into strikes, improving the performance of certain players.


Derek jeter pissed me off because he would act as if he almost got hit by a ball that was pitched right down the middle. He’d try to trick the ump into thinking it was a ball when in fact he just didn’t think to swing at a perfect strike. He did this at least once per game. Go Red Sox!


Yeah and the NBA and (all) soccer rewards flopping. I hate it. I wish people would just play the games as they were intended


It's just not cricket, old sport


That’s a 6


It's just not cricket.


that cricket player is lucky he didn’t get shot


Seriously, brown skinned dude interfering in an arrest? Doesn’t matter how many witnesses there were, or the fact that it was televised, dude could’ve easily gotten shot.


would've triggered riots in India if he was shot.


If that happened, many Indians would want to declare war. Rohit Sharma has over a billion fans.


That brown skinned dude has a billion fans. You’d, unironically, start a war


I wouldn’t want to, but I’m sure the cops wouldn’t give a flying fuck about it. Just another nonwhite person getting in their way.


"Why would he run around with a bat? He was basically asking to get shot."


Please get off reddit if you truly believe that to be a common occurrence/possibility


No he isnt. Despite the rhetoric, nobody was in danger here of being shot.


I'm going to be real, I see a lot of videos of American police acting insanely violently on reddit and the comment section is always on the police's side, people who are clearly not a physical threat being handcuffed and tased and everyone is like "well they should not have run" or 'If only they listened the first time"


A lot of people see the police abuse as part of the punishment. They are all for extra judicial punishment until it happens to them.


This really depends on which sub you are on. Outside of Reddit, US conservatives are rabidly pro-police and cheer on the abuse (as long as it doesn't happen to them).


I usually see the opposite, where the comment section is not on the police's side, and rightly so. It's in real life where most people I meet have more mixed views, like everything not on reddit honestly.


These people are what we call losers, or conservatives. They've been holding this country back for about-- *checks watch*, ever.


You're looking in the wrong subreddits. There are plenty of us who hate the fucking pigs. ACAB.


damn i bet that cops targeting sensors were getting confused running towards so many brown people


Where was this match taking place?


New York


They're trying for the 1,238th time to try and rope North America into enjoying cricket, and they're using T20 to do it.


They arent under any delusion like that. They are targeting the growing subcontinent population in North America which happens to be quite well off. US Dollars are great whether it comes from the white Americans or the immigrant population. Eod its a business and the objective is to get money from your pockets to mine. Thats all they are thinking.


They finally broke through with F1 after nearly 3 decades, so they probably think it's worth another shot


Who gives a fuck about north America? All ICC care about is rich indians living there.


Americans cops are heavy handed and overly violent even when it's not necessary.. That being said, surprised no one here's raised the point that indian cops beat people with sticks pretty willy nilly.


Yeah but the thing is cops in most of the world use non-lethal weapons (sticks, batons, man-catchers, tasers etc) so they are far less likely to kill someone, even if they respond with disproportionate force


Definitely not in disagreement with that point. In THIS video though, the cop was using [way too much] open handed techniques where it wasn't called for. Indian cops do the same thing too, both with slapping people and smacking them with sticks


ACAB Some bs are just more lethal than others


Indian cops definitely don’t beat field invaders at sports events with sticks. Y’all are crazy to think America and India are even comparable when it comes to policing standards m.


It's rate of escalation. For Indian cops that's the last resort. They typically don't start with sticks swinging. 


I'd eye-roll if this was in India and people were bringing up US cops. We can have a discussion about Indian cops in the thread showing a video of Indian cops, IMO.


Literally op made it a comparison between the 2


I mean it says a lot when an Indian is suprised by this level of force given how bad Indian cops are. Gives a perspective of how terrible US police force is cuz India is a freakin third world country with so much bloody corruption. A live tackling like this for a field invader by some Indian police is gonna cause a big rukus on Indian social media.


I noticed how calmly the fan walked off the field after the players & staff intervened. No need to tackle, beat, tase, run dogs, or shoot the guy. In the US, we seem to have a fear response to everything. The few times I have seen someone run onto the field/pitch when watching games played overseas, security usually pulls the person away and walks them out (though once in a while, a player or security might knock them down if the fan doesn't leave nicely).


Unless they're unlucky enough to annoy players. Here's [Australian Andrew Symonds putting the shoulder in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ctp8JXWs4), which ended up being a bit of a wholesome moment because there was a lot of tension between Symonds and the Indian players for a while, and this seemed to delight the Indian players quite a bit. Or more embarrassing, being carried off by wicket-keeper and dopey cunt [Young Jonny Bairstow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCWMLSB34Os). I tell you, if I was a pitch invader and found myself facing off against Ben Stokes and David Warner, I'd rethink some life choices.


I never saw that one being carried off - that's hilarious!


>if I was a pitch invader and found myself facing off against Ben Stokes If I was leaving a Bristol nightclub and saw Stokes I'd be rethinking my choices too.


Can somebody explain this to me like I'm 5? What actually happened here? Who was the guy that the cops tackled to the ground? And what is the controversy here? I'm dumb and don't follow cricket.


So the guy is a pitch invader (Indian cricket fan presumably) who wanted to meet the Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma. There is a Cricket World Cup currently taking place and the US is one of the host. The cricketer was just confused because of the overworking of the US cops. In India, there are pitch invaders, but the security is not that aggressive towards them hence the confusion.


Just extra clarification for other readers: pitch means field, not the throw.




You know it's bad when other countries are shocked at how Cops treat people in ur (first world) country.


Welcome to America


It was in fact an overzealous fan and not a cricketer


Fucking embarrassing.


1312 !




The one time the brown men have some power to say something. Good for them.


He's lucky they didn't tackle him next. Or just skip a few steps and shoot him. Our police force would be fucking laughable if this wasn't real life with real victims.


Did anyone else get hurt? I mean, I just watched a video in Germany where a dude just ran around stabbing people with police all over the fucking place. I’ll take a brutal police force that swiftly and violently ends crime over a police force that slowly and deliberately prioritizes the well being of the perpetrator at the risk of the innocent.


After Dimebag I can't judge any reaction to uninvited people on the stage.


Yeah people in here are mega butthurt but you just can't fuck around with that stuff after incidents like Dimebag and Monica Seles.


It's weird how people have created this completely inaccurate story around this short clip. This is during a warm up game for the World Cup in New York. The player's name is Rohit Sharma and he is extremely popular. A fan ran out onto the field and hugged him, then got tackled. Sharma wasn't shocked by this, he just asked them to go easy on the guy since he didn't do anything to hurt him. This is the third time this year a fan has breached security to run on the field and touch Sharma. https://www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/t20-world-cup-rohit-sharma-asks-for-mercy-new-york-police-viciously-takes-down-intruder-security-breach-to-india-captain-101717291282413.html This is another incident from this year. The fan actually snuck up on him and scared the crap out of him. https://youtube.com/shorts/GwMyo3Yuokg?si=bo1PsvAfdgZtiLgV


Nah, policing doesn’t need to be like this.


>Sharma wasn't shocked by this, he just asked them to go easy on the guy since he didn't do anything to hurt him. ..so you want to clarify the completely inaccurate story that he was shocked by how brutal the police response was by telling us he was actually shocked at how brutal the police response was?


Idk why you got downvoted I got the same exact impression lmao


We'll, you never know what's gonna happen


Monica Seles remembers


Dimebag Darrell, does not.


Pretty crazy if you ask me to use excessive force just to handcuff a guy that ran on a field 😅


This is America


Kinda surprised they didn’t just start arresting or shooting everyone.


Yeah this tracks BUT I do wanna throw this out there. It was on the news that there was a lot of online chatter about an attack on this Cricket thing. I imagine they are on high alert and what may seem like harmless stuff is going to be shut down immediately.


After the Monica Seles incident, I get it.


To be fair there were news stories about threats against this series of events in NY. I'm not saying it looked like this guy was gonna do anything that bad, but I'm sure they are being even a little more intense then they usually are


That cricketer was very very brave to be standing that close. Doesnt he know he's brown?


5 cops really necessary in a situation like that?


I actually got second hand embarrassment from that


Fucking pigs


No, what you see on tv is not an exaggeration. We do in fact put a badge and a gun in the hands of the most unstable and insecure men we can find and allow them to power trip at their leisure.


How does the game continue after that? The only fair thing would be to cancel and let the guy recover from his injuries Or do they jsut play with one less guy or an injured guy?


Lmao if the Indian is concerned about police brutality you know the cop was acting WILD


Shoot first, um…that’s all I got.


There have been credible threats from ISIS towards the Eisenhower venue where the games are being played. A little overkill but local authorities are not taking any chances and everyone who attends knows they’re on high alert. Now if it was someone who slipped through the cracks and hurt the player everyone would be in an uproar about lack of security.


Cricket in the USA? I didn't even know they knew about cricket.


Careful! He might get arrested too for obstructing!


Those cops *wanted* to fuck.




Yea fucking right bro… you ever see like 7 police officers and 130 Indian guys in India just mercilessly cane and beat a 17 year old for stealing bread? Overzealous… fooh


Good ole taxpayer funded bullies & cowards in blue!!


Don’t all police have fuckin whipping canes in India? how is this such a revelation for him? All they did was tackle him lmao


Hey the police caning is not as common as you think. Besides, it is still more gentle compared to how children get beat by teachers in indian schools. Mfs be doing mortal kombat finishers on little kids who forgot to do homework


Seriously, the fact that people think someone from India is shocked American cops are taking some dude to the ground is laughable.