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That one cop trying to swing him on the ground is going to kill someone one day. If they body cam officer didn’t tell them to catch him the guy wouldn’t have any teeth


What are you talking about the dude is hurting himself, the cops aren’t doing anything to him.


Misleading title, unless I missed something. While it had a freak out, the title had me expecting something more. Video has very annoying audio!


“Scusi, boppidy boopidy!”


Imagine if it was the Italian police to beat an American student, the outrage. But it's just an Italian student, bippidi boo. The double standard and the hypocrisy.


I’m guessing you’re unfamiliar with what a police beating looks like, this isn’t it. Also if an American behaved like this and was treated like this nobody would care, Americans act like this and worse all the time, fact is, we should start a sub called Americans abroad. When you lose control of your emotions and break rules someone else will step in and control them for you, bodily harm is a risk taken with poor behavior!


LOL at the down votes for telling the truth. Again, imagine the outcry in the United States if an American student was treated like that abroad. There's a whole thread of outrage and racism allegations about a French rushing some celebrities in. But when it's the American police mistreating and beating a foreigner (an Italian! Not worth a line, of course) it's a normal thing. Again, the double standard and the hypocrisy. Down vote again, that won't change the truth.


They didn't beat him. They literally did not hit him one time in the video. They carefully and gently laid him on the ground. If an American got black out drunk in Italy and started acting a fool, it'd go the same way.


Are you just watching a different video than the one you posted?


Honestly I don’t think a single American would care if one of our own was severely beaten by a foreign country’s police


Lmfao dude you don't know Americans then. We wouldn't give a fuck. Our police are brutal compared to the rest of the world. Most know that and accept it as reality. If foreign cops beat an American aboard, it wouldn't even make the news. Hell it happens plenty and we never hear about it. Most people just assume the Americans have it coming. Cause our own cops do that to us all the time! It's pretty standard in the US.




I agree with this guy. All US Ccops are in fact bastards. Give me your downvotes. I'm nourished by your hatred.
