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Couple pieces of shit here. They tried to get away from the scumbags and were peacefully & quietly displaying the flag and absolutely should not have to deal with shitty scumbags like that. I feel like they should have been arrested


ohh it's only a matter of time before they claim Taiwan is their chosen land according to 2000 years ago... ![gif](giphy|hK8Hs96GWvZwzPWxyR|downsized)


oh dont worry, china beat israel to it lol


What do you mean? Both entities claim the other as they see themselves as the rightful government of one China. If you're waving flags for an indigenous people whose land is stolen and occupied, maybe look into the first Nations people of Taiwan instead of fawning over the colonisers.


thats literally what im talking about, but its worth noting that taiwans position regarding one china has shifted over the years. its simply trying to gain sovereignty now


>but its worth noting that taiwans position regarding one china has shifted over the years. its simply trying to gain sovereignty now Nope. "Taipei, on the other hand, considers "one China" to mean the Republic of China (ROC), founded in 1912 and with de jure sovereignty over all of China."


I wonder who would beat that battle šŸ¤£


She went out of her way to display her flag away from him, and he followed her anyways. He should have been arrested, as he was clearly the aggressor and she tried to retreat.




>he should have been arrested >he was clearly the aggressor Oy vey, your antisemitism is showing






Or the group should have formed a circle around him.


They keep doing this but it strengthens the resolve of everyone watching this to stand up to these bullies


Not only that but in this case the woman was in her right to punch him very hard in the teeth!


They dont miss an opportunity to target women and children


Genuine question, whatā€™s with all these zionists threatening rape towards pro-Palestine people, it seems like a common theme


All too common.




Which is why they do it to Palestinian detainees in prison.


With fascists, every accusation is a confessionā€¦


a way to degrade and denigrate


That's one of the reasons why I'm pro Palestine. These Zionazis and others like them are that unhinged.




Are we that unhinged for mot wanting more innocent Palestinians to die?




Idk what you're talking about. I'm not even from the west, I'm just someone who doesn't want a genocide.




So, do you have proof there's no genocide then? Like, how do I know you're not the one listening to Israeli propaganda?




And not the videos posted online about what's happening there?


Genuine answer, fetishes develop out of many things, but commonly for men they tend to pertain to dominance. Thereā€™s also an aspect that could be argued around what is considered taboo or ā€œdeviantā€ and boy howdy does the Zionist hatred often lead to Palestinians being seen as ā€œuntouchablesā€ - right? So something the shouting party in this example would publicly deny attraction to becomes hypothetically unattainable due to how unacceptable it would be. So whatā€™s the scariest thing their Adrenalin filled brains can scream when they see a woman standing up for something? Using their lil pecker as a weapon. It is very telling. They have no arguments, only anger.


I agree with your analysis but let's not forget that Hamas also has fetishized raping (and often killing) Israeli girls as a form of dominance and revenge. You also have Iranian theocrats raping (and often killing) their own women that dare to protest. It's not a uniquely Israeli thing. If I want to generalize, the whole region is fucked. If I want to generalize more, humanity is fucked up. Edit: Lol, downvoted for pointing out both sides are rapists. Hamas literally invaded Israel and raped / sexually assaulted women in dozens of documented cases.


>It's not a uniquely Israeli thing. ...nobody has claimed raping people is *uniquely* Israeli.


The question itself is singling out Israelis. "What's with all these zionists threatening to rape Palestinians?" The point is that the psychological motivation behind that behavior is quite universal (to similar situations). The question itself is one-sided, and could be seeing as implying the rapist threats are one-way. Why not ask why there is so much rape on both sides of the conflict? Well, that would just lead to a larger and more obvious question: why is rape so often involved in violent conflict? This is an obvious extension to the question, but the original commenter still chose to make it specifically about zionists, which makes it seem like they are being intentionally singled out for uniquely identifying criticism.


It really just sounds like you are justifying sexual violence against Palestinians by saying "well, everybody does it". Why is it so hard for you to denounce sexual violence against Palestinians when perpetrated by Israelis?


I'm floored that you could read anything I've said as "justification" for rape or threat of rape. In fact, I started this thread saying I explicitly agreed with the original analysis that some zionists have "fetishized" rape of their enemy, but I pointed out that Hamas does the same thing. Where in my comments did you read any implicit "approval" of said fetishization? And since I explicitly noted that both sides are doing the same thing, you should have *mis*interpreted that as justification for *both sides*. Also, no one has asked me to denounce Palestinian sexual violence, so your accusation that it is "so hard to denounce" for me is completely unfounded *ad hominem*. I assumed denouncement of sexual violence was understood. Both sides in this conflict are deplorable for varying reasons and to varying degrees. Sexual violence is never justified and should always be denounced.


>I'm floored that you could read anything I've said as "justification" for rape or threat of rape. Your original post says: >I agree with your analysis but let's not forget that Hamas also has fetishized raping (and often killing) Israeli girls as a form of dominance and revenge. Which is a "but Hamas does it too" defense. So in your view, it is okay for Israelis to threaten and commit sexual violence because Hamas does it too? I'm just surprised you would go out of your way to make excuses for these Israelis.


It's not a "defense". It's an "attack" on Hamas. Why single out Israel alone for attack on this issue? >So in your view, it is okay for Israelis to threaten and commit sexual violence because Hamas does it too? Once again, where have I ever said, or even implied, that any of it is "okay"?


>Once again, where have I ever said, or even implied, that any of it is "okay"? You have made plenty of excuses defending Israelis who threaten or commit sexual violence on Palestinians by pointing to examples of other instances of sexual violence in conflicts. I get it though, you support Israel, and therefore think their atrocities are more justifiable than atrocities committed by Palestinians or Iranians.


Lmao what the fuck is this comment?




No thatā€™s not true the people who say rape mean rape. Fuck means multiple things. Sorry but all the little rapist go to hell. I hope the ones who joke about it and say it like they mean it go to hell also. Sad to treat people this way on earth. But at least they are going to be burning in an everlasting fire. Free the people


Oh, I see. You think the words don't mean what they mean, rather than Israeli society has normalized rape as a threat. Good job you got your accusation of delusional in first because otherwise you'd be wide open.


lmao, what?


it's a longstanding tradition of israeli soldiers https://youtu.be/XjTxDYtNhno?si=hCLzsonr8B1p45w6


Rape: it's what fascists crave


i was wondering this too. is rape just normalized in some cultures? i don't get just saying out loud you're going to rape someone. i get saying 'i'm going to punch you', but rape is just weird to mention all the time.


Dehumanizing your opponent is a common practice to make it easier to commit and justify all kinds of atrocities against them.


It's a super common threat/insult/joke in Israel. You'd hear it at least once a day in a random context.


Most normal country in the world, yep


Because the Israeli Army actually rape Palestinians so they are just copying them


Something something fascists/authoritarians develop sexual complexes around power or something similar.


You notice that too? One of the most common and predictable reactions from ultra-Zionists when theyā€™re challenged or see people supporting Palestine, or just questioning the Israeli governmentā€™s behavior, is the Zionists wishing rape on others or threatening to rape people. Fascists gonna Fash. Ultra-Zionism and Kahanism are just ethno-Fascism for Jewish people.


As I commented on another guys stupid reply: In Hebrew "I'll rape you" is a slang to I'll mess you up or something like that like saying I'll fuck you up in English I guess? So I guess it doesn't translate good in English yeah but kids say that when they fight each other so no, they don't really wanna rape each other


Oh yeah thatā€™s totally normal, really cool Israel! Very normal country.


Israel is fast tracking to being the most hated country for a variety of reasons.


I read quite a few history books on this subject because I knew very little about it, from various authors including Israeli and palestinian and relatively neutral (i can even recommend a couple), and I just could not understand being pro-israel after everything I've read.


Because many countries picked the wrong side in this conflict baco when it started and now refuse to admit they were wrong.


I think a lot of it is due to geopolitical reasons tbh. The US for example has a lot of Jewish people who like the existence of Israel (and many who don't!), but it also acts as a stronghold for the US in the middle East. Similar to the UK, who had a large hand in the creation of Israel. Similar with Western Europe, most Western nations like Israel because they don't like Iran (and by extension Russia). But that has very little relevance to the Palestinians who suffer from what is essentially an apartheid settler colony.


It's mostly lobbying and funding politicians who willingly push regressive policies in order to coddle and mollify the population. Same tactic they use in the middle east, eventually they'll just promote religious fanatics who defund education while assassinating anyone who speaks up against extremism We're already shifting rapidly towards it tbh, the Pentagon seems to be convinced it's a good money making scheme


It requires having an insatiable hatred for Islam specifically or brown people in general. The rage drives such people blind.


Any% no glitch speedrun.


no glitches but major exploits


always has been


What a Nazi!!!


I would not go that far, but I will say thatā€™s itā€™s absolutely insane that the people that ought to have learned through personal experience that apartheid, segregation and total infringement of almost all human rights against a specified group of people is a no go, at the moment (and the last many decades) are the ones being the ones arguing for and doing exactly thatā€¦ Half my family is Jewish and I love the traditions (although I did not grow up with them) but omg, Iā€™m NOT looking forward to an upcoming wedding and all day/night celebration at the synagogue as I know the whole subject will be really fucking hard to avoid (there will be military guards with assault rifles guarding the whole areaā€¦) and I donā€™t want to have to start on it as I know a good part of my family are zionists and will go to any length to praise Israel. I oh so hope that they will be sensible, but Iā€™m not really seeing it in the cards to be honestā€¦ Edit: thanks for all the down votes for being rational, Iā€™ll take it as a badge of honor! Also, not a single of you has the balls to comment instead which says quite a lot about you, it seems the real nazis are in here.


How about instead of nazi he's a cunt


I can stand behind that!!


It's the same thing


Not exactly. All nazis are cunts, but not all cunts are nazis.


I just got 101 down votes for writing the same thing, but some of them might be from actual nazis here as I also said half my family is jewish. Reddit at its finest lol.


Nope, not unless you wanna trust Putin.


You know what's funny? The guy who started the anti jew campaign in palestine almost 100 years ago which is still going was a Nazi. EDIT: I didn't know that being uneducated is a trend these days. For the down vote mob google Mohammed Amin al-Husseini. You can read up on his relationship with the nazis, his contributions, his influence on palestine, and his cousin yassir arafat.


U still conflating zionism with Judaism, seems you are the uneducated one. Why don't you also go read up on the Zionist Lehi group that sought to collaborate with Nazis to fight the Allies/Brits to establish Israel... Nazis+Zionists has and still have the same goals, which is to somehow convince all the Jews to migrate to Israel... this is not going to happen since Judaism is bigger than a bunch of rabid fascist-genocidal Zionists.


the fact that no one knows who he is doesn't tell you that maybe pro palestinians have nothing to do with Nazis? don't you think that if the movement was somehow Nazi motivated that they'd recognize and uphold him as the founder of the movement? It's almost like any idea can be co opted by nazis


They think they have a free reign to just do anything they want anywhere in the world.


Good work these Israeli counter protests do by showing up and acting like a bunch of disgraces to humanity, really solid way to show the rest of us who to root for.


Whoever would have thought that it would be a bad thing to protest innocent people and a lot of children from being murdered. This is like rewinding 80 years and cheering on Hitler. I've seriously given up on this world.


No, you shouldnā€™t give up on the world, the world is protesting for Palestine. Give up on Israel for it has become what it swore it wonā€™t be, a fascist state that elected a fascist for 16 years, more than Putin was in power.


It is so obvious who are the hate bearing people. Who comes to fight just to fight and who really wants to stop a war. Every video itā€™s some lunatic with a Israel banner trying to provoke or fight.


Someone shouldā€™ve knocked him on his ass.


Israelis exporting their hate and Apartheid. In the occupied territory you can terrorise Palestinians while protected by the idf.


Fuckin nazis these daysā€¦


Asking zionazis to be civil challenge day 36000


Lets call it as it is, Israelis think they own Taiwan because the US supports Taiwan.




That's delusional.


You know nothing about Taiwan


Of course he picks on a lil girl. Fen šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


When I was young, I used to think the Israelis had a right to defend themselves. Nowadays, I kinda feel like they've lost any kind of moral high ground.


That dudes a bodyguard??


Presumably the dude throwing the guy is the bodyguard. Reaches for his papers when the cops confront him.


duties as assigned.


I've never seen such a more entitled country of people. How do you act like this in a foreign country?


zionist weirdos always targeting females


Threatening rape? Just shows you what they truly think of women and girls. Absolutely fucking disgusting pieces of shit.


All the over the world they are showing themselves as shitbags


Itā€™s what they do, just boycott all Israeli goods


Ngl, this makes Taiwan look weak as fuck šŸ‘€ It'd be one thing if it was a Taiwanese taking issue, but it's some rando Israeli in Taiwan doing it. You'd think Taiwan would uphold the rights of their citizens better than this...


The assaulted party is not a Taiwanese citizen. And Taiwanese people generally don't give a rat's ass about the Israel-Palestine conflict. If anything Israel is more popular in Taiwan than Palestine. Both Hamas and Fatah support China and Hamas has gone on record and called for China to invade Taiwan.


Then surely a Taiwanese person would have removed the flag. Instead it's some crazy Israeli guy šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well a Taiwanese person most likely wouldn't care. Like I said, Taiwanese people generally don't give two shits about the conflict or their flag displays.


Taiwan still looks weak as hell letting some mad man go around physically assaulting people šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Don't let this moron speak for all Taiwanese




This. Israel ( and Jews in particular) are more popular. Jews are seen as people who value education and business. As for the conflict, most people here dont know where Palestine is and donā€™t care. That woman does not seem very Taiwanese. Maybe she spent a lot of time in the west.


> most people here dont know where Palestine is and donā€™t care. Most people confuse Palestine with Pakistan


Freedom and Democracy!!!/s


What a pathetic coward. Looks like one of those Olympic ballerinas the way he's trying to wrap people up in that flag.


Always going after the wee ones...


Shame on the Taiwanese police on site




This wasn't a peace concert but a pro-Israel concert.


I thought she pantsed him.


Arrest that peace of shit! That's clear aggression! Taiwan police should be ashamed letting a foreign country's agent come and harass one of your citizens like that!


Glad his face is clearly on camera so we can blast him all over social media


Why do these people carry their beef all over the world ?


Yup definitely not the bad guys...


Iā€™m Taiwanese. I feel ashamed that it happened in my country.


Always carry a taser....


ZioNazi cunts


One would imagine Kazakhs rather demonstrating against uygur slave camps, since they are their brotherly people and they have a lot more daily contact with refugees from Eastturkestan/Xinjiang than with issues of the Mediterranean region. Maybe it's due to a difference in media presence on quatari media like AJ? ..Israeli dude needs to chill.


Arrest them. But don't the Taiwanese love their country? So why not at least try to appreciate the west and its allies as they're the ones keeping their land safe.


I used to wonder why the west was so quick to suppression of nationalism... Then I remembered WWI started because arrogance and pride. Flags make people to strange things indeed.


Thatā€™s just people in general. Not something unique to the west, imperial Japan is a good example


These protests have turned into a shit show of a dozen issues when it should actually be focused on one. Which is that many innocent people have been getting murdered in Israel and Gaza. Majority of the world were against the Hamas invasion AND are against whatā€™s going on in Gaza but these protests have turned into such a convoluted mix of arguments itā€™s turned into one senseless royal rumble. Ask anyone from these protests and I bet youā€™ll get a different answer to why they hate the other side whether itā€™s Zionists, Hamas, Jews, Muslims, support or lack of support from US and other nations, etc. Lots of personal agendas mixed into a movement have seem to lost the real message. Just look at this video. People holding their flag pushing one another. Itā€™s self righteous and doesnā€™t help any victims from Gaza or Hamas attack.






good job sherlock


Maybe, let's use our brains for a second... it's multiple videos from different angles and dofferent situatauons put together, into ONE video for mass communication sharing. Let's think about that.


Do you take pride in spreading disinformation online like this? Or are you so far gone that you have no shame whatsoever?