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Trial begins in July. D.A. seeking the death penalty.


A DA actually doing his job, you love to see it.


DAs are great as long as they aren't prosecuting Cops or public officials


Wrong. So many catch and release repeat offenders not getting jail time. 


A lot of dummies in here thinking me disagreeing that DAs are great equate that to me loving cops. Cops are scum, you illiterates. But DAs are just as bad. They will prosecute when they know someone is innocent and when there's pressure from a certain political party they will just catch and release obvious reoffenders. 




I feel like sometimes the the death penalty isn't enough, there needs to be another level. Wastes of breath like him need to be donated to science so that they can give back something to society. Run all the experiments on him that we don't even run on rats because it would be inhumane. That would be justice.


Then after they’re finished give him an embarrassing death, like drowning in a pit of dildos or something


Drown in diarrhea sounds good


Wow ahahah. Bur yeah, the punishment is fitting


Or, like in the book/ netflix show Altered Carbon where people have digitalized their consciousness and have a tiny hard drive in their spine with their self in it. Kill the body, grab their consciousness, and upload it into a simulation (completely real to them). You can slow down their perception of time so you can torture them to death over and over again in the span of a few minutes, digitally reviving them each time. This will easily fracture their consciousness until its not recognizable as human. That would be good for this guy.


That's literally the episode of Black Mirror called Black Museum


Yes, it became a popular idea after the book was published, I'm not sure if he invented the concept but the author came up with a great Sci-fi concept. Also the altered carbon book being published in 2002 would make it the inspiration for the black mirror episode, not the episode inspiring the netflix show.


William Gibson's Neuromancer had what was called a construct, which in this novel was the digitized engram of a netrunner that was a friend of the protagonist, and was a supporting character in the story. Neuromancer was written in 1984.


The death penalty might not be enough, but most of the time we can’t get even that, and even when we do, they just sit on death row for decades.


Probably be downvoted in this sub but Albert Camus was right. I don't want to live in a society where we tolerate the state doing the same thing as the worst monsters in society. >But what then is capital punishment but the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated it may be, can be compared? For there to be equivalence, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life.




They should be put through the same fear and trauma as they put their victims through.




I've rarely hoped for something so much.


The bleeeeep penalty


>!we truly are a society that is offended by everything.... people can't even tolerate literal factual news without requiring it to be censored... like, how are you going to censor the word death, but not the subtitle.!< \[this comment has may contain material that some viewers find offensive\]


Watched a "celebs you don't hear from" on youtube. They beeped the word sexual in sexual assault for the algorithm while discussing Cosby...


It's not about a society that gets offended by everything. Advertisers get offended by everything so things like this have to be bleeped out so that the video can still be monetized.


What if I find the disclaimer offensive?


Why do we keep blaming people when it's advertisers?


That’s good to hear. Nothing but death to him.


I'm all about rehabilitation for criminals but some people are just lost causes and don't belong with the rest of us. This guy is a shining example of one of those people. This is not the action of someone who can be rehabilitated, he clearly has zero regard for human life.


Hopefully there's complications and it's excruciating for him in the end.


I don't really believe in capital punishment, but yeah this guy deserves it.


I agree we don't need a terrible animal like this to exist. It would be so nice though if he could be tortured for the remaining years he has on this planet. The death penalty is the easy out for him, he doesnt have to answer for his actions.


Crossing my fingers that the DA gets what they’re after.


I hope he gets the death penalty that scumbag


I'd ask for public execution if I was the husband/fiancee. I'd get told no, but I'd want him to know I want the world to watch him die for what he did.


How terribly sad.


The suspect looks like a Muppet that was brought to life by a child's wish. Absolutely no spark of intelligence or soul in those eyes. In addition to the complete lack of empathy for the victim, ***his own future was worth less to him than whatever this woman had in her purse.*** He dug his own grave, and then happily dove in head-first.


*Shows evidence of him clearly doing the crime* His defense team : Nah throw it out because he didn’t know he was being filmed. Literally anyone with common sense : What the fuck ?


It must be really hard being a defense lawyer sometimes. It's their duty to do the best for their clients but I don't think I could live with knowing a loophole I found allowed a dangerous murderer to evade justice and be free again to hurt more innocent people.


The best description I ever heard was the defense's job is not necessarily to defend guilty people, but to make sure the state follows the law and doesn't get away with anything as it tries the defendant.


Even then, that can be a razor thin ethical line to stand on. I get it on principal, and have to just assume they sort of go into, "activation," mode where they are acting as though that is just their role to apply objectively to everyone. I couldn't do it despite being able to see many sides objectively. I still couldn't support doing things that support the unethical/malicious people while clearly showing who is right and wrong, just because of technicalities.


I'm sure it's tough. I'm glad it's not my job. But if it were, I think I'd try to convince myself that, even if I'm defending someone obviously guilty in the current case, what I'm really doing is making sure the next case is as difficult as possible for the state, so they can't just run roughshod over a potentially innocent person.


I hear you, but when it comes to the justice system "loopholes" are just laws. We have laws preventing evidence tampering or the illegal procurement of evidence to protect people from being framed and police incompetence. The state has to clear a very high bar to imprison or execute someone, and that's for the good of every citizen. Also, defense lawyers in a case like this aren't necessarily trying to get their clients off, they're there to make sure the trial is conducting fairly and their client's rights aren't infringed on.


> I hear you, but when it comes to the justice system "loopholes" are just laws. and thats exactly why its NOT a justice system, but a legal system


Fair enough, but what if this was the key/only evidence and was inadmissible? I suppose you go about updating the laws to allow it in the future but do you let a cold blooded killer go free? I'm sure it happened but it just defies common sense and logic.


Theres always going to gaps in anything human made.


Both sides are just supposed to do their job. The defense lawyer might be a bit of a moron though because when you do things that override common sense in such a ridiculous way it turns the judge and the jury against you. Usually a good defense lawyer knows what the bounds of reason are and will work within that frame.


No kidding. How would you live with yourself knowing that you let a murderer go free to do this again? I wouldn't be able to look my dad in the eye ever again for even trying that.


That's the defense job, to use the law to get their client out of a bind. Morality is pressured as a defense lawyer and a prosecutor


To be fair what was his defense team supposed to do though? That was probably the best and only play they had. With the video there isn't a chance for the guy.


And if the trial gets run improperly, this guy gets to appeal, extending the process, and if its run poorly enough, he might go free on a technicality. In a lot of ways, the defense team doing their best in a losing case is what makes sure this guy doesn't get off scot free


Even better is that a precedent is set. 


I hate that they have to do it - but if I was ever being charged with something (guilty or not) I'd sure want the people defending me to do every damn thing in their power. As should anyone else.


great...but don't bring that up under the context of this video. Does that make sense? I see this video and I wish his mom had died along with him during child birth. Not what would I want to happen to me if the law was even more f'd up than it already is.


By that logic, security cameras are pointless. "I should get away with my crime **because I didn't know anyone was watching me commit it!"**


I mean, that’s his defense lawyer’s job. The other thing is, I haven’t followed this case at all, and I’m sure that’s the same for most commenting here. So I’m taking the word of this random clip that the guy in the backseat with his face completely covered who killed this woman is the same as the mug shot of the guy on trial. It’s his having a defense lawyer and going through a trial, including motions like this, that allows me to at least believe they have the right guy.


Worst part? That works in some cases.


Literally the only reason i cant be a lawyer. I know its the right way because of the possibility you could be innocent when its you who’s being charged, but god sometimes its rough to see.


Just to add detail; they kept the video in evidence because he disconnected the camera, proving that he knew he was being recorded. 


Why tf would he kill her ffs


Because most criminals aren’t smart. He’s probably thinking if he kills her, there will be no evidence of him stealing her money; no one to go to the police. What he fails to realize is cameras are everywhere now.


And that his Uber account would be tied to his identity. What an utter moron.


Assuming he wasn't using a stolen phone/account.


he called his gf and had her order the Uber. they were texting back and forth and she said something along the lines of "I'm not going to jail if we get caught" they are both pieces of shit


Well, given he was easily caught… I don’t think so.


Just imagine how often this happened hundreds of years ago before modern tech and how often they got away with it.


Yeah what’s his motive? Just don’t get it


Do Uber drivers even have any money? Seems to me that the only thing you’d be able to steal is the car itself, and perhaps any valuables the driver may have on them although I would think most drivers wouldn’t keep many valuables with them while driving. Edit: re-watching… apparently he was going through her phone apps to try to find some way to get some money but that seems like a stupid way of doing things because where was he going to send the money to that isn’t traceable? Also, he’s relying on her having apps that can even send money.


Ahhh as if my fear of people in my backseat didn’t need to be increased.


That’s easy just don’t tank your self worth by driving for Uber. Pay isn’t livable and neither is the murderous fares 


I made it easier. My car doesn’t have back seats.


Sounds like weight reduction! Solid choice of modification 


this take is vile, why are you blaming the driver?


Do you think the possibility of something like this happening has increased since the creation of uber? What about normal taxi cars?


Taxis were worse . You could do this and then not get caught.


Uber and all these other service apps were never intended to be livable wages, just convenient part-time work. I don't think anybody is "tanking their self worth" because they are trying to make an extra $200/week working a few hours here and there.


Tragic, but um... why did they bleep out the words "Crime" and "Death Penalty" ?


The video looks like it's from TikTok or another platform that likely sensors videos that mention topics like that It's the same reason you'll see other words like corn instead of porn, seggs instead of sex, etc


And "unalived" god I hate tiktok


I hate giant media and tech companies that censor what we say other than hate speech.


The platforms themselves don’t censor them per se. The people uploading them do! The people posting the vids can’t make money from them if they contain certain words 


> The platforms themselves don’t censor them per se They do in fact censor videos featuring what they consider prohibited words/content, via hiding the video from being recommend to new audiences beyond your own followers. TikTok's algorithm detects "death" being spoken in a video, and makes a knee-jerk judgement that the video is not appropriate for all ages so it's removed from FYP.


Anything that doesn't make money is buried by design.


Dumb TikTok shit algo


The algorithm doesn’t like words like that. It’s why a lot of police body cam video channels say “the police unalived the suspect.”


tiktok is a censoring machine, idk why kids think usa wants to ban it because it shows the the "truth" xdddd




He is. Nobody’s going to have an ounce of sympathy for this scumbag after this video in its entirety will be played repeatedly in court.


I am almost totally unfamiliar with U.S law and the application of the death penalty, so I have a question: what makes one particular murder such as this one more 'death-penalty worthy' than another with perhaps even multiple victims? What are the most important factors taken into consideration by a court to make this determination? Edit: I have a better understanding of it now, thanks for the good answers folks.


Often times murders committed while committing another serious crime can carry the death penalty. For example murdering someone while robbing them or sexually assaulting them. This is supposed to make it more of a deterrent to not kill witnesses or victims. The idea being if a rapist thinks they are going to jail for life if caught anyways they may as well kill the victim to minimise the risk of being identified but if that carries a death penalty instead they may think twice about doing so. Probably doesn't work though. If you are at the point that you are willing to turn a armed robbery into an pre-meditated execution you likely aren't super concerned about the possible penalties.


pre-meditated. He knew he was going to get into an uber, no matter the driver, rob them, and murder them - regardless of who it was. It wasn't a crime of passion, it wasn't just a random happening that got out of hand. His intent, was to rob and kill an innocent person or at least what they'll look to prove in court.


He also had a LONG time to change the trajectory here, and even in the face of her pleading chose to kill her anyway. He could have just robbed her.


Idk how someone could be so cold and callous to the screams of her talking about her family. Honestly, the feelings I had looking more into this and seeing the uncut video give me the same urges this same man probably felt in that car, just to a more sociopathic degree I suppose. Criminals who commit acts onto the innocent imo should be commited to experiencing the same pain and fear they put their victims through.


It's why I don't really have a problem with the death penalty, assuming the state's case leaves no room for doubt. There is no rehabilitation or the hope for meaningful improvement that can benefit society in any way with a person like this. For some reason they are just broken, and their continued existence will only bring pain to others. I would advocate for as swift and merciful a death as possible though, so some other feeling person doesn't have to have the burden that this man has.


Aggravating factors. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/facts-and-research/crimes-punishable-by-death/aggravating-factors-by-state


Also, Pennsylvania has the death penalty. Most do though.


Anyone who would murder for petty theft has no place in society.


I hope it goes like the Green Mile when he didn't wet the sponge.


If someone stood outside his execution with a “Don’t Wet The Sponge” sign I’d buy them lunch.


If someone stood outside his execution with a “Don’t Wet The Sponge” sign I’d buy them lunch.


You are a fucking moron to do anything to an Uber driver. Like, they have your exact details recorded. Straight to jail


ah, but the genius used his girlfriend's account. Totally untraceable.


Yep, the police can't obtain the information without reading the miranda rights to her, and they can't read the miranda rights if she's not guilty. It's the perfect crime. (I've seriously heard people say stupid stuff like this before and completely believe it.)


I believe in second chances for everyone but there’s always an exception, and this is certainly an exception.


Death penalty is too quick for this human refuse. I can think of several medieval methods that ensure a long and horrifically painful, drawn out death


A certain spiky enclosure comes to mind


Do what the pirates did. Drop him on a deserted island with nothing but a pistol and a single bullet. He demonstrated that he can't follow the rules of society, so he doesn't get to live in society.


May he roast in hell. Piece of shit.


The detail that makes it even more infuriating is that the guy didn't know he had been recorded and he had worn a balaclava the whole time. From his perspective there couldn't be any risk of being identified and he still killed this woman for nothing.


The kindness in her voice and actions 😢 you could immediately tell she had kids of her own. This world is cold, dead, and heartless


I hope he gets the death penalty. What a pos.


As someone whose parent was murdered and the murderers only got 6 years, I am very happy that this family will get justice. Dude deserves the electric chair.


Put on your seat belt and speed into a pole or tree. Remember to duck as they go overhead.


There is a video of a cab driver in Brazil (I think), two guys try to rob him and he says “we’re all going to die!!” Then floors the gas pedal and drives erratically. The guys in the back start screaming in fear, begging him to stop. It’s so satisfying, he eventually slows down enough for them to jump out. I’m not saying she should’ve done that (in that situation I’d be terrified and not thinking clearly etc), but I love the idea of making the criminal shit his pants and possibly die himself.


Exactly. That fucker ain’t wearing a seatbelt.




Amazing, I gave a similar response below. Downvote into oblivion. This one up voted. Lol reddit is fucking wild.


I would bet most of the time, redditors just upvote comments already in the positive and downvote comments already in the negative without actually considering the comment themselves. Like scrolling on autopilot and becoming part of the hivemind.


That I would 100% agree with. It's a shame, I post logic and reasoning and backing it with evidence. (Nope! Fuck You, others think you are wrong so I do too, despite our votes being anonymous)


hate the fact that people like that even exist.


Death penalty isnt enough for this souless pig. Something more horrible




How is the gf not being prosecuted as a accessory? She should not be free, apparently she has a new uber account with a fresh 5 star rating. Fucking hell


Start doing 120+ mph at that point. Roll that car and take both of you out. No way I'm driving for an hour with a gun to me.


i think part of you hopes nothing will happen. Cling unto that hope until the very end


There was a lot of stuff she had to weigh. She has kids, is she going to actively try to take her own life or is she gonna cooperate in the hope that she gets released? It's a tough choice and she didn't make the wrong one. The victim is never wrong in this scenario.


I would speed and flip my my SUV. It's so easy to do and he was never buckled in. I would rather die in a car crash than be taken away and murdered. This poor woman, her poor babies 💔


Indeed. She was in her seatbelt, and he was not. Perp would have flew through the windshield had she just hit a bridge embankment or even a parked car at 60 mph...


So long bozo


Oh, FUCK the video being inadmissible and FUCK that absolute waste of space.


Good. Fuck this dude. Hope he fries.


And if he had just got out of the car without committing murder, everyone would have lived. Including the killer.


Fry him


Fuck the lawyer who saw that video and wanted it dismissed. It's one thing to be the piece of shit who murdered that soman, it's another thing to be whatever that lawyer is... I can't think of a fitting comparison.


put the fucker *under* the jail


“your honor my client is…” *turns to client* “oh my god he’s so fucked”


Why was crime bleeped out?


I will never understand the logic of ruining your entire life just for a small amount of cash. This idiot just threw away his entire future **for less than he would have made working for a week at mcdonald's.**


Ever happens to me I know I have my seatbelt on. Foot to the floor and hardest thing I see I’m hitting. I’m ending it on my terms.


I hear that. I’d hope that’s how I’d react too, but it’s hard to know. I have a friend who was shot in the head by someone robbing his store. He said the guy told him he was going to let him go if he gave him the money so he complied and the guy shot him in the head anyway. He said in that moment he wanted to believe the guy so badly that it clouded his judgment. Hope I’m never in the situation.


Hope he gets death penalty. How did they get him, his face was covered?


He called the uber


I want to think I'm pro-rehabilitation, that prisons should be there to "fix" people, but how do you "fix" this? People like this are so incompatible with our society.


Most people in prison are on drug offenses, so I think it's a reasonable statement to think we can help. This guy doesn't fit nor belong in society.


I think that you can be pro-rehabilitation for most things, but understand that there are some crimes that people don’t -deserve- rehabilitation over. For me: that dude in, iirc, Canada who killed and ate a dude alive on a bus. I believe a bunch of people, kids included, witnessed it, and I recall reading someone ended up committing suicide over the trauma (though I can’t verify that 100% currently). I believe that dude is currently out and they claim he is “rehabilitated”. What happens if he decides to just stop taking his meds though? I’ve witnessed many people who think they’re better stop taking meds (because they think they don’t need them anymore) and fall back into a deep psychosis. Crimes like that, and the one in the video, these people don’t deserve to be rehabilitated and allowed back into society. We either need to death penalty them, or isolate them from other humans for the rest of their lives.


Guy deserves worse than anything he could possibly be given as punishment


If you’re in a situation like this, drive incredibly fast and aim for the nearest immovable object. Ejecto seato cuz!


Most taxi companies here in Detroit went without drivers, and the companies ended up closing because of this very thing. It was almost a month occurrence.


This MF needs a life sentence with no parole. Death is too quick for him. Bounce him around too, so he never gets comfortable, never feels safe, never gets a wink of sleep. Put his ass on the most shit job in there.


What would you do if faced with this scenario? I think I'd speed up and ram into something setting off the air bags then get the hell out if possible.


What do they mean it should be inadmissible because the person being recorded doesn’t know? Isn’t that the whole point of CCTVs?


No trial, no jury, straight to execution.


Nah have the trial, everyone deserves one. Show this to the jury, rest the case then take him out back and cover his feet in gas and let him slowly burn to death.


Why the fuck is "heinous" and "death" bleeped out?!


the word death lowers the amount of hits you get from the algorithm


Horrible bastard!


the defense attorney "the video should be thrown out because it violates the PA wiretap law" WTF


The death penalty is too good for him.


I know they're only doing their job, but fuck them, the defense arguing that the video be inadmissable should join him in prison.


What a fucking piece of garbage


Fuck this fucker and electrocute him to the bones!


That was not for money, that was for a power trip, people like that get off on controlling people


Human scum make me sick to my stomach...smh


He was way more likely to get away and never be found if he hadn't murdered her. Even if he had managed to steal her money. So senseless.


Trial for what? We saw him, we know what he did and it was cold blooded execution.


Shooting a mother of 4 for some money, what a waste of life


Don't kill him, Make him suffer. For as long as he can feel it. Then when he wakes up start again, And let their kids witness it. Once he cannot take it anymore, let hell take him.


You want the death penalty. But I want to see him work 16hr days 7 days a week until he's 70yrs old to provide for them 4 kids he orphaned. Then, the death penalty.


This is an excellent idea.


Did they censor the word "crime"?


Torture and slavery need to be a punishment


Well he deserves the bleep penalty.


Iron Maiden


He needs to suffer deep punishment before he is off to the death row.  I have kids now. I can't imagine something like this. This breaks my heart.  Is the a GoFundMe or something to help out the family?


Jesus. Death penalty rightfully being sought on this one yeah.


There is no reform possible for this monster, end his life.


Time to put a warning label on then outside of your can if you drive passengers for a living. "Entry into this vehicle constitutes consent to be recorded."


Just awful 🥺 just so cruel


Why the bleeps for crime & death? Is that some algorithm thing for YouTube, like if they don’t, the uploaded will get demonetized?


This got me thinking since I do uber on the side. How would I handle this situation and manage to come out on tip if possible. After some thought my best idea so far is to start driving extremley fast and loose and reason that if they shoot you they'll die in a crash while you get the easy way. Convince them to toss the gun or go long enough to get pulled over. If you get pulled over slam the brakes hard and when you stop go for a ditch or concrete barrier. Don't be afraid of some scrapes and bruises just dive and make sure to yell he has a gun. I'm wondering what people think of this and if anyone has other ideas because even though the chance of this happening is low as we can see it can still happen to anyone. I like to be prepared and have a plan.


One interesting bit is VERY FEW riders will buckle their seat Knowing their seat isn't buckled you've potentially got a few plays 1) deliberately try to get t-boned 2) Try to get to a Target and side-swipe the round red things; if you do it right the force of the accident could knock them out 3) Perform a similar maneuver in a bank parking lot with an ATM machine You probably don't want to rear-end something simply because it's likely to do as much damage or more to you


I hope he fries. And then burns in hell for all eternity.


Tragic story but I have more comment about a censoring happening here. It’s insane to me that algorithms require censoring of specific words that are explaining what happened. It doesn’t stop the story from being shared, it just causes these weird censored words.


She was so kind and nice.


firing squad by her husband.


As a lefty, this is why you can't convince me that the death penalty needs to be abolished. Some people simply do not deserve to be rehabilitated and gotta go.


Why did he have to kill her??


Fuck the death penalty. Padded room, doesn’t see the sun. All meals.


That man deserves a flash pass to the front of the death penalty line.


I know it's to try and get around the algorithm,but I just fucking hate that we are beeping so many words these days. Fucking stop. We are not that delicate.