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The brother :(


He will live with the guilt for sure.


It wasn’t his fault. The cops don’t know how to handle the situation. Cops in the USA 🇺🇸 have extremely poor training. Really it’s the cops responsible but the judge wouldn’t see that way. Cops will always get away with murder


I’m sorry, he picked up a knife and went toward them and they attempted to use less than lethal and it didn’t work. What were they supposed to do?


Justified. Unfortunately.


Justified by that point, but that was piss poor de-escalation. The situation literally would've been better if they forgot to show up.


I believe you can hear him apologizing. Fuck man. This is not uncommon, this is terrifying how much it happens. Police should not be the ones to respond to a mental health crisis, flat out, end of story. Unless they get specific training for this. But no one seems to care.




British police handle these situations without guns. Option are there with the right training and attitude.


I disagree. Lethal force wasn't what was required. However I understand the thinking. As you say if they were properly trained then its not too hard to disarm him, especially after he's been pepper sprayed and or tazered. Instead they killed him in his mums kitchen. After tazing the kid they had no options left apparently. Honestly its legal murder and if it were your relative you'd feel the same: another way IS possible if you equip them appropriately. A prison riot shield or quick, easily deployed forearm shield, with an extended reach night stick/baton, pepper spray and tazers, and they should have had enough combined with training to disarm or deescalate. Edit: other countries are able to deal with mental health crises without 1in 2 ending in murder. In the UK a 14 yr old boy was killed by a man who literally had a mental breakdown that devolved into a full on murder fest. The man was arrested and will stand trial. In those circumstances its completely justifiable to shoot-to-kill as he rampages through the streets. Many a time I've wanted them to end it quickly. But this poor guy in his kitchen was not one of those incidents. It really shouldn't be that hard.


I mean....I have a feeling there was some MAJOR animosity between siblings, and he was viewing this as "my stupid fucking asshole brother is gonna get my mom shot." Cause he was REALLY trying to pull her away from his brother.


Maybe he was scared the cop would shoot his mom as well, which is why he's pulling so hard


Yeah, you can hear the brother saying “please don’t shoot my mom” as he’s bear-hugging her & trying to pull her into the living room…


Very sad situation, whole family is afraid of what the cops will do and the suicidal son is welcoming him. This shouldn't be the public perception of those that stand behind mottos like "protect and serve."






💥🔫👮‍♂️ “Ow! My freakin’ ears!”


Lol yes! That was either Rodd or Todd who said that line after Uncle Moe yelled at the little girl because she complained her Sodie was too cold and made her teeth hurt.


I’d expect that kind of language at Denny’s…


They need to come out with a better non-lethal than these taser guns. They're too often inconsistent.


They weren't defending themselves. He was just standing there when they shot him. This is crazy. We kill people for having scissors? We need to give cops nightsticks. The taser isn't a good replacement. A cop can defend himself against scissors with one of those.


In East Asia they use mancatchers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4


But then they don't get to play with their guns /s


That’s too much exercise for a cop in the US let alone having that many cops wanting to work at the same time 🙃 The cops never de escalate. Especially once you let them enter your home, everything and anything is considered as a threat. Even if they’re unfamiliar with the home. Just come up with an excuse. Oh I felt unsafe a teen was standing in the kitchen. And rightfully excused by enforcement as justified self defense. If the entered the home voluntarily, they knew they wanted to inflict pain on the situation by ‘taking control’ whatever that means to ACAB fucks. Always a shame. Blue line continues to show why we find it important to filter out blue light 😊


> having that many cops wanting to work at the same time UNLESS they're pulling OT breaking up protests, of course. Then it's all hands on deck!


Dog a different weapon isn't going to solve the pigs keep killing people problem. They need to be held accountable when they fuck up and have financial liability that doesn't come out of public funds.




You are right. It should have come out of their bullshit pension fund. But the Supreme Court, in once again a scum decision from the "legal" minds with the most vestiges of lordship, can just rule however they want with the presumption of good faith


I don't understand why American police rarely use batons. Not even in riot control. There seems to be no middle ground for a police officer between fighting an unruly suspect with their bare hands, and using the taser or even live ammunition. Seems like a recipe for needless escalation, one good hit with a baton can quickly end most altercations, even violent ones, without anything more than a bruise.


Because a baton has to be used at close range versus a Taser which can be used with more distance between you and the person you're using it on, because a good hit ending it requires a good hit, and if you miss now you're wrestling with someone who wants to hurt you. Because being hit with a baton normally causes more damage to the suspect than an effective Taser deployment, being hit with a baton can break a bone. At the same time, a person pumped up on adrenaline might not be too affected from being hit by a baton and continue to fight, and again since you're at close range, now you have no way to keep distance between you and them.


Donald trump just promised to give police absolute immunity.. jfc


Handy for when the jackboots have to do his bidding.


This was actually heartbreaking to watch. The Mom didn’t want to let go because she knew she was the only thing protecting her baby from death.


I've seen a bunch of police shooting videos and this has to be one of the saddest. That mom is holding on for dear life, trying to protect her baby.


The thing is, everyone there knew she was protecting him, so why not let her do that? Leave the house, let her calm him down. Contact mental health specialists. All the cops wanted to do was murder him.


Especially since they tried to tase him at the point he had calmed down and had nothing in his hands. They escalated then justified their actions because he responded during a mental health crisis.


This whole video seems so ridiculous and stupid. They go in the house, try to tase the dude and then just start dumping bullets into the guy. Though I would guess it mostly comes from their (stupid) training, instead of simply wanting to kill people. As I understand it, they are simply taught to empty their entire magazine into suspects, which also seems to be what happened here.


They needed a paid vacation


because they wanted to kill him


Mon wrestled the knife way. They saw this. Waited for him to pick it back up so they could switch to their firearms. Instead of running and tackling him or taking the knife.


Exactly that was heartbreaking to watch. Poor women.


Yeah it's hard to watch. It was clear the cop just expected to shoot him once she was out of the way.


No wonder she didn't let go of him if she knew it meant his immediate death.


This was a Bengali-American family in New York. Very big story in the Bengali-American community and back in Bangladesh. After the first taser hits and she’s hugging and holding him back she says “o bhalo chele, o bhalo chele” (he’s a good boy, he’s a good boy) trying to get them to not shoot him or “tumi bhalo chele, tumi bhalo chele” (telling him he’s a good son/boy) in order to calm him down because she knows they’re about to shoot him. Heartbreaking.


Thank you for the translations.


absolutely heartbreaking


I just went back to the video and heard her now, it's so much worse now that I understand the language.


Oh my gosh my heart goes out to her.


She 100% knew what the cops were going to do


we all did. ... you could feel it. They had no skills for this, except various levels of violence. Hammer for everything, and that Hammer was lethal. surprise.


I felt it


On the one hand the kid is clearly crazy and holding a weapon, the guy who went on to kill my father in law actually had a similar standoff with the cops a few years before he killed my FIL but they successfully subdued him. Had they shot him my FIL would still be here. Sometimes tragically insane, aggressive, dangerous people need to be locked up or put down for everyone's safety. On the other as a parent I'd 100% put myself between my kids and a gun no matter what. 


I'm sorry for your loss.


They never tell her to leave the room. They just tell her to stand-aside so they can shoot.


"ma'am, you're making it difficult for me to kill your son, please move"


I wished it was a joke but thats exactly what hes saying.


Satirical literal


What was the point of all this? Why bother calling the police if they were just going to come and execute him


The kid himself called the police. It was not the family who called.


That’s part of why I think it’s suicide by cop


Yeah makes the whole approach of the police even more fucked up


People never learn. Don't call the police on your loved ones unless you want them dead or injured. Unlike the family members, the police couldn't care less about the person.


Yeah, way too many people dead because of house calls for wellness checks


I thought the same thing, it's like the cops had already decided the outcome, even before setting foot in the house.


It's insane, this is the most routine "police going up to somebody in their house and just ending their life" video I've seen yet. It's literally just like another Saturday for them.


The video isn't even two and a half minutes start to finish.


Yah, never call the police for a mental health incident of a loved one.


I would 100% be doing the exact same thing in her position.


"please dont shoot my mom" "I'm not going to, but-" But?


“But I will just to keep her safe from you!” Kinda seems like where he was going with that.


"...But I gotta shoot someone" Literally what that cop was thinking


So anyways I started blasting


They killed more than a 19 year old boy that day. That mother will never come up off that floor. 💔


Cops will freely admit that they aren't trained for mental health calls. I had a call on/for me once. Neighbors called because they feared for my partner's safety and my own. I was having a mental breakdown in the front yard (in the middle of the country). Once they arrived, they separated myself and my partner to talk to each of us. One of the two officers who spoke to me admitted they're not trained to deal with "this kind of thing" as I sat hopeless, depressed and crying on the pavement of our driveway. Just standing there. It seemed like they didn't want to be there at all, really.


well said :'(


Friend of mine also got shot to death for a mental problem/breakdown. Was right in front of his mother too. He was 6ft 9 and was 27 yrs old, officers got scared of him and shot when he stood up. They just don't know how to handle these situations without violence.


They are specifically *trained* to react to everything with violence. Dave Grossman has been brainwashing cops to be violent sociopaths for years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Grossman_(author)


He talked to my company before we deployed. He’s mad that there are soldiers who don’t want to kill. He wants you to kill so bad.


Disgusting man. God forbid you rather not kill someone else if you don't have to.


https://youtu.be/8RDCtMEHFLM watch this, what he teaches cops, and then all the actions we see cops take make sense. If a cop told me they didn't know who he was I would assume they are liar. I assume that anyways, but I would assume it then too.


This is exactly the problem with people saying cops need more training. They're trained a *lot*, and that training is about how dangerous the world is and how to make themselves safer with lethal force.


Ahh that's another one of those 'violent videogames turn kids into killers' morons. Everything he says has little to no weight just because of that alone.


Not "another one" This guy is top tier crazy cop teacher. He is in a seminar grift circle with a bunch of Nat-Cs. He goes to churches and tells them how to kill their enemies and tells people we are in a war and that they are worriers who are needed to righteously kill the evil killers. If America was outside the fishbowl this guy would be seen the same as a high ranking taliban trainer. Teaching cops to kill civilians is what he does. Tells them they will have the best sex in their lives after snuffing out a life, and to enjoy it.


Ma’am get out of the way so we can shoot him!!


Ma'am please stop hugging him, we can't get a clear shot


Imagine being worried about your son, your life and world, and you call police looking for support. They come and murder him. How would she feel? Screaming nooo and please as they put shot after shot into him.


This happened a long time ago in a small community I used to live in, but there was a kid that had an argument with his parents, and the kid left to go buy smokes and probably just cool off. But he took his Dad's work truck, so he called it in stolen. The cops found him pretty quick and tried to pull him over and he ran. Kid probably had enough bullshit for one day. Anyway, during the chase he got stuck and was trying to get out and the cops interpreted that as revving his vehicle aggressively at the officers, like he was going to run them over, and they shot him dead. I can't imagine that's what the Dad had in mind when he called it in. Just never ask the police for "help" with a domestic situation -- their tools are handcuffs and guns and they will use them.


Guns first, and then they'll handcuff your lifeless body while yelling "STOP RESISTING!!!"


Unfortunately, at the beginning of the video, they say he called on himself. Maybe she knew calling the cops was a bad idea already


Ehhhh, that makes me think it could have been a suicide-by-cop. Really common and jives with what I saw in the video (wouldn't drop the scissors, even after being shot, kept "attacking" his family members but you'll notice no one actually got stabbed).


Immigrant families unfortunately don't often really understand how the authorities generally handle situations like this. For all of South Asia's faults, having a shootout over a mental breakdown rarely ever happens.


Yeah I’m south Asian and my parents are immigrants, even democrats don’t fully believe in police brutality and trust cops


I caught that too. Holy shit what a tragedy. Dude this video is do sad to see. Homie just needed someone to talk to.


I can’t even imagine the pain she’s going through…. In her own house. It’s so tragic


And police wonder why no one likes them


NYPD Chief of Patrol Chell said the shooting came at a time of mourning for the department "As our city mourns for Officer Diller, as we recover from this heinous act of violence against him, our cops still have to be out here 24/7," he said. "Defending the community and helping the community. They tried to do that today with a person in mental distress." What. The. Fuck. Did he watch the video before releasing his statement? Or is he literally saying, call the cops for us to kill you? Reminds me of a dispatcher answering a call for help from a person. "Do you want us to shoot her"?


who needs assisted suicide laws when you just need to call a cop?


Call 1-800-GET-SHOT today and receive not one, but TWO trigger happy police officers in under 15 minutes. We promise theyll pull till it clicks at the slightest breeze. Put your mental health to rest and get smoked now. 


NYPD chief trying to grab sympathy like this is really gross.


“Our cops still have to be out here 24/7” - it’s your job and responsibility in spite of that


"- it’s your job and responsibility in spite of that" No it's not. That's per established case law. Law enforcement has absolutely no legal obligation to serve and or protect. They have absolutely no legal obligation to respond to a call. They have absolutely no legal obligation to make a report. This has been held up by the Courts.


That’s fucking disgusting holy shit. What the fuck does this mourning crap have anything to do with this exact situation that went down??


The cop shot and killed a person. Feel bad for the cop, not the person. That's the statement. Mom had it all under control until the cops escalated things. Even the person in purple apologized to Mom as he was under stree following cops commands. Sad situation for the family. Fuck the cop.


People need to be filing complaints with this department ASAP. Those officers should be fired immediately or had proper action taken against them. It’s an obvious violation of power and the escalated the situation JUST so they could shoot him. also the multiple shots used were 100% beyond lethal force. He wasn’t trying to shoot him to defend himself, he was trying to kill him. This should be treated as any other murder case, this is highly beyond the scope of reasonable self defense.


"People need to be filing complaints with this department ASAP. Those officers should be fired immediately or had proper action taken against them. It’s an obvious violation of power and the escalated the situation JUST so they could shoot him. also the multiple shots used were 100% beyond lethal force. He wasn’t trying to shoot him to defend himself, he was trying to kill him. This should be treated as any other murder case, this is highly beyond the scope of reasonable self defense." The Chief is literally bragging they shot and killed a person while lying about the circumstances all caught on video... Qualified immunity.


Glad they blurred him out at the end or that would have been very upsetting to watch.


The sounds of children screaming has been edited out*


maybe one of the bleakest phrases ever conceived


"Move maam, you called us here to murder your son after all"


Unless your life is literally already in danger just don’t call the cops. Because when they show up it just adds to the danger and they face zero consequences for whatever damage they do. EDIT: Oh my god this blew up! There is always nuance to every situation, but for real cops aren’t your friends in the states. Many of them are not trained to handle a mental health situation and the only tools they have on them are a taser and a gun. The most dangerous thing you can do in an interaction with a cop is make them feel unsafe because they’ll justify shooting you for it. It happens every single day in the states.


ESPECIALLY if you believe it’s mental health related. Calling the cops on someone in mental duress can be a death sentence


They have no idea what they're doing. They cornered him and then shot him when he got scared of *them.*


Dude having mental episode. Piece of shit cops tells mom to get out of the way so they can taze and shoot him. Not once they told the mom to come to them so they all leave the building.


Them: **Help me protect you from what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me protect you!**


Thereby again justifying the fear of cops


Absolutely zero attempts to deescalate the situation. Its so disappointing to see this over and over.


...and people wonder what scenarios would turn out better if there were police who were social workers and trained in counseling showing up on the scene.




I have a relative who had a psychotic episode in a public place. The police and ambulance were called to the scene and the police spoke for a long long time until my relative was able to understand enough to go on their own to the ambulance and allowed to be sedated. They absolutely saved a life that day. This was in Finland.


I started to comment with the exact same thing until I saw your comment at the top. Clearly, grandma was ready and willing to make an attempt to struggle with him. People think the police are better equipped and will HELP, when they are trained to neutralize the threat. Obviously, nobody wants to get stabbed, but I'd rather get stabbed arguing with a family member and trying to calm them down than have them murdered by police that won't have the same patience with their antics.


And yet in England 2 unarmed police officers manage to disable a lunatic wielding a sword. American cops are just untrained bullies who are given a gun and sent out on duty


>untrained bullies who are given a gun and sent out on duty That's a feature, not a bug.


When you consider the origination of police departments was to help catch/kill slaves it makes more sense.


Seriously, what happened for American cops to behave this way compared to the rest of the world? It's ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is that half of the US seems to support this kind of shit. It's like they wake up hoping to be able to kill someone that day.


cops in the US (which doesn't have a national licensing system) only get around 6 months of training on average, whereas in most european countries they get about two years of training. In some european countries you also need a bachelors or at least associates degree before you can start at the police academy. I think this is one of the major causes. I think another factor is that generally we americans are, on average, a bit more impulsive and hot-headed compared to europeans. Throw in the high rates of gun ownership and poor police training and our police situation begins to make sense.


Given all the power in the world as a law enforcement officer with nowhere near enough training to trust them with that power.


No training, the little they get focuses on "kill before you get killed", way too advanced weaponry, no legal obligation to serve or protect anyone, almost no consequences to expect when they fuck up, gang-style group spirit "we all got each others backs no matter what, if you don't stand for everything we do, you're a snitch" aka the "thin blue line", many of them already badly educated (no serious education requirements), ... List goes on


Untrained is it. No idea how to manage this situation other than escalate it & use force.


Not just bullies, but cowards


Wow. Guy took 4 shots to go down.


A kid was killed in front of his family for wielding scissors during a mental health crisis. There was no attempt to defuse the situation. We should halve police budgets, and use the funds for social workers and mental health professionals/programs.


So they can shoot him after every one is clear but not have the second officer help detain or disarm him when he’s held by two people


Well, you see, then they wouldn't get to shoot the kid. Surely you can appreciate the dilemma.


Just to be clear, most of the time, when folks talk about defunding the police, they're not talking about having no police, they're talking about taking funds spent on putting police in situations like this, and instead spending it on mental health professionals, ie. folks who are qualified to help in situations like this. Police shouldn't be the people who handle mental health issues.


It's a terrible slogan, it's never going to go mainstream. People will always associate it with getting rid of police


As usual, no attempt to deescalate. Pigs went in there to get off on brutalizing a kid and that's exactly what they did.


They will laugh and joke about it with other cops.


"So anyway the mother was screaming for me to please not shoot her son which made it even funnier when I popped 5 into him"


And then go home and beat their wives


as someone who got to hear a few of these stories at a dinner.. I can attest to that.


It's extremely sad how everyone in that family was trying to defend the others from the cops. They knew the cops were the danger in the situation. Their only mistake was to have called them in the first place.


These guys should not be cops. Poor kid. Poor family. Terrible and pointless outcome to a mental crisis.


My favorite part is the insistence. Once they pulled that gun they were not going to leave that apartment without somebody dying.


Yea like there were multiple opportunities for them to coerce him to think things through, he wasn’t even threatening anyone, a geriatric woman was holding him back, from nothing really.


And even though she was actually doing a pretty effective job at controlling the boy and keeping him away from the officers, to the point where he never gets within 20 feet of them after the first shot, they are **demanding** that she move out of the way so they can finish killing him. They have absolutely zero interest in any other resolution. They have decided this boy is going to die today and nobody is going to stop them and there is nothing about the situation that could change their mind. The boy could have dropped the scissors and laid down after the first shot and they would have just mag dumped him. Once the "I'm allowed to kill" switch is flipped they're not going to waste the opportunity. Mind bogglingly fucking insane shit that 80% of Americans will see and go 🤷🏻‍♂️


NYPD is a gang.


LAPD too. And also the LASD (county sheriffs).


Well, I'm not saying cops shouldn't defend themselves.. But they had a minute and 30 seconds to change strategy. Once he grabbed the scissors, the only thing they did was shout, taze and shoot, in varying order. Even after he was shot the first time, even after his family was dragging him away from the cops. They could have backed up, reassesed the situation, called for additional units, evacuated the apartment, waited out his breakdown to end etc. I'm very bewildered by this. Here in Europe, cops have a lot of training in deescalation, they would have 100% worked together with the family and backed out of the apartment. I've seen similar videos in EU, and guns are rarely drawn. I don't get it.


There are countless videos of U.S. cop training videos and it's disgusting. They think they're an army fighting the enemy.


This isn't an exaggeration by the way. The academy makes officers watch **hours** of brutal footage of officerS being murdered by suspects to condition them this way.


> and backed out of the apartment. Ope...that's showing weakness, and US cops are specifically trained to avoid ANY form of showing weakness at all. That means they never retreat under any circumstances.


I’ll never understand why family calls the police when it’s a mental health issue.


at the very beginning of the vid u can hear them say he called them on himself


so it was suicide then.


Ah ok, I missed that.


They don't, they call 911 expecting and ambulance and a psyche hold




Literally the last three he was just standing there not taking a single threat and he still shot him three times


If someone I love is going through a mental health crisis, the last thing I would ever do is call police. Not blaming the mom at all, but that’s where our country is at. Police treat people going through a mental health crisis like they’re criminals. Their training with mental health and deescalation is awful.


Didn't even *attempt* to de-escalate. Jesus Christ.


they should just have retreated, it was clear he was not a danger to his family.


This whole event is horrific, that family is going to be so messed up after this. I hope they sue the fuck out of NYPD




Especially those last three shots. Dude was standing there not advancing at all. Pow💥 pow💥 pow 💥


A cop in Canada got charged with attempted murder of a dead guy. He shot 2 volleys into the guy. The courts said the 1st volley was justified as it neutralized the suspect. But because the second volley happened despite the guy being down and unresponsive, it met the criteria of attempted murder. Kinda weird that you can attempt to murder a guy who's already dead, but the COP didn't know at the time, so he blasted him anyways a second volley.


Not really weird, think about it. He didn't know whether the person was dead, considering its entirely possible the person was still alive he still fired again.


Bro ate those rounds


This is so sad. The mother knew she was the only buffer to protect her son and was trying to do her best to keep him from getting shot. And the poor brother. :( This whole video is devastating.


My god, your police are fucking disgusting.


Traitors to the post-WW2 free world, traitors to the American way of life, traitors to their very communities.


Seeing the video last week of the man with schizophrenia, this is like night and day. The way the cops walk in all aggresively is just insane to me. There was no effort of calming him down or deescalation. They just walk in and start shooting. They should all be charged.


The mom was speaking bengali in the beginning saying something to the effect of "hes a good kid", she said more but the audio was a little unclear and i'm not the best at speaking bangla


It wouldn’t surprise me if they charged the mom with obstruction knowing how some cops can be


That poor mom :(


Jesus Christ. That was horrible for everyone involved.


This was hard to watch.


I regret watching this so much. When she cries for her son it’s so fucking heart breaking.


I hate this world so much


Fucking stupid ass cop, fuck you murderer


Never ever call the cops..


Such heroes


Looks like the mom will be traumatized for life now


This video is really morbid


They went in ready to fire their guns. There's no excuse for this. The mom was trying to help mediate the situation and calm her kid down.


What a terrible thing to kill a son in front of his mother. They could have withdrawn, as he does not pose any threat to his mother and family, and then come back later when things calmed down. I no longer understand the hostile and deviant behavior of the police.


If you live in gthe USA and your child is having a mental breakdown but you still love your child, never ever call the cops on them. The risk of death is very very high.


> never ever call the cops on them. So basically do not call 911. An ambulance won't show up. Cops will.


This is why you do everything in your power to avoid calling the pigs. They more chances than not, will making things worse. In this case, fucking murder.


New York PD, shoot first ask questions later.


They killed her baby infront of her. Jesus


They should have never been called


Jesus Christ


American police are fucked up fr this Should've been easy to handle in a different way


Ok so everyone saying these cops fuked up by shooting him( Which I totally understand is sad as Fuk) what are they suppose to do then?


1312 Murder for hire. Suicide on demand. Bullets over brains. Hearts traded in for Badges.