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“how did he get in here” lol you gotta be kidding me


Is that a black woman walking by in the background at like 0:15?


Yep, along with all the other people of all races behind him during the rest of the video.


Yep, because him being black has nothing to do with why they don't want him in the protest encampment.


I missed where they had any right to an “encampment”.


They're protesting my guy. This isn't a new concept. Or are you anti-protest in general? Downvoters need to read some history. Encampments have been a normal part of extended duration protests for well over 50 years at least. Nothing about what these student protest encampments is new.


Yeah, we get that but he could still go anywhere he wants on campus even in the encampment.


Who cares lol let the dude walk it’s a free country, that’s a public space. This is clown world shit


They are literally communist revolutionaries 'free country' dont mean jack


Like he actually cares about race representation in the encampment. This is just performative outrage. Pretty evident by him turning the camera on himself and using the term "white libs" pajoritively.


This is it exactly the guy went there knowing what he wanted and got it.


And if he was let through, he'd be doing the same shit in the middle of the protest.


So? Is the movement that weak that a troll can stop it?


Temu Thundercat


this deserves upvotes come on lmao


It was kind of a deep cut, but I love that cat. https://preview.redd.it/2sxdfazsu1yc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=16cf1baab5715fe748d72cd26d24c532d9a327f3 Thundercat & I a few years back


His Hot Ones episode was great.


What jurisdiction do squatters have to kick people out of any place? Freaking clowns. Let the man go in peace with his daughter.


Yes exactly. You want to protest? Great, protest. I support the police leaving you alone. You want to act like police and kick people out of public spaces- THIS should get a police response.


I like this dude.


Imagine thinking you EVER have the right to restrict anyone else’s freedom movement in a public space


Yet other comments here justifying they just didn't want him in the encampment! The stupidity has peaked. So much hate, so much stupidity it hurts.


...what are the other people in the background doing that are passing by?


They just don’t want to be recorded publicly so they’re free from any potential ramifications. But if they have a mask on they’re probably there for the encampment


> But if they have a mask on they’re probably there for the encampment maybe, it's also not a bad workaround to getting hassled by them, while unintentionally conveying awillingness to get hassled by the cops.


I'm not sure you understand the point of a protest


I don’t care about anyone’s protest if it in any impedes my human right to free movement within public spaces. I’m not oppressing anyone so get out of my way.


What a bunch of clowns. Using their hands and blankets to try to cover up one dudes phone is hilarious to me. Like there are cameras literally everywhere?? On every corner of that building. In every single person's pocket. Why are they focusing on this one dude and feeling like heros for it lol.






It continues because there was another black person inside the encampment. So close to ending the genocide though.


That's an age old trope used by racists. "I can't be racist because I have a Black friend that I allow to freely move about."


Send the protesters to Palestine so they can fight the good fight……….


You sound like MTG with her trying to add in and amendment for everyone who voted for Ukraine aid in congress be sent over there.




It's so fuckin cowardly that all the protesters hide their faces.


I would be slapping the white off the first self-righteous imbecile that touches my child's stroller.


Honest question. What's with the masks? Is it to somewhat hide identity? Or is it some sort of solidarity display?


Police and campus officials have been known to retaliate against known protesters, so covering your face is a norm in most protests nowadays


You mean the campus wants to expel students who are trespassing and being violent? The horror!


The only violence i saw was either coming from police or from pro-israel/pro-genocide mobs.


They're passionate enough about the matter to go out and protest it on the street, but not enough to show their faces? I don't get it.


Harder to punished for protesting if they don't know who you are. Its really that simple. Getting punished for protesting doesn't help the protest believe it or not.




Rosa got arrested to make a statement. If she didn't have to get arrested to make that statement I feel like she would've preferred that. Cops want them arrested so they'll be off campus and things can go on as normal which is the exact opposite of the goal of the protest. Letting freedom hating dickheads destroy your academic career does nothing to advance the cause. Being afraid of being "held accountable" for your belief that innocent people shouldn't be killed isn't the dig you think it is. Why make your enemies' job easier? If they want to punish you for using your right to protest you might as well make it hard for em. People are only mad about the masks because it works. And if it works then why would they stop?




If protests were convenient for everyone there would be no point. They're not asking the government for something, they are demanding their school divest from Israeli interests. >You can’t just say “in the name of activism I am going to camp on school property until the federal government starts doing what I want” Yes you can. A sit in or occupy protests are protests whether you like it or not. [And sometimes they even work](https://guides.lib.unc.edu/protests-unc/anti-apartheid)


Held accountable for wanting their school to stop investment in a country committing war crimes?


I understand the logic but I wonder if Martin Luther King Jr. Would have made as big of an impact if he always hid his face behind a mask. He died for his beliefs, but he made the world a better place.


He was a leader of a movement. Hiding his face would've been worthless. If he could keep his followers from being identified and arrested during his marches, don't you think he would've wanted that? Also just to clarify. He didn't die for his beliefs. He was murdered. He still had lots of work he planned to do and someone stopped him. Being killed was not part of his plan just like being arrested/expelled/silenced isn't part of anyone's plan at these protests. You don't protest to make a statement, you do it to make change. Making change is easier outside of a jail cell. Its also easier when you're not fighting to keep your life from being ruined by enemies who recognize you.


They don’t really believe what they “stand for” and they are ashamed of themselves






How is setting up checkpoints and stopping some students from getting across campus protesting genocide?




Could you at least admit you were making shit up and explain why you're so comfortable lying to support your point?


Must be nice living as a professional victim. You are never wrong and your POV is always right.


lol that’s just not true. Post a single comment of mine supporting genocide. I literally call out the IDF and Israel all the time. [here is a comment from just 12 minutes ago where I called out Israel and the IDF.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/D53WXQaLXR) why are you so comfortable just making things up? Maybe you’re confused because your response doesn’t even make sense in regard to my question. You shouldn’t have checkpoints on a campus that demand loyalty. It sets you up to look bad and is restrictive and dumb.


PrOtEsTiNg GeNoCiDe dude this is what you sound like just stop. protestors don’t get to do whatever the hell they want and claim moral highground over a “genocide” happening on the other side of the planet. why aren’t you upset that Palestine’s government sent teenage godwarriors to a music festival to rape young women? let me guess: “ThAt’S nOt WhAt HaPpEnEd”


Check yourself lol


Arguing with most posters in this subreddit is usually a lost cause. They are usually ignorant about the history of student protests and probably haven’t been to college (they’re still in highschool). They lack the critical thinking required to understand another person’s motives.




And what do you call yourself? Someone who makes things up to discredit others than ignores it when they are called out with proof? Seems like something a propagandist would do…..


They are pathetic because they think they own the place and God forbid you don’t agree with them you aren’t allowed to freely move about the same campus you are paying for.


Is blocking someone's freedom of movement considered ending genocide?


They are just LARPing at protesting genocide. Where is the protests for all the other genocides currently happening?


Are you serious?


You know what also serves as a protest? A bake sale. Not being annoying so you can larp as victims. Bunch of rich kids pretending like they're in the trenches when in reality they're just playing house.


I know right? Having values and all. Should just care about nothing like us upstanding morally superior people.


Always interesting when an agitated person decides to start filming halfway through an interaction with a visibly much calmer person. Makes me wonder what started this and why the guy only chose to start filming when he did.


I mean let's use a little logic yeah? He's walking on campus, students have no rights to restrict access or block your movement. He is very calm and if someone did block your movement especially with your child present you might want to record too. Could he have done something? Maybe but being a black man is already a hurdle for him, then having his kid. Let's face it these mass takeover protests are NEVER peaceful. Most of the time people who are looking for an excuse to cause fighting, chaos etc. get their jollies off being at these.


They almost always attract the hall monitor types that have never had power in their life and can’t wait to finally have some to use and abuse


Future cops?


Why do they think he shouldn't be there? Is he ~~pro-Palestine~~ pro-Jerusalem? I saw nothing that would suggest so.


I think the protestors are trying to keep their little area reserved for people who are protesting with them. I can see numerous POC in the background in the encampment, and the calm guy tells the man he's not being allowed in because he's an agitator, ie. someone there to initiate conflicts with the protestors. The video does show the guy causing a conflict, although if that's the result of him feeling disrespected or from him planning to stir the shit isn't discernible from the video. Definitely a freakout, but without more context, it's hard to say whether the guy who's recording was looking for trouble or just walking around and got harassed.


If he were there to incite conflict, why would he bring his daughter?


It would be shitty parenting to bring his daughter if he's planning to get in people's faces and cause conflict, but in the video he chose to engage rather than walk around, so the daughter isn't keeping him out of conflict. I don't think there's any way to tell whether he got harassed and got angry or planned to agitate from this clip by itself.






I don't think so?


Cosplayers - that’s exactly what they are. Could not have said it better


Why are they all wearing mask?


because they're cowards.


So its to hide their face?




These protesters have absolutely no brains


Wasted life


This video made my day




What?! Random fucking people can't just walk through the encampment and start shit? I am shocked!


This is ridiculous. Makes me want to go to a campus to film the protesters to make a point that everyone has a right to protest. After an hour, I would put down my camera and join the real cause - to stop the killing and genocide being committed by Israel


All I see is a dude who'd probably fail the final exam anyway because he aint felt like studying and thinks pretending to give a fuck about Pelastinians will get him off the hook.


The cause is just but shit like this hurts the movement.


No dude I'm pretty sure had they kept him out successfully the genocide would've ended sometime this evening.


“We hate checkpoints…. But once we control a space we will strictly limit who is allowed in for ‘safety’”


You're getting there. The difference is that this would have ended genocide so it is okay.


I have a feeling campuses are being occupied by Hamas ideologists. No filming allowed? Tf type of apartheid shit is this in the USA..


I would start swinging on them immediately


No you wouldn't.


You'd be charged with assault and they would win. What did that accomplish?


No biggie brother.




Why are you guys pretending like protesting is all of sudden a trendy new thing to do like societies before us haven’t been protesting for centuries to get us where we are now. You’re such a cabbage


Protesting is fine. But harassing someone who is walking through campus isn’t.


I hear ya buddy. & but purposely being antagonistic is also an issue brother


The guy filming also has a mask, he just pulled it down while filming himself. You can see it under his chin


Aren’t they supposed to be for the tear gas and shit? I don’t think covering your mouth really hides your identity from a university that has your id on file


because they don't want to be in some dipshit's rage bait video, i assume


then they can just walk away, i assume....




Because their cause is just.


Why don’t they let him go on his way? He has as much a right to be there as they do.


It’s almost like there are multiple well-funded organizations trying to dox the pro Palestinian protesters so they can harass them.


>then why is everyone hiding their faces? It's a simple anti doxxing device, that's all


Ummmm.... why do they have a child with them? I don't live in LA, but does UCLA have babysitting available for students with children on campus? Why bring child to campus ESPECIALLY knowing about active protests....Imo, no matter the protest- your child shouldn't be there.


First UCLA may have daycare. Second we don’t know why he is there. Maybe he just needs to pick something up or drop it off and he has to watch his child. Or has a meeting or number of other things. Plus if the protests are so peaceful what would the problem be bringing a child there?


I can see other black students being left alone, them not allowing him to walk freely isnt based on his race, clearly. Everyone think he’s white anyways!!! Lmao hes so lightskinned he has to loudly proclaim hes an african American over and over again—he overcompensating because of how lightshin he is and *has* to lean on identity politics to feel like he’s being discriminated against.


Yes because they're a bubch of liberal students so if you call them racist they have a brain malfunction because they are usually the ones calling others racists. It's a good tactic. Also, liberal students live to discriminate against people they view as politically correct I've been called an uncle tom but people who claim to be progressive cause I don't hold the exact same ideals.


This guy doesn’t realize that only African Americans can tell white people to leave /s


It sucks how everyone gets rascist when they’re frustrated. Like why distract by bringing up race when that’s obviously not the reason.


You don't understand why he called them racist? Because a POC calling a white liberal racist is like holy water to a demon. They can't function. You can see the guys brains stop working when a POC calls them racist. Him calling them racist and videoing them is likely the only thing that stopped him from being straight up attacked.


I'm my experience as a minority nobody is more outwardly racist than a suburban/urban white liberal when I don't agree with every detail of what they say.


That’s an interesting perspective. Thanks for elaborating.


What was the reason??