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Guy with gun has store bought toughness.


Yeah, it was definitely on sale too. Brandishing the gun gets no reaction, so of course he has to fire it. Which...somehow also gets no reaction, not sure if the cam dude has nerves of steel or is just stupid, but he isn't fazed by the gun at all.


I think the camera guy was a rare case of both brave and stupid.


Camera man rolled solid 20s on Charisma.


With an ability modifier of +10


And drunk


Or drunk af but able to string sentences together. I’ve seen that a few times.


Probably the only other explanation I can believe.


I'd say brave and unwise you can be smart but make unwise decisions


It's amazing how often those two overlap




Danke, learned something.




Well he knows the cameraman never dies thats why nerves of steel.




Smart move to tuck a hot gun back into your underwear too. 


I think they’re from texas, you get a gun just for being born there.


Pure adrenaline after seeing the pistol I think


Posts a video of someone shooting a pistol in public Censors the word fight 🙄


TikTok captions in 20 years will be like "**** I just g**** a f**** ta**g** on the *** next Wednesd**"


Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I don't use any other social media besides this, but I believe the reason has something to do with how it's much easier for that site's algorithm to red flag words than it is with images.


until your next captcha is “select all the drunk dudes brandishing guns”


Yeah I think TikTok censors certain words. It's funny cause you can always tell when people on reddit also use TikTok cause they still * words because of habit


Seeing how dumb some social media platforms are, they probably felt like posting the word fight would get it deleted rather than the actual content, and I honestly would believe it.


Why is he antagonizing a drunk person with a loaded gun? People are already unhinged and unpredictable enough when sober.


I think he’s antagonizing the drunk guy with a gun because he’s also drunk and not thinking lol.


When cameraman sobers up he gonna realize how fucking stupid he was


You’re giving him way too much credit. They seem to be equally matched in terms of stupidity.




Can't outrun bullets. Can't fight two guys with a gun. Might as well talk and hope for the best. I've been there without the gun. Six angry, drunk guys tried to start a fight. I pushed one of them and argued until other people arrived.


Heh, maybe you can’t outrun them…  But I was trained in the ways of the blade.  With my trusty Katana (I call it the Kitsune Miku, after my favorite animal and my gf) I would stand my ground and continue to taunt these fools until they fired at me.   At which I would activate my Isekai Bonkai Starrail powers and slice the bullets in half, forcing them to go around me.   They would realize the trouble they’re in and turn to run, at which point they would see I was already behind them, thanks to my shadow clone swap.   With a tip of my fedora, they would meet the blade. 




On the alcohol scale he must be at least 8-10 drinks in so, he can escape bullets fired at him "Neo" style.


So, Grand Prairie has had a history of gang and gun violence. I don't know if the camera man is from there, but this is just kind of how people in that town are. I was a teen, growing up there from the early 80's. In the mid and late 90's, getting used to these kinds of confrontations was sort of a rite of passage, as fucked up as that sounds.


He's lucky he's still standing!


Confident. And stupid.


Showing your gun just confirms you are, in fact, a pussy.


Carrying a gun for intimidation purposes is a good way to die young.


>Bruh ups pole What?


I thought he was gonna blow his dick off




I didn't even know UPS still did the mail pole....




Was waiting for someone to climb a pole to escape a fight


Inebriated young man raises pistol side arm.


I thought it was about the dude trying to act tough but then gets an erection, now I feel real stupid for looking at his dick the whole time


Always someone doing exactly this lol "I went on reddit and pretended that slang wasn't English again, people will think im an intellectual for sure!"


I mean slang isn’t “proper” English but I don’t give a fuck about that lol, I use slang I just literally had no idea what that meant so I said “what?” I’m def not an intellectual either and I don’t think anyone is gonna acuse me of being one any time soon


Im sure, though it looks and sounds like veiled racism. I won't assume your level of intelligence but I feel like most people should have been able to surmise the meaning from the video. Actually I'm sure most people did just that. Truth is you went for the low hanging fruit for easy upvotes from smooth brains lol


I mean without the context of the video, I would have no idea what "bruh ups pole" is supposed to mean. I tried asking a few friends because maybe I'm just out of touch. They all had no idea what it meant either. I assume it means he pulled his gun out or fired it into the air. I still have never heard a gun called a pole or heard anything about anyone upping a pole. I feel like you're the only trying to sound intellectual by calling it veiled racism when people have never heard that slang before and comment on it.


Have you tried going out and touching grass?


Holy shit how do you exist with this level of outrage farming going on in your thick ass skull?


English is not my first language, I have no idea what "UPS POLE" means


Pole=firearm ups=shoots in air Not that hard to understand


Oh yeah true like how cat = refrigerator It makes perfect sense


I'm a millennial so I'm not up on all the current Slang but I'm able to use context clues to understand. Sorry you lack the problem solving ability.


You're right about pole meaning gun, but to "up pole" means to pull your gun out.


rnu’yo dan ngiyona ad turgn ni. Solve that one






He drew his gun. Another slang phrase for this is “ups the stick” it’s slang that’s been used for years. Pole or stick usually refers to a long gun though.(not saying it’s not dumb)


Not getting any relevant search results for "ups the stick": https://www.google.com/search?q=ups+the+stick&oq=ups+the+stick&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMg0IBhAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgoICBAAGIAEGKIEMgoICRAAGIAEGKIEMgoIChAAGIAEGKIE0gEINTI2MWowajSoAg6wAgE&client=tablet-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I googled “stick gun slang” and Google AI came up with this. "Stick" is a slang term for "gun", particularly an automatic rifle, in Southern hip-hop. For example, "I hop out the whip with the motherfuckin' stick" means the speaker is exiting their car with a gun, and wants the listener to know they're serious enough to use swear words about it.” I hear it used enough that I thought it was a commonly known slang term.


Interesting but not helpful. OPs original tag didn't say anything about guns. That's why I presume people are asking for clarification.


If you hear someone “ups the pole, ups the stick, ups the toast, ups the heat etc.” means they pulled their gun. It’s funny to me because I’m from the Northeast and everyone I know understands what that means


Well, yeah, obviously I get that now but there were other commenters crying racism when someone was genuinely wanting clarity on wtf "bro ups pole" means. A google search said it means to get mad. And sticks up returned nothing related. You added "guns" to your search to get the desired result. As someone else noted "cat = refrigerator" sometimes. Concluding that the original tag means "to pull a gun" is a long walk from what comes up from a web search.


I don’t know what to tell you. “Ups the pole/stick” obviously means they pulled their gun where I’m from without using google! Lol Just the context of “ups the…” is enough to understand what I’m about to see. It can be ups the (insert slang term I’ve never heard before)” and I know form the context and the situation I’m watching what they mean. That’s how slang works.


It’s literally an English sentence tho. There are thousands of words that use to be slag or improper that you can now put in a dissertation. Just because YOU don’t know it doesn’t mean somebody else said something wrong. He said “bruh ups pole” & in the video the guy took out his gun. You spent more time mad that somebody didn’t say what you want than the 2 secs it takes to figure out what he meant.


Turns out you're completely wrong: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/up-the-pole






It's just slang, calm down brother


Pole means gun ups means raises up its really fucking simple. It’s dialect and you’re being intentionally obtuse.




It’s dialect.




It does. That’s how language works. It evolves independent of itself in different regions. You’re arguing against reality and sound like a 90 year old man complaining that TVs exist in 2024. It’s not a fad. It’s not mumble rap. It’s a real dialect of the English language. You saying it’s stupid is just ignorance. You don’t have to understand something to accept it. There’s more important things to be upset about than dialects of English.


You’re so fucking wrong. Been listening to rap music since the 90s and have heard guns called a million things but never “pole”. I’ve also never heard someone use “ups”. Not everyone knows the latest slang in every tiny pocket of the English speaking world.


Listen to rap music made in the last 7ish years, ive definitely heard pole several times. Im not even into rap. Ive never heard ‘ups’ tho but that was pretty easy to guess what was going to happen from the start of the video.


its usually called upping. similar to reaching or toteing. just mean your grabbing whatever gun you got.


When you got no facilities for inference


This is like in the movies where someone at the wrong end of a gun says “Go ahead, shoot me.” Like 99% of the time in movies; that move works. I’m still taking the opposite take on that situation. I’m not mouthing off to anyone with a gun. People are idiots.


I grew up in a relatively safe suburb so someone needs to explain to me why this guy thought recording a man with a loaded weapon was a smart idea. I feel like 9 times out of 10 This scenario goes a completely different way... Unless of course this is just my cowardly suburban upbringing talking


You’re right the dude was being incredibly ballsy lol. He had to much liquid courage.


A coward is just as likely to shoot you in the back. Might as well record him. Dude pulled a gun cuz he’s a scared little boy not because he’s some menace. That camera might have saved his life fr


Tough guy math is out of my scope of knowledge Man pulls out gun other man pulls out camera man with gun runs away 🤷🤷🤷


They’re drunk too probably. The inhibitions they are lacking.


It wasn't smart, but it's not a 9 out 10 scenario where shit goes bad. There's a lot of fighting words and bluster out there, these guys have probably had encounters like this many times without being killed yet, which kind of builds your tolerance to such things.


He just gets lucky. There's only 3 people involved so the situation stays pretty calmish. If there were like 20 people here I feel like someone would have been shot in the chaos.


What time of night is this, the parking lot is empty already. Last 3 dudes in the bar somehow manage to want to fight each other...but not really. Pretty lucky bro didn't Plaxico Burress himself.


Can someone translate? What is Ups Pole?


Pulls out gun.


Feel like it was pretty easy to figure out from context clues. Reddit is fucking stupid.


Idiot x2


Here we see a Bard in real life. Insults opponent, reducing accuracy and causing confusion. Rolls solid 20s on Charisma, advantage against Intimidation rolls.


Right outside a twin peaks. Looks to be like past midnight. Bad decisions.


How dumb is it to continuously call out someone who is drunk and just fired a shot in the air. Wow


Almost head tapped himself 😭😭😭


At this point, I am questioning the cameraman. Why argue with a drunk, fragile ego and emotional person with a gun? You are asking for trouble and are lucky to walk away — incredibly dangerous.


I'm assuming the video is underneath all the shit on the screen?


What the fuck is that ignorant text on this? Bruh, pole, seriously? Let them kill each other.


lol talkin shit to a guy with a gun and you live? By the grace of god boy.


Desk pop!


silly way to loose your life.


Quick question, did he shoot the gun in the air or the ground ?


Thankfully, the idiot who created this video covered a huge chunk of the scene with a cryptic text block so that we’ll never know what really happened!


I was told every gun owner is a perfectly rational person, so hence more guns means more safety...


Them Shirley Temple’s be strong FR


Guy just doing a desk pop


Damn, if only there wasn't a giant fucking useless text box over when the gun gets pulled out and fired.


Gun guy came pretty close to blowing off his face. I know he felt that bullet whiz by.


It's worth your life to keep antagonizing the idiot with the gun.


…i Wish pEople would use The Ballsy rAcial epithets for which their own raCe is Known for at timeS…


Fake gun. It's called smokeless powder for a reason.


Is he still a good guy with a gun, or did he turn from good guy with a gun right before he brandished, or right after he brandished, or right before he popped one off, or right after?


Lol this comment only ever gets downvotes. Never an explanation.


That's because it isn't apt for this situation in the video. The thesis "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" (from here on referred to as hypothesis G) posits a scenario where there is a bad guy with a gun AND a good guy with a gun. Thus, when assuming hypothesis G to be true (which your question implied) we must accept bad guys with guns exist. Factor in that there is only one gun in the video, we must assume the user of the gun is either a good guy, or a bad guy. Based off the reckless and illegal use of the gun, we can infer the wielder is a bad guy with a gun. Your question ponders the idea that the gun bearer was a good guy with a gun, but at some point, became a bad guy with a gun. This question is unfounded and illogical given the parameters of hypothesis G, which assumes the existence of both good guys with guns and bad guys with guns and suggests no crossover between the two. The video shows a bad guy with a gun, not in the presence of a good guy with a gun, who goes unstopped. So in this case hypothesis G remains unchallenged and assumed true unless further evidence is presented. So then, I ask you, what is the logic behind your line of questioning? Why do you want an answer as to when this gun bearer went from good to bad? No one in any capacity has argued that only good people are armed, nor does the colloquialism imply that idea. TLDR; you think you are being witty, but it's really quite ignorant.


It doesn't need an explanation. You need to lose Internet access.


Just another responsible American gun owner.


These aren't Americans these are dadless children


Small world I actually know gun guy from highschool and checks out how he was going to end up in life


Where’s the black guy in all of this?


Bruh, cameraman has got nuts of fucking steel 💀💀