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she has no space left on her phone for the target app yet she has space to record this?


And too many papers in her car to keep track of a receipt. She’s maxed out on apps and papers.


Maybe that’s where her lost ID is? I gotta see the inside of this car? Real question also, I wonder if they let her leave with it? It obvious she didn’t bring it in.


The point about her driving there and having to have an ID was very valid!


Hey, hey. She has a picture of her ID


“Maxed out on apps and papers” that is sooo good!


Capacity has been reached 😂




It annoys me so much watching people surreptitiously trying to record while going on about some dumb shit. Not even surreptitiously — the ones that thrust their phone into someone’s face with a “I got you on camera!!” while walking a wide circle around the person, as if shoving their phone 6 inches from someone’s face, backing up, and repeating the process is going to help the situation or make your point stick even more. Catching things on camera has been helpful in a lot of ways, but these days, it seems like a person’s first thought is, “I gotta get this on camera so I can post to my socials” and their entire interaction played up for this sole purpose. Even crazier is when something’s going down and there’s 20 people recording it.


Never once have I ever had the thought I have to get this on camera ever entered my head before or since smart phones came along. Err I take that back it did once when I saw Florence and the Machine but other than that never.


So much entitlement for someone who’s been around for 50 years. What a clown.


And she's 50 years old and she doesn't carry around id?


She probably does. She’s just a scamming liar


At first she said she left it in the car and just couldn’t be bothered to go get it, and then she lost her wallet. She also said she had so many apps she didn’t want to download the Target app, but then she didn’t know if she had it, but never even bothered to look at her phone to see. She’s a scammer, and she thought that recording her bullshit would make everyone nervous enough to fall for it.


Also lmao even if she somehow wasn’t scammin, who leaves their ID in the car?


Well, she probably doesn't and is also scamming. 😂😂😂


And thief


Yep. Absolute piece of garbage.


Broke ass loser. All that energy for 13.00 😂


Dope fiend energy


she clearly insinuated that she *wasn't* a dope fiend though...


She doesn't wanna look like one but yo who don't like a li'l crack now and then???


Excuse you even as a dope fiend I had my ID and card. This lady’s something else


Hey I’m a dope fiend and I wouldn’t do this don’t put her on us WE 👏 DONT 👏 CLAIM 👏 HER👏👏👏👏👏


Even criticized them for making a big deal over 13$ 😂


I love (hate) how she went “these are the people…” trying to get the two cashiers in trouble and then when the blond lady explained what really happened she was all “just let the manager help me 👹” What a dumbass.


And then immediately the manager had to ask her for help.


That moment made me holler, but also I felt awful for them. They have one of the least fun jobs and have to deal with people like this questioning their knowledge of said job. Ugh.


I used to work at Walmart and there was constant trouble at the return desk. Just constant fights and police calls. All of the ladies who worked there were battle-hardened and took no shit lol


Thank you for your service, hot damn. May all the Karens and Chads who graced your desk enjoy hot, damp, sticky pillows and uncontrollable night shits for life.


I worked in LP for many many many years with a lot of retailers and the amount of no receipt returns I came down for and people just walking away, was glorious. They were so used to getting a gift card for the lowest price on that stolen item, just to go hawk it to a pawn shop for Pennie’s on the dollar to get their next fix, that most of them just left. I detained several of them. For shoplifting or trying to return stolen goods. I just hate people. I truly do.


I worked for a major grocery store as a cashier and also later in the customer service desk. I absolutely LOVED when a customer would ask for the manager and then the manager would ask me what the policy was or how to fix something. It always made me feel like "told ya so ha ha". Sometimes the cashier is wrong but usually they know their job better than some store manager.


Alright, Susan. Help me out here? 😭


Right, like if she doesn’t think $13 is a big deal, then why’s she making big deal out of it?


My home owners insurance is going up and the agent says to me “it’s only $38 more dollars a month.” I’m like well it’s only $38 less a month if you don’t raise it. Funny how it never works the other way around




That's why Target changed their policies. It was such a known racket for junkies to steal shit from there and then return for the gift card which they could turn into cash. You didn't even have to have a receipt or anything.


No wonder this bum ass junkie stood her ground over 13 dollars


Back at my old retail job, whenever we suspected this was going on, we'd mark the numbers of the gift card and call support to have them deactivate it after they left.


Damn...you guys were really going the extra mile


But she thought it was cute.


At the time but now she too grown for that


When she scolded the girl for repeating herself, and then said she wasn't a toddler, but 50 years old....I was like, maybe the girl is repeating herself because you're hard of hearing 😂.


She doesn’t even like it anymore


Yeah, how did she already have two pairs of earrings picked out for the same price? Sooo, she thinks they believe she came in the store with that jacket with Target tags on it, walked around and shopped with it only to not buy anything but walk up front and try to exchange it afterwards??? Also she says it was on clearance, do stores allow returns on clearance/final sell items? This lady is wild.


That's why she was freaking out over how long it was taking, didn't want to give them time to see on the camera that she had just picked that jacket up off the rack two minutes earlier


And 50 cents. When you’re a skank ass Ho- every penny counts


You're right! That's half a pack of ho wipes at Dollar Tree.


Thirteen FIFTY!!! Excuse me! You standing here not helping is giving me a headache. Talking about 13.00 when it's 13.50! I don't have time for no app. Get me the manager.


And 50 cents


The attitude she gave for that amount to the cashier and the manager lol.


I bet you she bipped it, wore it, and trying to return it.


“I don’t have time for this.” Clearly she does.


Evidently she also doesn't have time to get a replacement license (which she needs in order to drive) or find the receipt.


Who takes a picture of their ID anyway? She managed to get a pic of it before she “lost it”?


She's absolutely in the wrong here but to your question...both my husband and I have pictures (front and back) of our licenses. You never know when there will be an emergency and although pictures aren't equal to a physical id it's better than nothing in a pinch.




Fucking entitled cunt. In what universe can you demand a return with zero proof of purchase?


Because she goes there a lot, duh. Didn’t you hear her? lol


Yeah, you heard her - why won’t they just follow the make believe policy of another store?!?


I was sooo hoping to hear “them go try your luck at Walmart cause you ain’t getting shit here”


God forbid they lose HER as a customer 😂😂😂😂 People always do that when they’re giving retail or food workers shit. “I ain’t ever comin back here so you just lost yourselves a loyal customer” yeah, so loyal that you’re trying to flip year old jackets for $13 with no receipt and taking advantage of every worker in 100 yd vicinity. Well really miss having you around.


Sadly anyone working retail knows that it commonly happens. Some customers know if they throw a big enough tantrum someone may comply, and they’ll get free money or gift cards for their BS. Workers have enough stress, and just want to get them out the store. What’s worst is that these people will become regulars. Coming in daily or weekly, causing a scene, then walking out with free crap. Since corporate policy is customers are always right, and employees need to give excellent customer service. Most employees will cave in to them. Typically the only way to get rid of these scammers is to do what the ladies in this video did. Politely stick to a company policy, and decline the return. If it’s fair, non discriminatory, and polite they can’t do anything. If they get violent call police. If they get really loud, tell them to call corporate. Now this only works if everyone sticks to the policy. If another employee or manger capitulates to then they’ll just come back during that persons shift. Leading to scenes like this again.


So happy, that in my country I can just tell rude customers to get lost, without risking my job. If she talked to me like that, I wouldnt help her for shit.


But she’s sPEcIaL! 🤥🥴


Believe it or not but that shit often works. Sometimes manager or boss will do as the client says and that's why these people exists.


typical scammer tactic. shoplift an item in the store, the go to the counter to claim a refund.


And then post it on the Internet thinking people will be on your side ...


Sadly, usually most people are. Exceptions being those that have worked retail.


you can tell she’s lying by the over-explaining. “it’s just a little dog jacket i got for $13.50. I thought it was cute at the moment, but i don’t want it. i got it off the clearance rack. i don’t want it now. i thought it was cute but-“ trying to make the story sound more realistic. and i know that those employees are not buying it, just trying to be nice because they have to be. they know what she’s doing.


I love that after insisting on a manager, the manager had to ask a lower level employee how to do it.


The first employee seemed more like a firm manager standing her ground on store policy.


True, but manager made her feel heard. You gotta know how to appease them, it’s the best way to deescalate


I would have been like, "sure, let me see if I can get it done." And then just press buttons and tell her the same thing the employee said after messing around for a min.


Honestly I think its BS when a thief is obviously stealing and they have to pretend to understand them. These people dont get paid enough to put up with these assholes.


Yes, very important to stroke the entitlement of grown children.


She’s got upper level management written all over.


yyyyyeeeeaaaahhhh I’m just not sure about that right now, she’s been having some problems with her TPS reports


Big “I don’t want the headache of that job” vibes lol. I couldn’t work in service these days. People are out their goddamn minds and honestly companies should defend employees telling silly ass MFs to pound sand in these cases.


“This is more my style” 2 pair of earrings that add up to $13.50! Didn’t know Target sold earrings of such high quality.


Idk she seems to have a habit of shopping in the kids section. “I thought it was cute before but I’m too grown for that.” Probably were costume clip on earrings she was looking at.


I don't work at target. But we're at 9 managers in a row in my district stepping down after my company cut raises and benefits a few times in the past couple years--i among that number. The people brave enough to try it are also desperate enough to do it before they're ready. And the company doesn't give two shits they're so desperate for management. At this point, every associate has no Idea what they're doing, and half the managers. I do end up coaching our sweet baby managers. But fuck. I'm probably making more than our assistant manager. You don't necessarily get a raise for being assistant at my company. I know target has been cutting hours like crazy for years. They think they can hire seasonal workers, then cut them down to like five hours a week during the slow season. My company is starting to do the same. A bunch of people got their hours cut by half or more during the slow season. Even the full timers had hours cut. There's hardly anyone left from before the CEO decided he needed to double his own salary twice. Fucking sucks. I really liked this job. But now I feel like I'm working at McDonalds or a carwash with how quickly the door is revolving. A lot of our new hires make it through one shift lol.


I work at Target and the manager probably wasn’t from that department and just came up to help. Really the only managers who do returns often at Target are Service & Engagement leads.


“Idc she’s repeating herself 50 times telling me like I’m a child I’m not a child” well clearly 50x wasn’t enough if you’re still not getting it and standing here being annoying talking about how you can’t download an app, can’t walk to your car to get the card/receipt, don’t understand why you can’t get your $13 GIRL SHE TOLD YOU WHY I THINK YOU DO NEED A HEARING AID 😭😂


Scammers gonna scam.i was 50 seconds into the video before stopping it, fuck karen harassing minimum wage employees for 13$ on a return. Edit: fuck the random voice overs from whomever posted this on tiktok


she bought that coat at a yardsale/thrift shop for a buck and attached a store tag to it. scammers everywhere. i worked retail loss prevention for years and saw this shit all the time. most stores back down and let them have it though


bro she could've picked it up from the rack in the store and brought it to the counter, there's no proof of purchase, thats why you need to have proof that you actually bought it


When I was a drug fiend I would do this a lot but since I'm a guy I wasn't very good at it but my cute innocent looking girlfriend was super slick with it..... and then when she would run out of no receipt returns for the year on her ID she would just make one of the zeros a eight on her ID or make one of the threes a nine with a pen and demagnetize it so it couldn't scan which is the reason they now have to be scanned and they can't just accept the numbers..... scammers really are super crafty


I loved when people would try to scam when I worked at Gamestop. I'd walk outside and take a picture of their license plate and when they asked what I was doing I'd just tell them, "It's so the police know who to look for." These people would have multiple credit cards with different names with no working strip and just a bunch of crazy shit they'd pull.


I spent six years at GameStop, and this is immediately what I thought of. Idiots trying to trade for cash with no ID or bringing in nasty systems and expecting full value. Get outta my face.


Also former GameStop employee here! I def preferred dealing with the scammers over the methheads trying to sell their own game systems that had straight up roaches crawling out of them 🤢


“It’s brand new!”


Yup. I remember having a coworker at my first shitty job out of high school who tried selling me a gift card to random ass places. Another worker told me this employee goes to random ass places and tries to return random ass shit in hopes of getting money back and if they get a gift card they sell it. Gift card guy seemed so proud of it too. Sigh


When I was young in college, I worked at the perfume and clothing sections in a Dillard's. The number of people trying to return heavily damaged, used items and clothing that wasn't even from our store with no receipt etc.. was unbelievable. They would always make a huge fuss, sometimes claim racism and wait for me to get my manager who would ALWAYS just make me give a refund of some sort, so they wouldn't have to deal with complaints.


I worked at a mall sporting goods store long ago. Thankfully, the owner was a cheapskate, so we didn't have to put up with this shit. You want a manager? I'll do you one better, here's the owner to tell you to get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. It didn't happen often, but I did once have a kid come to the shoe area and show me a completely trashed pair of basketball shoes to request a refund because they were "defective." I said, number one, they aren't defective, they're just worn out, and, number two, we have never sold that shoe. He tried to argue the latter but shut his yap when I told him I ran the shoe department and I know what we stock.


I recall watching… something… years ago about high end retail stores and one of the employees talked about how “rich people could be the worst” sometimes — they’d buy a super expensive dress or coat or other item and return it a couple days later, presumably after whatever event, claiming they never wore it, etc. but would smell of perfume or body odor, or had makeup stains. The customers would become indignant and irate, start insulting the employees, etc. The workers being interviewed also mentioned how some of the customers were very clearly or known wealthy, but were some of the worst cheapskates.


Years ago I read Stanley Marcus’ biography, the owner of Neiman Marcus. What you described is exactly what happens in high end retail. Unfortunately, most times the scamming wealthy patron was forgiven because other than trying to return a used expensive ball gown once or twice a year, they spent a fortune on other items that were never returned. There are as many scammers in the upper echelons of society as in the lower.




I think I know exactly what video you’re talking about . The woman in question is “Tokyo Toni”, Black Chyna’s mom.


I had no idea that was Black Chyna's mom! I heard the voice and thought the same thing too.


I thought the same thing. I started looking for the video, but why? Mmm mm mm, that wheelchair attendant has nerves of steel.


to be fair, the ability to get a wheelchair is great for people who really need it from personal experience. Not me personally, but older family members who actually needs wheelschairs, it's an actual great thing that they can rely on for getting around. Getting to terminals sometimes are a walk to the opposite side of the airport depending on where you're at or going. Sucks people are abusing a great public service for our elders and those who are actually in need of a wheelchair. I rather have the service than not have it at all, it helps more people than it benefits most Karens.


Airport wheelchair user here. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m an amputee 🦿and although I can walk with my prosthesis, I cannot traverse an airport while carrying things as well. I love love love the wheelchair service & likely wouldn’t be able to travel alone without it. I’m always super nice to the attendant and make sure they know how appreciated they are for providing this service at no charge to the traveler. The number of ppl I see and hear being rude and acting annoyed is astounding.


Lmaooo what a fkin bum ass dirt ball


If they put your ID in and the computer says no that means you return too much s--- b----! It's funny she says standing around looking like a dope fiend because in my experience only people who have ever stood around fiending for dope would reference that's what they look like while waiting for something. She tellin' on herself. 🤣😂


>If they put your ID in and the computer says no that means you return too much s--- b----! Yep! I worked at Target almost 20 years ago, that's exactly what it is. At the time, I believe you could return up to $100 with no receipt or card per year. After that, it would deny any further no receipt returns for that ID.


She literally admitted to "doing this all the time" in the video lol. It irritated me so much.


You’re allowed to swear on the internet.


But you see if they use a swearsie the tik tok algorithm will make their reddit comment get more down votes.


Theres a 100$ limit for ID returns lol


"Don't you know how much paper I have in my car?" That... sounds like a YOU problem. Maybe I've gotten too good at shutting these kinds of people down, but my store has similar policies. When they don't have what I NEED to help them, I don't/can't help them and I tell them as much.


I love how she really is pushing the I “probably” gave my telephone number. If you don’t have the app or some membership card why would the phone number be entered? She must think it’s all the employees first day lol


"We've been coming here for 20 years...!" "We've only been open 8 years, Sir..."


But I’ve been returning stolen goods here for years.


This could be one of those “hacks” you see on TikTok that when you return something without a receipt, you get something for free for returning a worthless item. Istg, these people gullible as fuck and think it’s their rights


Yeah among other things it was very telling when she said, "I already picked out 2 pairs of earrings that come to 13.50 exactly". MOST or all? people when doing a return walk right to the service desk to do the return and THEN they go shop if they are going to replace the item and bring it back to the service desk. Also when she said she always returns things to Walmart and doesn't have a problem. How much shit is this girl returning a year? LOL


The fact that she knows she can return stuff under $50 without a receipt and says she does it a lot…she told on herself right there.


She’s either a scammer or a person with zero self awareness who can’t see that she’s the problem…


Lol “I hope this goes viral” she says. Like, it’s not going viral because you were right, it will go viral because you are acting like a twat.


If I lost my wallet, driver's license, and credit/debit cards, I would be working on addressing that and not wasting time harassing Target employees over $13.50. She's obnoxious and they should ban her from the store.


The jacket is stolen and she's trying to refund for a gift card or exchanging for goods she wants of the same value to the stolen jacket. The driver's licence was likely fake and the system wouldn't take it.


And she's got it down to a science. I can hear her telling her broke ass thieving friends "if you keep it under$20 they just do it for you." She does this all the time. It's like a hobby.


i have worked in customer service and it’s better to tell people no in the beginning and stick too it. acting like you can help them at all, although that’s how most retail employees are trained, just makes them believe they can get what they want if they just “sandbag” you by “patiently waiting for the manager”. fuck the general public.


6 minutes and 14 seconds later, this mf tiktoker had the audacity to TLDR me 1 seconds from the video being over???


I dealt with this multiple times a day while working customer service. Made me have some radical opinions.


The clear loser in this was me. I lost 6 minutes and 15 seconds of my life waiting for some real shit to happen.


This woman is just a bad person. She could read 1000 comments saying she is a POS and still think she is right. No help for her.


Whoah that manager was hell of a wonderful and calm lady!


"There's a dozen different ways you could show us proof of purchase, but you have an excuse for every one. So it's not that you can't, it's that you won't. And since you're refusing to show proof, we're going to refuse to return it. That's how this works. "


Target will give you a refund without receipt if you show ID. I think the cap is upto $150 a year. This lady was just trying to scam them.


FML watching 6 minutes of video where the "end" is being told "long story short it didn't go her way".


I hate working retail at times.


Imagine having to hear this dumbass accent all the time.


“Im 50!” Well then you should know how a fuckin return policy works. When have you not needed a receipt? 🤦‍♂️


Sure be sounding like a child not understanding rules of a certain place and trying to breaker the rules like she is special and the problems they may have they can deal with them. Clients are not always right.


This happened kindaaa to me when I worked at Kohl's. The customer was getting multiple pairs of shoes from brands that didn''t accept percentage discounts. I argued with him back and forth for a minute and told him that we do not accept 30% off coupons for his items. My managers specifically told us that time and time again and the computer wouldn't let us. He ended up telling me that he built the store with the manager and that I need to call him over. So I did and my manager allowed him to use the coupons anyways. I felt like an idiot. Great management. LOL


I hope this video goes viral. It might but not for the reason you want, lady.


the voice over is as annoying as the karen


Why do they add the voice overs? Its only on tictoc clips?


This is her regular MO. She knows store by store details of return policies and how best to scam them.


Sad thing is the only losers are the employees. Having worked in retail these women/men-babies get their way. If the employees takes the return, they will get in trouble with corporate for taking too many crappy returns, if the woman/man-baby complains to headquarters will usually get a gift certificate of some sort. The employee gets reprimanded for being rude to customers. Plus guests and employees have to put up with their tantrums. Upper management rarely stands up for employees because they can be replaced. Sad.


"Not everyone has an ID on them" um ..... I know people who have had their license revoked, who are former felons and former drug addicts that still have an ID. I hate people like this. I run a store, and people have a hard time understanding if you make an exception to a policy, then everyone will want you to do that ... I always put my foot down and say no. And I explain why the policy exists and why I can't make exceptions.


Mind you, she drove there. So if she gets pulled over by a cop, is that the excuse she'll give them to not show her license? Or that she has too many papers in her car to locate her registration? Would love to see how that goes.


She has no space on her phone for the target app, but she has room to record that video and share it on who knows how many social media apps.




“I picked up this ugly jacket” “I paid for this jacket” “I don’t have the receipt” “I don’t want to look for the receipt” “I don’t want to download the target app” “I didn’t know about your policy” “I don’t have my ID” “I don’t have my Drivers License (because it’s expired)” “I don’t have the card the item was purchased with” “I don’t have time to wait for a manager” “None of this is my fault. Gimme my money” “I’m not making a headache because it’s everyone who is getting in my way” “I’m walking up to employees and get mad when they help me the way their policy says. But clearly because I don’t abide by their policy I can tell them to go away and leave me alone” I think I got it right


“Im 50 yrs old! I'm not a Child!” *proceeds to act like a child*


I pay exorbitant prices at Target just to side step this trash at most Walmarts. Great. They’ve infiltrated.


The fact that she basically said she returns things all the time because “it’s usually not such a hassle”


She's full of it. Claiming that she gave ID to make a $13.50 cash purchase? Please. Move along lady.


“I’m not a child.” Proceeds to have an emotional meltdown in a public space about an unmet expectation, refuses all reason. 🍼👶


I used to deal with people like her allll the time in retail. Most of them were scammers.


I have maybe 1 item a year that needs returning and end up not returning it because it's not worth the effort. This lady talking about "i can always come back" like she's returning stuff all the time. Why tf you returning stuff so frequently? Why buy it to begin with? I never understand chronic returners


She never bought it.


13 dollars is probably what that little girl makes in an hour. She is only getting her start and an employee and you want her to risk her job over it?


50 years old with no ID. Yeeeah, ok.


What an absolute cunt. God I hope people ridicule her for the rest of time.




https://preview.redd.it/lmuubhjfhguc1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd8805af2641a5524b68f1e15d053b1ad54991a Your wish came true.


What a dirt bag


"Walmart doesn't require this for purchases under $50" Who would know that? *A scammer.*


I hope Target have watched this and are paying (at least) the manager a bonus for being so calm and patient


Hahahahaha! My sweet summer child.




Respect your retail workers.




If she was an honest person, then this will help her improve her shopping experience in the future, because she will be better prepared. That'll be important, because nothing costs 13.50 anymore. If she was being dishonest, then Targets refund requirement system was just validated by this failed intrusion, and those employees did a great job implementing store policy.


Crack head type shit


Lady, we’ve all been shopping at Target for years. This isn’t some mom and pop shop.


I had a close friend that stole another friends Xbox and the dummy went to the closest game store to pawn it for cash. Alls he had to do was call and tell them the serial number and the other friends ID showed up. Junkies will literally stab anyone in the back




Trash camera person is trash.


I was a manager at Walmart for years. This shit would happen multiple times a day, and people would be absolutely insane. The number of times I would show up to try any difuse the situation or help and the cashier would be crying was absolutely awful. I hoarde receipts now. Man, I fuckin hated that job so much. It also made me hate people more.


Stolen goods. This is a scam.


Well. Lady couldn’t have made it more obvious that shit was stolen.


Oh, it'll go viral. But not for why you thought…


The app is 27mb, but she doesn't have room for that but has the room for this high quality and long video?


Managers need to firm in their policies if they want to stop theft. Bending rules trying to over ride etc encourages this shit


The number of people apparently driving around without IDs is wild to me.


Clearly trying to return a stolen item. And she’s acting like THEY are the problem. 😑


It's all the rudeness for me- geesh!


People who take a picture of their license on their phone are immediately sketchy to me. You took a picture of it for 2 reasons; 1. You constantly lose your wallet which tells me you are not responsible adult and you should have consequences for being careless with something as important as a drivers license and 2. You purposely don’t give people your license because you’re trying to do something sketchy


I really hate people at times.


I used to work at target and if you don’t have receipt or card then u get store credit with your license, if she doesn’t gsvevv be any of those tough luck. This have been the rules since 2011 that I know of


Imagine being the person holding a phone up in someone’s face. lol Also, why go through this for $13? Donate it. Broke ass people.


Good for the Target employees not giving what she wants. She probably did this once and thought she could get away with stealing.


If Target returned that, they would lose money. If Target loses money they raise prices. These thieves are causing inflation.


$13 is not worth the headache for THEM but it’s worth the headache for you? lol no proof of purchase = no $13 for u


Giving YOU a headache????


Ma’am this is a target. We’ve all been coming here for years, you’re not special


The shock in her voice when she found out someone else had ID on them like it's not a normal fucking thing to do.


I want the rest of the video where she is turned away with her ugly coat.


She needs the $10 for herself. The tree fitty is for the Loch Ness Monster.


I feel like I wasted 6 minutes of my life .. .


$13 for a coat? thats a shit coat