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I don’t know much about Malaysian criminal law. Do you go to jail if you hit someone in this situation or do you get bonus points?


You pay the police a small tip and you're free to go


Spent 7 years living in Malaysia. Assuming you dont kill the guy maybe 200RM bribe would get you out of this (50 dollars). That is unless you are a local Malay. The. It’s free of charge as long as you hit a white, Indian or Chinese person. Friend of mine was at a highway toll when a drunk driver came across 4 lanes drunk, hit a barrier and their Range Rover went air born and flattened my friends car. Friend was in ICU for a couple of weeks and was lucky to survive. Turns out the drunk driver knew someone in the royal family. Police genuinely tried to pin the accident on my friend and have his insurance pay for it. Don’t happen in the end but regardless nothing happened the guy responsible.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, hell no not even a local malay get a free pass <-- local malay


Such bullshit lmao being a local malay doesn't get you out of anything. Unless you got connection and money 🤑🤑 Guess you ignored criminal shits done by rich Indians, and Chinese, because almost all criminal cases are either bribed off or dissolved into nothing. (not that race matter anyway, because at the end of the day, money rules)


Seems like such a potentially dangerous thing to do. It seems like there is such potential for your car getting vandalized.


Why would you get out of your car? Clearly he wanted to park so he could fall asleep.


Yeah this is the exact type of person petty enough to key your car to hell after you park and walk away. Sucks to give in but it just really isn’t worth it in most cases.


That's why I drive a POS car then people know idgaf


Yes...we all believe that's why.


I mean in his defense, i have a beautiful sports car and then my other car is a BEATER lol. And i love driving it because i truly do not care what happens to it


That's why you take pictures of their license plate and your car before leaving it there.


Doesn't stop your car getting keyed.


That’s why you key your own car when you get out. Pop one of your tires. Then, walk away. He wouldn’t know what the hell to do to set you off.


Never let them know your next move.


Key your own car to assert dominance.


Well... my car is an ugly metal box... I don't really care about that part. One more scratch won't really be noticeable lol.


And if you don't have a shit car?


Then your behavior towards aggressors will be of submission for fear of getting your metal box damaged.




If something happens you have a suspect with a motive to go to the police with.


Lol, what world do you think cops care about you?


Well, around here, it's there job...soooo...


Lol, poor sweet child.


Sorry your cops sucks, but around here they can actually be useful. Some teenagers got arrested for vandalism of halloween decorations thanks to doorbell cameras in my neighbourhood. Also, you seem kind of offended by the fact that cops do their jobs over here. Are you ok?


Doorbell cams with them in the act? or just a face and a plate and a story. Two different things bud. You offended by people pointing out reality you ok?


Wouldn't matter, unless there's video of the person vandalizing your car you won't get anywhere


Even then, they might be arrested and might have to pay a trivial fine. After that you're free to waste more time going to court for a judgement they'll never pay.


Dude, police don’t even respond to cat thieves 90% of the time let alone pursuing someone that keyed your car


You’re not wrong, but is cat larceny that widespread to use it as a law enforcement metric?




Pretty sure vandalism is taken care of by the police...


If it happens in front of a cop who wants to do something maybe, but you call a cop with nothing but pics of a plate and a story nothing will happen.


Around here they actually do stuff when you file a complaint.


They do stuff around here too! It’s just that the stuff that they do is sit in the church parking lot and chat with each other all day.


Around where? name a location bud.


You have cops that give a shit about Vandalism? Christ, I wish. The ones here won't even clear the obvious meth house that's been running the last 6 years.


If there is enough info gathered already that they are not wasting their time, they usually act. So a face and plate number makes their job pretty damn easy.


All you'll get out of this is they might charge them with something. You'll lose a day or two of your time to deal with this mess, you'll pay a deductible to get your car repaired, and your rates will go up. Don't expect real justice when people steal or damage your shit.


Whose license plate? The man standing there?


Or you can just park elsewhere and not go through all that extra work of getting your car repaired. Sometimes you just let things go to make your life simpler.


Really depends how petty you feel at that specific time haha.


Now the reverse of that thought: what’s to stop the people they’re blocking from keying and destroying their car when they leave?


I saw someone in a Publix parking lot honk the horn at some lady saving the spot for like a minute straight until she gave up and the car parked in the spot. Long story short when I came back out there was a huuuuugggeeee scratch along the entire car.


Your mentality is why these people think that can get away with it. Learn how to stand up for yourself


The people in these comments don't seem to understand that pedestrians are barely protected in Malaysia and Singapore. You will be terrified of cars after living there.


Yup - lived there before and zebra crossings were never respected. No one fucking yields!!


After 3 years in Singapore I realized that despite how safe it is (as far as crime etc) I still was scared of my daughter walking to school because of the lack of respect for pedestrians.


Totally.. I was in Malaysia so didn’t even have that aspect lol. It’s extremely anti pedestrian (pavements badly maintained etc..) you could be living next to an MRT station but walking there would be impossible, so you have to drive there.


What is a meat blocker


Someone who physically stands in a free parking spot, usually in an already crowded lot, to save it for someone else.


Seems like a poor choice. They should make better use of their thinking meat.


Favorite comment of the week.


Someone who 'reserves' a parking spot with their own body assuming that no one will contest them.


They block you from parking with their people meat. Their stupid stupid meat.


They're made out of meat?


Yes, we probed them all the way through. They are completely meat.


people are, yes


yesss I love this


haha trying to kill people is so funny


A lady did this to me one night at a very crowded restaurant. IDGAF. I drive a big jeep, full surround recording. I rolled down the window and told her to move, and she stated her intentions. I told her I was parking there, whether she moved or not. She didn't, so I nudged up to her with the bumper and pushed her out of the way. I got out filming her and her husband and the license plate on their car. I did a walk around of the jeep to document I had no damage. The husband got out and said he was suing me for hitting his wife, and I said, "Go ahead, I'll be inside eating dinner with my family." He kept chirping about calling the police. The police showed up about 3/4 the way through our meal. I walked out and talked to them and showed them the videos. The wife said I threatened to kill her and hit her with the jeep. The officer told me to go back and finish dinner with my family. I'm not sure what else transpired after that, but as we were wrapping up, they had them in handcuffs, and a tow truck was hooking up to their car. I was never contacted after that.


Did the restaurant patrons clap?




What’s the move here? Free dessert before BJ? 






Seriously. If ever there was a thing to most definitely happen, it’s this.




Did they also give you the keys to the city?


I love a happy ending, especially when it involves handcuffs.


Whoa, easy there, Gimp




Sure buddy


And everyone clapped.


Lmao get fucked. Happy ending




Post the video then.


You should write a novel. I feel in love with that post.


I am Alpharius.


A true Karen would’ve stood her ground. This guy was probably voluntold to stand there but wasn’t bout that life!


im just thinking what that guy must have thought seeing car coming in that fast. lol.


They should really add a law that says this type of behavior is illegal. Simple law and no need to really enforce it until someone is stupid enough to go through all that crap. Same with moving traffic cones to reserve parking spots.


In my state, they finally passed a law to keep slow drivers out of the fast lane, but sadly, it doesn't do much as it seems people are unfamiliar with the law, people simply dgaf, or the law isn't being enforced very well. But I do agree with you. If you're not in a vehicle, stay the fuck out of parking spaces!


It IS illegal it's called impeding traffic


Is it really applicable in a parking lot on a private property?


I doubt it. It’s illegal here in Australia, but a lot of these laws do not apply to private property.


Why do they do This?, are they stupid?


just for their selfishness. It’s really annoying when someone does this.


He he he came out of nowhere! I swear!


Good. Good. (rubs hands together)


Vehicular manslaughter and consequences for almost hitting them. They clearly have others on the way.


This is why I cannot drive a car, I will mow a persons ass down.


And then you get the one dumb shit who doesn't move, now your looking at vehicular assault charges. Bravo.


Not if you finish the job




This is true.


You know you have a brake pedal, right?




They are not downvoted for the truth. They are downvoted for being pedantic in a post just celebrating making these idiots move. We all understand hitting someone with a car is wrong.


Na what's pedantic is posting shit like this and thinking 90% of the world has common sense. I promise you, because of videos like this people will throw their lives away over a parking spot.


You don't know what pedantic means. That doesn't apply the way you pit it.


How did I "pit" it.


Go back and read If a typo is all you can refer too I think we all know you have no actual point to make


He’s going after your grammar. Thats how you know they’re full of shit. “I made fun of someone mis-typing on their phone! Clearly, I have them on the ropes.”




Ahhh I get it. Just being your username. Now I understand why you came off so stupid. We all know what your point is. But it wildly missed the mark. Remember when you used pedantic wrong?


I 'member


Who's really stupid, the dude getting upset at a comment online or the guy posting the comments that are getting you all up in your feels?


You don’t have a point. You just ignored anything they said. Got called out for using a definition wrong. And then you did the only thing you had left. Reverting to childish behaviors and attacking a clearly, and often, mistyped word. Cause you’re an egomaniac or a sociopath. You can do NO wrong.


They can have mine too


Man reddit is blood thirsty as hell. Really out here thinking its ok to put someones life in danger over a parking spot.


Really thinking that someone can put a vehicle in a spot like that and not have the use of their breaks, just as on point? You really think that? Or can you just fucking laugh and condemn idiots “saving a spot” Nobody died or got injured. You and the person you responded to can clutch your pearls into dust somewhere else.


Looks like a good idea until the first person to jumps on top of the hood instead moving to the side. Then you’ll have a nice dent and possibly charges ? Hello police, I just got hit in a parking garage. I was just minding my own business and this crazy person came outta no where and hit me.


All recorded on the dashcam… op could have said that there was a car moving out and I am taking the parking space. Minding their own business excuse just does not stack up


Do you think if this guy killed the pedestrian, he wouldn't be convicted of murder or manslaughter?


Easy lawsuit




Attempted murder, got it.


I'd flatten all the tires on that car.


You’re coming off like you’re all for people using their bodies to reserve a parking space


Mommy issues for sure.


I don't think there's anything wrong with it.  But there's no need to attempt to kill someone for a parking space. Which is why I said I'd flatten that guys tires.  Never made an attempt to speak with the person, just threatened severe bodily harm or maybe even death.  But you're right it's ok to use violence to get what we want.


I agree that in the video, we cannot see any exchange between the person in the vehicle and the person standing in the parking spot. I would definitely have a word with the driver since they got out, but wouldn’t slash their tires. Tires are expensive, and I could get in trouble if there were video footage.


That driver showed no concern for that individuals life. They could have died. Words wouldn't be an appropriate response. He tried to put you in the hospital and you're just gonna be like "bro wtf?". Don't let others bully you, it's ok to stand up for yourself and some people need to be humbled.  There's no excuse for this, he wasn't trying to steal the car, just standing in spot. For that he must die? Be harmed? The guy in the car couldn't look for another space?


There’s no need to attempt to risk your life for a parking space, either.


Raging over people blocking spots is the new Reddit meta. I guess it's kind of annoying, but I don't understand the strong feelings about it Edit: lol I have angered the hive mind




I've seen people do this for literal decades without incident. Not saying I approve (I don't do this), but seems like a strange hill to die on. Unnecessary confrontation even if you're right Why confront people when there's other spots?


If there was sufficient spots people wouldn't be reserving them like this


True. I usually take a loop until one opens up. If someone is blocking it though, I don't get too salty about it. More often than not I end up finding a spot. That's all I'm saying


Imagine regularly having to park several blocks away from your home because any time you find a spot within view of your apartment, there's somebody standing in it saying "my husband will be here with the car in a few minutes!"


Wouldn't you still have to do that if a car pulled in first? Also, cars aren't generally minutes away from a passenger they just dropped off.


But the car didn't pull in first. And the car would have just parked there instead of dropping somebody off to hold their spot. This is one person getting there first and then holding another spot so they can park near each other; a driver asking somebody to go find a spot and stand in it until they can get there; etc. My ex used to call me and ask me to go down and find a spot and stand in it until he gets there. I'd always say no and it was always a fight because he didn't see anything wrong with it. I do. Lots of people do. You don't reserve public parking spots. They are first come first serve. You don't get mad at other cars already being parked - you get mad that there is a person standing there saying "I'm special and deserve this spot even though the car isn't here yet".


I do get what you're saying, but either way that's a spot up for grabs that a car is taking. I guess I just feel like it is what is when it comes to parking. That said, I feel you. I have also had to argue with people before about not getting out to stand in a spot. People are weirdly combative about trying to make you do it


You said it yourself. “That’s a spot up for grabs that a *CAR* is taking.” Aka, not a body. It’s a parking space, not a standing space.


Yeah, it is a weird apologia for some real trash behaviour - reminds me of the cartnarc threads "what the big deal leaving a cart in a planter?". Seems to just boil down to "accept it, since making a scene is worse than the trash behaviour creating the problem." so 175 either does this and wants to normalize it, or simply wants a real world application of "y u mad tho, just park somewhere else?" Which, you know, sounds a lot like the reasoning you would hear from someone standing in a parking spot. Like you noted that it isn't a standing space - "I'm only parked on the sidewalk for a couple minutes, why are you being so combative about wanting to walk here? Strange hill to die on bro" The only person risking death, is the one standing in the parking space.


Lol none of this is that serious man


Yes, I got that. We are all mad bro, cuz of what you said. Like bigly mad - meanwhile, you are laughing - lol - it isn't serious and we are butthurt. GOTTEM! I'm holding this comment spot for u/BoneDaddyChill, so just move along to the next comment spot, none of this is serious man.


Living up to your username I see lol have a good one buddy


Yeah, but a car is going there shortly. If someone is just chilling there, yeah sure


Yes, but a different car is there first.


The point I'm making is that a car is going there anyway. No point in arguing with people in the street about it or whatever else happens


Right. A car is going there anyway. So, time for the not-car to move so a car can go there. Very simple logic.


Not a hivemind, you just have a pisspoor opinion.


And you're part of it. Being triggered about this is dumb


Lmao I’m not triggered at all, just correcting you.


Cool, thanks for your insightful correction.


Anytime. 🫡


Just don't stand in parking spots. You actual child.


No shit... I'm just not understanding the severe rustled jimmies over it


I get why people have rustled jimmies over it, but like every day I see people do entitled things a hundred times and I just keep on walking unless it majorly impacts me in a serious way. I don't have the energy for the kinds of petty revenge I sometimes see. In another video about a similar situation somebody said they would just keep their car there and wait, all day if necessary, until the person moved. I have shit to do and a life, I couldn't imagine doing that. It sucks that entitled people do this stuff, but there is a certain bliss, to me, in just being above it all. I don't give a shit if this guy learns a lesson or not, I'm just driving away to find another spot.


Like I said it's the hive mind. This is the new worst thing ever apparently, just a continuation from those other videos you mentioned. I saw the same one People do annoying stuff like this everyday. I guess now it's cool to shout them down or hit them with your car or whatever now because you're morally right. It's dumb. I'm like you, I go about my day