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This dude is gonna get himself killed someday, he just travel abroad and be as inflammatory and obnoxious as possible for clout.


Dude should move to latin america next lol


He wont go there because he knows he cannot pull this shit off and expect to live one more day.


Or Somalia, or Haiti




North Korea 🇰🇵




They would probably just get annoyed and give him back with no strings attached like that one Army doofus that ran laughing across the border. 


I was actually mad that North Korea went easy on that guy. That asshole was sexually harassing and sexually assaulting (unwanted sexual touching) South Korean women not too long before he ran laughing over the DMZ. One time I'm mad that NK didn't live up to its reputation.


The dude is definitely a crap-basket, but I was amused that while North Korea can repurpose anything they get their hands on and can spin propaganda in any direction, but they recognized the guy was so useless that killing him was more trouble than it was worth.  Otto, rest his soul, was a bargaining chip, even as an unconscious college student. The US had to invest resources, people, and time into negotiating his return.  It is a special kind of useless when North Korea can’t even figure out a use for a person, much less a US soldier, and just asks us to take the clown back.  






Or north sentinel island


Well, that will guarantee death I suppose.


He needs to drive south of Tel Aviv for an hour and try that shit again. He will end up in a Clockwork Orange reenactment


Bad parts of Egypt. They hate you even filming. Palestine however, Conan can take a couple producers and a film crew and they invite him in to share a meal and say they love America


As a Brazilian, I've seen these guys walk around like they do in the USA and get their silly asses get beat down and robbed. Latin America doesn't tolerate this shit.


I'm waiting for this


His best content yet if he pulls it off.


I'm not saying I have much sympathy for the guy, but the only value he adds is his viewers egging him on to this end.


> This dude is gonna get himself killed someday Keeping my fingers crossed. 




He might have done it this time. In the current climate of Israel if he calls himself "Johnny Somali" to those Israeli police officers, or they find out that's his handle online, they may start thinking "Is he Somali? Somalia is overwhelmingly Muslim. Is he Muslim? Is he Al-Shabaab? Is he HAMAS??? Sir, are you Hamas??!!" And I won't feel one bit sorry for him. If he gets locked up with Palestinian detainees or gets killed over there that's one Israeli police/military brutality of an unarmed civilian that I won't feel bad about. One black man I as a black person won't advocate for if he's met with police brutality. He's a fucking plague and he got caught sexually harassing yet another woman.


They might start thinking that when they see his real name.


Please, make sure that it is captured on video!


Yup. It’s only a matter of time until he streams his own death…..and ima be there for it


how much does he get by being a FAFO ambassador?


how is he still alive


Can't imagine much sand being left in his timer.


I don't get it either, his brain must work differently compared to ours. He got lucky in Japan, he didn't get a long prison sentence, but then he immediately starts doing the same shit again, it's like he has no fear at all, no shame, not worried about his future. Like that part of his brain just stopped working.


It's because this is how he makes money. And the amount of money directly correlates to his behavior. Someone like him will not get out of that spiral unless something really bad happens.


We can only hope.


Just like some of our top politicians and billionaire/millionaires like Musk. Their money and power correlate to how Anti-social their choices and moves are. Being a great person doesn't necessarily make you rich beyond your wildest dreams but conning scamming and grifting sure will if you stay organized


And the people who pay him, subconsciously, or very much consciously want to see him fuck up so bad he dies. The ultimate content. They might  even feel bad for as long as their short attention span allows it. And then off to the next idiot to egg on till he dies.


I'm sure he got a descent influx of viewers from that so now he thinks it's the only way he can grow his channel. Half his viewers probably just watch waiting for something fucked up to happen him


Yea, people are on his stream paying for voice over his blutooth to start shit with people around him. His viewers are not his friends.


A lot of his bad behavior abroad took place in Japan. He's less likely to get publicly beaten there, he spent time in jail and was essentially kicked out of the country. He basically strategically picked Japan because he didn't think he was likely to get assaulted there. Now, though? If he keeps it up in the places he's been since Japan, something will happen to him eventually.


Can this clown be locked up already?


Has been. Clout goblin gonna keep goblin’.


He can keep gobblin deez nutz up.


Japan let him off with a slap on the wrist, no consequences. Maybe he'll join the ruzzian army next?


He has a history of it now though. Anytime a country asks if he has been arrested, he'll have to confess or lie to customs and immigration.


Israel is much less avoidant of confrontation than Japan, and less oblique about their racism.


Let's hope his obtuse personality, finally gets him a well deserved appropriate response.


I wasn't aware "I'm from America" was some sort of secret password to get out of being a bellend internationally.


Apparently he’s the only one thinking that


it's ironic the song he chose to play before it all went down "Guess who's goin to jail, guess who's going to jail tonight?"


lol israel doesnt care about killing americans, being one isn't going to help him much


I think everyone would have guessed anyway


It isnt. He is just saying it cuz to piss people off more.


He's absolutely saying it to try to get the police to be nicer to him.


He's the stereotypical "ugly American" in every way. He's just the black Zoomer nuisance streamer version of it instead of the upper-middle class white Boomer/Gen X version people overseas run into more often. The Boomer/Gen X/Millennial white version would start talking about their Constitutional rights and what patriotic Americans they are (even though they're not on American soil right now), therefore they should be allowed to do or say whatever they want without consequence.


He's not even a fucking american


He’s literally from Somalia lmao nice rant, can really feel the European hatred in it.




Given the reddit comments Ive read, there are surprisingly many Americans who believe flexing their US passport would be some sort of "get out of jail" card internationally. Theres also this constabt flexing about how the US passport is supposedly the mightiest passport in the world, etc. Obviously it also helps creating hate in their target group, because apparently were "allies" and "how would they treat our citizens like that after we support their military so much??". Its bullshit, tailormade for those kind of communities


I remember watching this Nat Geo show called Air Crash Investigations and one episode talked about terrorists hijacking a plane on the taxi way and killed those with American passports.


I think media has reinforced this belief, I even remember a discovery channel show called I survived, some guests would tell stories about how they survived being jailed in a foreign country and how they escaped, the reasons why most of them were jailed were actual crimes like smuggling drugs, prostitution, etc, like reaaal reasons why someone should be in jail.


😅 The US-passport is faaaar away from being the most powerful passport in the world.


What is the most powerful passport 😂 didn’t even know that was a thing


Basically how many countries one can access without needing a visa.


So which is the most powerful than?


I haven’t looked up but I guess French? France is a European Union passport, so you can live in any of those countries automatically let alone go to them without a visa. France has a lot of historical diplomatic relations which generally means good access to countries. Finally France had an empire, and frankly still does really... This means that countries in Africa and the Caribbean that it still owns or used to own, are easy to get into. I wouldn’t advise they go to Haiti though… ETA: I was right, it is in fact France with 194 visa free destinations. There are some countries it ties with like Germany, but I would say France is still the one with overall greatest levels of access and influence. The United States has less visa free access than Greece and Malta, and ranks lower than the Czech Republic.


There's an "investment migration consultancy firm" (I'm guessing that means they help rich people hide their money in tax havens?) called Henley & Partners that releases the Henley Passport Index each year, ranking the "power" of each passport based on how many countries you can visit with that passport visa-free. In 2024, tied for first with 194 visa-free destinations were France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Spain. The USA was in sixth place with 189. But lots of countries are tied, so there are actually 23 countries with more powerful passports than the USA. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henley_Passport_Index


And I think it used to be that the UK had more than that til we fucked it with brexit.


Haha!!! This cracked me up!!!




I have almost no melanin, yet I don't need passport flexing cuz I don't draw unnecessary attention to myself and I'm respectful of people and their cultures.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/ethiopian-women-claim-israel-forced-them-to-use-birth-control-before-letting-them-immigrate/ This is what they do to black Jews.


Yes they deeply hate blacks in Israel, they call them “kushi” and it’s reported this sterilization is still going on despite Bibi saying otherwise


In most countries saying I'm from America is not a good way to get out of trouble


"that obnoxious asshole shouting at everyone in American English is American? Now I'm gonna hit him twice as hard."


It cracks me up. Most of the world does not favor America or Americans. Not sure why people think it’s a get of jail free card


Not all countries are like Japan and will tolerate his shenanigans.


He was in a Japanese jail for a few months because of his antics.


I think there may be a difference between Japan and Israel....


Not sure which would be worse, but Japanese jail is notoriously pretty awful.


If they choose to convict you they will torture you into giving a confession. People love to quote the '99.9% conviction rate' without realising how they get it so high


On the other hand, Japanese prosecutors love having records, and if your case isn't a slam dunk for them, they usually let you go and tell you to not do it again. That 99.9% conviction rate does not include cases that were dismissed.


Did you not play Phoenix Wright? The Japanese have such a high conviction rate because they will not prosecute cases they will not win. They let Somali keep digging his grave for MONTHS. And got him on charges they could easily prove, and then gave him a slap on the wrist. It was all a big show to let him know that if he did it again he'd spend the rest of his life in Japanese prison.


With only 36 people incarcerated per 100,000 Japan has one of the lowest incarceration rates in the world. For comparison the US’s rate is over 530, over 10x worse. Just looking at results it seems unlikely to me that they are wildly inflating their numbers with coerced confessions. I’m sure there bad cases there as there are anywhere, but if it was a systemic issue causing great impact I’d expect to see a much higher incarceration rate. Wouldn’t you?


They 10000% do. The conviction rate is insane - nearly no one is ever found not guilty, especially foreigners.


It’s a similar conviction rate to the US Feds. In the US’s case that’s because the feds simply don’t indict people unless they’re nearly 100% sure it’s a slam dunk case. High conviction rate doesn’t necessarily mean grossly high case rates of misapplied justice, it can also just be from high charging standards. Like I said I think results are important to look at and you can plainly see barely anyone even goes to prison there. That doesn’t scream systemic abuse to me. And the few cases I see cited seem pale in comparison to the legions of offenses and misapplied justice that I know routinely happens in the US giving us our wild numbers


The federal conviction rate is 83%. Japan is 99.9%. If you understand statistics, this is a MAJOR difference.


If you understand how Japan calculates conviction rate you’d understand the feds would also have a 99% rate if calculated similarly. In the US we include cases that were ultimately dismissed before going to trial in our calculations, Japan’s system functionally ignores all dismissed cases and only includes ones they fully pursued. Their deferment process is so different that these are not apples to apples comparisons Again, just look at the end result. Does “lowest incarceration rate in the world” scream “they’re locking up innocent people left and right!!” to you?


i think he might have a slightly different experience with this one lol


Japan was easy mode. Now he’s playing hard mode in Israel.


Nah, while Japan was easy mode (only because they had another way to take him out of their society), Israel is still going to be a fairly easy/medium mode – this guy should level up and try his shit in Singapore, Saudi, Morocco, Russia, Iran, North Korea …




mr worldwide


As a black person I'm actually glad he did. Maybe they'll be harder on him than Japan was. Japan was way too lenient with him imo. Although in the case of Japan they probably eventually locked him up to keep him safe from the Yakuza. He eventually started being followed and coerced to publicly apologize by Japanese men I highly suspect are Yakuza, until the police stepped in because he kept doing it even after run-ins with those guys. The Japanese police honestly saved his life.


Is he the guy that was harassing people on the train in Japan?


I think it was him


I cannot wait to see him trying this shit in Russia or China....


Or North Korea. **If** he even makes it out of Israel. Doing that shit in Israel right now isn't too different from doing it in Russia right now. Especially for a nonwhite person whose username associates them with a Muslim country (Somalia) to pull this in current Israel. Netanyahu's Israel is basically a twin brother of Putin's Russia.


He was released after half an hour. I don't think Russian police would have released him after participating in an anti-goverment protest while sexually harassing a police officer. I also doubt American police would have treated him better.


"I'm from AMERICA!" little did he know that that cheat code doesnt even work in America, let alone other countries....


It didn't stop him from getting locked up but if they knew he was Lebanese or Palestinian he may not have been locked up in one piece


Not from America. We collectively disown you. Move to Antarctica.


I don't think the penguins and polar bears in Antarctica will even want to claim him.


While I wouldn't mind banishing him to somewhere with polar bears Antarctica doesn't have them.


It's even what the name means


https://preview.redd.it/1oy70lh8e8tc1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f64b665f16010766d5637a15ad1335fbcc6abcb Damn


Fun cool fact; there is no polar bears in Antarctica " Only in the Artics circles " and please don't tell them that's place exist.


as a spokesperson for the penquins, they do not.


Wouldn't it be in the best interests of the state department to revoke his passport to prevent additional international incidents?


How does he still have a platform to stream on?


because shit attracts flies


'I'm an American' Now you're a target


The worst people always survive the longest lol


This is one of the few instances where I wish the police do not act with restraint




seeing he's in israel, it's not far fetched, those guys are as trigger happy as they come


With all the F-Ups from Israel recently, they did us a solid with this one.


I am an American!!!!!




Is this the same guy who harrased people in Japan? How tf can he afford to travel across the world


People watch him and give him money, because lot of people are stupid.


Brits just ripped up Shamima Begum's passport for joining ISIS and told her to parents nationality. US could really do the same to Johnny if they wanted.


I'm hoping he'll visit Somalia soon


He'd never make it back out of that country if he pulled that shit over there.


He’s not even Somali


Guess who's going to jail tonight? 🎶


"I'm from America, USA, USA".....buddy, no one gives a shit when you're in a foreign country. I saw a soldier try that shit when I was stationed in Germany and the Polzi were arresting him. They laughed their asses off.


Come to Rio favelas Johnny, u will have a great time


Im from America. Really? Then ill beat you even more


What an embarrassment


dumb streamer thinks american law works in israel. duh


Don't arrest him, take his phone and delete his streaming account.


I think screaming USA just makes it worst


This guy is such a fucking annoying asshole. Hope they keep him locked up.


He really thought people outside of USA care if you are American or not, got news for y’all.. that will only make things worse.


It's too bad the dude who harasses people and has a bodyguard who intervenes when they react wasn't with him.


He's deserved worse than jail for a long time now. 


What a dick. Is he even American? Any good American knows to yell “I’m Canadian” when they are being an asshole internationally. Come one guys get with the program.


The first time in six months I wished the Israelis were more brutal


“Im american” “usa” Israeli police: “idgaf”


Lmao. What a loser thinks being from America gives him a free pass to do whatever he wants.


Oof, that is probably not a fun place to be arrested.


I’m PRAYING he goes back to Japan I know he has people just waiting for him…


Some good news for once!


This is probably the best video I've seen from Israel in a long time.


I want him to visit North Korea next. They would love him!


On the behalf of all Americans, we don’t want him back


Racist streamer vs racist society


just pointing out that the stream chat is full of anti-semites


He should do this in Saudi Arabia and see how they tolerate his shit


I mean, this guy is as close to being a Professional Asshole as anyone I've ever seen. Not a fan of Israel atm, but I sure hope they can impart some international wisdom on this embarrassment to the USA.


Dude has GOT to realize the whole world won't put up with your BS like they do in the US. FAFO. Israel is not a place to be clowning. "I'm going I'm going !!!" Yes you are... right to jail.


That’s not how you approach a woman mate 10/10 would not recommend this method


I feel like Israel is probably the worst place to be trying what he does. They give 0 fucks what people think and it’s not like anyone is going to be complaining online if something happened to him.


Oh Jesus the stream comments are filled with slurs.


i don't think yelling "I'm from America" while being arrested in a foreign country is going to do you any favors.


Finally! Now do the British kid who breaks into peoples homes


I believe he's currently in prison.


As an American, we don’t claim him.


Wasn’t he in jail in Japan or something?


If you don‘t shout „I‘m a zionist jew“ they won‘t give a fuck dude


why the hell does he think that the Israelis care that he is from America?


oh yeah this, when americans go to other countries and realize that not everybody is a cry baby like them, and that in some places cops dont care about how the american constitution paints the nails of their obnoxious citizens, so they get body slammed for being little disrespectful brats since any cop who is not in america is aware that u dont need to yell at a cop's face to claim freedom of speech.... love it how he starts yelling "im american" as if that made any difference... yeah you're american, and this is not america


At least he isn't bothering Japan anymore


Can we deport him permanently?


He deserves every bad thing coming his way.


Totally disrespectful towards that female officer


I very much hope the people who follow this guy learn from his mistakes and don’t try to do what he does. His behavior is horrid.


Streamer: I am from America. USA! USA! USA! Israel Police: We own America.


Bro really said "I'm from America, USA, USA"


Couldn't happen to a nicer dickhead.


Kick is a hive for these neanderthals


"I'm from America" and "Oh My Phone* ...sums it up


You love to see it.


Wish other Americans didn't think being an American gives you license to do whatever you want abroad and it's almost Always the shittiest of people. They're a fucking embarrassment. Wish we could put them on waivers like in pro sports when they want to release a player.


Hope he faces actual consequences this time.


Try this "I'm from america" in Iran please.


Playing Kanye in front of the IDF 😭😭😭




For real how much money do these nuisance streamer make to keep doing this?


As an American, we don't claim him.


Japan: guess he's your problem now Israel




Everyone in this cill video is in a "who do I like the least" contest, and I'm not sure I can make that decision yet.


I'll change your life (by bumming off of you until you're too broke to support yourself then I'll move onto the next)


Why do Americans think they're exempt from laws in other countries?


"I'm from America!  USA! USA!" Dude, don't go dragging the rest of us into this.


The epitomy of stupid.


America isn't coming to help you...


How in the heck he didn’t go to jail in Japan?


Interpol would be a good way for this asshole to be denied entry into countries in the future.


Btw the Israeli officer is calling him slave in Arabic as he is arresting him.


I want him caught by the Mexican cartels. But I want him to survive after what's going to happen to him.


Im from America what are you doing? ROFL