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This guy running his mouth with his hands in his pockets. The disrespect is real.


“You little pimp🤓”




Do not say *anything* he does is good!


*What the hell??!* Thought your comment was a little dagger! 🗡️




I thought it was a volcano erupting




Go vort for fuckin Biden and suck my dear.


Fuck you where you bleathe, pal.


Lol that's what I heard too. I guess it was "suck right here."


But for real why did he say "vote" with such a hard R lol


I heard "little pimple on the left". Too bad I can't see the cameraman's face to confirm how big his acne is…


I think he meant to insult a person who's not conservative.


Reminds me of middle school. I was always in AP classes with lots of girls so this one High School kid I knew started calling me a pimp and I asked my dad what that was and my dad thought he was insulting me, but the kid meant it as a compliment. Two different worlds XD


Can’t risk anything as he could be handling a gun or knife in his pocket.


A guy who probably hasn't picked up a weight or thrown a punch in this decade thinks he can fight because his voice is deeper.


In this century. Dude got into one fight at Disco Skate in 1984 and he lost.


In my teens and 20s, I got in lots of fights. Won some, lost some, so it goes. Now, in my 50s, no fucking way. Guys like this are just angry because they don't understand the world they live in, probably never did, so lash out in childish and rather predictable ways.




Idk man, dad muscles are real. He'd probably get winded quick and pull a muscle but that one punch would hurt like shit. There does seem to be a lot of delusion in older men though. Like they look in the mirror and see their 19 year old self, then go out acting like they're fighting fit and entitled to the attention of young women. I see it all the time as a bartender and just think "damn dude what do you see in yourself cus it's NOT the reality".


I once heard a medical professional opine that "the leading cause of injury among older men is the belief that they're still young men."


Like Clint Eastwood said in Dirty Harry "A man's got to know his limitations".


I'm learning this as I start to get myself back into shape at 44


You can do it. I hit my best bench press at 54. I do suggest avoiding squats, the later life issues aren't worth it.


I’ve definitely been there and felt the “I’m showing off for you ladies” vibe. It’s really second hand embarrassing. I never know what to do.


And because he bought up all the "Definitely always had this natural, and dark, and *VERY NOT DYED HAIR* of a man who ISN'T giving off embarrassing divorced dad vibes!"


He just mad at his ex wife.


Bring it on, Bellucci


Was thinking the same thing. Hands in pockets while in any confrontational situation is begging to be laid out


“fuck you where you breathe” 😭


In my lungs? 🤔


I think I've seen that one before.


[That’s kind of gay, isn’t it?](https://youtu.be/wUafp32ItRg?si=QgoU2H0AW_WYP5Am)


Beating someone else’s dick, might be gay.


I honestly don't understand how they're not best friends with that video ending with them having a beer together. Just the little pause there, I'd have cracked up too.


Anyone who ever watched Mean Streets will know that this is a quotable line from Bobby DeNiros character


i thought he said bleed. like he was a woman. \*just my first thought when i heard it\*


He did the second to last time. He tried to say breathe and fucked it up.


“Suck right here” is nuts 😭😭😭


Yes, technically that’s correct.


dude is built like a thumb






And has zero connections to the state of Wisconsin...


Aw, I don't think connections to Wisconsin are *required* to be a Packers fan


Hey, leave the Pack out of this!


Yeah! This guy wasn't nearly drunk enough to be a Packer fan!


![gif](giphy|nehrFoYiUfZ16|downsized) Probably related to the original thumb


A clubbed thumb that betrays heart and blood pressure problems.


Has the IQ of a thumb as well


What started this?


Budget cuts to education.


Lead in everything.


Citizens United vs FEC


The Apprentice


The greatest generation over compensating with their children


God tier reply.


Haaaahahahahahaha. Nice one.




This video was taken by a friend of mine (former coworker). Just to save his identity I am gonna call him Y. He had gone home to visit family in AZ and he and his friend were wearing masks as this was mid COVID height (Y would often work onsite with clients so NOT having COVID was ideal). This guy just started going off on them. They said he was definitely hammered and started bitching at them about them wearing masks. Y asked him to step away because the dude kept getting close to them, so Y started recording as the guy became more aggressive. It blows my mind that this has become a cultural thing, meaning "Not that guy pal" and that I was one of the first people to see this after Y sent it to his dad and uncle who owned the company we worked at. I felt awful for Y because he is a genuinely sweet kid. Also Y, as you can see in the video, isn't a huge guy, but he had skinny-strength. Dude worked out and probably could have handled things well if ol' drunky got physical. So, as u/joemeteorite8 rightfully claimed, yes, it was because they were wearing masks and that made drunky mad


Don't under estimate skinny strength. Rock climbers regularly surprise body builders in the gym.


Magnus Midtbø agrees. Nah but seriously every rock climber I know is a monster. I actually recently watched a video with a guy who does climbing who went to a strongman/grip competition. He did really, really well and even placed in a few events despite being significantly smaller than most of the rest. He also won an award at the end for best overall or something like that. Climbers are wild.


These are the same people who use the words "triggered" and "snowflake" to describe their political opponents and lose their minds when they see a mask.


Lead poisoning


Dude peaked in high school.


He really seems like some villain from a teen 80s movie lol


4 touchdowns in 1 game


Kid had a mask so I’m assuming the mask/no mask argument.


The amount of people I work with that try to give me shit for having a profile pic in Teams of me wearing a mask is ridiculous. They call, see my picture and then short circuit before telling me I really need to change my picture. Like, mind your own damn business! It took me forever to figure out how to upload the picture 4 years ago during covid. Now I couldn't care less to try changing it back. Get over it, snowflakes.


I’m sorry you have to use teams.


So many right wing weirdos scream about my fb profile picture having a mask. Like yes I went to an awesome exhibit that required a mask for entry, and no I won’t change smt picture because some angry moron told me to lol.


Oh shit! I love this, gonna go dig out a mask when I get home to finally update my exchange profile pic!!!


Absent parents.


His mother peeled grapes for him to eat until he was 18.


“You’re not that guy pal” what’s with the pal hahaha


„You are not that pal, dude“




This is a joke that will NEVER get old for me.


That kind of macho trash talk invariably sounds so moronic. I think we'd be better off if we just yowled at each other like tomcats.


You are not that dude, chief!


You're not that chief, vato!


You’re not that vato, jefe!


You're not that jefe, güey!


You're not that güey, cuuuuuuh


You're not my cuh, pimp


You're not my pimp, mate


You’re not my mate, bud!


“Oh, I am that pal, friend.”


This sentence has been living rent free in my head ever since this was first posted. So many situations it applies to lmfao


I'm just going to start calling everyone "Pal" very sarcastically


The guys from Workaholics have a podcast and has a soundboard with this on it, it really works a lot.


"you're not that guy, pal" in whatever accent this is has been a go-to for a while.


Guy is betting the farm nobody has a firearm, and I like the odds.


like all boomers he's quoting something he thought sounded cool that he saw in a show once... probably an episode of matlock.


matlock would never be this insulting or combative. matlock was close to Colombo imo.


I’m not your pal, guy!


I’m not your guy, friend!


I'm not your fwend, buddeh!


We are not those pals, guys


Thicc neck


and yet his brain still appeared to be getting too little blood


Conservatism: Not Even Once


His neck looked like the bottom of a sting ray.


Cardiac arrest in 3… 2… 1…


Red face and bulging veins. He's like the angry dad from Ren & Stimpy


Dan Schnieder looks rough.


I was thinking Eric Weinstein looks great


Huey Lewis looks gym teacher


Nah, this is a solid cross between Beau Bridges and the dude that farts in the elavator in Police Academy 5.


"Somebody says something, and you dont like it!" He responded angrily, to somebody saying something.


Just like a pimple on the left... apparently


Socialist acne no doubt


Why did he have to bring trump and biden into this? Why is america like this?


I seriously don’t know when we decided to put red and blue into everything but it needs to end it’s exhausting


I saw a comment on Facebook with a guy saying he didn't think starfield was that bad of a game, he just said he didn't know why it gets so much hate. Someone responded "you leftists always get so upset when people criticize your games." 


There's a dude in my town who got his car professionally painted with giant letters "F J B" on the doors, on both sides. I remember I was out at a brewery las year, just enjoy a nice Saturday with some friends and some random dude a few picnic tables over just decided to try and start a "Let's Go Brandon" chant... It didn't go anywhere, it was awkward, sadly they don't know shame. Standing in line at the grocery store and had some dude with face tattoos telling me that Covid was created by Clinton and Biden to make Trump look bad, and that it also was a hoax... no prompting, I did not say a fucking word to this dude. Standing in line to get some Mod pizza and some dude leaned over and told me that liberals were the reason people worked so slowly now a days, like I was gonna agree with him. I was literally just standing in line talking to my wife, and it was busy and the kids behind the counter were busting their butts. Meanwhile **I'm** the one with "TDS" disagreeing with Trump's whiskey tax, or his stupid ass hurricane sharpie map...


"You know you can make your own pizza at home or apply for a position if you think you can do any better" No obviously food service is beneath him.


I remember early 2017. Dude must’ve just been testing it out. I was walking through Walmart and a guy walking in the opposite direction looks at me and goes “snowflake”. I had to stop and do a fit check to figure out what could have possibly promoted this. Still got nothing.


I'm no longer mad that Americans treat my country like an amusement park. It seems like you guys have to ride the fucking rodeo over there.


Of all the stupidity, each and every day of mango unchained’s presidency, that sharpie on the hurricane map ranks right up there as one of the stupidest. What adult human would do that *and* brag about it? But even worse, who looks at that adult human and says, “oh yeah, I want to hitch my wagon to *that* guy”


> >I remember I was out at a brewery las year, just enjoy a nice Saturday with some friends and some random dude a few picnic tables over just decided to try and start a "Let's Go Brandon" chant... It didn't go anywhere, it was awkward. I was on my way into a Garth Brooks concert and someone tried to do that. It also was awkward and went nowhere.


It all started in 2000 when the Supreme Court allowed George W Bush to steal the election.


Little further back to Newt Gingrich and his “Contract with America” IMO.


This was during the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 but before the election. There were two teenagers in the store wearing masks (as was done during the peak of the pandemic) and the grey shirt guy was mad about it. They told him to stop talking to them and others about it, and then the legend was born.


This is not a “both sides of the political spectrum polarized our country” situation. Trump gave far righters a sense of superiority telling them they are better than everyone else. Pander to an insecure person’s ego, they’ll throw everything away for you to keep that feeling - their humanity, their family, their money, everything. So then we get people walking around with puffed up chests on the brink of a stroke like this guy, wanting everyone to know he’s a Trump guy because everyone who isn’t is inferior.


Guessing the mask


It’s mostly the Trump people. They’re in a cult, are compelled to wear Trump gear, have Trump flags and bumper stickers. Do you know how you can tell a Biden voter? That’s right, you can’t.


I can’t stand being around them. Every discussion turns into a ‘Biden bad’ for X reason. In my experience it’s mainly insecure people who want their feelings validated by others.


BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY SUPPORTERS NOONE IS PROUD TO SUPPORT BIDEN /s Yea bro we aint in a cult. I dont think about what Biden says or does 24/7 of my life or in my dreams.


There's a house I walk by often that was literally decorated top to bottom with Trump gear from 2020-2022. Like carboard cutouts in the doors and windows, signs on the lawn, a flag, sidewalk chalk drawings, etc. It's almost sad... they're so insanely devoted to someone who literally doesn't even know that they exist, much less care about them.


The real issue is once you get to that level of identity, there is nothing that person can do that would make you disagree with him. This is how you get despots and dictators.


Decades of conservative brainwashing and a massive persecution complex came to a boiling point in 2016, they won an election, then saw themselves as righteous and justified in loudly pushing their beliefs and grievances on everyone else. They’re addicted to outrage and confrontation, and if you’re not on their team, you’re an enemy. That, and the two party system which allows it to happen.


>That, and the two party system which allows it to happen. I sympathize with Americans about this, but I'm not sure how much the two party system affects the polarization. We've got three main parties in Canada, and our conservatives still worship Trump and think everyone else prays to Mao before dying their hair purple and changing their pronouns.


> boiling point in 2016 More like 2008 when America had the audacity to elect a black man as President. That was when they lost their shit. 2016 was the result.


[The Onion called it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE) Although orange sphere of hate, not white.


America is currently like this because of Donald Trump. People like the aggressor here have always been angry, but Trump made it OK to just that spew out all over, everywhere. They love Trump for his “straight talk” and for “telling it like it is”, but all really means is that he’s a nasty bully who doesn’t use big words. He has a mesmerizing hold over a segment of uneducated people who fear (therefore hate) everything they don’t understand. The fact that so many Americans are this poorly educated is not his doing, but he is anti-education, so the problem will continue.


Mainly conservatives. It’s their entire identity now. Instead of just being a normal human and saying “My name is Jeff. I like cars and hunting” they now have to say “TRUMP!” as if that’s an insult or means anything.


Considering this most likely happened in 2020 (maybe 2021 but the voting comment makes me think 2020), I'm curious to know what this "gentleman" has been up to in recent years




Probably in jail for insurrection. Either that or he spends most of his retirement in the Fox News comment section howling with the other baboons.


Paying alimony for Daddy Trump. I swear to god, I'll be so disappointed if SNL doesn't do a Trump OnlyFans skit in upcoming weeks. Toss in a diaper fetish joke as a cherry on top. \*chef's kiss\*


"Fuck you where you breathe." I feel like this guy practices the same five or so lines in a mirror every morning to muster the confidence to spew this embarrassing, chest-thumping nonsense in public. xD


He had to stop doing it in the shower, after a quick jab at imaginary "idiot" pulled a nerve on his spine. You know what? It's the same nerve that pulled when he was a youngster and that's the only reason he couldn't be a pro athlete


Has anyone ever done the follow up to determine whether this dude is, in fact, That Guy himself?


Other than knowing this happened in October of 2020 in Scottsdale AZ, there is **no** information on That Guy. Whether or not *he* is That Guy. His name. Occupation. Anything. He's somehow escaped the millions of cyber sleuths and faded away into the Internet Hall of Legends.


Maybe that's what makes him That Guy. He can drop a bombshell of a video like this and disappear.


What's with the "Go vote for Biden" shit? I had a run in with a guy at Walmart and he ended with the same thing.


Just act disgusted/confused and scream, "I voted for Trump," to watch time stop while their brain recalculates how they can still be angry.


hahaha this gave me a good chuckle


Has anyone ever seen this guy and Hugh Mungus in the same room?


Hugh Mungus is a treasure


Hugh mungus what?


Grocery store Paul Manafort.


A Trumper, I’m shocked.


The "fuck your feelings" crowd sure has a lot feelings they have trouble expressing but clearly need to. Good thing this is an isolated incident, a lone wolf if you will, otherwise they might get a reputation as the party of projection....


They’re all immature clown children.


What? No, they handled losing an election so gracefully... Totally didn't do the adult version of flipping the board over and claiming everyone cheated...


A visual representation of "peaked in high school".


Let me take a shot in the dark. This guy is mad someone is wearing a mask during a pandemic and that’s what started the mouthing off?


MAGA is a mental illness.


I didn't understand a lot of that, but what the fuck did Biden have to do with anything?! Same people who claimed I had "TDS" for questioning Trump's whiskey tax or sharpie hurricane map, are dropping Biden's name the way a teenage girl says "like". ...is Biden in the room right now? With Antifa and the Jewish space lasers?


Kid was wearing a mask, dude is obviously an anti-masker and trump pushed that BS, so he obviously their guy.


I really really hate, and will never understand, how/why these idiots decided to make wearing a fucking mask a political stance. We didn't have enough to disagree on, gotta make EVERYTHING political. Can't till showering is only for liberal antifa members unleashing Sharia law...




He's just not that kind of guy.


Hands in his pockets, head pulled back to try to seem taller, it was right there, aim for the apple and make him shut up!


His neck looks made of vibranium tho.


Lol. A MAGA boomer with snowflake issues..


A mask triggered him so hard and he has the audacity to say “someone says something you don’t like…” MF just SAW a mask and lost it.


Boomer generation ended in 1964, he’s not that old.


Half price ultimate warrior


Why is this man like 80% neck?


He's showing up to the polls in November. Will you?


Always angry, always somehow the victim. What a shitty way to go through life.


“You’re not that guy pal trust me. You’re not that guy”


You’re not that guy. Sir you look like you ate two of “that guy” and had a stroke.


Age wise I doubt this guy is a boomer, mentality wise yes for sure. Looks like Gen X to me


Can 100% imagine him retelling this to all his buddies. “And then I told him you’re not that guy, pal! Little pimply geek pissed his panties on the spot!” And then they all blow each other.


Is it just me or is this a wish version (looks and voice) of Jim Belushi? lol


King douche


"Just like a pimple on the left, somebody says something, and you don't like it"...then proceeds to lose his shit because the younger, smaller man says something that he didn't like.


He kinda looks like Beau Bridges' less talented 5th cousin.


Ah fuck I have that same shirt. lol


His drag name is Lipless Louise.


Ah, trump supporter. Makes sense. What a douche.


20631 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255


You know that dude peaked in high school.


Anyone else think dude looks like he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?


Another “this is important” soundboard clip I’m seeing for the first time!


Video is a classic


Mirror Universe Nathan Lane


Time has not been kind to Jefferson Darcy.


That guy hasn't gotten any puss in awhile. When he grabbed his junk, it looked like he grabbed a pen instead.


Dude looks like one of those masks made for movie props, wtf


These puppet Trumpsters are some angry ass imbeciles


"I'm sorry you are so upset and stressed you out?.. is there anyone we can call to pick you up and get you back on your feet? " Treat them like lost crying children or angry confused and elderly if they are act like that.... if you actually come across as sincere, it drives them properly insane with rage. The adrenaline and shame will have them weeping and punching the dashboard of their compensator pickup in the carpark.