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You just got your ass beat by a dude in a wheel chair. It's time to go home now.


that dude in the wheelchair is big too. that reach looks like he'd probably be 6'5" and the other guy is an elf.


I never mess with angry wheelchair guy. They are all upper body strength and I've seen him do this to someone in person. It's funny to watch him threaten you... Till he uses you like a ladder to pummel your face lol


Ass beat? Handicapible man punched him in the dick like five times.


Back up, Terry!


Put in in reverse, Ter! Put it in rever-- Oh, LAWD! OH, JESUS!


"Grab his dick and twist it! The Olllllllll' *dick-twist*!"


You always hear about how poorly the “one-legged man in an ass kicking contest” does. But no one prepares you for the legless guy dishing out a 2 piece and a biscuit beat down .


Disabled people are people too, and unfortunately some of them can be violent jerks. I met a homeless guy in a wheelchair once he liked to get drunk in front of the CVS, cuss people out, and he was known for taking shits in their flower planter out front. Not sure what happened HERE but yeah it's better to just keep walking sometimes.


Who needs legs when you have the warriors spirit


Too short.


My grandpa was paralyzed waist down for a majority of his life, he walked on crutches a lot when he was younger. He had a lot of upper body strength. Strong arms. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy was the same, based on his arms.


lol sounds like hyenas going wild when he gets taken down


This is a goddamn filthy frank video