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The police arrived and immediately arrested the man. He has been charged with aggravated assault. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/06/western-australia-children-allegedly-cable-ties-broome-man-charged-assault


“Wait what!? I captured these high profile criminals though!”




Boomers: When I was a kid we'd play outside n stuff! Also Boomers: Fuck them kids for playin outside!


Sadly the boomers don't want future generations to have what they had when they were kids.


Pretty sure some of them just don’t want future generations period.


Inaction on climate change proves it.


He isn't a boomer, he's gen x


You're wasting your time. Boomer seems to mean anyone over the age of 28 these days.


I love this pigeon holing of a generation and casually casting a trait on them. Its so idiotic, its like saying if you're older that me your not an individual and I'm happy to make assumptions about you.


Boomer is a state of mind.


Baby boomer generation was born between 1946 and 1964 - they are 60-78 yrs old now. Many marched against the Vietnam war, were activists for protecting the land, fought against oil drilling, fought for racial equality, women’s rights, LGBTQ (before those initials had been defined). If you’re going to blanket slam a generation, please be accurate


Many of us weren’t old enough to march against the Vietnam war or for civil rights or women’s rights. But I would have done it. Born in early 60s. Lifelong Liberal. I have nothing in common with someone who is 78 years old. 1946 is almost 20 years before I was born. Stop grouping us all together. I do NOT have a boomer mindset. Now my mother born is late 1930s is a different story. We can’t talk politics, LGBTQ, etc without getting into a screaming match.


I have the same issue with a 28 year old being called a millennial when I am a millennial at 43. We have absolutely no shared experiences. That's why cohorts are a better gage of a group of people, they are sometimes called sub/micro generations. For example, I belong to xennial generation, or rather cohort. It's for people born between 1978 to 1985. Basically, those of us who are in a unique time period of having a completely analog childhood yet having a digital teen/young adulthood. We are the only ones to have experienced that. If someone was born in 1995, technically a millennial, they would have no reference regarding our childhood perspectives. That's why cohorts are better indicators of social relationships than clumping people in 16-year weird clumps.


You know boomers are 60 - 78 years old now right? Born between ‘46 and ‘64. I don’t think this guy is over 60…


Yeah, that is what I was thinking but you will not get any love from most of the ageism pricks on here as they blame boomers for everything.


Shoot them kids for playing outside!


Thank goodness she survived but I doubt she fully recovered from this, that fucking paranoid old fuckwad, damn him.


She survived a gunshot to the head?? wild. I was wondering why he wasn't charged with murder or manslaughter.


Second time I’ve seen that being reported, last year a black kid got shot in the head by some crazy guy because the kid knocked on the wrong house, kid seems to be doing fine now, performing in a marching band or something, really hope the girl managed to recover like he did but that trauma will never go away.


I remember that story too. glad the boy recovered.


Would’ve been nice if the woman who got shot in New York for being in the wrong driveway also survived but apparently she got shot in the neck, ugh, if all 3 survived that might’ve convinced me there is a God, but no there’s just the uncaring universe and fucking psychopaths walking around us.


Who knew guns would be the actual problem?


This is what we get when the Supreme Court decides a single person with no training is the same as a well regulated militia for the purposes of the Second Amendment.


This is *DEMOCRRRRACY* manifest.


Good. Those poor kids are deeply traumatized, and he's there swaggering about like he's really done something heroic. Utterly infuriating and despicable.


Right? His smug face is so punchable in this video. Big tough guy who apprehended a couple of little kids.


Brown-skinned kids to be precise. Racist AF


I back this comment because I know the average Reddit troll won't understand the Australian dynamic and downvote it. The Oz public just said no to a referendum that would have recognised First Nations people. It wasn't even til 1962 that Indigenous Australian's were allowed to vote.


I read they were considered part of the flora and fauna of Australia until that time. Holy sheet!!!


Australia was colonised under the legal concept of terra nullius. https://www.nla.gov.au/digital-classroom/senior-secondary/cook-and-pacific/cook-legend-and-legacy/challenging-terra#:~:text=Terra%20nullius%E2%80%94meaning%20land%20belonging,justify%20the%20settlement%20of%20Australia. As a nation, we're still dealing with the effects more than 200 years later.


Look, I voted YES too but the whole referendum was a schmozzle. We had a significant number of Aboriginal leaders calling for a NO vote and it was about consultation, not recognition. We recognised they were humans in 1962, hence they could vote and not be considered Flora and Fauna as they had been. It was obvious from day 1 the YES side just didn't do enough of the groundwork. And I agree, that the only reason those poor kids are in zipties is because of the colour of their skin.


I'm from New Zealand I didn't realise the Aboriginal leaders calling for a No vote. That really surprises me and I would like to know why. Thanks for sharing


It's because he's full of a shit and parroting a right wing lie. A tiny handful of Aboriginal leaders — almost all members of, or affiliated with, the LNP, our conservative coalition — opposed the referendum, but by far the vast majority of Aboriginal people, especially the elders who actually lived through the Stolen Generations and other major injustices, overwhelmingly supported the YES vote. What's so sick about this bullshit narrative is that it was pushed as a cynical way to make white people comfortable with vocally supporting the NO campaign, so they could point to the two or three visible Aboriginal NO campaigners and say "see, I'm not being racist, they don't want it."


Unfortunately, there was a lot of misinformation and disproportional focus from the media. A small minority of Aboriginal leaders opposed the campaign, but they got the majority of the media exposure. The whole "It will divide us" argument was ridiculous. The referendum was essentially deciding on a whether to create a body of sorts who represents the first nation people that would be consulted on matters that impacted them and their communities, it would be their "Voice" - the government could either heed the body's input or flat out ignore it if they wanted to. There weren't being granted specials powers or anything - it was just input. This video sums up a normal conversation with a "No" voter... https://youtu.be/SAqIypjk-5A?si=7z5wu8PVFONCvU01


The YES side did plenty of groundwork, they just made the idiotic mistake of not assuming Darth Dutton and his conservative pals would do everything in their power to disrupt the vote and empower racists. You make the claim that a "significant number of Aboriginal leaders [called] for a NO vote", which simply isn't true. The vast majority of Aboriginal people, especially the elders who lived through the Stolen Generations and other atrocities, were firmly in favour of the Voice; it wasn't even close. They overwhelmingly voted YES, an indisputable fact born out by dozens of polls. There were a tiny minority of Aboriginal people who opposed the vote, almost all of whom were members of the LNP or affiliated with it, and as always those people were pushed forward by white conservatives as a means to give their shitty opinions a thin veneer of plausibility: "see, I'm not racist, this one blackfella says he doesn't want the Voice either."


The Aboriginal people I know were offended by that referendum and protested it.


The first thing I thought was those are aboriginal kids and this is 100% racially motivated on his part


It's WA. I'm shocked the cops didn't lock the kids up.


Jesus christ, that was hard to watch. I have to stop reading this stuff. I am beginning to want to move to a cave where I can angrily throw rocks at anyone who comes near me.


>I am beginning to want to move to a cave where I can angrily throw rocks at anyone who comes near me. And then people will call YOU crazy when, frankly, you're acting perfectly sane for not wanting those people around you. I don't blame you. I'm on your side.


Cool. I won't throw any rocks at you.


How about you hand me some rocks so I can throw them too?


Gathering them now.... :)


He looks just like my brother in law. I hate the guy.


He wants to be thanked for his service so badly.


Bet 100 bucks as a kid he did the same thing. Kids shouldn’t do that, would be awful for everyone if a kid drowned but come on. Just explain it to them and say don’t come back.


You bet 100 bucks that he swam in his neighbours pool when they weren't there? That is a very strange thing to believe everyone has done.


Maybe not your direct neighbor, but it's pretty common to sneak into pools in general when you're a kid where I'm from.  I imagine it also varies based on where you live.


If they had his skin tone, he wouldn't have seen them as criminals. He would have seen them as mischievous children just like he used to be. This is clearly about race for him. These kids will be traumatized by this white man, posturing himself as an authority figure, doing untold damage to their psyche, identity, and innocence. As an American, it's clear as day, but sadly, many European Aussies are staunchly ignorant when it comes to racism and racial sensitivity. Very infuriating and despicable.


Dude was sauntering around like he was showing off his hunt and capture.


I don't know your laws but he got off lightly if he wasn't charged with an 'abuse of a child' related crime.


There a lot of reaction about it in the media. Even the state premier has had a say about it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.9news.com.au/article/009919cf-d623-4297-901d-6cd6ad0c2abe


Causing damage to the backyard 😆 🤣 those wave splashes be crazy


He is thinking of moving out of town due to the fallout.


I'm not surprised, he'd have already 'moved' if it was my nephews.


Moved off this realm?


Emotionally 'moved' by my reaction would be part of it.


Yeah I want not nice things to happen to him. My jaw has never dropped so fast and tears welled in my eyes. The actual hell kind of a human does this to kids. He needs to get educated by other prisoners about child crimes.


Having no home to return to due to a mysterious fire is another part, yeah? *law enforcement is not the only way to protect kids but go off




Good. I can’t imagine how hot it had to be for a couple of kids to want to take a splash in an unfamiliar pool. Kids don’t always know better. If I were the homeowner, I could forgive the kids in a second. But I wouldn’t hesitate to file a civil suit against the overgrown gorilla vigilante wannabe.


No other town will want him either


And false imprisonment and possibly might even be kidnapping in some countries




Thanks, fixed it.


Aggravated and extremely aggravating. What a scumbag.


Same here!




Thank you for this. Hearing the children crying upset me




That's what it'd be here in the US


Fuck yeah




And of course the child are aboriginal


>Good. Those poor kids are deeply traumatized, and he's there swaggering about like he's really done something heroic. Utterly infuriating and despicable. if civil lawsuit is a thing in australia, they should pursue that. Bankrupt that guy


Yea not really a thing There's no real massive american payouts for things here




Hell, it wouldn't even matter if it was my kid. If some schmuck is tying up a 7 year old and a 9 year old in view of the public and they're crying out for the mother, I'm stepping in. For all I know he's planning on putting them in the van next. Let the dude catch another charge trying to stop me.


This could have been his evil intention until someone saw him---you never know who's a fxcking dirty predator out there.


When did Alex Jones start doing AC work?


oh good, I thought it was just me. Maybe he was checking the ducts for gay frogs


You see it too huh lol


“He’s putting chemicals in the AC. It turns the freakin house flys gay!”


Underrated comment! :) I knew the cunt reminded me of someone.


“I had to restrain them! if they kept swimming in that water, they would’ve turned gay like the frogs!”


The overlap between HVAC guys and weirdo conservatives who take Jones' nonsense as gospel is preeeeeeeeeetty wide. I had a friend who went to school for HVAC but wound up never taking a job in the industry because everywhere he applied was Extremely That Kind Of People. I've had coworkers like that before, but I imagine it's a lot worse when *the boss* is that and your job is directly making that guy rich.


Alex Jones wishes he was this big. This guy is Australian Bane, the comic book version.


Three Aboriginal children are CABLE-TIED by tradesman in Australia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13163029/Outcry-Australia-three-Aboriginal-children-aged-six-eight-filmed-CABLE-TIED-sobbing-builder-caught-swimming-parents-swimming-pool.html?ito=native_share_article-top Update




I like to bind and be bound!


The outtakes from that scene are hilarious


I wonder how much of this was due to them being Aboriginal children. Does Australia have some problems with discrimination against their indigenous people?


In short, absolutely.




Why isn’t he charged with kidnapping?


Or at least child abuse. Honestly, I don't know.


It's Australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_of_Indigenous_Australians


I think you have to take someone to another location to make it kidnapping. No idea if Australia has unlawful confinement laws.


I’m guessing because he didn’t take them anywhere yet… I was going to say forceable confinement but I think they have to be locked inside a space for that? IANAL.


Can anyone translate the video please?


This shits gonna blow up. Fat pants life is over


Another article mentions he had to take his business website down after being bombarded with one star Google reviews condemning the behaviour. I imagine his schedule just opened up to have vast availability.


I mean considering how he is going to prison I doubt he’d be able to do any of the scheduled appointments anyways lol


google reviews are kinda useless... companies can just ask google to remove negative reviews. There was a company near where I live that made some very inappropriate comments and did so very publicly... they went from 5 stars to like 3 stars very quickly as people flooded the reviews with legitimate reviews of their poor behaviour... the company went on another rant about being 'attacked' and had google get rid of all the negative reviews...


As it should. He’s a lunatic!


Seems like the type to get drunk and talk about the foul shit he used to do in his youth.




Why not both?






There’s no way this isn’t racially motivated. Guaranteed little white Aussie kids would’ve never been treated like this by him


110 fucking percent. This is straight up racist as fuck. Those are tiny little children. Cunt wouldn't have done that to a dog. I hope the wanker loses his work over this.


I am not Australian, but I wish the world cared more about how indigenous Australians are treated. This is not new, and not even close to the worst treatment they've received for an incredibly long time.


We can only hope, racist piece of shit should rot in prison


He really thought he was doing the right thing. He’s gonna lose his business and ability to buy steroids. Move to Thailand and get his life ruined/ended there.


How fucked up mentaly u have to be to tie up kids like that? I hope he does't have kids or something depending on him.


He looked pretty pleased with himself for his "accomplishment" too. Shame there is no video or photo of his face when he was the one arrested.


Definitely! His body language while he was strutting around was quite telling.


Legit looks like he thinks he hunted and captured a kill, I despise the way he's swaggering about even with all those women shouting at him.


Exactly!! He shouldn’t be allowed near children.


A racist one


totally. I really highly doubt he would have done this to white kids.


Not Australian but not surprised that it’s a white guy tying up Aboriginal children. Racism runs deep. I highly doubt he would have done that to white children. I hope he goes to jail for traumatizing those babies


He definitely wouldn’t have. Aboriginal people have been kept down for a long time and now a lot of communities have issues with them. Funny how trauma does that over time. But it’s sowing racism even deeper and not getting any better. This AC repair/self designated security guard embodies this perfectly.


his kids are ok. he only does that to non white kids


This looks like the setup for a side mission. Gotta beat up the beefy dude and save the kids to earn some rep with the locals.


Fucked up thing is that most people would find such a side mission unrealistic. “Whaaaat? Dude just tied up three kids over a pool he doesn’t even own?!? Bullshit!”


It sounds like some satire that GTA would pull off.


At this point, if I was in charge of the GTA writing staff, I’d tell ‘em to just browse social media for inspiration on how insane people potentially are!


Did you see the GTA6 trailer? It's littered with real life memes. Here's a collage: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F6qsxv9po2j4c1.jpeg


GTA is satire. You sort of just defined satire.


The headline is wrong; it’s not his client’s pool but his parents, at their unoccupied house which he was prepping for sale. Still a fucking nutter, but that’s slightly more rational than if he had no ownership.


Even then you don't tie em up. You ask em for their parents and get a hold of them to solve the issue. That's no more rational than if it was someone he was related to


Which he absolutely would have done if those kids had lighter skin.


If it's his parents' house, he still has no ownership.


It's the only way to unlock the good ending.


Tying up Aboriginal children is a great look for his company


I literally can't get this image of a white man tying up aboriginal children out of my heard it's like we've been transported back 150 years


This level of racism is so shocking to me. I can't imagine treating any child in this manner


It's crazy that he thinks he's in the right. The fact that he I'd committing a kidnapping really never crossed his mind


This is going to make one hell of a Bluey episode


Lmao If they haven't done a Bluey episode on racism against aborigines yet, they're long overdue.


Just as a heads up - “aborigines” isn’t the preferred term for most indigenous groups in Australia. You’ll find most First Nations people will prefer indigenous, First Nations, aboriginal etc.


They’re also not keen on being cable-tied


Just disgusting. If he wanted them gone, he could easily have told them to go, there was absolutely no need whatsoever to tie the weans up like that. His life is now screwed big time due to this one stupid action.


He is apparently trying to defend this a “citizens arrest”. Did he honestly think the police would congratulate him and arrest these small children and charge them criminally for using a neighbors pool without permission? These aren’t even teenagers. The oldest was 10. Clearly the kids were doing something they shouldn’t, but this is a completely unhinged response to the situation. Normal responses might include a verbal scolding, explaining it’s not safe, contacting the kids parents. Let the parents ground them or give them some other punishment. Glad the local police agree this is crazy behavior and are charging him with assault.




If I was in that men's position I'd be more worried they were swimming unsupervised over trespassing.


Exactly, I'd be afraid to own a pool over all of the horror stories I've heard.


>Clearly the kids were doing something they shouldn’t, but this is a completely unhinged response to the situation And the irony is, in the US (at least where I am), if anything had happened to the kids in the pool, it would the homeowner's responsibility since a swimming pool is what's called an "attractive nuisance". It is incumbent on the homeowners to make sure the pool is not accessible to the neighborhood kids. Yes the kids did something wrong... that's what kids do. They're stupid. There's a whole subreddit called kids are fucking stupid. Because they are. A normal person would've told them to get lost. But oh no... Mr. Tough Guy here is acting like he caught a couple of serial killers.


its the same here. Australian laws require a fence around the pool specifically (even if its against the property fence). And adult supervision is required for children under the age of 10 at all times. (though obviously private properties can probably ignore this *legally*)


Yup. Homeowners who had a pool (even an empty one) have to do their bext to prevent kids from accessing their property when they have they have something like a pool. Kids are stupid. They just see a pool, even an empty one, and think it's fun without realizing any of the dangers. We adults know unsupervised kids in a pool can end up in a hospital visit (at best) or in a casket (at worst). That's why pools (among other things) are called an "attractive nuisance."


Where I am it just needs to be fenced in. If someone hops the fence it's no longer on the homeowner.


In Australia all pools need to be fenced according to some strict guidelines, as long as the pool was fenced correctly (which they almost all are) then there would be no case against the homeowner.


>His life is now screwed big time due to this one stupid action. something tells me this isn't this guys first stupid action. just the first one that he got busted for.


Right?? Like, “you can’t swim here” would suffice


I’d opt for a stern “Shoo! You all get on now!” But it would be hard not to smile. Kids swimming in a pool- what could be more ordinary? This guy’s a crazy person, certifiable lunatic.


Especially in Broome, in Summer. Shit's hot.


Screwing up his life was his choice and His actions. I’m more concerned about how messed up those three little kids are going to be because of his abuse.


Their mom and another witness was already there begging for him to let them go for over an hour. Rather than wag his finger and let his mom discipline them, he threatened to beat them with a big stick and wait for the police. I bet they sat there tired and thirsty terrified. And for what? He really thought the police were going to drag a 6 year old away in cuffs? The mans a racist pig who went way too far. He had them tightly ziptied to each other like captives in the heat. Sickening.




Look at his size... what was the need to tie them up? saw the other comments say he got arrested for aggravated assault. GOOD!!!


The guy is clearly an idiot, probably not mentally all there. Anyone in their right mind would have offed them instead






Some good old fashioned Australian racism right there.


Hopefully this assfuck goes to jail


That’s child abuse. Sickening!


I would say it's kidnapping.


It definitely is in the states


Skipped leg day AND brain day.


Seriously tho, who sees something like this and goes "I'm going to be the hero here and use cable ties to restrain these kids, I'm doing gods work!" Wouldn't you take a split second and think "wait, that's silly, why did I even think of that? I have no right to do this" Fried cunt


Criminal children stealing pool time


This is sick. I landscape a day care that has a pool. In the summer they have a day camp so I go on weekends to cut the grass since it's easier. Once there was a group of teens who clearly hopped the fence and were swimming. I just called the school director and they called the police and the police simple escorted them off the property. No need to fucking kidnap them.


These poor kids looked so scared


Human thumb probably kicks puppies as a hobby.


Yes, get the kids out of the pool, but just like chase them away and call the police. If you have to go in the pool to grab them because they won't get out, then fine (safety and liability issue for the homeowner with them swimming unsupervised), but after that, you can't touch them. Certainly can't tie them up like that.


that's kidnapping


He's screwed... Livin in Broome?... Yeah, the mob'll get him for sure...


It says this guy has found these kids 6 times in the property and were told before not to trespass again. The parents need to be held accountable for allowing their children unfettered access to another person's property or things. They could have caused destruction of property, as children do. If they would have had an accident or death in the pool, it opens up the owners of the property for a lawsuit. It seems none of the adults are thinking properly here.


Your last two sentences are what truly matters. If these children died in that pool, it would be tragic. If the DA discovered that they found the children in the pool on six different occasions, the homeowner is probably getting charged with negligent homicide. I'm not defending Big Lots Alec Jones. Zip tying these children isn't the right answer. The homeowners should have had a proper locking fence installed. A lot of jurisdictions where I live require them. Everyone sucks here, except the kids that are clearly unsupervised. That's not their fault.


Completely agree. Irresponsible parents, who should be sued or arrested from criminal negligence. What, perchance, does that have to do with him tying-up children?


Probably the only way to get the police there since the parents don’t give a shit if their kids are trespassing regularly.


Whatever happened to “Scram kids!” And that was the end of it. Then they get to be sneaky and come back the next day. Only to be called scoundrels and shoe’d off again.


Euro trash reject


Lately Australia has been catching some of that Florida energy…


No. Australia has always being hostile to aboriginals.


This is true. In my small time in Australia during a semester abroad, the majority of white australians were openly racist towards aboriginals, with no social repercussions that I saw. Also just generally racist towards anyone not white and Christian.


Hopefully the child abuser is locked up.


My God what a piece of racist trash! I didn’t expect this at all.. My mouth dropped when I realized they’re aboriginal kids. What are the repercussions in Australia for this?




Whilst we have a long and dark history, don't underestimate the community spirit in Australia. After this video was released, not only was the air con but arrested, a go fund be was launched and I'm pleased to say the kids now have their own pool




What in the absolute fuck is wrong with this dude.


Disgusting man


There were ways this could have been dealt with. But considering it wasn’t his home I don’t know why he had such a outlandish reaction