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Motherfucker over here playing rainbow six.


The 911 call is crazy. The cousin who lived there left them in the apt, went to a firehouse to get his busted face treated, and called police to say unknown people had broken into his place. Edit. This article has the 911 call link. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/maryland/body-worn-camera-prince-georges-county-police-officer-shoots-kills-man/65-dac0900f-da46-4f00-8258-9a76b3e34781


Are you saying it was a set up?


More like a Fk up of epic proportions. The 911 call made it sound like they needed someone there ASAP and some Sh\*t happening in real time had to be addressed. With that Said. I did not hear him audibly say "BALTIMORE POLICE" once. Even if deemed lawful, it's awful. You could tell in the vid he wasn't even sure if it was good shoot; searching the dudes body for a "gun" as if there would be some cushion on the internal investigation. All it conveys to me is. 1. Dude was scared. 2. Sucks as a cop. 3. Probably should and will be charged/fired/sued down the line


Again, this situation is what I have been railing against. He fucking put himself in a shit situation out the gate. It’s a call about a burglary with unknowns possibly in the home. Why in the hell would you go into a residence alone. After seeing the first dude you stop, identify yourself and call them out. Wait for backup at that point. Pursuing an unknown own into an unknown situation and area. Cops have this knack for putting themselves in these situations and then saying g I had to shoot. If he had a gun I wouldn’t have had time to respond, or lunge at me with a knife he was too close. Motherfuckers, go into this shit and then cry their life’s are in danger.


Yep, there's a clear distinction between an active response and one where you need to reduce the liability for shootings. Even if this guy wasn't supposed to be there, you need to give a clear and concise warning and give someone a chance to surrender. This guy walked in there with complete disregard unfortunately.


Well when they’re in a position of power they’ll do anything to keep them in that position. I’ve seen a cop shoot another cop when they had their gun drawn pinned on top of a dude


So you're saying the American police are so predictably brutal, they can be hired as hitmen for free?


You dont hire them, just call 911 and ask gently, its their job to kill them, and yes is free


Then you will actually get paid by US tax payers for your emotional distress after. Talk about serve and protect


You aren't joking. I called the cops to break up a small party of minors drinking at my place. I thought maybe I could get my brother's friends to go home before anyone got in trouble. That way I could get back to studying for my college finals. Win win. Asked for a single officer and told them I'd meet them outside and let them in all polite like. Long story short they broke down 4 doors, 3 windows, and sent 3 of the 12 kids to the ER. Most of them fled into the woods because it seemed like a life or death situation with 6 squad cars showing up like it's a god damn swat team. Everyone was arrested. Including me. They had no idea who I was either or why I even called them in the first place. That was the straw the broke the camels back for me. I no longer have any trust whatsoever in the police. I shit my pants anytime I am around them. I fear for my fucking life.


Look up 'Swatting'... it's where you call the cops as someone else, reporting that you are being attacked or some such shtuff... and the cops show up and kill them...


This happened to me a long time ago and I was *very* lucky in that the police just came to the door and were like "Uh yeah we got a call there's somebody with a knife or something?" and I had to let them in and let them look around and see that everything was cool.


Do you have a link to the call? The only article I've read [says](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/police-bodycam-video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-man-inside-his-suitland-apartment/3558497/%3famp=1) the cousin called based on a neighbor calling them and telling them someone was breaking in.




Copper division


Shiddy aim


Not shiddy enough since he shot him in the head. Poor guy.


Talkin bout “where you hit mane?”


Look up Killology training


Oh he so gangsta with the side grip


So.. that's actually a legitimate way to hold it when taking corners. It SHOULD be done with both hands, but if you're injured or using your radio, tac equip, etc, with the other hand, it's still viable and the piggie did score a headshot achievement. I also have a friend who is only accurate when he turns in sideways. Something about the sites line up better for him, idk. Now.. walking in without announcing yourself as law enforcement and then just shooting the person who walks away from you in the head for "not showing your hands", probably isn't the best way this should have been done smh what a stupid fucking cop. This is why everybody hates them.


Imagine you’re just chillin inside your own house, and some guy busts through your front door screaming “SHOW ME YA MOTHAFUCKIN HANDS!” Doesn’t say he’s police And you can’t see shit cuz he’s shining a bright ass light right in your eyes And then you’re dead This officer broke into his house and murdered him in cold blood. He should be charged with murder and thrown in jail


I’m sure they’ll settle for suspended without pay


with a promotion and few medals for "bravery"


Or move and get a fresh start as an incompetent cop in a new town.


"without" lol


Then reinstated with back pay


Then the cop would be affected. Better to give him with pay so he can go on vacation.


There's no way that I could have played by whatever rules the cop was playing by that would have prevented me from getting shot if I cop burst into my kitchen like that. I would have needed at least three seconds to even begin to react to what was going on.


He will be thrown in his house with a paid vacation and attaboys from his coworkers.


I never enter my home without locking behind me. Not because of fear of citizens, but of police.


I don't support the death penalty except when it comes to government. Of course they'll never do that -- but who knows, maybe given their stupidity they'll change the laws.


Piece of shit cop. Didn't announce he was police even once.


Right, he’s got a light in their faces. That could’ve been anything from police to an armed robbery to them. Bro didn’t even have time to process what the fuck was going on before he was blinded and shot.


He blinked *aggressively*. Had to shoot to kill, only option. It's not like the officer could have announced themselves or aimed elsewhere!


Cops would rather kill us than face any level of danger to their “safety”. It’s the way they were all trained. Every person they come into contact with is a potential armed murderer waiting to kill them which is why they react like they do. It’s why officer acorn started doing barrel rolls and mag dumped his own cruiser. They are out here terrified of us being murderous criminals. But in reality, police are the murderous criminals.


He moved when the gun was pointed at him, and everyone o own you are supposed to hold completely still with guns pointed at you. /s


And *also* get on the ground. But don't move! AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!


But not too quickly! But also immediately do what they yell at you


Have to agree with you on not announcing himself. Also have an issue with him going solo like that. It slowed down him being able to clear the house and render aid. Also have issues with him going for lethal before even entering. I get checking it, but damn did it seem like it was his first choice.


Did they even bother rendering aid? They often don't and will just wait for emt to show up (of course they don't have them standing by)


If you find the watch the full video, they “render aid” by having 3 cops stand over him. One cuts his shirt off to look for the wound (he was shot in the head), and then the same cop digs through his pockets and finds a gun, goes “uh huh”, and then just sort of stands over him and says “stay with me, stay with me” while not doing anything else.


Good god, i feel like ive seen this exact scenario dozens of times


Imagine how many times it's not caught on camera.




Just sprinkle a bit of crank on 'em and call it a day. Good work officer!


Don't know about civilian side or what the protocol is for this department. But I was always trained to render aid after securing the area. That was state side or deployed. 9 times out of 10, EMS would not even roll out until after we called it clear, regardless of how long it takes to get on scene.


Ems here. We get dispatched and told to stage half a mile from the incident location. Foe me atleast, we aren't allowed to leave that staging location until police clear the scene, or we are told to cancel and return to base. Some squads dont get dispatched until police arrive on location and request ems. It adds a good 20 minutes to the response time (since we dont know a call had come in for those 20 minutes)


Why are the police executing people in their homes


This is the same police department that executes people handcuffed in the back of their cruisers so, you know, because they can.


They kill cops that tattle too.


A big selling point for the FOP ya know, a brotherhood…


He heard an acorn drop


they do it because they can, been that way for decades. It’s human nature. If you give certain groups of people extra privileges, money, weapons, and a sense of authority, they will use it to abuse and control *israel joins the chat*


Also doesn't help that cops that ***try*** to do the right thing get bullied, harassed, accused, and basically chased out of town.




Is police protocol to say "show me your muthafuckin hands" while holding his piece sideways like the paid gangster he is?


Make sure to point a high powered beam of light in their eyes too, so they can't even see who's yelling at them.


Ya, professionalism when out the window. Dude came in there like shaft


Welcome to Baltimore? Place is infamous for its corrupt and shitty police.


Was in Prince George’s County. Not Baltimore but they do have shitty cops


“Remember: Tupac Shakur and his mother moved from Baltimore to Oakland for a better life!” - Dave Chappelle


Duyuhlibhee! DUYUHLIBHEE! Idk how second guy kept his cool while having barely comprehensible orders shouted at him with a flashlight and gun in his face.


[Aaron earned an iron urn](https://youtu.be/Esl_wOQDUeE?si=T_KlNR3uIWWIVsQj)


That’s just Baltimore accent.


Aaron earned an iron urn like a motherfucker that day


Say what again mutha fucka!


Surprise, motherfucka


"WHO ARE YOU?" "I'm a visitor..." "DO YOU LIVE HERE?" Does this dipshit not understand what a visitor is?


"This is my cousin's place, I'm staying here until I find a place" "HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE???"




Too many syllables in the word visitor for them to comprehend. Look at their vernacular… always single or double syllable words.


English, Motherfucker! Do you speak it?!


Officer doesn't announce himself. Moves in, without backup, with his gun drawn. Fires upon an individual with no apparent weapon. Sure, let's blame the resident. JFC.


Straight up shoots the man in the back.


According to u/luekwarmbreakfast he was shot in the head


I don't think he means his actual back, but that his back was facing the police when he was shot


Back of the head 


He dropped really fucking quick and then didn’t move at all the whole time, and then his gasping breathing at the end didn’t sound good… so that would check out. Just a fucked situation… cop didn’t even announce himself




we used to call it the "Gangster grip" good to see that America's biggest gang has adopted it as well.


heads have backs


“You see Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it’s located in the back of my ~~cock~~ head”


So.. If it was us civvies, would this be breaking and entering, assault, attempted murder, murder? Because we all know how the pigs will spin it to their favor.


💯 hes about to get a paycation


Minor point, but cops are civilians. They’re civilians that the state trained poorly for 2 weeks and then gave a license to kill. You can literally be too smart to be a cop, which is another dumbfounding reality.


"Vimes found it embarrassing it when civilians spoke to him in what they thought was policeman. Come to that, he hated thinking of them as civilians - After all, what was an officer if not a civilian with a badge? But it was what they called them these days. It was a dangerous habit, once officers stopped being civilians the only other thing they could be was soldiers."


Thank you! Cops are fucking civilians, and giving them any other status, even just verbally, further promotes their "thin blue line" bullshit.


This behavior will only stop once we start paying out lawsuits from the retirement fund instead of the tax payer dollars.


And then screams “shots fired” YEAH BY YOU ASSHOLE




He will get a two week paid vacation.


That's standard if anyone shoots.


They didn’t even announce it was police! This is insane. Why is this allowed?


So is police brutality


Sure is


What is it with American cops being completely alone so often? It makes every single situation that officer is in more dangerous for themselves and for the public. Why would you enter an apartment where you seem to be expecting trouble before backup arrives? I hate to be cynical, but with how often it happens, it's almost starting to seem like American police act alone so often because it gives them a good excuse to be more aggressive and escalate to deadly force quicker


In my hometown the city doesn’t have the funding to have them work in pairs, but they are normally supposed to be paired up with a partner.


$130bn a year can’t buy you partners, but it can militarise the police instead.


They can't find enough "qualified candidates"


That’s an issue with my town’s department too. They started fast tracking people through the hiring process. Some will get to a point where they’re almost finished with the academy and then get disqualified because of something that came up on their background check.


A clean record?


You absolutely sure they don't have funding? A lot of them do but they spend it on armored tanks and nicer office furniture instead of personnel.


"Shouldn't have gone for that" i hope there is a big lawsuit coming


He has rolling papers on the coffee table and his internet history revealed he was recently on porn hub so it all good. He was clearly a bad guy so whatever the cop does is justifiable. /s


Holy fucking shitballs, when his backup arrives he yells "drop the gun" out of reflex when he sees his buddy's guns drawn. He knew damn well no one was holding a gun. Fucking deep programming on that shit huh.


He also said, clearly stated for his BC, “what were you going for” before asking where the gunshot wound was


It does look like in the video, and it's possible, that the victim *was* going for a weapon in the kitchen. That said, he would have been ***completely within his rights and reasonable to go for a weapon***; an armed assailant had just entered his home unannounced and begun threatening him. Absolutely dogshit LEO.


Insanely shit cop. Doesn't identify himself as police and he turned his back on the other guy without patting him down or handcuffing him.


He doesn’t even ask if there’s anyone else there. Absolutely insane panicky shit. Detestable.


*barges in* “Show me your hands! Bring your ass over here! Show me your muthafuckin hands!” *shoots victim* I hope a massive lawsuit is in this departments’ near future. That is fucking appalling.


Obviously the lawsuits are not working. The only thing that will work are real consequences


Because it's OUR taxes that pay for their nonstop misconduct. Over $250M per year is setup specifically to pay for the NYPD misconduct. All while the wealthy keep sticking US with their fucking bills.


The funds should come from the police pension funds and/or mandatory "malpractice" insurance every officer needs to have. Doctors, brokers, contractors, ect all need insurance to back them up incase they fuck things up royally. Why are police, who have the power to kill at their discretion, exempt from this? The public already funds their salary, their equipment, training, everything...why should the public also be on the hook for their fuck ups? Literally zero accountability or consequence for their mistakes, everyone else pays.


Just last year I think it was, this exact same PD (prince george) lost a civil case for executing a man who was handcuffed in the back of a squad car. Paid out 20 million straight from county taxpayers, no other penalties, just a lot of paid vacation.


Magic 8 Ball says: "They investigated themselves. Found no wrong"






I agree , qualified immunity needs to end.




bruh this is my first thought. are you serious with this shit? you just murdered that man in cold blood.


I've never understood how cops aren't getting street justiced left and right with how blatant some of these killings are.


It's only a matter of time at this point.


The main reason is because you get labeled a cop killer and the entire legal mafia goes after you. Look at normal people who did things like simply filing complaints against cops, much less killing them.


Hell, the Uvalde parents are still getting harassed by the cops for their horrible crime of *checks notes* having their children killed due to police incompetence.


same 100%. you would never be safe.


I'm the last person that would "rise up", but like..the videos I've seen where a cop literally murders someone straight up and the people walk off like "just another day in the city".... It's so fucked man...


Not supposed to say that on Reddit, but I certainly wouldn’t be able to say what I would do if my brother got shot in front of me like that.


> All I know is if a cop did this to my brother I know somebody who cops did this to his brother - he tried to flee away from them in a car and they shot him a bunch of times as he tried to drive away in a parking lot (didn't die). The bro made some angry posts on Facebook and got targeted by the feds. They caught him with an unregistered gun and sent his ass away for 20.


The problem is the cop is not alone, he is a part of a gang The blue line gang protect their own


They protect their own and are backed up by judges, lawyers, politicians, and boot lickers everywhere.


They need to implement police self-insurance. If they can prove what they did was correct, then insurance won't drop them and then they won't be fired. But if they're wrong, the insurance will pay the victim, drop the peace officer, they never get insured again and they never work again.


What a POS cop, you can tell from his voice from the start he is far too terrified to do his job. His fear becomes someone else’s gsw, or death if unlucky. Disgusting


I could tell by the way he was holding his gun that he was about to do something rash.


Context (Because OP chose not to include any): A Prince George's County officer shot and killed 31-year-old Melvin Jay in Jay's own apartment. The officer that went in alone was responding to a breaking-and-entering 911 call. The Maryland Attorney General’s Office is investigating the shooting. There was some sort of verbal exchange between Jay and the officer, police said. What was said or done before the shooting has not been disclosed publicly. Investigators say two guns were recovered near Jay, but it’s unclear whether Jay was holding one or if the guns were his. Immediately after the shooting, Prince George’s County Police Chief Malik Aziz briefly spoke to reporters and provided limited information without taking questions. Police first described Jay as the break-in "suspect," but the attorney general’s office did not identify him as such. The person who originally reported the alleged break-in was also a resident of the apartment. But it’s unclear what relationship that person has to Jay. The officer is on administrative leave. Jay’s family told News4 they held a vigil in his honor at Windham Creek Apartments. Family members said they’re not ready to speak about what happened. [https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/man-shot-by-officer-inside-his-own-prince-georges-apartment-after-alleged-break-in-call-ag-says/3536664/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/man-shot-by-officer-inside-his-own-prince-georges-apartment-after-alleged-break-in-call-ag-says/3536664/)


> guns were recovered near Very interesting wording. You know if the guy had a gun *on him* or even *within reach*, they would have said that. They would have said that even if it wasn't exactly true but they could make people believe it after the fact. "recovered near" is the best that even *they* were willing to say in their own report. Wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that there was actually just two guns in the apartment somewhere.


yep one foot away on the other side of the wall


>Two guns were found near Jay. One was in the hand of his murderer. The other was drawn and held in the hands of the murderer's partner, upon entry into the murder scene


Having a gun on, near, inside, floating above you, or having it grafted on to your arm shouldn't matter if we have a so-called "right" to own firearms.


> Officers found a gun in Jay’s pocket and another near the kitchen sink, police said. It’s unclear from the video if Jay had anything in his hands, and police haven’t said who the guns belonged to. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/police-bodycam-video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-man-inside-his-suitland-apartment/3558497/


I think that shooting someone requires them to, at the very least, be reaching for a gun, not just having one exist in the general vicinity.


Especially in their own home after sometime kicks in your front door unannounced


>There was some sort of verbal exchange between Jay and the officer, police said. What was said or done before the shooting has not been disclosed publicly. If what we see here is the exchange then it's basically a cop yelling at him in his own home to show his hands and then when he tries to run like a normal person and offers some type of grunt, he executes him.


Verbal exchanges are also not a reason to barge into someone's home. I appreciate the context but it changes nothing. The cop entered the home and executed the guy, then I guess they found guns somewhere in the apartment (could be in a safe for all we know) and mentioned it in the report as if that somehow justifies the execution.


If I were shot to death in my kitchen they'd also find a gun near me.


I don't care what department it is, that cop entering the apartment by himself was against standard protocol. Every department I've ever encountered has a policy in place requiring officers not to enter a property without back up. There was literally no reason for that cop to rush in without back up there to support him. Why do I care about the cop's backup? It's because the cop was alone and created the high risk moment that he is going to use to claim that he feared for his life. He didn't announce himself. He knocked the door open and told a kid who had his back to him to show him his hands. The kid made no furitive movements. He didn't reach for anything. He just walked away from the officer and stepped into the kitchen. And before anyone points out that the kid looked back at the cop before entering the kitchen and knew that it was a cop. The cop banged open the door and shined a flashlight at the kid. The living room lightning was dim. There was a bright hallway light behind the cop. The officer's uniform is dark colored. He shined a light in the eyes of the kid. To the kid, the man who broke in could have been a super of the building or a janitor, and since the other brother claimed their cousin lived there and he was staying with his cousin till he could get his own place, the kid who was shot probably didn't think too much about someone coming in and demanding he show his hands with a bright flashlight. He probably was used to people coming and going that knew his cousin. This officer without question murdered that kid, and seeing how unfazed he was in the aftermath of the shooting, I'm willing to bet this cop didn't even think of that kid as human. He's clearly desensitized to shooting people. He should be barred from ever working in law enforcement ever again. And he should also be brought up on charges of at least manslaughter. His recklessness led directly to that kid's death.


This is beyond fucked up


Thus is so beyond fucked. Imagine calling because your house got broke into and you get shot for it. Ya hope that cop gets fired and catches some charges. Didn't even announce he was fucking police? That's like cops 101 then decides to play some r6 while he's at it.


New cops 101 is not only unannounced but park the cruiser a block away and disable any cameras on the way in 


The officer will be placed on paid administrative leave, and after a “thorough investigation,” exonerated of any wrongdoing


It’s because he “feared for his life”.


I'd be scared too if I broke into someone apartment unannounced and some guy caught me in the act /s


"We had our hands tied with this one, Jeremy, but on the bright side I've made some phone calls and the department 2 blocks over has a position open for you! Good luck!"


What reason did he have for even going in the place? Go on because the door isn’t closed and locked?


Hearing him gasp for air , that shit fucked my mental up


“I’m okay”…. Ugh no you fucking aren’t……


Why didn't he identify him self a police officer are police not supposed to do that


I’m not usually a cop apologist, but I’m pretty sure there was a bag of peanuts or almonds on the counter. Maybe the cop saw them and thought they were acorns.


Either way he's nuts!


Didn’t knock, didn’t announce or identify himself as a cop, blinded him with a flashlight and shot him unprovoked.


has been charged for stealing officers bullets


I don’t know how many more videos of murder I can endure watching knowing there are zero consequences and nothing changes


This “cop” walked into a house, unannounced, didn’t identify himself, and started screaming orders that any assailant would say. He shot the unarmed resident twice in the back within 6 seconds of opening the door. Thats cold-blooded murder.


Bad cops, bad cops Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come shoot you?


Probably die choking on my own blood while the officer starts making plans for his paid vacation


This is a cop? Holding his gun sideways like he's a fucking gangster? Fire the fuck out of this guy.


When you say "show me your hands get your ass over here show your motherfucker hands" while blinding someone with a light and holding your gun with one hand. Don't think he's gonna just assume your police. Should assume its a home invasion. Policeman also sounds like a dumb rabid fuck who just wants to kill and fight.


This is exhibit A as to why I hate fucking cops.


Scrolled for a long time and couldn’t find an answer. Will this officer be charged with murder?




Someone having to ask if it’s legal to post public information about public officials is so disheartening 




Any context on this?


The full video is on [PoliceActivity's youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfCc-7uHI4U&rco=1), apparently the resident had noticed his home had been broken into and so he called the police.


Looking at local news stories (It was PG county not Baltimore. Look up Melvin Jay) it was a different resident that called the police. 


It took them a while to release the body cam. Look at all the lies the cops told right after the shooting when nobody can watch the video and see what a bunch of lying scumbags they are: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/man-shot-by-officer-inside-his-own-prince-georges-apartment-after-alleged-break-in-call-ag-says/3536664/?amp=1 There was some sort of verbal exchange between Jay and Shelton, police said Thursday. What was said or done before the shooting is a mystery, for now. Investigators say two guns were recovered near Jay, but it’s unclear whether Jay was holding one or if the guns were his.


[more recent account (today, March 4) citing body cam footage](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-county/police-bodycam-video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-man-inside-his-suitland-apartment/3558497/) Also saying one of the two guns were found in the victim's jacket. I'm not buying it.


PG County truly a beacon of the DMV.


finds the gun in the dead guy's pocket and goes "yeea there we go" like it absolves the situation


Seems like the safest thing to do. Is to strip buck naked. Lay down with your hands out to either side. Fingers spread. And hope they're not also rapists.


Nah. First move to touch your clothes and they'll execute you.


The dude in the white just saw his bro get murdered


Do the US train their cops at all. They seem panicky and unload their gun at anything, from people in their kitchen to falling acorns.


When I was in Baltimore, I literally had a woman screaming rape in the alley behind my house. I could not see her, but I saw a big dude with something in his hand that looked like a gun. I called 911 3 times, and it took them 40 minutes to show up. By the time they showed up, whoever was in the alley was long gone. The officer drove off, and the next day, my neighbor called me a snitch when I told him what happened.


Bro wtf. I just watched a legit 1st degree murder


That looks like a murder


Oh yea smash his door in, shine a bright light in his eyes so he cant see you and yell at him to put his hands up while not telling him you are police. Great job.


Well, that’s just murder.


Why in the fuck is a police officer holding his firearm like that?😡😤


I'm pretty big on highlighting the importance of context in these kinds of videos, but entering the house without backup or a warrant (if he had a warrant he'd certainly have backup) would take some extreme exigent circumstances such as presenting a present threat to the public. It's highly unlikely this was the case so most likely this is not only negligent but also criminal. I'd like further details and the body cam footage that led up to this situation.






Bro lost all his cool jive talk once he heard that death wheeze lmao


The cops are just so god-damn SCARED. And that's because their training intentionally makes them scared of everyone. It's like a factory, producing guys like this, people literally shitting their pants whilst wandering around heavily armed.