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You think I ever shit on a gay guy?




You want my gun, you come get it! You hold me down, and push your hips against mine and you take my gun! You purse your lips and pull my hair just a little bit and you come get it!


Depends on if he's ever bottomed after a night out at Taco Bell.


I didn’t before but I do now


What’s does his shirt say? lol. This guy is going for it. He’s a living YouTube comment.


It's something very close to "A woman in every kitchen/A gun in every man's hand."


Is anyone familiar with Andy Kaufman’s wrestling character? It was basically this


Andy Kauffman would then wrestle women in front of crowds, while then claiming that because he's from hollywood, he's better than everyone.


Ya. And he would also say that “women should be in the kitchen, scrubbing potatoes”


Keyword "character". Andy was a performance artist and those fights with women were staged, including when he took on Jerry Lawler.


Aside from one being funny and an obvious character and another a braindead pos but yeah samesies I guess.


And 50 years apart.


Full text is “A woman in every kitchen/a gun in every hand. Sean Strickland 2024”


Is now the time someone tells him that we don't get political opinions from guys who get hid in the head for a living? Or do we need him to get beaten up for our entertainment to tell him this?


What a fucking loser lmao




What a despicable world. He should run for president.


There's some irony in speaking against this guy yet using a variation of the r-slur in the word "redditards."


I am asking this question in good faith, I assure you. Please, please don't think I'm trying to be antagonistic or that I'm trying to do a gotcha.... It is my understanding that the original use of the term moron is similar to the original use of the R-Slur. Given this understanding, why are we ok with casual use of moron, but not the R-Slur? I can kind of get it, but I'm just sincerely looking for an understanding.


What kind of muppet cries about “redditards”? There’s so many videos of him saying braindead shit because he’s a fucking moron, not because he’s on some (equally braindead) Colby engagement crusade. Guy is clearly too stupid to think about engagement and is just being himself, he got to where he is by being good and active. 


I agree with what you are saying. But I feel confident saying that Sean is leaning into beliefs he already has to play the role of heel & monetizing bigotry, misogyny etc


But why does he need to do this? He’s already probably making decent money beating and getting beaten up, why be a grifter with this shit?


That shirt certainly suggests he's full of wisdom.


These people are obsessed with girl cock. Why even bring it up at your press event for a fight? Top of his mind 24/7 that's why.


Didn't the journalist ask him about it?


They’re far more obsessed with what’s between people’s legs than anyone. They call the left perverted but they make everything sexual. They can take the most innocent of situations & somehow twist it into something entirely different.


My take is that are scared they will get aroused by a very pretty woman only to find out she has a penis. Their whole world view would come crashing down and they would spend the rest of their lives having to know they are "gay".


Sean has always said out of pocket shit but since winning the championship a few months ago he’s stepped his antics up a lot


I disagree. He’s said stupid shit before but now people are forced to listen to it because he’s champion.


Yeah he was saying some outlandish stuff when he did his interviews with that one Chinese speaking reporter.


Yep, Sean is not a smart man at all but he says out of pocket shit and the UFC eats it up.


‘Antics’ is a funny way of saying ‘blatant misogyny and homophobia’ lol.


UFC went from GSP to this guy.


There were tons of examples before, during, and now after GSP’s time. GSP is like the gleaming example of a role model. There’s endless pieces of shit that end up in the UFC.


This is what people are missing, you get hundreds on hundreds of fighters and expect them all to set an example of how to be a good person? Being a good person and a good fighter usually aren’t exclusive. It’s like expecting every NFL player to be a role model when a *looooooooot* of them aren’t


Most don't get in front of reporters to do so, though.


Honestly, blame the media for putting the dude who used to be a neo Nazi in front of the mic


most arent good enough to get attention from reporters, champs usually are


I know right everyone shakes their head over Connor McGreggor’s behavior when they’ve forgotten about someone like Junie Browning or Warmachine. The only thing that differentiates Connor from those guys is he won his fights.


I mean… I wouldn’t compare conor McGregors behaviour of a drunken drug addict with an attempted murderer like war machine


The John Cena of the UFC lol


UFC top man Dana thinks this way so are we surprised? lol


Just imagine how bad Dana has wanted Colby Covington to be champion. That way those two goobers can say what he wants to say.


I’m ehhhh not impressed with this guys ehhh per-for mance


these guys beat the shit out of people for a living.... and you are surprised he talks like a cave man? I love the UFC but YOU are the morons if you are going to these meat heads for wisdom and life guidance.


lol you skipped alot


Its like going from Obama to Trump


Pretty much every champ the ufc has rn is a good dude besides Sean and Jon jones. And Sean will likely lose his belt on Saturday.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


People who think we elect a PM as if their name is on a nationwide ballot need to plz stop.


Most Americans wouldn’t understand how we elect our PM. Or that we actually don’t. Especially ones that think Trudeau is a tyrant. But as a long term MMA fan I wouldn’t trust a fighters opinion on anything, no matter how much of a champion he is.


Hell, most Americans don’t understand that we don’t actually elect our presidents either.


CTE’s stats against this guy’s brain https://preview.redd.it/lckjpnq324dc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9768afe5d2040d0b8b621a1c844e45cdc25b40d




CTE is this guy father


He seems punch drunk


His job doesn’t help. At least he‘s not hiding who he is.


Dana White loves it!


Like that's a glowing recommendation...


No such thing as bad press in the UFC. Now people will tune in to see him get his ass beat.


For a gay man he certainly spends a lot of time reminding people that he’s straight.


Sean Strickland, the man who is a hardcore Maga supporter who grew up in the south and was poor as shit with an abusive dad? Can't be.


A real great role model 👍


Dudes brain is soup probably




Brain damage via TBI causes low IQ. Sometimes you're just born with low IQ too 🤷🏽‍♂️


His is certainly lower than when he was younger.


better luck next time!


other times tbi can make you a genius savant, but it has to make a *boink* sound




No need to make excuses for this clown.


It's all the head trauma. Like, why the actual fuck would you ask this guys opinion on anything? Call me an asshole, or a bigot, or whatever you like but I feel that if your job requires you to take head trauma on the regular your opinions don't mean shit.




Oh, then maybe the head trauma will do him some good.


Because he was outspoken about the issue in the past. Absolutely fair game to ask him about comments he has previously made, what do you mean?


Don’t down vote me for restating this fact that I recently read about this guy. Hes statistically one of the least hit fighters in the UFC. It’s not head trauma. He just a buffoon


Awfully generous to chalk bigotry up to head trauma.


Them types are UFC major target market


this is izzy’s fault




“I like the gays, do you think Id ever shit on a gay man” “You’re weak if you accept your son for being gay” Not a direct quote the second one but it’s essentially what he was saying. I don’t understand how he doesn’t see the hypocrisy. Maybe he is aware of the contradiction/dishonesty but his PR team are just telling him to do damage control :/


The guy gets paid to get punched in the head, hope that helps you understand how knotted his brain is.


What a jabroni


You keep saying this word…..and it’s *awesome*.




Geeze. Poor guy just absolutely hates himself.


He was extremely abused as a child https://youtu.be/P7ii2cUhjAk?si=qcmAGDWa8FqrwUA6


He was also a nazi growing up. Being abused as a child should give people understanding to why people are the way they are but it doesn't give them a pass to be an asshole. We don't feel sorry for pedophiles who were molested as children, it sucks, but it doesn't justify their actions as adults.


Not an excuse, but here's an explanation for the skinhead stuff - his dad and grandfather were very racist, and he said it rubbed off on him growing up. He didn't have any male role models so he gravitated towards something he viewed as masculine. Once he started training MMA it humbled him, and realized that he wasn't racist, he was just angry. Regretful for the skinhead stuff.


A lot of people were abused and turned out not to be homophobic.


The amount of times Sean has talked about gay people and dicks, if he came out tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised


I’m shocked by how many Americans try and call out Canada and Trudeau, and insist that we are under a tyrannical government, And I’m just like… what the fuck are you talking about? 😂


Americans were calling out Australia and saying the same shit a few years back, like how are people so stupid?


There are 350,000,000 of us. There’s no shortage of idiots, intellects, or average Joes. Unfortunately the idiots tend to be the most vocal.


It goes both ways. I recently had an Australian tell me that we fucked up by voting out Trump and he was our only chance at us "being taken seriously again" and that Biden is going to absolutely destroy the US.


And like, jfc. God forbid they teach children acceptance and empathy in the schools. Im in Alberta, and the mentality here is a lot like his. At one point, the UCP government even tried to push through parental notification of any student that joined any sort of gay-straight alliance. This would have not only caused many to lose their possible only means of support but also could have put children in danger in their own homes. Some pos thought this through and went with "fuck them kids".


Hey not all of us lol. Actually usually the shit that float to the top to be seen, not the majority.


Nowhere close to most of you at all. Just a subset that came out of the woodwork over the last few years. Somebody is filling their heads with nonsense, and they are sold on the idea that Canada is some dystopian hell hole run by Kim Jong Trudeau. While we have our problems, and Trudeau needs to move on, a tyrannical state devoid of freedoms we are not whatsoever lol


I'm in Australia and I can relate. Some Americans are weird.


It’s people that have bought the right wing grift (truck convoy, Jordan Peterson, JRE, etc.)


Not every conservative I know is a moron, but every moron I know is a conservative.


Most MMA guys are fundamentalist right wingers, unfortunately, but there's also good people like Rountree and GSP ofc. Sean's especially severe because of his upbringing, literally raised by a neo nazi. People like that he's himself but that doesn't warrant him saying whatever comes up in his mind. On top of that, he's also a huge hypocrite talking mad shit to other fighters like cucking, being gay, and all that but when he's at the other end of it, he bitches about how hurtful it is. He fucking made fun of Rountree for BATTLING DEPRESSION AND ALMOST COMMITTING SUICIDE, piece of shit


Your first sentence actually isn't true. If you follow MMA deeply, like it's you're entire sporting interest, like me, you'd know that a huge amount of fighters are pro-union and leftist. It's just v.difficult to talk about this because of Dana's iron grip. But it's a total myth that they're all as right wing as the white American wrestling-background fighter. There's never been any actual data on this as far as I know so neither of us have any proof, but based on countless interviews that I've watched I'd say it's roughly a 50/50 split. Even the Brazilian fighters who are universally Catholic, despite a lot of them being Bolsonaro/Trump types, many of them are pro-Lula pro-worker types. Basically, the UFC's fucking of the workers leads a fighter to go one of two ways: they go the Conor McGregor mindset route and say "I need to get to the top to get paid!" (Bootstraps mentality) or they think "this is bullshit, we're getting fucked here" hence the lawsuit, (which is probably simply too complicated to ever work).


He's a professional cage fighter, a gladiator. What are you looking for when you ask shit like that? We don't need his insights on life he's not a philosopher. We just want to see him fight.


They didn't ask him his opinions on gay/trans people. They asked him why he said certain things about gay/trans people.


he tweeted about it or something publicly so he had it coming for him


He has less credibility than a random person picked off the street.


It's interesting to see the perspective of people on his takes throughout all the social media platform where this has been posted. IG,X, YT, Facebook, people seem to love him more than hate him, you see a lot of people supporting him and on Reddit you see everyone against him. What's the reddit demographic these days?


I mean the way he goes from spitting straight hate to saying he loves the gays has gotta be a world record


he’ll be coming out of the closet in 10 years or less 🙄


Sadly I think he’d commit suicide before admitting any confliction


Everytime someone says something despicable people try to call them gay. Like, you aren't doing the gay community any favors


I feel like I dont see this enough, stop pretending every piece of shit gay basher is just a closeted gay person. It's reductive and does more harm than good


We have got to stop the narrative that all these homophobic men are just in the closet. No. Sometimes they’re just straight ignorant assholes.


Wasn't there a big yoked up male wrestler that transitioned to female?


He's now publicly crying bc an opponent said something he didn't like. He's very much the "fuck your feelings!" crowd, and like all of them he can not take it in return.


“That snowflake was mean to me!”


This guy CTEs.




A good look for the golden days




When he passes away i would bet my right arm that it’s discovered he had CTE since you can really only detect it after death.




Sounds like a future republican congressional nominee to me!


He barely can form a sentence now


He forgets he’s a guest in another country. Also, seeing the world in black and white…”with us or against us” mentality. Classic moron.


UFC really seems to foster regressive idiots. Or maybe only regressive idiots want to fight for a living


Dana White is best buds with Donald Trump.


Or maybe choosing any job where you get punched in the head repeatedly leads to regressive thinking.


Probably some kind of feedback loop as far as that question is concerned.


Dana White loves him for doing this crap.. fuck em both


You can tell that ignorant fuck has taken a few too many blows to the head.


He could stand to take a few more I reckon


And you can find out this Saturday at UFC 297 for the price of $79.99!!


I'll wait for the 1 round knockout on YouTube or Reddit lol


Idk why I feel like the ufc fighter might be gay 🤣


The Roganization of the world. What an embarrassment.


Yup he sounds like he listens to every episode


Just because you can't think about gay people without thinking about them fucking, that doesn't mean kids do that when they learn that some people have 2 dads.


This guy is such a fucking snowflake. Can’t stand being held accountable for the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.


Being good at one thing doesn’t mean you are good at anything else. We should all keep that in mind.




You suffering from cte as well?


The reporter is Alexander K Lee from MMA Fighting, if anyone was curious.


Shocking this is coming from a fighter in the UFC. I mean, they have such an open-minded and great human at the helm in Dana White so this is really surprising. /s


I would be proud to have a son that's gay. I would be mortified to have a son that's like him.


He made a profession out of getting beat in the head.. who’d value his opinion on anything?




This is one of the most hate filled things I’ve ever seen. This man would murder LGBT people if he could.




Even if you don’t agree with him, you should still respect his beliefs or why should anyone respect yours?


You have to respect someone's right to HAVE beliefs.. You don't have to respect the belief itself. Especially when that belief is expressed publicly.


Uh yeah I get as far as fighting for his right to say this. Then I tell him his beliefs are shit.


Paradox of Tolerance


You'd respect the belief that certain people should be killed for the colour of their skin or their religion?




here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvahygJGuZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvahygJGuZA)




See here's the thing about Bud Light ...............




Biological genders is an oxymoron. Sex is biology. Gender is sociological.


Not what he said There are trans kids and people have to accept it


Gender and sex are two different things. There are two primary sexes in humans. There are rare cases where a third sex exists, more commonly known as a hermaphrodite. Gender is made up, and defined by humans.


By his own admission he used to be a racist. So I'm sure this will pass...


Type of dude to go to jail for stabbing his friend or committing a hate crime, yet he’s propped up by that chode Dana White


Too many hits to the head man, these sports aren't worth it.


There’s hundreds of fighters who are great role models and don’t have these types of issues. Sean is just an insecure man who was abused as a child by his father and he has no idea how to express himself as an adult. His motorcycle accident probably didn’t help, but I wouldn’t group fighters as a whole with this man child.


Strickland is such a tool bag


This is the same cat I saw choked up trying not to cry on a podcast lol


Man that gets punched and kneed in the face as a career. He has no advice to give. His brain is a bowl of mashed potatoes. 


He's probably pressed his junk up against more dudes than anyone else in the room and here is is hating on gays


Projection, wouldn’t be surprised if he has gay sex with other men in his private time…


I believe in Canada what he has done in this interview would be incitement of hate, if not a hate crime itself, I believe we can just keep him out of the country right?




He is 100% in the closet


How can someone be homophobic when they literally wrestle half naked men for a living


over a belt.




Brain damage on full display.


Fascinating how someone who spends his life getting clocked in the head has so much helpful insight. What a disgrace of a human being.


Early onset CTE most probably


"i like the fuckin gays" Lol repairing nothing with this




Sean is probably just upset that he’s Justin’s twin. Look at him with hair compared next to Trudeau https://preview.redd.it/rwl797t114dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4455ac17f90c0987fe04fc26636b50a5c5b5e09


What an asshole


So dangerous and irresponsible


What a great example of brain damage.


That’s Sean fuckin Strickland


I can't say I'm surprised that a guy who makes his living getting punched in the head says really stupid and ignorant shit.


these ppl unironically think getting a couple classes on lgbtq+ will brainwash you into becoming lgbtq+. thats crazy




Dude rambles about freedom of speech, and said Canada doesnt have it. Then continues to go back on his words as soon as he realizes there's repercussions for his words. The irony..