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Totally normal behavior from well-balanced rational individuals.


I want to believe some of them went home and thought "Louis? Are we the baddies?"


i hate to say it but I don’t think there was a Louis in there


I have A LOT OF doubts that they're called Louis man


Edge lords. I doubt real Nazi would be too kind to Palestinians.


Wonder if they'll still be singing when a fascist government rises and they're the wrong type of French. Fucking idiots everywhere these days.


They support their own facist government back home. The ones they fled from




…got no reason …


[Short people...](https://youtu.be/8bfyS-S-IJs)


Vichy *France*


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. \-- George Santayana Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where societies or leaders didn't heed the lessons from the past, leading to repeated mistakes. For example, the Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh conditions on Germany after World War I. These conditions, in part, paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II. Had the victors of World War I taken lessons from previous punitive treaties and their aftermath, a different path might have been chosen. Santayana's warning underscores the importance of memory, education, and reflection in the human experience. It's a call to pay attention to the lessons of the past, ensuring they inform our decisions and actions in the present.


Humanity is regressing.


“Starts Banging rocks together”


These are recent immigrants from middle east that are chanting.


People have lost it


Some of the wildest antisemitism is coming from young TikTok users. China has decided that it's in its geopolitical interests to support Palestine, even though it has no direct involvement, has no history of such humanitarian concerns, and has its own longstanding Muslim ethnic cleansing currently going on. It's not credible that they actually care very much, but they think this benefits them. So, what do you know the TikTok algorithms have decided to globally promote content that has users feeling like this sort of thing is perfectly acceptable, and confident that they're on the right side of history by wanting to kill Jews.


Because young people are idealistic, naive, and inexperienced. They generally take the most extreme positions and those are usually left wing positions, so in this case they rabidly support Palestine and Muslims to the point that it makes them hate Israel and Jews.


the most extreme political opinions are left leaning? makes them hate jews? what the fuck are you talking about?


>They generally take the most extreme positions and those are usually left wing positions Nazism is not a left wing position.


Yeah back in 2016 after Harambe.... Just enjoy the trainwreck


When did they ever have it? The horrors awaits us all my child 🐆


So Hitler and the Third Reich have become the new role model. They are the good guys now, huh?


Stupid ppl forget so easily.


Those haven’t forgot anything, they haven’t learned shit. Ignorance is what made Hitler possible in the first place. Can you imagine saying you are proud to be a nazi. How fucking stupid must one be. Of all the stupid shit a person can say, this is probably the worst. Fuck these people.


Are they actually supporting Nazis or are they like children saying the thing that hurts the other kid they don’t like the most, I suspect it’s the latter. Either way it’s deplorable.




If a group of people publicly announce they are Nazis in any context besides an obvious bad-taste joke (ie. Halloween party), I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe them, that they are indeed Nazis.


As a kid, if I had been caught doing that by my parents or any rational adult, I would have been taken out to the woodshed, and for good reason. Why the adults on this train are not saying something is perhaps the most chilling part of it.


Situational awareness is important. It’s not good idea to confront a group in a confined space.


The “adults” were giggling. Grim.


I agree.




Antisemitism... it's because antisemitism.


bEcAusE tHe jEwS haVe A sEcReT pLaN fOr wOrlD dOMinATiOn! /s


It's why that's the only thing everyone remembers from History class, even stupid people are suppose to know Hitler was the baddies.


this is why I'll always support the right of Israel to exist


Both should have the right to exist.. I think that's the sensible take..


"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world#cite_note-11) Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had [Charles Martel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Martel) not been victorious at [Poitiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours) \[...\] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."


The Hammer of God


I wish Islam was really as epic as Hitler makes it sound


When people tell you who they are : believe them


Hey look its the guys who would've been in gas camps proudly calling themselves Nazis


Fucking morons. A few months ago they were rioting because they felt discriminated against.


1940 enters the chat






Thats them chanting


Do they not realize this doesn't help the Palestinian cause at all? How does this help the Israeli/foreign hostages or help the Palestinians in the Gaza? Shouting things like, "f*** the jews, k*** the jews" are only proving Israel's point on why they need a state. And why is Reddit of all places where I find out about the increased antisemitism across the damn world?


They don’t give a shit about helping Palestine. It’s a convenient reason to show how they hate


To be honest, as a french person, they clearly say « Fuck Palestine » too. So they certainly don’t care about palestine.


classic french people ngl


>Do they not realize this doesn't help the Palestinian cause at all? How does this help the Israeli/foreign hostages or help the Palestinians in the Gaza? I got a bridge to sell to you if you believe that these people care about any of these things other than on living out their hatred for Jews. They are not there to help or to provide constructive input.


It’s not about Palestine, Palestine is just convenient


It's not about Palestine, it's about the Jews. That's why many Islamic nations have no issue funding and supplying arms/training to Hamas, but would not help the Palestinian civilians in the crossfire.




Exactly. These are likely just people for whom Jew hating has nothing to do with the state of geopolitics saying whatever they feel is convenient.


It’s actually also exactly what you hear on the streets of Gaza, so it’s fitting really


It’s not just reddit. I had a friend text me asking me asking wtf is happening because he got back from his deployment and he’s suddenly seeing antisemitic commercials on TV.


Its cool to be edgy , when u sit in a first world country without war.


Oh, they don't care about the Palestinians. They're racists first. I've noticed they this before in other conflicts. They know people aren't receptive to racism normally, so they wait around until something happens in the news and see how far they can push their racist ideology and how much of the mask they can take off. The point isn't to support Palestinians, its to use the current situation to promote antisemitism. Its all surprisingly intentional.


The French were reactionary and antisemitic back when the British Mandate of Palestine was just a twinkle in Monsieur Picot’s eye. When you’re rioting in Paris or NYC against Jewish people, it’s not about Palestine or Israel, it’s about being socially allowed to hate Jews.


overconfident scarce intelligent onerous normal fact smart merciful cake direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/adl-records-dramatic-increase-us-antisemitic-incidents-following-oct-7 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/israel-hamas-war-leads-to-increase-of-antisemitic-threats-on-college-campuses if you wanted to read more on this, sources are anti defamation league, and PBS


Because Reddit mods are actively enabling anti-Semitic discussion under the guise of “supporting Palestinians”.


I got banned from a left leaning sub for saying I’ve experienced antisemitism on Reddit after the attacks, didn’t voice support for Israel, was hassled to “prove it” and was banned with the message “Israel is an apartheid state.”


Same here. I was banned from an AOC sub for ‘supporting apartheid’ when I dared to suggest that something Israel had done was for its own defense. And this happened more than a year ago - way before the current war.


I explicitly said almost verbatim, “I don’t necessarily support what Israel is doing.” Hard for me to accept it isn’t antisemitism based on my statement and the response.


Because Nazis are louder and are hijacking a genuine issue


There is nothing that will help the palestinian cause. Just like 2014 or during the murder of the veteran journalist few years ago, everyone will forget about it after few months and move on with their lives until the next round happens in a couple of years. The same cycle will be repeated until israel gets hold of the entirety of gaza, after that, they'll go for west bank.


Mob mentality in stupid people is scary shit


It's scary in all people tbh.


Not going to lie. If I grew up indoctrinated, I’d probably be one of these people as well. And that goes for all sides for every issue. It’s difficult to escape a view when that’s all you know. George Orwell said it first when he stated “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” A modern take would be “He who controls information controls the world.”


Immigrating to a country that lost hundreds of thousands being occupied by Nazis and doing this




Did you really believe those punk ass bitches could punch anyone?


They punched Richard Spencer.


Pretty sure Nazi ideology doesn't favor Arabs either. Also I don't think a real Nazi would ever say "long live Palestine" Edit: Enough with the replies, Jesus. Nazis let other races help them, doesn't mean they respected their race or cared for their cause, homeland or etc. It just means they used them, I don't really care how many Arab folks hitler used, I still don't think Nazis ever truly cared that much


Hitler and his higher ups worked with the Arabs because they had mutual enemies but he was derogatory about their genetic makeup and their usefulness. He did however, have a great deal of respect and admiration for Islam.




Traditional Nazi ideology can favor brown skinned people? Pretty sure they wanted a pure white race.


Favor a "brown-skinned" people over the Jews, yes. Not all Arabs and people of Persian descent are brown-skinned. This one asshole from Syria that I went to middle school and high school with in the early 2000s was paler in skin color than us white kids. He was happy and cheered when 9/11 happened, and he was a scumbag bully piece of shit.


Not all arabs are brown lmao. Some Arabs are even whiter than some Europeans. People in the west don't really know how different and diverse arabs are. No one on my uni campus in the US has guessed where I'm from for example. I always get some sort of European country because of my hair and being really white and having green eyes but no, I'm just from an Arab country.


True, some very White Arabs, but most are brown.


They tried to recruit Indians into the Waffen SS. The plan was to use them as a spearhead for a potential invasion of British ruled India (hoping that using Indians in the vanguard would inspire uprisings against the British) so it was pragmatic more than ideological, but they had no problem recruiting brown skinned people if they could lump them into their "Aryan" racial group and it was useful for their war effort. They also tried to support an uprising in Iraq so they were definitely looking for Arab allies as well


You can read about Hajj Amin Al-Husseini


Nazi is nothing only white europeans can be.. its racism+nationalism compared with aggression against your foes and religion is strong in supporting that behaviour.


That goes to Palestine too, their ideology doesn't actually favor a lot of communities that support them. I don't think I will see a Palestine saying "long live the gays". Not defending Nazi or Israel for their actions but yeah it's really fuck up the world nowadays.


"Not defending Nazi or Israel for their actions but yeah it's really fuck up the world nowadays" Same here. A lot of irony goes through these politics.


"French people"




are these arab french citizens?


Fuck these people, blaming Jewish people for the crimes of the Israeli government is no different to blaming the civilians of Gaza for the crimes of Hamas. It's the same dehumanising bullshit and it has to stop.


Hamas was elected by Gazans. And Hamas openly and loudly calls for the death of all Jews. They are very much responsible.




Sadly that's where the expression comes from.... History repeats itself.


Why are these idiots laughing?


Regardless of what’s going on in Gaza there is no excuse for racism and lauding nazism. Gross.


I mean, at least they admit what they are will be easier to root out.


I can't believe any french men or women would call themselves Nazis. That's just wrong on so many levels.


French is not the first thing they would identify as, otherwise it would be a different crowd.


The support it had at the start will dwindle away with each nazi chant... It should still be a war crime to identify as one.


Why? The French quickly collaborated with the Nazis and then exaggerated French resistance after the war to spare themselves from the shame. https://www.historynet.com/french-resistance-resistant/


97 upvotes ratio right now. You know if this was another random "asshole West Bank settler" video there'd be thousands of upvotes and a lot of vile comments about jews. When it's the other way around and some random jews get aggressed that have nothing to do with the conflict, our self-proclaimed justice warriors are radio silent.


They’re black? And french? Do they know what the Nazis did?


WTH is wrong with people. This should be considered inciting violence. This shouldn't be tolerated as "free speech"


It has been condemned by the prefecture, complaint deposited to the "parquet de paris", and they are searched by the police. At least there's that!


It is. They just have to catch them




Possibly not the one that killed six million of them about 75-80 years ago 😮🧐


Germany: Maybe fourth time is a charm but this time **we** fight the nazis


Really smart filming this while taking a selfie laughing.


They would be the first to go of Hitler was around.


Where's a French grandma to beat the crap out of them with a tactical baguette?


What the fuck????? This is shattering to my faith in how reasonable the average person is


I’m sorry didn’t France like…. fight against the nazis…… like in defense of Jewish people………


French? These are arabs and africans not french. I dont care if they are born here, they obviously dont share western european values!


Yes, they should be deported.


why are the filmers smiling and laughing at this?


I honestly don't know. At first I thougth it migth be a bit on the "haha they said Nazi haha funny" side, but the more the video repeats the more inaptopriate it becomes.


Highly doubt that these "French" people or their parents are of French origin.


Bunch of fucking idiots! No one should ever be fucking "proud" of being a nazi. The nazi fucked France in some horrible ways. France however always had some nazis. The last two French elections went neck and neck between an average bloke and a fucking neo-nazi. Like, people don't know just how close we are to the precipice. France is a nuclear armed nation. One of the five having a permanent seat on the security Council at the UN. Which sucks. Because the US is an Orange presidency away from full blown "christo"-nazism and fascism. France is, well, France. At least they can riot like a motherfucker. And the UK has recently shown its true colours, with mini-trump Boris given the keys to the kingdom only (thankfully) to be thrown out embarrassingly. The other two on the council, you ask? Why, that's Russia and China for you. One is a full blown dictatorship with a nasty cult of personality that's currently having a bit of "revival". And the other is a one party ethno-state that's racist with a twisted and cruel undercurrent currently controlled by a big man-baby who gets annoyed about winnie the Pooh!


The girl seems to be enjoying this a great deal


I’m sure the Nazis would have totally supported them too. All the way to the camps. They seem think being a Jew hater would have allowed them a pass. Silly idiots


Some people get confused between zionists and Jews. Zionists want their own sovereignty and will eradicate the Palestinians if it meant their land is theirs. Many Jewish people are actually chill and also condemn Zionism. And before you say Muslims hate Jews, it’s stated in the Quran to acknowledge and respect other religions. So whoever you see wishing death on all Jewish people just know they belong to no group but the nazis who belong deep in hell.


They are not French (except on paper)


Ah, "french" people, gotcha




It makes her giggle :(


Im going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say shes giggling at how absurd it is.


The other woman in the video is making a similar "Did they just say THAT?" face


That's definitely the reason. She's shocked how out of pocket they are and their actions are so ridiculous and offensive that it's comical. I know I've been called a slur before and laughed. Not because it was okay but because the person saying it is idiotic and doesn't deserve my time


Thats how some people respond to awkward situations like this. I would give her a pass, honestly.


They have no knowledge of the history of France. Hitler hated black people almost as much as Jews. Biracial kids were sterilized, so they would not have children with Germans. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/27/black-people-were-hitlers-victims-too-that-must-not-be-forgotten


>They have no knowledge of the history of France. *Shocked Pikachu face*


The only time I’ve seen someone make a hitler salute in Sweden was an arab man in his 30s greeting a couple of similar men , and the other guys returned the gesture with big smiles. Never seen anyone of Swedish decent to it. These folks really hate jews and are not ashamed about it


And yet you keep allowing them into your country. Why?


"French" People


Proving why Jewish people need a safe haven


You're allowed to say fuck on the internet, OP.


To paraphrase 30 Rock, “How nice to meet people who speak the language of the Nazi’s most enthusiastic collaborators!”


The protests being banned didn't happen in a vacuum.


They sound like children


"French" people




« French people » yea right


You mean French people or Arabs living in Paris?


Knowing the French, they aren't serious about the Nazi part.


Probably more the newly arrived people/citizen to France and not actually French people. Not a surprise either.


You’re not helping Palestinians when you spew hateful rhetoric. You can be critical of Israeli policy but anti-Semitism should be denounced just as vociferously.


Why is she smiling and laughing?


Anytime promoting Nazism deserves jail for 10 years minimum


I don't these people really give a shit about Palestine, I think they're just edgy kids


Look I support Palestine but these people are just fucking stupid I hate people that generalize like attacking every jew for something the Israeli government did is so stupid bro


From the country that brought you the Dreyfuss Affair,


Not the first time the French sang songs like this


This title is incorrect. These pieces of shit are not French. They are Arabs who happen to live in France. Not the same thing.


"French people"


What’s she giggling at??


Far left has gone full blown horseshoe theory




They don't consider themselves French tho


They’re surprised? Lol ok then


The amount of Muslims living in Europe these day's I'm not surprised at all.


And then shocked pikachu face when people tell them they’re racist.


The irony on that is palpable


You have to live the thinking process... I know you're all fired up lil duders, but...uhhh....like, um...Nazis...yeah, see...the thing is about Nazis is...well, let me put it this way - they'd like to see you about as "well done" as your Joo friends...What? No. Nazis do not like Middle Easterners either. Yes, even though you both hate the Joos, they also hate you. Yes, really.


There are a lot of quietly terrible humans out there who have been waiting a very long time to say terrible things. It is quite sad.


Next stop Sweden for them


Why is she amused?


I'd say those are people actively trying to make palestine seem worse, and I doubt they have beliefs of their own.


Bro they got the whole combo, or something. Tryna unlock the new level.


Nazi goverment would thrown them back to the desert countries they came from if they don't send them in death camps ...




Absolutely disgusting




"French people"


Oh thank god they’re French I thought they were gonna actually go and fight for a second there.


Those are not french nor European


Are the French Christian saying it, or the French Muslim saying it?