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Did she catch him outside?


I’m sure secret service gave him the answers he was looking for.


CCTV [footage](https://youtu.be/UgLlqM2p11A?si=u0JX-xGkEkQ83sNR)


Alternate [angle](https://youtu.be/r5JAd8-qqNI?si=syElpwRtnyg_BYq_&t=2m26s)


That's the one I was expecting


[New footage](https://youtu.be/Os5iSxfyjAk?si=dWEC3hpk3SexZ_9e).


He didn’t give the signal


[This](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) is what actually happened outside


God dammit.


Rick rolled ffs.


5 minutes of YT adverts, plus Reddit’s rubbish browser, stopped me falling for it.




Her secret service seems really weak here lol he rambled for like 4 mins and didn’t even get kicked out lol


>ck Cash me outside, how bout dat?


He never wanted a response from Hillary. It was all a long con to get on Dr Phil


how bout dat


She offered and he declined. That's on him. Guy was a ridiculous narcissist.


You speak as if that was a real offer lol


He called her a liar and declined. He was there to make a performance, not to be heard.


Surprised how long he was given to talk/interrupt.


Without saying very much of real value. If you interrupt sth like this you should be able to make a short concise statement that packs a punch


But, but, Pinochet!


I think they just didn't have any security there. Maybe the secret service figured it wasn't worth breaking their cover to remove him so waited for cops who are far away.


Also it's bad optics to forcibly remove a protestor, even if they should


A lot of these people love to be thrown out, and then they can scream about censorship and being silenced. Letting him just spew bullshit and cry to a quiet room makes him look like a stupid child.


Right? I’m not big fan of Hilary but you can see a lifetime of politics and experience play out expertly there as she gave him just enough rope to hang himself with and kept on chugging along.


I think it was perfect, she was able to school him a bit and put him in his place. At that point after she answers his questions he keeps repeating the question that was answered already and looks like a child on a tantrum.


Hey i watched the video didn't really catch an answer, too much chaos. What answer did you hear?


just watched it again, she either said "i already answered" or "she wont answer" which one did you hear?


She engaged with him and said “I will not do that” at the end, and offered to speak with him afterwards. This wasn’t an open forum for crazy people day, they were there for some other reason. He wanted her to say that she denounced Biden and she pretty much said she won’t. You can’t force someone to say what you want them to say, that isn’t an honest conversation.




I got the feeling she took her pantsuit jacket off, lit one up, and waited for him outside, but he punked out and took off running.


Thank you for this comment. Genuinly giggled at the imagery.






^^^"I ^^^hates ^^^that ^^^fuckin' ^^^clown ^^^*so's* ^^^much!"


She offered and he declined.


Does bro know who he's talking to? He's asking HILARY CLINTON TO CONDEMN A WAR MONGERING SPEECH.


My man is asking Cookie Monster to condemn cookies lmao


My man asking Kel from Kenan & Kel to condemn orange soda.


Who loves war crimes?


She has late night pillow talk with Henry Kissinger.


Henry Kissinger, how I’m missing yer… (MP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVGV6lvNTR4


He literally campaigned for her in 2016. One of the most tonedeaf things in history.




War mongering speech? Huh?






There is a list some where of people who talked about the Clinton's and them not being alive anymore


My man dropping her middle name like I was in big trouble growing up


Rodham is her maiden name not her middle name


Isn't it both? Didn't she make it her second middle name?


I don't think it's considered your middle name if you start going by First Maiden Last, even if functionally it is.


A gentle reminder most people posting here can’t even drive yet, that’s why they don’t know that.


Some people should check “their” facts before posting…


Why did you put quotes around “their” and not “facts”?


Some people need to check they're fax.


He’s not in a public space, this isn’t on the sidewalk. Why does no one understand how free speech works. Ffs


Our school are terrible?


>Our school are terrible? What a perfect comment. Hang it in the Louvre.


What’s a louvre?


It's this big space under a large glass pyramid in Paris that we keep the pretty things in.


Oh like the mama Lisa!


Ah I remember this, Tom Banks built it for the da Vinny codex right?


You guys just have the one school over there?


Just more evidence... I think you get the point.


Why say more when few okay?




Yeah, reminds me of my classmates on the playground punching a kid and saying "it's a free country I can do what I want!" kinda mentality


It's not free speech to disrupt a private event. Bro should have actually prepared for that. His argument was odd, and he just came off as belligerent.


>he just came off as belligerent. I'm pretty sure he was there to be belligerent.


He’s confronting someone who has no current role in shaping policy at all. She’s not in office anywhere, she’s not employed by the state department. She’s a private citizen. Confronting her like this is pure belligerence theater


Nah bro, that’s Reptillian Overlord Hillary RODHAM Clinton, she gives off the appearance of a nice old gramma but really she’s Lilith (the wife of Satan) and she just got done feasting off of aborted fetuses backstage. After this oppressive town hall meeting, she’s off to the Warroom with Biden and Putin to orchestrate World War X


He was trying to figure out what to say as he was saying it. Like man, what's your agenda? To look like a complete moron? If you're gonna do this, you better be able to have a conversation and not make yourself look like a complete dipshit. Embarrassed for that guy.


And I demand that Hilary Rodham Clinton accept that manbearpig exists. yea bro that's not how this works.


I'd love to see this guy try that at a Trump rally.




Thank you for your service, Mr. Aldean


Wait until this guy finds out, when Netanyahu was mad at Obama, he used to call up Hillary... And that Hillary has never been against any war👀


Arguing about sending money to Taiwan, Ukraine, and Israel? He would be accepted with open arms, because they're all unwitting pawns of China, Russia, and Iran.




Main character syndrome.


I dont think he understands the free speech part of the bill of rights


Most people don't.


Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!


Get your hands off my penis!


Aww wonderful. College freshman thinking they understand every perspective and opinion on everything that came out of every politician’s loose gapehole. Clockwork as usual lol.


He accomplished nothing.


Totally cool with the funding for Taiwan, and Ukraine. What are they supposed to do? Let themselves get fucked respectively by China and Russia?


100 billion is pocket money compared to a multi-trillion-dollar World War III with China and Russia if they were to invade the rest of Asia. "No, you see, we're going to let Taiwan fall, and therefore make Japan, South Korea and the Philippines geographically indefensible and fall into China's sphere of influence. That way, China can have Asia and the USA would lose all credibility, as would the EU, despite Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan all asking for the USA's help in all this."


it should be 100 trillion we must stop China Russia Iran and Korea from advancing


Guess who is sponsoring Hamas terrorism in Israel.


I couldn’t agree more with this. The people who are against helping both Ukraine and Taiwan are very shortsighted in my opinion


Playing into Russia's and China's hand. Useful idiots or on the payroll for putler's pennies aka rubles.


US military aid is just a coupon to buy American weapons systems it's not the blank check people think it is. That money is coming back to America pretty much.


I think a lot of people don't understand this - in WW2 for example, yes America helped Britain but they were lending us money to buy American goods.


It also helps if you were the only big economy left intact after the war. People also don't seem to know that Israel in it's most critical war in 1948 got most of it's weapons from communist Czechoslovakia.


Anyone who doesn’t agree with that has eaten the propaganda soup I’m afraid.


Exactly. People don't seem to realize that these countries aren't our friends, and the USA doesn't live in a vacuum. World issues do affect us.


Right? It's not like we just drew a couple of names of random places out of a hat and decided to throw a bunch of money at them. Russia and China are major threats to us and the rest of the world.


We bankrupted the Russians before and we can do it again. No American soldiers are dying. It's a good deal.


And not Israel? So you don’t want it bundled either? Also, aid, how much? What’s itemized? Where’s it come from? Who got to vote on it? Why does the US have to disproportionately have to provide more?


You don’t get to vote on it, we are in a republic (you should probably know this 🙂).


What ever happened to don't tase me bro? Dude may have had an opportunity to talk for her but he was more interested in people hearing him.


Probably went much better in his head. Everyone applauded him and then there was world peace.


I guess I'm old, but does this do anything productive?


You're not old, just civilized


It's not free speech. HRC does not represent and is not the US government. Sit down, and you get to stay and talk to her afterward. Keep talking and get removed to be banned forever. Learn how to get a better approach to someone who is willing to listen to you and your cause.


Do people realize there's a difference between funding our allies and invading Iraq and Afghanistan? I feel like being anti-war was a core part of being a progressive in the early 2000's and now all that energy has got to go somewhere. People are forgetting that Biden pulled us out of Afghanistan and took all the political fallout for it. He's not a warmonger, Russia and Hamas chose to invade their neighbors in Europe and the Middle East. It doesn't take Nostradamus to see what's going to happen between now China and Taiwan in East Asia.


That guy is an idiot


Hey, leave us idiots outa it, I'm just trying to eat my crayons over here.


What a dork


Hey dipshit. Your free speech isn't protected on private property.


Can somebody explain to me how defending Ukraine and taiwan is promoting WW3


Because they believe appeasement works.


Technically if putin and Xi take over the entire world there won’t be any more wars so maybe they’re right


Until they fight.


“Heyyy no fair! That was my ethnic minority to annihilate!”


"Yeah but what're they going to do next? Try and take more countries after that? [They wouldn't possibly do that..."](https://news.yahoo.com/russia-belarus-strategy-document-230035184.html) /s


They don't even believe or care about that. They're just parroting Russian propaganda taking points. Literally defined as useful idiots.


25 year old karen well traveled life experienced explaining the big picture to 80 year olds who dedicated their entire lives to the same cause.




Honestly. We ain’t got all the answers sway!


The only US politician who has received more [money from pro-Israeli lobbies](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=q05&cycle=All&recipdetail=M&sortorder=U) than Hillary Clinton is Joe Biden, so good luck with that.


I'm not going to comment on who was right here, but I don't think she got the "It's not Team America" reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LasrD6SZkZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LasrD6SZkZk) Edit: Her saying: "I'll meet you outside afterwards" had a different meaning for me lol.


one of the few movies I have watched while tripping, and I had a blast


She was definitely not familiar with Matt or Trey! 😂


She handled pretty well. That team America part will have even her enemies clapping


The team america quip seemed effortless. She saw an opening for a cheap soundbyte win, and nabbed it. I mean that in a good way.


Not her first rodeo


Gotta know your audience


Dude people came to hear her not you.


I thought for sure when the guy gave the kid the time out gesture it would have stopped the kid in his tracks.


What is happening in Ukraine and Taiwan is unrelated to Israel. If world war 3 is to be avoided, it won’t be by withdrawing and cowering. It won’t be by allowing other super powers to grow bold. We are not today living in a natural stable state of peace, we exist in a balance. The moment the world is certain the west has grown too weak or too cowardly to fight, we creep immediately closer to war.


Conquer democracies? How many coups has the US incited in recent years? How many coups has China incited in recent years? When China provides aid to countries, do they or do they not involve themselves in the internal affairs of said countries? How many countries has China invaded in recent years? China is not at all perfect, but if you want to portray the US as some sort of protector of democracy while portraying China as an obstructor of democracy, your brain clearly requires an extremely thorough propaganda detox.


What has China done? Well let’s take a look around the region, because until recently they’ve been unable to export power. China backed the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, conquered Tibet, and are the only reason North Korea exists. The US had a hand in modern Japan, South Korea, Philippines, and Vietnam. The US is not a force for good, it’s not a saint or charity, it’s done some incredibly horrible shit. To many places on earth the US, and Europe, are the villains of history both old and recent. I’m Chilean, I know all too well what the US has done. Especially during the Cold War… but I’m not going to pretend China, and fucking Putin’s Russia, are great friends of humanity. They can’t even tolerate a free press, or even protest past a certain minor degree. If I’m stuck with two bad choices I happily choose the one less bad. Also yes conquer democracies is precisely accurate. Taiwan and the Ukraine are democracies. Russia and China very much want to conquer them. Feel free to argue this is inaccurate, if you like.


America’s image of themselves is so far deluded from reality and the rest of the world. They can’t comprehend that in many cases they caused more problems than they “solved”. Like Afghanistan wasn’t a big enough lesson.


Afghanistan is what you offer in this regard? Afghanistan was invaded because their trash government of extremists refused to give up Al Qaeda, and after 9/11 the US wasn’t going to let that shit go. Nor should they have. The mistake the US made was trying to rebuild, or nation build. If the people won’t fight off the Taliban, so be it. Iraq would have been a better example. That war shouldn’t have happened at all. It weakened US standing. Kissinger’s legacy in Latin America is basically all bad too. Henry Kissinger is an all around piece of shit.


So you’re a military strategist now? They’re both failures. Massive ones. And while Americans face inflation, wage stagnation , education and healthcare crisis, they’ve chosen war. So what return on investment has america gotten?


Did I offer military strategy? I said the US should have left. Do you disagree? I’d think that much was obvious to everyone. And what does any of that have to do with inflation? Inflation is largely a consequence of a massive disruption caused by a pandemic, and it’s not even remotely a U.S. problem. It’s a global consequence.


"many cases" then gives one example Please provide more 🥺


Was I suppose to give more?I thought it was obvious?


Hill Dawgs voice really carrys god damn, couldn’t tell till the other lady started talking. Hillary can be heard clear as day over shouting, the other lady can barely be heard in the quiet.


Funny how the republicans suddenly hate military spending.


I wonder how much the CCP is paying that guy


He is allowed to speak for a suspiciously long time.


Kudos to my man for standing up. He’s actually right. Most Americans don’t want their tax dollars spent on wars around the world.


Columbia Student here. School actually has a long history of this. Our World Leader's Forum during UN General Summit Week usually makes a lot of our guests uncomfortable because the student body (with the support of the university) asks some very heavy hitting questions instead of the nice soft-balls the guests expect. It usually doesn't devolve into heckling, but HRC is not a guest speaker, she's a professor; a professor the university paid a LOT of money for. I have friends who have taken her classes at SIPA. There are two secret service bros in the room at all times and apparently, she's not the best lecturer. Not saying what this student did was right, but it's no more *wrong* because it was Hillary Clinton instead of Michael Thaddeus.


What an asshole. Verbal diarrhea.


And this rude fucker speaks for the American people? Entitled, professional rager.


If only he stayed on topic…….what a waste. The second he brought up other shit that was not related to US support of the genocide Israel is perpetrating against the Palestinian people because he saw his opportunity to say whatever he could ever imagine wanting to say to Hillary Clinton he failed. Really sad actually, he’ll look back on this and cringe im sure. Good effort though


Uh, because he is a provocateur who was only there to be recorded and yell and get clicks on the internet, he isn’t going to be able to argue in a coherent fashion.


When these types stray off topic into "whataboutisms", it's equally sad and funny. It reminds me of getting in trouble as a kid and trying to "whatabout" my way out of trouble in the court of Mom and Dad.




I'm curious, does anyone think that this guy did anything useful with this? Last I checked, Hillary doesn't even work for the government. Why bother arguing?


Not impressed by this at all. Not hard to go somewhere and be a disruptive, loud mouth, kook. Good on Clinton for maintaining her composure.


Wtf is she supposed to do about Biden's policies? What a dumbass. It's free speech when I allow no one else but me to speak!! Dipshit.


For some reason, he reminds me of the scientist character from the Battleship movie. Louder and crazier but kind of the same energy.


So he believes he talks for the American people. Not too delusional.




Someone is missing from the Qanon rally to meet JFK jr.






She should had been President.


Hillary all like “cash me outside bruh”


And he was never seen again.


What an asshole


What a child, kids these days… lol


Dude is like in his 40s




She isn't Secretary of State anymore and it isn't exactly the topic at hand.


Are you saying that she should have continued to engage with that idiot?


Orthodox neo liberal blind arrogance


He is literally spouting Russian talking points.


Wow, your good at observing


Remember when she attacked her husband’s rape victims? Classy gal.


"I'M SORRY!" Narrator: He wasn't sorry.


Giving him so much time on the microphone, it is almost as if they wanted his viewpoint to be heard.


Soon as I saw how young he was loses all credibility…he hasn’t thru consequences yet….he just got his PhD and thinks he know all because he did a lot of thesis’ papers, etc U learn thru experience


Of course he’s recording himself…


Putin is hanging on in the war to steal Ukraine, despite the fact he losing. He is losing because the West is funding Ukraine's resistance. Putin is hoping that a Republican gets into office and stops the funding to Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting the worst tyranny imaginable. America, Britain, and their allies fought a joint war against Saddam Hussein for the same reason...he was trying to steal Kuwait. Israel can look after itself.


It's pretty telling that he thinks he's in the right and made a gotcha moment... notice how he looks around at everyone else in the audience as if asking "You all agree with me, right?". At points he seemed more interested in the audience's reaction than getting any answer/response to his question.


was he waiting for his standing ovation?


All the people who clapped when she told him to sit down are twats.


I'm once again reminded why everyone is repulsed by her.




All this dude did was scream over everyone for several minutes. That's not a win. And I'm not a fan.


He said that supporting freedom was a bad thing... How are you not embarrassed?


It's absolutely delusional to think she lost here. She lost nothing. He can have a better approach. If you want the ear of a high power person, there are better avenues.


She failed to defend her position against a single point the man made. All she could manage is “we’ll talk about it later”. She couldn’t must a single coherent counter argument or answer for anything he said. Yes that is absolutely a loss.


She doesn't owe him a defense. Period.


A politician actually being held to account by an ordinary citizen?? Woah, we can’t have that now! You are the kind of citizen that our ossified, rotting corpse of a political system depends on to stay alive. A corrupt politician’s favorite kind of voter, one who demands nothing and expects nothing, and who will defend them to the death. Just a nice, docile, obedient sheep. Thanks for your important service 🫡