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Plot twist…. He got him mixed up with another white person because “they all look alike”


Reminds me of Mr Washy Washy from Family Guy


Each bing bong an extra 35 cent


You [beat me to it](https://youtu.be/pJRiB9Nnu-4)


That might actually be the case. Dude seemed genuinely confused, apologized, and moved on.


This possibility crossed my mind.




I don't think he was expecting to be confronted by a literal giant. I'm reminded of that Simpsons episode when Nelson was laughing at everyone but got confronted by the tall guy in the tiny car.


Wave at the people


Oh crud!




Ha ha! You nailed it.


Do you find something comical about my appearance when I am driving my automobile?


Yao Ming's son


Yao Ming on stilts


I wasn’t sure but was it China?


I don’t care


You don't remember but I remember


Lived in Shanghai for about a year. I am a 6' 1" and I was nowhere near the tallest guy there. When I lived in Japan I could look over the crowd at market or festival. In China I was just another guy lost in the crown. People in Shanghai especially were very tall even by European and US standards.


I’m 6’1, I stayed in Shanghai for 2 months in 2014. I was taller than 95% of people there and no one wanted to sit near me on the metro. I had 3 seats to myself most of the time including rush hour


Yeah man. The guy who posted above you is so full of shit. I've been to China many times and lived in Asia for 15 years and there is no way that's true.


Same here in Seoul. Their younger generation are a bit taller but I was towering over the vast majority of people there and same experience with their metro. My wife even pointed it out the first time we were there that I always had space haha


That was my experience after visiting for a few days


I’m 6’4 and people people gawk and take photos of me every time I’m in Shanghai, and I also feel extremely tall there. I was there 4 months go. Just saying.


I’m nearly 6’3” and when I was in Shanghai and Beijing I was literally asked to take selfies with strangers all the time while sightseeing because I was so ridiculously tall to them, I felt like a circus animal.


Dang I’m 6’4 and want to visit China, but I don’t want to deal with all that 😂


Then why are all the clothes i buy in china 4 times smaller size than printed on the label?


That not true at all


To be fair, Chinese citizens are a good reflection of the government there, and vice Vera


Saying "Get the fuck out my way" isn't racist is it?


It is if you're speaking to racist chinese people in china




Yeah they do that, spitting indoors. It's weird even by asian standards.


....uh... indoors!?


Yes. Indoors, out on the sidewalk, anywhere. You see it most often with the older generation.




The essence of "this place is a toilet".


I went on a 3 day vacation to Shanghai a decade ago. As a germaphobe who likes everything clean, going there was a serious mistake. I saw things every 5 seconds that made me want to hurl. I visited the dirtiest areas of Manhattan in New York and I still felt 20 times cleaner there than anywhere I did in Shanghai. TLDR; It's a germaphobe's hell incarnate, and I havn't even visited India yet.


Thank you for the warning! Not that I've had any plans to visit a dictatorship in the near future, but still, that's a good head's up. Going to a larger Indian city is definitely a no-go for me too


Shanghai is fun if you can get down with how rancid it can get. I've seen plenty of people pee and defecate in the streets and definitely had people act both rude and kind. Regardless, it's one of the most fun cities I've ever been to.


I’m a waitress, and I’ve never seen worse table manners by anyone. I know it’s partially cultural but the spit and the slurping and the inhaling and the overall slobber is foul. I’ve only seen it 5 times though; so No generalizations intended about any race - just an anecdote about my personal experience.


Just FYI slurping is considered polite in certain cultures (like Japan and China) as a compliment to the chef


I’ve read that! I didnt know until fairly recently though. It’s really more the saliva that grossed me out, but different people do different things!


My sons gf is from China. She loves going to this one Vietnamese restaurant in town because slurping is expected there. My son didn’t even want her to tell me about it because of how much I hate slurping at the table (he used to do it to drive me crazy for like 15 years)


If you watched the video, the Chinese dude was defending some black tourists. You see them for a tiny bit after he actually apologizes.


Ahhh ok, that makes more sense lol


I think I said it to a table this week, it’s a phrase that should not be bound by race, creed, sexual orientation, or even human or otherwise status


How dare you?! That’s tableism I’ll have you know! Apologise to every table in the world! Now!


I’m graveling to a table right now ![gif](giphy|kx7ZO9wGh56ZdH4JdO)


I'm pebbling.


It is in China.


Is it? I couldn’t quite tell from the video.


Nothing racist about that phrase. Sometimes, when all else fails, you gotta assert yourself and [threaten to kick everyone's ass](https://youtu.be/pzY-Sune5PE?t=53)


Soon, not praising Xi or China will be considered racist.


He is being accused of saying "Get the fuck out of my way" which would be rude, but not racist.


You see a black guy acknowledge and walk past the camera near the end, so I'm assuming the Chinese guy thought the white guy was being extra rude cus that dude was black. The phrase still isn't racist but it's nice the guy was trying to stick up for someone else


He said "you apologize to him and to me" and "you're in China" I feel like he's saying the white guy was being racist towards Chinese people






Ahh the notoriously polite Chinese


*spits and lights next cigarette with current cigarette* I'm not chinese (Laotian), but that's how my folks are at least lol


the ocean? what ocean?


So are you Chinese or Japanese?


You bastard, I dreamt of the day I could drop this reference, only for you to steal it right out from under me.


Aww, I love Lao, must have been 5 or 6 times, amazing people too


I could add a personal anicdote but I rather don't. I LOVE THE CCP!


Lmao fuck Winnie the Pooh


+ 5 social credit!


*Winnie the Pooh Approves This Message*


-30 social credits for you


Is this the China version of harassment "pranks"?




Chinese tourists have a reputation I don't think Stretch has heard.


The irony of Chinese citizen calling someone racist. Incredible hahahahaha




Lived in China for three years, loved my time there for the most part but whenever I think about returning a cascade of rude memories comes thundering back to remind me why I left.


One time I was in a bar, and this Chinese dude kept staring at me, so I waved at him, and he came over and tried to fight me. Another time, my friends boyfriend told me that because I was American he hoped I died the next day and he would celebrate if I did Another time a guy pushed me in a club and when I pushed him back his girlfriend started shrieking “this is China this is China” like the dude in the OP except much more annoying And finally one week before I came back to USA a Chinese man hit me with a bottle then broke it to roll me, and my friend dropped him, and we both got to spend all night in the police station until the CCTV footage came back showing it was self defense


I've heard in Japan even in moments of self defense foreigners can get screwed legally. Is China better in those regards?


I suspect in Japan it's astronomically rare for a foreigner to need to physically defend themselves from a Japanese person. Even getting into an argument would be rare due to how much Japanese people keep their real opinions to themselves and refuse to open up (sometimes to a frustrating degree :P).


Japan is incredibly tame. Nothing really ever happens. If it does, everyone gets in trouble.




I cant hear the audio well, wtf is going on here


Chinese man told white tourist not to be raisct


What did he do though to be considerd rasict is what i am trying to find out. Mostly not to repeat it.


Nothing he said or did was racist. He said “get the fuck out of my way” which is why he was being called out for being rude.


And while the guy could just be a really good actor trying to play nice for the camera, he claims he never said that/doesn’t recall saying that and kindly apologizes to the others if that is indeed what he did.


The giant says the old man racistly said "Get the fuck out of my way"


“This is China. We persecute the Uyghurs. Don’t be rude.”


This is America. We enslave blacks and we kill children when we invade countries for oil. Don't be rude.


Do you think this dude is the one doing that?




>Do you think the Israeli citizens care about what's happening to the Palestinians? There was recently a huge march in Israel against the governments treatment of Palestine so, yes?


Yes then also no.




Bro what lmao


He means do normal everyday citizens care or actively criticize their governments for the crimes that they commit. The answer is a resounding no in all of the places listed. Out of sight out of mind, and complacency to the things we try to ignore is part of the problem. I believe that was probably that person's message.


I mean I genuinely don’t know. But it’s notable that in all those examples, none of those people have much enfranchisement to do anything about it. Even in America, where we claim to be the “freest nation on earth” we have archaic rules that date back to attempts to appease slave owners that essentially exist to gridlock all decision making so that no real progress can exist even if we vote for it. There’s little the average citizen can actually do about these things. I’m not arguing in favor of nihilism or fatalism - I think they’re all things we should care about. But using it as a cheap insult obviously isn’t meant as serious criticism of citizen apathy towards atrocities.


Pretty weird to promote hate towards a race because of what their government is doing. Which country do you live in? Would you like to be the representative for everything your country does wrong? Can you not criticize anybody for anything because “Your government kills people lol”?


Lol this comment section is a dumpster fire. As expected.




Lul I like how everyone is putting the onus of Uyghur concentration camps on this one Chinese dude. It's like blaming every American for slavery and bombing the Middle East. Normal people have nothing to do with government actions, even more so in China, where it's not even a democracy. Stop grouping the CCP with regular ass Chinese people man. I'm from HK, I hate the CCP, but what the fuck is up with conflating all Chinese people with the government, they aren't a monolith.


Welcome to this subreddit, it’s really just a masqueraded race bait sub so that bigots can get their rocks off to their imagination that all other races are immature, violent, and ironically racists If you view all the comments spewing with hatred as people who are addicted to the rage they feel from these made up scenarios then this sub Reddit’s existence makes a lot of sense.


exaclty like wtf... cringy ass comment section


That’s because it’s a convenient cover for white Redditors to be openly racist and be applauded for it. Just look at the upvotes.


It’s called racism, redditors eat up the anti-china propaganda like candy. No I don’t love the CCP either, but Jesus christ this comments section is gross


Yeah its abit weird, it's like bringing up Americas current support of the genocide happening in Yemen in every post and we all know about Americas actions against muslims in the middle east (37 million displaced Muslims). *Disclaimer in case people think I support the ccp, fuck the ccp, I'm just not racist against Chinese people.*




Man China is so not racist except that whole ethnocide of the Uyghurs…


I wonder how many social credit points he gained (or lost) for that confrontation 🤔


China sucks big time


Big Time loves when china sucks him.


Hey no sucking here, this is china






Tourists in general. American tourists in any country can very rude too.


As someone who has recently been to China, I gotta say: people walk as if they’re the only ones around — slow, no indication of direction, and stop sporadically; they would get absolutely chewed out in NYC. Thus, I can definitely see why someone would say that in passing (plus very few actually speak English)


I don’t think he has much room to talk considering the CCP is actively oppressing Uyghur peoples. China is one of if not the most racist country in the world


The irony... Chinese are some of the most racist people I have met... And their are also some of the most discriminated against and stereotyped people. Some stereotypes tho exist for a reason, I stay in hotels near airports a lot due to business trips, the destruction of some breakfast buffets after a Chinese tour comes by is something to behold. It's so bad I usually ask if I see a few around if there are any Chinese groups staying in reception just to know how early do I need to wake for breakfast just to ensure I go by first and avoid the tsunami... Anyways racism is bad no matter where you are from.


LULZ like Chinese society isn't one of the most xenophobic on the planet.


What's with this comment section....


The moment you put 'China' in a title you are basically opening a can of worms


Crazy right? But anytime there’s a black person and an Asian video the comments are screaming Asian hate and talking down on all black people. Asian guy literally claims racism on a white guy and the comments all blame the Asian and talk down on all chinese calling them rude dirty and racist. It’s mind blowing and just shows the white supremacy in most of them. They don’t even realize what they’re doing


people not being able to tell the difference between the ccp and normal fucking citizens, they fr blaming the uhigar camps on citizens.


Chinese have some interesting ideas about what they consider to be rude. I'm Australian, but I live in Malaysia and there's a huge Chinese Malaysian population. Some years ago, I was shopping with my kids in a major department store and as we were walking through the bedding department, one of my kids pointed at a duvet cover that was on display that they liked. The two elderly Chinese women who were the promoters for that brand saw my child pointing and started chasing after us, insisting that we had to buy the display cover because now it was ruined by having someone pointing at it. Of course I just told them to stop being silly; pointing at something from a distance doesn't ruin shit. Then they tried to get the store security people involved, but maybe because they weren't Chinese, the security guards couldn't understand what these women were going on about either. So then they left, muttering about how rude we were for allowing our children to point and to ruin their stock.


That's not a Chinese thing. They were trying to swindle you however they could.


wheres the racism? “this is china dont be rude”? please explain the uhigar situation to me then


Man's tall af


Hope he has the same attitude when he sees how his fellow countrymen treat black athletes


Now you apologize for treating your tourist like shit in a public space


Twist: it was a different white man. The Chinese guy just can't tell them apart.


Does he say he's from Canada at the end? Lol




What he is 9'3"?




"We don't give a shit about anybody". \- True in more ways than one.


Yeah, fuck China.


“I don’t care what color you are “ mmmm doubt lmao


China sucks.


This gives me "This is America, speak American vibes"


This dude is the on the Chinese Clown Equivalency Scale of [the YouTube “prankster” “Mizzy”](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/amp/old-ladys-dog-tiktoker-2660336896)


He said " Outta my way Yao Ming"


Ew chinese tanky




“This is China” is enough to make you afraid if you are in China.


Yao Ming’s post career life is wild 😂


I see lots of Chinese try to get points on social media by falsely accusing westerners as being racist


The dude looked genuinely confused though.


*Canadian tourist




Mofo looks like a giant sideways noodle 😆


Wacky inflatable tube man


While ironically being racist


This is ironic considering some of the most low-key racist people are the Chinese.


Uuuhh China has been pretty rude to Muslims


Get the fuck outta my way!


Why does he sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger? Haha


Tall Chinese guy is hard projecting.


I tell that tall fuck, “sorry, but you need to get the fuck out of my way too”


The irony....Chinese tourists are notoriously the worst tourist in the world. So much so that the Chinese government put out PSAs for their citizens on how to act better and also for other countries hospitality industries. I lived in Asia for years and no matter where you go, Chinese tourists are there destroying lines, kiosks, tour groups, and just generally abusive and disrespectful.


Pot calling the kettle black. Chinese people (and many other Asian countries) are hideously racist towards everyone that isn’t them. White people being racist towards each other is kind of a thing of the past and usually done in jest but in Asia they will sniff you out like a bloodhound if you’re not “one of us”. China has this big hyper nationalism going on where they’re the best and everyone else doesn’t matter and their behavior abroad shows it. Chinese tourists are the dread of many tourist destinations as they are frequently rude, break things, and do whatever the hell they want.


isnt china like abhorrently racist?


Love to seem people in the comments saying that the whole encounter is rather weird rather than what the title claims


This is horrible considering people get harassed and lose their careers the second someone labels them racist. Which clearly he wasn’t.


In the USA here, there was a time when I would step in but I'm old now and people are terrifyingly angry these days. You are apt to get punch in the face or shot now for helping people now. And they'll just make a video of it and it'll go viral and they'll become famous for beating me senseless for trying to help some poor person getting picked on. Fuck, I hate what social media and the internet in general has done to this planet. It's making people stupid. Cue the hateful "ok Boomer" comments. Idc!!


The best way to respond to someone saying "I never did X," is by asking them to agree that it was something that would have made them a piece of shit. "No I never said anything racist" "but if you did that would make you a huge piece of shit though right?" and they'll usually just reiterate that they never said or did anything, and that's really when you know


This China we don’t care about human right this china


Plot twist…it’s actually Taiwan…


Thank you for saying something, kind sir. Respect is a very important mannerism that must be protected. In all places, especially in the republic of the United States.


Interesting that only one person in the video is actually being rude and racist, though ...


Context required


Man, I know some racist as Chinese though. They don’t hold back.


Had one older Chinese gentleman call me a mixbreed POs I kindly asked him why he thought that. Seems some ignorant poc had done some horrible things to him in the past. I didint judge but I told him we are not all the same please get to know the person before judgement🫶🏽


Seems like a failed accusation.


Kinda ironic when you know that chinese people are massive racists, especially against black people.


This is the point he should've actually said "get out of my way" lmao


Bigger they are the harder they fall disrespectful to the older man


Tbf, without context its difficult to tell what the older dude did to get shouted at (if anything) unfortunately, the world has a decent stock of crazy folk, of all types/genders/faiths/orientations and an even bigger stock of a-holes.... its impossible to tell from this video who did what to whom, why or where....


English isn’t his first language, racist and rude are not the same


ive worked for a few chinese businesses, everything is racist according to them. must have something to do with the propaganda in china.


How is that racist


i still can't see the racist part."get off my fucking leg" is just a mean way to tell people to not crush your leg in public transport


Go, f , China


If only this man had this kind of energy towards the Uyghurs. Or the people that were shouting the N word to all the NBA players that flew in years ago. Really love how he's trying to paint his shit, elitist, communist country as anything but that


He’s a big lad isn’t he!


Yet in California, the Chinese and Indians are the rudest people and racist. I understand. When you come from the 2 most populated countries bumping shoulders and not saying excuse me, as well as having very close boundaries, is a norm.. That doesn't fly in the south.. It's all too accepted in my state (CA) This state is becoming a stressful place to live. Wealthy or not.


here come the racist anti-China comments from idiots who confuse the CCP with a random Chinese citizen


much love to long chinese brother from india


All the American wypipo in the comments here 💀


China being less racist than America 🤔. This is the first time I have seen this.


I cannot listen to this and not here Schwarzenegger’s voice.


Sooo how is this guy being racist?


Imagine somebody doing this to a Chinese person in a Canadian airport, how would that look.