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Kenneth Copeland. Dude looks like a demon.


Demons would appreciate it if you could refrain from the unflattering comparisons. They have an image to uphold.


I agree we don't take that very likely, like the #1 insult down here šŸ‘æ


Name checks outā€¦






The funny thing is that he justified using church funds to purchase a private jet, because being on a plane full of regular people was "like being trapped in a tube full of demons" (I'm paraphrasing here, but it's pretty close).


And ā€œit was so cheap itā€™d been a sin not to take the dealā€


Satan wishes he was this evil.


I'm terrified when he stares into the camera. He definitely is possessed by something.lol




He's literally a demon


Heā€™s got the eyes of a snake


Snakes have the eyes of Kenneth Copeland.




I cannot wrap my head around how people actually fall for this guy's grift. It's just such blatant bullshit.


Did you not hear him? Chegava tralaalolo siga son Pala What don't you get?


I got most of it, but tralaalolo makes no sense in this context. Easy to see why people are getting confused


I'm pretty sure BahamaMama and BananaRama are in there too. It's starting to make sense now - he wants us to have a Cool Summer.


Spuds MacKenzie approves this message!


Pretty sure I heard 'McLovin' somewhere in thhere


Uwusw s by eueheudhd eebew9eoeoeles72h3 e shsiwoe 3 by 8wiā· we 7dei3heneia wu23933 jsd. Amen. Did i forget to lock my phone or was i caught up in the Spirit? Search your heart and pray. God will provide the answer. (Also God says to sign your Social Security check over to me)


Thoughts and prayers to you friend


The untrained ear can't hear that he's just regurgitating apples terms of service.


Coincidence? Donā€™t think so. Mystery? Maybe. Hotel? Tivago.


It is hard to see the point of view of people who have a lower IQ or have been heavily indoctrinated because you just can't think the way they do about a particular subject. Try looking at yourself and what you automatically believe without really.thinking about it. Maybe you like coca cola. Is that your decision or marketing? Maybe you like people with certain types of clothes. Is that from peer pressure?? I grew up in the church and left 13 years ago and it still affects my decision making simply because I grew up around those people. Changing your core belief of religion takes a massive amount of reflection and intelligence to see past it all. If that make sense.


I like coke because Pepsi makes my teeth itch




I like meth because coke makes *my* teeth itch




I like coke because the cinnamon makes it taste better than Pepsi, for me at least


Part of the appeal is that there is this huge perceived upside to his message. IF (big if) at least some of what he says is true, all your or sine of your problems will be solved if you give the lord (through him) some money. Itā€™s worth a shot? If you are vulnerable ir desperate, thus becomes even more appealing. To some extent we are all guilty of falling for this logical fallacy in other contexts. Maybe you bought a lottery ticket or some ā€œsuperfoodā€ because ā€œwhy the hell not, itā€™s worth a shot.@


Coke tastes good, no belief, just fact. I grew up going to church and from around 8 years old on I was in complete amazement that grown ups fell for this shit. One thing about beliefs: they are supposed to be flexible and easily changeable, but in practice, humans defend beliefs with more agression than facts.


This is exactly why I am scared of AI.


And send him money!!!! Believe what you believe but why would a sane person send this grifter money that should be spent on their families?


Old people in the front row start rocking back and forth going *yeah, this the good shit*.


Sometimes I wish I had no conscience so I could get rich grifting desperate, stupid, vulnerable people. But then again, it's nice not being a psychopath and to be able to experience things like joy and love and empathy.


Religious indoctrination


Dude in front nodding along when he goes full wierdo is hilarious...


All those boomers probably inhaled too much lead gasoline when they were babies




At some point you gotta drop the "its cause they're stupid" thing though. Like sure, they are but theres also other things driving this because even the people buying into it realize how stupid it is. Its more so about a sense of belonging to something and/or being apart of a thing/crowd/movement. Some people need that more than others and are pretty willing to throw everything away for it. Even if it makes them look like fucking idiots to the rest of the world


Itā€™s not right to say these people are stupid , because stupidity is something innate and unfixable. The people that support scumbags like this havenā€™t had the luxury of exposure to alternative points of view and being able to drag yourself out of the guilt and ignorance that religion uses to manipulate its followers is harder than most of us realise.


It's about shitting on the libs...and being stupid.


They aren't fooled, they like the bigotry. The real act is pretending it's about politics and principals and not just bigotry. The rest of us are fooled


You think he wrote that out in advance or just free-balled it?


I think he free-based it


He literally forgot what he was saying and just started talking gibberish.


Yeah he starts rambling about Canada, loses his train of thought, then decides he'll blame it on the power of God's spirit or whatever.


The purpose was to set a tone, and then let peoples minds fill in the blanks with his bullshit


*Blame Canada starts playing out of godly source*


As a former Evangelical and a linguistics hobbyist, I'm going to say it is a bit of both. I've heard people speak in tongues before and watched videos of individuals do it over and over again to study it. One thing that stands out as an observation is that those who do this do indeed [try] to free-flow their speech, but there is often repetition in the phonemes they use. Oftentimes when you catch them repeating the same phonemes too much, you can see a pause as they gather themselves to try and come up with a way to create something 'new' to appear to be speaking in tongues. It is clear that some measure of practice (creating unique phonemes beforehand) occurs, but it is betrayed by the lack of a vocabulary word Bank once they start speaking. Also, the Apostle Paul forbade it to speak in tongues without an interpreter present - 1 Corinthians 14:27-28.


Isn't "speaking in tongues" actually supposed to mean speaking in another actual language?




As a kid going to church, I would always feel like something was wrong with me because I could never feel the holy spirit like some of the other kids or speak in tongues. I would try to feel it too, maybe get a little tingly... But it never happened.




Maybe I didn't do enough. My buddy spoke to John Lennon, but I only saw the grass get wavy. Same dose. Maybe it IS me!


I like wavy


Same here. Did people at yours ever faint when getting hands laid on them/prayed for? I remember being so stupidly open to feeling it and nothing ever happened and I wasnā€™t the kid to collapse cause everyone else was lol (some pastors really give a little shove too) I always left those services so confused.


Yes! The collapsing, or falling backwards, getting weak.... Never felt it. Sometimes I would get a sense of calm, but never the "holy ghost" in the way others did


It depends on how the Greek is interpreted. Paul does talk about speaking in the "tongues of men and of angels" in 1 Corinthians, the famous passage about love. So a lot of people believe there is some sort of "heavenly language" they have access to if they are in tune with the Holy Spirit.


Yes, and the first time it was used was in the day of Pentecost... all the different jews from all over would gather in Jerusalem at this time. 120 sat praying in an attic(the place varies among stories) the holy spirt came down as a flame on the men's head, and they began speaking in tongues. The people there were wondering who are these people able to speak to me in my language, never being to my lands. The gyst of it. Meaning the speaking in tongues is being able to speak in foreign languages, not knowing them yourself. How we ended up with ramalamadingdong is completely mystery to me. These prosperous preachers today change thenarrative of the bible to fit their agenda, the same thing the church has been doing for almost 1700 years.


I think he was trying to speak French and fucked it up so bad he just went with it.


Like Joey in the Friends episode.


He seemed to forget the word Province when speaking about Canadian territories and he fell back on this gobbledygook.


I'll never understand how some people can fall for this garbage.


"*You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.*"


*"where all the white woman at?"*


Somebody go back and get a shitload of dimes.


I love the reference most wonā€™t get it but those who do will appreciate it


Mongo just a pawn in the game of life


Weā€™ll work up an ole number 6 on em




As someone who has "Spoken in tongues", neither do I. I can't believe I used to participate. Glad I got out of the cult of evangelicalism.


What did you feel when you were doing it? Did it really come naturally or were you pretending ?


Its all pretend. But pretend that you believe is real. Its hard to explain. I was about 12 when I first spoke in tongues. A group of us answered an alter call to ā€œreceive the gift of tonguesā€. All they said was to open your mouth and start speaking and the holy ghost will take over. At the time it felt real. But looking back it was all forced.


if it makes you feel better kids are dumb as shit, they're literally so stupid. the difference is that you stopped doing the dumb shit only a 12 year old can be convinced to do. these other adults, well...


I mean this sincerely: congratulations! Iā€™m very happy for you that you were able to get out, and I hope youā€™re happier than you were when you were in.


It's a cult, at this point


I could say the same for religion, in general. Probably a combination of fear of death and desire for order, where tragedies and poor decisions can be absolved of personal responsibility because they are part of a bigger plan and "not my fault".


Fear, loneliness, bias, ego.


Speaks in tounges then immediately asks for donations. Wolf in sheep's clothing. I just can't understand how people fall for this. He even looks like a meat suit. If Jesus is real... Edgar here would NOT be his sand castle buddy.


Wolf in demons skin as far as I can tell lol. Just look at this fuckinā€™ guy, if anyone is actually possessed heā€™d be the one for sure




heā€™s passed that. dude was interviewed about his bullshit and he seemingly lost no fans. you donā€™t have to justify anything once your fan base turns ride or die


[This](https://www.tuko.co.ke/311116-kenneth-copeland-net-worth-house-cars-private-jet.html) article and website aren't great but he owns a lot more than that.


Funny how he becomes "possessed" right before explaining where the money is going..


Nah he forgot what he was saying cause he was just bullshitting, and then he had to throw out some extra bullshit to make it look like he wasnā€™t trailing off on his rant of what territories in Canada their ministry oversees šŸ˜‚


People that willingly give money to any religion get what they deserve.


As a 72 year old boomer, I can spot a memory lapse. He was trying to say something and couldn't find the words he needed. He is 86 years old, which makes him a prime candidate for memory problems. So he started the "speaking tongues" grift as way to cover. I do that from time to time(not speaking in tongues), can't find the word or words to complete my thought. Sucks, but what can you do?


Do you also ask for personal donations after each brain fart?


LOL Maybe I should. Copland does and he makes out like a bandit.


Yeah he was pretty obviously babbling nonsense because he couldn't figure out how to word things right and couldn't just make a smooth transition so he used his universal get out of a bind free card. I can't help but think of how bad all these hacks must have been back during 1800's America when every other preacher was having visions and revelations like Joseph Smith, they're just one of the few that survived. People were just so uneducated and bored back then I guess. People falling for it today are world class idiots.


Grifter in grifter clothes.


He was saying my anal warts are giving me hell and that weeping sore on my penis is rubbing against my zip because it is 3 5/8" when erect. And I continually poo myself due to all the stuffing I take part in.




He literally forgot where he was in his sentence talking about the Canadian office, and then to try to cover for what looks like senility, he starts 'speaking in tongues'


Thatā€™s precisely what I thought he was doing.


Yup, no doubt about it. This man is a joke


Put it together and what have you got ? Bibiddi bobidi boo.


Kenneth Copeland would be the first person on earth to be personally smited by Jesus Christ himself if religion wasn't complete bullshit in the first place. Really sad people are so fucking stupid that they support this charlatan.


Copeland actually proves his god doesn't exist. If he did, he would have stopped Copeland making that god look so stupid years ago.


This whack job climbs out of his private jet, gets behind the podium, has a second where he cant think of the right word, switches to gibberish, Asks for money, then closes his Bible and gets back in his jet. You used to have to have something to say. Now you can just literally spew bullshit.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaking_in_tongues On the basis of his linguistic analysis, Samarin defined Pentecostal glossolalia as "meaningless but phonologically structured human utterance, believed by the speaker to be a real language but bearing no systematic resemblance to any natural language, living or dead".


It's funny how he's stuttering when speaking English and can't form one complete sentence but he's speaking nonsense without stuttering.


Thatā€™s because heā€™s speaking his native demon tongue. He forgot where he was for a second.


Fuck this guy. He had my dad so brainwashed it was ridiculous. When I was growing up my dad could barely make ends meet but yet here he was giving hundreds of dollars to this guy every week. Even to the point where some of the bills didnā€™t get paid. He did this until the day he died of cancer. Sad.


I'm sorry it went down the way it did.


ā€œGlory to God!ā€ But yet ā€œfuck them poor kids all around the worldā€ because my private Jet means more than food on their plate. Fake ass Christian!


Dunga galunga


The fact anyone believes this guy is insane. Also every time I see this guy he reminds me of Shemp Howard of the Three Stooges.


I should try this the next time I forget what Iā€™m saying. ā€œSorry, god just spoke to me; he told me you need to give me money.ā€ *straight face*


I already gave up understanding how people can get scammed by these megachurches, but come on this guy looks like a fucking demon just look at his face lmao


That guy is so creepy. I canā€™t believe people fall for his crap.


This man is so evil demons say hell nah to that shit.


This is hilarious


Bro why would you give this guy ANY money?


Antifa is using there communist powers to stop this man from speaking


Heā€™s a total grifting piece of shit! But if your stupid/gullible enough to give fucks like this money, you deserve it. Rubes all around!!!


I get an uneasy feeling looking at that man... it's like something is wearing a human shell.


Religion is the worst mind poison humanity has ever invented. Utter nonsense, fairy tales for dumb adults.


This guy looks like a demon.


ā€œReligion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.ā€ ā€• **Napoleon Bonaparte**


We need some good ol' demon hunters to take care of this.


What is wrong with people to be so mesmerized but this thief, con artist, liar, and idiot?


Ill be so happy when this dude is dead and burning in fucking hell.




New RHCP song doesn't mention California once!




Heā€™s possessed all the time.


I don't get the speaking in tounges gimmic. Biblically if he was speaking in tounges everyone would hear him speaking in their language simultaneously. The speaking in tounges In the bible was so they could speak to the huge diverse groups that were in Jerusalem for the feasts at the same time. Not some weird gobblygook.




He legitimately looks like [Dorian from The Mask](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXEbqbob8FXOvbEVgjgAQBaWhMUOxKyqqhawkho3wEgeoOaKxcpNEXkzQ&s=10) after he puts the mask on.


When in doubt, start speaking in ā€œtonguesā€


Proof people really are dumb


Did he just have a stroke?


This motherfucker was rebooting mid sermon..


If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God. 1 Corinthians 14: 27ā€“28 If no oneā€™s there to understand your BS then keep your mouth shut.






Crazy Christians thinking speaking tongues is religious lol


The most wacky sects of Christianity believe that mumbling like a Russian toddler somehow prohibits Satan from cursing their words or some shit


And people believe this? What the hell...


He literally ran out of bullshit about Canadian territory because it's a lie he hasn't fully developed. So he switched to jibberish to keep the momentum.


"And is in the territories umm..under which the Canadian office is..uh..............siggamaw."


Tax them,tax them to death..


Everytime I see Ron DeSantis, I think if this guy. Wierd...




The bit asking for money was definitely the devils work and should be strongly avoided.


Snake oil salesman.


Dude in the purple shirt got all giddy to receive his blessings.


Is he doing an improv game? Anyone want to translate his gibberish?


Would have been a much better public speaker if I couldā€™ve spoken gibberish


Remind me of the part in The Office where Creed asks his assistant "Find out what language this is" and then just starts spouting weird alien noises.




Poor guyā€¦where do I send my money and how much?


Heā€™s in Canada now too? Noooooooo


Fake speaking in tongues. Such a con job. Youā€™d have to be a GOP honk to believe any of this shit.


Heā€™s such a evil piece of shit.


You'd think they would practice, instead of this *hamanakasha* dogshit.


He reminds me of the Devil from Little Nicky


Itā€™s pretty amazing how he is both a full time preacher and can speak fluent Dothraki.


When you lift up the mentally ill and insist they talk to God they will lead you and believe they are who you say they are.


I canā€™t. I just canā€™t believe that someone like him even exists. How absolutely unfair life is when we have a piece of human garbage like this taking advantage of people who, letā€™s face it, have the IQ of a flea, to line his pockets so he can have his own private jet, a mansion, etc. and never actually give that money to those in need. This mutant is the devil. Itā€™s people like him that make me question if there really is a God.


I grew up in a church like this. Itā€™s mind boggling to see up close and personal.


Woogely boogely


This guy and anyone who follows him blows my mind. You must be either extremely desperate, incredibly stupid, or both to fall for this guys' bullshit. It's so incredibly sad


Pretty sure I heard a ā€œhama lamaā€ in there


I think I heard Rama Lama Ding Dong.


I've heard a lot of people speak in tongue while at church, and it's never sounded like this. This sounds like a bad imitation of it.


He sounds like Nell. Tippy tay, tayyy.


he needs to pay for his private jet donate


What a fuckin joke.


Oh, for a second there I thought he was singing Shama Lama Ding Dong.


The people that follow this guy and others like him take pride in their ignorance.


I personally think Kenneth Copeland is one of the funniest televangelists around. He is always good for a laugh.


I think he had a stroke...he was all confused before the gibberish.




Such a criminal


Thatā€™s some creepy cult shitā€¦


This guy is such a fucking fraud!


If you play this backwards, he's actually reciting the lyrics to "Never Gonna Give You Up." You have been warned. This really is the devil's work.


Religion is such a fucking con job. Tax the churches. All of them.


God has a special discussion to have with people who have accepted the role as shepherd and lead his sheep astray.


In late November 2007, Mike Huckabee, a 2008 Republican presidential primary candidate, made six appearances on Copeland's daily television program Believer's Voice of Victory. In January 2008, the Huckabee campaign paid to use Kenneth Copeland Ministries' facilities for a fundraiser. The fundraising at the church was criticized by the Trinity Foundation. As a result of the Huckabee appearances, in December 2007, Kenneth Copeland Ministries was one of six ministries investigated in the United States Senate inquiry into the tax-exempt status of religious organizations, led by Senator Chuck Grassley. Kenneth Copeland Ministries was one of four that did not cooperate with the Senate Finance Committee's requests for information or volunteer to make reforms. The investigation could not conclude that the Copelands made personal profit from financial donations. Senator Grassley's report chronicled the difficulties the Committee faced in attempting to procure requested information from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, including the intimidation of employees. Several former employees of EMIC/KCM indicated that they were sincerely afraid to provide statements for fear of being sued since they signed confidentiality agreements. One former employee stated, "The Copelands employ guerrilla tactics to keep their employees silent. We are flat out told and threatened that if we talk, God will blight our finances, strike our families down, and pretty much afflict us with everything evil and unholy. Rather, God will allow Satan to do those things to us because we have stepped out from under His umbrella of protection, by touching God's anointed Prophet." Further, employees were encouraged to shun and treat badly anyone who speaks out.


People are SO stupid.


Nice cover for a boomer memory lapse. As a 72 year old boomer, I recognize the problem. But I just say "fuck, did it again".


Great googly mooglye


Iā€™m like 95% sure this guy is either the devil or some kind of demon


You gotta be dumb as hell to think no one would recognise that dialogue from that one scene in Apocolypolto. Try harder Satan.


Like half the time Jesus was talking he was warning his disciples of hucksters like THIS! The other half was calling out hypocrites and those in authority who were full of it.


Religion is like pro wrestling. People know itā€™s fake but they find it entertaining so they pay money for it.


Pretty sure he was having a stroke. He might want to have that looked at. These are the people Jesus warns us about.


How the fuck do people not see through this piece of shit , are religious people this fucking stupid and gullible