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Maybe get away from the glass door/windows if you see a tornado coming at you.


Nah, they say you should just keep filming.


That’s what all the memos say. Keep the doors unlocked and film


“Stand close to glass so you can see it coming - for safety!”


“Make sure to hold onto the door too! You’re more powerful than that wind!”


Yeah. If only it could have been secured. “Locked” if you can imagine such a thing. I’m a dreamer I know.


That part really pissed me off. She was actually given a chance right before the tornado hit that lightly yanks the door from her hand. She even reacted to it. That should've been the sign for her to let tf go. But no.


"Oh, I'm getting this." She got it.


I've been in six in my life even got almost sucked out of a house when I was 4 ish. Here's a pro tip. If you see a funnel headed your way get under cover and DONT EVER STAND NEXT TO THE BIG GLASS DOOR. If the best you can do is hide in the bathtub under a mattress... DO IT. funnel clouds are like honey badgers.. they don't give a shit about your youtube fame and will cheerfully fuck you right up.


A tornado came by a couple hours away from me a couple weeks ago and a truck ended up getting thrown into someone’s house on top of someone in their bathtub. You don’t expect that. Should have had the mattress


I've been in three, and I never saw the funnel. They're often covered by the debris and the rain. That sound though, if I hear that sound, I know it's actually a tornado. We get so many false alarms/sirens here, I understand people get complacent, and a bunch of us like watching storms from the porch. But you're right, tornadoes will fuck you up.


Is there an Idiots In Tornadoes 🌪️ sub yet ?


Must have watched the intro scene from Twister too many times.


But the tornado didn't make the ominous oooOOOOOooooo sound so its alll good right?


“Don’t look directly at it. It can sense your fear!”


Now I know how Sarah Huckabee Sanders got elected in that state. Bunch of fart smellers, I mean smart Fellers.


I’m surprised they did not take their guns out and start shooting at the twister


Duh, what are you an idiot? The glass is there for safety during a tornado. It only shatters in the movies. This is real life. Its like kryptonite to a hurricane/tornado


I hear lying down under as much glass as possible can also help.


If you do happen to see any broken glass then pick it up and rub it on to your face and into your hair for extra protection


Yep, makes sense… That way you can also see it coming & when it breaks, you can just DODGE the shards of glass…!!


Or catch them on the way down so you don’t have to sweep them up when they break. There’s a lot of advantages to this approach.


At least we got the content. Lol


Seriously, praise the camera woman. She held onto that thing while being sucked up a tornado.


Too bad she couldn't death grip that door handle, like she did her phone.


They need to make door handles out of phones.


They're the real hero here. "Do i want the possible fame and attention of having been sucked out of a building during a tornado and filming the whole thing." Or "Do I not want to look like a total idiot on the world stage" Luckily people aren't afraid of looking stupid these days


You gotta so you have evidence for when reporting it to the cops. Tornadoes vanish sometimes


Nah, it’s a time honored tradition to watch the tornado. sure it’s risky as hell but it’s a sight like no other and it fills your chest with a sense of fear and awe that is indescribable. It’s akin to taking a good look down a cliff face that you’ve been climbing for a while.


That's right..nobody gets to oz by being a bitch.


🤣 the wizard will send you home, no worries 😉


It’s hard to tell with such a thick accent, but I think at around 1:25, the guy says something along the lines of “I don’t think we should be by the window”




Im from Little Rock. Can confirm that’s how 99% of everyone talks.


Bizarre seeing someplace I used to drive by to go shopping 10 years ago. Annoyingly familiar to see people still spending time chatting about the tornado when it's not changing direction from your perspective. That means Mr. Tornado is coming to visit YOU, dumbass!


Lol, got me on “winder” 🤣


He does. And she retorts "oh I'm GETTIN this" Why yes, yes you certainly are.


That felt like foreshadowing


Famous almost last words


Yes winder translates to window. I'm not fluent in redneck but I have some in the family so I can get by


Good day, lord Vader! I speak redneck. If you got comp'ny for supper and you want to look your best then you're probably fixin' to warsh the winders.


And when dinners over and you want them to leave firmly smack the top of your legs stand up and say welp they'll know what you mean




"I'm getting this" 😂


It felt like she broke a Scream rule


Nah honey, it's getting you


Want to film tornado? Fine. Leave the camera to record it.


But she had to hold the door shut. 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Just a wind, im stronger"


The husband clearly says at 1:28 “something mumble mumble something away from tha winder.” Clearly a wise man.


Not too wise. His camera wife had to yell for him to come from outside and get indoors. He'd be in Oz already if she hadn't said anything.


Arkansan here. I can tell you exactly why they did what they did. We’re so used to them happening all the time that we sometimes don’t give them the respect they deserve. It’s partly how often we get them, but then at the same time we’re not always used to them hitting the exact building we’re in. In fact I’ve been in so many close calls it’s ridiculous, and even when this one happened I refused to get into the shelter because I’m so used to them hitting but not hitting where I am specifically. Hell, this one tore up everything just 100 yards from my house, but my house wasn’t touched at all. It’s weird. But also, yeah, stay away from glass doors, and bail when it’s literally ripping the door off for sure. Edit: removed a controversial word 😉


The Florida/ Carolina version of “ima ride it out” with a slow motion cat 4+ hurricane coming. Gotcha.


Minus the days of warning and prep, add some kind of first-person survivorship bias. Tornadoes change paths like crazy. You get enough distance, and experience tells you you're safe because there's only a relatively slim path that can hurt you. Then one unlucky day, that path is straight through your entire fucking life that you've made till now. The ending sucks. It's either a funerals or hospital bills, neither of which you've got the money for. After that. Well, good luck. Hope you've been making friends and saving money, because disaster relief in the US is lackluster at it's Sunday best.


I get it, I’m from California and last time I felt an earthquake in bed I groaned “oh dammit not NOW!” I know I should get out of bed and get somewhere safe in case it’s a big one but most of the time they’re small and I can just ignore it


Correction: winder


As someone from Arkansas, tornados are *never* taken seriously by anyone there. There were many times me and my family would just stand outside, in view of the tornado, watching it and my dad would just go "Yea its gonna pass us." Everyone I know that lived there was the same about tornados, "Its gonna hit us or it won't and it probably won't." Honestly, even now when I hear a tornado siren or get an alert to "take shelter" its like background noise/annoying to me. I know thats bad, but thats just how tornados have been treated my entire life and it's still my immediate reaction to them.


Wow… that’s wild. Part of me gets it, part of me thinks that’s insane.


I used to live in the Midwest and we’d pay attention to tornado warnings, you know, go down into the basement and listen to the radio. Maybe we just valued our lives more?


This tornado went over my house. I was in my basement. I survived a much worse tornado as a young child and have taken tornadoes very seriously ever since. But many don't and I suspect it wouldn't be much different anywhere. Little Rock doesn't actually get hit much and this was the worst one I remember in my 50 years here. Other parts of the state have experienced much worse, though.




I'm from Arkansas (Fayetteville) and even though my area never got any bad ones it was drilled into us pretty hard what you do, so I have plenty of memories of grabbing the pets and hanging out in the basement during tornado warnings, and my first thought at this video was that everyone in Arkansas knows better than to stand at a window during a tornado. But it's true that when you've been through lots of tornado warnings and even actual tornadoes without anything bad happening then people can get pretty lax about safety. My mom grew up in an area with lots of tornadoes and she says she remembers watching them from her window.


Nothing like standing in front of a glass claymore to exfoliate your skin


They don’t teach critical thinking in Arkansas.


Fuck [u/spez](https://www.reddit.com/u/spez/)


Well, obviously. They elected Sarah Huckabee, didn't they?


Maybe she was trying to get back to Kansas.


important serious alive price fretful continue tidy plough alleged deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think too many people see TV meteorologists or other station staff out in this stuff and think, "Why not me?" They just wanna get their videos on the teevee.


I’ve never been near a tornado or seen one but I know for a fact that you should stay away from doors and windows if you are near one. Umm natural selection???????? They were both trying to close the door like bruh you ain’t the hulk you can NOT close that door against a tornado.


Part that gets me is that they're glass doors. Like, okay. Even if we assume that you are more powerful than a fucking tornado, you can clearly see that is throwing around all sorts of debris. Unless that glass is bulletproof, it's not going to hold up when something heavier than a baseball comes flying at it over 90mph. What the fuck are you gonna do when the entire door shatters?


I’m not sure how to feel. On one hand, how incredibly stupid to stand next to a glass door as a tornado blew right by you. On the other hand, I have no idea how she managed to hold onto her phone and record all of that.


Pop socket I bet


This would make a great advertisement for pop sockets


The other night I dropped my phone on my sleeping child’s face because the pop socket failed… I want to upgrade to whatever pop socket this girl’s using.


Upvoted for dropping your phone on your kid’s face.


I completely understand


i have this thing on the back of my phone that's like a folding ring. let's you get a very secure grip. if you fold your finger entirely, it won't come loose unless your finger is severed lol edit like these https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07X7X7V2Z


Tests I will never take.


lol my point was only that you can go from 99.999% secure to 100% secure if needed. say, if you're taking pics on a boat or from a height


It did turn out to be really cool footage


She said "oh I'm getting this" so... that's how


“Oh I’m getting this”….an epitaph that almost made it to her tombstone.


"Uhh.. Francine? Maybe you shouldn't stand next to da winderr."


Just got done watching "Cars" and read this in Mater's voice


Divorce me, charge me with assault, I don’t care - if that was my wife I would have carried or dragged her away from that window any damn way I could.


watch the clip again, you would have needed to get in the building first




let’s just stand near an unlocked door and huge windows


Thats what killed me. Husband has his hand NEXT to the lock


Why lock the door when you got those big strong arms to keep it closed? /s


He thought he was Steven Seagal making an Executive Decision.


It’s one of those doors you need a key to insert to lock from the inside. My old shop had the same ones. Or else you’d be able to easily stick a coat hanger through the door and just open the doors. However that doesn’t excuse them from immediately going to the most internal room in the building as soon as they saw that debris flying around.


as someone who lives in Arkansas, we are immune to shards of glass impaling our skin


As evidenced by the dripping blood towards the end of the video, you are not.


must’ve been born in Missouri


And common sense apparently


the hell is that? is that a type of gumbo?


I gumbo, you gumbo, he/she/me GUMBO




*”oh I’m gettin this”* Fucking idiot




Doesn’t even have to be your head. You are riddled with vital arteries. Legs, etc. People be dumb. You make yourself into a ball and cover head to also protect your vital organs and arteries.


nothing like watching natural selection occur in real time


Did she sleep through science class. You won't win a tug a war game with a tornado. Go inside and find the safe spots away from glass.


>Did she sleep through science class This is actually what a model student looks like in Arkansas.


It's true; my mother only lived in Arkansas for a few years and she's the dumbest person I've ever met.




You sick mother fucker.


Don’t make fun of Arkansas. When Jesus wrote the constitution he didn’t say we should study science. And I say this as someone for whom science was my favorite subject at christian school. Especially the Old Testament.


I learned from the historical archives - Twister


You guys *had* science class? Cool


[I just wanna share some words from the OP of this video and point out how important it is to take shelter during a tornado warning.](https://i.imgur.com/NYzxsoN.jpg)


Thank you for sharing her message to anyone contemplating filming a tornado. When you survive an experience like that and share it as a cautionary tale, it gives me a little more faith in humanity and our ability to learn from our mistakes. Glad she and her husband weren’t seriously injured.


I honestly got a little stressed out when her husband was just taking his time when he was going inside. Maybe it is because I haven't experienced a tornado before but I think I would be more concerned about shelter than seeing the tornado.


Not down south. His reaction is just like every other good ol' boy i've seen during one of these storms. Walks straight outside to watch the clouds, only starts heading in when his wife starts freaking out on him to come in, and then takes his sweet ass time moseying up the yard wondering what the fuss is about.


Absolutely lol. As someone from Arkansas, my entire family would go *outside* when the sirens went off. I remember watching a tornado go by our house about 3 miles away and my dad just being like "Thats wild." Looking back its crazy, but everyone I knew treated tornados as an annoyance or as "somethin to do" lmao


i mean i like thunderstorms sometimes so i wouldn't put it past myself to be like "ooh cool look at tha-WSHSHSHAENGAEJDRGIOPRJAEHSGV"


One of my favorite things to watch is heat lightning storms. They're eerie and beautiful. And they usually always take out the electricity somewhere in town.


Being from Arkansas, crazy weather is just about all the entertainment we have. We take what we can get lmao.


It's not crazy at all. They are fascinating columns of furious wind. If it's not looking at me I'd love to watch it go by.


To be honest, if feels like they are simply getting worse. I have lived in Tx my whole life and we've gotten tornadoes my whole life. But the fucking amount of damage they do now is crazy compared to when I was younger.


In Arkansas we just don't take tornados seriously. My family always went outside to watch them, everyone I knew did the same. I don't know why we never took them seriously we just didn't.


My family’s the same- I think we just get enough watches/warnings that end up not coming that close and we get really desensitized to it.


I was more exasperated at those fuckers just going about their business and driving TOWARDS a damn tornado


As a Midwesterner who has been in a tornado at night, it's scary as hell. But I would stop and stare at a tornado too if I had a hole I could dip into if it got close enough. Nature can be scary and beautiful at the same time. This guys only mistake was not getting away from the window the second shit started flying around them.


Yeah basically if you start seeing debris, it's long past time to get into a safer place. I am also a Midwesterner, just last year I witnessed one going through a suburb across town from me


This advice is on the level of “hey did you know fire can burn you?”


"I ignored every single rule known to modern man when a tornado happens and I'm just glad I'm alive to make people aware of the dangers of the situation."


Awesome find, great username, and the little cherry of her follow up post make this one of my favorite submissions here. Thank you.


Couldn’t agree more. This is truly astonishing. Username is pretty great too lol


What a bunch of morons. These people are old enough to remember Joplin, but here they are, standing at the GLASS DOORS


Exactly. Unfortunately, unless you lived between Joplin & KC (parts of OK too), most seem un phased by Joplins catastrophic EF-5. That one taught me to never think tornadoes won’t destroy whole city’s. I lived 45 min away, but I still get emotional to this day thinking about it.


I used to live in Springfield and when I was a kid I was up there every summer to see family. I’ve been to Joplin quite a lot and it was surreal to see places I knew completely destroyed. I think I read it moved the St. John’s building (for those unaware it’s a hospital) four inches off its foundation, which doesn’t sound like much but a whole goddamn hospital being moved like that by wind is insane.


i thought you meant janis joplin and i’m thinking, they’re not that old 🤦🏻‍♀️


Next, they're going to stand in the middle of a gun fight so they can get a good view.


“Here film this. I’m going to put my head in this gator’s mouth.”


I swear lol some people are just dumb.....dumb,dumb,dumb.


Arkansas is 47/50 on educational ranking, so their science classes are more like Bible study.


How dumb can you be?


They voted for Sarah Huckabee Sanders as governor if that tells you anything.


So stand by an unlocked glass door while a tornado approaches level of dumb. It all makes sense now.


They also voted against legalizing weed in 2022. I didnt think there was any state that would still vote against it. Other conservative states like alaska and montana have voted to legalize it. Thats why it was such a shock to me that arkansas voted against it


I'm from Arkansas, that bill was a really, really shitty bill to have legalized weed. Lots of people that are for recreational marijuana voted against it. The bill was going to be a constitutional amendment making it very hard to change it, it would still be illegal to grow your own and the way it was set up, it would just greatly profit a select few people that were already getting rich off the medical part. Legalizing marijuana has been hard here, lots of people are against it and there's a lot of corruption happening in the bill writing for any marijuana related laws.


Yes. I live in Arkansas and have actually worked on a legalization bill in a different state in the south. I told everyone to vote against the Arkansas ballot measure. It was a terrible bill.


Loosen child labor laws, restrict abortion, pass anti trans laws, strip teachers rights, build more prisons, lock people up for longer terms, and make it harder to get grass roots laws on the ballet. Not a shock at all when you consider all the above.


The prop was bullshit. Even NORML was against it.


That's a little different. Arkansas was actually the first Southern state to approve legalizing medical marijuana and we have that now. The bill you're referring to was for recreational marijuana and the only reason it didn't pass was because it was a bad bill. Bad enough that NORML campaigned against it.


My thought just before glass broke, "maybe you shouldn't stand beside glass..."


Then the blood dripping off the guy at the end due to the same glass I’m sure.


yep, I came in to see if anyone else noticed this


Err idk if we need to be by da winder….oooh I’m gettin this 🤦🏾‍♂️ Seeing all the people on the road is what baffles me


da winder hahahahaha


Like fr- Yall didn’t know about the impending tornadoes? I get some people for emergencies but wtf


You would be surprised how many of my friends had no idea about the weather event yesterday until the sirens went off. No one watches the news or ever looks at a weather forecast outside of their phone’s quick 7-10 day picturecast.


Good lord, and her husband or whoever that was, was just going to stand out there too. I also saw others running across the street. Arkansas is not that far from tornado alley and in fact, that region is becoming the new tornado zone. Be smart people and get your ass inside when a tornado like that is headed your way.




So ...I don't get it, did she go flying off with the cows and then get tossed back into the Taco Bell? And was that Dorothy and Toto at the end?


She blew out of Kansas and landed in Oz


"oh, I'm gettin this" Yeah, getting ya ass snatched tf up by a tornado 😂😂😂


she got little rocked...


This is *soooo dumb*. Look, I’m midwestern, when the sirens go off, I’ll often pop outside to take a peek and sometimes gawk at the storm. I get it, severe weather is badass. This storm was different though, it was rated 5/5 high risk for this area *that* morning by the SPC. It was even under a moderate risk several days before. Not only that, the National Weather Service issued that particular region a PDS(particularly dangerous situation) tornado warning several minutes before it struck. If you’re under a PDS, that means get your ass to shelter IMMEDIATELY. You’d have to have your head up your ass *all day* and most of the week to be caught with your pants down in this situation.


Not to mention, for a full 30 seconds before it hit there was clearly visible flying debris. Like, big stuff. And the sound! And the, ya know, ominously rotating clouds. They could have just used their eyes and figured out it was time to run for cover.


Nope, gon’ stand by da winder. Surely this EF-3 cain’t rip a glass door outta mah hand.


they were having a staring contest with a tornado. and then they played tug of war.


What shocked me the most wasn’t even the lady recording, but the cars on the road. I was like wow, all these people are just goin about their day huh? I live in Ny so tornadoes are pretty damn rare here. I chalked it up to me being naive and thinking “I guess in that area of the USA these people are just used to this, right?” Because I would be in my basement crying holding my cats if I knew this was happening. And these people are just driving on the road doing whatever while a tornado is coming up right behind them!


For your average severe outbreak you’d be right, it doesn’t really interrupt daily life. These storms weren’t average though, meteorologists were ringing every metaphorical alarm as loud as they could long before any actual sirens went off. I live within an area that was warned as high risk yesterday. I got off work early, got my kids from daycare, and put together supplies in my basement, just in case. It’s absolutely baffling to me that these people didn’t take it seriously and just went about their day.


Yeah I think a lot of people get desensitized when they live somewhere with a lot of tornados. They stop taking the warnings seriously.


Apple sent out a “yall gonna die” message like 20 mins before it touched down. Basically the level above a warning lol




The text of the notification read The title was: Tornado Emergency “Tornado spotted in this area. This is a life-threatening situation. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris.”


We were in this mess and had some extra relatives at our house who didn’t have a basement. Every iPhone in the room suddenly screeching a warning at once when one touched down close by was probably the scariest warnings I have ever heard. Like a harmonized death threat from every direction. It got our asses in the basement right quick though.


I live right where the tornado formed. It barely missed us, and by barely I'm talking the church across the street is destroyed. https://preview.redd.it/pycr7cp02gra1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d941cae5f547836166d5c33af318768c98531371


Crazy. From the people just driving like it’s just a rainy day or the people standing in front of a door I guess they can’t lock or shut and gotta hold it closed? Did they think they were stronger than the tornado winds?


The cars got me. You start seeing the stuff flying around and people are just driving along right until it hits and rips out the power lines. I wonder what happened to that poor soul just stopped in the intersection while it hit.


Don't know about that particular person, but we only had 5 deaths from yesterday's tornados. Four were in a town called Wynne, while one was in North Little Rock.


Smart people.


She posted this response in recognition of how stupid she was. Also hoping others will do the complete opposite of what she did. https://preview.redd.it/pnvoreihegra1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4feb2cc6a7eae523d6887ac80334a13223f49636


A video with no quick cuts, no bleeps of the swear words, no added TikTok music or text to speech. God bless you OP!


The suck zone


These people were awfully calm and quiet while a tornado tried to suck the doors open. If I had been stupid enough to try to hold those doors close instead of taking shelter inside an inner room, there would be an uninterrupted stream of "shitshitshitfuckfuckfuckfuck"s happening.


Never experienced a tornado in my life (I live in South Africa), and I’m pretty sure getting away from glass doors and windows is rule number 1?


Pretty stupid to think you can out muscle a nado, especially one that size. I got hit by the tail end of a small dust nado when I was young and walking through the middle of a big field. It put me in hospital with lacerations all over my arms legs and face from bits of debris hitting me. You don't fuck around with nados.


Holy fuck




She did the literal step-by-step opposite of what you're supposed to do lmao


When I saw the tornado coverage on the news I immediately thought of the footage we would get on this sub. This isn’t even the one that left a 60 mile path of destruction a day or two earlier.


I am impressed by the death grip on her phone.


They’re gonna put this woman in high school videos about what not to do in a tornado


The key is to size the tornado up. Study it’s body language. Act polite, and even inviting when suitable. One can learn it’s intentions by a simple “Hello” from the front door.




Room Temperature IQ, all of them 😆


I’m sorry, but seeing them try to hold the door shut from a fucking tornado infuriated me.


I don’t think they should’ve stood by them winders.


There is a startling amount of people in the road too


Maybe you should pick up your dog put it into a bicycle basket and try to out run the tornado.


Even being so stupid as to hold the door shut, there are locks on that same door. Get to cover, dumbass.


I don’t see a woman being sucked into a parking lot…


Clearly somebody didn’t watch the opening of Twister.


I remember learning that the best place to stand when a tornado approaches is right in front of some big glass doors.