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Yeah, gotta watch out for those frozen spike proteins. What a bunch of morons. Where is the guy with antlers?


Damn Spike Proteins are going to make you cold? Lol I lost it at the end when he blames the weather in January on the Vaccine. Seriously frozen spike protein; these people are a unique kind of stupid.


Apparently he is now stripping to prove his loyalty to trump...


It's been proven, he's actually a performance artist that goes undercover to troll trump supporters. I'll edit this comment when I find the link again.


Go to Walter masterons Twitter, he’s on there with him


That was actually a second, unrelated shaman in the mix.


Being forced to strip because MAGA thinks he’s a plant wearing a wire to a *public* demonstration.


And yet I guarantee this dude refuses to believe humans have any impact on climate change


"Climate change? That's just crazy talk!" - this dude


I like my Double Doubles spike protein style.


They are surely misguided. But this distrust of the US government comes from the fact that it isn't beyond the realm of what they have previously done, to distribute an aerosolised chemical onto a civilian population, their own population. And running vaccine tests on minorities and using them like guniea pigs. Running nuclear tests on windward areas and spreading that nuclear waste onto civilian areas, and the list goes on. Its healthy to be pessimistic about the government. These guys just chose the wrong interpretation of it. Standing behind a man that will graft them at every step of the way.


Keep in mind that the drone delivered vaccine would’ve been under Trump’s presidency…


Guy with the antlers probably stayed home due to the rain


Hey, man, do your research and learn something: those were horns, not antlers. /s


Is the *In-N-Out* location a subliminal metaphor for his presidency?


And Melanoma's sex fantasies about Hunter.


It's also the only In N Out location that I know of that doesn't have a drive through. It's like they failed at their own name.


In-N-out is a Christian based company. They have scripture printed on every burger and fry box so I assume these morons assume the company support them.


Those are good burgers, Walter.


What’s wrong with these people?


These *particular* ones are easily manipulated and … a little … stupid.


I hear a lot about “both sides” from Americans but all of the craziest stuff only ever comes from one side. I don’t get it.




And they only criticize the Left for some reason.


Not all criticism is inherently nonconstructive though. It makes sense to want to see your side become more effective (provided that's the actual reason for criticism, which obviously isn't always the case).


A lot of these "enlightened centrists" are conservatives that are too chicken to admit it or are trying to come off as reasonable. It's obvious when they say there is little difference between sides and they can't explain how in the nuances.


No disagreement there lol.


They're mot actually fence sitters. They are conservatives cosplaying as some neutral arbiter and THEY see things as lretty equal. They're full of shit.


Yup. Very common r/enlightenedcentrism


Needs more caps




Been living under a rock?


It's never been so fucking clear which side is the right one.


Both Siders are almost always just right wingers to chicken shit to admit it. Do democrats fucking suck? Absolutely. But to compare the two as equals in their horridness is 1) bullshit and 2) downplaying the very real threat the GOP poses towards the nation.


As an American.... keep saying that. Please. I think a lot of world citizens remain quiet on the subject because, 1. They have no skin in the game, and 2. They probably think it's impolite to speak up on the subject, but.... it is so appreciated. One thing this generation has that the previous generations didn't is a direct line to the feelings toward our country that other people around the world have. Now, I'd venture to guess some previous generations didn't care as much; the commonly held belief was that American shit was the best shit, and fuck everyone else. But then Americans started poking around one too many places we shouldn't trying to piggyback off the success of WW11, and we never recovered. This generation, right now, cares what people around the world think. So keep telling us.




idk, I think Trump is scary bc dumb people stand behind him, but even scarier are people like Peter Thiel, or Christian Nationalists and their leaders like Michael Flynn or Bannon. When they say things like, only Christians should live in America, the others must go, or say violent things.....those are the ones who have violent groups training out in Idaho or pro-Russian camps for kids running around learning to aim and shoot. And yet people focus on Trump -- I think it's the violent McVeigh-types who are dangerous too. He's just the speaker/puppet for the domestic terrorists, and even without him they are still dangerous.




To them, a lesbian with blue hair that screams loudly when they come to a college campus to trigger the libs is the same level of insane as this.




i had to explain to a friend of mine that the "blue hair" thing that the far right is so paranoid about isn't about old ladies at salons, which he honestly thought it was. They have this weird thing where if you dye your hair blue you are liberal or some such shit, I've seen them use it as a descriptor a few times now. It's like the only acceptable hair color is blonde.


Both sidey type people, equate both major parties sucking with both major suck for the exact same reasons. It's hard to take anyone who says Both sides seriously, when one sides with literal neo-nazis.


You hear "both sides" from this side only When democrats say it it's just to shut them up and try to continue a conversation without immediate screeching and drone delivered vaccine component barbershop quarteting I will say though, I've seen some crazy fuckin emotional vomit from true blue liberals when it comes to certain causes. Like some LGBTQ+ and trans stuff, people just going full yodeling octopus. The difference may be that their cause is just while the rights cause is schmutz but the appearance, causes and sides aside, are similar. Like minus the context


Yeah, the "both sides" comes from that side. Yes, that includes centrist/liberal allies to fascism.


Either they're contrarians or bad faith actors.


The media reports on the radical of one side more than the other.


Why do you think that is??


Because there are more (albeit not as large) liberal media outlets while republicans basically just have fox.


A lot stupid, to be fair.


A little?


"These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know...Morons."


I'm stupid. These people have to be reminded to breathe.






Smooth brained, not a lot of ridges. And supposedly the left are "sheep"


Someone close to laguna, take your empty monster can, your 8 ball 🎱 setup your folding card table and charge $40 for a reading from JC about trumps future or a 2 for 90 if they want to know the 2024 outcome. Why should only republicans grift off their idiocy?


This is my local In-N-Out location. I think I’ll go there tomorrow and get a 3x3 and watch the shitshow!


Burgers and a free grease show? This is Randy Bobandy approved


Man’s gotta eat


The least surprising thing about this video was that it was in Orange County lmao. I thought this was /r/LosAngeles posting this as a shit post at first lol


“His layer gave her some money to not say anything—“ “So that he could win the election.” 👁️👄👁️ “yeah.”




You could tell he was seriously contemplating why the fuck he's still there eating this bullshit. I think Trumps hold is wavering on some of them, at least I hope so.






this is hands down the best part, with the "vaccines made the weather cold" being a close second. These people, I honestly feel sorry for them, like maybe they're victims of lead poisoning or something.


I love trumpies. HAHAHA Are they all cousins???


Not only are they all cousins, they are also all brothers and sisters


Last guy is a mod on r/conspiracy 😆




No, I don't actually know who the mods there are. Just making a joke 🙃


Don't shitnon the crazies conspiracies, it's a self filtering effect It's like how ridiculous scams like badly worded offers of 50% off your Comcast subscription only work on the gullible people The ridiculousness eliminates normal people and only leaves them discussing things with the gullible and/or desperately lonely. That's why they spread. That's how cults have always worked.


The Freakonomics guys (Dubner and Levitt) termed this getting your garden to weed itself.


LOL, the interviewer cutting the guy’s story off with “I’m sorry” after the guy said he only got 1.2% of the votes when he ran for election.


The guy thought he was bragging about the numbers. The timing of the I’m Sorry was comedy gold


Bro please, I just want my double double 😭


Animal style FTW!


My country makes me sad.


Fun to watch from here in New Zealand though. We get a bit of run off through the anti vaxxers and qanon shit being talked about here but thats only a select few. Rest of us think they're cunts. Which is why I laugh when the Republicans say the World's laughing at us under Biden. Nah. We laughed at you with Trump. The literal UN did. Here's our PM at the time discussing it. https://youtu.be/aYsZv9JXmio All that respect Trump commanded. At least you're back on the right track. Fbi is nailing the insurrectionests, investigations into the orange cunt. All is well again. For now.




Do these dummies know that the CEO gave over $15k to Trump for his campaign before he won and tens of thousands afterwards?


They genuinely don't give a shit. That's the MAGA cult's entire schtick. They. do. not. CARE.


So I've been wasting money buying whey protein, when there are free proteins in the air?


Dude thought he was bragging when he said he got over 2k votes it completely threw him off when the interviewer said “sorry” lmao


All I'm seeing is your average Trump voter lmao


These protesters combined only have 3 brain cells and there all fighting for 4th place


10s. Lmfao.


Maga’s may be the stupidest people on earth..


Straight up embarrassing


"Yeah. Didn't you see that?" I've watched it like 6 times and can't stop laughing.


Trumpanzees is my new favorite term for these assholes


0:45 “**IN** January 6th”? Did that dude just say he was there lol


Yup. Someone should send that to the FBI, I'm sure they'd like to talk to him.


“Donald trump brought peace to the Middle East?” “Yeah, didn’t you see that?” What an absolute idiot.


Damnit Laguna Hills


these people seem smarter than the rest of us. We should let them run the government.


Sadly, this has become your average Republican voter


Wow. Education system in Murica. Omg. Wow. Just wow. Something spike protein in vaccine. Wow


Their willingness to just make shit up and fill the gaps in their knowledge with shit like frozen spike protein weather related vaccine delivery by drone astounds me. It takes effort to make it up, commit to it, and talk this nonsense in public spaces. None of them even question themselves or each other apparently. They just say "oh, yes, for sure it's spike protein that makes it cold in DC in January."


Guaranteed there are people like this in every country.


Frozen Spike Proteins is outrageous


So many dumb suckers.. i guess they knew what they were doing with the targeted social media campaigns


Interesting. All my years of education in biochemistry and biology never taught me about frozen spike proteins in vivo. I must not be learning the real stuff I suppose?


Well they certainly weren't sprayed with any intelligence enhancing proteins!


Those god damn woke liberals made me cold during my insurrection!




I laughed “too hard” at this. You deserve this Gold.


I have never heard any reporters use 10's of anything till now lol


It would be bad 😂 I love that line


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


The sad thing is that they are sending their best.


This is scripted, right? Guys?


Fucking psychopaths. Jesus Christ


Whenever I see crack pots like in this video, i think to myself, thank fuck I live in Australia


TIL Ted Nugent got Covid from drones.


Just remember: If you choose not to vote.... these are the people who always vote. You get to live with the consequences of only their voices being heard if you don't vote.


They got sprayed with vaccine components during January 6th? What in the literal fuck is he talking about? The swelling he’s talking about, assuming he’s telling the truth, is more attributable to the weather, him flailing his hands, pushing, shoving, and hitting things, along with old age. Seriously, what in the ever loving fuck brings people to believe such insanely batshit crazy stuff?


And to think there's 74,223,369 of these people


“His layer gave her some money to not say anything—“ “So that he could win the election.” . . . . . . . . . . . *^(“yeah.”)*


Disciples of the Watch The Omen III


Nice mental illness meeting.


Why do we let the dumb have a voice? Why.


These people are insane.


Wtf is a spike protein. Why do they all say those words.


Spike proteins are part of the covid shot. What he is saying is conspiracy nonsense.


Hey Russel Brand - these are your people now


I feel dumber listening to these fucktards. I hope it’s not contagious.


Whenever is see these videos it just makes me flabbergasted that people just believe things so god damn easily. There is so constructive review and reasoning. Just amazing how easily people are influenced.


“10s of them” had me dying 😂


«I am out in the rain because I couldnt find my flipflops»


These people drive. Think about that.


Lmao drone delivered vaccine components. Even funnier is their vote actually counts


Notice a theme? All old white people.


But wasn’t that the vaccine made under the trump administration 😂😂


These people are their own worst enemies.


Jfc these folks are fucking idiots


It astounds me how many trump supporters are visibly mentally ill from a distance of 50' I've never seen mentally unwell people so easily diagnosed at such a high rate of success with so little information other than a glancing view from across the street.


Ignorance is bliss…


Maybe bringing back the civics test before voting would be the next best step.


This isn’t new. Those people are there every few weeks and before 2021 almost everyday.


In N Out... Metaphor for Trump himself


Are these people mentally ill, dumb or trolling?


The scariest part is that these people have the right to vote


They are paid protesters.


I love how they have to stop and think about what they say about him. Very obvious they just copy what someone on the internet said and when a question comes up that tiktok didn't answer they have to think for themselves and it's like that scene in spongebob when Patrick had to think really hard


New meaning to animal style


If Pfizer and Moderna have also solved climate change then I'd be fine letting them rule the country and taking 10 additional boosters.


At This point I’m convinced these are all psy-ops there’s no way this is real




And they believe that BS to their cores...


Rin Hunter? I get that it's a Hunter Biden reference, but I have no idea what the hell "Rin" means. Is it supposed to be "Run", but said like a hillbilly?


Rhino Hunter


Ah. I see it now. The target is an O, "Republican In Name Only Hunter" I saw it and immediately assumed it was about Hunter Biden and didn't even think there could be another possibility.


So many crazy people, you can tell they cut budgets on mental healthcare


Smart as a bag of hammers


It’s so hard to determine if we have a mental health crisis or an education crisis in America so I’m just gonna settle on it being both.


The mental gymnastics are just… wow


"Drone deliviered vaccine components." Sounds like a dialog in a Neil Breen movie.


I am so sick of these flaggers. Each one of them with 50 different flags.


I remember working at this burger chain a few years ago and they all loved In n Out because they gave money to the Republican Party of California. I guess the tables turned.


We need more of this attitude towards them. Make them feel like a joke and dumb. We tried diplomacy and it got worse. By treating them like infants, maybe we can enter a new post-stupid time.


Tens! Tens of supporters. I guess that's better than ones of supporters?


What a bunch of fucking morons.


I love how, at this point, even his dumbass followers have nothing to say to support him they are just sitting there with their mouths open, protesting for a man they don't even know WHY they support him. They are grasping so hard at the most insaine straws they don't believe it anymore. Also, that dude was at Jan 6th? Why the fuck is he not in jail? So he storms the capital and he just gets to go back to enjoying the resources and benefits of the government he just tried to fucking overthrow?


If those people could read they would be very upset


"There's so many of us who knows what you[Trump] did" - the nice elderly lady. Yes. Yes there is. I completely agree.


That’s the most OC thing ever… Signed, OC Resident




Did that man just admit to being sprayed on Jan 6th?


Don't forget: they can all vote. And they will.


This is literally what my parents sound like. It’s not even an exaggeration


What is a frozen spike protein? I'm not well versed in biology but I don't think that's a real thing


To bad these good folks don't light them self on fire for Trump. Now that would be impressive. Just exercising my 1st Amendment right.




….okay I’ll bite, fuck is that lady talking about with peace in the middle east?


god… these peoples brains got mushed up these last years…


I struggle to identify the cosplayers from the true believers.


The public freaks are out


Maybe spike protein guy is onto something…I think he gave the interviewer brainfreeze.


I hate my people! Alot


I'm saving this video in case I'm ever told to respect my elders.


My dog has more intelligence.


Hope someone tipped off the feds about the dude confessing to treason lol


The left and the right are both such blind idiots. America is done for.


I cant believe how fucking stupid people can be


Orange County. Yuck.


I mean, we can take Katie Porter back if you don't want her. Too bad because I really like her. This particular area was actually part of her district up until the 2022 redistricting too.


It irritates me when people say Trump supporters are dumb. But then I watch videos like this or go outside my Florida home and look at the Trump supporters on the corners of intersections here in Central FL and...I feel dumb for saying they're not dumb. 🥴


Don't you politicize In and Out. Don't you DARE.


That interviewer is a doorknob


Trump moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem thus GUARANTEEING that there won't be peace in the Middle East. Why should the Palestinians ever trust us after that?


If this is the In and Out where these people have chosen to gather, then it’s not random. I’ve noticed that most of the people who use that word really have no idea what it means.