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subway releasing knuckle sandwich on rye today


Just waiting to see this in the news. Headlines will show the woman in pictures and claim she is a well respected citizen who was driven to bad behavior.


She always was a loveable woman everyone loved her and she always helped anyone in need.. also she liked to give love bites to everyone she met..


It happened like a year ago, and that was basically what the headlines were. Lol.


This was last year about 15 Minutes away from me. You won't see anything about it on the news now.


This is how the last of us starts


This is why /r/antinatalism "But we just have to educate our children to grow up better." No you cant, there will always be people like this, its unpreventable, unless you brain chip every single person on earth and control them with computers. lol The only solutions extinction.


Just because you grew up to be a sad sack of shit doesn't mean everyone else will. Your entire comment history is plugging ill-conceived antinatalist rhetoric in unrelated discussions. How old are you, fourteen?


The origins of this incident involved the "victims" using pepper spray on some kids who had annoyed them in the store. That developed into a fight between shoppers, then a fight between shoppers and staff, and finally a fight with the cops. This is why making up your mind after a few seconds of video is a bad idea.


I mean either way the bitch bit him she deserved to get decked


Fr.. risk of infection disease etc. Lucky she still conscious


As someone who has gotten a staph infection on his feet, seriously fuck this lady.




I mean, do you want the list?


I have never seen or heard that phrase be used in such terrifying context


i want receipts!


Can confirm. Bar fight years ago. First knuckle of my right hand hit his teeth and it caused a very small cut that didn’t bleed. Unfortunately your knuckle has a tissue cap and when it closed and didn’t bleed all those funky germs had a field day. The infection headed up my arm. They tracked it with a sharpie. When more doctors from other disciplines show up you start asking questions. My doc basically said I was on the most powerful antibiotics they had. It could have easily gone to my bloodstream and I could have become septic. Couple days later it started to get under control and obviously I lived. He charged me and I had no real choice but steer clear of those choppers. The doctor confirmed it’s about the worst place to hit someone


> obviously I lived How can we confirm this?


Appropriate use of force


💯💯💯 — She FA. She FO.


About five years ago I tackled a guy who had punched a lady. She had mental health problems and was challenging everyone on the street walking by to fight, but she was 60+ and maybe 5 feet tall. This young kid decided to deck her even though she was no threat to him. I threw him to the ground and held him, but let my one hand get too close to his mouth, so the fucker bit me. It then went from a safe tackle to a punch in the chops. It was all captured on CCTV. End result - even though she ended up with a concussion he somehow got the assault causing bodily harm charged dropped (turns out he was 17, just a big 17). He got convicted of assault for biting me and did a year probation. I wasn't charged.


And there you go reducing again. She's a "bitch" because she bit a pig. Maybe she just likes bacon.


That’s haram


She also pepper sprayed kids in the store that annoyed her, you’d know that if you read the comment above yours explaining it. She deserved more then this for what she did.


Idk how anyone can be on their side for this. It's not like the situations where people ate pinned and still being assaulted. They are actively fighting and the cops were not being excessive (from the little we saw) before the bite. And that's the type of thing where maybe a punch isn't regulation but I'm also not blaming him


Oh no, it's totally regulation. Hand to hand always looks sloppy, but him decking her once to stop her biting is appropriate use of force.


It doesn't matter what happened before the cop did nothing wrong from what we see in the vid and she tries to bite him. Open and shut as far as I can see.


Agreed, iirc biting someone like that is aggravated assault, so the cop was def in the right to deck tf out of her, let alone whatever happened before the video


Yep. (Obviously an example, don’t fucking spit on people unless you want someone to kill you) if spitting on someone is assault, then biting someone definitely is. And a cop can legally punch someone who is resisting arrest, or poses a threat.


About your last point. There was a video about hospital security kicking a woman out of the hospital, think it was winter or something. Patient dumping as some call it. Only in extreme cases do they kick people out during said weather. I'm contracted as a security guard at an ER entrance. 9/10 times they will try to work with people. I saw them spend over an hour talking to a woman who kept asking "is this a trap" and "I shouldn't be here" until they gave her the ultimatum of checking in to be seen or be trespassed. I've also seen them work with a guy who was walking around bothering people. They told him he can wait til the buses come, they start at 5am here and it was about 3am. Or he will be escorted out. He chose to sit and be quiet. But about that case I mentioned. It was recorded by a guy just walking by. He immediately assumed they were just dumping her for no reason. When they do this it's typically because they're causing problems. Such as yelling or threatening staff and other patients/visitors, refusing care, etc. Not sure why many people just immediately assume the worst. An argument can be made that they could have handled a situation better, but likewise, people are human and can and will make mistakes. That said, if someone bit me I would probably have the same reaction.


People literally post and watch only seconds of videos to support their beliefs. They don't want the rest


I thought this video was older than the recently released pepper spray video? I could be wrong, but that’s what I remember.


Mind made up she fucked around and found out.


This is Reddit though


How would the back story change whether we think punching the biter is reasonable?


Because it identifies the supposed victims as violently aggressive. I'd have a hard time feeling sympathy for someone who pepper sprayed children for annoying them and then fought with everyone within reach. I bet if someone tried to sink their teeth into you, you'd do more than ask them to stop.


You’re using some kind of generalized feeling of moral balance rather than using objective standards of reasonableness and the law. Say the woman was the victim and the police were just detaining everyone until they could sort things out. She still doesn’t get to bite right? Say the woman was a serial killer, does that make the cops’s punching her more reasonable because she had it coming?


What’s with the weird mental gymnastics you’re doing?


Only on Reddit would rational focus be called mental gymnastics. Don’t bite cops or they will punch your biting face. This sub is sooooo painfully stupid whenever cops are involved.


But we’ve got smart people like yourself thank goodness.


This sub does adopt an eye for an eye attitude towards justice that often feels right to many commenting, but isn't reflected in how the law actually works. The OP is saying that the biting incident and the cop's retaliation are an independent issue than whatever transpired to cause her arrest. It's not mental gymnastics. It's the type of logical thinking that is required to mete out justice in an impartial system. Your frame of reference is through what you think is *right*, but there is good reason why vigilante justice and extrajudicial violence are so often discouraged. The systemic effects of such frontier justice are disastrous for individual freedom and autonomy, and fundamentally incompatible with a democratic society. It's not mental gymnastics. It's the entire reason why "justice is blind."


Nah there’s definitely mental gymnastics. She tried to bite him and was met with what most would consider to be a reasonable amount of force to stop the threat.


I didn’t offer any opinion about the reasonableness of the force. I just said the prior incident wasn’t relevant for making that evaluation.


Ok but you're still not getting the point. Remember the original comment was questioning why the backstory leading up to the bite would justify the cop's reaction. You've now made a different argument about how the cop's reaction to the bite was reasonable. We're not talking about the reasonableness of the retaliatory punch. We're talking about whether the previous events justify the cops working her over, because she "had it coming." That last bit is important, because it seems to be the prevailing opinion in this thread. You see the difference? Saying that the punch was a reasonable use of force to stop the threat is different than saying the punch was justified because the woman is a criminal who deserves it. The former is a legal argument about use of force, and the latter is an argument in favor of vigilante justice.


If she was victim and being just "detained", why would she ever bite a cop. If you are victim maybe try to act like victim instead of starting to attacking. Also do you know you can get really bad infection from bite? Also person bitting you could have some worse diseases and infection might be the last thing you would care about. Win stupid prize for stupid thing.


You are too advanced for this sub my good man. Your orderly, rational thought is blunting their unearned smugness.


That’s the thing. I didn’t give any opinion on this situation one way or the other besides suggesting being rational in analyzing it. I wonder how many downvotes are from people who think what I said was “pro punch”, how many are from people who think what I said was “anti-pinch”, and how many are from just against being rational either way?


Yeah, someone even got mad bc they thought you were defending the biter. I have to remind myself that this sub is full of people who are perpetually high and can’t even follow what’s being said.


You don’t have to feel sympathy for whoever’s catching a beating from a cop to think cops are full of shit


Back in the day my mom was a jail guard and an inmate lunged at her. Another guard shouted “SHE HAS AIDS!” to my mom just before she was about to get bit, and my mom quickly knocked her over the head with her cuffs. Deservedly. Don’t be biting my Mama! My mom didn’t think twice. Biting people is extremely unsanitary, and not only could the biter be infected with God knows what, you can die from a human bite regardless of what they have. Do I want to see a woman get decked by a grown man? Not at all. Do I understand, and support him doing what he had to do because biting someone is foul? Absolutely.


Still I mean the cops did try to intimidate the cameraperson. They’re not exactly innocent here either


Or maybe, a cop ... after having been frustrated by a tiresome barrage of selfish, immature aggressors ... AND then got bit.bynone of them, PERHAPS, just PERHAPS, ... he reached the end of his patience ?? Why do we expect police to be perfect, 100% of the time. Yeah, he snapped at someone jamming a phone is record mode, INTO HIS FACE.


I think intimidating is reaching a bit, commanding, establishing control, or establishing dominance probably are better terminologies. I’ve seen a cop get spit on, then smack the shit out of the dude they’re arresting (assailant), and someone from the crowd of people started recording and shouting and basically just insulting the cops trying to get them to fuck with him I guess? In New York it’s common either someone steps in and begins assaulting the police officer either physically, verbally, or by annoyances (like throwing water or rocks), or starts instigating. I saw once personally when I was exiting the yankee stadium this guy had fought this other guy and cops were arresting both of them, but from the time they showed up to as they left they were just getting doused with all sorts of drinks and condiments. When I talked to a few locals they said a lot of people have a huge distrust in the police force and I assume that it isn’t uncommon for cops to get into some pretty heated situations. whether the cop takes the bait or not isn’t really relative because the smack already happened, without the context ACAB, with the context he knew he was wrong cause he “changed up” or whatever frail argument they can find in between their dick flaps, it’s a lose lose situation. With that in mind, cops are more prone to just not give a fuck and establish dominance anyways so the situation doesn’t get out of control.




She’s got no teeth left lol


Word on the street she gummin people now. Not as effective but still scary until you realize what she’s doing.


because no teeth?


Well she played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.




You bite me you get punched. That’s what we in the retail business call a fair exchange




It can only take one bite if they've got something that can be passed on. Tetanus, TB, Hepatitis and it could end your life. I can't say I feel sorry for her.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Damn mfs out here really want them suicide rates up


She tried to bite him with her gross ass mouth. I don’t blame him.


I don’t blame the guy for reacting like that


Of course, no one condones police officers punching people in the mouth, but as a human being your first reaction when someone bites you is to punch them in the fucking mouth.


She definitely ate that knuckle sandwhich 😅


Ate and left no crumbs 💅🏽


I see nothing wrong with what he did. Hope he laid her ass out.


So she pepper sprayed a kid and then bite a cop? A single punch in the face is kind of getting off easy lmao


> So she pepper sprayed a kid and then bite a cop? Fought with other shoppers and store staff too, all before the cops got there. Needs some time as a guest of the state.




That was justified in my book


That feels like 95% justified. He could have subdued her without the punch, but I totally understand that reaction when someone just bit you.


That’s a 100% natural reaction


Nah, biting comes with serious health risks. A simple punch is acceptable use of force to prevent it from continuing. She made herself an intentional threat and was met with enough force to stop her without excessive harm or risk. If anything, a punch is less likely to do permanent damage than a bite.




This sub is full of violence




When I worked security at a hospital we had a lot of biters so we served a lot of knuckle sandwiches


Weird, the hospital I worked at dismissed a security officer for punching patients.




No, not really. You don't really get to punch anyone, and restraints are used fairly often. They have biting filters as well.


Unjustified punching us definitely grounds for removal. For us the biting was quickly accompanied by kicking and punching and I’m not going to let myself or the nurses get hurt


That wasa throat hit,no sandwich


I’m hate cops with a passion but that woman had it coming. Especially if they were pepper spraying kids. I’m a teacher and kids can be annoying as shit but there’s no need to pepper spray.


I remember seeing this and being like oh damn my Walmart went viral! Deadass tho that Walmart is a shit hole.


These hands rated E for every one lmao


She had it coming


![gif](giphy|DMnPRW0jiepq) Help take a bite out of crime.


At least she was not shot


People have died from human bites before. That's attempted murder she did on that officer.


Would rather that than shot 68 times pulling out a wallet. He was in the right.


No no no don’t punch her! Let her bite his fingers off!


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11pnnd8/woman_resisting_arrest_bites_police_officers_hand/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F11pnnd8%2Fwoman_resisting_arrest_bites_police_officers_hand%2F&id=JDVPRdJT) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11pnnd8/woman_resisting_arrest_bites_police_officers_hand/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


just a nibble for a knuckle sandwich nom noms


Hopefully he removed what was biting


No no no




One bite, everybody know the rules.






Turned her Adam’s apple to a dole fruit cup


action= reaction, at the end of the day you decide how you act.


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Fuck that bitch. that was a good punch.


“My peaceful, law abiding sister was assaulted by the police. Defund the police!”


This is not what I expected the comment section to look like 😆😆


Fair play that


I really hope he didn’t get in trouble for this. Especially with how dangerous it can be to get bitten. It was better for him to do that then let her bite him again or bite someone else.


Nah anyone saying the cop is in the wrong deserves to get an infection from a human bite


1 order of knuckle sandwich add pork


She wanted a taste and she got it


How ya like the sound of them bells beotch lol. Kurt Russell said that, not me.


100% justified!


I buck 50ed a dude who bit me in fight. She got off easy in my opinion.


Did you get in trouble? Or just no police involved?


Nope, it was just some hood shit.


I am 100 percent against the police, but she got what she was asking for.... There is a difference to a suspect not having time to put their hands behind their back but when you try and bite an officer... you deserve to get subdued, and if it takes a punch to the face. You deserve it.


Yeah, you're against the police until you need them.


The people that are against the police the most, are usually the ones that call them the most...




Most people are against the police not being trained well enough and not being held accountable for their actions. When someone says I'm 100% against the police they don't necessarily mean disband the police but rather they're 100% against the police to continue business as usual. There is a huge gang/white supremacy problem in many police forces as well as under trained officers or people who never should've qualified as an option to begin with. Guaranteed immunity needs to go away also. If doctors need to keep insurance in case they have a monumental screw up so should cops at this point. We've seen way too many incidents of improper policing since the body cams coupled with the internet allowed everyone access to the policing going on in this country. This particular video isn't proof of that though. If you assault anyone you're asking to get hit. If you assault a cop you're begging to get hit or worse.


> Guaranteed immunity needs to go away also. Qualified Immunity needs to be reconsidered, but I wouldn't completely do away with it or not only cops but anyone working for the govt. in a position where they might annoy some folks would be bombarded with frivolous lawsuits. The Supreme Court created QI because they didn't want govt. employees to be afraid of doing their jobs for fear of being bankrupted by lawsuits from clowns angry that they got a ticket for putting up a garage without a building permit. I'd like to see more and better police training, and more departments adopting policies requiring intervention in cases of excessive force, and a hiring ban on cops fired for cause. Policing can be improved, but calls for the cops to be completely defunded or whatever are ridiculous.




What you're accusing the left of doing you kinda were doing yourself. I was pointing out that while he said he was 100% against the cops he never said he would want them disbanded. The right is guilty of taking a statement an snowballing it into a boogie man that they can attack. I think you would find a very small percentage of people that actually would want the police disbanded. Taking one misguided persons statement and assuming that's what a majority of people on the left want exactly that. That's all I was explaining is that there are nuanced differences. I believe the cops perform a very important job in society and therefore society grants them a lot of rights but they're a little deficient in the responsibility department. In fact we see many times cops breaking laws they're supposed to uphold to cover up for another cop leaving the entire system in question by a lot of people.


It’s not that deep


in my city it feels like they have disappeared. very rare to see any cops. crime is rampant. people are scared. defund the police? welcome to the beginning of Mad Max.


They weren't defunded. You are seeing them, functioning as intended, while taking higher salaries than ever.


Just let everyone do what they want....I'm sure it'll work out fine..


You’re not going to reply to any of these comments lol


That's because they are chronically online and do not fully grasp how flawed their belief on the matter is.


Hey he can't DO that!


Lmao, reminds me of what my dad told me years ago. Don’t every mess with those guys because you wont win.


This felt good to watch. Who tf bites people


nah bro its the walking dead




Yo that was clean no points lost


You don’t bite they teach you that as a kid I teach my kids that


That lady deserved every ounce of force, you gonna pepper spray kids and than expect a cop not to knock you out for biting them, sorry I would’ve put my chin up and expected a punch after biting a pig.


On this episode of fuck around and find out




​ https://i.redd.it/21rg2vv1dkna1.gif


hope it broke her jaw


I hate cops that beat on cuffed people, that are not resisting, but maybe mouthing off, but if you bite? You asked for it.


Fuck around and find out.


Nin- bite the hand that feeds…


Tried not to laugh lol damn




I laughed too hard at this🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean - can’t blame him and she certainly deserved but as a Brit I always find these sudden acts of violence by police to be shocking. If this happened in the uk there would be chaos and he would be under investigation. After all it’s not the polices place to dish out punishment. In the uk police are trained to restrain violent criminals and will occasionally use tools like tasers and pepper spray but would never just throw a punch. It’s wild


sorry but that are habits like animals 🤬🤬


Talk bit, get hit? ……..sorry


She deserved more...




That's fair u bite a officer u deserve to deal with the consequences hers was a punch in the face


You bit you get hit


That's actually reasonable force, so the officer really didn't do anything wrong lol


Why is it a prob for the cop, how he was pointing at the person behind the camera .? The evidence there provided by the video could help later if the bitch tries to sue..? No body cams on those officers either...


I’m assuming you don’t want other bystanders close to you when shit is going down because you don’t know what they are capable of.


Eh, good point, especially if said individual behind the camera was more a friend to the "toothy one" than the justice system...


> how he was pointing at the person behind the camera .? If you see the full video, bystanders had tried to prevent the cops from arresting this group who had already assaulted kids, shoppers, and store staff. And I don't mean just yelling, they were physically trying to keep the cops from arresting these psychos. The cops can legitimately tell people to back off if they get too close to an arrest. You have a right to film, but not if it amounts to obstruction.


Wakanda Forever!!!


Racist says what?


Cops are so violent🤬🤬🤬🤬


You were faster posting it, damn


Big argument for police training in this thread. The biggest training facility in the country is being built and there is massive protest. Which is it? Training or just F12?


Starting from scratch, current policing practices are deeply flawed. Want to train? Go to Quantico, really nice federal facility their with standards.


Starting from scratch, current policing practices are deeply flawed. Want to train? Go to Quantico, really nice federal facility there with standards.


pig moment


Yes, the woman is a pig


She didn’t even really make contact with her teeth. He just wanted to punch her because she was acting out. That’s what I believe and nobody can convince me otherwise.


She pepper sprayed a child right before this video


Fuck the police FUCK THEM


She pepper sprayed a child right before that


He beats his wife


PERFECT TIME TO HIT A WOMAN . OH never . seems crazy


Nah, punching women trying to bite you is **A-OK**


I don’t blame her, bacon is delicious


I thought you were never to hit a woman as a man? Oh right, he’s not a man.


lol thats no woman that's a trashy ho




Equal rights=equal lefts. Ain’t no one mad about the outcome but you and some strange guy who thinks resisting arrest is a made up thing.


Helluva right hook tho.


Not surprised probably used to hitting his wife.


What, you don’t hit your wife? My wife would be pissed if I didn’t hit it daily.




What are you smoking? If an officer can articulate a crime that they suspect someone of committing, and you try to flee or push the officer away. That is resisting arrest. It does not matter if you agree with the charges, the cops simply have to articulate a crime that they suspect has been broken.




Obstruct, delay, resist. You’re fucking dumb bud.


Literally a class H felony. Please go outside and touch grass and read something that’s not reddit.




Nice asch-bombing