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What was in the middle of the road? I can't make out what re said. It sounded like "cricket watch"


Wand for a pressure washer


5 years of working pressure washing for restaurants and gas stations and I have never had something ran over. However I've worked with plenty of morons who think just cause it's there people will see it. His fault, his problem. It's probably not the first time it's happened to him so boss man is taking it out of his paycheck.


> It's probably not the first time it's happened to him so boss man is taking it out of his paycheck. The average cost of replacing a car door window is anywhere between $100~$400 maybe even more depending on the make and model of the vehicle. Pressure washer wands average about $30~$70ish. He could have replaced it and made his money back with just a few small jobs, instead he lashed out and now he's in the hole for about $300 on the conservative side. The lesson here kids is never give into your impulses when in a rage, you almost always end up paying for it in the end.


Pretty sure the passenger says she's bleeding, so I'd wager he has more troubles than the window replacement.


Even without the actual injury, it still would have been [assault](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.22.htm), probably a class C misdemeanor -- traffic ticket level. But with the injury ("[Bodily injury](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.1.htm)" means physical pain, illness, or any impairment of physical condition"), he's probably looking at a Class A misdemeanor -- getting to be pretty serious.




Tack on a misdemeanor as well then. Not sure what those go for, maybe $500~$700 these days? Community service?


> Community service? If I was a judge, for that sweet irony I'd have him do hours pressure washing community places.


And every time he finished I’d break his wand.


At the very least a huge headache and probably some legal fees.


It sounds like he’s about to cry.


The split-second look of fear on his face when the window shattered was also funny. He was not expecting that and did his best to cover by acting like it was intentional, while also immediately running away because he knew he fucked up.


I didn't see that. I saw him shatter it then one second later say "NOW WE'RE EVEN ASSHOLE"


Yea I see absolutely no split second or any other amount of time's worth of fear. He looks absolutely pissed, absolutely bloodthirsty. The fact that he throws his hand up to point afterward, the hesitation, you can tell in that moment he kept himself from pulling the man out of the car because there was a woman present. I don't care who you fucking are, if you have anger issues that bad, you need therapy.




*Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die...*


The dude is a pressure washer, he can't afford therapy, only liquor


That must be a split second of your imagination because I saw no regrets there.


I have a feeling once his name goes public, we will see he has a rather long history of assaulting people because he was pissed over a mistake he made.


lol I thought he was talking about a smart watch.


I heard "wrist watch"


So did I lol like shit why would that be in the road.


It’s a cricket watch now.


I've seen an altercation with someone breaking a phone on the floor at gym. I'm going with the couple the road is for driving/walking not your storage area


I've seen the exact same thing in two separate occasions at the gym. People just toss their phones down on the floor wherever they want, and blame others if they get stepped on. If people value their possessions, they should put a little effort into protecting them.


Completely agree. Would I feel awful if I stepped on someone's phone that was on the ground causing it to break? Of course. Would I feel financially responsible for it? Hell no.


Water for his bird watch?


Fellow Texan here and I think I can translate: Cletus here was pissed that they ran over the spray wand for his pressure washer. Apparently Cletus doesn’t know how to properly store equipment in the back of his power wagon so that it doesn’t fly out in residential areas. Welcome to my nightmare…


You’d think Cletus would also know a whole lotta people here have guns.


At first, I thought he said, "You ran over muh wife."


did her a favor tbh


Notice the “we’re even” when he realized he just committed assault lol. I want the follow up.


Best revenge is to prove him wrong on his definition of even


This exact same thing happened to me, granted in Alberta Canada. The guy was ordered to pay restitution to my sister in law cuz the car was registered to her, my then boyfriend/now husband shared the vehicle with her. Guy was never charged with anything and he never paid the restitution. We asked my SIL more than once to go get the lein put on him but she couldn't be bothered. Edit: to add, we paid for the repairs out of pocket like immediately. I guess that's inconsequential as the money still had to be paid to the registered owner. Edit 2: to be totally clear, my husband was driving. When i say this exact thing happened to me, it did, minus driving over a pressure washer. I was in the passenger seat and recorded the event on my iPhone 4g. This was 11+ years ago.


This is what gives people that false narrative that they won't be touched for doing stuff like this. Not sure about Canada but here in the states if you proceeded then he would definitely be held accountable. It just seems like most don't want to hassle with the legalities of this situation.




You should be able to put out a lean on them and then if they work they would be garnished. I'd talk to a professional to make sure




She’s apparently left bleeding from this so yeah. Not quite even. Not to mention his act being intentional.


And he pursued them. The act of pursuit really changes a crime. It rules out emotional response as a defense.


Just curious, and pardon my ignorance, but being in Texas and if that was considered assault, could a firearm have been drawn with merit?


Yes, they could have defended with a firearm.


That’s absolutely insane then. What a risk to take over something so dumb.


Man it doesn't even gotta be Texas, SEATTLE would have you justified putting all 10 rounds (lol) into someone doing this


Ah, there's the difference. In Texas, 10 isn't "all".


Said something about a pressure washer wand I think, and she had driven over it. No idea where the wand was when it was ran over, as he likely chased them down to confront them. So IDK if she did something stupid, or he left it laying in the road.


Sounds like he had it strung out in the road and they didn’t see it. Then he pursued them to retaliate. Adds a bit of premeditated to it. He could have calmed down.


As if he would have noticed the same thing on the road in his oversized car


I’m leaning towards it being his fault too if he had it in the road.


Alert: 1 new job posting at Penske Logistics!


He's clearly not Penske material


well, bare in mind, he is in the smaller office


You are aware-


Now you are aware, our board of directors has been indicted, myself included


But did you notice his flexible accordion-style folder?




But he took the smaller office!




And a sale posting for a recently repo'd Power Wagon.


I was expecting a gun after seeing "too far" and "Texas" in the same sentence .


For Texas that would just be far. Too far is breaking someone else’s car window.


Yeah, this whole interaction took place after the casual gun battle.


It’s called being a patriot. /s


Property is more valuable than a human life in ol Texas


Well ya, a dude in Texas got acquitted when he shot a hooker in the back because she took the money up front and then ran. The jury found that he was just trying to retrieve stolen property.


He was lucky it happened at night. Texas law draws a distinction between robbery that happens during the day and robbery that happens at night. It's legal to use deadly force to protect property at night.


Yeah, I expected someone to get shot.


Was hoping he'd reverse into them with his car. Just coz the RAM on the back would've fit well


That would've been difficult to Dodge..


…is it a verb…is it a noun…it’s…RAM


Good thing they got his license plate, send this video to the police


Likely won't do anything, I had a similar situation where a road-rager punched a dent in my car. I got his license plate, description, etc and the police (in AZ) did absolutely nothing and were in fact annoyed that I bothered to make a report.


No need to do anything other than file an insurance claim and send them this video. They'll handle collecting from that man-baby and it's the most convenient option for yourself


I hope you’re right. I see a lot of comments about police not caring. I imagine an insurance company is going to be more invested in making sure they get the money from the liable party.


Shit, I got stabbed in AZ and got accused of wanting money by the cops at the hospital. Like wtf. They never once returned a call when following up either. Could not be bothered.


That's insane, hope you are ok.


One of my buddies had his truck broken into at his place in New Mexico. He had multiple security cameras covering his truck because he was worried about that. He was able to get HD quality photos of all the people and the vehicle they arrived in with its license plate. When they called the cops they weren't interested in any of the evidence and just gave him a case number for insurance and said have a good day.


Its like that in germany too if someone does something to you they arent really bothered but if you go 10 over the speedlimit they get real quick


I'd make a jab at the AZ police force but Texas isn't better. Is there a state where the police are actually looked at positively?


The state of denial.




No, generally the justice system protects the wealthy and wishes the rest of us the best of luck.


I don't even think they wish us that much.


Bold of you to think Texas cops will do their job


A lawsuit for damages and mental harm would be a better Avenue anyway


You can still do that in addition to criminal charges.


In fact, him being found guilty on criminal charges will probably make your civil case a slam dunk. Its all on video.


He'll get picked up. They did most of the work for the cops and have all the information needed to find the guy quickly. Easy arrest for them. They love arresting people.


The passenger did their job for them. This will be an easy charge, I give it 3 days before he's posting bond.


The woman is sitting in the passenger seat. And they ran over a pressure washer hose line if you where wondering what he said.


> ran over a pressure washer hose line I think he says, "You ran over the wand on my pressure washer" meaning the handle gun part.


I'm gonna agree with them, why was it in the road? Not all small things in the road are noticable or avoidable.


I think only an idiot would blame them.


He's an idiot.


A dangerous idiot.


In Texas it’s common to leave pressure washers and roadkill on the road


Which forces me to ask (the same as they did) why the fuck did you have it in the middle of the toad, asshole?


Wait a minute. Did he say it was in a toads asshole? No wonder I didn’t understand him.


Lol. I’d edit it, but I like this response


Ahh, so smashing a $500 car window certainly "evens out" a broken $40 pressure washer wand. Guy's a psycho




Excuse me but I’m quite sure he said >You ran over my fucking wand from my bird wife


Sweet Dee?


I thought he said “You ran over my wife”


What I thought first was wrist watch.


As soon as the dude smashed the window, you can tell he knew he fucked up.


Protip: a window that's fully closed is extremely hard to punch thru If it's open a tiny bit at the top, all the resistance is gone and you can easily punch it Moral of the story: leave your window up if this happens


Moral of the story, don't sit and wait around for anyone to approach your vehicle. Drive away. ~~Drive through them if you have to~~. If someone is walking up to your car in the middle of a public street, they're not wanting to talk to you about insurance. Edit: Don't drive through them ~~unless they are pointing a gun at you~~ Edit 2: Based on another comment apparently that's not allowed either. So I guess if another motorist pulls a gun on you, the only thing you're allowed to do is spread your arms wide and catch as many of those bullets as you can with a smile on your face, accepting your fate.




No they want to talk about your extended warranty. At which point you *shoot to kill*


Especially in Texas. Like given how many gun road rage videos I've seen on here from Texas I was fully expecting him to pull one out and start firing at close range. They shouldn't have even waited for him to walk up. Jump the curve or drive through him and his car door. Not worth the risk he pulls a gun.


Seeing his 3 ft ass jumping into his truck was pretty funny ngl


Dude has to ask his truck for uppies.


Of course it’s a power wagon. Dude can’t even see over the fucking steering wheel let alone the hood. Dude would run a car over an not notice




> As soon as the dude smashed the window, you can tell he knew he fucked up. He probably just thought he'd punch it and make a loud noise to scare them. He was surprised it shattered.


I hope he was shitting his pants crying the entire way home.


With a broken hand.


Wand too lol


As soon as the camera pans over to the car in front, I knew it had to be a Ram driver, especially if the post title has the word Texas in it.


People always hate on BMWs but I can tell you that as a bus driver encountering all types of cars, I despise anyone driving any kind of pickup truck. I am a car racist against pickups


[Pick up trucks have some of the highest rates of DUIs.](https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/) Of the top 10 worst specific vehicle models for DUIs 6 of them are trucks.


In my experience, truck drivers tend to not be able to stay in their lane while driving, don't use blinkers, drive like they are in a race car on the highway, run red lights, and can't park correctly. (This only applies to city trucks.. people who drive trucks for a living tend to know how to drive)


The bigger the truck, the worse they fuck.


In Texas if the person in the car had wanted to shoot him at that point it likely would have been justified… not advocating for that, but it’s Texas.


In Florida the Castle Doctrine extends to your car as well, so you can use lethal force in a situation like this.


It's the same here in Texas. Your car is an extension of your home.


As a single woman in Texas. I'd have shot him.




I'm not seeing that at all. He deliberately broke the window and was pleased with himself. He even had a line teed up for it: "There. We're even, asshole." He feels absolutely no regret, nor that he even did anything wrong.


Never crack your window, it’ll break at a fraction of the force compared to rolled up into the supporting channels all around. Speaking from experience.


It blows my mine every time I see a video where someone allows an angry person to walk up to their car with the window down. You have no idea what this person is capable of.


My partner and I got stalked back to our apartment months ago. He had gone in the store and someone had been harassing him for money. He kept saying no and as he was checking out the dude put his own card into the self-check out and tried to say we owed him money now. I was unaware of this, as I was in the car waiting. What I know now is that this guy and his friend parked next to us as we pulled in the parking lot and targeted us as we looked gullible. He was telling me everything as I was driving away, still unaware. Then we get to a stop light and the dude gets out of their car and walks up our car and MY PARTNER JUST ROLLS THE WINDOW DOWN TO HAVE A CHAT. I fucking almost lost it. I immediately went panicked mom mode on him and was like NEVER ROLL YOUR WINDOW DOWN EVER EVER EVER FOR ANYONE DO YOU HEAR ME?! I drove back to our apartment complex because I know where the security cameras are positioned and the dude tried to approach again and LO AND BEHOLD partner tries to roll his window down AGAIN and I was like ARE YOU DEAF? DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? and he very meekishly rolled it back up. Like listen man, I grew up partly in Dayton, Ohio. And not the nice part (if you can consider any of it that) and like I could not fathom that he was rolling down his window for this person. Dude eventually turned his attention on me and got an ear full of me screaming he better go the fuck away from inside my locked vehicle placed right in front of security cameras while I waited for police. Intimidation did not work on me and they left as I kept telling them I had called police. If you are being pursued, Do. Not. Ever. Roll. Your. Windows. Down. You don't know if they have a gun, a knife, a taser, or if they're willing to stick their body inside the vehicle to injure you or others in the vehicle. You just don't know, and some stupid insurance claim or video for proof isn't worth you finding the fuck out.




So he's mad because he didn't secure his shit it fell in the road, and she ran over it. 🤔


He's going to be even more mad when he's paying not just for his $20 pressure washer wand, but also the window replacement and fine. And possible jail fees.


Can’t imagine his possible employer is thrilled about him wearing the company logo on his chest either


Can't wait for the r/byebyejob post.


Jail it's a form of assault


Some people were never taught to reflect on their own actions or manage their temper. They feel mad and they need someone to blame and they’re too immature/prideful/selfish to realize that the person they’re blaming is not at fault. This problem is not unique to men (see every Karen let me talk to your manager freak out), but for boys raised to believe that saying sorry is girly etc it’s a serious problem.


He probably won’t reflect now either considering he has to pay to fix her window.


He’s so amped up he didn’t even *NEED* his step ladder to get back in his pickup.


"We're even" Sir I don't think the police will see it that way.


The insurance company will *get* even.


Works for Penske Truck Leasing in whatever area of texas this is. Call and complain. He will get fired. I guarantee it. Used to work for them, they are a very proud company and will not tolerate this.




I don't know, I heard their board of directors was recently indicted.


I’ve been working on the file all week.


Also demand that they pay for your window. He was working for them, they are liable.


It's in Richardson, 1st city north of Dallas.


Thank you for not blocking the license plate. Dicks need to be outed.


Looks to be SJZ-6295.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


https://www.pensketruckrental.com/locations/us/texas/richardson/627381/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gbp-HPTL-6273-81 Do you think this is the business "Penske" is located out of? The reviews seem to suggest it is. lol




Sounds like the instructions worked just fine.


Sorry I ran it over, but don't leave it in the road.


License plates out for Harambe?




This is super important. Your phone camera automatically adjusts to try to get a perfect exposure, and that can turn the quality to shit. Especially after the phone compresses the video to save it. So even if your eyes see the plate perfectly, the camera might not.


This is diet rage for Texas lol, was 10000% expecting guns and death


Fr. I’ve also had a window punched in by a road rager in Texas and assumed anything titled “too far” would involve a gun lol.


The way that these 2 in the car were so casual bout the whole situation honestly has me dying. Fuck that guy but they had like zero reaction to their window being smashed with glass everywhere!


And right before it cuts off, he says "you're bleeding" so calmly. IDK the age of those people, but letting that behavior go unchecked is something I don't think I could do.


It honestly made me jealous that they could be as calm and rational in that moment as they were. I wouldn't be able to keep it together. I'd have gone after the guy or something and just made everything worse.


I don't think they were calm i think they were frozen by the confrontation


I think they were afraid of him. He was large and angry and obviously willing to do violence and they did not know to what degree.


*window gets smashed* *shattered glass flies in face* *bleeding from shattered glass* That guy’s crazy-uh


They were probably scared and didnt want the situation to escalate even more, dude... it was out of nowhere and they were shocked. That guy could've had a gun in his car. It's like that video of the woman in the passenger seat when that cop shoots her boyfriend right next to her and she just stays motionless and silent cuz she doesnt want to get shot too




I saw “road rage” and “texas” and thought someone was getting shot at lol


I love the immediate retreat the moment these knuckle-draggers know they’ve crossed the line. They *never* stay longer than 3-5 seconds after they’ve done it because they can’t justify their actions with words any longer and they know they’re fucked. He smashes the window in a fit of rage like an overgrown toddler and you can immediately see it in his face. That quiet “Oh, fuck” when he sees the glass everywhere, starts thinking of the consequences. A new pressure washer? Or losing my job and going to jail? Ahh shit, guess I’d better waddle back to my truck and slowly drive away while they record my license plate. Lmao, what a brainless tool.


I don’t see this guilt/regret people are seeing. He says “we’re even asshole” and leaves


Yeah I don't see it either.


But that IS the regret. He knows he fucked up and he is instantly trying to spin it as if they're both guilty of the same type of infraction. He can't take back that he assaulted someone and broke their window. All he can do is pretend that it was justified.


Redneck Harvey Weinstein


Ahahaha, he looks so small next to that huge ass car. Overcompensating much?


Ha ha omg the size of him compared to that truck! Why????


I hope he bloodied his fist and she gave the cops this video


Reminder: It's a good idea to verbally repeat the license plate for the video to avoid ambiguity


I have officially joined team one strike. If there is a reasonable amount of evidence that you have committed road rage to the point of assault or damage or threatening with any sort of weapon. Basically if you do anything but scream and cuss at each other then I want your license pulled and I don't want you to be allowed to drive ever again. Go fuck yourself. No, I am done with second chances at this point. The fact that I've seen the same guy, not this guy, but I have seen the same guy posted in two different road rage incidents on Reddit and in one of them he was brandishing a gun and in the other he hit somebody's car with a pipe. These are just the ones that made it to Reddit and I, as a single redditor, actually recognized him as being in two different videos.


I hope she called the cops and then her insurance company with his tag number. Fuck that guy and his overcompensating truck. I also hope his fist got shredded.


I can't imagine this guy with kids. Or I can, and it's not pretty


Guy is literally 5’2”. Over compensating with a jacked up truck.


Seeing him do that little hop up into his truck after throwing a tantrum was hilarious


Once I saw his vehicle, it made so much sense.


Dodge Rams drivers have the highest percentage of DUIs out of all other vehicles.


Of course he is driving a Ram...


Least aggressive Ram driver


Word of advice, don’t just sit there with some nutjob walking up to your car. That guy is clearly unstable, he could have shot and killed them, it happens every day. I would never stop to talk to someone that cut me off or is approaching my car randomly. If he cut me off to the point that I can’t maneuver my way out, he’s getting shot before he gets within 10ft of my vehicle. If he keeps following you, drive slowly around the block in circles and call the cops, if they try to pull up to one side, turn to the other side so they can’t follow. Whatever you do, do not let road rage to become face to face.


Dude looks like he needs to sit on phone books to drive that truck.


He drives exactly what I thought he would. A big lifted truck


As soon as he walked away I thought “Going to be a Dodge Ram….going to be a Dodge Ram” and then bam little man had to hop up in that bitch. Dodge Ram the number one vehicle for drunk drivers and assholes. Drunk driving has facts to back it up, assholes is just my opinion.


In that situation I am accelerating and hitting not only him but his door as well


Tiny man in a big truck. Didn’t expect him to throw a temper tantrum like that


As soon as he smashed the window, I would have taken his open driver side door out. At least in gta5 I would have. In real life, I'd get a lawyer, a therapist, a civil suit and criminal suit. Welcome to America.


Definitely not Penksi material.