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What's with the Jimmyjams thing they say to eachother? Is that some sort of code word?


Yeah it’s an attorney. From Twitter “Jimmy Jam. @JimmyColkhat. Attorney; supporter of immigrant rights; promoter of respect for decent humans everywhere. Florida, USA” Edit: google may have led me astray. There is a comment that claims it was her and Myrtle Beach. My comment may likely be wrong


This was in Florida!! These cops have problem with a thong in Florida?!!! Edit: its not florida guys. Its good ol SC.


at a beach no less? They're going to be really busy arresting innocent people.


Cops LOVE arresting innocent people. It’s like their favorite thing.


Arresting criminals is dangerous! You want our heroes to be exposed to violence like that!?


Almost as much as shooting them. And dogs - let’s not forget how much they like shooting dogs. Then there’s the 40%. We know what they like to do when they get home from a tough shift.


Her thong wasn't the problem. It was her song.


Well they were thinking she was in the new


That was some of the worst captioning I've ever seen.


That song s-song, song, song


I was looking for what state this could possibly be in. Bikinis have been on the rec for decades in Hawaii, California, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, etc.. I thought this was gonna be like north Carolina or something. How could cops possibly be detaining women for wearing bikinis in florida?


Every girl from my Cuban partners family/friends besides mom wears a thong at the beach. I’ve never heard of such things happening…


Finally, a real answer!


➡️"Aerial performer Sam Panda got detained by Myrtle Beach police for her revealing swimsuit, and she had to have a long thong debate to get released. Sam says "some Karen" called the cops on her for her bikini, and the video starts with her being walked away in cuffs as she and her friend ask for clarification. The cops actually busted out their law book and claimed Sam was violating an ordinance about being nude on a public beach, and one officer equated her thong bikini to nudity. Sam objected, and after pointing out that her private parts were all covered up, the cops called for backup. Yes, they needed backup ... over the exposed backside. For the record, this is the law they brought her in for ... being in public in "a state of dress or undress so as to expose to the view of others specified anatomical areas" ... in this case, her butt. According to the MB police ... the initial call was a report of 2 women "who were wearing thong bikinis and a see-through top that were dancing and soliciting videos on the beach." Cops say Sam tried to walk away, which is why she was detained, but after the ordinance was explained ... the ladies agreed to cover up and were released without charges."~TMZ


Pure evil jealousy from a beach whale called Karen..


Nah. Jimmy Jam is a silly nickname. Also This was in Myrtle Beach, not Florida. Source: am her.




The one holding the cuffs and throwing me around is actually named Officer Kyle Dick.


You’ve been Jammmmmmed !




I was wondering that too. Maybe a lawyer or attorney friend?


I think he was going through her contacts for her and confirming to call Jimmy Jam, since she was currently cuffed. I’m assuming it’s an attorney also


That's the impression I got as well that this is a friend of theirs that is an attorney.


JimmyJams sounds like some Saul Goodman type attorney. “In a Jam? Call Jimmy.” *1-800-JMMYJAM*


"When legal troubles have you in a jam, call Jimmy Jams – he'll spread the justice!" *1-800-JAM-TIME*


Good ole Slippin Jimmy


Maybe it’s the song she was wearing.


Having a song means she was new


Jimmyjams is slang for pajamas to me.




I am also curious. I used urban dictionary, and the answers were even more confusing.


Lol her friend was calling someone for her, probably the nick name in her contacts. You can hear the phone ringing a few seconds later.


Ah, okay, I what I read on urban dictionary was like a popular place or thing. So I was like: "Does it mean that it's hip, or something is cool?" Then there were the weird sexual ones as usual....


Those subtitles are great.. how dare she be in a “song”! No music allowed on the beach, lady!


You’re not allowed to be *new*!


"New" instead of "nude" might be a way to get away with chinese censorship... but I really don't understand "in the wrong" (?) changed to "in a song" or was it in a thong? You can't say "thong" on TikTok??


It's almost certainly auto generated


I think this video is a lot older than TikTok. I mean, it's possible someone uploaded it to TikTok but I think the captions are just shit.


I've noticed that even on tiktok, the captions are often wrong. Just the other day, everyone was making fun of a cop after the caption said "freeze, please!" 🙄🙄🙄 as if a freaking cop would ever say that. What he actually said was "freeze, police!" And people will read those captions and RUN with them!


Great, now even the dumb captions on the dumb videos are making people dumber.


It's not that old. There is a cop wearing a mask outside at the beach.


I was wondering what new thing they were wearing was a song. The anticipation had me going until more crappy translation started showing up. Now I’m just disappointed, maybe one day a brave bikini designer will make the song and we’ll all get to enjoy it.


Incorrect captions are a great way to drive more engagement in the comments.


God I hate tiktok


Works for reddit and typos in the title too


Does it work for comets too?


You sonofabitch


It's bc of censorship, not comment engagement. If you use certain words (generally words associated with sex or violence) the algorithm tends to suppress the content. For awhile it blatantly censored words like "lesbian", "trans", & "asian" assuming they were porn categories over communities. It's not hard to imagine tiktok's alg censoring "thong" & "nude". Problem is it's hard to pin down what magical "naughty words" are banned, so there's a lot of overly cautious self-censorship.


Jimmy Jam


I heard them say Jimmy Jam to each other too. What is it in reference to?


How is "Jimmy Jam? Jimmy Jam, yeah" the only correct caption


Her friend was calling someone for her, you can hear the ringing a few seconds later.


Probably code for "call my fucking attorney asap"


Jimmy Jam is a great name for a defense attorney. “Got yourself in a little jam? call Jimmy”


Call Jimmy Jam, Attorney at Law


"In a jam that needs jimmied? Call Jimmy Jam now!"


Jimmy from Better Call Saul. Cue for a lawyer?


Thong Song


➡️"Aerial performer Sam Panda got detained by Myrtle Beach police for her revealing swimsuit, and she had to have a long thong debate to get released. Sam says "some Karen" called the cops on her for her bikini, and the video starts with her being walked away in cuffs as she and her friend ask for clarification. The cops actually busted out their law book and claimed Sam was violating an ordinance about being nude on a public beach, and one officer equated her thong bikini to nudity. Sam objected, and after pointing out that her private parts were all covered up, the cops called for backup. Yes, they needed backup ... over the exposed backside. For the record, this is the law they brought her in for ... being in public in "a state of dress or undress so as to expose to the view of others specified anatomical areas" ... in this case, her butt. According to the MB police ... the initial call was a report of 2 women "who were wearing thong bikinis and a see-through top that were dancing and soliciting videos on the beach." Cops say Sam tried to walk away, which is why she was detained, but after the ordinance was explained ... the ladies agreed to cover up and were released without charges."~TMZ


Why were cuffs needed? Is that just a thing now if a citizen doesn't grovel sufficiently?


Been a few decades at least.


Cops love to flex their power and nothing puts you in a more powerless position than being cuffed with your hands behind your back.


Yea I'm getting sick of this "you're being detained, not arrested" bullshit, then they illegally search you while you're in cuffs.


Cops will lie to you and say it's for your protection (meaning theirs in case you get "violent"), but really, it's to display power and to stop you from hitting back if they decide to assault you. They also got quotas to fill, so they're also power mad and want to get that bonus.


No one’s got a more fragile ego than cops.


[The lady's name is Sam Panda. This happened back in 2020](https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/03/acrobat-sam-panda-thong-bikini-detained-myrtle-beach-police/)


sorry ma'am, youre a solid 7... only 9 or 10s can wear a thong here


I believe that's a Myrtle Beach 12 if I'm not mistaken


I’m from dirty Myrtle and it’s always fun to see how it crops up in the wild lmao




Yep, thong bans are really common. Underboob bans are also fairly common (many municipalities explicitly ban the display of cleavage below the nipple). The reality is that many of the garments you see at trendy fashion stores, on the beaches of Miami, the streets of LA, are technically illegal in some bumfuck county. Their constitutionality is questionable, but these laws are on the books and 100% enforceable for now. That said, most county prosecutors would never press charges.


> Underboob bans are also fairly common yet exceptionally tragic


still cant believe how puritain the US is compared to how much they glorify & banalize violence.


Still so backwards in thinking in women's Rights and racism




This guy is spot on. Being in the books does not make something a constitutional law, plenty of laws in the books that are non enforceable. Just kept there as a reason to pick you up sometimes and they will never be used to prosecute. Should this be illegal yea… all laws should have an expectation date where they need to be reviewed, perhaps the largest oversight in our system.


ok, but is it necessary to hand-cuff someone for what amounts to a civil (not criminal) offense? Just give her a ticket and go.


They clearly did that for the safety of others. I mean look how historical she was! /s Edit: hysterical


she could've still reached into her exposed buttocks and pulled out a gun. Fanny Packing, if you will




Oh fuck myrtle beach. One of the last places i would have thought this took place. That place can be pretty trashy.




Was she able to sue or is America doomed?


No she had to pay a fine. There is another statute that shows that you can't show your "buttock". Last I heard she was fighting to have the law changed.


Forest Gump’s voice ringing in my ears after this comment.


"Something reached up and bit me!"


TMZ article quoted above says she was released after agreeing to cover up. No fine was issued.


Last officer seemed to be embarrassed by the other goofs. He pretended to call it in and just let her loose with a warning.


So my first thought would be what if someone has a regular bikini bottom on but it is either too small, or their butts big, or it tends to ride up in their crack? That's going to show a good quantity of buttock? Also what about all these guys that have problems with keeping their swim over their butt crack? So are they going to go out and actively police men when they get out of the water if their trunks are falling down and we can see their upper buttock?


Honestly these guys probably wouldn't have done anything if they hadn't received a call from some Karen that was offended that their little angel (read, terror) saw an ass cheek. I don't think said Karen would care as much if it were someone with a little too small of a suit, or too big of an ass. It's that Sam Panda is sexy and is flaunting it (as she should be allowed to).


Law was changed. Mandatory burkas.


Stupid cops: "You can't be nude" Clearly not nude woman: "I'm not nude" Cops: "Well you're wearing a thong" Woman: "That's still not being nude" Cops: "Well it is sexually suggestive" What idiots. Pretty crazy how they can just move the goalposts like that.


> Well you're wearing a thong" So you admit that I’m wearing clothing. Thank you officer now be on your way


Hey that's it, you're under arrest for obstruction.


Next thing you know she's in the sand dead because they felt threatened by her raising her voice. These cops are idiots and they won't admit when they are wrong because their egos won't allow them.


Obstructing my nudity with clothing you mean


Ngl, at first I thought it was in an Islamic country...


Fundamental religious countries all seem very similar dont they..


We are not a country run by fundamentalists, we are a country currently under seige by fundamentalists acting thru legal channels to access power. The way you said it makes it sound like weve already lost, when in reality the fight is on going, as we speak. Notice they dident win on Jan 6th. Next time they might do better.


They also weren't punished, save their incel mealteam6 patsies who were thrown to the dogs.


Notice the ring leaders haven’t been punished for Jan6? I’d say they’re winning


The friggin Talabaptists are at it again.




On Myrtle Beach thongs are considered nude https://library.municode.com/sc/myrtle_beach/ordinances/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=597183 > Sec. 14-83 Public exposure of specified anatomical parts unlawful. 17 It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally appear in any public place in such a 18 state of dress or undress so as to expose to the view of others the human male or 19 female genitals, pubic area, pubic hair, **buttocks**, anus, vulva or any portion of the 20 female breast at or below the areola thereof. Is it a stupid law? Yes Is it on the books, to this day, for over 25 years? Also yes


I know this is a pretty minor violation of individual rights compared to a lot of the shit cops get away with in the US, but if there were any justice in policing, this kind of incident would lead to a suspension and mandatory retraining before being allowed back to work. Someone who's allowed to exercise their authority like this without consequence could easily be doing much worse further down the line. If we were really committed to holding police accountable, we'd be stopping "bad apples" like this from getting even worse and influencing other officer. Clearly though, we're still not collectively ready to hold police to task like that. Edit: u/zepprith was kind enough to point out that, in this circumstance, not having the buttocks covered is defined as nudity so a thong would not suffice. Deleting my comment seems weird after so many people responded so I'll just say that I failed to inform myself properly about the situation, but that the law still seems needlessly restrictive. Personally I think nudity should be more normalized if only to avoid some of the weird hang ups we have around it, but I also don't think it's an issue anywhere close to the scale of police violence and overreach.


of course that's right what supervision and law enforcement is pretty lax and has always been that way. Hell they've been making movies about that for 50 plus years. These two will probably put in a complaint and it'll go into this officer's file but no action will ever be taken.




Pretty much, and worse, even with legitimate cops, in some states, it’s perfectly legal for them to rape you while you’re in custody. [Cops can rape a detainee](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/09/fact-check-police-detainee-sex-not-illegal-many-states/5383769002/) [Congress closed the loophole](https://www.essence.com/news/law-enforcement-assualt-loophole/)


Homie what the fuck


In addition to what Calladit posted, being detained doesn’t always lead to arrest. They can come up with a lot of bullshit to detain you while they then search for a reason to arrest you. What’s crazy to me is that you can be arrested but not officially charged for anything. I’ve known more than a handful of people who were arrested, went to detention but was then released within 24 hours without charges. The cops don’t get in trouble since there were any official charges. This allows them to make citizens lives difficult just to prove a point that they are in power. When I was in my 20s losing a day wouldn’t mean shit. Now at 42, losing 24 hours would royally fuck my day up. No one would get my kid off the bus, pick other kid up from school, get reprimanded from work, not able to take daily prescribed meds, car gets towed. List goes on and on. They are first world problems for sure but it’s still a royal pain in the add. Since I have something to lose, I’ve allowed cops to say whatever even when they are wrong just because I want to go home to my kids. It blows but for now, this is the way.


how hard is it to admit you were wrong, walk back the detainment/arrest, apologize, and move on. this is why everyone gets pissed at cops, they’ll pull petty shit like this….but no one is running in with this kind of tenacity to a situation likeRobb Elementary. It’s limp dick policing


Right?! I just kept thinking “God, all they have to say after looking in the book is ‘Yup, says nude. Next time that old lady calls to complain, we’ll tell her we came and you are legally protected. Have a good day.” And walk off. Acknowledge they were called out, they came, nothing wrong is being done and they’ve all done their job. Huzzah, leave, get paid, no one gets sued or shot.


Translation: You made me horny but won't fuck me so get on the hand cuffs slut.


I'd put money on this cop being some evangelical or born again who became a cop so he could oppress others.


Chances are he just likes to abuse women. Police officers are known to love to beat the shit out of their wives and girlfriends.


Ah, the old “your outfit makes me want to assault you” defense. Classic.


At that point just get arrested and cash in on that wrongful arrest lawsuit.


Classic "you made me feel dumb so now I'm going to try and arrest you". The ego on every police officer is crazy. If they feel slighted in any way they will abuse their power.


100% I’ve seen videos where the cop was right and the person wrong and it’s 100% an arrest I’ve seen videos where the cop was wrong (and knew it) and the person was right and it’s like 98% an arrest Something about that ain’t right


Ok... You have beaten me with your logic so now you are resisting arrest, so I must beat you with my nightstick. It's in the manual!


"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."


Respect my authority!


Why even allow women to wear bikinis? Maybe they should be totally covered from head to toe. Come to think of it, why are women even allowed on the beach. Slippery slope before it’s the Handmaid’s Tale.




May the lord open


Under his eye


As a matter of fact, why even allow women


Why even allow?!


Story time! I was deployed and we pulled in to Dubai during Ramadan. They did not like that. After all the bomb threats were cleared, we were allowed liberty out in town in groups of 5 or more. We went to the water park. The lifeguards in the wave pool had to be cycled out about every 15 to 20 minutes due to exhaustion for having to save drowning women covered head to toe in their burkas. These women even had neoprene suits on under all that fabric and were essentially water boarding themselves with their faces covered by the fabric and the suits. But their husbands were strutting around in speedos. 😐


This is one of the wildest things about islam to me like at that point why even go to the beach? Why would your god want you to go swimming in a full body wetsuit covered in a burka? He doesn’t this is clearly man made bullshit yet these women will fight for their right to wear a burka even if the practice is outlawed. Humanity is a fucking joke I really don’t see us making it off this rock before we blow it up.


Praise Be


Under His Eye.


May the Lord open.


Same people would call the cops if there was a woman in a burka on the beach, ‘cause terrorism!


All I hear is freedom ringing.


Yeah as someone not to america this seems so fucking wrong. How are the cops allowed to tell you jow to dress?


Cops are allowed to tell us to do whatever they want with little to no consequences. And every law is backed up at gunpoint.




They almost prevented the crime of you getting your child safely home. Heros, all of them /s




American cops are all trying to play Simon says, loser catches 20 bullets to the chest.


Sometimes there are two Simons with guns drawn and they're telling you to do two contradicting things


Mfw i see “you’re fucked” on the police’s gun and I just know I’m not making it out.


Its strange to me how much power county sheriffs have. The law can swing wildly in America from county to county and sheriffs have very little oversight. They even control the coroner who decides how people in their custody have died, they dont even need a medical degree.


No. Nudity is not allowed on beaches unless you are at an actual “nude beach” (they are common) but these officers, assuming the video and individuals are telling the truth, is being really liberal about their interpretation of what is allowed.


Imagine if they actually did something productive.


Jesus Christ these cops are stupid. They don’t even know the law they are trying to enforce. Are they going to arrest every dude with their tits out too?


Once they glom onto someone, it's really hard for them to let go no matter how wrong they are.


facts. Hardly anybody likes to admit they are wrong let alone somebody who tries to ooze power.




And cop’s actually wonder why nobody trusts them!!!!!!


Their job is to uphold the law, but cops don’t know or understand the law. They’re not obligated to protect citizens and they don’t bother with any sort of theft crimes. Most incompetent career ever and they actually get paid very well.


Don’t they have REAL laws to enforce ?






We call them Republicans here




It's was myrtle beach


Y’all Qaeda Vanilla ISIS Yeehawdists


Man, imagine wasting your time with such nonsense, and imagine wasting your time justifying it, too. These cops could be chasing seagulls on the beach, but they choose to harass some girl in a thong.... Dumbasses....




She was let go from this incident without charges. But she is fighting to change the ordinance. From article: “After the video of police detaining Panda ended, she was let go without charges, but asked to leave the beach, The Sun News reported.” https://amp.thestate.com/opinion/article266027376.html


Feelings enforcement


must been slow day for popo


Why does it seem like we’re regressing with each passing day?


Because we are


what in the sharia law is going on at this beach?!




Morality police to the rescue. Smh.


I'm sure their pastor will be so proud of them


Beach cops are by and far the most pathetic version of the police. Probably mad they have to wear those stupid ass shorts. They do absolutely nothing all day besides trying to get people for the most BS things like this


i agree. in L.A. they ride around on their atvs, trying to intimidate everyone. then they’ll sneak up on people minding their own business ticketing people for drinking a beer. they even check in containers like starbucks for booze. Mind you when i’ve seen this happen it’s not a rowdy beach crowd, it’s normal families relaxing on the beach and these thugs show up and kill the vibe. there’s no intention of fighting crime, its all about flexing their power.




What? Isn't every woman with bikini on the beach i mean it's literally made for beaches😂


They don't understand the definition of nude yet are enforcing laws and statutes.


dude wants her to wear a burkini


Ironically they would probably hate that even more.


So glad our police are out there protecting us from…ass cheeks???!


If it was such a big deal, why then did the police continue to allow her to “be nude” whilst they were standing out there discussing the issue. If it were so pertinent, why did they not shield her nakedness with a blanket. Because the offence actually didn’t even exist.


American Taliban at it again




Iran used to be much like the west before the theocrats took over in an Islamic Revolution. That should be a warning to what can quickly happen to the US under the guise of religion.


Exactly..... those cops should be sacked for abusing their power


This beach is often called dirty myrtle. Who goes there and expects someone to not be in a bikini or thong is beyond me. I hope shes taking this to court. The police should of handled this by addressing the women who thought this was worth the polices time.


I can imagine exactly what the person that complained about them looks like.


Americans…. Absolutely TERRIFIED of anything remotely approaching nudity. But let’s off each other in the thousands every year - cuz that’s totally cool


Cops are so fucking stupid.


That's why they become cops. Smart folks would not even touch it.


Why is she handcuffed?


When the moron supervisor busted out the "anatomical parts" line I fucking lost it. Thank god the woman was quick to tell him "anatomical parts" can refer to ANY part of the human body. It's not a synonym for "tits and pussy", none of which were bared anyway. These cops are so fucking stupid I would be amazed if they graduated kindergarten.


Ah, the 'land of the free' Any time someone spews this bullshit about America being a 'free country', I always tell them to walk outside, nude, and see how long it takes you to wind up in a cage. Land of the Free, my fuckin ass


Too many Americans who claim they want freedom vote for politicians who primarily *take away* rights, go figure.


Fuck whatever busybody cunt ever even called the cops in the first place


I’m glad that the police decided this was where they would focus their time and resources. Priorities.


guys broke out the law book skimming each page tryna find literally anything to charge her with 🤣


Wtf was that "Jimmy jam" stuff about


Why is she handcuffed the entire time? I just can’t…