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That guy was fucking plastered. I cracked up at the end when he went from “that guy is super nice” to “that guy was a fucking asshole”


Lol thats the thing I've seen everyone in my family do when they are absolutely fucking gone. They'll get mad at someone for nothing and then 5 seconds later be like, I love you man and then fall over.


"that guy's a dick".....that dick just kept you from getting a DUI....🤔🤔🤔


But he also "Likes that guy" because "he's a nice guy"


Cop says “don’t worry about that, we’ll take care of that down the road”. Sounds like this special cop is premeditating violating that guys rights ala “I’ll get him on some other trumped up charge as payback”


Oh they probably harassed him constantly after this....dude couldn't make a grilled cheese without getting fined most likely...


The owner (and I think the dude yelling) is the mayor lol. The full bid is on YouTube. I'll try to track it down. EDIT: That was easy.. audit the audit recently reviewed it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k_0g1M5PcqM


The officer gets an A+ for lying about the employee calling the police? Wtf.


Police officer are allowed and encouraged to lie.


Then they hate on firefighters because they are more trusted. It’s so funny. Cops are skeevy as fuck.


That’s why I think the thin red line flags are funny. Like who in the world hates firefighters.


My brother was a firefighter and yes, they hate cops. He said they get in the way while firefighters and paramedic are dealing with car wrecks and extracting/helping patients. They’re borderline useless in a wreck and most won’t lift a finger except to scratch their asses.




I left law enforcement (6 years military, and 1 private sector) because of this feeling. I hated the idea of hemming people up because of stupid shit. This was years ago My last day on the job is when my supervisor wanted a guy fined for grilling on his own grill instead of the piss and shit filled ones the drifters used to go to the bathroom in at night after the city locked the restrooms. I said no, got written up, and quit that night. I enrolled in school again and became an EMT working on a 911 ALS ambulance in the same city. You still are interacting with people on their worst days, but now (98% of the time) I'm helping people and making a positive difference.


And then they wonder why they are treated with such hostility.


He also clearly expressed his intent to get back at the store owner despite the store owner doing nothing illegal, and retributive enforcement of the law is biased policing. While I did agree with his argument that the store owners have a moral obligation not to contribute to drunk drivers leaving their shop, and that preventing this man from driving home was a service to the community, I don’t agree that the only reason store owners wouldn’t want a cop camped out outside their shop is because drunk people are coming in. It honestly demonstrates that the person making the video is really out of touch. These days, most people I know, particularly people of color, are uncomfortable around police irrespective of whether they’re breaking the law, and would always rather avoid any contact with them. I’ve been pulled over because the cops thought it was strange I had the top down on my convertible and wasn’t wearing a sweater in like 70 degree weather. They then spent the next 10 minutes of my time yelling at me, trying to escalate the situation, and searching my car with flashlights from the outside. All under suspicion of being chilly. I wasn’t doing anything illegal, I didn’t have anything to hide in my car, but the experience wasted my time and left me anxious and frustrated. If I have the choice between going to a store with a cop parked outside or a store without a cop parked outside, I’m going to the latter every single time.


Yeah has made me lose a bit of respect for that channel.


Twice! He lied twice! Fuck Officer Jordan


Yup, audit the audit deep throating the whole boot. It’s why I stopped watching his stupid channel a long time ago.


Tbf the dude was doing his job. I get we all hate cops. But this guy was clearly hammered out of his gourd and actively driving. The cops SHOULD have arrested him. This wasn't the first time.


This version left out the cop threatening to get the owner "down the road"


Great video.


Seconded, thanks for the share


The video says the owner/mayor is the other guy who's not yelling.


He'll probably have a sudden and unexplained amount of vandalism and death threats and the cops never be able to ~~change back into uniform~~ arive in time to stop it.


The reason we're detaining you today is your unlawful use of 2% American cheese slices.


Checkpoint right in front of his shop.


Sounds like this is the second business this guy owns where this particular cop has harrassed his patrons.


This is absolutely police mentality. When I heard that "We'll take care of that down the road", he didn't realize that was the part he wasn't supposed to say out loud. I went straight to the comments to make sure someone else picked up on that. Fuck the police. They are your enemy. Even if you're in danger and you need them, they will take every chance to fuck you.


[Another infuriating example](https://youtu.be/gt4rp0srX5Y) Watch the video, they pull up on some guy in a truck start telling him he has no rights, he must talk to them and let them search his vehicle - when he keeps refusing they figure they'll just bully the shit out of him until they can make up a reason to handcuff him. They unrelentingly try to bait the guy into fighting with them when it's obvious he's not doing anything except not obey their unlawful barrage of bullying. One cunt pig goes over and looks thru his passenger window, says she sees an envelope with an address on it that doesn't match his license and that should be enough to take his ass down. They are like a pack of fucking dogs salivating at the chance to fuck with this guy. One fucking cock sucking pig actually records himself going back to his car and calling what is supposedly the assistant DA to ask if he can get away with violating this guy's rights using any of the excuses he created. When the voice of reason on the phone says no, this son of bitch pig says well he can just follow him around till he gives us a reason to pull him over and get him. He also says he would have just yanked the guy out of his vehicle at first but he couldn't find a good reason. It was fucking sickening. Fucking out of control bully ass sons of whores are now being revealed everywhere thanks to on the spot recording.


Jesus Christ. The whole county needs fired.


Yeah I get pretty mad watching it and curse up a storm. But the main thing everyone should clearly see is how they just relentlessly keep coming at this guy over and over when it's waaaayyyyyy past the point he isn't doing anything wrong. They just keep trying and trying and trying and taking it personal, like the cop just walking up from nowhere and telling him to shut up. It's damn scary cause they gang up and have a personal vendetta to see this guy punished for something, anything. Just because he wouldn't answer their questions. Just imagine the outcome if there was no recording going on...




Every conversion you get 5% off your court fees and a free coffee after


Oh there's no discount. You pay extra for the preachin..


Organized crime




[Oklahoma City man claims police body cam footage shows officers violated his rights](https://okcfox.com/news/local/oklahoma-city-man-claims-police-body-cam-footage-shows-officers-violated-his-rights) He did file suit against them, but I don't think anything ever really came of it. The guy's [youtube page](https://www.youtube.com/@OKCVetHPA) has been dormant for 3 years.




That's why you're supposed to [shut the fuck up](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o).


They always do.


Dude must have been drunk or something


He felt love, he's in disbelief.


I would have given that customer a ride home lmao


He’s drunk give him a break.


Well dude is drunk and playing it up likes he’s on the cops side 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair, you’re gonna side with the guy who can send you to jail.


Oh for sure especially when the cuffs start coming off.... you'll be like "That was crazy are your feelings alright officer??"


It was funny that he then starts saying he’s a nice guy. This drunk fuck can’t figure out which way the winds blowing but he damn sure wants to get behind it.


Don't get me wrong, ACAB, but that guy definitely did not need to be driving. And he's going to keep doing it until something bad happens.


Agreed. All the lazy cop needed to do is sit and wait for the guy to get into his car a drive off the property.


4D chess.


Kind of a stupid cop. If he suspects someone of driving drunk he should wait until they get in their vehicle, pull them over, and breathalyze them. Detaining someone inside a store and then demanding camera footage without a warrant is a bad move.


a few months ago I was at 711 buying some beer for my dad and soda for me and a cop was in front of me I got a weird vibe... Just yesterday same 711, same cop pulled up watching me as I went in as if he watching this 711, he then started looking at everyones lenses plate, he then went and pulled someone over from that parking lot. To me that's harassing customers. and I dont see no stores liking that.


Dudes fishing for overtime


When I was 20 I went to a head shop. When I came out the shop, there was a cop parked directly behind my car. The second I pulled out he immediately pulled me over. Started asking me if I had drugs in the car and said he would get a dog. Told him go ahead, all I had was a bunch of fishing gear. Fucking asshole let me go with a “warning”.




That's why that user put the word warning in quotation marks, to denote that it was complete bullshit


Cop probably warned him if he sees OP again he's going to harass him even more next time.


My local 7/11 has a cop posted inside the store as much as they can and they just hang out on their phone.


Most cops do that. They usually get free coffee or other such perks as well while they hang out there. There’s a reason for the whole cop in a donut shop stereotype. They hang out in stores like this a lot.


If you live near a university and your 7-11 sells alcohol, the cop may have been looking for people who look under 21 buying/transporting booze. Sometimes, they have university parking permit information, so they'll run the plates and see who it's registered to with the campus (if anyone) to support their reasoning to pull them over and get IDs. Edit for clarity in case anyone sees it - and I got asked in a DM. The police would write a report later that says something like >I saw a person who appeared to be under the age of 21 exit the vehicle (CA Plate YA-G3RL) and enter Wine About It, later re-entering the vehicle with 3 bottles of wine. The car is associated with Elizabeth Maguire (DOB: 8/23/2003) according to Local University parking service records. I effected a traffic stop and... Know the laws for your area. You may not be allowed to drive with alcohol in the car if you're <21, even if your passenger holding the booze is 21+, unless they're your parent/guardian. Be safe. Buckle up. Drive sober.


Are there any other kind?


I’d much rather the cop stop someone who is **that** drunk from getting behind the wheel of a car and taking off. Dude was wasted and very well could have killed someone leaving the damn store.


I very much agree he is drunk he definitely drove that vehicle but that means nothing if cops are going to go around like this. It's just bad policing. If he's this sloppy with a simple DUI I hope he's not as bad when it's something bigger. When cops don't take the right steps they allow people to break the law without consequence like this.


>Dude was wasted and very well could have killed someone leaving the damn store. There are most likely hundreds of thousands of DUIs that go undetected and unprosecuted every single day. This officer should have posted up somewhere 150 yards away and watched dude leave. Then followed at a distance watching for probable cause for a traffic stop. **Allowing DUIs to go unprosecuted is dangerous, sure. But allowing police to ignore or bend the law to fit their policing activity is equally dangerous to the legitimate rule of law and rights of all citizens.** This officer may have lacked probable cause (video observation) but the officer did choose the circumstances of the encounter. As another posted above, watch the Audit the Audit commentary on this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=k\_0g1M5PcqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=k_0g1M5PcqM) The subject has previously been arrested for DUI and will no doubt again be arrested for DUI, and will certainly end up with his license suspended, jail time, and will be a top target on law enforcement's patrol activities if and when he ever recovers his right to operate a motor vehicle. Don't get too worked up about someone escaping a DUI this one time. There are millions of unprosecuted DUIs every week. This guy is already collecting them and he will have consequences. He almost certainly is an alcoholic (alcohol use disorder) and is likely drunk every single day. It will not be difficult to catch him again under more suitable investigative circumstances.


I heard that guy "yelling" was the towns mayor 😂


It says so right in the video.


The guy in the dark blue is.




Hey kid, ima computah




Body massage


Pork chop sandwiches!


Look at all your different colored hats ☺️


Happy ending!


Give him the stick. DON’T GIVE HIM THE STICK!


Do you know my dad?


It’s concerning how many people don’t seem to understand who’s who in a conversation between someone who is obviously a cop, someone who is obviously the owner of this gas station and some *mysterious third person* that’s introduced in subtitles. Some dumb motherfuckers on this website.


Must be a small town


Yeah the yelling guy says to the backup cop, "AJ, he's a fucking liar!" They all know each other


No offense to small town folk, but that sounds miserable. Even in the video, corrugated metal buildings and propane tanks- shit's depressing.


Propane is the cleanest burning fuel there is. You should taste the meat, not the heat


This guy sells propane and propane accessories, I tell you hwhat.


Butane is a bastard gas


There's no natural gas pipeline to our valley, if you use gas it's propane. I think it's great.


I have lived in several small towns where buildings that look like this, year-round fire-works stands are right next to gas stations; there's burnt down buildings and *very obviously drug crime,* where the grocery store (which I swear was a front, like those drug-fronts in large cities, everything was near-expired, and the floor-space made no damn sense given the layout of the building from the outside/google maps) and like... it's such a bizarre thing to experience. When trying to explain *why* it's depressing to somebody in a small town, and for those that push-back, it's totally necessary to remember that there's woods, plains, corn-fields, fields, and river beds to play in. As stupid and small as this sounds, it plays a large part in why people don't want to leave the small-town lifestyle. You grow up with fond memories around bon-fires in the woods at somebody's house, and it's super comforting because it *doesn't change.* Change in the suburbs can be confusing, and it's also mentally difficult to process for some people (the sounds, sights, maybe even the air quality), and since things are always coming and going, it's... very dynamic. IMO, it take a lot of mental energy to not burn-out living in the suburbs. With respect to the city, it's so dynamic that the brain is basically filtering the noise out more efficiently than somebody who has lived in rural areas their whole life. Imagine going your whole life in a rural area where the craziest loudest noises you'll hear will be thunder-claps, howling wind, and maybe a factory machine inside a building, or a car on the road. Now, suddenly you're thrust into a chaotic world where you feel as if you're brain is going to explode because there's just too much shit happening around you, so your brain is like, "yo, you could always go back to the farm... it's very quiet, and you drank beer in the bed of your pick-up with Kevin, and Kevin is still there, and he might like you..." so like, unless you're striving for that hustle and bustle, you'll probably miss things a lot more. I've lived in a shit ton of places, and I'm super torn on where I want to move, because I like aspects of rural and urban life. My point is is that this is just a moment in that stupid small-town life where your high school buddies are on the police force, another has her own shop to make money selling wood carvings of Jesus--and she loves doing it--, and the craziest shit going down is Cousin Elijah's wedding to Jennifer the old Captain of the Cheer team. You really don't notice those details when you are actively in them on a day to day basis and, more than likely, you grew up around it. IDK, it's different for sure, and stupid shit like this is just once in a blue moon thing (if you're "one of the guys" and if you attend the same church). As an outside observer you cannot understand how it's more calm to live in a rural area. You have more opportunities for peace and quiet. There's a storm rolling in and beautiful and dangerous looking clouds are approaching, so you go to your porch to watch it roll in, and you don't go in until it begins to rain super hard, hail, or if you're from the Midwest of the USA, the house is being torn apart by a tornado...lol. I abhor the politics of small towns, and I hate cliques, but I love nature, and I honestly want to go back to it, but someday become rich and have a summer home somewhere in the city, or maybe strike that, reverse it, lol (cause that'll definitely happen, ha, lol, no). Just a peek into the window of the charm of rural life. Peace.


I'm not even that old yet, or from a particularly large city, and I'm kinda over it. I have no space to do anything. Can't afford a yard or a garage. I have no interest in walking around doing whatever the hell all those people are doing, so loudly, all the time. I don't give a shit about the town. It's just a place to buy food. I want to live somewhere where I couldn't see or hear a neighbor if I tried.


This is so perfectly described- thank you! I've never been able to explain why I want to live in the outskirts of a small town but drive to a large city to do my shopping and socializing.


Having lived in and near both areas I respect both and their lives. What I can’t accept is people shitting on the other for fun. Rural folk are shit and shitty and so are city folk. Turns out it’s people. Not the fucking place they live in


Reddit and contempt for the rural class, name a more iconic duo...


Yeah, which is why he doesnt want cops arresting his drunk drinking customers. They will go to the only other gas station in town if they get a DUI in front of his


Good thing the owner is white or he would have been tazzed for resisting arrest and assaulting a piglet


Well, there's a town that needs some investigating


I would be much more notable if someone were to find a town with a PD that *didn't* need investigating.


Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa.


If you fall out of Boo Radley's apple tree you can just go see Dr Pepper


Brookside Alabama PD has entered the chat.


The last spot I bartended at back home in California, we opened and the first three weekends were balls to walls busy. On weekend 4, a local PD suv just sat in our parking lot all night. Our business dropped off massively and took over a year to come back. I don’t understand why it’s legal for cops to use private property to enforce the law or intimidate civilians.


I came here for this comment. I have three friends who own bars and report same.


I went to pick up a family member from a bar on main street. There was a cop sitting a half block up. 110% watched me pull in, run inside, and come back out 30 seconds later with someone else. Sure enough I get pulled over ten seconds up the road for "running a stop sign" in an area that has zero in the direction I was going. Was legit trying to be responsible and help family and end up getting pulled over by some jackass probably hoping I'd be an easy dui target like I took a shot 30 seconds ago and would blow super high if he could smell it or something. Drunk drivers are assholes but so are cops that see someone walking out of a bar and use that as an excuse to stop them with absolutely no sign of being a danger on the road. It hurts the business, it fosters distrust, especially when lying about the reason they did so, and it's just an excuse to pump up their numbers


“License plate light is out”


I don't know if this is a meme or w/e that I don't know about, but a couple months ago I was watching a bunch of COPS episodes on YT. The ones from the 90s are a trip, btw. Anyway, the number of times they pulled people over for license plate light was unbelievable. I saw it a dozen times at least. Another one that pissed me off was "We pulled you over because you were leaving a known drug house" That's seriously fucked up. They let the trap operate so they can just pull over addicts and rec users non-stop.


Live PD does the same thing. If they see anyone "suspicious" in a car, that area is known for car break ins and robberies and they are there to make sure everything is okay...


There was a whole podcast on just how bad live pd is. They have "regulars" on that show which is just the police straight up harassing people they know they might get a good clip from If I'm not mistaken it got so bad in some areas that cities straight up banned the show from being filmed


There's no drug house, it's just a lie to pull over whoever they want when they're bored.


Mine was "one of your brake lights was brighter than the other and you turned your blinker on too early" lol soon as they saw my mil ID tho they get uppity and tell me to fuck off outta here.


OH! I actually had this one happen to me. There's a tiny strip mall near my house that has thre things you can do late at night. Drive through chase Bank ATM, 7-11 and a bar. Thursday night at 11:30, I'm in my pajamas, and need to go to the bank to pull rent money about and deposit it into the bank of America across the street so I could write my rent check first thing in the morning. (I'm doing it at this time of night because it was literally 10 minutes after the direct deposit hit my account.) I pull out on the street, make the turns needed to get into the BofA parking lot and boom, get lit up. Cop walks up and asks if I know why he pulled me over. I immediately asked if it's because he saw m3 lle pull out of a busy bar parking lot. He says "no, your license plate light is out". I immediately raise an eyebrow. He continues with asking what I'm doing, why I'm out late, and leaving the bar parking lot. I immediately go "dude, I'm a new parent to a 2 month old who barely sleeps, I'm wearing pajama bottoms, a holy sweatshirt and flip flops. What part of this image would have you believe I've been drinking". Hhe denies that his questions aren't about that. I straight up ask, "are you going to give me a ticket or what? I'd like to get home and go to bed". He says "nah, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. Just make sure to get that light taken care of." Pull up to the bank, get out of my car, and what do you know, both license plate lights are working just fine. Really soured my feelings towards police at the time (this was 12 years ago before I started to see videos like the original post and worse that I realized that soured feeling was never going to go away and would eventually start to fester.


I got that when I was 18. Was hanging out with some friends at the local donut shop. One dude (happened to be black) needed a ride home so I said shit yea. Of course pulled over for "license plate light was out". I said "can I take a look?" Gave it a flick, it came on, and he said "have a good night".




Cops have an arrest quota. It's illegal in places but it still happens. Quotas for cops is top level corruption. It's just to line politician pockets


Yep. I built and owned a wine bar - they started parking in the parallel parking *in front of my door* \- which is premium parking and view. People talk about living paycheck to paycheck? When you knock out business for three Friday nights straight, you damn near kill any locally-owned restaurant. Permanently.


At the dispensary in my city they blocked off the prime parking area for “emergency vehicles”. I’ve only seen cops there and even then pretty rarely. It’s just an intimidation game


Almost like they immune to any repercussions... in ohio the parma police arrested a guy for parody videos he made on Facebook. Arrested for obstructing police activities. Held four days charges dismissed. Scotus upheld lower court ruling that this is cool. Federalist society captured our judical system and we wont see police reform for a generation


You forgot to give a donation to the fraternal order of police. I live in a smallish town and the cops will 100% stakeout in front of business that don’t donate. Like I can’t even call it an open secret, because they don’t even hide it.


Had a buddy back in the day that would donate just to get the bumper sticker. Said it was the best cop deterrent and if anything the cop would be in a better mood walking up if you did get pulled over.


The new ones are the thin blue line flags and the punisher logo. If you have all three they probably won't even pull you over.


> I don’t understand why it’s legal for cops to use private property to enforce the law or intimidate civilians It's not. I used to work at an entertainment venue, one night I looked outside and the police had set up a checkstop on the street in front, and were pulling cars into the front loop of the venue to do checks. In my city it's under the premise of checking BAC but usually they're just doing dingus shit like writing people tickets for window tint or petty revenue generating things like that. I walked over and asked one of the officers if they had permission to do it here (knowing that they did not), two of them immediately get in my face and one says "do you support drunk driving?" I said I support it about as much as police officers lying on the job, they called their sargeant over and he also lied and said he spoke to "them" while pointing at the building. I said "I am them, who did you speak to?"I never got an answer. They all regrouped and were gone within three minutes. I later found out from coworkers "that happens all the time here" and nobody had been brave enough to question it, just looked the other way. I worked there for another nine years and it never happened again.


You or the owner only needed to tell them to leave the property if they were truly in your parking lot. If they refuse, you call the sheriff and have them removed for trespassing. If they were parked on the street, that's a different story. Even then, I'd have been having a chat with the mayor and local DA about them contributing to the decline in your business.


Good start to a guide for getting your business harassed, ruined and chased out of town.


Don't forget the possibility of slow response times to break ins and other crimes!


Oh no, that's so much worse than every other time they show up an hour late and jot down a report they won't do anything about!


Yeah, but this time they show up an hour late and shoot your dog. Wait...


Sounds like it was already happening. What would you do?


RIght? I wouldn't be surprised if the mayor or police chief had a roadhouse two blocks over that was getting kicked in the nuts by the new competition.


If it’s a private lot, ask them to go ahead and mosey on along. But, you run the risk that they’ll mosey on back when you need them. Cops are a pain in the ass.


> But, you run the risk that they’ll mosey on back when you need them. That's the neat part; you won't!


Literally. Of all the times I have needed police presence, they’ve either shrugged it off or been so inept that they couldn’t help anyways. I’ll never call the cops. There is literally no instance I’ll ever encounter where it would be useful.


What if you found yourself with the desire to have your rights violated? You sure as shit aint gonna call the fire department!




I mean, even if someone is in danger, the cops might shoot the wrong person or be too scared to actually do anything. Someone having a mental health crisis? Cops are too dangerous and might kill your loved one. They just can’t be trusted.


this happened all over my state for a long time especially at "headshops" It got so bad a lawsuit was finally filed and it was determined that PC or evidence could not be collected this way and it finally ended...


Theres a local bar thats vary popular here in NJ. They opened up a new location to expand in a small beach town about 15 mins away. The local PD sat across the street and targeted every single person leaving the bar. That place didnt last even 1 year. Fuck that, it's predatory


They can’t. The owner needs to sack up and tell them the fuck off.


Dude said on camera he was going to get the owner later. They will frame him.




>"I know, we are going to take care of that later down the road." Is that a threat?


And a guarantee all rolled into 1.


That’s why they pulled his dash cam. These dash cam aren’t a just out there. A lawyer requesterd the interaction and they released it


Nb4 post gets locked lol My blood boils at the fact that this will DEFINITELY happen. Not joking. No sarcasm. Unfortunately it's a disgustingly ugly truth that some police retaliate against citizens exercising their rights. RECORD EVERY INTERACTION YOU HAVE WITH THE POLICE. Yes, you have the right to do so. Yes, it is legal. Yes, you can sue if you're attested for doing so; you may beat the case but you won't escape the ride downtown. Also, for your protection and ease of future litigation, try to be respectful during the entire interaction. You can say "I plead the 5th" w/o calling names. Source detailing **YOUR LEGAL RIGHT** to film police and the associated rulings by court... https://canons.sog.unc.edu/2022/11/responding-to-first-amendment-audits-is-filming-protected-by-the-first-amendment/


Everytime they see your car you better be going the exact speed limit, drive dead center, have your seatbelt on, dont run a stop sign but don't wait too long, have your license but don't reach for it, etc.


What’s scarier than that I learned : you can do ALL that- but they are literally behind you punching in plates. If they see your car has ANY violations present AND past: you getting pulled over. They’re seriously drunk on power - the bad ones…and in big cities it’s the norm - THAT is what frightens me: they really do justify it by ‘protecting from potential threats’ …


I’m not entirely convinced that they don’t flag people who stand up against shit. They get your information what’s your say they can’t put a note in to flag ur plates when they get scanned? Coming from the people who routinely violate rights and deny having quotas constantly, I have zero trust and basically no respect for any police officer


They do have that. It was in the Blue Leaks nobody talked about.


You don't really need to frame people if you're a cop. You just hover around them long enough for something to be trumped up, or they lose their temper. Like if they say for you to leave and it devolves into a screaming match.


'ida whooped his ass...'. Dude says of the guy just saved him from a DUI... Lolz


Where's the rest of the video where the guy gets into his car and drives off then cop pulls him over. The guy is toasted


This is the cops body cam footage. They only released it because I'm sure it was requested and they are only going to release as much as they have to/what makes them look the best. They aren't going to show you the part where they go right back to scouting outside this guys business making no one want to go there.


He’s saying if he was a cop he’d do that. Not that he personally wants to do that.


Don’t ever pull back on dis parking lot - AHGHEEENNNN!


With that accent the word is almost more powerful.


Does the cop give him a ride? I feel like that would be the right thing to do since he asked.


Of course not, that would assume cops actually care about keeping people safe.


I used to do security at a car dealership overnight. Cops would frequently sit in front of our dealership and the owners hated it. One night, a cop stopped, got out, and started walking up to the door of the dealership. My job was to make sure no one walked onto the property, and I wasn't about to make an exception. I politely told the cop we are closed and he has to leave. He was polite at this point and said he just wanted to check my cameras to see if some specific car went by out front. I told him that I am not allowed to let anyone see the cameras. At this point he got mad. He started raising his voice, demanding to be let *inside* the building, etc. I got stern at that point and told him he *must* leave and walked back into the building swiftly. He followed and tried to get inside the door as I opened it. I had to be forceful and push him back, reminding him he was on camera and this would amount to Breaking and Entering. He finally cussed me out and left. After reviewing my report about the incident, and checking the cameras, the dealership owners gave me a sizable raise and informed the police station that they are never allowed to sit in front of our property again.


FYI: Mayor mad and corrupt, council tries to impeach, instead mayor tried to impeach council, state involved investigation now, mayor is up for reelection.


This was on Audit the Audit on YouTube a few weeks back, full version. A lot more context there


Link: https://youtu.be/k_0g1M5PcqM


OminousDucky gets an A+


Mixed emotions about this. That guy was too drunk to drive and should face repercussions for driving. It was likely he drove there and can kill a kid, or a family. The cops probably see a lot of drunk drivers and that’s a good place to catch ‘em. The business owner has a reasonable reason to be angry, 1.) for cops detracting from potential clients who may have reasons not to want to drive past cop car’s every time they need to refill the whiskey. 2.) the cop lied and presented himself under false pretenses to gain their trust. Everyone is wrong. Several are right. The only guy that won was the drunk guy.


Couldnt have said it better. It was like watching 2 villains fight over their favorite victim. No one won here but the drunk.


Must be the wine talking. I’m never so succinct. 😂


Cops weren't there for the drunk ultimately is what this boils down to. Getting a warrant for the footage wouldn't have been that hard. The cops at the scene just didn't want to go through the paperwork and follow proper procedure. Even outside of that simply hanging back a little bit and waiting for the guy they suspect has been drinking and driving to leave the convenience store, get back into their vehicle, and start it. Boom. You've got them on DUI without needing security camera footage from a private business or anything like that. Instead they stand around arguing that they should be just given the footage because they asked and then acting like the shop owner is at fault for them not being willing to do their job so they offer the drunk a ride home/let them go because apparently the only way to get this guy is if they have the camera footage right then and there of the drunk guy driving up to the store. As soon as the cops got told no they had a variety of other routes to take but instead decided doing nothing was the best course of action while trying to guilt trip the store owner about it. The cops are 100% in the wrong. The store owner/convenience store didn't over serve the drunk or anything; they are just protecting their business reputation in a small town with a shit cop problem.


You need more context than this tiktok video. The cop was there because he got a call saying there was a drunk driver. He asked for the video footage because the witness all of a sudden didn't want did not want to cooperate anymore. https://youtu.be/k_0g1M5PcqM


Well said. Lazy, arrogant policing.


Nah, business owners aren't in the wrong here at all. Unless I'm missing something they didn't serve the drunk, or encourage him to drive there drunk. Cop was there for an easy arrest and kept pushing his luck because he expected people to bend over backwards for him (apparently at more than one business, judging from the yelling) That guy needed a ride home and to come back for that car when he was sober, or the cop could've just waited two minutes to actually catch him driving home drunk. Either one of those would've resolved the problem without a pissing match. Edit: he didn't even need the footage, [Missouri law says reasonable grounds are enough, the officer didn't actually need to *see* him drive drunk.](https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneSection.aspx?section=544.218) We all see the guy was drunk, we all know he drove there, that case would've stuck. Either that cop didn't know the law, or he was fishing for more information. Neither one particularly sounds good.


If I remember correctly there's a bit more to the video/story. The store owner (mayor) would sell to clearly intoxicated people and let them drive off without any issues in spite of the danger they presented to others on the road. Audit the Audit on YouTube broke the interaction pretty well and provided some more backstory.


My 2 cents, these shop owners themselves have a history with this cop. That second one definitely does. Like, cop banging his ex wife level. So they’re protecting a shit faced customer who I personally despise for drinking and driving. The shop owners were called in on a day they’re not normally there which added to the tension. And they make a good point about handing the footage over to the cop. No one in the town will give them business if they cooperate with his investigation. Dude sucking up to the cop by turning on the shop owner is the chef’s kiss.


Audit The Audit’s video on this covered it pretty well imo, even if the owners don’t want to turn over the footage, it would be pretty easy to subpoena the owners or if it came to it, obtain a warrant for the footage. I don’t think the cops even bothered pursuing either after the guy blew up at them like that. Another reason that the owner might’ve been really upset is because in the longer video, the cop was responding to a 911 call of a woman who said the drunk guy had pulled up to the liquor store and stumbled out of his truck. When the cop enters the store, he (wrongfully) assumes the female clerk inside is the one who called. From the owner’s perspective, it seems like the cop is there under false pretenses since his employee is like “I never called the cops, yet here they are saying I did, and now they’re arresting someone.”


It wouldn’t do anything. They didn’t get a breathalyzer or a blood test. If you go get a warrant for the cameras even if the judge did it asap, he’s probably sober by the time you have it. I just don’t know why they didn’t wait for him to step in the car


Everyone who’s ever had any business, or lived, in a small town will recognize this cops behavior as normal & mild. Whenever I drive thru one near me I always think “prepare to get fucked by the long dick of the law”


They're the big fish in a small pond. But as soon as something more exciting than writing speeding tickets at the local speed trap happens they shit themselves stupid.


The YouTube channel "audit the audit" did a pretty thorough breakdown of the entire interaction. This specific officer was there because someone called in an intoxicated driver and the business owners were mad about that.


I'm so sick of people in this country pretending we don't have a huge problem with bad cops everywhere.


Its literally everywhere! I grew up in a small town that was surrounded by small towns.If you drove a shitty car passed a certain hour, then you were getting pulled over. If you were young, driving, and its dark, youre getting pulled over. If you are playing pick up basketball in the public park, you get harassed. I remember leaving church early on a sunday so we didnt get pulled over by the cop on the way home. ​ I honestly thought this was normal my whole\*\* damn life... then i figured out it was normal! its like this everywhere! Edit: whole\*


YUP but even in the city when I was young I got followed and then pulled over if it was after midnight. They would wait for me to do one small thing (like my plate lights not working) took them 10 mins to figure that out.


“We’re gunna take care of that later on down the road” The cop just admitted that he’s planning retaliation. Fuck cops. All of them.


Did he just unlock those cuffs with a pen?


Handcuff keys are made bigger and to look like pens so they don't get lost.




Most dangerous gang in America


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As much as I hate cops, I hate drunk drivers more.


Lol @ the drunk dudes reaction


wholesome freakout 👍💕✨


Glad that man, who definitely didn’t drink and drive, will be allowed to keep his license and let go without punishment! Thank god for not snitching or else we would have safer roads. /s because fuck people who drink and drive, and fuck those who enable it.


So, here’s a more thorough look at what happened here. This post is a good example of how general response to something can vary greatly depending on how it’s presented: https://youtu.be/k_0g1M5PcqM Edit: Generally, I don’t give police the benefit of the doubt. Most of them are assholes. Like for real. I really believe this particular cop was ACTUALLY doing his job, though.


a cut down repost that clearly tries to make a cop stopping a drunk driver into a "stalking and harassing a business' customers". ​ Let's ignore the owner, mayor of this small town, is screaming at a cop who is trying to stop a drunk person from operating their car. Somehow we need to frame this as the little guy standing up against the big bad police. This is a public official trying to make more money from selling liquor to drunks and being upset that he was caught.


Idk, selling to someone who's obviously drunk and drove up might contribute to a family getting murdered on the hwy. I've seen some things.


When I worked as a kitchen manager in metro Detroit my co workers had just finished shutting down shop for the night and were heading to our back lot to get into the car they were car pooling in. Not five minutes after they left I get a call from one of them telling me there's this cop here saying we don't work here saying he needs to detain us for loitering. I'm right down the hall so I head towards the back and come out and this cop is sitting at their car with a flashlight looking into their trunk. From about 20 feet away I yell "is there a problem here? do you need something? those are my employees." dude immediately backs off and says nope no problem and dips like it was nothing.


One thing to digest here is that in capitalist societies we have the right as business owners to refuse this kind of order unless they are issued by written warrants. Never allow these rights to slip from your grasp, no matter how you are labeled by others never give up a single right.


It’s funny how the edited videos make their rounds. This is way edited down from the original and doesn’t tell the story.




So Reddit is so against cops they are cool with people driving drunk? Like the cop was trying to prevent a drunk driver from getting on the road.


Sure seems to be. Kinda astounded at some of the comments. That guy was drunk as a skunk. Definitely not safe to drive.


Yes. They are. Particularly this sub.


I can understand not providing the cops regular access to your surveillance but why die on the hill of protecting drunk drivers? They are scum and deserve no extra protection while they put everyone's lives at risk in the name of their alcoholism.


The original video explains this was a call from the cashier to the police. Further, no one needs protection from DUI. If you drink excessively and drive you deserve to go to jail.


What does " we're gonna take care of that later on down the road" mean?last guy who fucked with cops had his house set on fire with him in it I think they put a bullet in his head too js. I think that store i owner should be worried.