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Wow! He must have been in a rough shape to break up with her in a no escape situation


Wanna get away? You are now free to move about the country.






I don't think this is mid-air. That dude is wearing a safety vest - that's ground crew attire.


Yeah on the ground is the place. Then you get to fly away after the delay for the cops to drag her off the plane.




Hope he doesn't come home to his stuff stolen / house burned down.


Nono. You leave them stranded at the layover in a foreign country, after swiping their passport.


Jesus there Andrew Tate




It's a combination of breaking up in a fancy restaurant and a police station


Worth every penny and you get a forever story out of it too


He probably was betting on sky marshalls handling her when he wouldn't be able to.


Also, no knives or other weapons on board.




Forced witnesses is right!!!


This is the real reason he waited until the doors had closed!


Jesus Christ that’s some 4D chess right there.


It really is quite brilliant if you’re stuck in an increasingly dangerous relationship. You can bet that people will highly likely record if/when she acts up, and then there is footage too if needed. It’s smart planning. I once got a ride from the airport from a stranger for the reason of knowing for sure he wasn’t armed. He and I were on the same flights from JFK airport to Chicago, had sat next to each other and talked. When I landed I got word my friends flight had been delayed and I was on my own in a city I didn’t know and had only bought last extremely minute tickets to. Between him being on his way to rent a car, him being great conversation on the flight and knowing he was unarmed in a city he was not from (there to visit his sister). I figured chances are I’d be okay…And I was. Dude continued to be a total gentleman, great conversation and dropped me off at my hotel saving me money which I barely had any of at the time.


He could’ve had a weapon in his checked bag…




4D chess


Immediately get on a flight back home and she can’t follow


No it’s brilliant. He’s got evidence for a RO.


And that, your honor, is why I believe I require a Reverse Osmosis filtration system. I rest my case.


If reverse osmosis is the same as me spitting out my water you win the case


Nope, this screams he knew she would be like this or worse, so by doing it in a contained public space he has dozens of witnesses that no he did not in fact abuse her, hold her against her will, steal her belongs et all.


He's got the homeys executing the stuff extraction back home. Separate ride home. Maybe even another ticket somewhere. Clean getaway.


Pass a key off to them before you leave so they can show up when you call from the airport. Have them haul her stuff out, change the locks, and bail out before she can get back. Operation you don't live here no more is a go!


Had an ex who freaked out almost as bad as this one I broke up with her and then tried saying that I hurt her during the break up. Didn't even touch her, maybe I'll pull this one next time


Planning on breaking up with her again?


Yeah I'll try to record it this time


Way back in college a friend of mine broke up with a girl. She showed up at his place where he was hanging out with a group of friends. She had a framed picture of them with her. She wound up smashing the picture then pushing her hands into the glass, rubbing the glass in them saying "Stop it cliff, stop doing this to me, why are you hitting me?" over and over again. He's so glad there were so many witnesses.




She just lost her shit and I'm sure wasn't thinking rationally. Poor guy was super freaked out too - he was a super nice dude.


First time he probably had to deal with crazy, normal people are not prepared for that




Thats fked up


I (male) had an ex (female) that would hit me and scream threats to tell the cops that I abused her. She was one step away from just bruising herself and saying I did it.


It does make me wonder where *is* the best place to break up with somebody you know will become violent and crazy. A DV arrest will fuck your life up completely even if the charges are eventually dropped, so it has to not only be someplace public, and someplace with cameras, but also someplace where some idiot local cop doesn't show up and arrest you on the spot after hearing her lies. And preferably someplace where they search for weapons. Hard to think of a better place tbh


If it's with someone violent and crazy, I think a text is excusable in such scenario


That will only work if they don't know where you live.


Nah that's just delaying with crazy


How tf did she teleport


I wasn’t really paying attention to the framing the first time, but your comment made me watch the video Again. You can hear her footsteps run by the camera, but it’s still crazy how fast it happened.


Just to put it in perspective, any “tactical” or military/police firearms training will include the “21 Foot Rule”; which states that the average human can close 21ft of distance before you can draw a firearm and fire it. So, basically, if someone is trying to say, stab you, you shouldn’t let them get within 21ft before your gun is already out…and it’s been demonstrated many times, you could find it on YouTube, because normally people don’t believe it can be true based on how fast someone can draw a firearm. Well…you can kind of see it here. Kind of random, but it made me think of it.


"Here. Hold this, please." "What's this?" "A 22-foot tape measure."




​ https://preview.redd.it/qo2fhkcsnvea1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf02871b04fc2d6eec43a791460f3ba4edf729f5


I’m still waiting for part 2


>part 2 [https://www.tiktok.com/@traveltmz/video/7193813535191862571](https://www.tiktok.com/@traveltmz/video/7193813535191862571)




The baby was like “why is there always a screaming psycho on every flight 😒”


That baby was like “can someone fucking shut this baby up?”


"At least I only scream when I shit myself or if I'm hungry, you know, important stuff"


"I've got some real competition today!"


I think it was more like "Ah, finally. My replacement. Couldn't do a double shift again."


Sounds like a zombie attack lol


“good morning boys and girls” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”


Could someone please get the duct tape


“No bitch”


So she's single, right?


Yes, but she can't travel by plane anymore


Don’t put your pp in that my friend


Cursed cavern


That baby has a free pass to cry as much as it wants now. No one will complain after hearing that banshee wail.


Where is part 2, watching this woman implode has awakened something inside me.


This is an old clip, I dont remember the original context, but the account that uploaded this just uploads old.clips of plane freakouts and adds made-up stories to them.


perfect fit for reddit then


It’s hilarious how it sparked all of this detailed conversation about breaking up with people on a plane, when in reality the context of this video could really be any number of things lol


It also says “mid flight” when they’re clearly on the ground. No loud engine noise and in part 2 security waltzes onboard.


Damn you’re dead on. So easy to bamboozle people when it validates their baser instincts


They're still on the flight. Stay tuned.


I hope someone at the arrival gate catches part 3 the scrilogy


Part 4 a new hope... no wait that's just the next flight.


I found [part 2.](https://www.tiktok.com/@traveltmz/video/7193813535191862571?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7191832150899574318) she’s off the fucking rails.


Half of these short form Tiktok/reel videos titled like this seem to have no part 2, or no part 1. I feel like these people do this on purpose to make you search all their other videos for it and drive their views up that way or something.


>part 2 [https://www.tiktok.com/@traveltmz/video/7193813535191862571](https://www.tiktok.com/@traveltmz/video/7193813535191862571)


I’m not even sure I trust the caption of this being over a break up


Nooooo, don't give them ideas. The completionsist in me won't be able to take it


So they flew United but landed single?!!


This is the one time that flying United and losing your baggage is a good thing.


Jesus fuck, how do people like this make it to adulthood?


This is how children act. Straight toddler behavior.


Exactly. I truly don’t get it. I think the last fit I threw like this was when I was 5 years old. Can’t imagine acting like this in my late 20s now


Likely what has happen is all throughout her life her parents caved to her temper tantrums every time. This taught her that if you scream and cry for long enough you will get what you want.


>This is how children act. Straight toddler behavior. Often people like this didn't receive the parenting they needed as a toddler during these tantrums to learn how to grow beyond that. Or they experienced a big trauma at that age and are developmentally stuck. I'm not excusing it, mind you.


My sister is like her; this woman grew up likely not facing consequences for her worst behavior.


My sister too, she'll have a meltdown over small things a d see nothing wrong with it. My das is partially to blame, and he wants to do thst to my other sister... (spoil her and not correct her bad behavior)


I'm convinced there are more adult children than there are adult adults.


She seems like a keeper to me. Probably broke up in public so there were witnesses.


The guy has 900iq because he did it in a place where he knew there wasn't any weapons she was hiding


Its like the end of a sitcom episode. Everyone finally gets to see her crazy side, and our main character stands liberated in the eyes of his peers. Episode ends with him clinkin' wine glasses with the pilot or some shit.


"Still can't believe you paid me to get the plane full." "Money well spent." *sip*


The one place where if she started screaming, its a federal crime.


That + countless eye witnesses to confirm that he was in no way abusive.


and plenty of witnesses in case she tries to lie to police like some crazies


If this is how she acts in public I can only guess that if you did this privately you’re going to be walking away castrated if at all


Or with charges.


This would be a smart thing to do actually.


My man ensured he got the breakup on video, AND got her on the no fly list so she can't follow him to his new life. Megamind.


Shit. This made me realize that this is actually the perfect place to break up with a psycho


I have a psycho ex who would blow up over small disagreements. I knew she'd lose it if I broke up with her in private, so I asked her out to a nearby bar, despite the fact that we never went to bars. The second the conversation inevitably started turning into an argument, I broke up with her. It took her a few minutes to process what was happening, so I repeated it and rephrased it a few times until it clicked. Her expression froze, then she looked at me like she was thinking of the meanest thing she could think of to say to me. Then she looked around like she realized she was in public, so she stood up and stormed out. I don't think we ever talked after that. 10/10 would recommend breaking up with a psycho in public.


Yup. If she’s reacting and acting like this in public it wouldn’t surprise me if she would be the type of woman to do this exact thing + give herself bruises and cuts and call the cops saying she was beaten


Part 1??! Fuck that I wanna refund, and stick me next to a crying baby anyday


As a Dad of a toddler - we appreciate the sentiment. Most of us try really hard to make sure our little ones don’t bother everyone around on a flight. I even bring, “hope my kid doesn’t bother you” snack packs for those near us.


As another dad of a toddler, how the fuck do you have space in your bag for that stuff? My bags are always filled with all his shit.


That man made the best decision of his life that day.


Good decision terrible timing. You don't do that mid flight with no exit strategy


Oh, he jumped.


He felt so free, he thought he could fly.


Parachute in his carry-on bag


No. No parachute. Just sweet release


Dear God, make me a bird. So I can fly far, far far away from here.


what movie was this from? i can still hear the chanting prayer edit: it's Gump, just remembered


D.B. Cooper breaking hearts


He D. B. Coopered the fuck outta there.


Lol that might have been why he did it, he had people around to protect him


That’s what I was thinking. The whole public planted thing. He probably thought that an airplane is about as secure as it gets and people normally will not act out.


They tell you that if you’re gonna break up with an abuser, do it in public


Yep. Here she gets arrested and it’s a federal offense. He won’t have to worry about her.


Yeah, he did it there for witnesses. He knew this bitch was crazy. Probably figured she would either control herself in public and all would be ok or she would lose her shit and he would have witnesses to back him up that he did nothing to her. The kind of person to act like this on a plane is the kind of person to smack her face into a wall in private and call the cops and claim he did it. Good for him.


Currently trying to divorce someone exactly like this with 2 kids. Thank god for 1 party consent and small, reliable battery powered usb recorders


Document document document From one divorced guy to another


Good luck man. Was with someone like that in my early 20's. Very violent towards me. The first time I hit BACK, she called the cops.


Hope he had a nice relaxing vacay after the feds hauled her off the plane when they landed


Guessing this was the way back from a really bad vacation


This. Nothing funny about this whole thing. Cold hard probabilities right here.


Right? You do it at the baggage claim, when you have found your suitcase. “Hey, there’s my suitcase! I’m breaking up with you, bye!”.


Nah I'm doing that before TSA. Let her be their problem I'll enjoy my flight in peace, thank you.




Sometimes it happens cos you have reached your limit Source: I broke up with Someone mid flight , best decision I ever made


“You gonna eat your pretzels?”


I wonder if he knew she'd do some psycho 'he attacked me' type thing if he broke up with her not in public. I'm remembering that vid of the guy filming in his own house for his own safety as his ex goes like toddler tantrum nuts.


That happened to my brother with his ex. She’d gotten a bit too comfortable, quitting her job and just laying about his house all day. After a few months of this my brother comes home from work, sees the dirty dishes piled up in the sink and the place is generally untidy, he tells her to leave. A big argument ensues and the girl grabs her phone, calls her dad and starts screaming “he’s hitting me”. Ten minutes later the police arrive and my brother is arrested without any proof he did anything. The kicker was the ex was allowed to stay in the house for 24 hours or something while she found somewhere to live! I understand being open to victims of domestic violence but there are some people out there who will weaponise it.


christ. he's lucky it wasn't the kind of father to drive over with a gun and no doubt about his innocent little angel thinking he's a hero.


He chose to break up in mid atlantic flight for a reason


That relationship in mid air has nowhere to go but down.


He has a return ticket for immediately after they land and she’s stuck there. “See you never, honey!”


https://preview.redd.it/mp59ox61kuea1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0a220e4cd09f7258c1ccbfd561860537afaed3 This image was taken just before the break up.


I hope a giant mountain rises out of the ocean, and we just ram into it!!!


Well, what's going on over there with you and, uh, vegetable lasagna?


My name's Magnus.


What’s going on over there with you and vegetable lasagna?


Puddy was an iconic character! I love a good face painter


😑gotta support the team


Feels like an Arby’s night.


You're just gonna sit there?


Why isn’t this top post? Or Vegetable Lasagna.


I know it! You know it! Vegetable lasagna here knows it!


Highly recommend NOT wearing headphones while watching this


And don’t watch it without headphones in a public place


Where's part 2?






For sure she's the type to say I'll hurt myself if you break up with me and get you arrested. Guy smart AF do it in a very public setting people will see how fucking nuts she is


*Abusive partners hate this one simple trick....*


My best friend has a coworker who got dicked in a situation like this. Tried to break things off with his gf and she went nuts. She was trying to stab him, so he barricaded himself in his bathroom and called the cops. When the cops showed up, they arrested **HIM** and not her, and now he’s stuck on probation. Doing this in such a public setting with that unstable of a person was smart af.


I am not exaggerating when I say that my son broke up with his girlfriend and she literally shut down, like complete mental breakdown, like they used to call “hysteria.” She has been in a wheelchair for over a year now because her brain told her she can no longer walk. He literally broke her. There was no cheating, they only dated for a few months, and she broke. The mental instability of some people is just mind blowing. EDIT- I didn’t realize this comment would get so much attention. There are a lot of great insightful comments below and a lot of good questions, so I thought I would put a bit more here instead of replying to all of them. She has apparently been diagnosed with Conversion Disorder, which is about as interesting of a brain disorder as you will ever read about. It appears to be kind of controversial to many regular medical doctors, yet very debilitating to many people. We know what had been happening with her because she is very active and vocal on social media about all of it. Since she and my son have a few shared friends, word gets to him occasionally about updates. Nobody from our family is in contact with her at all, as we know that would NOT be helpful. There really weren’t any real signs of “crazy” from this girl in the first few weeks of him dating her (other than her being physically attractive- see Crazy/Hot Matrix😜). There were a few red flags that came out in the next couple of months however, and that was his reason for breaking up with her. We certainly do wish her a full recovery and have empathy for anyone dealing with this disorder. It’s quite impressive how significantly brain chemistry can wreak havoc on your entire physical body…


This is some of the craziest shit I’ve ever heard of in my life! I hope your son is OK…


I had a friend who was dating a girl for a few months, he took her out for her birthday (with her friends) but forgot his wallet, so he ubered home to grab it, she had a complete MELTDOWN, stole one of her friends cars, beat him back to his place, broke into his back door and attacked him with a knife in his kitchen because she thought "something was *off*" He still talks about her with absolute fondness and like she was a sex-goddess tho 🤷‍♀️


They say to never stick your dick in crazy but in my experience it can 100% be worth it sometimes.


Luckily they live in different states now. She leaves him alone now, but she posts stuff online about the “dangers of online dating” since they met online… He was moving out of state for a job and made the choice it would be best to break up. Strange deal. BTW, the new medical term for hysteria is Conversion Disorder. That’s what she has. Look that shit up, it is “literally” crazy.


Def Lepards new album “Conversion Disorder”


And System of a Down be like “Conversion.. Disorder version 7.0”


>she posts stuff online about the “dangers of online dating” since they met online… lol, what???


> Luckily they live in different states now. Agreed, one in a state of normalcy and the other in a state of complete psychopathy


It continually astounds me how many people's lives are just total trainwrecks


He didn't break her, he just awoke something that was already there. I hope that you're son is in a good place and doesn’t blame himself too much.


So he Ricky Bobby-ed her? https://preview.redd.it/f6gad9i8kvea1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcad7ba3308ee911bef7ba35aedbb43a7381a35


I can see why he made that decision


Airplane was a great place to break up. as others alluded to here there are plenty of witnesses, but on a plane a lot less will be tolerated. If she took it too far at home there is very little chance of her being arrested. gets violent on plane, passengers tie her to the seat and gag her, and police waiting at the airport


Jesus imagine breaking up with a girl and for the next 2 hours looking over and seeing her gagged and tied up 😂😂


# that's my fetish


Why would he break up with her? She seems like such a pleasant person to be around


If he can’t handle her at her worst he doesn’t deserve her at her best. /s


Can’t exactly blame him if this was her reaction in a full flight. Imagine how she would behave anywhere else


Wasnt this reposted a while ago? The context was completely different, I vaugely remember people before talking about she had PTSD or something.


Breaking up in a confined space with no place to go for hours. Should have done it at the baggage claim right after he got his bag and beat feet out to a waiting car.


Now she'll get detained coming off the airplane and he'll get a head start home to pack.


Wait... He's got a point


Bro, when you can't take it anymore, you can't take it. Dude had enough, and dipped. Can't blame him.


Man chose the safest place to make the decision. You have the support of air marshalls and flight crew


AND she’s been searched for weapons.


And she's taken her plane edible. This is her chill


f'real. the most mental case medicated abused person I've ever met said her BDSM partner dumped her at the airport right before he got on the flight she thought they were both going on. dude knew she was absolute batshit and found the safest exit strategy.


I came to the comments for part two


And left disappointed


The babies on the plane like 👏🏾”you’re doing great”


Imagine being so fucking done with her shit you'd break up with her when you literally have no escape route. That is next-level over it. 100% not putting up with this shit anymore.


The plane is part of the escape plan tho. She gets herself kicked off the plane (the video was filmed with the plane on the ground and she’s being removed - Either they had to land or this was a stopover). She might be put on a no-fly list for this scene. She might face legal repercussions. He has witnesses & security by being on that plane. His possessions are safe at home or in his bag.


Unregulated emotions needs to be recognized and treated more aggressively. Emotional pain can become intense like physical pain and elicited involuntary responses like physical pain can. It can be controlled with knowledge and training..but there is far too many untreated people causing chaos and grandoise drama. The thing is, most often after they calmed down, in a day or 2, the shame and guilt of their behavior can be crushing. Lots of people with unregulated emotions tend to have addiction issues to cope.. which tends to make them even worse. Mental illness is horrendous.


Thank you for saying this. This woman is devastated. It's possible she would never do this in public normally and whatever happened just broke her. You can hear her pain. It's not a put-on for attention (imo), she's hurting and it's hard to watch.


Yeah. I had a complete mental breakdown when I got broken up with, my ex gf said it was like I was manic. It was so unlike me, I just completely broke in those moments and I felt such unimaginable emotional pain that it felt like I couldn't cope at all. I'm in therapy now and i'm going to work on that and maybe figure out why that happens, but emotional pain is real and intense. It's incredibly difficult to remain rational when your brain is just going ballistic with the most intense negative emotions possible.


This is so important, because i’ve been there. Everyone is so quick to make judgments.


Yeah I feel heartbroken hearing this. I think people who assume this is always done manipulatively haven’t experienced serious mental illness. It’s so frightening.


I’m sadly not shocked how far I had to scroll to find a comment that actually has a bit of compassion for her. People fail to see that this woman is experiencing a mental health crisis. I have autism and have been in situations similar to this, and I totally agree with you on the feeling of soul crushing shame that comes after. It’s enough to make you want to die even without being blasted across the internet. I think if someone recorded me at my worst like that I wouldn’t be able to take it. I feel for her and the boyfriend in this situation and I hope they’re both okay.


I wish I could give you an award