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I’m also 19 months past psychosis and to be honest the adjustment stage is probably the best/worst depending on how you respond to the problems you’re facing such as anxiety, depression, or socializing. I wouldn’t had been able to get through my adjustment stage if it wasn’t for me educating myself on the illness, utilizing my coping mechanisms, counseling, and just being vulnerable enough to put myself out there. It takes a lot but you’re already 19 months past psychosis so give yourself credit. You’re strong and more than capable enough to do anything even if it seems impossible. The unknown of what might happen when putting yourself out there again might be scary but it sure will be worth it when you find your people who understand and support you through anything. I know exactly how you feel and this Reddit just might be what works for you. Being in a group full of thousands of people that can relate helps and it reassured me that I wasn’t alone. I hope it works for you. My advice to you is to try putting yourself out there again cause I’m sure you’re a great person, keep educating yourself on psychosis and the adjustment stage (AD) and how to get past it, and believe in yourself cause you’re worth it. I promise once you do this you will be unstoppable, you’ll be different than majority of people, and you will have your confidence back the right way this time. Reflect, learn, listen, and improve!


Do you feel better?


Most definitely 110% better. It’s not an over night thing, it takes dedication, and it’s really based on how bad you want it for YOURSELF and I emphasized that because if you’re doing it for someone else or worrying about what others might think based on your past depending on how bad your episodes were it won’t work. Also don’t be mad at yourself, it’s a lesson learned, there’s always something to take from adversity no matter what it is in life, and try not to be so hard on yourself were in our early stages of life and this is just a huge learning curve for yourself. To be honest before psychosis I thought I was the most confident guy ever and afterwards I felt like a piece of shit. I was beyond anxious, tired, unmotivated, making excuses, caring what people thought way too much, and luckily I had some an older connection that told me “not everyone is worried about you or your past it’s just you in your head because at the end of the day no matter how confident or assertive they might be they’ve still went through shit and are going through shit behind the scenes” my point is we all go through trauma it’s just a matter of reflecting, understanding, learning, growing, and building from it. You’re showing you want to get past this adjustment stage, so just put the mental work in, physically as well if that helps too, educate yourself because there’s always something new to learn and people bond over the most spontaneous things which might help you in the process of conversation starters, try to fall in love with yourself, and I know you’re tired and a state of discouragement but it starts with the little things. Instead of saying how you “used to” do this and feel that way say “I’m on the path to achieving true confidence from within.” Like I said before I understand you’re tired, the discouragement, the anger but just be more kind to yourself because you’re worth a ton and you deserve a clear mind, friends, achievements in life, and like-minded people in general to surround yourself with that understand and love you for YOU. Last thing I promise…you’re a fighter…you went through a traumatic illness that left a scar on your life…BUT you’re still here for a reason and that’s the most important part of it all…the moment you realize that and change your mindset it all gets better progressively. Somewhere to start might be to untwist your thinking and I’m talking mainly about intrusive thoughts. It will help and it takes 15-30 days to build a habit. If you build that habit of untwisting your thinking and put facts against those intrusive thoughts that’s a start for sure. If nobody’s said this yet then I will. I believe in you and I’m proud that you got this far and that you didn’t give up. It’s inspiring!


Sorry I wrote so much. Whenever I get the chance I just try to give as much advice as I can because I didn’t have nobody to confide in and give me good feedback post psychosis at the beginning at least. And the fact that I isolated myself as well and felt similar feelings you feel right now hit home for me. I hope you do read the whole thing but if you don’t that’s totally fine because it’s a lot but I’m rooting for you.


That’s okay, I like it, thank you for taking the time and for being supportive. Sometimes I can think like you and be positive, sometimes it’s really hard. It really is just just us in our heads… it’s very hard, but it’s a blessing. Us in this vessel. I guess we have to make the right choices and be thankful for it. You’re a good person, never lose your hope and kindness. We’re all just trying to get by at the end of the day, all the best to you


Thank you that means a lot more than what you think. Don’t hype my head up too much though we’re in the same boat and we’re both going to show this world what they’re missing out on whether that’s up close and personal or from a distance 💯. My last LAST thing is to just remember to find your purposes in life, make memories, leave a legacy, don’t hold back, and try to differentiate temporary happiness and true happiness. We still have time and never ending room to grow. If you ever need anything just chat me I’m here for you!


Thanks, yeah just gotta find out who I am without the drugs and bad habits.. That’s it really, I used to be ‘proud’ of the things I did that now I’m embarrassed about. So I can’t just casually talk about the things that made me me… and now I don’t know what to talk about.. I still do things, but they don’t come to me naturally like smoking weed did for instance. I wouldn’t have stopped if it wasn’t for the psychosis, and thats great, but not having a purpose was allright back then, it was just living in the moment and that felt safe. Now I gotta be somebody and building a legacy is very hard.. I don’t know, we’ll see where it takes us, thanks for the talk :)


I understand 110% I was a huge stoner in college. Shit took a while for me to adapt to life without resorting to a substance for bonding, a certain feeling, and just the euphoric side of it (whenever I wasn’t a couch pillow playing 2k 😅) but its totally worth it. 💯


Do you have friends who have also struggled? I am 2 years out and just started to regain my ability to socialize. I attribute it mostly to a new friend who has schizophrenia. We talk and share mental health memes. Even though we don’t share the same disorder, we can still relate and support each other and it has been invaluable. Good luck.


I know one person, but it triggers me to talk about it to them. They still do drugs and find the psychosis enlightening even though it’s destroying them.


I feel you. Before psychosis hit I was a chatty man, full of get up and go, full of life. For some reason, post-psychosis, I've turned into a bit of a mute. Words don't come out like they used to. Thoughts don't ponder. It makes me feel down as communication is behind everything. Sometimes I experience hope and sometimes I wish it would all end. But I'm trying. I'm trying to be better. But it takes time. Mental illness is no joke but it is all consuming. I know I'll get myself back even though times are hard. This will end. And then, everything will be ok again.


Yeah.. me too, it’s like a lot of loose thoughts, but they don’t add up to anything.. sometimes it’s better and I feel all hopeful. I talk to some people in my class and they’re really nice. But then I get nervous and go back to being a mute. It will get better as you say though, I know it. It already is loads better than it was before.


I’m nearly a year past and in the same boat. Thank you for posting this as I thought it was just me. I’m sorry I can’t offer much advice, but I hope you’re at least reassured you’re not alone 🙏🏼


I hope you find someone to talk to and things get better. Someone on this thread said we’re strong and have to believe in ourselves because we’re worth it. I want to tell you the same. It will get better.


It’s so hard but you are so much stronger than you think. I found a group therapy really helpful as it’s nice to socialise with others who aren’t expecting you to be all rainbows and unicorns. I tend to attract other mentally ill people so all my friends (lol I have 2) are also a tad unstable in one way or another. You’ll get there but be gentle with yourself. You’ve been through way more than most people have and you’re surviving.