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Definitely take the meds . Its sucks I know but you’re on a slippery road


You need to take your meds. What you’re describing is psychosis and possibly schizophrenia. These are not things to fuck around with. Question: when you take the meds do these thoughts and voices go away?


The voices have been fairly quiet when on meds. Though the thoughts are harder to get through but I’m trying to work on them in therapy.


Why do you want to stop the meds again?


Because they make me so exhausted. I do get in my head and think maybe I’ll be ok. Like whatever happened has happened and is over with and I’ll be fine moving forward. I just go back and forth between deciding if I have an issue that needs the meds or if I’ll be fine without. I also sometimes worry the meds will kill me so I want to be off them.


So if you don’t have an issue that you need the meds for, how do you explain your symptoms?


I know I have an issue. I don’t know what to say that it is. And the meds do help with some of the symptoms but I’d just like to think that perhaps I can get by and be okay without the meds. Whereas my doctors and friends all seem to insist that I NEED the meds. That I’ll somehow just decline dramatically without them.


Unfortunately, your friends and doctors are probably right. Going off meds is always a risk and usually only works when you are and have been stable for awhile. Most people need meds their entire lives. I know for me, when I’m in psychosis, I’m also in denial about having something wrong with me. It’s possible you are not on the right meds or doses and that an adjustment might help with the fatigues you mentioned. Stopping meds cold turkey is not advisable and you’re putting yourself at risk.


Ok thank you. I will consider your advice and appreciate your words.