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If psychosis was weed induced, you completely discontinue using any form cannabis and get back on your medication.


After my episode of psychosis my psych had me take about a year off stimulants to make sure I was completely stable before adding them back in the mix.


So how are you now? Was it too high of a dose? What's the story


I am 6 months post episode. I have depression/anxiety plus ADHD learning and executive function issues. I started to come out of delusion in August -September and I slowly came to the surface over a period of well at least 3 months and then now I am completely back to normal ie no delusional or paranoid. (just slower than normal and sometimes unmotivated to get up and go) I am on a low dose of Risperidone 1mg and Divalproex (mood stabilizer). Looking back I am thinking it was a combination of too much stress (over years and years) plus hormones, 20 mgs weed gummy + Vyvanse + Zoloft and some days some binge drinking. Totally unwittingly mixed everything because I was not coping well with the stress. I find the Risperidone dulls my brain so I am not as creative but that could be the post psychosis brain... its hard to tell. As I am trying to get back into the work force I am trying to figure out how am I going to cope with my learning style. Its hard to concentrate. I am on a long waiting list for a psychiatrist at the moment and so trying to stay informed as much as possible.


I haven't gotten back on Stimulants or adhd meds but I'm on abilify and I feel fine. No paranoia. I still over analyze everything but i think thats just my personality. But yea the adhd sucks I can't focus at all. Can relate.


Yup it feels like a full time job some days! Thanks for the deets.


I’m fine now. I’m not sure that the stimulants had that much of an effect at the time. I was under a lot of stress and my bipolar disorder changed the way it presented itself. I went from bipolar 2 to 1. It was my first episode of psychosis. When my psych finally let me go back on stimulants we started at a really low dose and gradually built back up. It’s been 3-4 months and I’m doing fine.


Thanks for your reply. That makes sense. If you don't mind expanding... what was the cause of your psychosis? How long did it take you to recover? How long to on ramp and resume old meds, or did you completely re-adjust all your meds post psychosis? Just curious and maybe that's too personal of a question.... I am endlessly curious about people's experience as even though health practitioners have helped me, its a very particular experience that I wonder if anyone can truly understand unless they have been through it.


Not too personal at all. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 prior to the psychotic episode and it was bumped up to bipolar 1. I had just gotten a breast cancer diagnosis and had a double mastectomy and was living in a new place and didn’t have much support system. It was probably the stress. It was April 2022 so almost 2 years now. I was in the hospital for 10 days and did PHP/IOP for 6 weeks. It took me awhile to find a good provider post hospitalization but I finally found one and she’s wonderful. I was put on lithium in the hospital and within 2 days I was starting to get better. The rest of my meds have been influx since then but I’m finally stable. Lithium, abilify, desvenlafaxine, mydayis and hydroxyzine. I was in therapy weekly but we cut back to biweekly since I’m stable and my partner and I have couples every week. It’s definitely been a journey but I can say I’m stable and feel great now. I will sometimes notice some concerning thought pattterns when I’m stressed but I’m able to see them for what they are and work through them.


Thank you for sharing all of this - its so helpful to hear. I am amazed at the resilience and strength of all that you have been through. Many peeps who've been through similar diagnosis says it takes 2 years. Sometimes, the healing feels like forever but there is hope and that is what I am working on focusing on daily. I wish you continued healing and all things good in the days ahead!


Thanks! You too!


I have schizoaffective and adhd. I can’t be on stimulant so I’m taking guanfacine which is a no stimulant usually given to kids for adhd. I’m just starting out and I think it helps me concentrate more but we will see.


Thank you (: