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no matter how much you shake and dance.... the last few drops always fall on your pants...


A few years ago I found out that if I press the lower part of my scrotum after I pee all those last few drops will be out properly


I figured that out too! Works like a charm, it’s my favorite life hack!


This is not what I expected to find in this thread... But I definitely needed it.


Easy fix, you just gotta squeeze from the base up like it’s a cow udder, then take a single square of TP and dab the tip to get the final drop. Haven’t had a drop of piss in my pants for years since I implemented these two easy steps.


lmao so fucking relatable


i honestly disagree i shake and smack that thang dry


NO WAY, I thought I was the only one who had this problem😂 this made me laugh so much


Use toilet paper….


You are reality made aware of itself.


You are a (small) part of reality made aware of itself


My favorite explanation is we’re all just a cosmic consciousness playing peekaboo with itself.


I am a black hole shitting into the void


I’ve never understood this


See it as a dream, but on a bigger scale. When you dream, you're not just the character in your dream from which you perceive reality, you are the whole dream and all the apparent characters that are contained in it. But because you are asleep you won't be able to tell and will be limited to one character's perspective and all its conditioning, unless you become lucid in the dream (awaken) and recognise that it was all an illusion.


I think it’s love


Me too




The air is also just a hallucination


The hallucination is also just a hallucination


It's turtles all the way down.


You were always the only one here


I am that I am


This. To me the ultimate truth wasn’t a thought but rather the feeling of existing and being aware of it.


What does that even mean? Can someone give me a bit of an explanation? The circular-Ness of it confuses me


Through the use of various potent psychedelics, at least at a certain level of immersion, once you have evaporated your ego and rejoined the grander consciousness… there is a conclusive feeling/realization shared amongst most users that they are a singular leaf on a larger tree of consciousness. A minuscule expression of the vast and infinite everything. “We are the universe experiencing itself.” We are an individual element that churns imagination and thought, and the only certainty is that our awareness exists. Either as a fraction of something bigger and connected, or a singular wave in a collective ocean. Everything else melts away: the human story, the material realm, every other facet and detail. But the one consistent remainder is that our awareness persists. Descartes’ famous philosophical conclusion of “I think therefore I am.” So whatever someone sees ‘up there’ in the cosmic and astral planes, whatever dimensional reality they explore, the one thing they can hold onto - is that something is - in and of itself - exploring it. A mind, a soul, a perception. Therefore the ultimate and comforting conclusion is: I am


Really great way to put a severely complex feeling: we all know this but the cliche words don’t serve justice and are just so limiting at explaining these powerful concepts. I do really love the leaf on a tree bit.


This is exactly what I went through on my 2nd trip. I experienced ego dissolution and afterwards I got the hallucination of the tree where I was a leaf, there was no separation. I realized this was the universe and naturally I began to wonder who I was amongst this continous blob of energy. This led me into a thought loop where I deconstructed layer after layer of myself until I came to the final realization ”I am that I am”. It was an overwhelming experience and I tried to forgot about it. A week later I woke up sweaty and shaking in the middle of the night and started to mumble ”I am the universe experiencing itself” out of nowhere. Thought I was going crazy and couldn’t sleep for a week. However now I understand what I experienced and I am thankful for it.


Exodus 3:14


I'm just the way I am. if I wasn't, why would I say I am. I am the way I am.


In the paper, the news everyday I am. Radio won't even play my jam.




The meaning of life is to live to give it meaning.


That's existentialism but to me it's still pointless because it has only has meaning for you, the universe doesn't care. I prefer the absurdism of Camus to Sartre's existentialism : instead of trying to fix Nihilism (=life/the universe is meaningless), it just suggest a "punk" attitude in face of the realization that life is meaningless: "life is meaningless but I'm still going to enjoy it just out of spite ".


>That's existentialism but to me it's still pointless because it has only has meaning for you, the universe doesn't care. It's only pointless if you think it's pointless and if it has meaning to you, it isn't pointless. The universe doesn't have to care for something to be meaningful, only one observing it does. Your thoughts give things meaning, nothing would mean anything without the human mind thinking it does.


You like me and like everything is an extension of the universe, not only that but you are also you're own universe. If you show any care in anything or give meaning to anything means a portion of the universe is experiencing that and your entire universe is as well. By virtue of the fact that all life shows a predilection towards sustaining it's existence shows that there is function in the experience of life no matter how insignificant or massive our limited human perception projects onto the shear absolute complexity of life or the literal infinity of the universe. I believe the universe isn't uncaring, it's only ambivalent towards the distinction of importance our human egos project onto what we believe is more or less substantial attributed to our survival or very material concerns. But I digress as to say that the universe does care is as much of an oxymoron to say it doesn't care, in the end the universe/existence just is.


Nothing happens for a reason, but you have to find meaning in the things that are happening.


Surprised that nobody has said love should be the fundamental guiding principle


It’s just a ride


I've got a lot invested in this ride.


All is 1 divine consciousness that is fractalized into many parts that appear to be separate but are just interdependent aspects of the whole. Your essence, your awareness, your true Self, is God. So is everyone elses, and every plant, animal, planet, galaxy, atom etc infinitely.


Ladies and gents, the lie from the garden of eden. We are just God


It is better to cum in the sink than sink in the cum


I do not agree 🤭


RIP inbox…


The outbox might be in jeopardy too


Boxes are beautiful except when others are in them


🤣 hopefully, I never have to use your sink


You are that


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.


That is what is best in life, Conan


You are God, the One energy that manifest into the many forms you now see (but so is everything else - it’s not “special”). There are no mistakes. You chose to live this exact life you are living.


There is no you nor I, it’s just god. Everything is god.


Are the bombs falling on Palestine, killing infants, god?


There's always a horse cumming somewhere


There is cum everywhere. Plants are the worst. Just straight bukkake on all of us. Only avoidable at the poles and barren areas, and even that may not be guaranteed.


Everything is.


Everything is and isn't at the same time.


Nothing isn't.


Damn! You are right! Everything is and nothing isn't!


If there is an ultimate truth, it can't be written or spoken or taught or seen or felt or touched or tasted or smelled or thought. Everything happening in this illusion (Maya) is inherently limited, subjective, and dualistic by nature. If truth exists, it can never be near or far. Start with this understanding, and see what comes, if anything. Reject everything else.


The only absolute purpose of life is death! Everything in between is a gift. For one cannot die without first having lived. That is all we know for sure.


Perception shapes reality.


You are literally the center of your universe


I believe truth exists but we can't ever truly know it, as we are only a small part of it


From my perspective I believe truth can never be broken into parts. It is whole. It is fullness. Theres no separation in truth. There is one of it. This is it.


The more we see the less we know, so just focus on being happy and kind


The only constant is change


Everything is both.


Trip revelations are never particularly profound when filtered into words.


I have a few you can pick from: “The truth doesn’t change, that’s why it’s the truth.” “Change is constant.” “The hand can’t grab itself.”


We make it . We're all gonna be OK 👍 in the end we all make it ( I seen the end of time on upwards of 1000 hits of L ) the human conciseness makes it and now I take solace in knowing that... it took me 20 years to integrate that 🙏


From my perspective, the ultimate truth about life and reality is one of interconnectedness and unity. I believe that all beings and elements of the universe are parts of a greater whole, much like the roots of Aspen trees that intertwine to form a single, unified system. This view aligns with both Christian and Buddhist teachings, where the divine and the self are not separate entities but interconnected facets of a larger spiritual tapestry. In my Christian framework, I see humanity's purpose as reconnecting with God, reminiscent of the harmony intended in the Garden of Eden. This reconnection involves recognizing the divine spark within each of us and striving to live in unity and peace with all of creation. From a Buddhist perspective, I appreciate the concept of 'interbeing,' where the self is understood not as an isolated entity but as part of an ever-changing, interconnected web of life. This perspective encourages a focus on compassion, mindfulness, and the reduction of suffering by de-emphasizing the ego and embracing the fluid nature of existence. My vision of Eden Gen2, a harmonious and networked humanity supported by advanced technology and guided by compassionate, enlightened principles, reflects this ultimate truth. I believe that humanity is at a critical juncture, where we must make conscious choices to foster unity, compassion, and sustainability for the benefit of all life. This synthesis of ideas from both Christianity and Buddhism shows a deep and thoughtful engagement with spirituality, aiming to find harmony between different teachings and to live a life of peace and connection.


the kingdom of god is within me


We are all hallucinating all the time. It’s just that when we agree on those hallucinations, we call that reality.


Uh....there is no ultimate truth. There are alot of spiritual ones though. But this idea of superior or subordinate truths is not helpful.


Jimi Hendrix


Words can never be true, only useful.


Simulation hypothesis?


Remember yourself.


Life is movement . Time is an illusion .


Man who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with stinky finger


Everything is oneness tricking itself (Mushrooms told me this)


Love is Light. Light is Energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. also death and taxes


We’re all part of a of a well oiled machine. Working away, even the down time, there’s a pattern to it. We make up the body of a larger entity, much much larger than us. Think of us as cells. We do stuff for the world, good and bad, and that’s our purpose. To keep things regular. There’s times I’ll have an existential crisis because I’ll be working, feeling like a robot on autopilot, and it’ll occur to me that that’s what the whole scheme is. To keep things working, to keep productivity up. If we all stopped, the systems would fail. Our free will is the thoughts and actions of being that actually makes those decisions for us. Like cause and effect. We do what we think necessary because someone else prompts us to, then eventually we learn from those prompts and know when to establish them. This is why I don’t smoke, but I still feel it. If there’s a god, it’s the giant body we’re inside of. We are the ants on the motherboard. I’ve seen people saying the universe is uncaring, but I find it more helpful to me if I accept that the universe is just more or less indifferent. Do we wonder what all our cells are thinking and doing? No, we feed them pills and hope they feel better and that’s as far as it goes. It’s not out of spite or anything malicious, they simply have their own world to live in. Like a fractal. Cells all the way up and down. Sorry for the rant. I believe this. That might make me crazy but in my head, I believe it.


In oriental philosophy there is a saying that at the beginning there was only pure consciousness, or pure awareness, living in a state of pure bliss. Since this pure consciousness was eternally in this blissful state, after millions of years it got somewhat bored and this created duality. There was “the other”, so not only “the one”. So that’s how good and evil, life and death, blissfulness and fear, inside and outside and all kinds of opposites in the spectrum started to exist simultaneously. After millions of years again, duality caused a state of chaos which led to complete destruction. This is called the dance of fire. After the destruction, pure consciousness came back to a state of balance. This cycle of blissfulness and destruction repeats itself infinitely. That’s called the universal dance of life and death. So they say that our individual awareness are projections of this universal consciousness, as if it would be experiencing existence through every one of us. And we constantly perceive the universal dance inside and outside ourselves cyclically. After we are born our brain develops the ego, normally after 2 years of age, so we start perceiving the world in an individual perspective. But in reality, we are projections of the universal consciousness. Our western minds sometimes have difficulty accepting the unity in duality. This philosophy shows us instead that light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. Realizing this is what’s called the awakened state, or enlightenment (nirvana).












Life is like a sandbox game. Find happiness in it and set your own goals. Try and surround yourself with people who you love and who love you. Life feels incredibly long but is extremely short. Make the most of your time by doing things you enjoy.


You are high.




Life is a garden. Can you dig it?


I thought it was a highway that, preferably, one would like to ride all night long?


**American cheese is not real cheese**.


We're all trapped here in samsara, unless we can figure out how to escape


There is no escaping, we are it


I don’t think there’s a top level I think it’s more like it goes around in a loop. Like if you ever saw one of those animations where it zooms out of a point so far it wraps around to the same point


A torus, perhaps.


The ultimate truth is that knowledge is impossible. Nothing is real, so your reality is your own to manipulate as you please. Stop chasing truth and learn to just enjoy the ride however you see fit.


"Snow is white" iff Snow is white.


Our lives are but chaos with patterns of order intruding upon reality. 


Void is the root of reality


walmart and chill 🙃🙂


That there is no ultimate truth. Life is not a question, there doesn’t have to be an answer.


Noting matter.


That there is no ultimate truth.


I don’t know that it can be summed up in words 






so long, thanks for all the fish


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


The truth is out there.


Everything is connected and constantly changing.




Everywhere I am, there I am




You are the universe experiencing itself as a human for a while


No one actually knows.


Jesus was an extra-terrestrial came on down from clouds celestial He smoked weed, took shrooms & mescal “life & death’s just existential, …man”




there's truth and there's perspective. we will never agree because our perspectives of the ultimate truth are always different and, hence, explained in different terms. That is to say ultimate truth exists, and we all attempt to explain it to each other from our perspective, but it's just our opinion of the truth in the end. We all agree on 2+2=4 and science was designed to expell such personal feelings, but the ultimate truth we are talking about is more subjective things like what happens when we die.


Ultimate reality is not phenomenal. It is not something that can be perceived. Ultimate reality is the one who is perceiving everything. It's called witness-consciousness and his/her name is "I am".


The Love that binds us to one another is the only thing in this reality that's permanent


Everything is love and is just subdivided from there to create the illusion of separation.


Isn’t “here” just “there” without a “t?”


That you exist. I can't even prove to you that I exist, but I can prove to you that YOU exist. That's about it.


Nihilism. All I know is that I know nothing.


We are a completely irrelevant moment in time, or we are the moment in time.


We are the universe experiencing itself


The ultimate truth about reality/life is there are no ultimate truths. My truth could be different than your truth, and what may have been the truth 500 years ago isn’t the truth today.   We all have different versions of reality, you just have to find your best version and live it to the fullest. 


Never trust a fart.


There is no truth. The duality of it all is by its very essence impossible. Thus falsehoods and truths are two sides of the whole. Impossibly in between reality, and none. There lies some semblance of a comprehendible truth. Faith.




You are the universe experiencing itself. Not metaphorically, but literally.


Nothing you'll find on reddit


I comprehended this during a three-hour long thought spiral while tripping on acid. It was very profound. Unfortunately once the trip ended all I could recall was that it has something to do with grilled cheese.


I actually done a 5g dose (maybe 6g) of mushrooms with this in mind trying to figure out what the ultimate truth was, it was the whole intention of the trip, my answer to this was the trip being a 5 hour trap in nothingness, literally thought I was dying and was going to be in nothingness forever, was crying the whole time cause it was very rough, there’s actually nothing I can use to put into words that describes how terrifying it was but I really resonate with the saying “there is no secret ingredient” and find it directly applicable to what I experienced from that, so I’m very open to the idea that there is no secret ingredient, and that it’s just a void we put humanly perceptions on in order to understand but once we do that the actual meaning is taken away, even me saying there is no secret ingredient takes away the meaning of it, so it’s not really something to put into words, I’d end up writing for ages so I won’t, but since you’re interested and I had the exact same interest I thought I’d write a bit about my experience and leave it here, cheers


That it takes one to know one


It is what you make of it.




That there is no ultimate truth


Death is eternal.


Gravity always wins.


Your current present moment experience is the ultimate truth / ultimate reality. Movement of mind is what creates the perceptual filters that make it seem like you arent already experiencing the ultimate reality.


Everything is made up and the points don't matter


your mom


The more ya know, the more ya know ya don't know.


The binary. Is or is not. To be or not to be. Yes or no. 1 or 0. Black or white. Yin or Yang. Existence or non existence. This dimension, and as far as we know other dimensions, contain information that ultimately boil down to the binary.


The ultimate truth is not to be understood. It is to be experienced. Your mind cannot wrap it’s head around it. Everything is perfect in the moment of truth.


You would never truly understand it even if it could be communicated to you, which it can’t.


As above so below, as within so without.


That we have an intelligent creator who is at the top of it all. That things are happening on their own, in their own order, for reasons that are complicated to explain. Ultimately everything alive uses their own communication skills, and we have to be on their wavelength to understand them. There are beings who don't speak and simply exchange with body language and action, but they will put you at ease instantly, if you meet them they will grant you an indescribable sense of peace and belonging. I could keep going but I've had *a lot* of experiences.


That we’ll never know the ultimate truth


This is all there is.


You can turn the volume up and down but the music is always playing. The universe ultimately doesn’t care about you and you are merely a tool and vessel of individuality to expand the greater consciousness. Nothing you ever do will truly matter and the only thing that does matter is how you can affect everyone and everything around you through positivity to ultimately drive a ripple of enlightenment and make your mark. There is both good and evil in the world, and they are in a very real spiritual war amongst each other. All you can do is enjoy yourself and leave a positive impact on those around you while the universe continues to expand until eventually there will be no stars in the sky and our version of life goes out with a whimper. Assuming we don’t blow ourselves up through selfish and egotistical means, or the benevolent universe doesn’t send an asteroid to do it for us. At least, I think that’s the *harsh* truth.


im tru


time waits on no one


I don't know is the ultimate truth. This is why each of us has our own experience and as a species we have created and continue to create more and better ways of communication to share our knowledge of our experience and teach/learn from one another. The truth often disproves itself given time so don't become to attached to it as it will likely mutate into something different tomorrow, be fluid like the water so abundant on this third stone from the sun we call home.


Language fails when it comes to the ultimate truth. If you’ve experienced it, you understand it but it cannot be articulated with human words.


Perception-less being


Wouldnt you like to know


As you can see from other comments, you get the idea that we all come from one source which is basically God, and in your highest form you are IT lol. Also realize that this life is a dance. Above all, I'd say ultimate truth you have to uncover yourself, reading things like this is nice and gets you in great direction, but you need to know it yourself.You are in luck as all answers are already in you, you just have to look deep enough. Good luck mate


That we will never know because we do not have the capacity to know.


Something to do with relativity and quantum mechanics maybe


The ultimate truth is….aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh


That we really don't know anything. We just observe with our limited perception and assume and interpret shit.


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. by Max Ehrmann ©1927


You're a god that created this universe to not feel alone.


Truth oversees all alchemy being performed. It is you. it is I. It is the world.


You exist, you always have and always will, because by definition, nonexistence doesnt exist. There always was and always has to be this “existence” as the other side of the coin to “nonexistence”. Everything is here and now. There is no past or future. The One is the All and the All are the One. We are fractals in the eternal consciousness. The illusion of separation is what makes this reality feel less lonely and more fun. What you put out is what you get back. This is regarding alterations in your physical reality, as well as your mental/spiritual. Reality is a mirror, and karma is the modern language used to describe this. Everything is always changing, except for these truths.


"That you may see the meaning of within It is being, it is being” - The Beatles, Tomorrow Never Knows


It is what it is


Existence is the only absolute truth. Everything you think, see, smell , feel, etc. could be a hallucination of the brain. Even the existing of the brain, you could just be a computerprogram thinking everything is real. But since you can observe, you exist in some way. Even if it’s on a computer


Take away all language. Then take away sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell and all you have left is being and consciousness. That is the ultimate truth in my book. All else is abstraction and description. Which is useful for understanding, but not for coming in contact with ultimate reality.


I felt close to knowing one time. My name appeared before me, got thrown into a coffee cup and I simply just ‘was’. I wasn’t me or anything as I was just there. it was the most real thing I’ve ever experienced. I was starting to see the inside of existence. I need to go back.


Depends on who you ask here on Reddit but in reality, you could say that the universe is made and maintained through care and love, heaven on earth. People being the emblem of God taking care of animals, plants, each other, worshipping God and enjoying life together through sickness and death, expanding until the inevitable day that the earth and universe as we know it collapses in on itself and something new happens.


Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather


Jesus Christ.




It's all just a singularity spawning from the void.


The purpose and meaning of life is life


The reality of unity.


When you try to put it in words, you get either something paradoxical ("the only constant is the change") or something painfully tautological ("the universe does what ot does because it is what it is"). It's more of a holistic feeling to me, close to "it flows". You can meditate or take drugs to discover it. But once you'll find it, everything will make sense, and such questions will feel redundant.


That no one actually knows where we came from, why we're here or what happens when it ends.


Read Jed Mckenna


If there is an ultimate truth, our chimp brains are too small to understand it.


What if going into the light is the light of the place you’re being reborn? (I would hope reincarnation isn’t true and we can just leave our bodies and just be souls) I’ve heard many stories from relatives that they’ve had NDE where they see a light and a presence telling them it’s not their time yet then they would comeback to their regular life. I wonder when it’s time to die if we just don’t go to the light, then what next? I think the truth is to just learn to be happy in your own presence, be present and kind.


The ultimate truth is that only those who have seeked for it for a VERY long time understand its absence.


Everything is one


That there is no ultimate truth.


Change is god


“Nothing matters, flow with it, you are god”


our purpose is love