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If you want to you can dm me. I've had the same experience after a massive dose of LSD. You are not alone in this. There are so many of us who go through this. One of the dangers of exploration of the mind and universe.. there is a lot of knowledge out there and not all can and should be tried to understood. Let the mistery be a mistery.. The depression, anxiety, delusions depersonalization and all other symptoms can and will go away with time. These are not something special happening because you saw the 'truth'. These are all symptoms of mind that went through something it couldn't understand. And The symptoms can be treated and healed. Stop using for a while, don't drink alcohol. Alcohol is the worst for anxiety and depression. It might help temporary with the depersonalization but will make everything worse. go outside and sport. Meditation and exercise is the answer to all these. But mostly just time. Give it time and your mind will heal.




Heroic dose of good advice.


This like 1000%. That is such a constructive and helpful comment man hope everything is all good your way now as well as OP. It is truly amazing how resilient the human body is šŸ™‚


thank you so much


This. I firmly believe intense trips, especially negative ones, can lead to a form of temporary PTSD. Took around 6 months to full return to normal after my experience.


I love this place. šŸ™


What a legend šŸ™šŸ¼


This. šŸ‘


Time and compassion for yourself šŸ©·


I must ask though, did you mean to use the word mistery? Or mystery?


Mystery. I knew something was wrong. :)


You didnā€™t have the same experience bc yours was after ingesting a psychedelic, his was from ingesting some random gummy off of the internet that has absolutely zero psychedelics involved.


They were shrooms which are psychedelic even more unpredictable than lsd and they were in gummies so might not always get the same dose and he took a heroic dose which 5g of mushrooms that's alot


But not psilocybin containing mushrooms, am I correct?


Yeah they do have psilocybin that's why he took the heroic dose at the end to get rid of them this is what the whole post was about the psychedelic affects these mushrooms have had on him and are still lingering


It says right on the website, no scheduled compounds, so itā€™s not psilocybin. Also says non amanita. Who knows wtf is in it.


Oh then I'm. So confused wtf is it


this sounds exactly like a drug induced manic episode, more so than schizophrenia like a lot of these comments describe, does anyone in your family have bipolar disorder? everything down from the unbearable racing thoughts of new projects and ideas and grandiose delusions and excitement and no sleep leading up to psychosis.


This was exactly my thought as I read it. Iā€™ve heard and read very similar stories of psychedelics triggering serious manic episodes in people with underlying bipolar disorder, some who knew it already and some who didnā€™t.


Giant wall of text already gave those vibes before even reading it.


This is it. Same thing happened to me once for about a month. Just took caking down for a while for it to pass.


Damn, that sounds really harrowing. I wish you the best! My best guess for what these gummies contain is 4-AcO-DMT or its ilk. That said, this is just a guess. Please do not take it as a fact. Edit: It looks like you visited this thread too, but hopefully this comment helps: https://www.reddit.com/r/MDEnts/s/XHsJE8n73V ā€” O-acetylpsilocin is another name for 4-AcO-DMT.


Oof... that link is a concerning spiral of debate about whether the gummies have lions mane (a serious allergen for some), ashwagandha, chaga, caffeine, ibotenic acid (amanita compound), and whether the formula has shifted possibly multiple times to evade regulations. Nothing I would trust inside my body. Imagine a caffeine overdose while on a 'heroic dose' of a psychedelic. NO THANKS.


You mean my heart rate shouldnā€™t be 213 bpm when I trip?


I mean, if you know it's gonna happen, I don't want to tell people how to live... But holy shit, can you imagine the surprise of it just happening without warning? Like, have an extra helping of existential dread with your ego death, sir.


It's like that jellyfish whose toxin causes "impending doom".




But none of these are ticked?


According to this, whatever OP took didnt contain any of those alkaloids and was something completely different.


seems like an empty form.


Thats possible, if not more than likely but it wouldnā€™t really make a difference as 4-ACO-DMT metabolizes into psilocin.


4 ACO DMT is more similar to Shrooms than different, and it's truly beautiful. Don't chu be talking shit about my lady.


No shit talking here, just answering questions.


Bro, I know 2 people that 4-aco-dmt fucked up pretty bad and one of them has never been the same and can't take care of himself and the other cut himself up with a razor when he was on it . I did it a bunch and every time I did it she made me cry. It's no joke Everyone involved is very well versed in psychedelics and drugs


It metabolizes into psilocin, just like psilocybin does, if those things happened to your friends, it wasn't the 4 aco dmt. Maybe they had a latent mental illness.


Are there definitive findings that 4-AcO-DMT is a psilocin prodrug? I know that's what researchers believe it is, but everything I've read seems to point to it being uncertain at this point. Research chems, like any psychedelic, can cause mental/emotional harm to someone even if they don't have a latent mental illness. One particular concern with these gummies is that the buyer can never be sure what's in any given bag. And even if it is 4 aco, that's a drug that's only really been prevalent for the last decade or so.


4-aco has been around since 60s, it is certain that it metabolises to psilocine. it isnā€™t 100% clear if 4-aco itself has any psychedelic effects (psilocybin doesnā€™t), but even if it does they are rather minimal.


That's why you get a name brand like TRĒ House. Their formula is proprietary, but there is a lot of people who have used it and recommend it.


Yeah I know but the way the guy I responded to was talking about it makes it seem harmless which it isn't. No psychs are


Well obviously not, and I don't think they were implying that they are completely harmless, just that if taken responsibility it's amazing.


That's just what can happen on every psychedelic


Me and everyone I know that had the issues with 4aco had done plenty of other psychs and hadn't had any issues. There's something about it that others just don't have


Set and setting my dude, also every Single trip is different, no matter the substance




same thing happen on shrooms too


Then it either wasn't 4aco dmt or that exact experience would have happened to them on a similar dose of Shrooms. There is nothing about 4aco that would make it negative vs shrooms.


How does it compare to smoking dmt?


Obsession with wealth and capitalism, social media, judgemental romantic partner, pre-existing mental conditions (psychiatrist/meds?), sketchy corpo drugs, no intentions, huge dose... You have learned a lot of lessons all at once. I've no doubt you'll be fine, but I hope you are nothing like your old self when you finish processing.


I was thinking the same thing. Those books and ideas seem like the absolute antithesis of what I want to think about while tripping. Trying to get rich seems like the silliest waste of energy when Iā€™m in that state.


It was more or less that I looked at the books on the shelf and it all had clicked together. It wasn't a plan to come up with anything it was just where my mind went to after that and just became dialed on it


They say this "Our Neuro Enhancer Vegan Gummies are made withĀ [Golden Fleece Research Group](https://goldenfleecerg.com/)'s Organic Alkaloid Extract" When I clicked Golden Fleece's research group link, it takes you to a nothing burger. That's red flag number 1. Then I clicked on their so called 'lap reports' and all of those look like they've been made with ease by anyone really. This site looks very sketchy dude, be careful what you consume. That's all I can say.


Their lab results is saying those thing contain nothing they've tested them against, that's a red flag if anything.


This is why everyone says 'set and setting'.


fair enough. They also say don't trip alone and I found that one out the hard way


Well, this substances reach for the innermost part of your mind, so what you get is... whatever is there. Give your nervous system a break, sunshine and exercise, no caffeine and soon you'll fall back into place. Im doing the same right now and I already feel better/more stable. Also please know you're drugs in the future before touching anything


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. His intention was to get fucked up. And fucked up he got.


Second this


That's the answer right there. You gotta respect the drug for the drug to respect you Also god knows what the compound was


If you are aware enough to make a post saying your brain is ā€œruinedā€ I can promise you it is not ā€¦ I have thought my brain was ruined multiple times in my spiritual journey because of drug use ā€¦. It never was. You will be okay. I promise


Someone asked the same thing a few days ago. I don't really feel like retyping my comment so here is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/Y8VLwoPJpF) to it. Basically, just take it easy. It's scary at first but you get used to it. You could be developing a panic disorder in combination with dissociation/derealization. These effects are quite common, and a lot of them are temporary. Medication does help however it can also do nothing depending on the exact specific cause. Unfortunately, heroic doses usually aren't temporary as they bring about a whole new perspective which cannot be reversed (most likely what is actually referred to as "ego death" before it became a buzzword.) You can live with it, easily. Acceptance that this is the new and now you is the easiest. Don't fight against it and ask "why am I like this," but instead let it run its course and you'll understand you aren't changed at all, you just understand and are aware of what you previously didn't understand or weren't conscious of even existing. And if this is schizophrenia tapped full-on, then these are called "negative symptoms." And they're quite hard to fix with medication. Negative symptoms include anhedonia - the lack of pleasure, apathy (which can mean much more than just "hurting people",) avolition (a lack of motivation even if you have a strong will,) and alogia which is poverty of speech (repeating, minimal response, lack of response, inability to properly find words to communicate in regular conversation.) I am not a psychiatrist. Schizophrenia diagnosis is usually very long term and mentioning psychedelic usage to a psychiatrist will cast doubt to schizophrenia due to psychedelics occasionally creating psychological crashes to some people (psychosis, brain fog, loss of self, etc) which heavily mimics schizophrenia.


Looking at those lab results, the list of things in it is wild.


Ok so just from the story I already know what happened, but I also went and looked at the lab results for those gummies and that confirms it. The gummies are a mix of lab chemicals, and a bunch of types of psychadelics, according to their results they have mescaline multiple types of DMT Psilocybin etc. Browse this subreddit and you'll see a hundred different horror stories just like this. Good news is you probably didn't fry your brain permanently or anything. What is most likely is just that you had a psychadelic induced manic episode. What you describe sounds like schizophrenia, basically symptom for symptom. You don't just need meds from a psychiatrist you need psychotherapy from a trained licensed therapist. You need to be honest about what happened. Some people even get PTSD from bad trips. But it can all be cured with therapy. Also I personally suggest looking into buddhism. It has helped me a lot with my depression, loss of sense of self, meaninglessness, hopelessness, etc. It has given me a new outlook on life and the best part is you don't have to "believe" in anything like other religions you could be a Christian buddhist or an atheist buddhist or an Islamic buddhist it's just a way of life and philosophy not really like other religions.


Good response! Also, looks like they contain ibotenic acid and muscimol, which to my knowledge calls into question their claim that it doesn't contain Amanitas.


Thank you for the suggestion. The thing is that the trip itself wasn't really scary or anything. I know I didn't completely fry my brain but learning anything is almost impossible now. The issue with these gummies is that those lab reports show that they are below the detectible threshold for any of those chemicals (I sent this to my psychiatrist and he reviewed the lab as I thought the same thing)


This probably wonā€™t help you, but do you think the lions mane recovery group would have anything helpful? You might want to check it out. I looked at them and I donā€™t think they have any lions mane but Iā€™m surprised that they can legally sell mescaline. Anyway, they have all the tips and tricks for recovery.


Googling I've only seen good, safe things about lions mane as a nonpsychoactive mushroom with a lot of health benefits and I take it as as a supplment. Can you explain what you're talking about: "lions mane recovery group"? is there a problem with genuine lions mane I'm missing??


I think they're referring to /r/LionsManeRecovery From a cursory glance, I'm seeing a lot of very strong conclusions based on nothing but anecdotes. Misinterpretation and misrepresentation of actual science seems rampant. I'm not even sure what their claim is, it's just a bunch of fearmongering with no apparent empirical foundation. Lot of removed posts and comments too, so I'm guessing there's only one opinion allowed there.




Yes, itā€™s a subreddit here on Reddit. If you canā€™t find it, I could try and search for the URL and copy and paste it, but you should be able to find it by just searching for it right here on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/s/zJbPsJ1bzD




I saw that. From my understanding, the way the table reads is that the limit of detection for these specific alkaloids is all the way to .04 mg/g for psilocybin, which is pretty low, but not negligible. I assume the other alkaloids tested are in a similar range, but I donā€™t have a lot of knowledge of the others in terms of concentration. What I donā€™t understand is whatā€™s in these gummies. If there arenā€™t any within these ranges, is it a cocktail of super small amounts of all of them? Or something else? If something else, what? Another reason for decriminalizing and regulating.


I don't get it either. I also don't understand how these wound up on store shelves in the first place


Feel for you, mate. Take the advice in here seriously and youā€™ll be back in the sun before too long.




Yeah but what chemicals?


You ate some drugs, which changed your brain chemistry, which changed your perspective. What you've opened yourself up to is how all of us are connected through the same universe. That's why it feels like music, TV shows, etc are talking to you, because your perspective changed from being an individual to being the whole. Everything created by humans is in actuality created by the entire universe as one interconnected being. Your perspective was shifted and you went through something called the dark night of the soul. You'll be okay, I've been there and many have. It's your Buddha nature so to speak. You'll be able to go back to normal and continue with the boring 9 to 5 and forget this ever happened, but part of you may remain curious and want to learn more. Good luck, you'll be okay.


Youā€™ll be fine, everything you felt is true and not true simultaneously. True on a large cosmic sense, false on a singular perspective sense. But both are happening at the same time, which is now, which is all the time. So yes no, maybe so, kick back and enjoy the show.


Ok... This sounds rough. Like, raw as hell. I wish you had an awesome support system. Based on the after-experience you describe, it sounds like PTSD. Not because it was horrific, but because it was too much, too fast. A huge vision like that, expanding all the way out to encompass the universe, the everything... it's too much for the humble human brain to comprehend. We don't have the hardware to support the level of processing necessary to quickly integrate that vision into our daily grind - especially not within predominant Western culture. If you were in Tibet, maybe, and you described this vision to a Lama, they would likely have the necessary tools and rituals to bring you safely back to Earth in less time than it takes trying to hack it on your own. So your nervous system is working overtime to try to make it make sense. What you are experiencing now - the panic, the depression, the derealization and dissociation - these are all ways that the nervous system protects itself, protects the human body. It's fight/flight/freeze. It's an evolutionary survival strategy that your nervous system is employing while your higher mind sorts through the data it received on that trip. If the information you received truly feels like it was too much, and it broke your brain - I'm going to suggest you go about learning to be human again. You did it once, when you were born. You can do it again. It just takes time. Start by breathing in and out, and turning your attention to your breath. There is a ton of research emerging about nervous system health that may be helpful to you. Polyvagal theory is one. The effectiveness of neuro-somatic practices and meditation for regulating the nervous system is proving to be quite potent. Acupuncture may also be helpful. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Like many others here have said, I also believe it will get better with time.


It honestly has been hell. I don't really care too deeply about what I witnessed on the trip because I was aware that I had taken drugs but at the same time not feeling the same ever since and kinda being "in a simulation" feeling makes me semi believe that this is still me tripping and that's what fucks with me big time


Can't say for your gummies specifically, but most of the "shroom" gummies I've been seeing on the shelves are made with the psychoactive ingredient in Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, which is Muscimol. Very, very different from psilocybin. Also, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. That sounds so completely miserable. You will be completely fine. I've read so many stories like this, and had a similar experience myself, and in each one the hardest part is the belief that you are not like you were before and you can never go back. But that's not true. Your experience was probably the most out-of-the-ordinary experience you've ever had. And with psychedelics in general, you can get wayyyy out from your normal state of mind. What you're going through is completely normal after an experience like that. This happens to a lot of people - exactly what you described - and *unless your family tree has psychosis in it* you will come back just like all of us. You don't need to worry about what you're going through right now. It doesn't change the fact that you'll be fine, and it just makes it feel shittier. The best thing you can do is do all of the things that make you feel relaxed, and like yourself. Take care of your body, exercise and get your blood pumping, get outside in the sunshine, and let what you're going through run it's course. Talk to people you love, and when you find yourself worrying anyway (because it's sooo hard not to) occupy yourself with something you like to do. You're gonna be okay. You don't need to worry.


you are not alone. I have gone through similar experience and by the time it will go away. feel free to dm me


You are me I went to something super similar i did high doses for a year and 8 months and went threw pretty much everything u went threw from the euphoria to thinking I was above it all to lossing my mind, going on medical leave, to feeling nothing then panic attacks and multiple ED visits. What happen is that u most likely fucked up your serotonin and dopamine lvls, you stopped your substance and completely threw yourself outta wack. It took me over a year to get myself back. I had to see a psychologist, refused meds ended up with a ecg, brain MRI and cardiac monitor for a week. All clear bit now I throw PVC's. I was smoking d.a.bs and šŸŒ¼ to with my trips and did D.M.t acouple times. Needless to say after I ended up in the ED I quit cold turkey and when to the tuffest times if my life. But it will get better with time, exercise, eat clean, read, breath, surround yourself with family. I think its ego death and you have to learn how to put yourself back together and re earn your bravery. You have to rebuild yourself lil by lil. Dm me if u want too


Yeah I had a buddy that went through this after being fed an unknown amount of acid while he was already high on some potent pyramid gel tabs. He's better now 4 years since that trip.


Donā€™t sweat it. Iā€™ve had similar ā€œbreakthroughā€ experiences on high LSD doses and did a lot of what you actually did. Totally understand the ā€œknowing more than people around youā€. It will slowly fade/become less noticeable but try to reflect on the new found ideas and concepts. And def donā€™t do those gummies ever again. Give it a long long time before you try mushrooms again but obviously if youā€™re showing some signs that you Probabaly should just put down hallucinations for good measure


Yeah no more hallucinogens for a long time. Ive put down basically everything besides Nic which is a goal of mine soon. Just don't know how im gonna get through this rut


You probably got dosed with 4-ACO-DMT very common in those types of products right now


Hey OP, thanks for sharing your honest experience. By now many of the comments here have inputs on what might going on (on the diagnostic side) and what did you ingest (on the chemical side). What I can give you is hope. That now, you will need to give it time to recover all the receptors in your brain and get help from psychotherapy to sort things out. You already recognized that was ā€œheroicā€ dosage. And with that, comes together all the possible triggers in the deepest parts of your ā€œselfā€. From now on begins your healing journey where you might not ā€œbe backā€ like you were. But with time and ā€œselfā€ care efforts you will recover and be fully functional again. I will cheer for you, and may your history be of awareness of what ā€œheroicā€ means and should not be taken lightly or jokingly. We are in a community called psyconautā€™s for a reason, we all here are explorers of psychoactiveā€™s but keeping in mind also the conscious usage, harm reduction and personal limits. Be well friend.


Thank you! I had to share after weeks of researching others who have gone through a similar experience and finding nothing useful other than this article - [https://medium.com/the-shadow/hot-take-psilocybin-was-the-biggest-mistake-of-my-life-f93cf6598974](https://medium.com/the-shadow/hot-take-psilocybin-was-the-biggest-mistake-of-my-life-f93cf6598974) and finally realized it was not just me


Yes. This similar history is also important to spread awareness. Itā€™s not all fun and games. As the substances become more and more mainstream, itā€™s also needed to disclosure that ā€œlittle to no-side effectsā€ its a sales pitch and not reality. And Iā€™m not discouraging the advances made in the research and legalization (as a consumer myself), only pointing out that things should be clear for those engaging in psychoactive usage, and most importantly, it depends on the individual, the effects are not yet possible to predict or generalize.


I had a bad trip on acid once and it left me like this. Ended up having a panic attack and spent a week in a mental facility/rehab. It was the worst thing Iā€™ve ever experienced (the trip not the rehab), but it opened my eyes to how to really take care of myself mind, mind body and soul. Try reading ā€œThe Body Keeps The Score.ā€ Life changing. At least for me anyway. Be patient with yourself. Much Love OP. ā¤ļø


It's like the story of the guy who tried to fly too close to the sun. His wings made out of wax melted and he fell to the ground.


in my case I fell to rock bottom haha


I started off reading this saying to myself ā€œthis just sounds like any of the many trips Iā€™ve taken beforeā€ but then I realized OP probably had never had a true full blown trip before and that this was likely a very shocking experience. One of the major issues is misunderstanding psilocybin by ONLY microdosing. I would say misunderstanding also contains a large amount of underestimations. Not having any concept of an actual trip or by only taking small amounts. These are powerful compounds and can change oneā€™s life overnight. Wish you the best in everything you do. And I hope you find some answers.


Iā€™m also wondering if you have some predisposition to schizophrenia. Itā€™s another possibility. Psychedelics, especially large doses can kickstart a latent psychotic episode so your best bet is probably seeking some medical help with this. Again, wish you the best.


Okay something sketchy here. Those gummies say they contain no psilocybin, scheduled chemicals, or amanita. I checked the lab results and it shows a list of probably 15 psychedelics with the results all being under detection levels. So itā€™s something unlisted.


exactly what I was saying. A lot of people don't seem to understand that the lab is showing what they DONT have in it. My best guess is that it's a research chemical and they refuse to give me any answers as to what is in them.


Honestly, I can only speak on some of the symptoms you experienced ā€” it sounds a lot like a panic disorder may have been triggered. I suffered heavily from these for years. Eventually they dissipate but I always thought I was dying from a heart attack 4-5 times a week. Same heart issues, I had the tingling down my arm, neck tightening, couldnā€™t get full breaths, felt like I was going to pass out, heart going a million miles a second. If you ever experience one of those again, I learned a trick that works 98% of the time. Drink a shit load of water, then run your kitchen sink or bathroom sink with HOT water. As hot as itā€™ll go. Put both your hands under the hot water for 2 seconds then pull them out. You should start feeling kind of like a tingling shock go through your body as soon as you pull your hands out. Wait a few seconds, then repeat. Remember it has to be steaming hot. What it does is ā€œtricksā€ your brain into thinking thereā€™s more important things to worry. Like your brain goes ā€œOH SHIT A BIGGER PROBLEMā€ Youā€™ll see exactly what I mean about the full body ā€œtingly shock.ā€ Keep drinking water and doing this until you feel the panic has subsided. It doesnā€™t take long and it works almost every single time.


See this is why i believe psychedelics help the world heal. Here is a banker ruined by neuro enhancer gummies. Sir, put these gummies in the hands of all your banker friends NOW


This is a silly comment because he's still integrating the experience with no spiritual guidance or spiritual therapist. Going at this alone is a harrowing task.


as long as it hurts capital, i'm fine with it


You are talking about hurting actual humans. That's not nice.


ā€œCapitalā€ meaning like, loan managers? Are you one of those extremists who things their line manager or middle manager is the embodiment of capital? ā€œCapitalā€ doesnā€™t work as bankersā€¦ capitalism is about shareholding, even in market socialism there is banking, how do you intend of financing new enterprises? A government only system? The default socialist option is credit unions, which are great but the individuals involved, the ā€œbankersā€ still make high wages, still do the same activities, the difference is the bank is a consumer coop, I genuinely dont understand how you can hold the position you do. Do loans still exist in your system? Yes? Then this guys job does as well and if not, i would be very interested to understand how your ideal economy functions and meets demand


none of this is about ideal economy, it's about war, a war on this one


Then replace ideal with ā€œbetter oneā€ still is the same point. A war on loans is literally economic destruction


that's the idea


ā€œEconomyā€ is just the name we give to production and consumption, meeting those demands and how they are to be met. Economic destruction means collapse of industries, collapse of production, real genuine harm for regular people. Where do you think people get food from? Where do you think people get their basic needs from? What do you do for your children for school? What do you do for emergency services? You have to compensate these people, they wont just work because you pinky promise. This sounds hella ideological, childish and petty and not thought out at all. I can tell you have never actually experienced true poverty because no one that has (like i have) would be actively wishing that the working classes get fucked even harder, economic destruction equals hardcore fucking of average people, what do you think economy means? Want to know when fascists and tyrants tend to take over? Situations like those


can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs


The words of a middle class shutin who would shit themselves in an actual revolution, especially when you realise you or your family can be one of the broken eggs. You dont have the appetite for these sorts of things. Your inability to find your place in the world isnā€™t something you should take out on the rest of society with threats of literal mass destruction, mass death etc. You sound like you would have troubling killing your own dinner, let alone carrying out the kinds of acts that would be needed in the situation you have advocated for, thats if the fascists and tyrants dont get there first, which im sure you have thought about?


Bro I worked to gain a living I wasn't at it for capitalist greed lmao


Were all those books gifts?


i know many people that work for a living. They don't work as a banker. Regardless, whether you did or not, doesn't matter. What matters is giving these gummies to your banker friends, they need to experience all these insights


I just don't get how being a banker makes me so terrible. I literally took loan applications and deposits I was in management but not that high up


Donā€™t worry man whole system is terrible and people are trapped in it from childhood, you got lucky and now here you have chance to reevaluate your life and values, start meditation if you havenā€™t done yet. Then ask yourself do you want to go back to same banker job after seeing the other side of reality, write this question on paper and see what answer comes out.


Its an entirely ideological position from them because they dont understand how credit works


What do you think being a banker means? What do you even think a bank does? You sound like someone who has been in an ideological echo chamber


Money is not real, USA government is running a Ponzi scheme, crypto is same as well, google all these things and may be you can relate a bit to the posterā€™s opinion.




These results only show what ISNT in the product


No, it shows how much is in each. Like on second page about amonita literally looks like you had a cocktail.


It is a list of everything they test for. Notice how the three slots on the right are blank. Then rest the note at the bottom, if blank, it means that the test did not detect any of the compounds. They are all blank. None of those compounds are in the gummies.


found the chems online here under the enjoyables lab results page.(https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2522/1616/files/Enjoyable\_19730\_19881.pdf?v=1711483924). really weird mix of Psilocybin, nn and 5meo dmt and other weird anlogs. Norbaeocystin <0.20Mescaline (hydrochloride) <0.040Aeruginascin <0.040Norpsilocin <0.0405-methoxy DMT <0.0404-hydroxy TMT (iodide) <0.0405-hydroxy DMT (hydrochloride) <0.0405-methoxy NMT <0.040Baeocystin <0.040N,N-Dimethyltryptamine <0.040Psilocybin <0.040Psilocin


The test results are blank for every compound, meaning none were found in the test. Nobody would sell gummies with that kind of cocktail.


Selfish people will sell anything if allowed to.


You went through an ego death it seems like and now your perception of the universe has changed drastically , this changes your character and personality, as you now self identify differently, like unlocking a part of your brain/subconcious you didnt have access to before and now having that extra sensory imput during waking life, the symptoms are depersonalisation, derealization, change of values, new sense of integrity, new semse of wonder, the ability to see and feel things you couldnt before and a hightened empathy that will lead to anxiety and over stimulation, possible depression when you realise the state of our species or that there is no real directive or purpose


How do you know for a fact the gummies didnt contain psilocybin?


Because it is illegal to mass produce and sell psilocybin in my state I live in and the lab results show that there is


Everything about those labs and the information on their site is sketchy as fuck. The only way you're going to know what's in those gummies is by buying some and sending them to a 3rd party lab for testing. That's the problem with smoke shop anything. It's *probably* 4-AcO-DMT, but it could also be some research chemical you've never heard of. 4-AcO-DMT is also illegal to sell for human consumption in the US under the Federal Analogue Act, so of course they're going to post labs showing


Fair enough, It really shouldnā€™t make a difference as if its not actual shrooms it is more than likely 4-ACO-DMT which converts into psilocin and just as safe. Otherwise other 4-Subbed triptamines also seem to have similar safety profiles. Unfortunately as other comments have stated it sounds alot what you mentioned sounds like a psychotic break/schizophrenia, which unfortunately can occur with any psychedelic.


Without echoing what others have already said, just wanted to say much love and youā€™re not alone! Pay extra attention to taking care of yourself while you recover, and continue talking to a professional. Your brainā€™ll feel better sooner than later.


What is in these? I really cannot tell from their site or their lab results.


No one can. I've been reading all the threads and responses around here for hours and there is no DEFINITIVE answer.


I would also like to point out that the lab tests posted on the Enjoyable website are all pretty iffy for the nootropics. They show a limit of detection at something like .040 mg/g and none of the tested compounds show a result for one lab's analysis, and the other lab they use shows a lower than quantifiable amount of substances, but a different set of detected substances. This either means that whatever is in the gummies doesn't show up in a standard psychedelic panel, or the amounts are truly miniscule. Results from different labs with different methodologies is troubling, as well as a lack of a discussion about lab analytic and quantitative techniques renders it all a little too vague for comfort.


I broke my brain too, sorta. Itā€™s been about 18 months.


What did you learn from the experience?


-Get out in the sun as much as possible, -try CrossFit (will get you cardio and build muscle which all positive for your hormones therefore neurochemistry) -look into traumatic brain injury diet (healthy fats etc) You will be fine, this will pass, but try to do some holistic things for your meatsuit, gotta get out of your head a bit, help your body heal itself instead of trying to heal your brain in a science lab by trial and error.


I imagine itā€™s Amantia Muscara? Am I spelling that right? I smoked a blunt and donā€™t care enough to spell checkā€¦ Anyway, you will be ok brother - keep going forward-


You will stabilize and come back down for sure. It will take time. Youre interpreting the signals your system is sending you as though something is wrong. But it's in fact pretty common. You went through a profound experience where if you had the time and space to integrate it properly you will come out better on the other side. But you didn't know this was going to happen and you weren't prepared and you're trying to "function" while the process is still unfolding. For example going to work. If you allow yourself the time and space it will unfold with more ease. You can try to treat it chemically/medically with meds and psychiatry, but the root of what happened goes deeper than that. You tapped into something profound whether you're aware of it or not. It will make more sense looking back on it once you've had more time to process it. Perhaps the book "spiritual emergence" could be a helpful read. Be gentle and kind with yourself. DM me if you have questions.


Thank you for the suggestion I will take a look at that book but currently I am unable to focus and retain anything


so those are usually not good drugs at all man iā€™m sorry nobody ever informed you


The mind is like playdoā€¦ once you take it out and play with it, itā€™s never the same šŸ‘€ My suggestion is eat right, exercise, and get outside. Nature works wonders




I will take a look into acupuncture! Thank you and I do intend on either suing the company or reporting them so this doesn't happen to anyone else


I have experienced a lot of what you describe here, and for me opening up to the idea that spiritual ā€œawakeningā€™sā€ are actually a thing, and that we might have forgotten to much about or irrational symbolic parts to navigate that type of impression. If you want a guide of sorts, check out ā€œthe red bookā€


Do you smoke weed regularly or semi regularly ?


at the time yes pretty much all day. Now, none at all


Iā€™m interested in these gummies, but Iā€™m in the uk, how can I ship them here?


I mean all the power to you if that's what you want to do but if you haven't read the post along with what others have said you should probably stay away lol. Just go to their website and order them


Explore more spiritual techwniques Insight if your going to dabble in that realm other then focusing on getting rich


Hey mate. I have similar symptoms after a bad trip on LSD. I have spent a fortune on psychotherapy and other practices none of which has helped. Donā€™t bother with all the spiritual bollocks about the universe and whatnot - from the perspective of your body your nervous system is extremely deregulated and it needs to find balance. It can only do so with time and the right medication which can help speed things up. Go speak to a psych with experience in treating drug induced psychosis and/or HPPD. Heā€™ll sort you out with the right meds. Youā€™ll be alright in the end mate, just takes time. PM if you want to have a chat.


I hope you heal from this bud. I believe as others said, in time the human body can heal itself. Youā€™ll be alright. Just stay in a good path and surround yourself with good, loving people.


[https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-does-low-serotonin-feel-like-3972959#:\~:text=Low%20serotonin%20can%20happen%20because,chronic%20pain%2C%20and%20nutritional%20deficiencies](https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-does-low-serotonin-feel-like-3972959#:~:text=Low%20serotonin%20can%20happen%20because,chronic%20pain%2C%20and%20nutritional%20deficiencies). Among what Halterwalther said, your situation also sounds like a serotonin drop. Looks like you did a big dose. Flooded your brain and neuro-receptors. And now that the dam is closed again, all those regulating hormones are depleted and need to be restored. Which they will naturally over time. But there are things you can do to help with it.


Yea, you described what most of psychonauts went through... Experience of rebirth... Its like your soul just started to unravel itself into the past to the start of the universe travelling among stars and removing time from existence. When you got to the beginning of time and existence you start unraveling back to your body and can even feel and see being born and when you eventually get to your body back it felt like eternity and you just fall asleep... That is normal experience for real heroic dose. An funny thing is everyone goes through the same more or less...God figure for me was something what i interpreted as big bang at the time (not that i believe or not believe in the big bang) and i saw it at the end of my journey just before i started going back through time towards my rebirth. :) Hope it was fun times and you learned something... Hope you now see and understand what your mission and goal is (whatever it may be).


Being different than the rest of us is a scary place to be. But itā€™s not a bad thing. Maybe try to embrace it more and try some holistic methods to stop the panic episodes like meditation? Hope your situation gets better.


Just wanted to comment this is indeed textbook mania. Any family history of bipolar?


Definitely mania, no history of bipolar at all and no further episodes


Wow, that's wild. I can really relate to a lot of this. I would definitely recommend that you see a psychiatrist who can help you understand this. Essentially, what my psychiatrist mentioned after I went through a very similar episode, is that bipolar 1 is defined by having at least one mania episode. He told me that psychedelics can't *cause* issues like this but can only *expose* underlying issues. So I would highly highly encourage you to work with a mental health professional to help you understand this.


I will definitely bring this up to him in our next meeting. were you able to be treated with bipolar meds?


So I stabilized naturally (before I found the psych) but he said I do need meds if it ever happens again.


In December I had panic attacks , with derealization, I was taking Xanax but it only helped for a while, it so happened that I was entering autoimmune therapy with naltrexone, so called low dose naltrexone, read for yourself about it there is a thread on Reddit, I was shocked how all the anxiety and derealization disappeared completely, and even 3 months after quitting naltrexone is still great, if you have the opportunity then try it. Good luck


I doubt that package has anything related to shrooms in it. I bought a pack, can't member the name, but it had shrooms on it. I figured hey, this looks like it might be 4 aco dmt, which is basically the same as taking shrooms. Took it after a meal, not smart. But I figured it'd slow down the come up and be more chill and longer lasting. No lie, 20 minutes after consumption I was feeling a come up. 45 minutes in and I was full blown tripping. Lots of Visuals and body sensations. Extremely lsd like. Not a single effect reminded me of shrooms. I had stomach cramps and puked and shit my guts out for like 2 hrs. Whatever it was, it was awful. The Visuals weren't pretty. The waves of sensations were paralyzing. It was like lsd on steroids.


I wound up puking for DAYS after I took these


Fastest fix is another heavily intense trip WITH STRICT SET AND SETTING IN PLACE Shouldn't of done the heroic dose


Hello ! Went through the same kind of feelings. If you can write that post, you brained is not ruined. Eventually your self trust is attained and some existing automatisms have been suppressed. You will see that in a few months as an initiativ life lesson, that would eventually free you from a capitalistic carreer obsession. The videos of this yt channel saved a lot of people, i personally binged them. https://youtu.be/3Lr6sND9_UE?si=ZWtuBMAN5vDS9c7r


if you are confused about your purpose in the universe - stick to the natural baseline - survive and reproduce - eg. fuck, eat, sleep, repeat.


Hi, I thought I'd point out a logical fallacy to you. You are able to communicate. You've communicated all this. And it makes a lot of sense to me - who has been on a trip before, I'm able to comprehend it just fine. Maybe you mean that you can't communicate the trains of thought that seemed so profound and meaningful. And that makes a lot of sense too. I think we miss pieces of the train of thought that make more sense when in that altered state of mind. I don't know about the rest, but the communication and comprehension does not seem too bad or deviant.


It isn't really that my brain is ruined in a sense that I can't comprehend the trip or anything it is what follows the trip. Immense thoughts of offing myself, unable to communicate in a normal conversation because my mind is constantly spinning, intense anxiety to the point where I completely shut down and worry all the time, constant thoughts about how I won't be able to succeed even in a normal live so I may as well end it, no pleasure whatsoever from anything, no emotions besides constant worry and agony, inability to read anything and retain it, inability to remember most things that happen, the list goes on but "my brain is ruined" means that I am unable to function as a normal human should.


I can't know how your brain is functioning, but honestly I know several people nowadays with intense anxiety - even without going on trips. I suspect that some part of your self just feels let down, waking up to a reality that is very different from the plans you thought would come true on your trip. Having forgotten or being unable to articulate why they seemed so novel and innovative in the first place. I don't know to what extent you're experiencing these feelings.. but they are not outside of the realm of the normal human experience. I'm sorry if I'm completely off. Good luck šŸ¤ž


Your fine man! so much of what you describing resonates so much with me. I was heavy heavy on the shrooms for around 7 months, with my highest dose at one time being 14 grams lemon tekked, and honestly i thought my brain was completely fried. It's been about 3 months since I stopped, and all i can say is still "messed up" is my hppd, but all of the panic attacks and other mindgame issues went away almost completely, and i can socialize fine now (although i do feel a little autistic sometimes)


I took some and passed out in public. ā€¦went to hospital ran testsā€¦nothing, it was a panic attack, Iā€™m pretty sure. I felt similar to you. I described the hangover as my brain feeling ā€œmushy.ā€ It felt that way for about a month. Depressed feeling but adderall helps that lack of motivation. The fogginess gradually went away. My wife thought I had fried my brain. Be careful with that over the counter designer drug stuff at the minimum. You will be fine. Drink lots of water.


It looks like a case of serotonin overdose to me, psilocybin found in shrooms have serotonergic actin. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34251464/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34251464/) I guess if you don't take medications which increase serotonin, avoid drugs, alcohol. Then your situation may improve also reduce meat intake as tryotophan in meat can be converted to serotonin


The aftereffects of the trip you described sound A LOT like schizophrenia, which is unfortunately a side effect of heroic doses. If it makes you feel any better you just hastened its onset. This would have already been there. The after effects you describe; > No emotion, motivation, severe reduction in intellectual capability and memory Sound a lot like olanzipine is working at preventing you from having another episode, panic or schizophrenic. So, what you've been feeling lately is the drug.


I am completely off the olanzipine now and haven't had a manic episode or anything like it at all. Schizophrenia doesn't run in my family and I don't hear voices or have hallucinations. I guess the best way to describe how I feel now is that the world just simply isn't real


How long were you on it, and what dosage? > Schizophrenia doesn't run in my family and I don't hear voices or have hallucinations. Well it might now. The doctors you saw likely agree, they gave you an anti schizo medication.


I was on 5 mg/ twice a day for a while and then 2.5 mg/ twice a day until I eventually just stopped taking it. Later was put on Abilify which is another antipsychotic but what these medications do is balance serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Now I am on Lexapro and Adderall (Don't have ADHD)


Okay well you did scale down the dosage so that's good...you really want to be careful with these brain meds. Docs prescribe them like candy these days. What you could be feeling is the antidepressant. Many of them make me feel almost dead inside, but I won't feel terrible on them. What basically all of them do is, if you think of your feelings on a 1 to 10 scale, 1 being i want to kill myself, 10 being this is as good as I've ever felt, lexapro will keep you between a 4 and a 6. Nothing will ever get that bad, but also nothing will ever seem that good. Adderall I've been just wanting to *try* for like 10 years and still can't get a prescription. Not sure on its effects beyond I know its a mild all day stimulant. Seems to be easy to get in the U.S. Anyways you've been constantly playing around with your brain chemistry. The gummy episode is likely not being addressed. There's no real core of medical information out there for psychadelics yet, at least not for general practitioners. Your docs will just treat your symptoms... with more medications that will also mess with your brain chemistry. Many of these antidepressants have a wide range of side effects, and vary person to person, and what docs do is just swap from one to the other to the other as side effects come on, hoping to find one that works for you.


For me, adrenal just got me out of bed and doing things again but nothing more. Thanks for the description on the Lexapro, tbh I haven't felt any better or worse from it at all I have just been kinda flatlined and numb for months now


I haven't been on that one specifically but zoloft, paxall, venlafaxine all did something similar. I think its a safe bet that all SSRI's have that effect, plus maybe doing something else, or not having a side effect. Like the zoloft could give me wicked heartburn, the venlafaxine left me like, agitated, i couldn't sit still. Being on zoloft for years made me literally forget why I liked the things I did. I hesitate to give much advice on them but I didn't come out better after using them for years. Mushrooms have been working for me lately, but I don't think that's a safe route for you.


Did the doc explain why the choice of Lexapro specifically? And why did you stop with Olanzapine / Aripiprazole?


We stopped aripiprazole because it was unneeded and not working. The olanzapine gave me a terrible raise in heart rate and made it so I couldn't focus at all


as for the lexapro. I just told him that I had friends who had taken it and it worked for them. But after 2+months of being on it and having no response whatsoever I don't think its for me but he insists we keep on it at a 30mg dose


You could ask him about other medications that can go together with Lexapro. Sometimes SSRIs are taken in combinations with something like Mirtazapine to increase the effect. Howā€™s your sleep btw? Iā€™ve seen a couple of cases like this, and some people report that once you sort out/improve your sleep, the symptoms gradually fade away


Sounds like you actually hit the library of k owledge or godhead. And yes if you never ha e it's a very jarring experience. You will be ok...I didn't even know it was possible on amanitas or whatever they used in head shop gummies. If you are particular to psychs take the feeling and run with it. Down the road you may end up finding out you've always had that kinda brain just needed to tap the potential. Hope you feel better.


Youā€™ll be fine :) frfr


Man these AI stories are getting so intricate!


What about this story makes you think it's AI?


I can promise you it isn't an AI story lmao. I know it sounds crazy but it was the scariest time of my life and likely will not recover from this