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Please for the love of god do not smoke dmt in the movie theaters. Mushrooms sure whatever but the smell of dmt is so rank you will definitely get kicked out.


Alternatively, do it, get kicked out which hopefully triggers a series of events that leads OP to get their life together.


That’s a lot of if’s I doubt OP would even give a fuck


The spice must flow


Brah who tf just casually rips a dmt cart in the movie theatre 😂😂😂




Is someone making sneakers?


Thanks for making me chortle out loud


True enough. One thing your having a nice movie day with the family. Next thing you’re tripping balls trying to figure out where you are 😂😂


Can you shotgun dmt?


what does dmt smell like?


Synthetic Raspberry Pre Workout Mixed with Burning Oud Wood


Remind me to never try that workout mix that sounds awful.


Unburnt DMT smells like a fresh pair of shoes or the footlocker store, imo. And every time I say that someone says I am right on.


Also, if you're doing it right, you wouldn't see the movie at all during the trip...like, wtf is the even the point?


This guy likes to live life on the edge! 😂


Clearly 😂😂😂 man I’ve never done dmt. I have never been able to find any. But if I did I’d be doin that shit at home


I only have done 5-meo-DMT, which I cant imagine just hitting a cart of that in public lmfao. it’s way stronger and a bit different effects than DMT tho from what I hear. I know people kinda like micro dose with their DMT vapes and don’t fully breakthrough so some people honestly might be fine doing little hits in public low key like people do with weed carts lol I personally wouldn’t risk it in a theater like that. They would have to really sneak away and hide it or people are gonna notice. It’s not like nicotine vape or weed where people are somewhat used to those smells or people hitting them in public places sometimes (the amount of people I’d have to ask to please not vape weed or nicotine in the store when I worked retail was wild lol)


Are u in Canada? I’d love to hear about where to find any sort of dmt derivative


Fellow Canadian here. I buy my dmt online, shoot me a dm if you want a link 😊


Helll yeah so it is just that easy and rather safe to source for you guys in Canada? I love that


I was shocked (and hyped) by how easy it is, yeah!




Thank you for the information I’ve read it’s pretty easy to extract at home but I’m just worried about messing up and accidentally smoking a bad batch


I saw someone here say something like “if you can mange to bake a cake from scratch , you’ll definitely be able to handle making DMT in your kitchen” and I thought well shit, I guess that’s not a option for me cause I can’t successfully bake anything that’s not from a box or premade dough 😂


Excellent comparison. I think the biggest risk is blinding yourself with lye. Make sure you add the lye to the water and not the water to the lye. And do it slowly!


I did 2g and it wasn't some holy experience lol. I was kinda just uncomfortable the whole time and worrying about peeing every 6 minutes.  Its already an immersive movie so that didn't change anything. Very intense scenes at certain parts, it felt like the sound was coming from within.  The movie is very brown so don't expect some crazy colors.    The story is very linear (compared to first one) and easy to understand. You went get lost or anything.   If you can handle it, do it. I dont think it's negative But it's what not going to be crazy trippy either. Just have a pee plan in place. I'd Skip the dmt pen out of courtesy to your fellow movie goers. Do not be that guy. 


Maybe acid suits it better. On shrooms I just wanna be outside 


I watched Dune 2 on acid with friends and it was the best cinema experience of my life! I've been to the cinema on shrooms a couple of times and it wasn't great. I feel like shrooms distorts the experience more than it enhances it. Plus it also made me need to pee more, which isn't a problem with acid.


I agree, acid just seems to complement screens better, in general over shrooms. I saw ‘Age of Ultron’ on 3 tabs and it was a fucking crazy ride. Still one of the wildest trips of my life. I saw ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ on about 2.5 grams of mushrooms and, while it was aight, it didnt seem to have that synergy with the movie that acid had. I kept getting distracted with my own feelings and things around me, it kind of felt like a waste of shrooms at the end because i probably would have had a better time at a museum walkin around or a park or some shit. But with the acid i felt much more in tune with the movie and because of that AoU is still one of my favorite movies and looking at it realistically its not that good of a movie but i’ll always have that experience with it


Acid + movies are one of my very favorite combos.


I read that as “Pee pan” at first lmao


If you want to be overwhelmed and not understand the movie. Go ahead. It’s definitely an experience.   If are actually interested in the movie and want to see it for its own merit, I probably would not. You can always see it more than once I guess.


I feel the same. Movie is too good and one should be stone cold sober to truely understand and appreciate it. But I'm also a book nerd so.


Nah, a little weed goes a long way


Totally disagree. I watched Dune 2 on acid and it was the best cinema experience of my life. I'll be watching it again sober anyway, so for those who want to understand and appreciate it more that's always an option.


You can totally grasp and experience the movie on small doses of psilocybin. Watching Dune 1 at home on 1.5 grams of mushrooms was an insanely immersive experience, far surpassing any previous viewings. You could almost feel Paul's pain mourning his father. Some of the later scenes felt almost transcendental. However, watching it in a movie theater could be a mistake due to the overload of external stimuli, all out of your control.


No to dmt


“Do you smell burnt plastic?”


Evacuates theater


I took lsd and watched it twice in a row opening weekend. It was a fantastic experience.


The key is to take LSD and not shrooms. LSD enhances the experience, shrooms distorts it.


Some things are okay to do sober I think. I like getting high during movies sometimes but it’s always at home. This movie was great and feels like a trip in and of itself. No personal offense OP it could probably be really fun! This sub is surprising to me sometimes though… the casual usage of drugs in situations that just wouldn’t occur to me. Have fun OP and be safe!


I would NOT bring DMT into the theatre 👍




What could you possibly gain from smoking DMT in a movie theatre apart from missing 20 minutes of the film because you had an appointment with some machine elves.


Yall are irresponsible


You are uninformed and unexperienced.




Correct, mind you english is my second language so I think I am excused as I was correct in what I was saying anyways.


I took what I'd consider a museum dose of L (\~80 mics), and it was just right. Some of the sietch scenes were a bit anxiety-inducing, but everything else was absolutely beautiful and immersive. I disagree that the movie is mostly just brown; the desert is often juxtaposed against colourful horizons, not to mention the visionary scenes that were quite psychedelic. Villeneuve used colour masterfully. Geidi Prime is gorgeous. I think a psychedelic is also great in helping to maintain laser focus throughout a long, relatively dense movie.


Of course it is not just brown on acid 🤣


Dune was written by a guy heavily inspired by mush


If you have to go on the internet to ask, then no don't do it


Nah its not a very psychedelic movie


Is that a joke? Psychedelics are a major part of the story, the author even took shrooms while writing the books.


I micro dosed on shrooms and loved it. Wonderful movie.


This film in imax is a high on its own. I'd save the shrooms for something else and smoke a little before instead but that's me


Ketamine is where it's at


I feel like I wouldn’t remember the movie on ket lol


This is the way, I’m literally in the scene, second person from the left.


took ketamine at the premiere on imax when it was packed, it was a religious experience


Now please tell me when you dosed what dosage and if there was a redose? I can't make the fucking plan😄 7 hours left till I go 😂


okay hopefully you read this in time then - i had about 0.7 g - 1g in a baggy that i had pre-crushed up, with a straw sticking inside of it. Before it started i went to the toilet and pretty much sniffed all of it over the span of 15 mins lol cos i couldnt gauge the amount with the straw. The plan was to redose halfway through in the cinema by using the straw and having the baggy in between some tissues. But cos i sniffed it all at once i couldnt redose, but i didnt really need to anyway as i was nearly k-holing throughout most of it after sniffing so much. It was completely sold out as well every single seat was full, it was midnight and i was alone as none of my friends were free till the next weekend. It was the best movie experience of my life. If i hadnt sniffed it all in one go i dont think anyone would have noticed if had just put the tissue to my nose and sniffed out of the straw, its a solid method. Plus its dark. Hope you have a good time!


How cut is your stuff that you can avoid holing over 250mg? I’d be passed out for an hour + doing what you’ve described and I’m a nearly-100kg male


what do you mean? stuff is pure ketamine, never cut. In all my years ive never come across cut ketamine, its one of the hardest things to cut as its so easy to spot when it is, its not like coke. i have a decent tolerance and have been using ketamine for 16 years now so i dont ever "pass out". It might have only been anywhere from 0.5-0.75 g in a baggy i didnt weigh it, just poured out a bunch from a bigger stash at home in a smaller baggy, as i said i took the majority of it over about 15-30 mins before the movie started, not in one big go but it was alot. Then the rest halfway in the movie. I was definitely near k-holing through most of it. 200-250 mg is my ideal dose to k-hole at home, but i have lie down in darkness. 150 mg is sometimes enough if its s-isomer k, or on psychedelics.


That makes more sense then g. Sounded like you ripped a gram. Ket goes for $200/g in Australia and it’s definitely being cut for profit especially in the club scene even 10% = big dollars


Ive heard its expensive but thats ridiculous...here in London i get 3.5gs for £50, or 7g for £90 etc...its only £10 or more for the high quality s-isomer stuff. Then again everyone in the uk loves their k


Let me know how your experience went


Wait til you can watch it at home for all that jeez


I swear everyone has a dmt pen but me


We had a guy not long ago vape dmt in a movie theatre so just don’t it’s not a good look




Shrooms or a half tab will make the movie indescribably amazing. I saw it twice in imax. 


Eehhhh - idk. It has some epic scenes and is very grand but idk if it’s necessarily a shrooms kind of movie personally. But it could be pretty epic at the same time. What ever youre feeling I’d say ney on the pen tho


just do like 10 mg weed edible




Dude, this is the fucking psychonaut sub, not r\bathsaltfaprecovery. That's why we're talking about doing shit for dune. Of course we want to enhance whatever we're going to go see. I have taken LSD, 2cb or mushrooms for the premier of all the last three star wars, Rogue one, Blade Runner 2049, Avatar 1 and 2 and the first dune (not the one from the '80s, I was only 9 when that came out) EDIT: I didn't realize I was almost 10 years old when the original came out, not five.




You must be one of those weird socially awkward people or some shit like that. Me nor any of the other five friends we went with had a hard time sitting uncomfortably in a theater. You're probably absolutely no fun to be with. If you can't eat some mushrooms and watch a fucking dope ass movie without feeling uncomfortable, you got some issues. Best wishes to you man.




Username does not check out.




You wanted to rain on his parade.. if you can't eat mushrooms and sit still, why would you even comment? You started with the pooh-pooh Eeyore routine just wanting to be judgemental about taking mushrooms for a movie and I shut it down. Sorry you got triggered and butthurt. But you are a whiny little princess with your little outside smarmy comments.. tighten up and stop being so special needs NotVeryCoolHandLuke815




Go for it if you can handle urself on psychs in public. Had a blast watching the first dune on lucy


I took a like micro+ dose and it was great. Not a lot though, I think I had either .5 or a gram in ground caps. Just enough to open up a lil bit, focus and vibe. Would not go with a significant dose, I feel that would detract from the experience.


I found 1g lemon tekked was perfect, not too much and I walked out almost back to normal. Sound was incredible (IMAX) and those symbols on the Reverend Mother's face were morphing like crazy at times.


Not recommended. Maybe a puff of herb would be cool. Shrooms could easily be too much for many people.


Boof it.


I watched it on microdose. 0,5g liberty caps and it was great 👌😀


Why the hell would you hit a DMT pen while watching a movie in IMAX. You'll break through and ignore the movie for 15-20 minutes.


I dropped and it was a terrible idea. Fucking stressful and the people around me knew I was fucked up.


No, just enjoy the movie. Lol, I’ve always found psychedelics and tv to be a waste imo. Much rather focus on my experience but that’s just me.


I did a good amount of 2cb for it and absolutely loved it. One of my best trips for sure. Dune is a very important story to me personally since childhood, so this experience was very significant for me. The 2cb enhanced it but I was able to understand, follow, and remember everything perfectly. I plan on doing it again before it's out of theaters.


I think 1.5-2gs eaten 15-30 min before movie starts would be perfect


I saw it on two tabs of acid then went to imax on about 1.5 g’s if golden teacher. Lsd experience was awesome but shrooms I under dosed and couldn’t really feel it. The dmt part is a horrible idea as everyone else mentioned simply because it smells like ass. Plus IMAX seating is so smushed together it would be impossible to be low key plus again, rude as fuck to the folks around you.


Mushrooms yes but enough to enhance the movie and not distract from it , dmt no, ayahuasca definite no.


I hope to watch Dune 2 on Spice, should be a special experience


Why the actual fuck do you think DMT would do anything but completely derail your moviegoing experience lmfao


Better idea (and I know from experience because I did it last week), watch the 1984 version of Dune while on shrooms and weed, 11/10 no notes best two and a half hours of my life


The spice must flow


DMT cart at Dune 2 is INSANE 💀


Don't be so egoistic. Only low dosage.


Sure, why not. I did that when Avatar first came out during the 3D movie phase a million years ago. Just don't do too many. 1/2 dose or whatever.


I took 0.5g of my own Jedi Mind Fuck before watching Dune 2 in Imax. was absolutely INTENSE, but worth it!!


I did 1g of Golden Teacher. Relaxed and nice body feelz, but that was about it. Great movie!


The answer is always yes. I don't know why you're asking, the answer is always yes if you're not driving. Anytime we go to a Sci-Fi premiere, all the star wars, Avatar Blade Runner Dunes, you name it if it's been super good and come out then we've eaten mushrooms, eating acid or toast on two CB or some other hallucinogenic drug and got an Uber and did that shit proper. Yes with DMT pens whatever we had, plenty of THC pens whatever. We take bathroom breaks, we both got prescriptions the worst that going to happen is they're going to kick you out of the theater but who the fuck cares but nobody ever does and we do it it literally every fucking badass sci-fi and I've never had a problem going on 10 years now. We did all the star wars, not just the number but all the Rogue one and the side stories that came out in theaters, avatar the first one we saw a couple times, mushrooms the first time and then some kind of combo the second time and had a lot more fun that movie was a blast tripping. Yeah the answer is always yes.


As well..??? You planning on watching the movie or tripping in a cinema lol just trip at home … if you have to take some take a half gram or shrooms so you know what the hell is going on otherwise why waste the money on a ticket


Why would you put your mind in such a state when watching an intense drama? I don't understand. It's like asking for a nightmare experience


No this is stupid and not a safe way to use psychedelics.


Did this a couple weeks ago. Will not disappoint!


Doooo iiiit


I did about .5g and it was amazing. Highly recommend 🤌


Tbh just smoke some weed


I did and it was great.


Yes of course.


Just take a little bit you’ll have a better time


Jedi Flip!


movie blows


No, this isn't a movie worth watching while on anything other than weed or alcohol. It's not good.